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05x01 - Shadow of Atlantis (Part 1)

Posted: 10/10/21 07:29
by bunniefuu



[IRON MAN] That's the spirit.
Like I always say,

if you're gonna be late,
make an entrance.

And here we are.

Sorry I'm late, guys.
School night.

Ms. Marvel,
great to have you here.

Welcome to the party!

Nice to see you,
Ms. Marvel.

Hey, Shortstop,
glad you made it.

Did I miss her? Is she here?
Oh, I really wanted to meet her.

missed nothing, Ms. Marvel.

now that you have arrived,

I can officially present the
reason for this gathering.

My sister, Shuri,
princess of Wakanda.


Shuri, these are my compatriots,
the Avengers.

I'm very pleased
to meet you all.

- You said this was formal.

It is your formal
introduction to the team.

Just try to...

Hi. So, I'm Kamala.

Oh. Whoops. Sorry.
Superhero names, right?

Ms. Marvel. My brother has
told me so much about you.

Well, he told us next to
nothing about you. Shocking.

I've never met a real princess.
It must be awesome.

It... has its perks.

You didn't have to go to all this
trouble for us to meet your sister,

who is stunning, by the way.

We could've just ordered some
pizza, watched a movie on the TV.

Shuri is the crown princess
of Wakanda.

She does not order in.

Maybe she should.
Maybe you should.

You gotta start relaxing, buddy.

We are colleagues.

I don't think
we are... buddies.

You're an Avenger. I'm an Avenger.
We're practically family.

If that is so, we'd know
things about one another

that the general public
would not, correct?

Well, yeah, in theory.

Then tell me, buddy,
what is my favorite color?

I'm gonna go with...

- Huh?

Breaking news.
Hundreds of unknown soldiers

are attacking Manhattan.

First responders have been
activated all over the city.

Stay tuned for updates.

Shuri, go to the embassy.

But, T'Challa, I can...

Please do not argue.


Black Panther!

How does he expect to get...

Never mind. Let's go.


Okay, people.
You know the drill.

[MS. MARVEL] Protect
civilians, stop bad guys.

- Aah!







Anybody got an ID on these guys?

Atlanteans, forward!


People of the surface,

I am Tiger Shark of Atlantis,

and this city belongs to me!







Atlantis already rules
three quarters of this world.

The oceans must rule it all!

You will fall before me,
surface dwellers!

All of you will... [GRUNTS]

What are you doing here,
Tiger Shark?

What is this madness?

Black Panther.

I hadn't thought
to find you here.

No matter.

You will die just like the rest!

Attuma signed a treaty
with the surface world.

Why is Atlantis attacking now?

Attuma is a fool.

I will conquer this city.

I will rule the surface,
and Atlantis as well!



Oh. Wow. I felt that.

Tiger Shark?
He's more like Tiger t*nk.

Tiger Shark is one of
Attuma's generals.

He is a formidable opponent.

He went down with one punch.

You're welcome
for the save, buddy.

Save? I was attempting

to learn the reason
for this attack when...




- Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope.

Bad sharky!


Wow. That was easier
than I expected.

It is not over.

I think it's over.

And BT-dubs,
you're welcome, again.

There was no splash.
Why wasn't there a sp...

- Iron Man, look out!




Keep him off me.

I need to do some quick repairs.




That was my intention.

Okay. I'm taking back
the "one punch" thing.

This guy's like the Hulk
down here, with fins.

Tiger Shark is vastly
more powerful underwater.




You're only the first to fall.

All of the surface world

will kneel before Tiger Shark!

[IRON MAN] So, you think now's a good
time to tell me your favorite color?




Keep the pressure on.
We're pushing them back.

I do prefer throwing, Captain,
but, yes, we are winning the day!

Er, night!


The Asgardian is right, my lord.

The Avengers are winning. Is it
not now time to use the w*apon?

We will deploy the w*apon
when I decide, if I decide.

Keep to the plan!

[IRON MAN] So, reroute
from tier six and three.

- No? All right.

Uh, connect auxiliaries
at junction Beta - , and...

- No again. Uh...

T'Challa, tell me
you've got something.

- I do.
- Hey, stop that!

I'm having enough trouble
with Tiger Shark damage.

The net is an Atlantean version of the
Starktech plasma cable, is it not?

Basically. The phase
variance is a bit off, but...

Wait a minute. How do you
know about the plasma cable?

We're not releasing that
until the next Stark Expo.

That is not important now.
I have the solution.

I believe if we combine systems,

we can create
a counter-variance pulse and...

And disrupt the net.
Good thinking, buddy.

Please do not call me "buddy."

Rerouting tier four to upper plating.
Repulsor packs charging.

Connecting junctions
, , and .

Ready for counter-pulse
in five, four...

Three, two...



Hey, guys, how was the swim?


Welcome back.
We can use the extra hands.


It seems you've contained
the battle to the bridge.





If we win here,
the fight is over.

It is not over until Tiger
Shark is defeated. [YELLS]

Call a halt, villain.
Your w*r ends here.

No, Asgardian.

Here is where the w*r begins!

Mm, no. I'm pretty
sure this is the part

where the bad guy gets smacked
unconscious, and the Avengers win.

My lord, the w*apon!
Now is the time!

You are right.
Now is the time.

The Horn of Neptune!


Everyone, back!



Well, that was awful.



You have no idea what's coming.

None of you!


Aah! What was that thing?

[GRUNTS] Honestly, I was
kind of expecting more.

I mean, don't get me wrong.
It was bad, but...

[GROANS] The Horn of Neptune
is not the danger, Ms. Marvel.

The danger is in what it calls.

- What does it call?




Down, beast!

Yield! Yield!


I don't think it's listening.

Then we turn up the volume.



This isn't working!

T'Challa, duck!

Tiger Shark must not be allowed

to use the Horn of Neptune
a second time.

Split the team.
It's the only way.

Heavy hitters, hold the bridge.
That means you, too, Ms. Marvel.

I'm a heavy hitter?





[GRUNTS] Come on, boys!
We're going shark hunting!

Iron Man, Black Panther,
we're moving out.

You really like giving
orders, don't you?

Old habits.

Come on, buddy. I'm your ride.

[BLACK PANTHER] I'm getting traces of
the horn's unique energy signature,

but nothing conclusive.

What's the skinny
on this Horn of Neptune thing?

What are we
actually dealing with?

It is a powerful
Atlantean artifact.

Wakanda keeps track
of such items.

This is one of the worst.

All right.
Well, he's used it,

and we have
our giant sea monster.

What more can he do?

There are many such creatures

in the oceans' depths.

The horn can summon all of them
if Tiger Shark wishes.

[IRON MAN] See? This is the kind of
thing you share with your buddies

before the super-powered megalomaniac
tries to take over the world.

What's important is finding
Tiger Shark ASAP,

before he can use
the horn again.

Why is he running away?

He's got that horn.
Why not stay with his soldiers?

He is most powerful in water.

It does not make sense
he'd move away from the river.




Unless what?
Finish your sentences!











Away, vile creature!

You shall not have this bridge!

Guys, whatever you're doing,
do it faster!

I don't know how long
we can hold this thing!

The horn's energy signature
is stronger here.

Tiger Shark definitely
came this way.

Can you track him?

I can.

Can you track me?

Absolutely, buddy.

With your stealth mesh turned off,
you're lit up like a Christmas Tree.

[SIGHS] Fine.

Follow and be ready.

All is well, my lord.

Your army will take
this city, after all.

With the power of this w*apon...

The horn is nothing.
This city is nothing.

Find the others.
Meet me at the rendezvous point.



Tiger Shark,
what are you playing at?

Have you secured the target?

How dare you speak to me thus!

I dare quite a lot, Atlantean,

and you are running out of time.

This battle with the Avengers
is taking too long!

Watch your tone, human.

All goes according to my plan.

"The best laid plans of mice
and men often go awry."

Robert Burns.

Well, the king of cats.

So brave, so foolhardy.

Not so foolhardy.
Cats do eat fish, after all.

And sharks eat everything!








Water is my element.

[YELLS] Did you think you
could face me here alone?

Who told you that I was alone?




Have you learned nothing?

I have the Horn of Neptune!


We already heard that song.





No dice, fella.

We really can't
let you have that.





It is over, Tiger Shark.


You think you've won?

You've won nothing!

Tiger Shark's gone again.

He destroyed the horn.

That's a good thing, right?

Please tell me
that's a good thing.

Thor, what's your status?

Victory is ours, Captain.

Uh, guys?

The beast's power
was tremendous,

but we have taken the field!



Easy, Muscles. We did good out
here, but let's not get cocky.

Guys, look!



All right, then.

Hey, Army, you know
what would be great?

If you guys could do whatever it is
you're going to do with that horn.

Please? Now? Like, right now?

The big brains
are working on it.

You'll just have to
hold the line, soldier.

Easy for you to say.

No circuitry, no working parts.

How can it be just a shell?

Two possibilities.

A unique lattice of fissures
in its structure

allowed it to produce its effects
when air was forced through.


"Or"? What's "or"?

Or it is magic.

Okay, let's reconstruct.

These monsters are just...
monsters, right?

They're not trained to obey.

They are mindless.

The horn calls them,
and they follow,

attacking everything
in their path.

So this thing has to have
an off switch, right?

Yes. A counter-charm.

But it requires the horn
to be in one piece.

We'll leave you to it.
Come on, Cap.



- High and low, just like in training.




If I have to smell

this thing much longer,
I'm gonna barf!



Captain Marvel!




, , , !

Yes! We've got
our off switch.

The mapping is good.
It is a perfect replica.

See? That wasn't so hard.

Couple more compliments, and we'll
graduate from buddies to bromance.

Right. Well, this hologram cannot
stand in for the horn itself.

It lacks sufficient energy.

Pretty sure my armor...

Cannot generate enough energy.

We need something at least
four times as powerful.


like that.

Well, two for the penthouse?

Indeed. I believe your arc
reactor might be just enough.

- Your arc reactor is not enough!

I know.
We have to go with plan B.

Right. Tap the city's
energy grid.


Sorry, New York.
It's only temporary.


Almost there!

"Almost" won't cut it!

I need more!

There is no more!
The city is dark!

Somebody's still got
their lights on!

Who is that?

[BLACK PANTHER] The Wakandan Embassy!
Of course!

Makes sense.

You're using one of those Vibranium
Gyroforges as a generator.

Am I right?

The Gyroforge is a secret.

How do you know of it?

We're buddies.

We know things about each
other most people don't.

Fair enough.





Guys, seriously,
what's the holdup?

You see?
If you had let me

stay and help you, all of
this could've been avoided.

How would your presence have changed...

Never mind. Shuri,
please just do as I say.

Connect the embassy's Vibranium
Gyroforge to the city's power grid.

Sisters, huh?

You have no idea.


Shuri did it!
We're at percent.

Yes, yes. Wakandan
technology is fantastic.

Blow the horn!





Yeah! And stay out!

Avengers, the bridge is clear.


Nice work, team,
but we've got some bad news.

We got ambushed by
some Atlantean stragglers.

We lost Tiger Shark's trail
near Embassy Row.

Embassy Row?

What's Tiger Shark want there?

Oh, no!

Reconnect to Shuri,
royal priority!

And another thing. Aren't you
the one who strictly forbids us

from connecting the embassy
to outside systems?

- Honestly, for a king...
-Shuri, behind you!
