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03x01 - The Double Up and Back

Posted: 10/13/21 10:42
by bunniefuu
Marius, what are you looking for?

What everybody's looking
for deep down in their hearts.

All right, little brother,
I'll see you tomorrow, okay?

- You can't come back here.
- What do you mean?

It's Vince.
We owe him 100 grand.

You gotta hide.

Hey, Pete, where's the farm?

Hi, Grandma, Grandpa.

It's me, Pete.


Where have you been
for the last 20 years?

A little bit of this,
a little bit of that.

It's about Cousin Pete; he just
showed up here after 20 years.

I don't think he's Pete.

That sneaky little fox.

Little bastard,
coming into our house,

staking a claim to
what isn't his.

I'm a confidence man.

I give people confidence,
they give me their money.

You stole from me.
I can't have that.

And if you don't
give me my money,

I'm gonna take
your brother's hand...

and a bolt cutter...

and I'm gonna snip off a finger.

Looking for a guy,
Marius Josipovic.

On your knees.

I'm in trouble.

- You can't be a part of this!
- Get out of here!

I already am.

Oh! Oh.

Marius Josipovic.

- I'm sorry, who is this?
- Your parole officer.

You want to be an eagle
or a shitbird?

Your collateral.
All of it.

I don't need the money, I need
someone to launder it.

Hey, Pete. We want you to
take us to your mother

and the $11 million.

Get your g*n and sh**t
through the door!

Do it!

- Pete.
- What?

Thanks for looking out for me,

but never do anything
like that again.

Hey, wait for me!
Stop the bus!

Pete, they were gonna
k*ll you in prison.

That's why I got you out.

They're gonna burn down
the-the farmhouse

with everybody inside.

What the f*ck did you
and your mother do?

- Aunt Maggie?
- Pete, my boy.

What is my gift?

When you walk into a room,

the way you take
the temperature,

adjust yourself,
like an emotional contortionist.

Must be exhausting.

- Where are your parents?
- Our parents died

in a car accident 12 years ago.

Aunt Maggie left me a bunch
of letters my mom wrote her.

Read it, and then maybe
you can tell me how

everything you've told me
isn't a lie.

Change of plan.
I'm not taking her to jail.

You got her passport?

How am I supposed to get
from Canada to Mexico?

I don't know. Walk?

One of us is the CEO
of a successful business,

and one of us is a f*cking cop.

Where can we talk?

- You changed your mind.
- Not about you.

Just about leaving right now.

Look, I know this wasn't
the score we talked about.

Not even close.

You promised
this was the big one.

Mr. Bagwell.
My ex-boyfriend...

what's his name?

Go back. You like them.

Why can't you just admit it?

♪ It's gettin' harder out here ♪

♪ I keep tryin'
to just make my way ♪

♪ It's not lyin' ♪

♪ I'm only tryin' ♪

♪ Just trust in me ♪

♪ Trust in me ♪

♪ Just trust in me ♪

♪ Trust in me ♪

♪ Just trust in me. ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

You... f*cking...

You... I know who you are!

I spoke to Bagwell.

He f*cking told me
your real name!


You are not my cousin!

You're f*cking crazy.

What the f*ck are you doing?!

You are Marius Josipovic.

- Who the f*ck is that?
- You're Marius Josipovic.

My mother was here.

- She thinks I'm her son.
- You're Marius Josipovic.

- You're Marius Josipovic.
- Maybe she's not your aunt, huh?

Stop lying to me!

- Maybe everybody's lying to you!
- Stop!



I'm gonna go tell them.

Like you told Bagwell?

You didn't say anything
to Bagwell.

'Cause if you did,
he'd be here right now

putting handcuffs on me.

He's on his way.

No, you didn't say anything.

'Cause you knew it would bring
up a whole lot of questions

about dead cops

and money laundering.

- And storage facilities in Mount Vernon.
- Oh...

- You were smart.
- f*ck.

You were trying to protect
your family.

Oh, my God,
you're a horrible person.

What did I do that was
so horrible?

You want a list?

I helped you.

You he... you...

Wh-What did you even want
from us?




Holy mackerel, what the hell'd
you do to your car?

Oh, uh, um...

Oh, uh, Julia's, uh...

Julia was-was texting
and driving,

and her foot slipped
off the brake.

I wasn't texting.

Okay, she tried to run me over.

I just missed him, too.

Everybody okay? Anybody hurt?

You need me to call, like,
a tow truck, or...

No, no, no,
I-I'll call a tow truck.

Yeah. I mean, you know,
it's a piece of shit anyway.

It's fine.

Julia, don't text
and drive, huh?

- Right?
- Geez.

Hey, I-I was just making dinner.

I'll put out an extra plate.

I'm really glad you're here.

- Me, too.
- Audrey!

Pete's back.
Turn down the music.

You're not staying for dinner.

Get out of here.

- I can't drive anywhere.
- Take my f*cking car.

Leave it at the train station,
leave the keys on the tire.


Get... out of here!

Taylor, grab a chair
in the front room for Pete.

Anything to get me away
from this card sharp.

Uncle Taylor, um, owes me $27.

Whoo! She's a cheater.

Yeah, well,
it runs in the family.

And it's "shark,"
not card sharp.

Jacob's still napping.
Here, toss the salad.

Where's Pete?

He... uh, he realized
he couldn't stay.

What'd you say to him?

- I didn't say anything.
- Uh-huh.

You just tried to impale him
with your, uh, car?

My foot slipped.
He had to catch a train.

So I loaned him my car
so he could

get to the station on time.

Pete and Maggie are a disaster.

It's for the best
that he didn't stay.

He's still my grandson.
Maggie's still my daughter.

Maggie's back, too?

No. Neither is Pete.
Take the chair back.

- What?
- Chair back.

You have three
other grandchildren.

They're here, and they love you.

I have four.
I want four.

Did Pete say where
Maggie's gone?

Didn't come up.

Oh, Carly, hey,
take this pitcher

and fill the glasses.

Are you ever gonna talk to me
about the letter I gave you?

There's nothing in that letter
worth a conversation.

Can I go watch TV?

No, no, but you can draw.

There's colored pencils
over there.

So, what was that about
with Audrey?

Maggie left me the letters
that Mom wrote her.

What'd they say?

They said...

They said that she and Dad
were miserable.

That he was mean, that he...
that he cheated on her.

That he used to hit Taylor.

If we're done redecorating,
I'm gonna grab another beer.

Julia, you want one?

Did you know that Mom...
that Dad cheated on Mom?

Maggie gave her some letters.

So, no on the beer?

I mean, you always told me
how they were this,

-like, perfect couple.
- They were.

So how come she told Maggie
that she hated him?

Mom did not hate Dad.

Dad was the love of her life.

Not according to the letters.

I was there, Carly.
I saw them.

They wou... they would
hold hands at the movies.

Did he ever hit you?

Jesus, what are you
talking about?

- Taylor.
- Tell her.

You remember how they were.

I remember.

This is Maggie
stirring up trouble again.

Grandma's right,
we're better off without her.

Those glasses aren't
gonna fill themselves.

Yeah, no, they're not.

When were Mom and
Dad in Myrtle Beach?

Remember the-the... the picture
with the sunglasses?

- Was that '88?
- You know what's in those letters is true.

Not you, too.

Mom was unhappy.

They were passionate people.

I get you wanting
to remember it that way,

but Dad was brutal to you.

He was tough on me.
I needed tough.

When you broke your ankle,

he made you skate laps
on it for an hour.

Nobody knew that it was broken
until later.

- And we won state that year.
- It was abusive.

What are we even talking about?
Some letters?


Look. Here.

Myrtle Beach.

Tell me they're not happy.

Taylor, it's just a picture.

Why are you so determined
to have Carly

believe they were shitty?


Will it somehow make you feel
better about your own life?

They loved me, I love them.

They loved each other.

That's the end of the story.

Where you going?

- I got a thing.
- What thing?

I got a thing. At-at a place.

We're supposed to be
having family dinner.

Couldn't leave it alone.

You're gonna make this my fault?

People rem-remember things
the way they do for a reason.

- What about what I remember?
- Don't be selfish.

I'm out of here, too.

Now where's she going?

Doesn't matter.

It matters if you
don't want 37 pounds

of leftover risotto
clogging the fridge.

So we eat risotto for a week.

Oh... I just wanted
a nice family dinner.

Yeah, and I wanted
to marry Paul Newman,

but here I am.

Yeah, and here you'll stay.

By yourself.

Don't let the risotto burn.

Can I have some paper?

Sure, honey.

Uh, there's some on the counter.


They weren't perfect.

No parents are.

You do all right.

I don't know.

It's hard.

I mean, you do things...
because of your kids.

You do things
in spite of your kids.

What's important
is that you love them

even when you don't always
do the right thing by them.

Mom and Dad loved you.

And when they died,
that's all anyone

wanted you to remember.

Okay, so you all
just got together

and decided to lie?

No, nobody "got together."
We-we just wanted you

to have happy memories.

Even if they weren't
entirely true.

- Geez, what do you think that's about?
- Beats me.

Whoa. Come on.

- Julia Bowman?
- Yeah?

You're under arrest
for obstruction of justice

in violation of the Connecticut

Corrupt Organization
and Racketeering Act.

You have the right to remain
silent. Anything you say

can and will be used against
you. You have a right

- to a lawyer; if you can't afford a lawyer...
- What are you doing?

- One will be appointed to you by the court.
- What do you think

- you're doing? You can't come in here like this.
- Mommy.

- Ellen, honey, it's gonna be okay.
- Oh, we can.

- Don't worry. Don't worry, honey, okay?
- No.

- We've got warrants.
- It's gonna be okay.

- Come with us.
- You can keep that.


- Mommy.
- Watch your head, ma'am.

Winner, winner, chicken dinner.


Geez. Pete.

There you are.

Hi. I, uh, I left
Julia's car in the,

in the parking lot
with the-the key on the...

- Huh? Oh. Oh. Okay, right.
- front tire. Front left tire.

What time's your train?

Oh, it's, uh,
I think it's in, uh,

-it's in 15 minutes.
- Well, there'll be

another one in an hour.

Let's, you know,
let's go have a beer.

No, no, no, I can't.
I got to, I got to get going.

I know you're leaving.

I got something here for you.

- What's that?
- That's a key.

It's a key to the farmhouse.

So you'll always remember
that you can come back.


What do I need a key for?

You... you always
leave the door unlocked.

It's symbolic, you assh*le.


Yeah, yeah. Hi.


No, no, no, no, no.

No, stay there.

We'll come and meet you there.

All right, we'll meet you there.

What's wrong?

Forget the train,
we got to go to the courthouse.

- What do you mean?
- Julia's been arrested.

Come on.

Your lawyer is here.

Lawyer? I don't even know
what I'm supposed to have done.

Don't look over here. Come on.

You got ten minutes.

Thought they said
I had a lawyer.

I am your lawyer.

How the f*ck am I in jail
and you're not?

I dropped Valerie off
a half mile from the border.

When she got busted,
she gave you up,

but not me.

I'm so gonna punch you
in the d*ck.

Well, go ahead, have at it.

It's no fun if you let me.

The Connecticut attorney general
wants your head on a pike.

Been after Luis Mercado
for years

and you almost tanked
her whole prosecution

by shipping her key witness
to Canada.

Kind of textbook obstruction.

They also found the backpack
with the money

you took off Valerie,

so they're hitting you
with money laundering as well.

You make it sound like
I'm going to jail.

Well, you're already in jail.
Without a well-connected lawyer

who can get the AG to take
a Xanax, you're going to prison.

Where am I supposed to find
a lawyer like that?

I don't know, Yellow Pages?

I do one noble good deed and...

that's what fucks me.


Has anyone spoken to her?

I tried to badge my way in,

but the Staties
are being real assholes.

- There's Lance.
- How is she?

She's fine.

I mean, she's not fine,
she's facing

five to ten years in prison.

But, um, there'll be
a bail hearing in the morning.

We'll be ready with the bond.

Uh, one problem.

Uh, your license to write bonds
has been suspended.

You can maintain the bonds
you have,

and if we can get the suspension
lifted, it's all good.

But until then,
you're shut down.

Well, that's ridiculous.
Otto and I didn't do anything.

- Julia was your employee.
- All right, forget the license.

We'll figure out another way
to raise bail.

Without a license,
we don't have a business.

Without bail, we don't have
a granddaughter.

A granddaughter
we can't bail out

because we don't have a business.

How many bonds you got for me
this evening, sugar?

-10, 11, 12...
- There's Sam.


We have a problem.

You, a problem?

- Shocker.
- I-I know, I know.

Julia, Julia's been arrested.

And our license
is under suspension,

so we can't bond her out.


Can you help us?

You know, I-I would,

but I can't do anything
without Sean.

Sean signs all the bonds himself

right at 6:00
when we close for the day.

And you know
how he feels about you.

Would you talk to him?


He... he's just gonna
laugh at me.

Let him laugh, this is Julia.


were you two thinking...

helping her send Valerie...

-to Canada?
- Julia thought that

the cash we got from Valerie
would cover the lost bond.

So now that money is evidence.

And we're out the bond.

So, not only
did we break the law,

but we lost money doing it.

She'll calm down,

she's just... scared.

Hmm. Mad as a bull,
more like it.

Well, that's how you know
she's scared.

Go ahead. Leave.

It's what everybody does.

What's wrong?

Besides Julia?

Oh, just my...

whole family lying to me
about everything.

- Just that?
- Yeah, I'm sure

you've been lying to me, too.

Well, I wouldn't put it past me.

Before my mom died,
she wrote your mom

saying that she was planning on

leaving my father
and running off to California.

Well, if she wrote it,
she wrote it.


Right, but, I mean,
did she mean it

or is it just, like, a thing
that she just said?

What answer do you want to hear?

I want the truth...

Everybody has their own version
of the truth.

And, you know, most of the truth
is only half true.

So it doesn't matter, right?

'Cause there's no truth.
It's all just fungible.

Okay, cool. Thanks for the help.



I bet you're looking for
a play, Marius.

No, Lizzie.

I'm... I'm not.

It's a sweet one.

High-end, big money.

It's all set up, I just need
to slot someone in.

I won't even make you
apologize for Michigan.

That wasn't my fault.

Like I said,
I'm willing to let it go.

You're bored.

I can hear it in your voice.

You know, it sounds
like you're in a café.

And I, and I bet

there's a ring
or some sorry sucker's wallet

on the table who was standing
next to you, am I right?

It's a watch, actually.

With an inscription:

"To Vincenzo,
with love, Margaritte."

I was close.

You think Margaritte really
loves him, or the watch

is just a way
to make him feel loved

when she was really in it
for the money?

Say you'll do my con.

I can't do that.

That's too bad.

I thought you were leaving.

I was. I am. I'm leaving.

You want to get a beer?

Yeah, why not?

♪ Knew if I stuck
by your side... ♪

Swell joint.

It's sticky.

Yeah. Yeah.

But the beer is cheap,
the wings are free.

♪ Love is where you are... ♪

Actually, I went to high school
with a bunch of the dancers.

- Oh, yeah? Wow.
- Yeah. Really nice.

Super grounded.

Carly seemed kind of upset.

She's just got her head full
of a bunch of bullshit

about our parents.


- How are you, how's life?
- I'm good, I'm good.

How about you, Louise?
How's Donald and the kids?

Kids are awesome. Donnie's
still out of a job, though.

- If I hear anything, I'm gonna let you know.
- Thank you.

How you doing?

See, that's what
I'm talking about,

that is the kind of woman
that a man needs to marry.

Yeah, steady income.

You always know
where she is at night.

Maybe she has
a girlfriend for you.

Oh, sh... no, I'm...

I'm staying far away
from girlfriends for a while.

Oh, yeah?
Oh, what about Shannon?

How'd you know about her?

I would say pretty much
everybody knows about Shannon.


- A little help, boys?
- Oh. Yeah, no, no, no,

I'll give it,
I'll give it to her.

Thank you.

I thought that I
was the man that she had

been waiting for.

Knight in shining armor.

It's all a bullshit story
I made up in my head.

I wasn't a knight.
I was a-an addict.

I was addicted to her.

Yeah, it's emotional heroin.

We all have one of those.

Who's yours?

No, it doesn't matter.
It doesn't...

- No, tell me. Tell me.
- No, no, no, no, no.

Tell me.

Come on.

You ever have...

a perfect dance partner?

You just move together in all
the right ways, instinctively?

Sounds good.

Well, it was until it wasn't.

♪ Help me to feel good... ♪

Where is she now?

Uh, last time we saw each other
was in Michigan.

We did not end well.

Does anybody?

♪ Short term... ♪

So what are we gonna do
about Julia?

I don't... what can we do?

Well, I have an idea,

but I don't think
you're gonna like it.

Are you sure this will work?

Just wait over there
and give me five minutes.

Bonds ready to go
to the courthouse?

Just signing the last ones.


I was hoping
I could have a word.

Why the f*ck
would I want a word with you?

Because I can
make you a lot of money.

Whatever fish
you're selling, I ain't buying.

What if that fish was
Bernhardt Bail Bonds?

They're the only competition
you have left.

Their license is suspended,

I wouldn't really
call them competition.

Well, that's exactly why now
is the time to strike,

when they're vulnerable.

What are you looking to get out
of this charitable endeavor?

- Five percent.
- You son of a bitch,

you think I'm gonna
let you sell out Grandma?

I am so sorry.

You always were a sneaky
f*cking Pete, Pete.

High school's over, Glory Days.

I should've drowned you
in that f*cking porta-potty...

Hey, stop it! Stop it. Enough.

What are you thinking?

- You can't just beat someone up.
- He's trying to scam

- Grandma and Grandpa.
- Yeah, and you stopped him. Now get out of here.

- I can still make the deal work, all right?
- Forget it. Stop. Stop!

You can't scam someone who knows
you're trying to scam them.

I do appreciate you, uh,

punching Taylor
in the balls, though.

That was fun.

What's the daily count, sugar?

Only nine for you this evening.

You sure? I got ten bonds here.

Adams, Bickell, Bowman, Zurn...


Bowman, Julia.

Hefty sum, too.

Want to take it back?

No. No, file it.

File it, file, file all ten.

You look like you need a shower.

How'd you raise the money
to bail me out?


Pete? I thought Pete left.

H-He was supposed to leave.

It was a family crisis.

Where is he?

How did you do it?

A good magician never
reveals his tricks.

I'm gonna need you
to do better than that.

Eh... the important thing is that
Julia's not in jail anymore.



I wanted to apologize the other
day, for-for any trouble

that I might have caused.

Hey! Hey!

Julia's here. Honey.


The rug rats are upstairs.
They're sleeping.

- What about Pete?
- Yeah, Pete's right over...

W-Where's Pete?

♪ ♪

♪ It serves you right
to suffer ♪

♪ It serves you right
to be alone ♪

♪ It serves you right
to suffer ♪

♪ It serves you right
to be alone ♪

♪ Because you're still livin' ♪

♪ The day done packed and gone ♪

♪ It serves you right
to suffer ♪

♪ It serves you right
to be alone ♪

♪ It serves you right
to suffer ♪

♪ It serves you right
to be alone ♪

♪ Your doctor put you on ♪

♪ Milk, cream and alcohol ♪

♪ And that's why, that's why,
that's why ♪

♪ You can't keep
from crying... ♪

Is this seat taken?

Actually, it is.

What, are you working a mark?

No, I'm having cocktails.

I told you that I was having
cocktails when you texted

because having cocktails is
something that normal people do

when they want to relax
with other normal people.

I'm a normal person.

I thought you were spending time
with your family in Connecticut.

No, no, no, I'm done with that.
I'm looking for new action.

- Time to move on.
- Huh.

Well, you know,
after the Buffalo debacle,

you're on a lot of people's
no fly list.

- Really?
- I'm not saying that it's right,

but they felt burned.

Hey, Marius.

What happened to your face?

What happened to your face?

Thanks for joining us.

Yeah. Hey, you know Fat Tommy
and his crew.

What's he up to these days?


- Fat Tommy died.
- What?

-18 months ago. Hmm.
- No.

I thought he moved to Florida.

Is there a difference?

Yeah, he'll be back.

He'll get bored
of all that sunshine.

I don't know. You know?

At a certain point,
a person could want more in life

than lies and duplicity.

- Yeah, good luck with that.
- Hey.

What about Lizzie?
I hear she's in town.

Marius isn't suicidal.

Yeah, well,
she's always got action.

Don't you even think about it.

- I'm not thinking about it.
- After Michigan,

you made me promise that I would
tie you up and sh**t you

if you ever got back
with Lizzie.

And I meant it.
I was lucky to get out of there

with all ten fingers. Really.

Look, lay low
and I'll make some inquiries.

Okay? But until then,
I want you to promise me

you'll go sit under a tree.

- Birch or maple?
- I'm serious.

A nice green tree.
Can you do that?

So, your
ex-girlfriend came to see me.

Lovely lady.

Stay away from her.
She deserves better.

But you know,
she seems to be concerned

with your level of honesty,
and quite frankly, so am I.

Well, you can only prove
yourself one day at a time.

Now tell me about this
construction job in Westchester.

- Well, it kind of went away.
- Well, get a new one.

You see, men like you, without
jobs, you, you get restless,

and when you get restless,
you become shitbirds.

I want pay stubs and I want
time cards next time I see you.

You got that?

You have any other plans?

A friend of mine told me
to go sit under a tree.

Trees are magical things.

They talk to one another
through the latticed fungi

buried in the soil.

I didn't know that.

I know that you know

more than you let on.

You know, and, and really,
that's your problem,

because you seem to think that
people can't see past your mask.

Who is Marius Josipovic?

No, more to the point,
who is Marius Josipovic

without his criminal self?

Don't answer that.
It's rhetorical.

You, without your criminal self.

Well, that's who you're going
to have to become

if you're going to be
a real person in society,

and not a recidivist marking
his time before he returns

-to the sweet bosom of the penitentiary.
- I get it.

You don't get it.

Buy yourself a mirror.

Take a long, long look.

The truth will set you free
if you can stand it.


I'm not gonna wait forever.

Did something happen to you?

It'd break my heart
if you lost a step.

I got to go.

If I don't hear from you
by 7:00 a.m., I'm moving on.

- Good evening.
- Hi.

- Here's our drink menu.
- Thank you.

I'll be back in a moment.


Are you here for the convention?

You, too?

I think practically
the whole hotel is.

-- Hey, if
you're looking for a good drink,

the bartender
makes a lovely Aviation.

Oh, does that have tequila?

'Cause tequila and I
don't get along.

No, no, it's gin, lemon juice
and crème de violette.

It was-it was Howard Hughes's
favorite drink.


I'm-I'm Jerry Ansbach.

- Betsy McConnell. Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.

So w-where are you
based out of?

Nashua. My boss and the rest
of my team get in tomorrow.

I came in early to set up
the booth, so...

So they make you do
all the grunt work?

Oh, no. I mean,
I don't know, I like it.

I get to have everything exactly
the way I like it.

And for one night, the only
person I have to take care of

is me, so...

You, uh, you touched
your ring right there.

Sorry, I-I, uh,
I go to Vegas a lot,

and-and I-I play a lot of poker,
and I have this annoying habit

of-of, uh, looking for tells,
and when you touched your ring,

it seemed like it was a tell.

Am I that obvious?

I haven't even had a drink yet.

I know it's a bad habit,
I'm sorry.

- No, it's okay.
- No, it was rude. It was rude.

You're not rude.

My husband... soon to be
ex-husband... he's rude.

We're separated.

- Oh, how long?
- Ten whole days.

But it's, it's good.

It wa... it's been
a very long time coming.

I'm sorry about that.

No... I mean,
the day that he left,

I danced around the living room
in my underwear.



What can I get you?

Are you sure about
that Aviation?

Trust me.

This is it.

The bridge
that's in all the movies.

Thank you, Jerry,
for indulging me.

Well, don't thank me yet,
because if we get mugged,

then I'm counting on you
to protect me.

There was this moment, seven
years ago, when Mark was...

being himself.

And this voice in my head

said, "This isn't gonna work."

I stopped being fun.

Marius. Shh. Marius.

I love your name.

I like it when you say my name.

Marius Josipovic.

I stopped being fun.

I was a really fun person.

I was.

Jerry, let's go back to my room.

I'll show you how fun I am.

So, what do you say, Jerry?

I'm not Jerry.

What do you mean?

I'm not the... uh...
the computer programmer,

or the... I don't,
I don't go to the, uh...

and I wasn't going
to the convention.

I'm nothing I told you I was.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry.



I'm in.

Whatever you got going.

What took you so long?

I was about to grab, uh, Ellen
and Jacob and head on home.


They could use a night
in their own beds.

They were all
I could think about.

You should make sure
you tell them that.

I will.

I'm glad you're out.

Are you?

Because you're acting like
you're not.

Can we please not pick a fight?

Valerie was
nine months pregnant.

And you have
two children at home.

I'm aware I have children.
I gave birth to them.

- I'm not gonna do this.
- No, no, no, don't-don't bury what you think.

- You got something to say...
- You're a fuckup and a liar!

It's all about you.

Is that it?

You need a lawyer, Julia.

A real lawyer, and Otto and I
don't have any money

because you got
our license suspended.

- I'll pay for my own lawyer.
- With what?

Otto was there, Taylor was
there. Be angry at them.

I am.

Go home.

I need you to go home.


And don't come in tomorrow.

In fact, take the week off.

There's no work, anyway.

Sure, I'll just go sit in the
corner like a bad little girl

and think about what I've done.

- Would you rather I fired you?
- If that would

make you feel like you're
in control of the universe,

have at it.

You're fired.

Fine, I needed a fresh start.

Merde. Chérie.

Je suis si maladroit
et je suis trés en ret*rd.

Will you please?
The salesmen.

My husband,
he will take care of everything.

I will just take the decanter,

and you can deliver
the rest, uh, oui?

Tu es mon âme.

♪ Ooh, there she goes ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ One day I had spoke to a man
through his eyes ♪

♪ I saw what he saw,
as it cropped up in his mind ♪

♪ Said what's the procedure,
do I keep my design? ♪

♪ No, you're gone,
you're gone, you're gone ♪

♪ Hey ♪

♪ You don't know
how lucky you are ♪

♪ No, no, no, no ♪

♪ You don't know
how lucky you are ♪

♪ She acts like a martyr,
she's got God on her face ♪

♪ The world's her disciple,
and I'm the head of the slaves ♪

♪ Things must get done,
in such peculiar ways ♪

♪ There she goes, she goes,
she goes ♪

♪ Hey ♪

♪ 8:00 Terry, 10:00 Sally ♪

♪ Gotta little pill to give ♪

♪ 5:00 Patti, 6:00 Betty ♪

♪ You don't know
how lucky you are ♪

♪ Mm-mm ♪

♪ You don't know
how lucky you are ♪

♪ The world is on fire,
as you quicken your pace ♪

♪ To squeeze out the venom
of the whole human race ♪

♪ The things you provide us
have sent us to our graves ♪

♪ But you're gone, you're gone,
you're gone ♪

♪ Hey ♪

♪ Yeah, you don't know
how lucky you are ♪

♪ You don't know
how lucky you are ♪

♪ Yeah, you don't know
how lucky you are ♪

♪ No, no. ♪