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05x18 - Bashenga

Posted: 10/10/21 07:42
by bunniefuu
Bashenga? The first king?

The first Black Panther?

You think he has something
to do with the Crown?

I do, Shuri. Prior to Queen
Yemandi's time, there was no Crown,

only a lump of exotic material
she called "Bashenga's Core."

She searched the entire world to
find it and to return it to Wakanda.

Uh, "exotic material,"
Black Panther?

You mean like, uh,

- Hmm?
- Perhaps, Klaue.

We have seen the Crown's destructive
power with our own eyes.

Even inert, it is the focus
of all Killmonger's schemes.

Well, if Bashenga
can give you the secret

that will allow us to stop
him once and for all,

you have to go.

- Huh?
- T'Challa?

It is not working.

Something is different!

Perhaps I...



Bashenga, where are you, brother?

- Huh?

Bask, I told you to run!


I've had enough running
from Atlanteans.

Listen to the boy.

You run, you live.







Shield or spear?




Run! Go!



Nowhere to go, little pests.

Surrender and we'll
make it quick.

You're joking.

We could do this all day!

Get ready to run.

I was just going to tell you
the same thing.

- Sister!















Bask, get out of the light!




You're finished, pests.
No more fighting.

No more lucky escapes.

You will die in that pit.


Bashenga, what is that thing?

I have no idea.

But there is a lot more.

Look. It's breathtaking.

I've never seen
anything like it.

It's almost as if the metal
was alive.

I wonder,
how is this even possible?

This was beneath us
the whole time.

But we don't know what it is.

Only that it is
some kind of metal.

It shattered Atlantean steel.

That's supposed
to be impossible.

And it's so cold and light.



If we could forge weapons
out of this,

we'd have a chance
against the Atlantean raiders.


Armor first, I think.

Shields. You saw
what it did to that trident.

No, Bashenga.
I've grown tired of this.

If our people could fight back,
the raiders would leave us alone.

There are too many
of them, Bask.

We need to find somewhere
to dig in and protect ourselves.

That's only half of it.

With this metal, we can
really fight them. [GRUNTS]

Beat them.

Bashenga, we could win.

It won't work.
They still outnumber us.

They have a fortress.
Even with all this metal...

Well, we'll never do any of it
if we don't find a way out of...

- Hmm?
- I still cannot believe it.

How could something so light
be so... Hmm?

Bask, wait!

We have to stay together!

Wait for me! Bask!

Where are you?

I'm here, Bashenga.
Relax. I'm right here.

Look at it.
Isn't it beautiful?

It's warm.

It's singing.
Don't you hear it?

It's singing to me.

Let's go, Bask. This place...
there's something wrong with it.

No. You saw how special
that other metal is.

This has to be special too.

Maybe more special.

Or it is something deadly.
We cannot risk it. Let's go.

Let's take it with us.

We can see what it does later,
when it's safe.

What is this?
What's happening?

- T'Challa!





No! Don't!


I said, "No!"




Bask, are you all right?

I'm fine.
I'm wonderful.

I feel like I could fight
a thousand raiders and win.

That thing is dangerous.

No, it's not.

- It's...
- It's dangerous.

No one must ever touch it again.

You understand?

Sister, do you understand?

Yes. Fine.
I understand.


Now let's get out of here.

T'Challa, wake up! Please!

- What was that? What happened?

I do not know. As soon as
Bask touched the Core...

Bask? I thought you were
tracking Bashenga's memories.

She is Bashenga's sister.

His twin sister
we never knew existed.

That's a pretty big secret
to keep from the whole world.

There is more.

They found it inside the Vibranium
asteroid that had crashed into Wakanda.

Good. You've learned
what you needed.

Now we can get out of here and...


I must go back.
There is still more to learn.

I need to learn it all.


Run, Wakandans!

Now all your lands belong to Atlantis!






No! These lands
belong to Wakanda!







No, sister.


Bashenga, they're getting away.

We can finish them.

These people are injured.

We have to get them to safety.
The raiders can wait.

Yes, brother.
You're right.

Of course.

You will be safe here, my friends.
Safe and protected.

Welcome to Wakanda.

You see, Bask?
Everything is...


We have been over this.

You cannot use the Core.
It is too dangerous.

I have only safeguarded it here until
I can find a way to destroy it.

You are wrong.
You never touched it.

You do not know the power
it can give us.

I know what it did to you.

I won't have that happen again.

I'll show you.
You'll see.

I'll show you what it can do.







Bask, you cannot do this!
Let it go!

No, Bashenga.

This time, you'll see.

What? No! Stop!


Sister, please, no!
Stop this!

Princess, no!
Don't touch him!

How dare you!

Look at him.

- Whatever's happening, it's because of that Crown.

Do you want it to spread
to you as well?

But I have to help him.

Can you find a way to do it
without touching him?


Stop fighting.

Don't you feel it?
Don't you hear it singing?

Enough power for us to
destroy all of our enemies!

No! This is not you!

And it is definitely not me!







Welcome back, sister.

What happened?

You went
for the Core. Again.

After everything we said,
everything you promised me.

I just want
to protect our people.

As do I.

Bashenga, Atlantis has
plagued our land for years.

We created the Panther Clan
to protect the people.

- If we use the Core...
- No!

We cannot. No one can.

That thing...
it's just... anger.

It is like a fire that wants
to burn down the world.

You must see that.

I see that doing things
your way is too slow.

We'll never stop them
if we just crawl along,

always worrying about
making some mistake.

It is not just us anymore.

We have a tribe now.

We have to think of...

The Atlanteans.

They've returned!
We must...

I know.


This is the Atlanteans
getting revenge on us

for stopping the last raid.

We should have ended them
when we had the chance.

That fight
could have cost lives.

- Saving the innocent is more important than...
- No!

You always say that
and the raiders keep coming.

You should have let me use the Core
when I wanted to the first time.

This would have never happened!

Bashenga, there are
survivors in the brush.

Gather them.
Take them to Wakanda.

You see? This is what matters.
The peop...




Do not do this, sister.
We agreed...

You agreed.
I did not.

- If you destroy the Atlanteans...
- Our people will be safe.

Everyone will be safe forever.

This is not our way.

We promised these people Wakanda
would be a shield for them.

I will not let you do this.

Let me?

I don't think you understand.


You're right, Bashenga.

The people do need a shield,

and you can be that for them.

I will be their sword.

Bask, no...


Sister... No!

[SHURI] These sonic pacifiers
should ease your pain, brother.

I hope.




All right, T'Challa.
I've done what I can.

It's up to you
to come back to us.

You did it.
I cannot believe you did it.

The Atlanteans
are our enemies, yes.

But their city, their home...

It's a stronghold.

Was a stronghold.
Not anymore.

Oh, sister.
What have you done?

I drove them into the sea.

They're gone... forever.

Were there innocents there?

Did you even look?

I had to do it.

They would have just
kept coming and coming.

Now we can build Wakanda into
the nation it was meant to be.

By destroying all your enemies?

What enemies?
Don't you see?

With this, everyone will be able
to stand behind your shield.

All of the tribes will...

What if they refuse?

I won't let them.

The Core is unstable
outside the chamber.

It is making you the same.

Please, put it down
and return with me to Wakanda.

No! No, I won't!

It's mine! You're just jealous!
And weak!

You want to take it,
so I'll be weak like you!



Put it down.
I won't ask you again.



Never! It's mine!
It's mine!


Bask, stop!

Don't you see
what the Core is doing to you?

I see... I see...

I see you, little king.

I see you, T'Challa!


What's happening to him?


I don't know!










What is this?

This is not Bashenga's memory.

Bashenga is a liar.

All of you are liars.

You forgot me.


You buried me.

You even buried my name.


T'Challa, this way!
Follow me!

Father? Is that you?

Hurry, son!


[SHURI] I told you that stupid
zip line wouldn't work.

[HUNTER] If I had done
it, it would've worked.

Shuri? Hunter?
What is going on?

[SHURI] You hit your head
testing that dumb zip line.

And what's that Crown?

You'd better give it to me
before Father sees it.

T'Challa! Hunter! Shuri!

It is time to come in.
Hurry! Hurry, children!

Father, what is going on?

Don't be so silly, T'Challa.
Just give me the Crown.

Father, wait!

Father, it is T'Challa!

Why do you run from me?

You know, you could probably catch up
to him if you weren't carrying that.

What are you talking about?

Give me... [BASK] the
Crown, T'Challa!



[T'CHAKA] T'Challa, my son, follow me!


Father! Father, wait!

Why do you run from me?

I have so many questions.

Is it really you?

Steve! But how?

There's no time for that.
You have to get out of here.

Where is "here"?
Everything keeps changing.

We're inside the Crown,

Inside it?
How is that possible?

Listen, however you got in here, you
have got to get out before it's...

[BASK] Too late. You
are far too late.




Cap! Steve!
What is happening?

T'Challa, we can't let her...


Ten thousand years.

- Forgotten.
- Bask!

Buried. Lost!

Is this your doing?
Stop this madness!

Stop? No.

I have only just begun.


T'Challa! T'Challa, are you all right?

Well, at least
he's not glowing anymore.

That's a good sign, yeah?

Yes. I'd say
it's a very good sign.

Shuri, Klaue...

Is it over?

You tell us, mate.


The journey was strange
and even painful at times,

but I believe the quest
was successful.


I learned so much, Shuri. About
the Crown, about our family.

So much was kept from us.
From all of us.

T'Challa, listen...

Killmonger knows all this.

He knows the Crown
is more than a power source.

He wanted it back in Wakanda.

And Bask.
Does he know about Bask?

T'Challa! Stop talking.

What troubles you?

I think what the princess
is trying to tell you is,

you might have started your
little journey empty-handed,

but you didn't
come back that way.



You're alive!


Captain Steve Rogers,
reporting for...


Don't worry.

I already have
a medical team en route.

The transport should
hold two easily enough.

Two? I am fine, Shuri.
I promise I...

Uh, not you, mate.
