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05x03 - Into the Deep

Posted: 10/10/21 07:31
by bunniefuu
Shuri, it is T'Challa.
I am in position.

Don't sound too excited.

You're only about to break into the
most impenetrable kingdom in the world.

Wakanda is
the most impenetrable.

You know what I mean.

Tiger Shark att*cked New York
just to obtain the golden relic.

With the royal seal on it. Do
you think Father knew about it?

It looks quite old. And why hide
it in a hundred-year-old vase?

I wonder if there are more of these
things hidden around the palace.

- Do you think Father kept a lot of secrets?
- I do not know.

But Tiger Shark does.

And he's a prisoner of Atlantis,

and Wakanda and Atlantis
are on the brink of w*r.

Honestly, couldn't you think
of an easier plan?

It is obvious, I could not.

Please try to take
this seriously, Shuri.

I am taking it seriously.
I'm just not being

grim and growly like some
people I might mention.

All right.
I am at the first perimeter.

The first patrol should be
passing you right about now.

After that, be alert for some sort
of camouflage defense system.

I have avoided the patrol. I see
no sign of mechanical defenses.

Just be careful.

You know me, sister.

I am always... Wait.

Fluoropolymer skin
with an electric core.

Wow. Good luck
getting past that.

Luck is not a factor.

I have passed the mechanical defenses.
Are there more?

Yes. But the intel
is just two words:

"angler" and "decapod."

"Decapod" is another word
for for crustacean.


Any idea what "angler" means?

Yes. I'm afraid I do!





I think I have made you angry.



T'Challa, are you all right?

I am fine.
But when this is over,

remind me to tell you the story
of the one that got away.

Shuri, it is your turn.

All right. I'm going in.

Remember what I said about luck.

I remember everything
you say, brother.

Now let me do my part.

Diplomats, proceed this way.


Action Princess Shuri
to Grumpy Brother T'Challa.

I've passed the first hurdle.
We're all being escorted inside.

[BLACK PANTHER] What did I say
about taking this seriously?

And what did I say
about trusting me?

It is not about trust.
This mission is delicate.

One wrong move,
and we could start a w*r.

Relax, brother.

You have your way
of crashing a party,

and I have mine.


Princess Shuri! By the
goddess, this is a surprise.

A delightful surprise.

You grace us with your
presence, Princess.

N'Jadaka! Oh, my!
I haven't seen you in ages.

My apologies. My duties
as Wakanda's ambassador

have kept me away
from court for some time.

But we miss you at home.

You're like family.

All this ceremony,
protocol, politics...

it must be so boring for you.

Yes, at times it can be.
But there are compensations.

May I present to you Her Royal
Highness Shuri, Princess of Wakanda.

Your Highness, may I introduce
Lord Attuma, ruler of Atlantis.


Charmed. I bring greetings
from my brother, the king.

Yes, well, welcome.

You have freedom of the palace.
Enjoy the gathering.

I do not think Attuma likes you.

It's my brother he doesn't like.

If you'll excuse me.
I have to mingle.

- Princess duties.
- Of course.


Shuri, I am waiting.

I'm going as fast as I can.

You don't want me
to blow my cover.


You really should see
the size of the shrimp in here.


The ones out here
qualify as giant!

[SHURI] Hello! [GASPS]

Hi. Maybe you can help me.

I have this gift from the people of
Wakanda for the people of Atlantis.

Who should I give it to?

Thank you.
You're so sweet.

- Well? Have you done it?
- Give it a moment.

You know, for a panther,
you're not the most patient.


- Hmm?

Any time now.

- Almost there.

- Now!

Well done, Shuri.
I am in.

Ah, right on time.
Shall I join you?

No. Stay with the delegation.
I will begin my search.

Yes, my king.

Why did Father assign
Ambassador N'Jadaka here?

He's quite charming.
Shame we don't see him more.

We all have our duties.

Do you see Attuma?

Oh. Yes. I see him now.

Should I get closer to him?


Stay clear.
It is safer.

I'm not afraid of him.

Fear is irrelevant.

Caution with Attuma is wise.

Be wise, Shuri.


I appear to have found
a secure cellblock.

- There is also a fairly simple laser grid.
- In the palace?

Tiger Shark must be inside.

I will need to find a way
to disarm it.

Check your belt.
I've left you a gift.

- Marbles?
- Beam refractors. Portable. Stylish.

- What no well-dressed superspy should be without.
- I am not a spy.

Spy, infiltrator, angry big
brother bent on revenge...

- it's the same thing.
- I am not angry or bent on...

Never mind.

You are sure they will work?

Doubting me every time
is really not annoying at all.

Just toss them into the grid.

They worked, didn't they?

Indeed, they did.

There are more devices
in your belt.

New prototypes to give you
an edge on missions.

You're not the only genius
in the family.

Now you say, "Thank you for being
a wonderful sister, Shuri."

Yes. Fine. Thank you.

For being wonderful.
Come on. Say it.



You were a fool to come here.

When Attuma catches you...

Attuma is not my concern.

It is time we talked.

Tell me what I want to know,
or when I am done with you,

there will be nothing left
for Attuma!


I haven't come to the bottom
of the ocean to vent.

I have questions.


I have one for you.

Do you believe in dragons?




You'll never win!


Either the dragon'll finish you
or Attuma will.






what is going on in there?

I may have just
set off an alarm.



Lord Attuma, care to dance?

The w*rlord of Atlantis
does not...

A first-timer.

I bet you're a natural.


♪♪ [WALTZ]

It is... very much like
battle... attack, parry.

You see? You lead
very well, my lord.

I attribute it to your grace,

A warrior has little time
for dancing.

You're too kind, my lord.

Why have you come here?

Surely anything
Wakanda wishes to say

can be said through
your ambassador.

Not everything, my lord.

My brother wishes me to discuss the
Tiger Shark situation personally.

He does, does he?

And what situation is that?










How does it feel
to be the hunted?


I would not know.




Now, Tiger Shark,
my questions...

Tiger Shark defied my will
when he att*cked the surface.

He is a traitor.
He belongs to Atlantis.

He belongs to me.

Will Wakanda break our treaty
over one criminal?

Wakandans always honor
our agreements.

You can bank on that, my lord.

I believe you believe that,

But what of the Black Panther?

My brother is Wakanda.

Your brother is headstrong
and obstinate.


I would say determined
and focused.

Qualities every leader
must possess, no?

I like you, Princess.

You speak plainly and true.

I only wish I had been negotiating with you
instead of your brother all this time.

- On that, Lord Attuma, we agree.

Tell me what you know of this.

Do not make me repeat myself.

- Talk!

You may imprison me.

They will destroy me.

"They"? Who are "they"?

They call themselves
the Council.

The Shadow Council?

Yes. Yes.

The Shadow Council.


Lord Attuma, Princess Shuri.

I'm so glad you two
are hitting it off so well.

Ambassador, you never told me
your Shuri was so delightful.

Our princess is a national
treasure, Lord Attuma.

Well, if you two are just going
to say nice things about me,

the least I can do
is sit here and listen.

Council was defeated, destroyed!



- There is a new council!

Who are they?
Where are they? Talk!

I can't!
They will k*ll me!

- I want names. Now, Tiger Shark!

He recruited me.

Ambassador N'Jadaka!

What? No!


My dear, is something wrong?

What have you done?

What are you talking about?

You sold out Wakanda...
to the Shadow Council!

I assure you I do not have the
slightest notion of what you mean.

"Shadow Council"? Where did
you hear something like that?


What is the meaning of this?


- I have been patient with you.

Now you will tell me everything you
know about the Shadow Council.

- Hmm?
- [ATTUMA] Black Panther!

Not only
do you break the treaty,

but you dare defile
my personal sanctum?

- There is more at work here than just the two of us.

N'Jadaka is part
of the Shadow Council.

Ambassador N'Jadaka has been a
friend to Atlantis for years.

He and your father
brokered the truce between us.

And now you will break it
to save your wounded pride?

Lord Attuma,
you don't understand...

I understand enough!

Wakandans cannot be trusted
None of you.

You must listen.

The Shadow Council seeks
to dominate everything,

including Atlantis.

Tiger Shark and N'Jadaka
are part of a plot...

Enough! My head is spinning
with all your lies!

Lord Attuma,
let me make this easy for you.

T'Challa speaks the truth.

N'Jadaka, what are you saying?

The Shadow Council is real,

and we will conquer
this whole world,

including your precious oceans.

Our conquest begins now.


- [expl*si*n]




It's time to go, Tiger Shark.

- Aah!


We'll meet again, T'Challa.

You'll perish first!



Status report!

What has that filthy
air-breather done?

A... A b*mb, my lord.
Inside Atlantis.

Damage to every section of the
city, but the worst is here.

What of the diplomats?

Trapped by debris, my lord.

All cadres, fan out!

Find the traitors Tiger Shark
and Ambassador N'Jadaka.

Palace Guard,
evacuate the diplomats.

We can help if you let us.

After all you've done?

Do not be a fool, Attuma!

You dare, after what
you've done to my city!

What my brother
is trying to say... and failing...

is this is neither the time
nor the place.

- Shuri...
- With respect, my lord,

what matters are the lives of the guests
who are here under your protection.

Your sister is wise, T'Challa.

Perhaps she should rule Wakanda.


Everyone, this way!


Move it! The submarine
waits for no one.

I don't care what kind of heels
you're wearing.

N'Jadaka's bracelet.


The submarine carrying the
delegates is safely away, my lord.

But no sign of the Wakandan
ambassador, nor Tiger Shark.



[SHURI] T'Challa?
Brother, can you hear me?

Attuma is here too.
Go ahead, Shuri.

I found N'Jadaka's detonator
bracelet in the submarine bay.

Then he must have escaped
Atlantis that way.

That's not all.
The bracelet's circuitry

was made to send two
separate detonation signals...

one immediate, one timed.

There is a second b*mb!

My men are searching
as fast as they can.

But without N'Jadaka, we will
never find the b*mb in time!

What is that?

One of my sister's inventions.

It scans
for Wakandan technology...

the kind N'Jadaka
would most likely use.

We may be able to scan
for the b*mb's location.


We're losing time!

Where is the b*mb?


We are close.

- There!

No. Wait.

Above us!


We're almost out of time!

I cannot find
an access panel or hatch.

Without a way to open it,
there is no way to stop it!

At this range, a b*mb of that
size will vaporize Atlantis.

You are strong,
aren't you, Attuma?

Stronger than most Atlanteans?

- I am stronger than all Atlanteans!
- Good.

My sister created
this Vibranium wrap.

It will muffle the expl*si*n.

Now, Attuma! Quickly!






We have done it.

This changes nothing.

If I lay eyes on you again,

if you dare to enter
my city again,

there will be w*r.

[NEWSMAN ON TV] Financial
markets were down today

over rumor of conflict
between two world powers.

High-ranking sources
have confirmed

escalating tensions
between Atlantis and Wakanda.

With Black Panther
as king of Wakanda,

could the Avengers be drawn
into geopolitical conflict?

There's been no comment
from the Avengers team.

Have you lost your mind?

I do not appreciate your tone.

Hey, I don't appreciate
the president calling me

to ask if you're going around
the world starting wars.

There will be no w*r.

I do not answer
to your president or to you.


You do realize that what you're doing
is putting the Avengers in a bad spot?

Then I have an easy solution.

Being part of this team conflicts
with my duties as king.

As of this moment...

I am no longer an Avenger.


Was that necessary?

There was no other way.

The Shadow Council has returned.

They must be stopped.

Now there are only two people
on Earth I can trust:

myself and my sister.

And me, Panther.
Whatever you need.

From here on out,
you're a secret Avenger.