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09x01 - "The Beginning of the End" (Part 1)

Posted: 10/11/21 08:07
by bunniefuu
Oh, good,
we're all here!

So everypony got an urgent
summons to the castle

with no explanation?

Yup! I just love a good
mysterious summons.

What's it about?
Do you think it's a surprise party?

Hey, why are we running?

Because something could
be terribly wrong!

Somepony turned bad,

another evil creature
back for revenge.

Don't you think you're
being a little paranoid?

Why else would the princesses
send scrolls in such a hurry?

Good point. They'd know
better than to make us worry.

Plus, I like it when
you run so fast;

the walls get all blurry.

Wheee! Race ya!

Girls, thank you
so much for coming.

What's wrong?
What can we do?

That's just it. Nothing's
wrong. Everything's perfect!

Did y'all call us down
here just to tell us that?

With all due
respect, Majesties,

you might want to save
your urgent summons

for matters that are a
bit more... well, urgent?

Well, there is more to it.

Equestria is currently
enjoying its longest period

of harmony in recent years.

And it's all thanks
to you, Twilight.

And your
friends, of course.

Who, us?

Oh, pshaw!

It's about time
you noticed!

Thank you.

Because of your efforts,

there' been less
and less for us to do!

So, after much consideration,
my sister and I have decided

it is time for us to retire.

Breaking News!
The royal princesses retiring?

I have so many

Who'll take over?
Who will run Equestria?

Will it be someone
tall, dark, and handsome

or will it be the
Lord of Chaos?

Ugh. Fine, go with
the obvious choice.

♪ My little pony,
my little pony ♪

♪ Aaaahhh ♪

♪ My little Pony ♪

♪ I used to wonder what
friendship could be. ♪

♪ My Little Pony ♪

♪ Until you all shared
its magic with me. ♪

♪ Big adventure! ♪
♪ Tons of fun ♪

♪ A beautiful heart! ♪
♪ Faithful and strong! ♪

♪ Sharing kindness ♪
♪ it's an easy feat ♪

♪ And magic makes it
all complete! ♪

♪ To have my little pony ♪

♪ Do you know you're all
my very best friends? ♪


Season 09 Episode 01
Title: "The Beginning of the End (Part 1)"

You're retiring?

Princesses can retire!

Of course we can!
I, for one, am looking forward

to a little R&R,
maybe a trip to Silver Shoals.

And you want me to
take your place?

Mm hm!

With the help of your
friends, of course.

We can't think of
anypony more worthy.

Over the years, we've
watched you grow.

You've faced
task after task.

after challenge.

...countless adversities.
Yeah, yeah, we get it.

And you've always

Thank you, but that
doesn't mean that I'm...

That we're ready
to do what you do!

Of course you are. I realize
this is a lot to take in, but...

Nope! Makes perfect
sense. We're awesome.

Does this mean we
get all your powers?

I call dibs on showing
up in everypony's dreams!

You can't be ready to step
into their horse shoes

just like that.

Well, if the Princesses
think it's time to retire,

we're not a bad choice.

We always have Equestria's
best interests at heart.

That's a fair point,

which should be taken
into consideration

when we have a

- discussion.
- Well, I'm in.

Darlings! We'll all need a
complete wardrobe update.

And I would love to pick your
brain about mane maintenance.

When you have a moment.

As long as we all have each
other, I'm sure we can do it.


Protectors of Equestria
on three. One, two...

If you're all on board,
I guess I am too.

Protectors of Equestria!

It'll be a bit of
an adjustment,

but I imagine the
transfer of power

will be a lengthy process

- which will give me...
- Actually, we just need a few days

to put together a
little ceremony.

Heh heh.
A few days?

But... but that's so soon!

Shouldn't there be some
sort of training program?

That lasts weeks, no,
months, if not years?

Everything you've gone
through over the years

has been a
training program.

OK, but there's got to be
a guide or a rule book?

Yes, I have it right here:

"How to Rule Equestria"
by Nopony McPretendsmith.

The Friendship Journal
you wrote yourselves

is a better guide than
any we could provide.

We have the utmost
confidence in you.

And we hope you have
the same in yourself.

Oh, I'm absolutely
certain she does.

I am not confident
about this at all!

Well, that's what I thought.
I was being sarcastic before.

What? This is all
so predictable.

Now's the part where you all
tell little Sparkle here

that everything is
going to be fine.

But she won't believe you. I
don't need to be here for this.

It's just, I know I said
yes, but then they said

"in a few days" and there's
still so much to figure out.

It's all happening so fast!

I think I need some...

OK. I'll feel
much better...

Once you make
a plan?

Oh. Wow. It's
like you...

Knew you were going to
react this way? We did.

Classic Twilighting.

"Twilighting?" You...
you made me a verb?

It's not a bad thing, we just
know you have a process.

Stage one. You get big
news, and you're like "No!"

But then you pace, and
you chart, you worry.

It's OK. You go
ahead and "Twilight"

and we'll be here for you.

You're all acting so calm,
but this is a big deal!

What will we do if
something big happens

and the princesses
aren't there to help?

Um... If you think about it,

they literally
almost never help.


And we still always win.

Like when Sombra almost took
back the Crystal Empire,

or when Chrysalis
pretended to be Cadance,

or when Tirek came back and
absorbed all the magic,

or the other time Chrysalis
tried to take over,

or with Cozy Glow and the
school. Am I missing anything?

Pony of Shadows.

Starlight when
she was evil.

Discord when he was evil.

Do Flim and
Flam count?

See? We've almost
always done things

without the princesses' help.

Which makes sense now because
it was all just training

for you to take over.

And it worked.
I mean, if you think about it,

there hasn't been
a single villain

that we couldn't defeat.


One day, you'll see.

I will defeat Twilight
Sparkle and her friends,

and they will pay for
stealing my kingdom!

Pssst! Tirek!

It is Lord Tirek
and what is it now?

I just want to make
sure you can see my

"best friends rock
sculpture" from over there.

Lord Tirek.

A changeling?
See? She gets it.

Chrysalis, Queen
of the Changelings.

Or at least I will be when I'm
restored to my rightful place.

Why did you summon
me? What do you want?

Oh, golly! We
didn't bring you.

I thought you freed
us from Tartarus.

Tartarus? Whoever
pulled you from there

must have been somepony
very powerful, indeed.

King Sombra!
You have returned?

Why did you
bring us here?

He didn't.

It was I.

You may call me... Grogar.

The Grogar?

I thought that you
were a legend.

I've heard of you!


I assure you,
I am very real.

And you have all been brought
here as part of my plan

to rid Equestria of Twilight
Sparkle and her friends

once and for all!

Heh heh heh heh.

I am so sorry, but
the name Grofar

just doesn't
ring any bells.

GROGAR! I have
been away too long

if my name no longer
strikes fear into the heart

of one so tiny.

Perhaps a demonstration
of power is in order?

Grogar is ancient and
extremely powerful.

The land that would
become Equestria

was a mere collection
of farms and pastures

until he declared himself
Emperor of all he saw.

I remember hearing tales of
his tyranny when I was young.

I have also heard of the
first Emperor of Equestria,

the "Father of Monsters."

I gave life to the
foulest of creatures

and allowed them to run wild,
taking what they wanted

and destroying the rest!

My reign was a glorious
fear-soaked epoch

of darkness in Equestria.

Ha! Until Gusty the Great
rose up and banished you.

That fool believed taking
my bell would defeat me,

but she only weakened
me temporarily.

Um, Tirek is really old. No
offense, you look great.

But if he knew about
you when he was young,

we have super-different ideas
about what "temporarily" means.

Silence! I have spent
millennia gathering power,

biding my time, waiting
for the perfect opportunity

to seize control of Equestria!
And watching all of you.

I've seen each of your
humiliating defeats

at the hooves of
six puny ponies.

And do you know why
they've always bested you?

Because they cheat.

Because they are
annoyingly lucky.

I'm just a kid, so...

It is because they
work together.

Where one is weak,
another is strong and thus unified,

they are a formidable force.

But we shall use their own
strategy to defeat them.

What are you suggesting?

I suggest nothing.
I demand that you join me

and together Equestria
will be ours!

I don't do "ours",
I only do MINE.

I will take back the
Crystal Empire on my own

and I will destroy anypony
who gets in my way!

Such confidence.

Go. Try to take
back your kingdom.

I shall send you
there myself.

If you prevail,
you may keep it.

But when you fail,
you will submit to me.

And if I refuse this... deal?

Then I shall return
you to the darkness

from which you
were summoned.

But this is a waste of time,

as I will crush
those who defy me.

I will defeat all who
get in my way. I...

I advise the rest of you to
prepare to work together.

Well, working together
sounds an awful lot like

making friends,
so you two are in luck

because I know all
about that.

Twi? You in here? With the
school closed for the summer,

I didn't think anypony
would be here.

So much to do, not enough
time. No! I already did that.

Wait. Nope. I didn't.

HELP! She's spiraling.

We're at the "my plan
needs a plan" stage

of a Total Twilight
Melt Down.

Oh. Got it.


Did I write down "eliminate
redundant lists"

on my School of
Friendship to-do list,

or my personal to-do list?


Starlight! Oh, good, you're
here. I need to talk to you.


Hang on, I had "talk to
Starlight" written down

on one of these. Just let me
find it so I can cross it off.

Wow, you are
Twilighting hard.

You say
Twilighting too?

Well, excuse me, but
this is the first time

I've ever been asked

You're right. You're right.

So what did you want
to talk to me about?

Ah here it is.
I wrote it down.

Starlight, you have blossomed
into one of the strongest,

smartest, most
caring ponies I know

and I can't think of anypony
better to leave in charge

of my castle and the
School of Friendship.

So what do you think?

WHAT? You want me to
take care of the castle



I can't!
I'm not ready!

Remember what happened
the last time

you left me in charge?

And now you want me

What if I don't do the
right things? What if...

Get a hold of yourself.

You've risen to every
challenge you've ever faced.

You can do anything you put
your mind to. You've got this.

Ha! And so do you!
See what I did there?

You just said everything
you need to hear.

Ha ha ha! Nice try, but running
a school and running a country

are two very different things!

Now if you don't
mind, I have 7,432

more things to take
care of before I become

the new Ruler of Equestria!

It was a valiant effort.

The guard says Sombra's
breached the castle!

Hurry, Twilight!
We need you!

Do you have
Flurry Heart?

I thought
you had her!



You won't get
away with this.

but I already have!

Ha ha ha ha.

With the Cyrstal heart
now in my possession,

there is nothing to
stop me from ruling

the Crystal Empire.

Kneel before Sombra!

Ah. Long live the King.

Thanks for coming so quickly.

Sure thing, but if you're
going to be the ruler

of Equestria, you may want
to work on your penmanship.

This looks like it says,

"Cadance sent an
emergency message.

Sombra's back and he's taking
over the Crystal Empire."

That's exactly what it says!

But. But how is that

I thought the Crystal
Heart had dispelled him

into the Ether!

I have no idea,
but he's back and it's up to us

to save the Empire
and my family!

Shouldn't somepony
tell Celestia and Luna?

Oooh. Good point.

One of us should probably
loop in the real rulers

of Equestria.

No. If we're going
to run Equestria,

we'll need to handle things
like this on our own.

Oh, Twilight! Could
this mean that you finally

have the confidence to
ascend to the throne

like the princesses
believe you can?

Maybe. Unless you'd consider
taking care of Sombra for us?

Oh, no no no no no. You
were absolutely right.

You need to learn how to handle
these things on your own.


Handling things on our
own is all well and good,

but last time we defeated
Sombra with the Crystal Heart.

What if he has it already?
How are we gonna stop him?

With the Elements of Harmony!

With those, we can defeat
anypony, even Sombra!

Ah no no no no.
You didn't need

the "Elements" the last
time you defeated Sombra.

And I'm not sure using
them still counts

as handling things
on your own.

My family is in danger.
I'm not taking any chances.

She's got a point.

Ugh. Fine.

What's his problem?

Starlight, can you stay here
and take care of the school?

I've got you covered.

It's cute that you think
that will do anything.

It might not, but they will.

Cavalry's here!

How can I be surprised
when I'm waiting to show

all of you your greatest fear?

Oh, Twilight. How

Equestria was in your care
and you let it be destroyed.

You should all surrender.

Nothing can defeat
your own fears.

We didn't need to defeat them.

We just needed to face them
long enough to distract you!


It's cute that you think
that will do anything.

You may have won the battle,
but I shall win the w*r!

Ya hoo hoo hoo!

We totally just wiped
the castle with that guy.

Thanks, Twily.

That was fun!

And easy.

As magical battles go,
that was a cakewalk.

Mhmmm, "cakewalk".

We did handle this
pretty well on our own.

Does this mean...?

I still don't feel like I'm
one hundred percent ready,

but will I ever?

Knowing you? Nope.

I have you guys, and we have
the Elements, and together,

we've never failed.
We'll be OK.

Once again, Equestria is safe.

What should we
do to celebrate?

I vote for a cakewalk!

What's going on?

I don't know.

♪ My Little Pony ♪

♪ My Little Pony ♪

♪ My Little Pony ♪

♪ Friends ♪