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05x15 - The Vibranium Curtain (Part 2)

Posted: 10/10/21 07:40
by bunniefuu
Guard's on break.

Let's introduce ourselves
to the new arrival.


Let's talk.

We tried to set up
the presidential suite for you,

but, uh, then we remembered
we're all just criminals here.

Now "we" includes you.

Hello, Klaue.

And hello to you, Black Panther.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk.

Oh, it's so sad
seeing you this way, you know?

Such a shame. Your father would
be quite disappointed, eh?

Nothing to say?
Oh, don't tell me

the cat's finally
got your tongue.


Hm. I am merely wondering how it is you
and your friends are out of your cells.

Ah, no big mystery.

You're a king out there.
I'm king in here.

All the boys here know it.

It's time you knew it too.

You remember Crossbones.

Seems you gummed up a few
of his operations recently.

He's got some bones to pick.

Yeah. And you got
no complaint department.

Looks like it's gonna
have to be face-to-face!


What do you say, boys?

This is our chance to get
even with the Black Panther!

Who's with me?

[MEN] Yeah!

- Well, then,

let us begin.





Hey! Don't leave me alone
here with him! [GRUNTS]

Listen, I think you and I
can run this place together, eh?

You take half, and
I take half...


Did I say you can take half?

I meant three-quarters.

I am not staying
in this prison, Klaue.

I only came here for you.

Eh, for me? Why?

Killmonger is still at large.

You can tell me how to find him.

Killmonger? What on earth
do you want with... [YELLS]

Yes! All right! I see!

You've got that Crown
all tucked away,

and you don't know what to
do with it, am I right?

I do not have time
for your foolishness, Klaue.

[KLAUE] Yes, well, there's more
to that trinket than you think.

But all of this has been leading
to a very different place.

What do you mean?

Killmonger's not after
the Crown, Panther.

He never was. He's after the
Heart... the Heart of Wakanda.

Enough riddles.
If you know something,

tell me, now, or I will...

Easy there.

You might have all the money,

the brains, the technology,
all the good looks...



You might have all that,
but I'm a businessman.

I know a deal when I smell one.

I don't know what the Heart is,

but I can show you
where you can find out.

Now, I've got something
you want,

you've got something I want.

And what is that?

Freedom. Yeah, yeah.

I will tell you how to find
the Heart of Wakanda,

just as soon as you
get me out of this prison.

Right. First things first.

The security systems have to go.

That panel controls
this entire level.

We must disable that camera.
Wait here.



Now take me to property lockup.

There is something there I need.



We've got to take him out.

If he wakes up with us here,
the game's up, eh?

You will harm no one.

These guards are merely
doing their jobs.

Yeah, if his job is sleeping.

Don't be so stiff,
Black Panther.

You really should embrace your
new life of crime, [BEEPS]

have a little fun with it.



There is no need
for you to be armed.

- The one you have is enough.
- Ja. Ja.

Forewarned is fore armed, eh?

I get it.
But, really,

there's no profit
in me betraying you here.

If this partnership's going to
work, you do need to trust me.

We are not partners.

Hey, you!
You can't be in here!




So, it's all right
when you do it, eh?

He will not be unconscious long.

We must keep moving.










I told you betraying you
back there wasn't worth it.

Betraying you here, however,
is quite profitable indeed.

Ah-ah. Remember,
we have a deal.

You help me get back what is mine, I help
you get this thing back to full power.

Don't you worry,
Mr. Adrian Toomes.

My word is my bond.

Just ask our friend here.


- Don't move, prisoner!

You're going back to your cell!

I am sorry. I cannot do that.


Central, I need lights
on Yard .

prisoner is still active.

I need backup, now.
Repeat: I need backup, now.




As I said,
you have my sincere apologies.


Follow me and stay close.

[w*apon POWERING UP]

No. You'll set off
the alarm.

And if we do? No night
watchman is going to stop us.

This is Horizon High.

The security system
is formidable.

Trust me.
I know a better way.


Uh, do all American high
schools have secret entrances?

Hardly. This one
is very special.

Now stop blathering and come on.


Yo! Cat burglar!
Pull over!

I'm gonna need to see your night
school registration, please.


So, hey, somebody throwing
a late-night bad-guy

convention in the gym
I'm not aware of?

- Do not interfere, child.
- "Child"?!

Spider - "Man."

Come on.
It's right in the name.

I am on
a very important mission.

I do not have time for...


Breaking into school's
an important mission?

Oh, wait!
You're Black Panther.

You're the guy
who betrayed the Avengers.

I am not your enemy.

There is more going on here
than you know.

Blah, blah, blah. You're the bad
guy, I'm the good guy. The end.


You are wasting my time.

Wait! I wanna waste more of your time.


I can make more!


Mr. Stark's gonna love me
when I toss you back in jail.




I will not intentionally harm you, but
I cannot let you impede my mission.

Ooh, your mission
must be important.

So, let me guess... Web b*mb!

I got it. You're here to
use the school Wi-Fi.

I don't blame you. But I
can't tell you the password.





You fought well, Spider-Man,

but a true warrior
learns all the facts

before entering a battle.


What facts?

Good guy turns bad, other
good guy takes him to jail,

where he busts out
to catch other bad guys?

Okay, this is getting weird.


Right. I'm impressed.

When you said you had
a place to store Vibranium,

I was expecting
a secret research lab.

Disguising it as a high school?

[LAUGHS] You're no
lightweight, are you?

It's not a disguise.

This is both a high school
and a research facility.

I was its finest instructor.

Judging by how you ended up,

I'd say your school board
made a mistake, mate.

Several people made
several mistakes about me.

Too right, they did.

Should have made you principal,
if they had sense.

You cracked their entire defense
grid without firing a shot.

Yes, well, it helps
when you're part of the team

that designed
the defense system.

Easy to put in backdoors
that way.

On the other hand,
nothing really beats

an old-fashioned smash-and-grab,
am I right, eh?

Ugh. I'm sure I don't know.

Do you want
the Vibranium or not?

Oh, absolutely, I want it.
A deal's a deal.

Ours was, I get you out... done...

and you get me my Vibranium.

So, where is it?


[CHUCKLES] You're full of
surprises, I'll give you that.


You wanted to break in here
for this?

What is it supposed to be,
some kind of super-chicken suit?

This is what you wanted.

Enough Vibranium to power
your arm for a year.


Pleasure doing business
with you, Toomes.

Uh, Toomes?

About time you showed up!


You're arm... Full power!

It is indeed, thanks to my
good friend, Mr. Toomes.





Like the sound of that?

I do, because
it's music to my ears!





That is enough noise
out of you, Klaue.

That's enough noise
out of all of you.


At last, I have my
freedom, I have my armor!

The Vulture flies again!

Who is the Vulture?

Don't know. But it's definitely
a step-up from chicken.


I am taking Klaue with me.
Do not interfere.

Toomes, we can still win this!

Help me destroy
the Black Panther!

I think not.

What are you talking about?
We've got a deal!

No. We had a deal,
which is complete.

You've served
your purpose, Klaue.

Now both of you are nothing
more than loose ends.




Time to say good-bye, Klaue.

[SPIDER-MAN] Pretty sure
this is where you say hello.

- To my foot!

Okay. All aboard
the Back to Jail Express!

Spider-Man, wait!
This isn't what it looks like.

It looks like three super-villains
trying to get out of Dodge.

No, not three. Two!
Those two are the criminals.

I'm trying to apprehend them.

Hmm? Nope. Still count three.





Listen to me.
They forced me to join them.

We shouldn't be fighting.





Gonna be real hard
to explain on Monday

why these locker dents
are shaped like my face.




Oh, come on!



Sorry, Public Enemy.


Prison's the other way.


Hey! Come back here!



- Deal-breaker!

Fraud! What happened
to honor among thieves, eh?

I am not a thief!

Spider-Man, you see?

I've got this criminal
pinned down.

- Together, we can...
- There's no "we," Toomes.

There's just me, putting all you
guys back in jail where you belong.

I do not belong there.


If you won't listen,
I'll prove it to you.


"Prove it"?

You won't escape us, villain!

It's back to prison for you!


Give it up, Toomes.

Spider-kid's not buying it.

If we team up now,
we still have a chance!

No. No teams, no deals.

There's no way
I'm going back to prison.


You see, Spider-Man?

I am trying to help you.

He's not!
He's really not!

You're helping wreck the place.

Look around you, Toomes.
Look what you're doing.


What's your point?

Exactly. Bad guy.




He risked his own life...
to save his enemy?

I didn't want any of this.

I was serving my time. Klaue
forced me to break out.

He did this!
He's responsible!

That's your problem, Toomes.

Always blaming everyone else
for your bad choices.

No one listens.
No one understands my genius.

You're all fools!




Spider-Man! [GROANS] It's...

It's you!
You saved me?

If you cannot believe in my words,
then believe in my actions.

What do you say
we carve this turkey?

It'll be like Thanksgiving
all over again.

Wait. Do Wakandans
even have Thanksgiving?

I am familiar with the concept.












One down, one to go.

Klaue, we had a deal!



Tsk, tsk.

You know, for a vulture,
you sure do sing like a canary.

Am I right, Mr. Panther?

And he's gone.




Not bad, Klaue, my son.

All in all, a good bit of business.


Oh, no.




Did you believe
I would let you escape?

We have a deal.

Ja, ja. We do.

But I've got my arm, eh?
Fully charged.

This time, I'm...


I'm afraid I can't let you
do that, Black Panther.

You may have saved
his life, and mine,

but you're still
an escaped criminal.

Spider-Man, I assure you
I am no criminal.

This man has knowledge
that will save many lives.

I must be allowed to take him.


Maybe. But what
would Iron Man say

about me letting public enemy
number one just walk out of here?

That is an ironic question,
considering your own history.

Have you not been called
a public enemy yourself?

Well, yeah. Sort of.
But that's different.

In what way?
Is it not possible

that I have been misjudged by
the public, just as you were?

I mean, it's possible.

Can't believe everything
you see on the Internet, right?


Sorry. I can't.
You're the bad guy.

You're, like, the bad guy.

I have made mistakes recently.
That is true.

Have you ever
made a mistake so bad

that it brought great harm
to someone close to you?

Would you not do anything,

risk anything
to correct that error?

Yeah. Yeah, I would.


Don't make me regret this, okay?

You will not.
You have my word.

And my thanks.

So, let me get this straight.

You had him, in your webs,
right here,

and you just let him go,
with Klaue?

not exactly wrong.

You do know he's kind of,
you know, wanted, like, by me,

and by everyone else
in this city?

You know what he did
to Captain America, right?

Now he's running prison breaks
for super-villains,

and you just let him
stroll off into the sunset?

Black Panther risked
his life to save a guy

who would have blasted him
without blinking.

That's not bad-guy behavior.

It's not that simple.

I know it seems like
he's done some bad stuff,

but people thought that
about me too.

It's not about what other people have
said about me, it's about what I do.

All I'm saying is that I saw proof
that he's not a complete bad guy.

That was enough for me.
I just trust my gut.

Hmm? Okay.
What about him?

Your gut telling you
to let him go too?

What, Vulture?

Not a chance.

That jailbird's
going back in his cage.

Yes, go on.
Make more childish jokes.

Stark, you're an adult.

Can't you see
I'm not a criminal?

Gotta say I'm with
the Spider-Man on this one.

I see you,
all I think is bad guy.

I want my lawyer!
Do you hear?



How long did you say
until the webbing dissolves?

An hour or two, I believe.

An hour or two?!

I hope this little escapade was
worth the bother, T'Challa.

If it helps me
to stop Killmonger,

it will.