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05x06 - Mists of Attilan

Posted: 10/10/21 07:33
by bunniefuu
This is Crossbones.
We've reached the border.

It looks clear, but our intel says
Wakanda has some pretty heavy security.

Your intel is correct.

You have no business
here, Crossbones.

Leave now,
or there will be consequences.

Three on five?
I like those odds.

Take 'em!

You have chosen consequences.






Superior numbers
do not always ensure victory.

Well, they definitely help.

Plasma canon.

[CROSSBONES ON PA] What was that
you were saying about superior numbers?

Count again.

Finish the robots.
Crossbones is mine.




Steering control, offline.




If I'm going down, at least
you're going down with me!


You are in Wakanda now,

which means you do not even get
to die without my permission.

[MS. MARVEL] Black Panther and Ms.
Marvel back in action,

on another
classic Avengers team-up.

This is not an Avengers mission.

I am no longer an Avenger.

Hey, yeah. What's up with
you quitting the team?

And where exactly are we going?

See for yourself.


Is that what I think it is?

[BLACK PANTHER] Welcome to
Attilan, home of the Inhumans.

I studied everything
about this place.

I can't believe we're here.
This is so awesome.

I am happy you are happy,

Wakanda and the Inhumans
maintain diplomatic relations.

I am having dinner
with the royals of Attilan.

And you're bringing
me along because?

There is a matter I must discuss
with the king and queen.

I believe they will be more relaxed if
they see I have brought a friend along.

Well, I hope you let
them know you're coming.

I've heard Black Bolt and Medusa
don't do so great with visitors.


Black Panther.

I'm Princess Crystal
of the Inhuman Royal Family.

I bid you greetings
and welcome you

on behalf of King Black Bolt
and Queen Medusa.

Thank you, Crystal.
This is my, uh, friend.

Ms. Marvel,
please meet Cryst...

The Ms. Marvel?!
I've read all about you.

You're the youngest Avenger ever.
I'm your biggest fan!

You're excited to meet me?

I'm so envious of you
and your adventures.

You're young like me, but you get
to go out and see the world.

See the world, meet the
people, punch the people.

I'd give anything
to do what you do.

Being a royal means you have
to live under royal rules.

Such a pain.


Oh. Of course.
Please, follow me.

[CRYSTAL] You actually saw
the whole band? In person?

- Fifth row, center.
- So close! I would've died!

I did!
I totally did!

Our people have been allies
for generations, T'Challa.

Your presence gives us a rare opportunity
to display Inhuman hospitality.

As it is very dangerous
for Black Bolt to speak aloud,

I understand your reluctance
to bring in visitors.

Now, Black Bolt
would like to know:

why have you come to Attilan?

In searching my grandfather's
archives, I discovered an object

Wakanda gave to the Inhumans
for safekeeping.

It looks like a segment
of a small golden claw.

Yes. We know
of this piece.

Good. I desire it
to be returned to me.

With regret,
we must deny your request.

The piece is Wakandan property.
I will have it back.

The answer is no.

Black Bolt, Medusa, if the thing
belongs to Black Panther,

- why not just give it to...
- Crystal,

you have not
been asked to speak.

You have our apologies,

but your grandfather made us swear that
no one would get this piece of the key.

Not even members
of his own family.

My grandfather thought
the Shadow Council

had been defeated
when he passed the key to you.

[MEDUSA] "Shadow Council"?
What is that?

A dangerous cabal bent
on Wakanda's destruction.

The Shadow Council
has agents everywhere.

They may even have
infiltrated Inhuman society.


This is serious.

If we have an infiltrator
or spies in Attilan,

- we should be do...
- Be still, Crystal.

There are no spies in Attilan.

- But what if there are?
- [THUD]

I see I have caused trouble
between you,

which was not my intention.

Come, Kamala.
We are leaving.

That could've gone better.

Were you trying to get them to yell
at each other? Because it worked.

While they discuss, you and I can
move more freely in the city.

Hey, awesome! We can use the
time to check out the city.

We can see all
the best spots in Attilan...

Randac's tower,
the Terrigen caves...

Oh, there is this beautiful park
with the best views.

Unless you hate heights. Then the
views are kind of terrifying.

You know, floating city and all.

Sewers can be good,
too, I guess.

These aren't sewers.
They're more like tunnels.


This is a spy mission, right?

My first-ever spy mission.

"What's my name?
Khan. Kamala Khan."

You watch too many movies.

If my memory of the city's
underground is correct,

this should lead to
an underground chamber where...

Where we will find
the lost key of Wakanda!

I know.
Too many movies.


Creepy times ten.

How are you not
skeeved out by this?

Our mission is too important
to let ourselves be,

as you say,
"skeeved out."






Okay, we're past skeevy now.

This is a skeevageddon.



Because why wouldn't giant crystal rhino
spiders come to life and attack us?















I vote we get out of here and come
back with bug spray. Thoughts?

Ms. Marvel! Slingshot!








- Aah!



Hold on!
I'm coming!

Not good. Not good.

My first secret mission, and I
totally lost Black Panther.

Never lost, only misplaced.

Great. Let's go!



I'm glad I'm your partner on
this mission and not a sidekick,

'cause I have a real problem
with the concept of sidekicks.

I mean, don't tell Cap this, but Bucky
was basically his underpaid intern.

Ms. Marvel,
please, focus.

I promise I'm focused.

I'm focused because I'm sure you
have a plan to get us out of this.

You're the Black Panther, and the
Black Panther always has a plan.

Plans are totally your thing.
So, what's the plan?

I am working
on a course of action.

No plan, then.
Okay, now I'm worried.





Well, hello again.

Black Bolt and Medusa are arguing,
and that's really painful to watch.

So I thought I'd find the two of
you and see what you were up to.

I never thought I'd find you
in the catacombs.

Nobody ever comes down here.



You're after that thing your
grandfather gave us, aren't you?

It is important that
I reach the key chamber.

I must retrieve the key segment
before the Shadow Council does.

But Black Bolt said no.

Crystal, please.
You have to help us.

I trust Black Panther.

You don't know him like I do,
but he's my friend.

If he says it's important,
he wouldn't lie.

- I don't know.
- Come on.


Aw! That's adorable.

Okay. If you say so,
Ms. Marvel.

But we better not get caught.

This way.

The key chamber
is on the other side,

but the doors are sealed
under a bio-lock.

They have to be opened
by two people.

One has to be an Inhuman. The
other has to be a royal Wakandan.

I will take the Wakandan door.

Ms. Marvel, please
take the Inhuman door.

Wait a minute.
You knew Black Bolt and Medusa

were gonna say "no" to this,
didn't you?

I had my suspicions.


So you didn't bring me along

because you wanted me to help
smooth things with the royals.

[BLACK PANTHER] That was indeed
part of it.

[MS. MARVEL] No. You just needed someone
to get you into the key chamber.

And that was another part.

Not cool, Black Panther.

So not cool.
I thought we were friends.

So we are.

But some things must take
precedence over friendship.

This is it.

The second segment of the key.


What are you doing?

Hard to believe, isn't it?

And we're just getting started.



She copied me!

She copied me!

Ms. Marvel, she cannot
have copied everything!

You're right!



Take that, copycat!





Black Panther, are you okay?

I am fine.

Good. Now we must...

You must sit there at the bottom of
that pit for the rest of your lives.


Hello there.

Okay, I'm just letting everybody
know I don't have a twin sister.

She is a shape-shifter.

Oh, don't pretend
you're so smart.

I fooled you.

Admit it. You thought I was
Crystal and Ms. Marvel.

But it was me all the time,

the lovely and amazing Zanda,

Princess of Narobia.

Acknowledge my brilliance.

Greetings, Zanda.

Wait. You know her?

We have met.

I invited him to my Naming
Festival, and he refused.

Can you believe it?
So rude.

You sent six warriors
to kidnap me.

It's a tradition.

Okay, I see this is totally a TMI
situation with your ex-GF, but...

She is not my ex-GF.

Zanda has...
self-esteem issues.

She gets into trouble trying to
prove her superiority over others.

Zanda, whatever you think you
are doing, you must stop now.

- The Shadow Council...
- They are my friends.

They respect me.

They see my greatness.

I'm a princess,
I have superpowers,

and, oh, yes, I have tricked

the oh-so-brilliant
King Black Panther

into leading me to this!

I have known you to be
greedy and vain, Zanda,

but working
for the Shadow Council?

I'm not working
for the Shadow Council,

I'm on it.

And you were right.

Nowhere is safe from us.

Soon the shadow will cover all.

I can't believe you dated her!

We met, as I said, once.

There was no dating.

Did she always have the,
you know...

I do not know.

How long do you think she's
been on the Shadow Council?

I do not know.

[MS. MARVEL] What is this
Shadow Council, anyway?

Why aren't the Avengers
in on this?

It is a Wakandan matter, Kamala.

- I am only doing what the mission...
- Oh, no.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
You don't get to pull that

"for the good of the mission"
stuff on me.

I might be young,
but I'm still an Avenger.

We wouldn't be in this stupid pit if you'd
been honest with me from the start.

Honesty is not
the issue. I...

We will continue this later.

For now, we must get out
and stop Princess Zanda.


Whoa! Hey! Get away!


Do not be alarmed.

Are you who you appear to be?

I'm Crystal,
of the Inhuman Royal Family.

Ha! We've heard
that before.

If you're the real Crystal,
prove it.

Okay, you're her.
I'm Ms. Marvel.

That's Black Panther. We're Avengers.
I am. He was.

His ex-GF's a bad guy.
She pretended to be you.

Long story.
How are you?

I don't know.
The last I remember,

someone knocked me out,
and then I woke up in here.

You were abducted by the
same party who put us here...

the shape changer,
Princess Zanda.

She posed as you to
infiltrate the royal family.

We need to get out of here
and warn them.


No use.
It's covered tight.

No matter. I have
pinpointed our location.

The way out is not up.
It is down.



How is this better than the pit?


Too easy. This will show the Shadow
Council I'm truly unstoppable.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure
you're stoppable.

Think again, little girl.

- Like I told you when we first met Zanda,

it is not happening.



Your parents will be very
disappointed in you. [GRUNTS]

You're too late.
They already are.

This is not a game, Zanda.


Give me the key segment!

No! It's mine!

I stole it fair and square!




You're just like my parents.
"Be a good girl, Zanda.

Do your duty, Zanda.
Be quiet. Be pretty."

Well, I'm not
just a pretty face.

I'm one of the deadliest
fighters on the planet!

[MS. MARVEL] Yeah?


Well, I eat deadly fighters
for breakfast,

and breakfast is the most
important meal of the day.




Ms. Marvel, catch!




Little pest.
Give that back!










What do you think?
Pretty good likeness, right?

Copy whatever form
you want, Zanda.

It will not change the outcome.


Hold it right there!

Ms. Marvel, it is me!

She's lying. Get her!

No! Do not
listen to her!

Gimme a break.
Black Panther and I are friends.

I know the real him.




That belongs
to the Shadow Council.

Give it back, or else I'll...

What is the meaning of this?

All right.
Well, I have to run.

Till we meet again.

Medusa, love the hair.



Our decision was final,
King T'Challa,

yet still you ignored
our direct...

This isn't right.

Black Panther was only
trying to protect the key.

Hold your tongue, Crystal.

Why should I?
Because I'm young?

You're only saying that
because you know I'm right!

There was no other way.

Trust me.
Trust Crystal.

I am the only one
who can keep the key safe.

We... have been arrogant.

We never imagined a spy could
infiltrate our city in the sky,

much less the royal family.

Even here in the clouds, you are
not safe from the Shadow Council.

Be vigilant.

We shall look forward
to the next royal dinner.

They're always...


[MS. MARVEL] If you ever want me to
go on another secret spy mission,

you can just ask me
to help you, and I will.

I could not have
done this without you.

Yeah, I totally could've
been a secret agent spy.

When Princess Zanda
duplicated me,

how did you tell us apart?

She had the key, you didn't.


You are a terrible sidekick, Kamala,
but a very good secret agent spy.

And a great friend.