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03x03 - Episode 3

Posted: 10/11/21 07:44
by bunniefuu
Lionel Dirkin was grooming
ex-soldiers to commit

a series of att*cks.

Nobody had heard of her a week ago
and now she could win.

It's Beckett. If you hadn't of
chased me, she wouldn't be dead.

Caddy lied about not knowing

They were stationed
at Basra together.

Caddy's the only way we
can catch him.

She's pregnant.
Meet your new handler.

Faye, Albion,
they still suspect me,

but Dennis thinks
I'm his golden goose.

Drop the surveillance then he'll
have to trust me more

and then he'll have to act.

Ma'am wants to know why we've
removed surveillance off of Albion.

Well, strategically, ma'am, because
I asked the undercover officer

to spark the rumour there was a mole
in the Albion Organisation.

Well, something needed shaking up.

We've got Beckett laughing
in our public faces,

and all we can see is his arse!

OK, fair do's. Go on.

Well, if we had a reliable mole,
why would we need surveillance?

And in the absence of information,

we desperately need Dennis Caddy
relying more on his girlfriend.

On the eve of an election,
they remove cover

on their only suspects
in the unsolved death...

Go to pages five, six
seven, eight and nine.

- What the f*ck are you doing?!
- Nobody's touching that stuff!

You need to leave now,
the pair of you.

Put the cat down!

Back in your boxes! Calm down. Calm!

Calm right down, please.

My fault, fellas.
I intended in pre-warning them.

This task is being
done at my request.

Joy's desk is coming in my office.

Yeah, but it's not a shrine.
We're here to work.

And it will be worked at.

And I'm taking no personal effects,

any used hankies, pictures
of cats, they're team property.

Your team.


We have just taken a report of
a homicide at the Jewish Cemetery.

Thank you very much.

Right, where's my wedges?

Come on, wedges,
let's have the fellas.

Right, so we've got chicken liver,

bacon and double-fried wedges.
£ . .

What are you drinking?

There's enough vouchers on
there for a beverage and all,

so I will have a coke.

p short.

Can't be!

Then what happened?

You can't pay for it now,

you'll have to earn it on the card.

- Fine! Have the cash.
- I will. Thanks.

So this old man and a little girl
walk into a forest,

and she goes, "Oh, I'm scared."

He goes, "You're scared?
I've got to walk home on my own."

Hey, smile, your next
scran's covered.

You're blocking me passage ladies,
excuse me.

A friend of mine wants a word,

Mate of Faye Caddy?
I don't think so.

With breath like that,
you really should drink more water.

You see, now you're giving me bonus
balls for the paternity claim.

I've said from year dot,
"How's that my kid?"

You go anywhere near my daughter,
you pointless bitch,

I'll split you in two.

- You what?
- No sexual reference intended.

Like you still could.

We caught her in a school
rehearsal for Bugsy.

She was trying to be Tallulah.
She was nearly great.

Someone on our side has been
talking to yours.

We've got a mole
and I want its name.

You won't get it from me.

I meant,
we're the science department,

we specifically don't get access
to strategic intelligence.

Technically, we know less
than f*ck all.

We've spent our whole lives bringing
The Albion into this century.

- You reckon?
- And no shitty rat is going to bring it down.

You see, now I'm confused.

Is it a rat or a mole
I'm looking for?

I just need to know
if it's black or white.

- Here's a number.
- Use it.

You're cleaning that up, Santa!

I'm with the police.

Course you are!

Do they let anybody in?

Who called this in as a m*rder,

A paper lad's mum walking their dog.

One of my men are
still interviewing her.

Yeah, well, tell them to
leave that to us now, thanks.

I meant, calming her down so
she's fit to speak to

by the time you need to.

You need to pipe that lot right

Shouting Beckett's name's
not helpful.

Not catching him is not helpful,
inspector. And maybe they're right -

election day - this has got Beckett
all over it.

I was brought up on a farm.
This is a fox's work.

I was brought up in a
textile factory.

- It could have been a chainsaw.
- We're not coroners!

Meanwhile, seven violated graves

and you didn't respond
to a single report.

Hey, Moss, mate.
We logged all that.

On those occasions, no-one was hurt.

Yeah, right. Yeah, yeah.

But then...

OK, OK, but standing there
shouting unsupportable tripe...

- Can I say tripe?
- You're asking an Asian.

This lot are making themselves
a target for any lunatic who

- fancies a pop.
- Look, Moss! Just shift him. Please.

Before we have to.

- When you put it like that.
- Thank you.

All right, folks, can we move
right back please? Right back.

We're declaring this all
a crime scene, OK?

So let's go, let's move right back.

So if we can't catch him because
it's your fault,

then it'll be your fault.
Let's go.

That wasn't just a bunch of birds,
they were with Faye Caddy and

they had it planned, and they
must have waited it out a f*ck of a

long time because even I didn't know
I was coming in here till I did.

This cost serious money,
it's more than Faye Caddy's asking.

Look, give us Lena's service

- we'll run it through the system.
- They changed contracts.

- She'll be under her mother's account.
- Well, give us Shirley's.

I cannot remember her maiden name.

All I'm getting is Blackpool and
that's not a recollection,

it's a judgment on her mam and dad.

OK, Miller, relax, Shirley's safely
in a car on the way to the station.

On her own?

What the negligent f*cking...!

We're not talking about Shirley!

Nobody had a picture of f*cking
Shirley, did they? Where's Lena?

The headmistress is driving
her in personally.

- What the f*ck, Miller?!
- What, you don't say that first?

No, it's just come through
on me comms, you knob!

- Right, this is evidence.
- Good, we'll need it.

All three suspects have got
the same description -

fat and mouthy, that's half of

You swerving the lifts to avoid me,

- No, I've just been to the cemetery.
- Stairs count as fresh air.

I heard.
Could it have been Beckett?

Beckett always leaves
his scraggy mark.

I don't think this is big
enough for him.

Election day not big enough?

If he's after disrupting
factions at our expense,

then weren't the Jews just
waiting to be asked?

Miller's family have just taken
a threat to two of their lives.

- From who? - Faye Caddy is the only
name we've flagged up, as yet.

All the others are TBC.

The point being that
we've just proved a circuit.

Albion don't know who the mole is,
hence the threat to Miller.

How can that not be a result,

Oh, and with your permission,

we've upped resources to cover
the election count tonight, yeah?

Well, send us a budget for approval
and choose your words carefully.

I did. You have?
It's spent.

If Beckett has been in
Abel Lander's home ahead of you,

then I would suggest
additional protection,

with additional funding that
I would approve before expenditure.

I've made it my mission to stop
you looking like such a bad girl

on paper all of the time.

- Miller, you OK, kid?
- They're nearly here.

Come here, come here.

They are, and they're safe.

I am so sorry that your family
had to take a hit.

But this will have to be short-lived
as down-time.

I need you at
Bailey Street Mortuary.

Abel Landers, .
It's a controversial death.

- What the heck you wearing?!
- It's from Sammy upstairs.

- It's all I could find.
- It's all right, I've done it before.

You'll look like a lovely taxpayer
in front of Shirley.

- Oh, my God, darling!
- Daddy!

Sorry, love, that's my fault.
Sorry, sweetheart.

Come on, lads, let's give
them a minute.

Mum doesn't want to talk to you.

Yeah, well, that didn't
need saying, did it?

She asked me to repeat it so she
knew you wouldn't go barging

- into your chief inspector's office.
- What, she's there?

Somebody needs to give
me some facts now.

OK, you were called Lena because
neither me or your mum could

stand up straight when you
were conceived. That's one fact.

bad people threatened me today.

Well, that's only half true,
otherwise, why are we here?

They threatened me and mine.

But I swear to you, Lena, I am going
to put these f*ckers in their place.

Nobody's sworn since you left.

There's one for you,
there's one for your mam.

The location's scrambled.

You choose a last minute holiday
destination - one where there's

barely any signal,
just until the election dies down.

You and her, you have to be saying
the exact same thing, you hear?

And these will not send pictures,

so the only risk of giving away
your location is that.

Right, I mean hers, not yours.

Look after yourself.

Yeah, I will.

I know it's rude to squeeze,
but I want what your dad can do.

Go on.

I need to know
what Lander's death is.

Well, it'll have to be
another Skype, ma'am,

- cos I've a lot to answer for today.
- Another Skype?

How many causes of death have you
done down the line?

Dennis's shifting money around.

It's coming into the house
in used bundles, not from a bank,

must be donors.

What kind of money?

I'm counting nearly grand.

That's usually
about the price of a hit.

For Beckett to finish the job
on Caroline McCoy?

He k*lled a cop,
why's it not a bonus?

There's a suspected homicide
at the Jewish Cemetery this morning.

Nah, I'd have heard chatter
if it was sponsored.



I'm average looks.

Pretty good shape.

But really well hung.

Right y'are. Can but ask.

Go on.

I've been asked to pack for
a departure.

To where?

It's usually Ireland,
so that's Holyhead initially.

Point being,
all phones are to be left behind.

- Categorically, I cannot wear a wire.
- Dennis is the only one

Beckett trusts to
deliver the wages personally?

More than like, yes.

So we follow the money.

You do f*ck! You follow me.

I'm heading into a wilderness
with no means of communication.

You follow us.

You made yourself my handler, Dinah.

I need handling.

Everyone stay back,
until we establish no booby traps.

If Beckett's been here,
we need to know.

Don't move.


What the hell are you doing
in there? What's your name?

Sharania Kimbel. Shaz.

I was having a last chance
at remembering him.

And this.

I thought he'd have let the flat go
after Clemmy died, but no,

the paintwork looks new.

Good man. God bless.

I asked for a nappy half an hour
ago. Now it's over to you.

Ma'am, this lady needs a bathroom,

Let 'em all through. OK,
clear a space for this lady, folks,

or cover your feet!
That's it, thank you.

He's got a Specials badge.

What's the face for, Mal?

The deal, Inspector, where
we tell you absolutely everything

when we're heading into something,
is meant to be reciprocal.

You've crossed the line today.

You failed to disclose something
you must've known.

Abel Lander has five charges of
tampering against his name.

There is no room for mithering here.

I'm not having you just telling us
what you think we need to know

in order to protect your own.

Five complaints,

all by the same complainant
because she's off her tits.

Diana Bagel.

No, no. She's Diana Bagel.

And for your information, Inspector,
the charges were totally overblown.

He's had a stack to deal with,
old Mr Lander.

He never got over his wife.

He never lived on his own
in his life.

He kept it spotless
in case she was watching.

He was counting the days
he'd be with her.

But he was strong as an ox.

He was going nowhere soon that
I could see, not physically anyway.

From the telly,
"You've never had Sky."

From the toilet, "Respect your
friends, wipe your arse."

From the back of the door,

"Got your kecks on, Abel?"

He occasionally forgot his trousers.

Like he forgot many other things.

Only one lunatic persecuted him.

I only ever saw the shorts.

He never had his meat out
to my knowledge.

Sorry, Ma'am.
I was in the manager's office.

She got past us.

How are you getting Disability
if you can shift like a rat?!

There's a dress coat of mine
in there,

I never dared ask it for back
after she died.

You'll know it's mine,
it's got my name in it.

Just from the chatter,
we're convinced Albion

had nothing to do with Lander.

That doesn't mean Beckett didn't.

Chatter, where?

Can we clear the room for a guest,

Ah, Jesus!
If it's her mum again,

we haven't time for f*cking
broken biscuit jigsaws.

Most of you know Moss.

- He's here to help.
- With respect, Ma'am,

we're limited to what we can say
in front of civilians.

C'mon, Spike.
Moss's got a Specials Badge.

And % of all Shomrim call-outs
are for non-Jewish populations.

You're welcome.

Fancy a coffee, Moss?
You've been at it since dawn.

OK, so, primary larvae in the neck
wound tell us that Abel Lander died

between seven and pm last night,
corroborating witness accounts.

Enzymes at the wound tell us
a fox got to him

a couple of hours postmortem.

Although, evidence of a nose bleed
could have been a credible incentive

to a half-starved winter fox.

However that is not what k*lled
an old Survivor, no.

Abel Lander died of a heart attack
induced by a substantial overdose

of anti-psychotics
not prescribed for him.

And we all pray for his sake

that the latter kicked in
before the former.

Now for my money, this is way too
piss-stained to be a Beckett.


Abel was being stalked by
Diana Bagel.

Nicknames are no good to us here,
pal. f*cking bagel...

That's her name. Diana Bagel.

Look, I'm not a qualified
practitioner, I know,

but this woman is categorically
off her effing head!

- And she's on anti-psychotics.
- Yeah, correct.

You're not a qualified practitioner.

But the doctors who sectioned her
at least three times to my knowledge

presumably were.

I can get you their names
if your system's too slow.

We've offered, but she's refusing...

I don't want any firearms
anywhere near me.

You won't have a choice tonight.

No visible weapons!

That is the whole point, Caroline.

You said you'd heard nothing
from Beckett.

And that's the whole point.

I don't like what you're
asking me to do.

Bulletproof kit
for your own protection?

Looking anything other than me!

Viv! I've got this far
using nothing but my own voice.

If I have to sit through my own
election count dressed like R D ,

how is that expressing defiance?
Or even confidence?

With respect, Miss McCoy, you're not
the only one with a family.

- We all deserve protecting.
- Yeah, I know.

I know!
And I'm standing for election.


If all I'm doing is showing fear,

then I might as well just spend
the rest of the day in bed!

For f*ck's sake!

just tell them we need five minutes.

f*cking hell. My make-up...

You are just the spit of your mum
at school.

I know you're doing this for her.

I am, Viv, I'm trying to.

And I understand what you're saying.

Your whole campaign's been based on
"I will not back down."

But we need you alive
to keep saying it.

Ma'am, Lionel Dirkin's
in the building.

- Why?!
- That is the last thing we need.

He knew there'd be cameras.

Hang on. He'll be teeming with
security, he always is.

Let's start milking it.

Let's get you out of here
and home safely

for a lot less than I can afford.

It's Stuart, isn't it?

Can I just say,
I really value what you do.

- All of you.
- You'll walk it, Caroline.

Can I keep this one?

Miss McCoy.

I'm making no secret of
who I'm voting for.

It'll pointedly be anybody but her.

There he goes again, you see.

For all of your allergies
to minorities, mate,

you just voted for one.

Yeah, but if you are worried,
and you're not telling me,

you know I'll do my nut, don't you?

I do, but what's doing my nut is,

we're going away
and I don't know how long for.

So I want checking by somebody
I know,

not somebody from
wherever it is we're off.

But if you are
and I'm not hearing it,

I'd be f*cking furious, Bonnie.

We need to speak to a Diana Bagel.

Is that your mum?

Can I ask what this is about?

You can't, I'm afraid.

Aren't betting adverts depressing

when you're not very good
with numbers?

Can we get them taken down?

Come in.

Diana Bagel?

I'm PC Tegan Thompson
and this is Jonah Mitchell.

Poundshop batteries.

They just make them
look like batteries.

Mrs Bagel, we need to talk to you
about Abel Lander.

You've had that.

You're too late.

Can you tell me exactly
what you mean by that?

I've referred that tricky old nonce
to the Home Office.

I had to.

You're welcome to tea,
but the conversation's pointless.

They'll be putting a top team
to take this way over your heads.

Sit down.

Abel Lander was found dead this
morning, Mrs Bagel.

Next to his wife's grave.

Oh, my good Lord, the poor man!

You tried having him convicted
five times.

So?! I only wanted him to rot!

I'm sorry to ask you this,
but can I use your bathroom?


I can't help it!

Leave her alone!

Right, Ma'am,
let's have a look at this.

CCTV from Abel Lander's
sheltered housing.

Arrivals, departures,
going back weeks.

Watch this pattern.

No, these are music students.

They're every Friday without fail.
Same today, except...

He never showed.

He can't have known he was dead. We
only released the name an hour ago.

- We'll need to talk to him.
- Yep.

Bang-on samples for
intimidation of an officer.

Faye Caddy and a bloke with ovaries
called Rosemary Beckwith,

hands like shovels.
They need bringing in.

Hold your horses, Miller.
Your family's safe.

Now, with your respect and patience,

I'm... Gonna do f*ck all!

Seriously?! My family's had to be
shipped over t'moors!

You weren't rushing to show
your face when they were nearby.

How's that my fault? I was barred!

How's it not your fault,
you twisted gusset!?

Now, Faye Caddy is ours.

Please just cut me some slack
until this election is over.

If we want to catch these people

we need to see
how they're thinking first.

Ma'am, we just met Diana Bagel.

What do we reckon?

I was having flashbacks to Misery.

Asked if I could use the bathroom.

I shot all the meds I could find
in a two-minute sweep.

Ablimol's Quetiepine.

Quetiepine k*lled Lander.

I need a warrant for the arrest
of Diana Bagel.

Ma'am, we've just seen him.
Is he...?

Yeah, that's Diana Bagel's son.

Keeping it in the family.
Fetch them both in.

Sam, can you tell us why you never
turned up to...?

Ma'am, this is hopeless.

- Can I have a word outside?
- What's he doing here?!

- You can't be in here.
- I can if he is - that's my son.

Mr Finestein is Sam's
nominated responsible adult.

Well, we know him.

We only know him for doing
f*ck all to help us.

Inappropriate language!

- Beg your pardon. Less than f*ck all!
- Right, you, out.

- Why would you pick him, Sam?
- Come on, Mrs Bagel.

Get your f*cking hands off me!

Actually, we will step outside.

If either of them so much as speaks,
you bring one of...

No, you hoof HIM out, right?

You all right?

- She said no talking.
- I'm asking if he's all right.

Ma'am, she's not fit to interview.

We should get Dr Peep
in to do a psych assessment.

That's three hours I haven't got.

I need to know this isn't Beckett.

f*ck it.

Drop the charges on her and
reinstate her as his guardian.

Can you tell us about your
relationship with Abel Lander, Sam?


No, and who'd want to put
that into words?

Five reports, I filed.

What did I hear back from you lot?

- He's fingering kids willy-nilly and...
- He's a music teacher.

He taught me music.

He's bluffing it because he got
tampered with.

He's been trained through fear to
keep it zipped, where you been?

You're going to have to trick him
into saying stuff.

- Absolutely not. Never.
- Lie!

Were you ever assaulted by
Abel Lander?

- Never.
- Lie!

Mrs Bagel, this isn't working for

No, it won't.

Cos you're asking all the
wrong questions.

It's like, I've heard nothing about

and that's like
step one for detectives. I know.

Hm? Which force?


I once made the mistake of telling
her that Mr Lander opened the

door with no kecks on.

She went ape. Got fixated on...

I did not get fixated -
I reacted like a mother should.

She got fixated enough to stop me
from going and hounded Abel.

Both of us.

She kept ringing the cops,
over and over and over again,

repeating the first offence.

Repeating the first offence, yes,
because I'd heard f*ck all back!

- Language!
- Well, I hadn't!

Did you ever transport medication
that was prescribed to your

mother to Abel Landers' house?


Did Abel Lander ever have
access to YOUR house?


Mrs Bagel.

Either shut up or leave.

Well, I'm not shutting up.

- He came round when Mum went to Brittany.
- See? Huh!

And what happened at your house, Sam?

If you don't want to use
the filthy words, Sam,

you save them for a judge, yeah?

We were trashing a keyboard I'd
bought on eBay to make it

look like it cost less than .

So she wouldn't find out I'd
spent - that was it.

He looked...

We had one of our best days.

He crapped on the sofa and I blamed
the cat.

My cat?

Interview terminated at : .

You'll be released without charge,
pending further investigation.

You can't be in here unsupervised.

I was asked to leave the interview.

Yeah, back to the main building.

You're not allowed to loll here
gathering selective intelligence.

I beg your pardon?

Are you changing your mind about
protecting one of your own?

Well, don't.

You'd go down with her.

I think the kid did it.


If Lander committed su1c1de, he
couldn't be buried with his wife.

But how does that work?
Who's kidding who,

if Lander's complicit,
if he knows it's coming?

He'd have to specifically not know.

And we reckon he'd have it in him?

He's the only person I know
decent enough.


If they're leaving, we need to get
Sam's clothes off him.

Why not? Everybody else has.

With your permission?

This is your handwriting?


So you spent a lot more time round
there than just the lessons?

Tonnes more.

You took care of him?

Hey, no, no, no, mate. Not cool.

We don't want anyone else in here.

Eh, look at me.

And you say nothing.

In fact...'s your memory?

Right, well, you remember every
single word that got said in there,

and you say nothing else.

Repeat only that, not one word more.

My dad f*cked off an all.

Just bringing out the father in me.

Right, you can stick that lot back
on. I'm not interested.

Give him time to get dressed and
take him back upstairs, please.

Can you spell that for me, please?

Well, I've said I'll talk to him,

Yeah, put him through.

So sorry.

- Spike, now!
- Sarge.

Interview terminated : .
Excuse me.


Yeah, listen, I'm hearing there was
a power-outage at the labs

this morning? I just paid ? .
for a pair of tights.

No, I mean...any of that stuff that
needed spectrometry

- you might want putting through again.
- Because?

Oh, admissible evidence.

Or inadmissible - it's your shout.

Send everything back. And tell them
I'm not paying for it.

Too right, Ma'am.

Not only is it not beneath him to
take the rubbish out,

but he's found it in his
heart to do it again.

Oh, Natalie, those are returned
samples on stuff that went

through earlier.

One of the inspectors is
requesting re-runs.

Inspector Deering?

Yeah, Deering.
And she's on the warpath, so...

Were you about to stick me back
in your pocket?

- Only because I have all this to...
- There's no-one else in here.

I've just heard Dinah and Spike
are on the move.

Not on their own, they're not.

I've sent a bunch of brick
shithouses, armed to the teeth.

I've put in a request for
aerial surveillance,

but it's not looking good
at short notice.

We've got a tracker on the vehicle.

- Without a warrant? - What?
Without a warrant.

What have we said?

For your information,

the tracker was fitted at the
request of the owner.

Or one of the owners.

- But that's only just occurred to you now!
- Big deal!

We can't yet prove where
the money's headed,

but we're pretty certain it's going
to end up with Beckett.

It was an act of expediency.

- But we file for the warrant?
- Fine.

I didn't even want to go...
but I'm going to have to now.

Right, they've done a left.

No, wait.

He's pulled into the
Rosehill Garden Centre.

How rock'n'roll's a
garden centre for a drop off?

This is Dennis. He's making sure
he's not being followed.

Pull over where you can.

ARU, turn off and sit back a few
streets and await a go.

We're convinced it's not suspicious,

just a cautionary stunt.

Copy that.

I'm not liking this.

We need eyes on it.

Listen, I'm sorry for flaring.

Do your family know that you
care this much?

No, they won't f*cking listen,

Come in!

I'm so sorry, Ma'am,

but we've had three strikes on the
evidence from Abel Lander's flat.

No, I bow to rank when it's not
just us, Natalie.

Oh, sweet Jesus!

No disrespect to Abel Lander,
but this is like a f*cking birthday!

There's a partial print that
couldn't fully put Faye Caddy

at the scene...except her DNA's
under one of Lander's fingernails.

It's only a micro sample, but it's
a % match from a arrest.

who is the duty magistrate on?

Well, if he knows it's me, he'll
take it in the bath.

We need a warrant drafting for
Faye Caddy, now.

I can save you a lot of trouble
finding her,

cos I know exactly where
she'll be by, say...teatime.

Take a team.

But make sure we're watching the
watchers, yeah?

Have you got me a name?

It's my career, if anyone finds out.

It's your family, if you don't.

By the way, you can move them as
much as you want but it's never

taken us more than ten days
to find anybody.

If only you had that many days left,


What you...? f*ck off!
What you doing?

I don't even know you!

I don't even know him.
Look, I'm on me own, here.

I didn't believe it either,
but he is - he's with the police.

First time your name cropped up,
threatening behaviour.

Shouted "parasite" at a
three-year-old blind girl in public.

She wasn't blind.

That was the point - her parents
were milking it!

Parasite? From you?

She could see better than me.

And the definition of that word is
what got me acquitted -

she was a three-year-old girl,
of course she's a parasite.

Look, I'm going to start screaming
in a minute.

I think you need to calm
down and listen.

cos this is the only chance you're
going to get to find out

- what Dennis is going to make of all this.
- All what?

You're about to be charged with the
hate crime m*rder of Abel Lander.


I'll leave it to a jury to work out
how you tried framing Diana Bagel

using medication specific to
someone with an enduring grudge.

I categorically don't know anyone
called f*cking Bagel.

You won't get this to stick
past the first lawyer.

It's actually going to stick
like shit to a blanket, Faye,

because you left DNA traces at both
addresses - the one you

burgled to nick the meds and blame a
schizophrenic with a vendetta...

Oh, f*ck off! I wouldn't touch a
schizophrenic with a barge pole.

..and Lander's flat,
where you spiked his drink.

Oh, right.

Is this what your
"science department" does?

It plants evidence?

No, Faye.
We tell stories with solid objects.

No-one's going to swallow that
shit. And I'll have alibis.

Dennis isn't going to vouch for

This is a receipt you signed
for police money.

That's your signature.

That signature was for
quid off the BBC,

which you've got by deception.

And, point of law,
I never got that money.

Well, the tough shit for you, Faye,

is that you were the only one who
actually signed their own name.

And when Dennis sees six backdated
payments for non-specific services,

same dabs on each one,
well, face it,

you couldn't look more like a mole.

And also face it - this is you,

talking to the most dead cop in our
world on the day she died.

Now, it'll be suggested that she
was handling you.

Of course, there's stuff we'll
never know, what with Joy...

..taking secrets to her grave.

Now, I think you're safer copping
for Lander than Dennis waiting

for you to get out and pay his
dues for loyalty.

Now, I never got the chance to say
Don't f*ck with me, Faye,

so this is sort of me
saying it twice.

I don't know why you're
threatening me with that.

You're the only one that sounds
remandable on there.

No, I'm going to store it for my
daughter so she can hear it after

I'm dead. Inspire her to make sure
that you're kept where you're put.

See, if nothing else,
she's got my gob.

They picked here because he knew

the camera system only
covered staff vehicles.

Wasn't an accident

Bonnie, that wasn't quick.

- You all right?
- No!


There's a proper Shell stop
in two minutes.

But no, I go to Little Geoff and
spent ten minutes

wiping piss off the seat and...

Gavin, we need some navigational
help, get the big map out.

We've picked up some
location markers.

We're looking for a Little Geoff
shack, near-ish to a Shell stop.

Within a couple of miles
of a Shell stop.

What're we looking for?

You're on speaker.
Miller's here, Is that OK?

Yeah, or I'll f*ck off if you want.

Actually, Gavin, put Miller on the
map and you trace a number for me.


We need to know where it's heading.

We're assuming westbound.

He certainly looks like it's
going to swing your way.

- He looks haunted.
- And he made a shit decision.

He kept his kids off school when
no-one else was allowed to.

It's a hard judge who'd twat a fella
for sheltering his family.

I don't care, he knows it.

Even if he wins, he's f*cked.

Whoa, you mad bitch!

Sorry, Ma'am.

What were you told?
Stuart escorts you from the vehicle,

ONLY when the other team
arrive for shelter.


It's nerves.

OK, yeah, so the only Little Geoff
they could have hit

that's near a Shell stop is
Springhill Cross.

Yeah, that's not too far from here.
Let's go.

We've got them located, currently
in a village called Brompton Mead.

- ARU, are you getting this?
- Yes, we are.

Don't stay too far back.

Actually, the opposite.

Since we've got a good idea of
where we're heading,

- I want you to split up. Dinah,
- I want you to stay on the A .

- Will do.
- ARU units, approach from the eastbound

- to avoid exposure.
- Understood, Ma'am.

Can you just
explain something?

If I could, I would, but I can't,
babe, no.

I meant, why we have to lose a Jag

and end up in an old Corolla
with duff heating?

Right, we're looking for a Corolla!

Well done, missus.
f*ck, she knows her stuff.

I repeat, a Corolla,
heading westbound towards Liverpool.

That really narrows it down, Spike.

She's not as scared as I am,
is she, Ma'am?

She's not, Stuart.

Can I have all metal objects in
the trays please,

then step forward for scanning,

Madam Mayor.

If you'd lost tonight,
were you going to break in with these?

That is just running one home
and one business.

On the night of the hustings, were
the candidates searched? Was Caroline?

No, they were all fast-tracked. Why?

Ma'am, I'm not getting this.

This is too much meandering for just
heading for Holyhead on an A-road.

- Ma'am?
- I'm agreeing with you, Spike.

Springhill Cross...

I've seen Springhill Cross on
paperwork recently.

Ma'am, it's Dirkin's house.

They're going to Dirkin with the money?

We thought he funded them.

Jesus, what's the g*n for?

g*n? Dennis, where are we going?

They've asked me to k*ll Beckett.

But I've decided not to.

What the f*ck does that mean?

We haven't led Bonnie down the
garden path here, have we?

I mean like...literally?

No, scratch that, no, no.

He's not going to pop a woman who's
carrying his kid, is he?

He would if he thinks it's not his.

- Well, is it?
- No.

Apparently not.

Dinah, you're going to have to
drop your speed for me, darling.

They've just turned into
Dirkin's house.

Get out the car! Put your hands up!

Out the car, now!

Armed police, armed police! Move!

Dirkin's been hit.

One in the chest, one in the balls.

His boyfriend identified Beckett.

He got off before we arrived.

Beckett is still alive.

And the incumbent mayor,
Kashif Hassan, , votes.

Leaving Miss Caroline McCoy with an
overall majority of , votes.

I hereby announce that Caroline
McCoy, Independent, is duly elected

Mayor of the City of Manchester.

People of Manchester,
we salute you!!

Oh, my sweet Jesus.

He meant to miss.

He meant to miss.

Madam Mayor.

So our girl is dead so that bint
could become a politician?

Things are going to change
now that I'm Mayor.

Dinah's going to go mental.

I'll be seeing you both in
about a month.

All we've got is Dennis Caddy.

- Well, you can't just release him.
- No, I want him working for us.

- Can I just have a word, Ma'am?
- What have you done?