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09x02 - "The Beginning of the End" (Part 2)

Posted: 10/11/21 08:08
by bunniefuu
It is time
for us to retire.

And you want me
to take your place?

With the help of
your friends, of course.

You may call
me Grogar.

Together, Equestria
will be ours.

I will take back the
Crystal Empire on my own!

How are we
going to stop them?

With the
Elements of Harmony!

With those, we can
defeat anypony.

♪ My little pony,
my little pony ♪

♪ Aaaahhh ♪

♪ My little Pony ♪

♪ I used to wonder what
friendship could be. ♪

♪ My Little Pony ♪

♪ Until you all shared
its magic with me. ♪

♪ Big adventure! ♪
♪ Tons of fun ♪

♪ A beautiful heart! ♪
♪ Faithful and strong! ♪

♪ Sharing kindness ♪
♪ it's an easy feat ♪

♪ And magic makes it
all complete! ♪

♪ To have my little pony ♪

♪ Do you know you're all
my very best friends? ♪


Season 09 Episode 02
Title: "The Beginning of the End (Part 2)"

What just happened!

The Tree of Harmony can't
really be gone, can it?

It can't be.

But it is! You thought
you'd defeated me,

but you led
me right to

the source of
your power!

Now that it's

nothing can stop me!

He's right. With
the Elements gone,

I don't know how
we can defeat him.

Then we'll just have to beat
him the old-fashioned way!


Ha! You're no match for me!

I will finally rule
the Crystal Empire.

Wait. With you out of the way,
I will rule all of Equestria!


Oh, yes. And I think I know
exactly where I'll start!

Don't you dare say it.

Your sweet little home town.

You leave Ponyville alone!

Or what?

Without your Elements, it would
be so easy to control you.

But there's no point,

my conquering Ponyville is
already your greatest fear!

Ha ha ha ha!


What do we do?

I don't know. The Tree of
Harmony grew the Elements;

it kept the Everfree
Forest under control.

And now it's gone.

Sombra will take
over Equestria,

and it's all my fault.

I knew I wasn't ready to
take the Princesses' place,

but I never thought
I'd mess up this badly.

What are you
looking at me for?

This is usually when
you say something funny

to lift our spirits.

Sorry, nothing about
this is funny to me.

I'm sorry, I'm
trying to be strong,

but I just can't bear to think
about poor Sweetie Belle

under the spell
of that monster.

Or those sweet
little Cake twins.

Or Spike or Starlight.

Or Angel or anypony forced
to do that monster's bidding!

What the...

Twilight, what are you doing?

We can't just stay here.

I don't have a plan and I don't
know what I'm going to do

once we get out,
but we can't just sit here

and let Sombra make slaves
of every pony we love.

Let me help. I'm faster.

I like digging.

I've been known to
get my hooves dirty.

Move over, y'all!

Normally I wouldn't dream
of digging, but right now...

Show me the muddy!

Apple Bloom!

It's me. Look at
me, sugarcube!

Twilight, you gotta
free her, please.

I-I-can't. Without
the Elements,

my magic isn't strong
enough to stop Sombra's!


Spike, where are you
going? Starlight?

We must lay siege to Canterlot.

No! Snap out of it, you two!

You're stronger than his magic.

Belle, please stop!

I can't get her to stop.
I can't get her to...

None of us can. We
can't reach them.

He made them bake a black
licorice fruitcake that says.

"Congratulations to our
favorite Supreme Emperor,

King Sombra!" in
green frosting.

It's the ugliest
cake I've ever seen!

Twilight, this is
bad. Like really bad.

I've never been so
sad in my whole life.

I don't know what to do.
I don't know how to free them

and I don't know
how to stop Sombra!

Everypony was so sure
I'd do such a great job.

Well, this is exactly
what I was afraid of.

Could anything else
possibly go wrong?

Well, with the Tree
of Harmony gone,

the Everfree Forest
could grow out of control

and thr*aten the town.

Darling, that's
oddly specific.

Even if we figure out
how to defeat Sombra

and bring everypony
back to Ponyville,

if we don't stop the forest,

there won't be a
Ponyville to come back to.


For our friends.

For our families.

For our home.

For Equestria.


You! Break it down.

They've fled.
Celestia and Luna are too cowardly

to even stand against me.

Equestria is mine!

Come on, everypony!

We've been at this for hours,

but it's just growin'
back too fast!

We have to keep trying!

I know we're supposed to
be able to handle things

on our own, but I've
never been happier

to see two ponies
in my whole life!

Nopony is meant to
handle this on their own.

Starswirl! The Tree
of Harmony, it's...

I know. I alerted the
princesses as soon as I could.

I felt it, when it happened.

Like part of my essence
just ceased to be.

I know what you mean.
I'm sorry.

Don't be. I've more
than enough magic in me

to keep the Everfree
Forest under control.

You can do that?

The Pillars and I planted
the Tree of Harmony.

Who do you think kept
the Forest under control

before it did?

It will take time,

but with the Princesses'
help, I can keep it at bay.

Aw, yeah! Go get 'em, Beardy!

Sombra's back and he's taken
control of all of our friends.

We've left Canterlot

Twilight, you must
go! Defend Equestria

and we shall
contain the forest.

At least now we're back
to just one problem.

Aw, everypony's all evil-y.

Sombra's going
to force us

to fight our way
through our friends?

Not if I can help it!

OK. Guess we need a
different plan. Twilight?

I don't know! I'm not
prepared to fight against

the citizens of Equestria.

I guess that's one more
thing I'm not ready to do.

Well, we'd better figure
out something quick

because none of them seem
to have a problem with it.

Sorry about this, Fancy Pants!

We promise we'll let y'all
out as soon as we can!

Will I go here?

Or here?

Or here or there!



I don't know how long
we can hold them off.

And holding them off
isn't what we need anyhow.

We need to get inside.

But we can't just
leave them here,

all possessed and Sombrafied.

What do we do, Twilight?

I don't know, but
we can't stay here.

I'm sorry we couldn't
help our friends,

but I didn't know
what else to do.

At least we're inside.

Yeah. All we have to do
now is defeat King Sombra.

I... we...

Oh, my. No Elements?
No princesses?

Seems like you're in
a bit of a pickle.

Or are you in
more of a jam?


Discord! What are
you doing here?

Well, I was going to hang
these up all over the castle

to celebrate your coronation,

but apparently, it's
a bit premature.

I'm so glad to see you!

We could really use
some all-powerful.

Lord of Chaos' help right now.

Moi? Oh, I couldn't possibly.

Aw, poodles!

Discord, please?

Ugh. Fine.

Just to be clear, I was really
rooting for you to do this

on your own and parlay
that confidence boost

into being the best Protectors
of Equestria you can be.

A little less talking and
a little more helping!

Thank you, Discord!

I don't know what
we'd do without you.

OK, "King" Sombra. Time
to give up the crown.

Here to fight the good fight
with nothing but your wits?

Admirable, but foolish.


Well, I guess it's on
me to be the MVP today.

I was betting on you, and
I do hate being wrong.

Although if you think about it,

I am your friend so maybe you
win because friendship wins?

Although Fluttershy should
get most of the credit for that.

She's my favorite.


Not even the Lord of Chaos
can stand against me!

I am truly the most powerful
creature in Equestria!


We need you!

Please wake up. Please wake up.


I'm so glad you're OK. We
can't beat him without you.

You couldn't beat
me with him either!

It would appear that
you're on your own.

I have nothing left to give.

That's it then. We're doomed?

Of course you are!

I can't believe it's taken
you this long to realize it!

Now, how shall I
eliminate all this clutter

in my throne room?

Listen to me.
You don't need me.

You don't need the princesses

and you certainly don't
need the Elements.

Fluttershy, you will
always be kind.

Applejack, you will
always be honest.

Rarity, you'll
always be generous.

And Rainbow Dash will
be loyal as can be.

Pinkie will always bring
laughter wherever she goes

and Twilight, you are
and always will be

the embodiment of Magic.

You lost sight of
what's in front of you.

You're here, together,
willing to give

everything you've
got for Equestria.

Nothing and no pony can ever
take that away from you

because that's who you are.

It's going to take more
than a sentimental speech

to save you.

Discord's right.

We've proven
time and time again

that the real magic is the
six of us working together.

With these girls by my
side, I'm not afraid of you.

I'm not afraid of what you can
do or how much power you have.

You should be.

You may knock us down, but we're
going to get back up again.

And again.

And again. As long
as we're together,

we will never stop
trying to defeat you.

For our friends.

For our families.

For our Home.

For Equestria.

No! This can't be possible!
Your magic can't defeat mine!

I destroyed the
source of your power.

You can't destroy our
friendship, Sombra.

And we keep telling bad guys.

But y'all just don't
seem to remember.

Friendship is magic.


Do you want more juice?

Only if it's not too much
trouble, and it's red,

and it has one of those little
umbrellas, and two cherries.

No no. Actually make it three.
And maybe some doughnuts?

I see you've made
yourselves at home.

Celestia! Luna! I know
what you're going to say.

I should have called on
you as soon as I knew

how dangerous it was.

A good leader knows when to
ask for help and I didn't.

And because of me, the Tree
of Harmony was destroyed.

Equestria deserves somepony
much better than me

as its leader.

You're right.


About one thing. A good leader
knows when to ask for help.

But a great leader has
the courage to admit

when they've
made a mistake

and the strength
to make it right.

Today, you've proven to
me beyond any doubt,

that you will be a
great leader.

Will be?

Luna and I have decided
it may have been

a bit unfair to thrust
this upon you

without giving you the
time you need to prepare.

Oh, thank goodness! I
really wasn't ready.

Not ready? So Twilight's
not taking over?

This was all for nothing?

I pretended to be
very hurt and gave

one of the most convincing
speeches of my life.


Of course. You don't
think some would-be-king

could actually hurt the
Lord of Chaos, do you?

Anyway, as I was saying,
I pretended to be very hurt

to convince you that
you didn't need anything

but yourself to be
the incredible leader

I know you can be! And
now it's not happening?

It will, but when she's ready.

How can she not be ready?

What a waste of a perfectly
wonderful speech!

Honestly, I don't know
why I even bother!

So he could have ended
the whole Sombra thing

whenever he wanted.

But he didn't because he cares.

That's Discord for you.

He sure has a weird way
of being supportive.

Super odd dude.

I heard that.

Also, truth be told, Celestia
and I had fun today,

fighting side-by-side with
Starswirl for our home!

It's been years since we've
gotten to do what you girls do.

You all make it look so easy.

Well, we are kind of
an awesome team.

Every adventure
is heart-pounding

but so rewarding!

I'm up for anything, as long
as it's with all of you!

Life certainly hasn't
been dull since we met.

Nowhere else I'd rather be.

We are pretty
incredible together.

And we would do
anything for Equestria.

I guess I know,
when the time comes,

as long as we're
together, we probably...


We definitely got this.

Now, I'll say something
nice about centaurs.

Tirek, you say something
nice about changelings.

And Chrysalis, you say
something nice about ponies.


Let us hope the three of you
will be enough for my plans.

And what of King Sombra?

Did he succeed?


I'd say he gambled and lost.

But at least he can
serve as a warning

to those who doubt
continuing with my plans.

Unless any of you have doubts.

Not I.

- No.
- I'm good.

Then we shall join
forces and work together

to bring Equestria
to its knees.

♪ My Little Pony ♪

♪ My Little Pony ♪

♪ My Little Pony ♪

♪ Friends ♪