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05x05 - The Zemo Sanction

Posted: 10/10/21 07:32
by bunniefuu

[BLACK PANTHER] Surrender, N'Basa.
You cannot escape.

[PANTING] Only the weak
surrender, Black Panther.

I am one of the stro-ong!


You are running out of train.

But not weapons.

Ha! Victory.

Not quite.


These devices of yours are
becoming quite versatile, Shuri.

It's got several settings:

shield, sword,
bludgeon, grapple.

It is over now, N'Basa.

It is time for you to pay
for your betrayal of Wakanda.

I think you will
let me go my way

rather than risk the destruction of
your precious train and everyone on it.

A b*mb. T'Challa, we must...

Wait. We must not
endanger the passengers.

Very good, Black Panther.

But, you see, I do not care
about the passengers. [GRUNTS]

- No!
- Shuri!



Help me! I'll tell you about
the people who hired me!

Anything you want!



As I said, your devices...
quite versatile indeed.

So, your recent intel confirms Baron Zemo
is mixed up with this new Shadow Council?

Correct, Captain.
The names in White Wolf's files

allowed us to capture all the
council's operatives in Wakanda.

Zemo's name was mentioned
several times.

It is not much of a lead.

Well, it does track.
Zemo's father was the leader

of the Shadow Council
in the s.

You and my grandfather had history
with the elder Zemo, yes?

T'Chanda and I stopped him from getting his
hands on a dangerous Wakandan artifact.

Tiger Shark, N'Jadaka.
Now Zemo.

A Shadow Council indeed.

We still know almost nothing
of them or their plans.

Zemo's slippery, for sure, but
he's also a creature of habit.

If he's involved, he'll have a base
of operations, and it'll be big.

There are only so many
places a roach may hide

before the light finds it,

access satellite network.

Display known military bases used
by the family of Baron Helmut Zemo.


The North American bases were
knocked out by the Avengers.

S.H.I.E.L.D. took out
Africa and Asia.

The Allies knocked out all the
European bases in World w*r II.


And the Secret Avengers
are back to square one.

Not good.

Perhaps there is another way.

Computer, search for all known
residences of the family Zemo.

Nah. Another miss.

Wait. What's that?

Computer, enlarge and enhance
displayed location.

Château Le Fay. Of course.

It's where we defeated the
Shadow Council the first time.

Care to meet me
in Switzerland, Captain?

I can't, T'Challa.
The Avengers charter bans us

from entering Switzerland
without official UN sanction.

You would trigger an international
incident. I understand.

But those rules
no longer apply to me.

I will breach Château Le Fay. We
can compare notes when I return.

I'll see what I can dig up on
the Shadow Council from my end.

Over and out.
Good luck, T'Challa.

Luck is not a factor.

[SHURI] You really should bring
me on all your missions.

You always overlook
the little things.

It seals along the sides.
See? Perfect fit.

The suit fits fine, Shuri.

It's your need to constantly make
modifications that I question.

You're breaking into a castle
in the Alps.

That means snow, and that means...
you need to blend in.

[SHURI] See? Perfect camouflage.
They'll never see you coming.

Ah. It is a nice touch,

And it will be effective
in aiding me in my mission.

"Our" mission.

I'm not your tailor,
you know. I can help.

And you have.

You are.
While I breach the castle,

I will need eyes in the air...
your eyes.

This is just like
when you made me stand lookout

while you and Hunter
snuck into Father's archives.

I'm not a child, T'Challa.

Who is Wakanda's best pilot?

I am.

And is this, or is it not,

the most advanced fighter jet
in the world?

It is.

If trouble comes out here,

there is no one I trust more
than you to be my shield.

Flattery, T'Challa?

The truth, Shuri.


Secure the perimeter.
I will not be long.


Quiet landing, no?

My stealth mesh.
You have enhanced it?

Invisible is no good
if they hear you coming.

The exterior defenses
are inactive.

The castle seems deserted.

And the interior?

Scanning. The electrical
system is active, but...

- [AUTOMATED VOICE] Intruder. Intruder.
- [SHURI] What's going on?

The château's security system
is still active.

It is defended by automatons.


Yes. Six of them.

Now four.


Now one.

This would go faster
if I was with you.


it would not.

Perhaps if I were there, you wouldn't
have to deal with them alone.

Your tenacity is appreciated, but
the problem has been dealt with.

- Hmph.
- I heard that.

Be careful, T'Challa.

If Zemo's security system
is active...

Zemo himself
may be here as well.

I am exploring
that possibility right...

Yes. As I suspected.


Baron Zemo.

You should invest
in better security measures.

[CLANGS] Black Panther, how dare you!
You're not welcome here!

You are responsible for the
recent attack on my country.

Go away.
Leave me to my work.

You sent an agent to destroy
a Wakandan b*llet train.

Drop your w*apon, Zemo.

What utter nonsense.

I told you to go.
Now go!




Why have you reformed
the Shadow Council?

The Council? I have not.
I despise them.

Despise? Your own father
led the Council.

My father's shadow
has made my life a misery.

This place is the last
storehouse of his work.

I'm here to destroy it all!



You are lying, Zemo.

When I get you to Wakanda,
we will find the truth!

Bah! I thought
you were intelligent,

but you're just one more Avenger come to
capture the villain and throw him in jail.

I am not an Avenger.




I am a king, and you will pay for
your crimes against my nation.

Fine. Good.
Take me then!

Take me to face your justice.

But destroy these files.

They must never fall
into anyone else's hands.

You are serious.

You truly wish to destroy
your father's work.

My father was a monster,
a failure of a man.

I am tired
of living in his shadow.

I want to come out of that
darkness, be better than he was.

Can you not believe this?

I... believe you.

I know what it is
to live in a father's shadow.

Then go. Let me finish
what I've begun here.

T'Challa, I have an unidentified
airship coming in hot.

How hot?



Why? Why would
you do that?

I told you, I'm no longer the
monster you think me to be.


That is a Shadow Council ship.



Why do they stop?

They stop so that
the shark can feed!

Tiger Shark.

Tiger Shark.

I've come for
your father's files, Zemo.

And for you!

Then prepare yourself
for a day of disappointment.

Black Panther,
once again you've found yourself

in the wrong place and time.

But far be it from me to look
a gift horse in the mouth.




what's going on in there?

Are you all right?

I am well.

We have an unexpected guest.
Tiger Shark has joined us.

- I'll be right down.
- No.

Stay with the jet.
Keep that airship occupied.

Well, now, aren't you a big one?

But size isn't everything,
is it?


I have the airship in hand.

Brother, what's your status?


I thought you would give
me a challenge. [GRUNTS]



I said he would
leave here empty-handed.

And you have your wish, Zemo.

Your father's work
has been destroyed.

No, no, no, no.
It cannot have been this easy.

My father was evil
but also very clever.

He would not store his most sensitive
files in only this one place.

Are you saying there could
be a hidden laboratory

somewhere in the château?

Of course.
There must be.

Will you help me find it?

I will.
But tread carefully.

Do not mistake my aid for trust.

Tell me, Baron,
after all you have done,

why seek redemption now?

I don't want my father's past
to become my future.

It is as simple as that.

If my father taught me anything,

it is that nothing in
this life is ever simple.

Shuri, status.

Those explosions you hear?

That's the airship
not giving up.

I'm losing patience. Could
you hurry along down there?

We are moving as fast as we can.

"We"? Who is "we"?

No time to explain.
Just hold them off.

- Problem?
- For as long as I've lived here,

I could never find
my father's laboratory.

He hid his most prized secrets
using Vibranium and technology

he stole from your grandfather.

Did he really?

Stand aside.

Ah. I searched
for this door for years!

How did you do this?

Your father used
stolen Vibranium

to hide this door
from Western men.

I am Wakandan.


[ZEMO] This door is old.
Older than I am.

Modern technology
won't work here.


It seems we cannot open
the door without the key.

Do you know where your
father would have hid it?

- Zemo...
- Yes. I don't trust you either.

But you may relax.

How did you know?

I recognized the lock was in
the shape of my family crest.

The crest that is
also on the door.

This time, my history helped us.

- Yes!



I can access my father's files
from here and erase them.

Once they're gone,
so is his legacy.

[GROWLS] I'm afraid I
cannot let you do that.

What? But you came
down here to help me!

The information on these files
is too vital to be lost.

The answers they provide may help me
bring down the new Shadow Council.

No! These files must be
destroyed, here and now!

I'm not letting you take them.

There. I have copied
all of the files.

They have been wiped
from this computer.

[SCOFFS] You... You think you'll
be able to decrypt them?

My father's codes
are unbreakable.

There is no such thing
as an unbreakable code.

Not in Wakanda.

Shuri, I have what I need.

Prepare for extraction.

- That might be difficult just now.
- Two minutes, Shuri.

I can't let you leave here
with those files.

You were not given a choice.



Thank you for doing
all the hard work.

Now give me the files.

You are too late, Tiger Shark.

I have already downloaded
everything into my armor.

Then I will just have to
k*ll you and take it!


It seems you survived your fall.
It was the snow, wasn't it?




Even frozen water
makes me stronger.



- Uh, T'Challa, quick question.
- Not right now!

Having a bit of trouble
with this airship.

The jet's cannons cannot
get through its plasma shield.

You will need
an alternative attack plan.

[SHURI] I have one.
That's not the question.

Very well. Then what?

Our jet's hull

is made of Vibranium-infused
steel, isn't it?

Of course it is.
Why do you ask?

Shuri, what are you going to do?

I am the sword of Wakanda.

I am the sword of Wakanda.

I am the sword of Wakanda!

Yes! Princess Shuri for the...


Uh, T'Challa, we may have
a slight complication.







Jump! Now!


Is that...

[BLACK PANTHER] Tiger Shark!

He is tenacious. I
will give him that.

Shuri! Where are you?

Right above you.

Get ready.
I'll open the cargo door.



Say "chee"...







Zemo! Come on!



T'Challa, what's happening?

Swing the jet around. I am
going for Zemo! [GRUNTS]

Panther! What are you doing?


Zemo! Go!
Tiger Shark is mine!






Those files are mine!


It is poor manners
to talk with your mouth full.

T'Challa, you really
should think about jumping.

Any time.

- Any time!

- Now!


was no sign of Tiger Shark?

[BLACK PANTHER] It will take more
than a fall to finish that one.

Still, you're scoring
the mission a success.

Indeed. But now
we have the Zemo files.

With the help of my
grandfather's diaries,

we have already decrypted
several of them.

Computer, display
Zemo file SC - .

[CAPTAIN AMERICA] The relic Tiger
Shark stole from your embassy.

Zemo's father called it
the Panther's Key.

His Shadow Council was obsessed
with discovering its secrets.

Looks like the new version
is up to the same old tricks.

My grandfather broke it
into three pieces.

We now have one safe in Wakanda.

We cannot allow them
to find the others.

What about Zemo? Do you really
believe he's had a change of heart?

I cannot say.

But I do know the pressure a son can feel
under the weight of a father's legacy.

It can't be easy.
For a villain or a king.

I have reconciled
the king I want to be

with the king my father was.

It seems Zemo
is still struggling.

So, what happened to Zemo?
After the avalanche?

His fate is... undetermined.

Totally unacceptable!

I demand you tell your king
Baron Helmut Zemo

finds his confinement in this
room entirely unacceptable!

You are not confined. You may
come and go as you wish.

With one of your spear maidens
flanking me at every turn?

For your own protection.

You will be comfortable here while
you do your work for the king.

My work for the king?

Your work.
Enjoy your stay, Baron Zemo.

And know, if you need anything,

we will always be right outside.