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02x20 - Sphere and Loathing in Outer Space

Posted: 10/12/21 06:20
by bunniefuu
[music playing]

♪ We know who you are ♪

♪ But what are you doing in space ♪

♪ You drift through the stars ♪

♪ You're really all over the place ♪

♪ You're just floating ♪

♪ This is crazy ♪

♪ How you're pushing Off weightless daisies ♪

♪ You've got no pressure suit ♪

♪ Just your clothing ♪

♪ Are you feeling sphere ♪

♪ And lonely ♪

♪ In outer space ♪

-[Melissa] Oh, no. -[Zack] Whoa.

[Zack] Is that...

[Melissa] Milo!

[stammering] Wait. Is he...

What, you mean "dead"? Yeah, probably.

I mean, he's in the cold vacuum of space.

I don't know why he hasn't exploded.

Wait, he's holding his breath.

Actually, that would only explain why he hasn't suffocated, not why he hasn't exploded.

Hey, how about that. He's alive.

I don't know how that's possible, but maybe...

Oh, wait. Where'd he go?


Oh, there he is.

Milo, are you okay?

-How did you... -[barks and sniffs]

-[snarls] -What is it, boy?

-[barks] -What the devil?

He probably smells like outer space.

It's okay. You can breathe now.


[all exclaim]

[inhales deeply]


What have you done with Milo, you alien monster?

-Nice to meet you. -Hey! Let go of him.

And it's nice to meet you too.

Sorry. Is this not some sort of Earth greeting?

What is that abomination?

Said the talking space octopus.

All right, sushi boy. Spill. Where's our friend?

-He's our dinner. -[alarmed] What?

Sorry, my translator was set to dining on other worlds.

Why is that the default setting?

What I meant was, he's our champion.

Then why were you floating out in space looking just like him?

Well, our hull was breached and I was sucked out.

You see, we're immune to the vacuum of space as long as we hold our breath in shapeshift.

Milo was the last one I touched.

So I changed into him.

We need to know where Milo is. Now.

Well, the escape pods were programmed to take them back to our planet so Milo could battle "it."

"It"? What is "it"?

We do not speak its name.

Because it's so terrifying?

No, because we don't know its name.

Some people call it "The Sphere of Calamity" but, you know, is that really a name or more of a description?

Still, it is terrible.

And Milo's headed towards it right now?

Don't worry, he's not alone.

[jet engines roaring]


Oh, hi, guys.

I brought nachos to make up for abandoning you.

Okay. Tell me again why I'm here.

Come over here, Milo, and I'll show you.

[upbeat instrumental music playing]

Well, that looks fun.

Oh. [chuckles] Hold on. It's on the wrong setting.

Try that.

[dramatic music playing]

[Milo] Oh, I see.

What is that?

[alien commander] A sphere of calamity that causes, well...

Calamity wherever it goes.

Whatever can go drastically, horrifically wrong, will go drastically, horrifically wrong.

[Milo gasps] Like Murphy's Law.

[alien commander] Here, we call it, Orgaluth's Law.

Our scientists discovered that the sphere is made of negative probability ions.

The ions that you seem to know how to deal with.

That's why we searched for you.

And abducted me.

Yeah, get over yourself already.

Your ability to deal with the negative ion effect is more advanced than any creature in the galaxy.

[snickers] Oh, thanks.

Milo Murphy, we believe you are the only creature who can save us from this disaster.

If you can't, the sphere will continue to grow and grow and eventually engulf our entire world.

I mean, I'll try my best to help, but...

Of course, try your best. No pressure.

This just in. The Earthling, Milo Murphy is here to save us.

One small slip up on his part could mean the end of everything we've ever known or will know.

Okay, so there's some pressure.

Good luck, kid.

Our lives are in your hands.

See, there it is. The evil sphere.

And you took Milo against his will to battle that?

Well, when you put it like that...

[computer voice] The ship is now in orbit around the planet Octalia.

About time. How do I land this puppy?

Doof, please don't touch any... Wait. What'd you...

[computer voice] Engines offline.

Crash mode imminent.

Computer voice ejecting from ship.

[jet engine roaring]

Good luck, sucker.

[all screaming]

[Dakota] Plummeting... I hate...


[screaming continues]

[Cavendish] Is everyone all right?

[Perry clicking]

-[Melissa] How we doing? -I'm...

-I'm okay. -Really?

'Cause I'm a little freaked out.

I mean, we just crash-landed a UFO on an alien planet.

Exactly. And that's why I'm okay.

Look, we've faced time traveling nut monsters, more wayward construction equipment that I can count, and now, we're halfway across the galaxy on an alien world, trying to find our friend.

Dude, I think I'm done being afraid.

[chuckles] I like this Zack.


[Zack] So, how are we gonna find Milo?

Diogee, you're always finding Milo when I'm with him.

Can you do it again?


Come on.

So, I'll just stay here then, shall I?

Contemplating my tragic existence.

Oh, look at that. He found... Something.

Oh, oh, oh, yuck.

No, no, no, no, no. Ew.

Maybe this is just part of his process.



[all chanting] Milo! Milo!

[chanting continues]

[tires screech]

Huh, looks like we're walking.

-Let's go, let's go! -Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!

[Octopus] No pressure! But we're all dead if you fail.

[tires screech]

Milo, Milo. [coughs]

How would you describe your emotions right now?

-Well... -Just right now.

Just your emotion.

Your emotion. Just, right now.

Well, it's like my dad always says...

[crashing and whirring]

"That is much scarier up close."

So how exactly does the whole shape-shifty thing work?

[stammering] Are you copying your subject or recreating them, or...

[scoffs] They taught us all about it in Health Class.

[shivers] Gross.

We actually absorb part of the molecular structure of the thing we're copying.

You wanna hear gross? Let me tell you about Cavenpuss.

Hey. Where is Cavenpuss?

[relaxed sighs]

Your're not an abomination, Cavenpuss.

You are a vibrant and interesting person slash platypus hybrid and you deserve this.


Wow. A real alien city on another world.

I don't like it here.

The sky's a weird color, the air smells like a combination of Ozone and wintergreen, and worst of all, I have the overwhelming feeling that something very bad is going to...

Hey, how about that. He was right.

[Octopus] Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!

Now where do you suppose they were going in such a hurry?

Two for one sale at the tentacle warmer store? I don't know.

Oh, this is preposterous.

What're you talking about?

We shouldn't even be here. All I want to do is go home.

Oh, come on. For months, you've been going on about saving the Earth and how no one would let you do it.

And now, here's a planet that you can actually help save, and you wanna leave?

By Harry, you're right.

This will be my moment.

Dakota, I fill fulfill my destiny right here on... On...

-[whispers] Octalia. -On Octalia.

Where should we start?

[Melissa] We can start by finding Milo.

If that bus is running away from trouble, then we have to run toward it.

Let's run toward the danger!

Also, I cannot believe I just said that.

-[barks] -[Cavendish] Come on, everyone.

Let's help save this planet.



Well, I guess it's time for me to, um...

What I'm I supposed to do exactly?

Um, stop it?

Oh, see you later! Gotta go! [screams]

[screaming continues]

Okay, Milo. You can do this.

It's just Murphy's Law...


Times a million.

[Milo screaming]



[screaming continues]



The cavalry has arrived.

-[barks] -Diogee.

[sniffs] Oh, you... You smell a little...

Yeah, he rolled in...

So, we hot-wired an alien ship.

-That's cool. -Milo, are you okay?

I was just inside that sphere over there and it...

You were inside that thing?

Yes. And inside, there was a girl.

-What? A girl? -A girl?

[gasps] Wait. She's still alive?

Yeah. Who is she?

That's Orgaluth.

My daughter.

[all] Your daughter?

The end of the world as we know it, will return after these important messages.


Wow, Doc, whatever you gave me really worked.

Nothing hurts. And I must had seven broken bones.


Wow, that's a new record.

Even for Milo.

You'll be completely healed in 47 seconds.

You also may develop telepathy.

I knew you were gonna say that. Whoa!

Milo, you were incredible out there.

Why is your daughter in the middle of that sphere?

Well, you see, when Orgaluth was little, strange incidents occurred around her.

But as she got older, the strange events got more... Severe.

Our best scientists found that Orgaluth was surrounded by a sphere of negative probability ions.

They seemed to be attracted to her specific molecular structure.

But soon, it became so strong, the negative ions consumed her and left only the Sphere of Calamity.

Or so I thought.

-I didn't know she was still in there. -[dings]

Milo, you have to help us fight that thing and get my daughter back.

I'd like to help but I don't think I can do it alone.

Maybe if you and your people all banded together to help me.

You know, sometimes it takes a village to really...

We don't have your skills, Milo.

Or your courage.

We've tried everything.

We end up puddled and bruised every time.

[sighs] I'm afraid we don't have much fight left in us.

I had a little bit of fight left but I used it up untangling the garden hose this morning.

Well, luckily my village followed me here.

We've always got your back.

-[barks] -And your backpack.


Perry the Platypus says we're all gonna die.

-[clicking] -Oh, "try."

He says we're all gonna try.

That's nicer.

Okay, I think I understand the concept of Orgaluth's Law.

So, back on Earth, everyone has negative probability ions surrounding them, which makes everyone subject to Murphy's Law.

[chuckles] Of course, some people have more Murphy's Law than others.

That's you. The big one is you.

Yes, that's me.

The equivalent on this planet is called Orgaluth's Law.

And unfortunately, it all seems to be concentrated on poor Orgaluth.

Nobody else has any.

Well, there's gotta be a way to spread it out or make it smaller.

What do you think, Dr. D?

Okay, guys, break it up. I'm on.

Well, I did bring some "enators" with me.

Let's see. We got the Chicken Replacenator, and the Reducenator.

Hey, maybe we could sh**t that at the sphere.

Are there even chickens on this planet?

No, the Reducenator.

Oh, the Reducenator.

[gasps] That would totally work better.

One blast with this baby, and it'll turn all those negative probability ions into little itty-bitty ionitas, as the Spanish would say.

But, how do we get Milo close enough to use it?

Oh, I got it.

If we all work together, we can do it.

Here, look. Let's just say... Let's... This, and this.

And, wait. Okay.

This sandwich represents all the bad things that are happening around Orgaluth's sphere It's huge.

It'd be impossible for one person to deal with all of this.

You can't eat a sandwich that big.

But, if we work together, like, say, me and Cavendish take a bite over here and Doof and Perry take this bite, and the kids are all over here like that, and then maybe I come back and have another bite, because this sandwich looks really good.

Milo might just be able to handle the rest of it.

Work together.

Yeah, as a village.

Let's do it for Orgaluth.

-Yeah, come on. -[Melissa] Yeah!

You're thinking about eating a sandwich, aren't you?

And you're not?


[Orgaluth] Hello? Space kid?

Where'd you go?

You guys look great.

Prepared and protected.

Time to go eat a giant, glowing...

Lighting-sh**ting sandwich.

Yummy, yummy.

Milo, fall in behind us.

-Diogee, you're with me. -[barks]

All right. Let's get in close with this Reducenator.

This is Zorb Zerbavoir here with the battle of the century.

Milo Murphy versus the Sphere of Calamity.

Only one will survive.

Brought to you by Vorpel Wrap.

When your Vorpels need to stay fresh.


[instrumental music playing]

♪ I'm not a rock I'm not a statue made of stone ♪

♪ I'm not some mighty super structure ♪

♪ I'm just out here on my own ♪

♪ I'm not so sturdy that I can Stand alone against the squall ♪

♪ So if you knock me down I'm gonna fall ♪

♪ I fall down ♪

♪ If I get tripped ♪

♪ I fall down ♪

♪ If I lose my grip ♪

♪ I fall down ♪

♪ If I get tripped ♪

♪ Go over a rail or hit In the head with a pail ♪

♪ I fall down ♪

♪ If I slip on debris ♪

♪ I fall down ♪

♪ Clobbered by a tree ♪

♪ I fall down ♪

♪ Hit with a mean marquee ♪

♪ Or pretty much anything Bigger than me ♪

♪ I fall down, yes I'll fall down, but then ♪

♪ I get back up again ♪

♪ So, I'm not made of brick ♪

♪ You know that I'm not made of straw ♪

♪ I won't fall into pieces With some fundamental flaw ♪

♪ I can't take this all day long ♪

♪ I'm just talking I'm not joking ♪

♪ I may get beaten But I'm never broken... ♪ Um, hey, guys?

-[Milo] Guys, I'm trapped. -[groans]

Can... Can I get a hand? Anybody?


Oh, thanks.



What's going on?

I am Milo.

I am Milo.

I am Milo!

I am Milo.

I am Milo.

I am Mikey!

-Milo. -Is that his name?

I thought you guys didn't have any fight left in you.

After seeing you out there, we got our delicious Vorpel cutlets with gravy back.

Darn this translator.

Yeah, we got our courage back.

For my daughter, maybe we can still be a village.

♪ I fall down ♪

♪ If I slip on the ice ♪

♪ I fall down ♪

♪ And it don't feel nice ♪

♪ I fall down ♪

♪ If you hit me twice ♪

♪ With the big boogey fight Or flotation device ♪

♪ I fall down ♪

♪ If I slip on a peel ♪

♪ I fall down ♪

♪ You know it's no big deal ♪

♪ I fall down ♪

♪ It's a little surreal ♪

♪ To get hit by nails And tractor wheels ♪

♪ I fall down, yes I'll fall down, but then ♪

♪ I get back up again ♪

[wind blowing]

All right, time to reduce those ions.

Oh, come on! Really?


No, Diogee. Let it go!

Come on, Milos. We've gotta fall back.

We have to figure out a way to reduce Orgaluth's negative ion without the enator.

Wait a minute. That blue guy told me that whenever they turn into somebody, they absorb some of their molecular structure.

[Loab] That's true. It's disgusting.

Hey, everyone. Instead of being me, be Orgaluth.

Be Orgaluth?

Oh, I'm tasting what you're cooking.

But the Octalians need to touch her to do it and we still can't get close.


My Reducenator?

Oh, it was set on reverse.

That makes sense.

I got it.

Everyone, follow Diogee.

Go get the ball, Diogee.

The really big ball.


Yeah, this is...


Space kid?

Hi, Orgaluth. I'm Milo.

I... I know you've had a rough time, but I brought some help.

-Mom. -My baby girl!


What're you doing?

Being a village.

Everyone, reach to your neighbor.

It's working.

Oh... Oh, my gosh. [stammers] It's over.

Baby girl.

-[all cheering] -Thank you all for saving me.

[all exclaim]

Orgaluth, you've just been released from the Sphere of Calamity.

How are you feeling? Like, are we on holovision?

[scoffs] I must look terrible.

All my friends from school are gonna see this.


You destroyed the school.

[chuckles] That's a relief.

Teenagers, am I right?

Milo. I don't have any words except, you look delicious.

-[electronic buzz] -Ooh. [chuckles]

-Sorry. Default mode. -That's okay.

You look delicious too.

Ow! Was that you?

I don't think so.

Actually, I think it was you.

Now that you've all absorbed some or Orgaluth's energy, everyone has a tiny touch of Orgaluth's Law.

[Milo] So, I want you all to remember.

Sometimes things will go wrong, but don't be afraid.

You can face it together without fear.

-[all cheering] -Milo!

No fear?

No fear.

Oh. Uh... Er...

-[imitating kissing sound] -Get on the ship, wise guy.

So, what did I miss?

-[all screaming] -It's an abomination!

[screaming continues]

Oh. [sighs]

Ah, don't take it personal.

And how can I not take it personally?

[Doofenshmirtz] Join a support group.

Come on. Let's go home and get us a real sandwich.

[Milo] Well, it'll be good to get back to our planet where the only thing we have to deal with is Murphy's Law.


I think we're gonna need another ship.

♪ It's my world And we're all livin' in it ♪

♪ Go, Milo Go, Milo, go ♪

♪ Oh, thanks, everybody That is so motivational ♪

♪ Go, Milo Go, Milo, go ♪

♪ Whoa ♪

♪ Whoa ♪

♪ I'm not sitting here Watching the world turn ♪

♪ You know I'd rather spin it ♪

♪ Go, Milo Go, Milo, go ♪

♪ It's my world And we're all livin' in it ♪