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05x13 - The Last Avenger

Posted: 10/10/21 07:39
by bunniefuu
Explain yourself, T'Challa, now.

Black Panther,
what has happened here?

He was trying to use
that Crown for himself.

Cap tried to stop him
and Panther.

He destroyed him.

This cannot be so.

Because it is not, Thor.

Captain America and I were trying
to stop the Crown together.

Whatever you believe you saw,
Black Widow, you are mistaken.

All of you,
I am still your friend.

Aye. Black Panther
is an Avenger and our ally.

No, not anymore.
He quit, remember?

And if she says it's true,
it's true. Tell him, Nat.

I saw the two of them break off from
the fight with the Shadow Council.

I followed them
all the way down here.

They were fighting
over the Crown.

Panther let Cap
get caught in the blast.

Captain America sacrificed
himself to protect us all.

I saw what I saw.

- Captain America...
- Isn't here to back you up.

Convenient, huh?

Okay, here's the plan.

T'Challa, you and that Crown are
coming with us to Avengers Tower.

We'll sort this out there.

No! I will not allow you
to touch the Crown.

Are you threatening us,
friend Panther?

The Crown is more dangerous
than you know.

We tried to contain
its power here and failed.

I must be allowed
to take it with me, now!

You lost your vote when you
lied to us and att*cked Cap.

I did not attack him.
And I am a king, Hawkeye.

I do not vote.
The Crown is going with me.

If you insist
on blocking my path,

I will be forced to use
extreme measures.

Good. That'll make
the fight fair.

Since when is four against one
a fair fight?

Princess Shuri!

O-kay. That doesn't
look good.



I was able to build a new
containment box for the Crown.

These three bars are all we
had left at the embassy.

- Once the Crown depletes them...
- Yes.

There will be great danger without
sufficient Vibranium to dampen its energies.


The Shrouded Temple
was filled with Vibranium.

The structure, the
circuits... everything.

We'll need at least that much
to keep it stable.

The temple is destroyed.
There is only one place

where we can find
that much Vibranium.


If we don't get this back to
Wakanda before these bars run out,

half of North America
will be vaporized.

Hold on.

I'm rerouting power
from your armor.

That should help sustain the
Crown until we reach Wakanda.

Till then, you'll be
on auxiliary power.


But exactly how much time
does that give us?

The Crown will burn right through
that Vibranium in a few hours.

Barely enough time
to get back to Wakanda,

unless your friends
want to lend us an Avenjet.

Unlikely. But there is
an alternative. Come.


Stand down, Your Majesty.

Don't make this uglier
than it has to be.

- Captain Marvel...
- I mean it, T'Challa.

I'm not asking twice.

You have to stop this.
Just come with us

before it gets out of, uh, hand.

Ms. Marvel...
Carol, you do not understand.

We must return to Wakanda
without delay.

Wakanda? Tony told us
what you did to Cap.

The only place you're going
is a holding cell.

But if you come in on your own...

I mean, we're all friends.

Maybe you've got an explanation for...
what happened, right?

I would totally give you
a chance to explain.

He used up his chances
when he vaporized Cap.

Shuri, go!

Get the princess!


Okay. I guess
we're doing this.



Hey! Stop that!
Put me down!

Totally sorry, Princess.
If you'll just... Aah!


Hey! That stings!

This'll sting, too, Kamala.


Ms. Marvel! Incoming!


Well, I had him.

Till I didn't.


Just grab him, can't ya?

Like it's that easy.
Hello! He's Black Panther!

Shuri, be ready.





I really am so sorry.


Central Park?

I made preparations
after the Atlantean attack

in case the embassy
was compromised a second time.

It seemed wise to have off-site
transportation at the ready.

Sometimes your ideas aren't half
bad, brother. [THUNDERCLAP]

Look out! Aah!

T'Challa! The jet!

The jet is not the problem.

Black Panther!

Surrender now, traitor,
or face the wrath of Thor!

This is not good.
Do you have a plan?

I am forming one. You have your
prototypes with you, I presume.

Yes, of course. I... Wh...
What? T'Challa, wait.

[BLACK PANTHER] Thor, do not attack.

I wish to speak to you,
one royal to another.

I must return
the Crown to Wakanda.

If I do not, there will be
unimaginable destruction.

You destroyed Captain America.

You might make any claim
to avoid punishment.

You will not let us pass?

- No.

Your crime is too great.

You must face justice!

Then... it is decided.





Shatter Ball. No.

Stealth web. No.

Micro battery... Aha!

Yes! Power siphons!







- This might sting a bit.



Nicely done. Your power
siphons work very well.


They haven't been tested
on a real Asgardian before.

We don't know if they
can hold this energy for very...







Well, now we know.
We... should go.

One of us must get to the jet.

Have you seen the jet?
It's not going to help us.

You must trust me. The jet is hobbled,
but there are weapons inside.

Weapons? What sort of...

No! T'Challa, you didn't!

Shuri, go!

I will distract Thor.


I can't believe I'm doing this!


Thor, please hear me.

I am only trying
to protect the people of...

Enough! No more talk!


Your technology is formidable,

but it can never match
Asgardian power!



Wakandan technology is
a match for anything!



Shuri, be ready!


Thor, we can still stop this.

Just put the hammer down!


As... you... wish!




Huh! Another
of your tricks.

It will fail, like the rest.


This is nothing.

When will you learn
that your traps are useless?

That is not the trap.
This is.



I can't believe you had

a w*apon designed specifically
to defeat Thor.

It is only a temporary solution.

We must go before he returns.

We lost time.
We lost the jet.

The Vibranium's almost depleted.

How are we going
to make it back to Wakanda?

Shuri, an effective backup plan
requires a backup of its own.


T'Challa, wait.

Where are we going?

An empty warehouse?

This is your backup backup plan?

Honestly, when do you find the time?



Looks like you're having engine trouble.
So sad for you.

Stand aside, Black Widow.

Let us put our jet back together,
and we'll be on our way.

You're absolutely free
to go, Princess,

- just as soon as your brother surrenders.

Why are you doing this, Natasha?

You know I would never
harm Captain America.

I know what I saw.




Missing something?



You don't happen to have another jet
hidden somewhere in New York, do you?

Why do I ask?
Of course you do.

Isn't this where the Avengers wanted
to take you in the first place?

I am fairly certain they did
not wish to bring me here.

Hidden elevator?
You really have been busy.

"No battle plan survives contact
with the enemy." Sun Tzu.

"My brother's backup plans have
backup plans." Princess Shuri.

Seriously? You hid a jet
in my trophy room?

I'm starting to get the feeling
you never trusted any of us.

Trust is a two-way road.

Really? T'Challa,
we don't have time for this.

I will be quick.

Hey, wait!






If this is how you treat your friends,
no wonder you've got so many enemies.


We are not enemies!

I know that.
I just said we're friends.

T'Challa! Clear!


That was quick.


Okay. Now I'm mad!

T'Challa? T'Challa,

do you plan to say anything
before we get to Wakanda?


I... I am sorry, Shuri.
I was thinking.

Tell me.

I prefer to remain silent.

I'm your sister.
I know what troubles you.

I know how much Captain
America meant to you.

And now, being forced
to go against your friends...

Sometimes doing our duty takes
a toll on our lives, Shuri.

Another lesson
on how to be a king?


Once this is all over, can we not
just explain to the Avengers?

- Your friends will see...
- You call them my friends?

I am not certain of that.

They are your friends, T'Challa.

If they are, they will forgive.

You have a good heart, sister,

but sentiment is a luxury
we cannot afford.

If we do not get the Crown
back to Wakanda,

it will destroy
millions of lives.

Nothing else can matter now.

Closing in on the African coast.
We might actually make it.

Surprise! How do you like
my new stealth tech?


Now, where were we?

Did you really think you could
get away with this, T'Challa?

I tried to reason with you.

Your actions dictated
this course, not mine.

I gave you a chance
to surrender at the embassy.

This mess is all on you!

You took Black Widow's word, yet
you did not even consider mine.

Is that how you treat buddies?

I'm not here to argue.

I'm here to bring you and that
Crown thing back to New York.


So be it.


Shuri, return to the capital.
Initiate the Shield protocol.



- T'Challa, stay alive.



You can't beat me, T'Challa.

Perhaps not.

But beating you
was never my plan.

Stopping you was.

Hey! Hey! No!
Stop that! I need that!

Yes, you do.


The reactor's power will
continue to protect your heart,

but its connection
to your armor is severed.

Good-bye, Tony.


That was actually
a pretty good plan.

Time to hunt some big game.



Neat trick,
but I've got some too.



You are not getting away.

Stay back, Hawkeye.
I do not wish to hurt you.


Oh, we're way too late for that.

This one's for Whitney Frost.


And this one's for the Avengers!


And this one is for Steve.








I am almost to the border.

That's far enough!

Stay back.
If you pass this point,

it will be viewed as a hostile
incursion into Wakanda.

Did he just call us hostiles?

We were friends, T'Challa.
Why are you doing this?

Some things are more important than
friendship. You should know that.

Final warning, Panther.
One more step...

T'Challa, you must hurry.
The Crown is...

Be calm, Shuri. Returning the Crown
to Wakanda has stabilized it.

The danger is passed.

Not for you.

Is this how you solve
your problems?

It doesn't always have to be Wakanda
versus the rest of the world, you know.

There was a time when I
believed that to be true.

I defied the wisdom
of my forefathers,

opened our border,
joined forces with the Avengers.

But your minds are closed.

You will not hear me.

I thank you for making it clear
that my ancestors were correct.

Wakanda stands alone
in the world.

I must stand alone.


Once again, the borders of Wakanda
are closed to all foreigners.

Any attempt by you
or anyone else to cross

will be seen as an act of w*r
and punished accordingly.


You're right.
It's completely inert.

Klaue told the truth about it
being safe on Wakandan soil?

It seems so. As soon as I crossed our
border, the energy build-up ceased.

That sounds like magic.

There must be
a scientific explanation.

We'll keep working on it.
You should rest.

It's been a bad day.

T'Challa, have you been
out here this whole time?

I have teams
examining the Crown.

It has many
unexpected properties,

but it does seem to be a new form
of Vibranium, as Klaue said.

Or a very old one.
I think...

Are you all right?

I... I am not certain.

This quest
has shattered friendships

and alliances
I've spent years forging.

For what?

For Wakanda.
We saved the world.

Even if the Avengers
don't know it.

That is true.

We did what was right.

You did what was right. It's
what Father taught us to do.

Father taught me to plan
everything to the finest detail,

to prepare for any circumstance
I might encounter as king.

But this?

For the first time in my life,

I have no plan.