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09x04 - Sparkle's Seven

Posted: 10/11/21 08:11
by bunniefuu

Twilight! Look at the
scroll I just got!

♪ [trumpet fanfare] ♪

Do you know what
this means?

Uh huh!

Uh, I don't. What's so
exciting about a toy crown?

Oh, this is no toy crown.

It's the hard-won helm
of the Sibling Supreme!

When Shining Armor
and I were small,

we competed over


To keep it friendly, our
parents gave us gold stars

every time we did
something special.


Getting good grades...

Even telling a
really funny joke!

And at the end of each week,
we'd add up the stars.


The sibling with the
most would win the crown

of the Sibling Supreme

and bragging rights
till next time!

Guess that explains
your love of charts.

And so much else.

I always wanted to be
Sibling Supreme one day.

Meet me at Celestia's Castle

to decide who deserves the
crown once and for all.

Race ya there.


Guess I'll...
watch the school?

♪ My little pony,
my little pony ♪

♪ Aaaahhh ♪

♪ My little Pony ♪

♪ I used to wonder what
friendship could be. ♪

♪ My Little Pony ♪

♪ Until you all shared
its magic with me. ♪

♪ Big adventure! ♪
♪ Tons of fun ♪

♪ A beautiful heart! ♪ ♪
Faithful and strong! ♪

♪ Sharing kindness ♪
♪ it's an easy feat ♪

♪ And magic makes it
all complete! ♪

♪ To have my little pony ♪

♪ Do you know you're all
my very best friends? ♪



Season 09 Episode 04
Episode Title: "Twilight's Seven"


[door opens]


You're wearing it?

Look, I know you've
always held a grudge

because I left
home with this.

Grudge? Pff. What grudge?

Just because you've
had it for way longer

than you should have,
and I never got

a chance
to win it back...

With the return of Sombra,
Princess Luna and I

felt it was time to reinforce
the castle's defenses.

I said we could
do it ourselves,

but some ponies
are a bit stubborn.

So I asked our old Captain of
the Guard to handle the job.

I've taken the security
here to a new level.

The only thing I need now
is somepony to test it.

You want me to break
into Celestia's castle?

If you can get past my
defenses, steal the crown,

and get out, you'll be
Sibling Supreme.


[dreamy] Forever!

BUT, if you fail,
I keep the crown.

DEAL! Wait! Are you
sure this counts?

Mom and Dad aren't
giving us any stars.

Celestia: I will represent
their authority.

And thank you, Twilight.
Your help will reveal

if there are any
holes in our security.

And there aren't.

I've designed a
multi-tiered, impenetrable,

line of defense.

The castle is
surrounded by shards

of Queen Chrysalis' throne.

Thanks to Starswirl, its
anti-magic powers are now

tuned to stop anycreature from
using a spell to get inside.

You can't fly in either.

Giant fans keep any
creature from flying

too close to the castle.

Plus the entrances to the
tunnels below the castle

have been sealed. So there's
no underground access.

And even if you could
get in, which you can't,

I've doubled the
ranks of security.

Ponies protect every
hallway and door,

which can only be opened
with Royal Guard medals.


Even if you brought an army...

the throne room is the
safest spot in Equestria.

I rigged a floor
trap to activate

at the slightest touch.

[metallic ]

But say you avoid the floor.

Still no luck.

Because I've employed
Nature's alarm system.

[loud honking]


You can hear their honks
all the way in Ponyville.


Plus they bite.


♪ [pensive music] ♪


So that's what we're up against.

That's a barrel and
a half of obstacles,

plus a bushel and peck
of impenetrability.

And all this is to win
some fillyhood competition

with your brother?

It's more than that!
OK, it's exactly that.

And to protect
Celestia's castle.

If it means that much to
you, Twilight, we're in.

I was already in.

C'mon, who doesn't want
to hang with geese?

Of course we'll
help. But how?

Shining Armor may have come
up with some great security,

but he'll never guess
Twilight's plan.

We play to our strengths

and defeat all of the
security measures.

That way, if one of
us fails, the others

will still have a shot
at getting the crown.

Pinkie, you'll distract the
guards with a surprise party.

Yes sir, Twilight sir!

Applejack, you'll buck your
way into the sealed tunnels.

Rainbow Dash, if anypony can
outfly those wind turbines,

it's you.

Rarity, you'll sew
us guard costumes

so we can sneak past security.

Then Fluttershy will disable
the throne room alarm

by charming the geese.


It's from Shining Armor.

Dear Twily, Hope your
idea isn't just...[muttering]

Tunnels! He guessed
your whole plan!


Pinkie party, Rarity costumes...

Signed, the future Sibling
Supreme? Oh, come on!

Rarity: Twilight, darling.

Nopony knows you better
than your own brother.

So you're saying
I should give up?

I'm saying your
brother will win.

No matter how
brilliant your plan is,

no matter how many
variations you try,

it will be something
your brother expects

and he'll always win. Unless...

When the perfect
chance comes along,

you do something he can't
expect. Then, you'll win.

You've been practicing
that speech, haven't you?

A little bit. It felt like
I rushed. Did I rush it?

Absolutely not.

Oh! No!

Yeah, it was fastish.

We have to do the opposite of
what Shining Armor expects.

Therefore, Twilight cannot
mastermind the plan...

but I can!

That's... definitely


How is you making
a break-in plan

the opposite of
Twilight doing it?

Because my plan is for
each of us to devise

our own unexpected
part of it!

Allow me to demonstrate.


[door slams open]

We're looking for a
pony with information.


We got questions, and
you're gonna serve us up

some answers,
juice jockey.

Where is the secret
entrance to the passages

under Canterlot Castle?

Shining Armor sealed them all.
There is no secret entrance.

There's always a
secret entrance!

So make like a glass
of OJ and spill.

Ooh! Ooh! I know what I can do!

You're gonna need a lookout, so
I can be your eye in the sky!

Too low, silly, up here!

♪ [upbeat music] ♪


[goofy laughter]

Oh, Pinkie! That tickles!



How about somethin' a little
more down to earth. Like...

I distract the guard ponies
with a farewell performance

by my alter ego, famous
country western super-star,

Apple Chord!

I didn't know you
had an alter-ego.

And why would she be giving
a farewell performance?

Well, it's a long story.

Back on the farm,

playin' music was about
makin' her family smile.


Word of her talent spread,

and soon Apple Chord
was playin' real shows.


The more she played, the
bigger those shows got.


But she missed playin'
for her family.

♪ [sad music] ♪

So one day, she gave it all up.


Seeing her family smile
was all she ever wanted

from her music.

Of course, Apple Chord could
come out of retirement

for a farewell
concert this one time.

Wait. Did you just
make all that up

or did that actually happen?


It doesn't matter. It's
perfect! Fluttershy? Spike?

I guess the opposite
of what I'm good at

is being in small spaces.

I always wanted
to be a super spy.

Is that the opposite
of anything?

Special Agent Fluttershy,
target detected below.

It's almost too easy.

♪ [thriller music] ♪




I guess I'm the only one left
that still needs a plan.

Oh, no, darling, that IS the
plan. You shall do nothing!


Shining Armor definitely
won't expect that.

♪ [military snare drum] ♪


♪ [banjo strum] ♪

Applejack? What are you doing?

Applejack? Heh, heh, who's
that? My name's Apple Chord

and I've got a couple
of songs to play for ya.

Clap your hooves if you know
'em. And a one and a two and a..

♪ My love is like a barrel ♪

♪ A barrel full of hay. ♪

[whistling wind]


The Wonderbolts did a flyby,

and the only way
past those giant fans

and into the castle
ducts is here.

But there's no
room for mistakes!

Pinkie: Just like
space travel!


Uh, Pinkie, we're not actually
going INTO space, right?

No, silly! I'm
dropping you two off

as soon as we're
close to the fans.

Then I'm going
into space.



You're up to
something, Twily.

Nope. Just looking
at the flowers.

[sniff] Ahhh.



Ooh! Maybe Rarity's
plan will work!

Canterlot, we have a problem!


I know that one's
a crowd favorite.

What's say we play
it one more time?

And a one, and a two and a --


A distraction's a distraction.




Where's Spike
and Fluttershy?

Did they make it
into the castle?

They jumped out right before
the balloon went TBBBTHHHH.

But that's all I could see
without being in space.

Where I didn't get to go.

Let's hope Rarity and Rainbow
Dash had better luck.

What's this? Closed?

The Seedy Juice Joint
is always closed

around this time.

Then how can we shake
down Ne'er Do Wells

for information?

What sort of
information do you need?

Um, the location to
a secret entrance

to the passages under
Canterlot Castle?

You mean that one?

Yes. Thank you.
That will do nicely.

Zephyr Breeze?

Oh, ho ho ho, darling; this
couldn't be more perfect.

How is this perfect?

He's the most annoying
pony in Equestria,

and he's totally
obsessed with me,

and we have to come up
with a way to distract.

Oh, no! No way! Uh, uh!




Rainbow! I knew
you'd come running

when you heard I
got this job.

The mares love a pony
in uniform, am I right?

Not really.

I mean, totally.

Why don't you step
into the light

so I can see how
handsome you look in it?


I told the Sarge that gold
kinda clashes with my aura,

but apparently, they
aren't big on "input".

Still, I totally manage
to rock the look,

don't you think?

Yep. You're real
guard material.

I'm part of the castle team
now, so I'm basically...

Whoa, we got a swooner!

It's good you're
finally being honest

with your feelings
for me, Rainbows.

[gag] Yech!

The truth is such a gift.

Like, I had to follow my bliss
to see guarding is my calling.

Like look at me go. I'm going
to walk over here and I go woo!

Over there! And I go yeah!

And sometimes I just stand
like this and look real cool

and I go down the
hallway going...



We'll have to glide to
the throne. No flapping.

[low squawk]

[loud squawking]


Sister! Another false alarm

from Shining
Armor's guard geese!


We should have heard by now.

Something must have gone wrong.

Pinkie: Probably
several somethings.

No lookout, no distraction,

and no word from
the ponies inside.

I'm starting to think
this whole operation

might be a giant flop.


[panicked gasping]

Oh, no!

Gee, Fluttershy,

I thought your whole
"small spaces" thing

was just part of the
plan to be unexpected.

Once I got trapped in the
Castle of the Two Sisters,

and Angel Bunny and
I were separated.

Now whenever I'm in a tiny room,
it's all I can think about!

I was so worried he felt
alone and forgotten.

I know what
that's like.

What do you mean?

I was always excited to
be a part of Twilight's

and Shining Armor's rivalry,
like I was their little brother,

but they never really
thought of me that way.

I know they both have a special
place in their heart for you,

but sibling dynamics
are hard. Trust me.

Ugh. Right. Zephyr Breeze.

Honestly, he could
learn a lot from you

about being a
little brother.


I'm sick of being lost
in these slimy corridors too,

but you shouldn't pull every
lever you come across.

Half of them are traps.

And the other half might
open a secret passage

to the castle!

[yelling] It's not
worth the risk!

[sweet] Oh,
hello, Spike.

Even if we did find our
way into the castle,

we'd still have all
of those guards--


What are you guys
doing down here?

We kind of fell
through the floor.

I don't think our
plan is working.

If we've both
hit dead ends,

perhaps we should return to
the outside and revaluate.



[panicked panting]


What are you all doing out here?

In retrospect, our plan might
have been too unexpected.

Every part of it failed? Oh,
now I'll never get the crown.

Maybe we should go back to
doing things the Twilight way.

You mean, the
totally expected way?

It may not be a surprise,

but you have a pretty good
record for planning things.

Then I guess it's worth
a try. Thanks, Spike.

What are little
brothers for?

OK. You all know
what to do!



[excited chatter]

At least one part of
our unexpected plan

worked unexpectedly.

[doorknob clicks open]

♪ [tense music] ♪



To be fair, it was never made
specifically clear to me

what "guarding" actually
means. So this is on you.


I'm strong, Twilight,
but not even I

can buck through solid rock.

That's why I brought
a specialist.

[clink clink]





Next shift. You're on break.



You've been
glaring so hard!

Who wants a feather massage?

[curious squawks]

We mapped this out when
we got lost down here.

The lever to the secret
hallway entrance should be...



I can't believe this worked!

I guess sometimes the best
plan is the one you expect.

All I have to do now is fly
over and take the crown,

and I'll be Sibling
Supreme forever.

Not exactly.

♪ [dramatic] ♪

Oh, come on!

Gotta admit, it was
unexpected for you to do

everything exactly how
I thought you would.

But you should know
by now there's no way

to beat the true

I am sorry, Twilight,
but it looks as though.

Shining Armor has
truly won the crown.

That's the thing about looks...

...they can be deceiving!


How in Equestria
did you do it?

Come on. You two don't
think you have the only

sibling rivalry. I had
an inside pony help.

It wasn't hard to miss
there was some disagreement

on the whole "security" thing.

Luna: I said we could
do it ourselves,

but some ponies are
a bit more stubborn.

So, while Shining
Armor went on and on

about all his improved
security measures,

Luna and I struck a deal.

She put Zephyr in
charge of the catacombs

and helped keep Celestia
out of the castle hallways.

Once Luna was on board, I
just had to do my part...

...and make sure we
stuck to Twilight's plan,

so we'd all get to the throne
room at the same time.

I knew Shining Armor
would let it play out

until the last
possible second.

Then, while everyone was
distracted by his gloating,

all Luna had to do was
float the crown over to me.


I apologize for not listening
to your concerns, sister.

It seems we need
to make adjustments

to account for threats inside
the castle as well as out.

If you agree?

If you think it's
worth discussing.

So... if Twilight and
Shining Armor failed...

who gets the crown?

The true Sibling Supreme. Spike.


The little brother
we've always had!