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02x21 - Amparo & the American Dream

Posted: 10/13/21 05:11
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Rosewood"...

I was dishonorably discharged.

Stratton: The things we did
make it nearly impossible

to come back home whole.

♪ Soldiers till we're...
- I'm gonna walk!

He doesn't eat, doesn't sleep.

And anytime I say something,

it just makes it worse.

It's not your fault.

When are you gonna realize

that whatever happens to
Slade isn't yours?

- [Flatline, paddles whine]
- There's been a complication.

- What's wrong?
- Woman: Clear!

He's gonna be okay.

[Kat Dahlia's "Clocks" plays]

- ♪ Black night, white lane ♪
- [Engine revving]

- ♪ Free up, make rain, oh ♪
- [Siren wails in distance]

♪ We so about it,
sun down, gold chain ♪

♪ My cup, my Jane, oh ♪

♪ We live in the jungle,
we cocky but humble ♪

♪ You don't wanna rumble... ♪

Marcos: [Echoing] Leese, it's
working for me anymore.

Did you hear me?

I can't stay.


♪ Hey-ey-ey-ey-ey ♪

[Engine revs]

We so about it,
white noise, propane

[Engine shuts off, music stops]

[Engine revving, tires squeal]

[Engine revving, rap music plays]

Damn, Rosie, I thought you
had me back there at the turn.

So that was you back
there at that light?

Hot Miami night, hot car...
Sometimes, you got to get out

and burn some pavement, you know?

All right, all right.

Question is, what were
you doing out this late?

When the craving comes on,

Rosie's got to have his macadamia nut.

[Chuckles] Macadamia nut?

About th on the list of
stuff I don't crave.

Oh, okay, this is coming
from the guy who goes out

after dark to get a hot dog
off a rolly cart? Really?

There's only one place in all
of Miami you can get those dogs.

- I'm talking lost treasure.
- Yeah, a treasure full of nitrates.

You got to protect the temple.

Besides, you know, you need to get
that shoulder you've been nursing on

- for the last half-hour checked out.
- Nah.

The line at the V.A.
hospital will k*ll me sooner

than this shoulder does, so I'm good.

Speaking of good... What's up
with you and my sister, man?

[Chuckles] What are you
talking about? Nothing's up.

- No?
- Nah.

Come on, bro, I know you're
interested in her. [Chuckles]

The way you look at her,
way you guys are together,

- you got to be, right?
- No, no, no, it's not like that.

- Really?
- Plus, she's with Adrian, so...

Adrian. [Chuckles]

Right, right.

So, maybe you could
tell me what you call it.

Well, you call it partners.

- "Partners"?
- That's what I call it.

- "Partners"?
- Mm-hmm.

Okay, but she's a
cop, and you're... not.

So that's not a real thing.

I need black and white
from you right now.

Ain't no gray in my
world, and you're gray.

So tell me what color you see.

Well, I see a grown black man

trying to enjoy his macadamia fix, okay?

But getting a whole lot
of questions thrown at me.

- I don't... [Laughs]
- See, that's the thing, man.

It's my fault, 'cause these
ain't really questions.

More like telling you...

you're holding her back.

You're taking up a lot
of space in her head.

Is it her head...

or yours?

I like you, Rosie.

I do, man, but if you're not
gonna step up with my sister,

you need to step aside.

And there's things you
don't know about my family.

But I'm back now, and I'm here.
And I know what my sister needs.

- [Thunder crashes, siren chirps]
- ♪ God save the prom queen ♪

Teenage day dream

Just another
dressed up...

[Music stops, police radio chatter]

Is there a problem, Officer?

License and registration, please.

[Engine idling]

- How much have you had to drink tonight?
- Nothing.

I just came from grading papers.

- I'm a teacher at Suarez...
- Ma'am, step out of the car, please.

[Dog barks in distance]


[Siren wailing]

- [Sighs]
- Someone's dragging today?

- You don't have your usual bounce.
- I don't have a bounce.

Oh, you definitely have a bounce,
but right now, you have a drag.

I sh*t my brother last
night... in my dream.

- And then, he didn't pick up his phone.
- Well, I saw Marcos last night.

- What?
- Yep, no b*llet holes.

Two guys, two cars crossing
paths, gentlemen's cruise.

I don't know what a
gentlemen's cruise is,

but do you know how
happy that makes me...

"A," that he's okay,

- and, "B," that you guys are connecting?
- Yeah, we connected.

You know he doesn't do
that with everybody, right?

Oh, finally I feel like he's beginning
to think there's a place for him here.

- Thank you, Rosie.
- Whatever I can do to help.

But you might want to
lock it up with Adrian

so you're not home alone in bed

- having assassination dreams.
- [Camera shutter clicking]

Thanny Torres, , teacher.

There's the fiancé. I'll
go make some small talk.

You do your thing.

What prevented you from
getting to that door?

Mr. Camp, I hope you understand,

I got to ask where you were last night.

Home... We have a new puppy.

Thanny called to say
she was staying late

- at the school, working.
- Do you know a lot about each other?

- We were getting married.
- Your fiancée was picked up

on suspicion of a D.U.I. last night.

She was later taken to jail
and released at : a.m.

[Engine revs, mid-tempo
music plays]

- Hold on a minute.
- [Engine shuts off, music stops]

[Grunts] Detective.

Don't say anything about the cane.

This is doctor's orders.

Willy Wonka vibe, don't you think?

Villa: Slade, what are you doing here?

And what's with the car?

I lost a kidney. I figured
I deserve a new car.

Slade, you're supposed
to be on strict bed rest.

Oh, Rosie, really?

I've been in bed for the last hours.

Plus, we have a crime and a body.

- This is exactly where I belong.
- We got this, Cap.

You can go back to the candy factory.

Ah, no gloves, no love.
Come on. What are you doing?

Sorry. My bad.

All right, Rosie, what do we got?

Well, at the moment, we have a dead body

with a whole lot of questions to ask.

Where, when, why, how,
what... My favorite five!

Damn, it feels good to be back.

Mitchie: [Airily] Hey. Sorry I'm late.

I'm on West Coast
time. It's a Cali thing.

- You wouldn't understand.
- I understand that you're late

and that TMI is at some
FBI reach-around party

and that I'm alone doing everything.

- I understand that.
- Hang loose.

- That means, "I'm sorry."
- No, it doesn't,

and don't do that weird thing
with your fingers ever again.

And what are you talking
about "West Coast time"?

Oh, Angel City, baby...
Yeah, Rosie is moving forward

with opening that second lab in L.A.,

so I wanted to prep in case
I get called up to the majors.

Back it up, "brah," okay?

Uh, Rosie talked to
about Angel City?

Uh, not exactly.

Uh, Rosie, what's up with
this Angel City thing?

Early stages. We'll
talk later. I promise.

- What do you got for me?
- [Sighs]

Well, I discovered that
our sweet school teacher

has a not-so-sweet liver.

Yep, definite signs of early cirrhosis.

Oh, and Mitchie came
in with a weird accent.

I don't have an accent.

[Normal voice] Okay,
yeah, the voice is weird.

Could this liver damage
have anything to do

with her trip to jail
for the D.U.I. last night?

Rosewood: This damage
was from years ago.

There are signs that the liver has been

regenerating healthy tissue.

Looks like abuse was in her past.

Well, let me fill you in
on the rest of her past.

Thanny here has a record...
one as long as my arm.

She was arrested a dozen times

over years ago for prostitution.

- She was a prost*tute?
- A young one.

Hm, come take a look at this.

- What am I looking at?
- It's the letter "A."

Is that a tattoo?

No, scar tissue from branding.

So, what does "A" mean?

That's the first question
that we need to answer.

[Cellphones vibrate, chime, whistle]

Hornstock: Hey, guys, thanks for coming.

I-I'm sitting on somethin' here.

I don't know. Maybe I'm seein' blurry.

- So, I want some other eyes.
- Okay, Hornstock, what is it?

Just give me a second.

What I'm about to show
you, let's just say, is, uh,

problematic for a good friend.

- Give this to me.
- [Computer beeps]

An impound officer I know saw this...

- [Computer beeps]
- and thought I should have it.

That's Thanny.

[Keyboard clacks]

And that's Slade.

And just a few hours later, she's dead?

You know, I-I-I don't... I don't know

how this doctor thing works, but...

We're gonna find his prints on her body.

He was at our crime scene
putting his hands all over her.

Do you think he did it on purpose

to cover something up?

I don't know, but Slade must
be in some kind of trouble.

He's in some kind of something.

And the three of us
better find out what it is

before someone else does.

- [Elevator bell dings]
- All I'm saying is people could catch me

doing weird things on camera, too.

- You're telling me you got no quirks?
- Of course I do...

pretzel obsessions,
shower-dancing to Shakira...

still telling myself
pro wrestling is real,

not picking up
a prost*tute from jail

and lying to my own team.

Former prost*tute...
Maybe there's an explanation.

You know, he did admit to liking
when ladies of the night read to him.

But none of them showed up dead
with Slade's name all over it.

[Indistinct conversations,
telephone ringing]

You need to work on your library voice.

Does this look like a library to you?

No, it looks like a
precinct... his.

- You need to play this one carefully.
- [Sighs]

- That's all I'm saying.
- Play what carefully?


I'm between coffee cakes

and one of these, um, moist muffins.

Ah, yeah, I'd go coffee cake

so we never have to hear
you say "moist" again.

- Am I right?
- Yeah.

- Yeah. Not a good word for him.
- Thanks, Cap.

Slade: Guess who's back!

Hornstock: We got to give
him the benefit of the doubt

before we start jumping to conclusions.

Oh, I'm not jumping.

I'm walking... straight into his office.

Hey, one wrong question,

and you blow everything
we've earned with him.

Or what? We march
ourselves to I.A. instead

and potentially ruin his name

before we even know what's going on?

[Knock on door]

I got to be honest... [Sighs]

I'm having a hard time
buying the bed-rest thing.

It's just bed rest. It's no thing.

It just seems like a thing.

You were a ball of
energy at the crime scene.

Doctors are right... Sleep does wonders.

Come on. You can trust me.

I'm not gonna tell
your doctors or anyone.

Where were you two nights ago?

Are you trying to make me feel guilty

about being home alone and
having an old-school TV dinner?

Because I got to admit
it wasn't very good.

I overcooked the brownie,

but I got to catch up on my shows.

And if this is an interrogation,
let the record state

that I was watching "Narcos."

But between us?

Season of "The Bachelor"...
Tell anyone, I k*ll you.

Well, since you're so well-rested,

maybe you can help me
see this more clearly.

A young schoolteacher,
about to get married,

she has a history of sex work...

Something doesn't add up.

Right, not your routine case.

So why are you surprised that
I'm back to help handle it?

Is there something else
that you want to ask me?

I should just ask Rosie.

I mean, I'm sure he already
found something on the body.

Always does.

Now go catch your k*ller, Detective.

Always do.

Pippy: Wait.

Slade is somehow involved
with this woman's death?

We never draw conclusions
until we come to one.

This case is no different. Understood?

Mm, right now, all we know
is that her heart stopped,

and it was healthy,

- even considering her drug history.
- You call it history,

but tox shows OxyContin in her system.

But there was no sign of injection

or ingestion in her G.I. tract.

- Mitchie, re-check the X-rays.
- Yeah.

Hey, by the way, did you
guys check out the surf report

coming in from Malibu today?

West Coast... best coast. What up?!

What's going on with the
fingers? What is that?

Oh, he's been doing that all morning.

Look, I'm always down
to support the dream.

But I got to ask... Am I being drafted?

Because if so, I got a
lot of things going on.

Pip, Pip, Pip, I have
not even come close

to figuring out my Angel City team yet.

- [Computer beeps]
- Check it out.

See these bright spots
in the X-ray here?

- That's metal.
- Weird.

- Yeah.
- In her lungs?

Rosewood: Lethal doses of an
opioid... That's how she d*ed.

And do you know what has
metal particles in it?

- OxyContin.
- But one problem with that...

- Users don't smoke it.
- Right.

Unlikely she was relapsing.

More likely, someone
forced it into her system.

Question is... how?

[Siren chirps]

Slade wasn't the easiest
guy to get to know.

I mean, he had a tough upbringing,

didn't really get close to people.

That's why we're here talking
to you, Captain Marino.

When he was under your
command, did Slade ever brush up

against any disciplinary action?

Never. His record was crystal clean.

And what about off the clock?

He have a thing for streetwalkers?


A mug like that, I don't think
he was really paying for sex.

Look, the best I can give you is this...

Slade had deep morals
that always lost the battle

to his deeper ambitions.

How so?

Well, you do the math.

Took me years to
get the captain's chair.

He did it in seven. Rise like that...

you're either the best cop
in the world or the worst.

Due respect, we're talking
about Slade from the past.

When was the last time you even saw him?

Well, I didn't actually see him,

but he was in this
building two days ago...

paid a visit to the M.E.,

wanted to get eyes on a Jane Doe.

Why would he have interest in
a Jane Doe in your district?

I have no idea. It was
just a homeless girl,

overdose... happens all the time.

But Slade's the kind of guy that
needed his nose in everything.

. Heroin. No foul play.

Did the chest X-ray
reveal any metal particles?

No, it was clear.

- And Ryan Slade came to see her?
- Yep.

He just wanted cause of death.

But he was her second visit,

which is a new record for a Jane Doe.

Yeah, the other was a tall Cuban girl.

Signed in as Kitty. I think
she was a working girl.

- What did Kitty want?
- No idea.

Didn't even know Doe's
name. She's undocumented.

So tomorrow, she's going to the town.

Actually, I'm going to need
you to hold off on that.

I need her body sent to my lab as
part of our m*rder investigation.

- What?
- Because I'm looking at an "A."

[Rap music plays]

Villa: You ready for a good time, Rosie?

Well, I got my good-time game face on,

and these shades will help sell it.

I'm not sure what you're
selling, but I think that's her.

Ooh. A couple.


We're actually not a couple,

and we're not here for what you think.

You're Kitty from the back
page of the Sun Express, right?

Girl, I just took those pics.

Don't even play like I
look different in person.

Besides, I don't do much talking.

And that includes telling anyone
about this secret little thing

you have with this fine piece of fudge.

Again, we're not a couple.

We're here about a m*rder investigation.

Look, we all have our fetishes,

but role-playing isn't
exactly my strong suit.

Yeah, and the cuffs
aren't just for show.

So, you gonna spill?

Have you ever seen this man?

I thought these were
gonna be hard questions.

Yeah, many times.

But, like, years ago.

He basically paid off my mortgage.

What, like a loan shark?

Like my longest and
best-paying customer.

He was a lot rougher than a shark.

He was a very dangerous man.

Villa: Are you absolutely certain

the man in this photo was your customer?

I may forget faces and names

and marriages when I'm asked to.

I'd never forget those eyes.

What was behind them terrified me.

- He terrified you?
- All of us.

He was erratic, damaged,

especially to Thanny.

[Up-tempo music plays]

[Engine revs]

- [Engine shuts off, music stops]
- Get in.

- I'm booked.
- I say when you're booked.

Hey. Don't walk away from me.

Hey, chief, move away.

I said "move," or I'll cr*ck
your skull on this pavement.


- Hey, where are you going?
- Amparo is watching.

I don't care who's watching!

I want everyone to watch so they know
when I need you, I need you!

You understand that?

Kitty: And we all did as
he said after that day.

Men don't pay for damaged goods.

Listen, mama, the man
in the photo is a friend,

so if you or someone else
is trying to frame him,

set him up to take
the fall for something,

you're gonna feel the hurt

in places even your
customers don't touch.

You asked the questions.

If you don't like the
answers, that's your problem.

Show me your foot.

I charge a pretty penny
for that sort of thing.

You want to show us in the precinct?

Let me guess... "A"
for "Amparo," your pimp.

He branded his girls

so the other pimps knew you were his.

Rosewood: Those are scars from shackles.

Want to tell us how you
were trafficked here?

Girls from Cuba heard about Amparo.

It was a smuggling service.

They brought to the U.S.,
get your citizenship,

and then they'd send for your family.

- American dream sold cheap.
- Mm.

And do you know how many girls
believed that they had a chance

to walk the streets paved
with gold only to find

their feet branded and
shackled, face-up in a brothel?

Can you give us an I.D. on the brothel?

Oh, sure, but you'll find a bodega.

The location always changes.

That's why the ring lasted so long.

And that's why it's back.

And I'm sorry, but
Amparo stole my life once,

so I'd like to stay as
far away as possible.

Well, if that's true, then why
did you visit that Jane Doe?

Because I saw her
branding in a newspaper.

And I knew that if I didn't
go say goodbye, nobody would.

Her family doesn't know where she is,

and I don't know who she is,

but she's my sister.

That's what happens when
women share the same struggle.

It forms a sisterhood so much stronger

than the men who oppresses us.

Hornstock: Matt Baldovsky,
Amparo's real name.

Yeah, a real sicko no
matter what he calls himself.

Well, we got a bigger problem than that.

Baldovsky's in Florida State Prison,

has been for the past decade
on sex-trafficking charges.

All right, so, he's not our guy.

But what did his case file say?

I mean, you don't run a
sex-trafficking ring alone.

They're sealed.

This was on Thanny's
person. Check this out.

Look. That's our Jane Doe.

You see that "A" branding on her foot?

Hornstock: Yeah, I do.

I'm guessing so Thanny
did, so did Kitty.

And so did Slade.

Do you think he had a reason
to silence these girls?

[Door opens, hinges creak]

You guys sneaking cupcakes

or devising a plan to
take over the world?

Hornstock: No, just
nutshelling through this case,

batting it around.

In the basement?

Villa: Hm.

Looks interesting.

Yeah, I mean, we haven't
gotten that far yet.

Like he said, just nutshelling.

Yeah, well, that's why I came down here

because usually I'm
privy to the nutshell.


So, take me through what you got.

Well, uh, Thanny's
fiancé was blindsided

by her history as a sex worker.

Yeah, I mean, as of now, he's clear.

Alibi checked out with a nosy neighbor

who could see straight
into their TV room.

She can account for
his minute-to-minutes.

Otherwise, you, uh... you dry?


For now.

Okay, well, since you
guys are at an impasse,

Ira, I'll borrow you.

You hear that?

- I don't hear nothin'.
- Exactly.

These walls, they're
thick, soundproofed.

This is the quietest
place in the precinct.


Well, I come at it differently.

This table, these
chairs, opposite sides...

adversarial dynamics.


Not if there's alcohol involved.

I see what you're thinking.
"Can a man get a cube?"

We're gonna have this straight up.

You've been walking around like you have

a permanent question
mark on your forehead

that you want to say
something, so I thought

a little liquid courage might
help you ask it, you know?

Or maybe there's something
you want to ask me

or tell me.


Well, I guess that
depends how close we are.

Are we close, Ira?


- We're close.
- Good.

Because I think we're better
working on the same page.

I want your help.

I may need it. But I got to ask you...

How important is this job to you?

What are you asking me, Slade?

If suddenly this were to all go away,

if it didn't exist,
where do you see yourself?

Because if that ever happened,

I'd want to help you get there.

You just need to tell
me what it is you need.

I don't.


Everyone needs something. Come on.

Five years from now,

are you on an island somewhere?

Are you sipping something from a straw?

Slade: Ira, I got reach...

Way beyond my chair.

I got a lot of money, and I got means.

I don't want your money.

I don't want your means.

I'm all set with this
job. I just want to do it.

Hornstock: So just tell me

what it is that you need to tell me.

Then are we done here?

[Chair creaks, footsteps]

[Ominous tone plays]

It's an RFID chip,

the kind they use in
animals to track them.

We found it in Jane Doe's neck
while taking tissue samples.

- A human I.D. tag.
- Mm.

So someone knows every
move these girls are making.


[Scanner beeps]

- Amparo.
- But not the same Amparo

that's rotting away in a prison cell?

No, but whoever's running this
is using the same name now,

and those are the GPS
coordinates of her last location.

Yeah. Look at this.

[Clicks tongue]

[Computer beeps, warbles]

All right, baby!

Villa: You sure you got the
location on the chip right?

I'm definitely sure this is it.

The Jane Doe that d*ed last week...

This location was on
her chip seven times.

But, no, it does not look like

the location of a thriving
human-trafficking ring.

Wait, wait, wait. You see
the man behind me at : ?

He's reading the
newspaper in long sleeves?

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

Either he's being modest
about that body of his

or he's not on vacation.

See him eyeing the guy
watering the plant over there.

What's so weird about that?

Yeah, there's no water in the bottle.

Okay. All right. Time
for me to go into action.

- Do I look like a tourist?
- No.

So you're gonna have to sell it.

Hey, hey, chief. You know what?

You look like a knowledgeable guy.

You know, I'm in town on
business from De Moines.

You ever been there?
Yeah, I.T. convention.

And, uh, I was hoping that
you could get me the intro

to some ladies.

Check with the concierge.

I'm sure they can direct
you to an escort agency.

"Escort"? No, no, no, no.

See, that's not really my flavor.

I don't know. Maybe I'm
talking to the wrong guy.

See, my friend Amparo sent me here

and said that you could
get me what I need.

Wait here.

You are the right guy.
I thought that was you.

I thought you were.

Get up.

- [Elevator bell dings]
- You're getting on the elevator.

When it stops, get off.

[Elevator bell dings]

[Door opens]

[Sighs] I'm Yaselyn.

Rosewood: No, no, no, no.
Don't. Don't. Don't do that.

I'm Dr. Beaumont Rosewood.
I'm here to help you.

Come sit on the bed.

I'm just here to help.

Now, I'm gonna need you
to help me, too, okay?

So, tell me who's in
charge of this operation.

Where is he? Is he... Is
he... Is he close to here?


All right, this is
gonna sting a little bit.


- [Knock on door]
- [Inhales sharply]

- Brilliant.
- No, no. You need to call the cops.

They need to hit this place, and
they need to hit this place hard.

No, the cavalry comes now,
we'll never catch the k*ller.

Remember, the operation keeps moving.

Amparo is here, okay?

He runs this whole
operation out of this hotel.

Man: [Muffled] Time's up.

[Inhales sharply]

[Knocks on door] Let's go.

- We need to go now.
- No, I am not leaving without her.

She's sick.


[Knock on door]

- We're busy!
- Man: Open up.

I need to talk to her.

[Lock rattles, clicks]

Man: Wrap it up.

Need you in another room.

[Breathing shakily]

We better get out of here.

Come on.

[Fire alarm ringing]

[Engine revving, tires squeal]

Yaselyn. [Speaks Spanish]

Look, I know you've been
through a lot, sweetie,

but I need you to concentrate

and tell me if you recognize
any of these people.

- [Sighs]
- No one? Okay.

We can get back to this
once you've had some rest.


Villa: It's okay. He's my brother.

Sorry. I was on my way to the range.

- You good?
- Yeah, we're good.

You good?

Yeah, I'm good.


I'll see you later.

- [Door closes]
- The doctor in me tells me

we need to get her to a hospital.

Villa: Yeah, well, the
detective in me says

that'll risk saving every girl involved.

No. Save my sisters.

I'm not going anywhere until you do.

I know him.

Which one?

Which picture, sweetie?
You'll have to point to him.

Him, that man... I've seen him before.



- This man?
- Yeah.

- Where? Where have you seen him?
- Back at the hotel.

[Grunts] Found this in her
neck. It's a tracking device.

- It's active.
- What?

All right, just wrap
that up. We're leaving.

- [g*nsh*t]
- Aah! Down! Get down!

- [Gasps]
- [Dog barking in distance]

[Engine revs, tires squeal]

- Everyone okay?
- Are you okay? - [Whimpers]

Yeah. Yeah, we're good. We're good.

Good, 'cause we're on the move again.

[Sirens wail in distance]

We weren't followed, so I
think we're safe for now.

Is she okay?

Yeah, she's scared, but she's all right.

[Door closes]

Look, Rosie, what happened with us

in the bed at the hotel...

[Door opens]

I'd say sorry to interrupt,

but I've missed walking
in on these moments.

No, no. This is not a moment.

This is... We, uh...
We're actually waiting

on the, uh, results of the chip.

So, listen... Call me
if you need anything.

I have to see someone.

[Shell casings clatter]

Rosewood: First time here.

I got to say... This
ventilation needs some love.


Weak ventilation keeps
the weak-spirited out...


Lots of alone time...

That explains why you're a perfect sh*t.

Got any advice for a civilian?


Join the Army.

If not, think of
somebody who motivates you

to hit them dead center every time.

[Shell casing clatters]

Close, but close gets
you k*lled where I'm from.

Yeah, well, I guess I don't harbor

the vengeance that's
needed for your advice.

Well, why would you?

Surrounded by family,
friends, fancy billboards.

Me, I got two things...
my mother and my sister.

My motivation... anybody who
stands in the way of that.

Yeah, you got me thinking
about my sister, too.

Back in the th grade, I witnessed her

defending herself against a bully

who got too little love at home

and had too much to
prove in the hallways.

And it was that day that I realized

that Pippy was a strong woman
who knew how to hold her own,

yet she could also use her own
judgment on how to protect herself.

And if she ever needed me,
she knew I'd be right there

in a heartbeat, because
that's what brothers do.

Why are you telling me
your business, Rosie?

Well, because Pippy reminds
me a lot of Annalise.

- I just thought it'd be helpful for you to know.
- [p*stol cocks]

It was.


I came back to talk about
very sensitive material,

but I need your word
it stays in this room.

Look, blue to blue,

you should know you can
say what you got to say.

There's a human-trafficking ring
going on in your jurisdiction.

What are you talking about?

Why wouldn't your entire
precinct be on it, then?

Well, we believe

Slade might be connected.

And we're running our
own investigation first.

That's why you guys came
asking all those questions.

See, then, we thought
he was an addicted john.

Now all arrows are pointing

in a direction we wish they weren't.

Maybe he wanted to silence these girls.

We don't know yet.

But what I need to know is are
you willing to work with us?

Detective, I have a daughter,

so I'm willing to do anything you need,

including taking down one of our own.

[Engine revs, rap music plays]

Mitchie: I can't believe Slade
might be involved in this.

Why, Slade?

Why couldn't you just
be the cool, hunky dude

who sometimes acknowledges
I'm in the room, you know?

- Whoa.
- Oh, Sorry.

- [Siren wailing]
- Uh-oh. You got the lights.

- Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
- Just... Just stay calm. Stay calm.

You'll get out of this. Just stay calm.

Yeah, yeah, I'm... I'm super calm.

- [Wailing stops]
- Oh, God. - Just relax.

- [Exhales sharply]
- You got this.

Just relax. Stay calm. You got this.

Yeah, do I look okay?

You're good. You're
good. You're perfect.

- [Shakily] Hello.
- License and registration?

Nah, I'm good.

- How much have you had to drink?
- [Laughs] He thinks I'm drunk.

- Step out of the vehicle, son.
- [Groans]

Okay. [Chuckles]

- [Intoxilyzer beeps]
- Man: Well, you definitely have

something very, very wrong with you,

but I'm afraid it's not something

this precinct can fix.

You're not drunk.

I told you I wasn't drunk.

So, am I free to go then?

After I finish writing your
citation for reckless driving.

You stay put.

What's red mean?

Rosewood: It means Oxy
inside that intoxilyzer.

Oh, my God. Does this mean I'm high?

There were only trace
amounts in the intoxilyzer.

You are not high.

Someone put Oxy on her mouthpiece,

- and that's how she inhaled it.
- Well, Slade was at the jail that night,

has reach in his old precinct,

could have easily had
access to the intoxilyzer

- and tainted the mouthpiece.
- Yaselyn put him at the hotel.

He's got means and M.O.,

and if we could get onto his boat

- and find the drug...
- There's no denying it's him.

But there's no way we can get
on his boat without him knowing.

Oh, there's always a way.

[Whistle blows]

Normally, I don't do the
whole wings-and-ranch thing.

But a little B-ball

and a "thank you for the kidney" hang...

I owe you one.

Oh, please, we've
already been through this.

You don't owe me anything.
Look at those wings.

- Nice.
- All right.

Mmm. These are good. [Chuckles]

You know, if, uh...

if you want to do me a favor,

that, uh, second body in
your lab, the Jane Doe?

Maybe you can slow the roll
down on that a little bit.

Now, why would I do that?

I'm just asking you to slow it down.

That's all. No big deal.

[TV chatter]

If you're going through
something, I'm here for you.

But I can't do that. I'm your friend.

You saved my life,

but you also saved the life
of a doctor who took an oath.

Well, that's not what
I was hoping you'd say.

Mm, these beans... [sniffs]

in my nose... They smell like my mother.

Smells will do that.

When was the last time you saw her?

Uh, two years ago.

My mom put me on a boat
with the promise of freedom,

of so many things.

But they didn't happen.

Dozens of us in crates.

The sound of ships but no light.

We were branded in the dark.

Mi mamá y mi papá... [sniffles]

they must think I'm dead.

[Sirens wail in distance]

[Cellphone vibrates]

Slade: If you changed your
mind about the whiskey, Ira,

you could have just asked.

You know, I don't have many things,

but I got this hunk of metal.

And other than my kids,
it's the only thing

that I'm proud of, and
I'm willing to die for it.

So I'm only gonna ask you once...

Why'd you pick up Thanny from jail?

Why were you at the De Leon hotel?

And think about this
one very carefully...

Why did you try to bribe me
in my own interrogation room?


Oh, Ira. You're a simple man.

And I don't mean that in a good way.

I've known it since the moment
you walked into my office.

You will always work harder
than the guy next to you

because you have to.

So let me explain this to you
in a way you can understand.

You're in quicksand right
now, and every second

that you stand still, you're
sinking deeper and deeper

until all I'll be looking at is the
soft spot of your thick, bald head.

You want to survive?
Go ahead. Make a move.

Or get the hell off my boat, man.

You know, I'm the only
one that believed in you

on this whole thing from
jump street... just me!

You know what?

You want me off this boat? Make me.


I think you should go home
and play with your kids,

see if they care about
you, because I don't.

[Buzzer, door opens]

You didn't answer your
phone. You didn't call.

What happened?

It's time.

♪ I picked the paper up ♪

♪ God got another one ♪

♪ It makes me wonder if
what I do, is that enough? ♪

♪ Ohh, Lump in my throat

[Engine shuts off, music stops]

I got to say, Cap,

this is a bizarre place for a reunion.

Well, I wanted to keep
it away from the precinct,

- talk man to man.
- Sure. Is everything okay?

I know, Slade... What you've done.

What you're doing with the girls,

the trafficking,
Amparo. I know all of it.

I'm sorry. I-I'm... I'm not following.

You're b*rned, Slade.

Your contact in Cuba told
me all about the girls

he was helping you traffic up
here. What are you talking about?

I don't know anyone in Cuba.

Estevez Crespo...

Ring a bell?

Before I turn you in, I
want to try to help you,

give you a chance to be
honest, for your soul.

Well, it's a little...

a little late to help
me now, don't you think?

- Well, that depends on your story.
- My story?

I had no ties to anybody or anything.

I was practically an orphan.

So you knew that I would
thrive in that world,

pose as a john, get
inside the operation.

So you put me undercover
and you left me there.

You left me there for so long

that I forgot what
the outside felt like.

And that power, that
thrill took over my life.

Well, now the thrill is over.

We gave you every chance to come clean,

- you lying son of a bitch.
- Villa, Villa, what are you doing?

- What?
- Shut up.

We're here because we know
the girls are being kept

in this shipyard somewhere.

Hornstock: And thanks to Captain
Marino, we have the evidence

to take you and your ring down.

You knew what you were
doing, didn't you, Marino?

You put me on that case
because you knew I'd fail,

that people like me...
damaged, broken...

we get addicted.

- But I didn't.
- [Siren wailing]

- Listen... I need you to slap me hard.
- No, Thanny, I can't do that.

- This is my ticket to freedom.
- I know.

I'm going to get you out from Amparo.

- I promise you.
- Then make it look real.

If I'm gonna be your
C.I. and risk my life,

then make it worth it.

I rose in that world.

I did things I wasn't proud of,

things I never thought I was capable of.

But I found Amparo,

and I gave you everything
you needed, didn't I?

And you put him away for
life, and then you promoted me.

You must've seen money to be made.

The American dream, is that what it was?

And after he went to jail,
you decided to take it over,

and you became Amparo.

[Chuckles] Wow.

That's a really
well-crafted story, Slade.

I applaud you.

Now, will someone
handcuff this guy already?

No, see, I applaud you,
because that Cuban contact

I gave you years
ago was Ettore Alves,

not Estevez Crespo.

Now, that's kind of curious
how you knew today's contact

even though you had no idea that
the ring was still happening.

[Chuckling] Whoa, whoa. Whoa. Come on.

What are you guys doing?
He's obviously lying.

We were lying when we told
you this was a sting on Slade.

Yeah, he filled us in
on everything last night.

All we needed was the Cuban Port contact

to end this ring in Cuba, too.

Four days ago, I get a
call from Thanny Torres

because she saw a person in
the paper with a branding.

But she called you first,

because she thought she could trust you.

She wanted to tell you
that Amparo's ring was back.

But by the time I picked
her up at the police station,

she was terrified that you were trying

to silence her for some
reason, and you were.

So that phone call got her k*lled.

You made it seem like she was
just another addict relapsing.

You had her arrested for a false D.U.I.

While in jail, you
contaminated her intoxilyzer.

Villa: Thanny wasn't relapsing.

She was onto a new chapter
of life, about to get married,

and you stole her life one last time.

Okay, look, I-I know
that he's one of your own,

but this is just absurd.

'Cause... Because I know a name?

I mean, come on, you guys
got nothing, all right?

Rosewood: Is your eye bothering you?

Inflammation, itchiness,
marked lacrimation...

See, that's what happens
when you spend a lot of time

around these docks with all these fumes.

And here's the clincher...
That chip you put

in Yaselyn's neck to
track where she's been?

It had this address on
it. And it also had yours.

You thought it was over years
ago when you took me off the case.

Now it's over.

I mean, did you really think
you could work with my people

as bait and force me into
some sort of confession?

[Static crackles, officers
speak indistinctly]

Just... Just... Blue to blue, I'm
not going to make you run for me.

Good. I won't need to.

[Indistinct conversations]

Because, blue to blue,
if you make one move,

you'll feel the wrath
of millions of women

who'd love to roast an animal like you.

Lock this pig up.

- _
- [Siren wailing]

Barbara Dicasoli coming to
you live from the Miami Ports

where a sting operation has taken down

a human-trafficking ring
originating all the way in Cuba.

Look, Slade, I know we
got into this last night,

- but, again...
- Don't.

No, no, I shouldn't
have investigated alone.

With one wrong step, I would've
taken you all down with me,

and I just couldn't live with that.

Every cop has that one
case that haunts them.

You know, Ira, I hope you know

I didn't mean any of those
things I said on the boat.

I was just trying to get
your stubborn ass to leave.

Oh, I know.

But I got to hit you,
and that felt pretty good.

I guess sometimes that's all
you have to do to a brother.

We good?

We're all good.

And like they say, teamwork...

- Oh! No, no, no.
- What? What?

[Elevator bell dings]

[Telephones ringing,
indistinct conversation]

You sent a doctor to my house, man?

Yeah, you know, I thought
I'd call in a favor

so you don't have to
wait on the V.A. line.

And what did I say about
not needing your help?

[Chuckles] It's just a call.

[Scoffs] I'm not your
charity case, Rosie.

Look, Marcos, we're
not in a b*ttlefield,

okay, so you might want to ease up.

I-I-I-Is that an order? Hm?

You ever been to Fallujah?

You ever fired a
w*apon at an enemy, man?

I outrank you there, and
I outrank you right here.

I'm gonna tell you one more time...

Don't cross this bridge.

You know what you are, Rosie?

You're a pathologist
with a weak-ass heart

who couldn't even
protect his own sister.

That's what I got
from your little story.

You know who you're
looking at right now?

Yeah, I'm looking at a man
who got dishonorably discharged

from the Army and is about
to get dishonorably discharged

from his own family if
he doesn't ease... up.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

Break it up!

- Guys! Chill out!
- Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Hey!

- Easy!
- Chill!

[All shouting]

Hornstock: That's it!

[Shouting continues]

[Breathing heavily]