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05x02 - Shadow of Atlantis (Part 2)

Posted: 10/10/21 07:30
by bunniefuu
Do you see anything, Iron Man?

[IRON MAN] I see you've
got a nice roof pool.

But your embassy's not
very scan-friendly.

We do not need to see inside to know my
sister is there, alone, with Tiger Shark.


Guys, me and Black Panther
are headed into what could be

an all-hands-on-deck thing with Tiger
Shark at the Wakandan Embassy.

What's your status?




Close to Embassy Row.


Atlanteans everywhere.




No. We got this.





You got rid of Tiger
Shark's sea monsters,

But lots of his troops
are still active.

We'll be with you when we're
done mopping up stragglers.

Shuri does not have time
to wait for rescue.


T'Challa, wait!
Why do I bother?

You do your thing. I'll deal
with the gate crashers.


Shuri, it is T'Challa.

Are you all right, sister?


That depends entirely on
your definition of "all right."




Thank you for the exercise,

I've worked up
quite an appetite.




- Aah!


Shuri, keep away!

Tiger Shark is too dangerous.

Don't worry about me, T'Challa.

I can lose him.


You're wasting time, Princess!



We both know how this ends!







Little Princess!

I will find you.

you still in the building?

I was thinking. I'll just
pop down to the armory,

and then I can take this...

What did you call him?
Tiger Shark.

I'll take him myself.

Do not engage him.

- I have a plan.
- So do I. I just told you.

Get out of the armory, and...

Do as I say, Sister.

This is not a negotiation.

- [SIGHS] Fine.

I'm going.
You never let me have any fun.

Actually... No. Wait.

There is something you can do.


There you are!



Oh, no! No, no, no!

I seem to have trapped myself.

All alone now, Princess.

No more running, no more hiding.

It's just you and me...

and my claws!

Stay back! Stay...

Actually, stay right there.

- What?



Shuri, now!






And this was your plan?

To give the dangerous
intruder a timeout?

I am giving you time
to get away.

Now. I will deal
with Tiger Shark.

Oh, I'm not leaving.

Not when things
are getting interesting.

Shuri, please.
Right now is not the time.

I'm trying to keep you safe.

I am the princess.

I have the same duty to
protect this embassy as you.

I am the king,
and I am commanding you to...

Father would let me stay.

Father would let me help you.

Blast it, Shuri, you will...

You are right.

Father would let you stay.

Right. I'll just get a sword,
shall I, and we can... [GRUNTS]

No. You will help me by
rebooting the security system.

The security system?
T'Challa, that's so dull!

The perimeter is down, and there
are Atlanteans on our lawn.

Your Avenger friends can
handle that, can't they?

I saw Iron Man out there.

Guys, remember when I said
"all hands on deck"?


I might actually need
a few more hands.

Guys? Fantastic.

It is our lawn, Shuri.

And you designed the system.

What would Father say?

Not fair saying my thing
back at me.


I hate you.

You don't mean that.
She doesn't mean that.


I wish you were here, Father.

I know I promised you
I would shield her from danger,

but she makes it so...


Humans! Wakandans!
Always in the way.

Always thwarting your betters.

I have not had the pleasure
of meeting anyone better.



Why are you in my house,
Tiger Shark?

You think I'll tell you?

You think I'm a fool?




This embassy
is a piece of Wakanda.

Don't you know what we do
to trespassers?

Wakanda is finished!


Your surface world is finished!


That primitive toy
won't save you.





Toy? Perhaps.

As Iron Man might say,

Wakanda does not do primitive.




Aah! No.

No. No!

Hey, no stabbing Tony!


In fact, no stabbing anybody.


You guys are the worst
party guests I...

- Hey!

What did I
just say about stabbing?



You started a w*r
with the surface world.

You brought a monster
to this city.

Why did you leave the battle to come here?
To break into my house?


Answer my questions.
There is no escape from here.


"Escape," did you say?


The cat is yours, my elites.
I will complete the mission.



T'Challa, do you need help?


Are you sure?

Yes, I am fine.

Because it looks
like you need help.

I do not need assistance.

I'm coming down.

No. Stay there.

Finish your work.

I have this under control.



Now we break you.



You've broken
enough stuff today.

Take them! Hurry! We can still...

Sorry about the flag, T'Challa.

Do not worry, Captain.
I shall have it mended.


We said we'd be here.

You couldn't wait a few minutes
to start the party?

This is Tiger Shark's party.

He is here,
searching for something.

We must find him.

Give me a moment.

The cameras are back. I may be able
to narrow down your search a bit.

He doesn't seem to be on any
of the embassy's upper floors.

The sublevels, then. It is
the only logical place.

That makes sense.

The secure vaults
are down there.

As is the embassy's cache
of Vibranium.

Well. This is...


What is this?

This is the information hub.
We thought it best

to place a small
technical facility here.

"Small"? Tony's brain would
melt if he saw all this.

Tiger Shark is not here.

How many levels are there?

Three more below us.

That's one each.
Let's move out.

I'm on the testing floor.
It's clear.

The hangar's clear.
No Tiger Shark.

And, yes, there's a hangar.


The Gyroforge is intact.
No Vibranium is missing.

Tiger Shark is not here.
This makes no sense.

Why would he go to all
this trouble and not steal

the most valuable metal
on Earth?

Maybe he's an art lover.

I say that because right now,
he's in the cultural art gallery,

looking at vases?

Vases? Why would he want vases?

Good question.
Especially because

those particular vases are quite
old but basically worthless.

That is odd, I agree.

So, I'll just pop in there,
shock him unconscious,

and we can call it a day, yes?



Stay where you are.
Don't argue.

Be safe. Safe, Shuri.
I need your eyes.

- Tiger Shark may have more surprises.

No. No! No!

Ah! At last.

Once I deliver this, the world
will never be the same again.

[BLACK WIDOW] Some folks just have no
respect for other people's things.

What? No!








That's just great.

Round two, Tiger Shark.


No! No,
you won't stop me!


It is time to surrender
now, Tiger Shark.

You are surrounded.
You cannot escape.

Fools! You're nothing to me!





[LAUGHS] You can't stop me.
You can't see what's coming.

You'll be too busy saving your
own pitiful lives! [GRUNTS]




Not this time.
This time you lose.



Warriors, the prize is mine!

Okay, officially
the worst invasion ever.


No, no.
Guys, it's Tony.

Please respond.
Come on, guys.


One little peep?


All right, people, push!


Hey! Not gonna say
you had me worried

- for a second, but you really...

Where is my sister?

[SHURI] For a panther, you do
make an awful lot of noise.

Shuri, are you all right?

Shuri, speak to me, sister!

I'm fine, T'Challa.

You're not hurt?
Where are you?

Just a bit crunched because an
entire building fell on me,

but, otherwise, quite well.

Do not worry.
I am coming for you.

T'Challa, we'll take care
of Shuri.

Someone needs
to stop Tiger Shark.

You're the best tracker.

I'm all right, brother. Go.

Iron Man!

Right with ya, buddy!



I have the prize, but the
Avengers are on my trail.

I need pickup now!

There will be no rescue.

Your actions have already drawn
too much attention to us.

I did what was necessary
to secure the prize!

Yes. Enjoy your success, alone.

Good-bye, Tiger Shark.

No! You must
get me out of here!

Are you listening? You must...


That is mine!

A clay vase
from ancient Wakanda?

You att*cked this city, endangered
countless lives, for this?


You will know soon enough.

The whole world will know!


Don't be stupid. There's no
way you're getting out of...

[GROANS] Why do they
always choose stupid?


That's far enough,
Mr. Sharkey.

Hands up, face down.

Stay right there.


I'll be right...

[GROANS] Really starting
to hate this guy.


Need a lift?

I find that I do.



Almost there. Almost.

You are too late, Avenger!

In moments,
I will reach the water, and...




I can still win!







What in the world?

It bears my family crest!
The royal seal!




Tiger Shark!

Almost to the water.
So close!












[BLACK PANTHER] You have lost, Tiger Shark.
Your army is beaten.

- You are dehydrated. Your running is done.

You went to a lot of trouble
to get this.

It bears Wakanda's royal seal.

Tell me what it is!


Tell me!

King T'Challa,
you may stand down.

Attuma. Of course.

Lord Attuma.

I am the ruler of Atlantis.

Show respect.

You are not taking him.

Is this what you want?

To go to w*r
over this... creature?

A w*r begun by you.

You started all this with
your attack on this city.

Had I att*cked this city,
it would be mine.

In any case, Tiger Shark's
actions were not at my command.

You're a fool, Attuma!
A blind, weak...

Silence, traitor.



Uh, what exactly's
going on here?

Tiger Shark is a traitor
to Atlantis.

He attempted to start a w*r
and stole the Horn of Neptune.

And you think
you can just take him?

No! He has to face justice!

So he will.
In Atlantis.

He is mine.

For what he did to this city,
for what he did to my family!

Atlantis has not broken
the peace, King T'Challa.

Not yet.

Will Wakanda do so
over this worthless minnow?

What would your father
do now, I wonder?

You dare mention my father.

We won't get answers this way.

Remove your hand, Captain.

I do not need you to tell me
how to be a king.

Okay, buddy.
It's your play.

The Avengers
will back your move.

What's it gonna be?

You may have him.


Remember what happened
here today, Attuma.

Atlantis never forgets.

I trust Wakanda
will do likewise.

Shuri, with me.


[SHURI] You played your
exit well, brother.

Quite dramatic. You almost
reminded me of Father.

Father would not have
let it come to this.

It isn't over, is it?

No, it is not.

Attuma's taking Tiger Shark
to Atlantis,

and we're going after him,
aren't we?

Indeed, Shuri. Indeed.

That's one thing
about being your sister.

It is never boring.