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05x10 - The Good Son

Posted: 10/10/21 07:37
by bunniefuu
Hey! What do you think
you're doing?

I was just about to ask you
the same question.





I'm not gonna ask you again.

[BLACK PANTHER] I would prefer to avoid
unnecessary bloodshed in my palace garden.

Yeah. Still working out
if it's unnecessary.

Captain, this is White Wolf.

He is a trusted member
of the royal family.

I have recently tasked him
with helping Wakandan security.

- Hunter, this is Captain...
- I know who he is.

I want to know why he's here.

I arranged a meeting
of Secret Avengers.

Captain America was invited.

But I wasn't.

What's wrong with this picture?

Brother, please.

Fine. I'll just go make sure
everything is secure.

[CAPTAIN AMERICA] I'll say this for your
brother, he takes the job seriously.


The palace has never
been more secure.

While we await
my sister's arrival,

allow me to present
the final member of our group.

"Final member"?
What do you mean?

He means me, Captain.


Hello. No doubt
you're surprised to see me.


Wait. Stop!


- Steve, wait!


Stand down, Captain.

Baron Zemo is with us.

- He is on our side.
- What?

Your reaction is understandable,
but what he says is true.


Tsk, tsk, Captain.

Is this any way to treat
your new teammate?

Now, then, if you've finished with your
heroic display, please take a seat.

You may learn something.

There are three pieces
that form the Panther Key.

Decades ago,
the previous Shadow Council

tried to weaponize
a powerful Wakandan artifact

but were thwarted by the Captain
here and your grandfather.

Your grandfather hid
that artifact in a place

that could only be accessed
via the so-called Panther's Key.

Your grandfather then broke the key into
three sections and hid them as well,

forcing Black Panther to scour the
world to retrieve the sections

ahead of the modern Shadow Council.

In that, he has been victorious.

We now have the key here,

safe in Wakanda, reassembled.

The Shadow Council has nothing.

But there is yet
another problem.

We still don't know what the
key is supposed to open.

Indeed, Princess Shuri.

I have automated systems
searching my father's records.


Perhaps they will find
the answer there.

In the meantime, the key will
be kept here, in the palace.

My presentation is complete.

Are there any... questions?


T'Challa, can I have a word,
in private?

You're comfortable with Zemo
having access to the key?

Zemo has been
a strong asset, Captain.

He is under my protection.

Do you know how many evil plots
and schemes he's hatched?

How many times he's pretended
to be a hero just long enough

until he can
s*ab us in the back?

We are in my palace, in the
country where I am king.

My back is well guarded.

Zemo is a manipulator.

If there's a way he can double-cross
an ally, he'll find it.

I have made my judgment, Captain.

- This discussion is...
- [THUD]

Does Wakanda have blackouts?

We do not.

But emergency systems
should activate.

Hmm. Odd.

It's Zemo. He did this.
I warned you.

Zemo could not have done this.
His access does not extend...

It's Zemo.
We have to get outta here

before he can finish
whatever it is he's planning.


The palace doors require a
slight charge to pull them open.

Without it, the doors become
an indestructible wall.

It is a security feature.

Okay, so we need to get
the doors powered up again.

We do. The door control mechanism
is located inside this wall.

Got it.


- Shuri, are you all right?
- I'm fine.

I was in the east wing when
everything went into lockdown.

But I did have to cut through
the wall to get out.

We must find out how far
the blackout extends.

I'm rerouting emergency power
to the conference room.


What are you people
doing in there?

The whole palace is blacked out.

- Hunter, where are you?
- West wing,

helping some Dora Milaje
open the doors.

Do you have eyes on Zemo?

I thought the good Baron was keeping
company with the rest of your little club.

Contact me when you have
rallied the palace guards.

T'Challa, what's happening?

We are attempting to determine
that now, Hunter. Go.

Hmm? Shuri, please display
the palace security schematic.


[SHURI] Looks like the palace staff are
locked in separate wings and floors.

Nearly all the palace doors
are powered off or sealed shut.

Most but not all.

These doors are still active
and open.

Does anyone else think
that looks like a path?

It does.
And it's leading to...

T'Challa's bedroom?

Why would anyone
want to go in there?

The key is there!


- Both of you, with me!
- Wait!

If it was Zemo, he also
depowered the prison level.

No, not the entire level.

Only one cell is open.
How could he do that?

Which cell?
Which prisoner is loose?

- No!




Did you miss me?



I've come to pay respect,
Your Highness.



[GRUNTS] I can escape and bring payback
to the little cats who locked me away?

This must be my lucky day.





Do you have to laugh
at everything?


Not everything.


Only when I get to hurt people.

Like now!






think I've forgotten about you.




So quiet.

You're going to suffer
in silence?



We prefer our actions
to speak for us.



Well, this has been fun,
but I just can't stay.



He's getting away!

Every second we waste gives Zemo
a chance to get to the key.

M'Baku will rampage
through the streets of the city.

T'Challa, our people are in danger.
We need to act.

And we will.




Is there no way out
of this maze?

You could always be smart
and go back to your cell.

I'm giving you one chance,
M'Baku. Go back.


You're giving me a chance?

Are you mad, Princess?
Stand aside.

You're in my way.

You're not leaving here.

You're going right back
into the cell where we put you.

Oh, I am leaving,
but now I will crush you first

and leave you broken
for your brother to find.

Mm, I think they may have
a problem with that.



Dora Milaje?


- More little dolls for me to break.


- Aah!

Bah! I'm not afraid of you.

You both are nothing.





I'm sorry.
You were saying?

What in the world?

I knew it.
Good job, White Wolf.

Hunter, what is the meaning of this?
What are you doing here?

I had a hunch this criminal would use the
confusion to make a grab for the key.

A hunch?

I think he's responsible
for the blackout.

He probably opened the prison, too,
to keep us all busy with M'Baku.

Hate to say I told you so,
but that's a classic Zemo move.

Captain America...

Give it up, Zemo.
We've got you dead to rights.

Wait. You think I am
responsible for this?

When the blackout hit,
I was in the conference room.

Someone struck me
from behind, and...

And you just happened to wake
up in my brother's chambers.

Yeah, you're gonna need to come up
with a better lie than that, Baron.

You're caught.
I caught you.

Yes. I am interested
in how you caught him, Hunter.

Does it matter?
I found him here.

He went for the key,
I took him down.

No! That's a lie!
He is lying!

Quiet, Zemo.

You found him, here.

You know, bringing outsiders
into the palace was bad enough,

but keeping the key
in your bedroom?

Why not just set it
on the front lawn

with a sign that says,
"Come steal me"?

Hunter, who told you
the key was here?

I don't know.

You or Shuri.

No. I am quite sure
I did not tell you.

And I do not believe Shuri
would either.

Then Zemo. He must have
let it slip at some point.

Only two people knew the key was
being kept in my chambers...

myself and Shuri.

Zemo was not told,

nor was Captain America
until moments ago.

Hunter, what is
really going on here?


That's your trouble, Whiskers.

You stick to your habits.

You always hid
your best toys in here.

Hunter, what have you done?


Hold still so I can crush you!


- Annoying mosquitoes! Get away from me!



Don't be a fool, M'Baku.



Return to your cell
before you get hurt.

Ha! Hurt me,
little Princess?

No. I am the one who hurts you!






Everything Zemo said is true.

I knocked him out.

- I dragged him here.
- Wait. What?

I'm the one who cut the power and
put the palace in a lockdown.

Finish this.
I'm needed at the palace.

As you wish, Your Majesty.

Finish me?



Ha! I am M'Baku!





I am sick of you!
I am invincible!



I am...

I am...

I'm going back to my cell.

Why, Hunter?
Why would you do this?

Because of Father.

I'm following his wishes.

You're betraying
everything he stood for,

all because of this!

Grandfather hid the key
for a reason.

Father kept it hidden,
kept it secret.

You should just destroy
this thing and be done with it.

That is not
your decision to make.

It is my duty
to protect Wakanda.

To do that, I must have the key.

[GROWLS] These outsiders
have you confused.

Just let me take it.

I'll hide it where no one
will ever find it again.

Hunter, I am the king.

I command you to return the key!

So be it.




Relinquish the key!




Never say "never."


Now, Captain!







The key, Hunter.
I will not ask again.

Ask all you want. The answer is no!

You are not taking it!


You'll thank me later.
You'll see!


Stand down, son.
It's over.

T'Challa, please!
You're my brother.

That is why I am giving you
a chance to stop this madness.

Now, Hunter.

All right.
If that's how you want it.






Thanks for the save, Baron.

They're too far away.
What should we do?

I don't really care
what you do, Zemo.

You still don't trust me,
do you, Captain?

I'm glad we understand
each other.


Hunter, it is time to stop.






Hunter, you can't do this.

I have to. Shuri, someone has
to save you from yourselves.

Please, see reason.


You're the ones who are blind.




Get out of my way, Zemo.

I knocked you out once today.
I'll do it again.

And as much as I would relish the
chance to beat you in fair combat,

I am only the distraction.


Enough, Hunter!

I have had enough!

The key...

You never should've
dug up the key.

It was an easy decision to leave
it alone, and you blew it!

- You think being a king is easy?

My choices have consequences!

- Who survives. Who falls.
- [GRUNTS] Aah!

What is best of all of us.


- Everyone telling me what I should do!

What I should not do!
Who I should be!

How I should rule!

Stay back.
This is my brother's fight.

This isn't about you!
This is about our people!

It's about Wakanda!

- You think I do not know that?

Our people trust me
to do what is right.

I will never betray that trust!

I am their king!

- Not the Avengers!

- Not my ministers! Not our sister!

- And not you!

Father wouldn't want this.

He would never have allowed
enemies into Wakanda,

- into the palace.

Please, Shuri.

You know me.

Talk some sense
into our brother.

The only enemy T'Challa allowed
into the palace was you, Hunter.

You can't be trusted.

I see that now.

Take him away.

Zemo! Look out. He's...


If anyone needs me,
I will be in my room.



White Wolf's antics
damaged the palace,

but his actions did not affect the
search through my father's files,

which is good,
because we've discovered

a piece of new information.

We have the key, and now
we know what it unlocks...

the Shrouded Temple.