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03x05 - Do You Hear What I Hear?

Posted: 10/09/21 17:35
by bunniefuu
- ♪ Feliz Navidad ♪

♪ Feliz Navidad... ♪

I don't know, Jake.

There's got to be some girl you like.

♪ Prospero año y felicidad... ♪

The girl in the purple...
she's kind of cute.

Oh. I think she used to work
at the White House

a couple years ago.



Good luck.


I've been trying to give off
an air of unapproachability.

- Mm.
- Was I successful?

Oh, yes. Good job.

- Good. Good.

I'm Jake. Jake Tapper.

- I'm Monica.
- Can I, uh,

buy you a drink?

Oh, you know, it's-it's a weeknight.

I was gonna head home and have dinner.

You know they have food here.

It's, uh... it's Tex-Mex.

It's world-famous
Washington, D.C. Tex-Mex.


On long-haul flights,

the secretary of defense
does press avails,

and then, they all get to go to sleep,

and I stay up through the night
transcribing every word.

That sounds fun.

It's a spelling minefield.

The Chernomyrdins and the Khmelnytskys.

I mean, you go east of Austria,

and the vowels are just never
where you expect them to be.

Plus, I'm a shit typist, so...


But, um, talking about it now, I...

I've been sort of myopic this past year,

and... I really look at it.

This job's actually been kind of neat.

- Mm.
- Yeah, I'm actually... I'm...

I'm moving soon. I have a job interview

- in New York on... on Friday.
- Ah.

What did you mean... you've been myopic?

I don't know. I just...

I guess I've been a bit
of a D.C. zombie.


And I'm... I'm ready to wake up.

- Oh. Thank you.
- Thank you.

- We're gonna split that.
- No, no, no.

- Yes.
- This is a date.



MONICA: Hey, Linda.

What to watch me fix the Xerox
for the th time

- this week?
- Oh. No.

- Oh, wait.

- Are these the invitations?
- Yes.


You can help me hand them out.

God. How did you afford these?

Oh. Well, I go nuts for Christmas.

I know it's maybe not your thing.

Oh, please. We're L.A. Jews.

I've been going to Christmas
parties since I was born.

You can come, right?

When do you go up for your interview?

Thursday. I'm a wreck.

You'll do great.

Ugh. After Revlon,
we're going to with basically

my entire extended family,
and I have to look nice.

My family's a whole thing.

So I think I'm gonna wear
that navy dress I showed you.

You got it cleaned?

Oh, no, not yet, but I will before I go.

Oh. Merry Christmas.

LUCIANNE: How'd the girl take the news?

Oh. I still haven't told her
about the subpoena.

- You haven't? Why?
- I know.

If she doesn't hear it from you,
she's going to get suspicious.

Yes, I realize that.
I'm going to tell her.

That-That's not even why I called.

She's gonna get the dress cleaned.

- What?
- She wants

- to wear it.
- That stain is

white gold.

It proves what she says
on your tapes really happened.


- Are you sure?
- Yes.

It can absolutely be used to match DNA,

even years later.

(SIGHS) Really?

You get her on the horn
right now, and you stop her!


- I need a minute.
- Uh, yeah, this is your favorite thing,

- and you had us stay home for a night.
- I just, I have to do a call.

Just need a minute.



- Hello?
- LINDA: Hi.

How are you?

Fine. I'm tired.
I just got off the treadmill.

LINDA: You're so good.

- Listen.

I wanted to say to you... and you can do

what you want with this...
but the blue dress.

I don't think you should
wear that to your interview.

- Why?
- Call me crazy, but

I believe it would be smart
for you to keep that,

uncleaned, in your possession
in case you ever need it years

- from now.


You think I need to keep

a dress with that on it for years?

Okay, instead of always just
dissing what I say,


My cousin is a genetic...


And during O.J. Simpson,
I was hooked on the trial.

It was fabulous, but all the

DNA was Greek to me,
so I asked him about it.

And he told me

that an old crusty bit of semen
can be matched

to a man's identity, even ages later.

But why would I care if it could
be matched to his identity?

If you were ever to need proof.

But I'm never going
to come forward about this.

I'm not saying you would ever.

And if anyone else did,
I would deny, deny, deny.

I know. I know that, but just

- do this...

for your own ultimate protection,

which... mea culpa...

I hope you never need it.

I would say this to my own daughter.


Look, I want to feel confident
at the interview,

and I know I look good in that dress.

(LAUGHS): Well, I mean...

If you think it's flattering,
I mean, that's what matters.


I want you to look thin and beautiful.

- What does that mean?

I'm sorry, but I would want to be told.

The truth is,
you look heavy in that dress.

Are you serious?


Okay, well...
well, what's more slimming...

the peach suit,
or the... or the dark teal?

Your peach suit is exquisite.

I think that works beautifully.

♪ ♪




- Good morning, Judge Starr.

Hmm. Good morning, Neille.

They're in there waiting for you.

This is not going to be pleasant.


Morning. Sorry I'm late.

I wanted to read a verse, if I may.

"We are persecuted,
but not forsaken by God;

cast down, but not destroyed".

Corinthians, chapter four, verse nine.

That's a prayer for the defeated.

No one in this room
should feel defeated.

Now, I've asked Paul to take
every piece of evidence we have

on President Clinton and Whitewater,

and put it all into one document

so we can take a look and decide,

do we have enough
to recommend impeachment.

No. Not-not today, not yet.

But we're close.

This doesn't say to me,
it's time to shut down.

This says keep going.

Oh, Jackie, it's been four years.

We've exhausted all of our leads.

Bill Clinton committed
loan fraud when he was governor,

and then he lied about it under oath.

We're just one witness short
of proving that.

Every potential crime
is one witness short.

What did you just say?

I said we don't have it. Do you think

I don't feel like a failure, too?

We're failures if we quit.

What am I... the only one
who sees this? Huh?

Come on. Kavanaugh, huh?

You don't think we should just quit?

I never like to take "no" for an answer,

but, Jackie, there isn't
a path forward here.

Oh, great. Okay,
so you all want to f*cking fold.

- Jackie, please.
- I'm sorry, Judge.

I look around this room,
and I see success.

They said we were
on a partisan witch hunt,

but we found real wrongdoing.

Because of us, the governor
of Arkansas had to resign,

and we achieved convictions

of other people around the Clintons.

Yeah, but none of whom
would flip on Bill or Hillary.

No, that didn't happen,

and there's no indication
that's going to change,

and that's our problem.

Oh, Judge, you can't sit there
after all this time

and tell me that they're not guilty.

In fact, I'll sit here
and tell you candidly

that I believe President Clinton
is guilty as sin.

Even worse, I believe, he actively

blocked people from cooperating
in this investigation.

Now, I can believe that,
and you can believe that,

but it doesn't matter what we believe.

It matters what we can prove.

Let's put it to a vote.

Does anyone here feel we have the goods

to take this to the Hill

and recommend the impeachment
of President Clinton?

ASSOCIATE: All right, Mr. President.

Let's move on to a different
line of questioning.

In , you repeatedly visited
the home of Beth Coulson,

always while her husband was away.

Was the purpose of these visits
to have sex with Beth Coulson?

No, it was not.

So you just happened to only
visit her when she was alone?

Are you asking me a question?

Yes. Do you honestly
expect us to believe

that that was not a sexual relationship?

I told you before, we were just friends.

Let's move on to Marilyn Jo Jenkins.

Is it true that you met with her
four times in your private

basement office at
the Arkansas Governor's Mansion?

f*ck this.

Mr. President, this is what

they're going to do to you.

Yeah, this is horseshit.
You should be making a list

like this for Paula Jones.

We are. When she sits for her deposition

next week, she won't know what hit her.

But right after that,
you're up, under oath.

We can't delay it anymore.

No. I bet you Kennedy didn't
have to answer this shit.

Yeah, well, that was the ' s.

Excuse me.

What did you say?

Just that... that that was the ' s.

Ti-Times are changing.

For women.

You know how many women
I have in my cabinet?

Not... off the top of...

I mean, there's, um...

Janet Reno,
first female attorney general.

Madeleine Albright, first female
secretary of state.

Donna Shalala, secretary
of Health and Human Services.

Alexis Herman, secretary of Labor.

Carol Browner, EPA.

Aida Alvarez, SBA.

Charlene Barshefsky, U.S. trade rep.

Janet Yellen, chair of the
Council of Economic Advisors.

No one supports women more than me.









Hey. Did I wake you?


No. It's fine. I was awake.

How you doing?

Um, I'm good.

I went to New York
for my Revlon interview,

and they basically offered me the job.

Oh, that's great. Good job.

What's wrong?

I just wanted to tell you, um...

I saw the witness list
for the Paula Jones suit,

and your name is on it.


It's-it's not a big deal.

It just broke my heart a little
to see you there.

Wait. Paula Jones.

Why would I be on the witness
list? What does that mean?

No, it doesn't mean anything.

You know, this thing is pretty much

every woman I've ever talked to.

But we've more than talked.

You know, you-you probably
won't even get a subpoena.

Okay, okay, well, but what if I do?

Well, for something like this, you know,

you probably wouldn't even
have to show up

in person.

You just get a lawyer
to draft an affidavit.

- Saying what?
- Well, Monica...

... what would you want to say?

(QUIETLY): Uh...

I would say that nothing
ever happened between us.

If anything happens...

you can call Betty.


Thank you.

Can I just ask?

This lawsuit has caused
so much trouble for you.

Why don't you just try
to settle it again?


It's complicated.


- I mean, I think this is charming.

Okay, I don't understand what's
supposed to fit on this plate.

- Cookies, Monica.
- Like what?

- One single cookie?
- Ugh.

It's about creating a festive ambience,

not the utility of the plate.

Sorry. I really don't mean
to be a drag. I just...

I can't stop thinking
about my name on that list.

Well, it sounded like he wasn't
especially concerned, so...

He says that I probably
won't get a subpoena,

but what if I do?

I mean, I would have to answer
questions about him under oath.

It's unthinkable.

I got a subpoena.

I've been meaning to mention it.
It's just...



What? When?

A week or so go.

Well, why haven't you told me?

Well, because I knew you would lose it.

Yeah, I'm gonna lose it

because I'm on a witness list,
and you got a subpoena.

It's probably about Kathleen.

What does that mean... probably?

Well, I don't know. I'm not a lawyer.

I hope it's about her,

but what if they ask
about the other women?

What if they ask about you?

Well, what would you say?

I can't commit perjury.

- Linda.
- Look, it's a hypothetical. I mean...

No. Listen.

Promise me, please,

if-if... if they ask you anything,

you just say, "I don't know.

I don't recall".

- That is a crime, Monica.
- I promised him

- that I wouldn't tell anybody.
- Monica,

you are asking me to commit a crime.

- It's not lying, Linda.
- And also,

this isn't only happening to you.

It is also happening to me.

I'm a single mother.

I'm a political appointee.

I have to be careful.

Anyway, I'm behind on my gifts.

We-we should just get to Macy's.

I get so overwhelmed this time of year.

- PAULA (LAUGHING): I know. Right?
- _


- (GASPS) Mama!

Oh, my God!

- Oh. Oh, my goodness.

- Oh, Mama.
- My little Minnie Mouse.

Come, honey. Oh. Oh.

- Mmm.
- Oh, look at you.

Oh, my Lord. Look at those nails.

- Oh. Susie took me to get 'em done.
- Oh.

- Mama, this is Susie.
- Susan Carpenter-McMillan.

I have heard so much about you.

Um, Susie is helping me with my case

- and my publicity and all that.
- Oh.

And we stay at her house in San Marino.

- I wish you could come see it.
- Oh.

She has a person
who just looks after her roses.

- Oh.
- California?

Oh, honey, it took everything out of me

to drive down here today. I...

Just so you know, Lonoke
is a half hour from here.

On Interstate . You know,
I hate driving that thing,

but I will to see my Paula.

Oh, Mama. Mama.

You know, I-I'm confused
what's happening now.

- Is the trial starting?
- No.

- Okay.
- No. I told you.

I'm doing my deposition,
and that's before the trial,

uh, where you go and say
everything that happened.

- Mm-hmm.
- Well, you know, your sister told me

- you got offered money to settle.
- Yes, they did

try to throw a check at us
to make this all go away,

but any settlement needs

to start with an apology to our Paula.

You know what?

I'm gonna go check us
into the restaurant.


Can't wait to hear
what this one was like

when she was a little girl.

- Oh.
- Paula Poo.


I heard that... that they
offered you $ , .

- Is that true?
- Mm-hmm.

Gosh, that's a lot of money.

I know, but Susie and Steve thought

that it wouldn't be right if I took it.

Look, Paula, how are you staying here?

Who's paying for all this?

Well, Susie has some
really powerful friends.

- Oh, I bet.
- And they got me a new lawyer and everything.

I'm worried about you.

I mean, you're gonna be going
into that courthouse,

and they're gonna
be asking you questions.

I'm gonna be okay, Mama.

I got people looking out for me.

Paula, Mama, they're ready.

Do just watch out for her.


- PAULA: Oh, I love it.
- Ah, ready, girls.

- PAULA: Let's go to lunch.
- All right.

PAULA: I'm gonna have the Cobb salad.



♪ ♪


Hello, ma'am. Sorry to disturb you.

Does your name happen
to be Juanita Broaddrick?

Yeah. What is this about?

I'm Beverly Lambert.
This is my husband Rick.

We're private investigators
working with the attorneys

representing Paula Jones.

I-I'm sorry. I don't
want to be involved.

Oh, well, ma'am, to explain,
we're interviewing women

who've had encounters
similar to Paula's.

I don't want to participate.

I can certainly understand
your hesitation.

There's a rumor of what occurred
with you and the president.

- I know what's out there.
- Is it true?

It's the past.

I don't want to relive it. I'm sorry.

Okay. It's just,
Rick and I have been praying

the Lord would send us
to the right people.

We've been on this awhile now, so...

Are you a Christian, ma'am?

- Yeah.
- So is Paula Jones.

And all of her attorneys.
Good Christian men.

Well, I hope y'all find what you need,

but it won't be me.

Okay, all right. I do need to tell you,

if you don't talk with me and Bev here,

then those attorneys will subpoena you.

Do you understand that?

They can speak to my lawyer.

He'll say "no" just
like I'm saying "no".

I have been a businesswoman
here for years.

I do not want my name tied up in this.

So wouldn't it be easier
just to talk with us,

here in the quiet?

We drove all the way from Dallas today.

I wish I could be of more help.
I'm sorry.


All right then.

If you change your mind at all.

Just would ask that you pray on it.

One thing I will say.

Paula Jones?

She's telling the truth.

Anything she'd say bad about him,

she's telling the truth.


COURT REPORTER: Please raise

your right hand.

Do you swear to tell the truth,
the whole truth

- and nothing but the truth?
- Okay.

BENNETT: Mrs. Jones,
I don't think we've met.

I'm Robert Bennett.

I represent William Jefferson Clinton.

He's the president of the United...

- I know who he is.
- Okay. Uh,

you've testified that, uh,
Mr. Clinton exposed his penis

to you in a room at the Excelsior Hotel

in May... May , .

How long were you in the room
before this happened?

Probably five minutes, maybe six.

And after he exposed his penis,

did Mr. Clinton require you

to do anything against your will?

Well, he asked me to kiss his...

Well, that wasn't my question,
Mrs. Jones.

Did he require you to do
anything against your will?

Well, he tried to kiss me.

- Did he force you to kiss him?
- No.

Did he force you to kiss his penis?

No. He asked.

Well, did you kiss his penis?

No. I wouldn't.

Uh, you filed an affidavit claiming that

President Clinton's penis has
a distinguishing characteristic.

Is that correct?

Yes. Um, it's got sort of a...
a U-turn in it.

Oh, you also made a statement that, uh,

the president's penis is small.

Have you ever taken
an anatomy course, Mrs. Jones?

No, I haven't.

And your husband, Steven Jones... was he

your first sexual partner?


So I'm left to gather that your ability

to tell whether a man's penis
is small or large is based

on opportunities you've had
to view other male penises.

Is that correct?

Well, uh, yes.

- Okay.

Ms. Jones, do you know a man
named Dennis Kirkland?

Yeah, I know Dennis.

- Uh, he's from Lonoke.
- Mr. Kirkland

has stated under oath
that you gave him oral sex

and had sex with him at a party
in . Is that true?

Mrs. Jones, this is a deposition.

You're required
to answer these questions.

Did you provide oral sex and
engage in sex with Mr. Kirkland?

No. I... With Dennis, no, I did not.

Mr. Kirkland also states
that on the same night

that you provided oral sex to him,

he watched as you provided oral sex

to three other men.

- Is that correct?
- What?

At a party, did you give oral sex

to Dennis Kirkland and then again

to three other men
as Mr. Kirkland has affirmed

under oath?

No. Why would Dennis say that?

Well, I have the names of
three men right here, Ms. Jones.

Uh, I don't even know
what you're talking about.

I-I swear. I swear I did not do that.

I swear. How are they allowed
to say that? That is a lie.

You have no idea what all they said.

It was horrible, and they acted
like it was true, and...

(CRYING): Susie, you didn't tell
me it was gonna be like that.

- You said it was gonna be okay.
- Mm. I'm sorry, Paula.

Now you listen to me.

These are ruthless, terrible people,

but they are not going to win.

They have no idea how hard
it's about to get for him.

No idea.


Monica Lewinsky, you've been served.

♪ ♪


Allison, hi.

- Hey.
- Oh, wow. I love that dress.

Thank you. (LAUGHS)

♪ ♪

- Oh, it means "Merry Christmas".
- Oh.

Um, can I take your coat?

- Oh, yes, please.
- Okay.

Wow. You guys really
go all out, don't you?

- Yeah, we do.
- Do you know where your mom is?

Um... she's probably over there.

- Okay. Thanks.
- Yeah. Sure.

- Oh, I see her. Thanks.
- Okay. Yeah.

Oh, um, excuse me.

Oh, Monica?

Oh, my God, you have to try
these cookies. They're so...

I will. Just one second. Sorry.

- Merry Christmas.
- Oh, Willy. Hi. Merry Christmas.

- Good to see you.
- Sorry. Just one second. Sorry.


- Hi. Yeah.
- Oh, hi there.

- Merry Christmas.
- Oh.

I love pine. Thank you. You're too much.

Cathy, this is my, uh...
my good friend Monica.

If you want to talk about the fiasco

that's DLA's electronic
acquisition system,

park yourself next to Monica.

She works with me at DoD.

- She's been in the trenches.
- So nice to meet you.

Cathy's in my bridge group.
She-she works

in ground-based m*ssile defense.

Can we speak privately for a moment?

- Not right now.
- I really, really need to talk to you.

- I'm hosting a party.
- Uh, Monica.

Oh, Ken. Can you believe these two came?

KEN: Oh, well, we were just thrilled

that we could finally make it this year.

But now, can you please tell us

all about your wonderful
Christmas village in there?

Of course. Do you want
the three-hour version,

- or just the two?
- Well...

- LINDA: Yeah. Come on. Come on.


it all starts here.

I got this when I was girl

on my first ever trip to Frankfurt

to meet my mother's family.

They took me to a darling Christmas shop

that sold hand-carved miniatures,

and I saw this little snow-dusted fir,

- and I was captivated.

- KEN: Oh, it's beautiful.
- LINDA: My dream is to

one day open my own shop like that.

A place where it's Christmas
all year round.

It would fill a real need, and...


(LAUGHS) I see Richard's

discovered my newest Weihnachtspyramide.


LINDA: Aren't they beautiful?

This one belonged to my mother.

She brought it all the way from Germany.

With my father in tow.

- And so, uh, do you know

what the Weihnachtspyramide is?

It's the original Christmas pyramid.


LINDA: ... seasonal miniatures.

- ♪


♪ Oh, how they pound,
raising the sound ♪

♪ O'er hill and dale,
telling their tale... ♪

I'm glad you had a wonderful time.

I had a wonderful time.

Thank you for coming, really.
I appreciate it.

But do me a favor. Let
Marlene drive. Take his keys.

- Thank you.
- Can you please talk to me?

One minute. Let me get
Helen my stollen recipe.


(WHISPERS): I got the subpoena.

Your cheese log is so creamy.

Not now, Susan.

♪ It is to ride ♪

♪ In a one-horse open sleigh... ♪

I'll walk you to your car.

"You are commanded to appear
in the United States..."

Oh. This is incredibly alarming.

I know, but I've been thinking
this might actually help you.

What? Why?

You've been so worried
about them asking you

about me and Bill, and-and now,

I'll have already said
that nothing happened,

so you can just say the same thing.

It's so detailed.

The hat pin?

They have Intel.

The only people that know are
my closest friends, my mom...

but she doesn't even know any details...

and-and Bill and you.

Well, Monica, somebody has
told them something.

Oh, yeah. Thank you.

You think I haven't been
torturing myself about that?

That I haven't f*cking
stopped thinking about that?

But I am going to deny it,
and it'll be over, okay?

So I'm gonna sign
that affidavit tomorrow,

and you are gonna sign one
that matches mine,

and then, we're both
gonna be off the hook.


I can't believe it's almost over.



The closer you get,
the nearer you are to the end.



I should get back.

Susan has probably consumed
my entire cheese log.

Inviting her was a misstep.

- Linda, please.
- I understand that you're worried.

I am worried, too.

But I need to talk to my lawyer
before I do anything.

Merry Christmas, Monica.



VERNON: Did you tell the president

about this?

I couldn't reach him.

Okay, here's the deal.

They're probably going to focus
on two questions.

Did you have sex with the president?


Did he ever ask for it?

Then I don't see any cause for alarm.

You'll just submit an affidavit
saying nothing happened,

and they won't make you
testify in person.

But how did they even know my name?

And on page three, it says to turn over

anything he's given you,
including hat pins.

How could they have known
that he gave me a hat pin?

Frank Carter is a great lawyer.

I'll introduce you.

He'll help you with the affidavit.

Can you please
tell the president about this?

Yeah, I'll make sure he knows,
but, Monica,

you'll be okay.


by signing this, you're
affirming under oath

that you can think of no reason
why the plaintiff, Paula Jones,

would seek information from you,

and that you've never had
a sexual relationship

with President Clinton.

- That's right.
- Good.

John Hancock right here.

Wow. Wonder what this is. (LAUGHS)

- Oh, I actually needed one of these.
- Ooh.

I needed one of these.

ALLISON: You do, because
you really need to practice.

- You're really, um...
- Okay.

ALLISON: You suck at basketball.

RYAN: You never even watch me play.

- ALLISON: Oh, my gosh.
- Not at all.

- I'm way better than you.
- Are you kidding me?

- ALLISON: Oh, this is really cute.

- I like this.
- RYAN: Yeah, it is cute.

- ALLISON: Right? Isn't it?
- Yeah, very cute.





♪ O Tannenbaum... ♪

RYAN: Yeah, open it.
What are you waiting for?


LINDA: Hi. You've reached the home
of Linda, Ryan And Allison Tripp.

We're not available to take your call.

Please leave a message.

- Hey.

I just wanted to say
Merry Christmas, and, um,

I just... I just want to talk

about everything.

And, uh...

see if you made a decision.

Okay, uh, please just...

just call me any time.

You'll sh**t your eye out, kid.

Merry Christmas. Ho, ho, ho.

Monica, you traversed
the globe with our team.

You worked all hours,
you did a great job,

and you certainly have
the best fashion sense

that an Air Force C- aircraft
has ever seen, right?


The folks at Revlon don't know
how lucky they are.

We're sure gonna miss your kindness,

your keen intelligence
and your bright spirit.

Good luck in the Big Apple, Monica.

Don't forget your friends at the DoD

who care about you very much.


Excuse me, sir. Just one second.

Hey. Can you call me back?

Yes, of course.

I've been trying you and trying you.

I know. I'm sorry.

(WHISPERING): What is your plan?

We can talk about all of this later.

I'm actually meeting
with my lawyer today.

Okay, good. That's good, right?

You know, we don't have
a picture together.

You hate having your photo taken.

I know, but you're leaving.

Can't believe it.


Okay, ladies.




- Linda, please.

So, your subpoena.

I can help you draft an affidavit

so you won't have to testify.

I mean, you have no connection

to Paula Jones or the president.

You're entirely wrong. I'm quite close

to a woman in the midst of an
affair with President Clinton.

And he's covering it up
by getting her a job at Revlon.

Her name is Monica.

And the Jones lawyers know this.

They know I know things.


I'd like to give these to you...
for safekeeping.

My calls with Monica.

You've been taping her.

And does she know?

No, she had no idea.

- Where were you calling her from?
- My house in Columbia.

Linda, that's a felony.

- What?
- You cannot

secretly tape phone calls in Maryland.

It's a two-party consent state.

I was told it was fine.

- By who?
- My literary agent.

I'm your lawyer. Why didn't you ask me?

All right, all right, look,

here's what we're gonna do, okay?

I-I'm gonna call Bob Bennett.


I know you're not a fan,
but he's a reasonable guy.

- Oh, yeah.
- I'm gonna tell him about this,

and push him to settle now
with Paula Jones.

- No, I don't want that.
- Linda, do you understand

how much trouble you're in?

If these tapes are introduced
into evidence,

you will be prosecuted,
you could go to jail.


You said taping phone calls
was entirely fine.

LUCIANNE: Well, it is in New York.

Well, not everyone lives in New York.

never understand that.

This is serious.

I could go to prison.

- I could lose everything.
- Okay.

What does your lawyer say to do?

He wants to tell Bob Bennett
about the tapes.


So he'll settle,
so they won't come to light.

If this case gets k*lled,
he gets away with all of it.

I don't want that, either,

but Maryland has a Democrat for
governor and attorney general.

The White House will have no
trouble sending them after me.

Maximum sentence.

Linda, calm down.
We just need to figure out a way

to get you immunity from prosecution.

How are we gonna do that?

I have an idea. Let me get my Rolodex.




Do you have connections

- to Ken Starr's office?
- Of course I do.

We need to make them aware of
Linda Tripp as fast as we can.


Hi, stranger.

- Hey.


When's the big move?

Next week.

You okay?


Yeah. No, I'm fine.

I got you a few things.

For the new New Yorker.

Wow. That's, um...

That's very sweet.
Thank you, but I, um...

Hold on. We're not done.

Oh, my God. I love him, um,

- but I...
- And the last but not least.

I found this in Vancouver

in a First Nation store.

You know, a bear symbolizes courage.

So in your new life up there
in the big city,

when you need to be strong,
just hold him close.

You okay?

I... I...

I love them.

Really, I love them,
but I can't take them.

My subpoena asked for
every gift you've ever given me,

and it just feels too dangerous.

Well, d-don't worry about that.

I am worried.

Don't you think that
something weird is going on?

I wish I did. I'm sorry you're having

to experience it, but, uh,
this is what they do to me

and anyone I'm close to.

You know, sad thing is,
just feels normal to me now.

Okay. I just... I guess
it feels different for me.

I don't know. I just keep thinking

about the witness list and
the subpoena and the hat pin...

You'll be okay.

I mean, you signed the affidavit, right?

And, uh...

no one knows about us.


And your friend at the Pentagon...

she doesn't know?


She's not really my friend
anymore anyway.

So you got nothing to worry about.

This I do know.

You are gonna do great in New York.

You know, building a career,

making new friends,

lighting up every life
you walk into like you did mine.

- And one day,

you'll look back on all this and laugh.

I'll be some crazy story
you tell your grandkids.

- You're more than a crazy story.

Mr. President, Prime Minister Blair.

Yeah, I'll just be a moment.

- There's never enough time.

Safe travels, Monica.

I'll never, um, be in this room again.

I'll, uh... I'll call you next
week once you're settled in.

Will you really call me?

Of course, middle of next week.

(SIGHS) I know
I shouldn't say this, and...

But I...

I need you to know that...

you are my whole world.

Good luck in New York.

Be good.







Clinton has a mistress.

She-She's an intern,
or she was an intern.

They moved her to the Pentagon,

but Vernon Jordan got her a job
at Revlon for perjury.

- What?
- I just had dinner with friends from law school.

They said that Clinton
was f*cking a girl

who worked for him.

There's perjury, there's a cover-up.

And, Jackie, there are tapes.

You're telling me these tapes

have this young lady explicitly stating

that the president had
Vernon Jordan give her a job

in exchange for lying in an affidavit?

Yes, lying about the affair.

- Judge, they had sex in the Oval Office.
- Okay.

- I don't need to hear that.
- I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

We need to talk to this witness.

Wait. How did all this come to you?

Back channel from some friends
that have been helping

Paula Jones's lawyers behind the scenes.

I see you two are very excited.

But I need to figure out

how I can justify this
under our mandate.

(LAUGHING): What? What?

Vernon Jordan's the president's fixer.

How many of our Whitewater witnesses

- has he interfered with?
- Allegedly.

Let's just see if it's real, Judge.

We'll go where the evidence leads.

Look into it, but remember who we are.

This is a federal investigation
reporting directly

to the United States Congress.

No more of this backdoor stuff
with your friends.

It has to appear that this witness came

to us out of the blue.
She has to call us.

We... Yeah, got it. Go, go, go.



AUTOMATED VOICE: You've got mail.








Ken Starr's office wants
to hear from you.


- Okay.
- Listen.

You know this isn't
some dinky little subpoena

in this sexual harassment suit.

This is a prosecutor
with the power to file charges,

and the FBI on their side.

He'll be expecting your call tonight,

but, Linda, the second you call them,

this all turns into something else.




JACKIE: OIC. This is Jackie Bennett.

It's me.

♪ ♪

Linda Tripp.

Jackie Bennett. We spoke on the phone.

My colleagues... Sol Wisenberg,
Mike Emmick...

from the Office
of the Independent Counsel.

This is Special Agent Steve Irons.

- FBI.
- May we come in?



- you called us?
- I'm in a terrible situation.

Facing prison or worse. (SCOFFS)

All because I borne witness
to a series of ongoing crimes.

- What crimes?
- Were you not all briefed?

I assumed you'd all come briefed.

Well, please sit.

Uh, in short, I've been
subpoenaed in the Jones suit,

and I'm being pressured
into a... a cover-up

at the direction of the
president of the United States.

Just to confirm... this involves
your colleague Monica... ?

Lewinsky. A friend.

A good friend.

It's not simply my word on this.

I-I have Monica
describing it all on tape.

She also discusses her sexual affair

with the president... in detail.

So you started taping
when you got the subpoena?


I began when I was subjected
to character assassination

by the president's attorney in Newsweek.

I knew I had to protect myself.

- From Bob Bennett.
- From the Clintons.

We all know what they're capable of.

- This Monica has no idea?
- Of course not.

And I-I'm sorry.

You referred to this person
as your "good friend"?

What's that supposed to mean?

Well, I'm just trying to ascertain...

Well, I have been Monica's sole
support for-for over a year.

I've given her my time, my-my counsel

in her darkest, loneliest hour.

There was one person she knew
would pick up the phone,

and that was me.

All I want, all I have ever wanted

is for Monica to be okay.

But I had to protect myself.

And thank f*cking God I did.

Mrs. Tripp, we have been investigating

the Clintons for years now.

Yes, we know what they're capable of,

and we fully understand
why you did what you did, okay?

Now, out of nowhere,
I learn it's illegal

in Maryland to record a call.

- I-I got horrible advice on that.
- Yeah.

We will help you avoid
prosecution, anything you need.

We just need copies of your tapes.

I can have those to you tomorrow.

Okay, great.

I'll have a clean tape
for you tomorrow, too.

What do you mean... "clean tape"?

I've arranged lunch with Monica

tomorrow in Virginia
where they're less dictatorial

about single-party taping.

I'm going to tape the whole
thing, but legal this time.

- And how are you gonna do that?
- I'm going to wire myself

with a recording device.
I plan to wear a loose blouse.

No, no, no. No, no way.

This is an active federal investigation.

If you're gonna be wired, you're
gonna be wired by the FBI.

You realize what this means?

Clinton gives his deposition
in the Jones case on Saturday.

He's gonna walk in there,
he's gonna lie his ass off.

We're gonna be waiting for him.

This is... this is bigger
than Whitewater.

What? f*ck that.
It's bigger than Watergate, man.

- We have tapes.
- Watergate had tapes.

And thank God we do, too,

'cause a jury would
f*cking hate that lady.

Just need to secure this.

How is this different
than the one on my leg?

This one lets us listen live
from up here.

Linda, look, just-just focus
on two things, okay?

She needs to say she's planning
on lying under oath,

and she needs to say what
Vernon Jordan is doing for her

in exchange for that lie.

- That's it.
- AGENT: Okay.

- Ms. Tripp, can you say a few words?
- What if something goes wrong?

We'll be listening in the whole time,

and we have people posted downstairs.

What if she sees them?

- She won't.

Why don't you go for a table
in the back corner?

You'll be able to see the whole place.

It'll help you stay calm.

I hope I don't let you down.


- Hi.
- Hi.

Uh, uh...

I'd like that table in the corner.

- Oh, okay.
- It'll just be two of us.

Sure. Wherever you like.

Tell me about your smoking policy.

Oh, this is a nonsmoking section.

Okay, well, I don't want to do anything

that's not the normal routine.

- You can smoke at the bar.
- No, that's fine.

There are plenty of seats
at the bar if you want...

No, I don't want to go
to the bar. Thank you.

- Enjoy.
- Thank you.




Hi, Monica.

- It's her.

LINDA: Listen.

I have been thinking about you nonstop.

I know I've been out of touch.

Things feel so weird, and our
last conversation was so...

I'm sorry. I've-I've been a wreck.

Me, too.

Why have you been a wreck?

MONICA: Because I'm in a nightmare.

I feel like I'm going crazy,
like actual DSM crazy.

I don't understand
what's happening or why.

What do you... what do you mean?

What do you mean, "What do I mean?"

I feel an overwhelming sense of
dread every minute of every day,

and honestly, you're
not helping with that.

- I know. I know.
- You dropped off the face of the earth, Linda.

You were gonna go talk
to a lawyer, right?

- Did that happen?
- Uh, I did,

but, uh, it's-it's all still
very much up in the air.

- Well, what does that mean?
- Thank you.

Mm. Can I get you ladies anything?

No, nothing. No, no.

- I'd love some coffee, please.
- Mm-hmm.

I need to know what you're thinking

about your affidavit.

Are you still planning to lie?

I already signed it.


MONICA: My thing with him was personal

and private, and it has
absolutely nothing to do

with Paula Jones, and I...
I really thought about it.

And maybe if this were a...
a serious lawsuit,

I would feel differently, but I...

I'm not helping with a publicity stunt.

I'm just... I'm not, okay? And I think

- you would feel the same way if you would just...
- Okay.

I-I'm not even concerned with her.

I'm concerned with us.

Me, too.

Linda, I have to say,

I've turned this over
in my mind a million times,

and if the shoe were on the other foot,

I would keep your secret.

I know I would do that for you.


you've lied under oath,

and you're asking me to do the same.

- Why are you saying it like that?
- What do you mean?

In legalese or whatever.

Oh. f*ck.

- LINDA: I don't know, Monica.
- Shh.

I'm-I'm frightened.

Okay. I just... I think...


- JACKIE: What's happening?
- The Mic fell down.

- Down where?!
- Probably in her blouse.

- Go. Go, go.
- Go. Go.

And tell her to bring up Vernon Jordan!

- What's going on?
- I'm just itchy. Go ahead.

I think you're making this
into something that it's not.

All you have to do, if they ask,

is say, "I don't remember.

I don't recall..."
Okay, what's-what's happening?

I just... I'm gonna go to the bathroom.

I'll be right back. (SIGHS)


Ah, I got it.

Get her to talk about Vernon Jordan.

Jesus Christ. Your one job
was to properly clip.

- Okay, just breathe.
- Oh, shut up.

I know how to breathe. Sorry.

The target is going through
the asset's purse.


Is someone listening?



(QUIETLY): God. Stop
being paranoid, Monica.


- (QUIETLY): Shit. f*ck.


You okay?

Mm. Yeah.

- Sorry. I...
- We're back! We're back!

- We're back! We're back!
- Listen.


I know this might sound insane,

but this whole situation,
I think, in a way...

it might be easier for you
than it is for me.

I'm a peon. I don't have
powerful friends.

I have nobody.

But you, I mean... (LAUGHS)

You've got huge heavy hitters
in your back pocket.

You're protected.

What actual protection
do you think I have?

I am not protected at all.

Vernon Jordan got you
a big job, didn't he?


Yes! Yes!

LINDA: You've got the president

of the United States
looking out for you.

MONICA: Right, and if this gets out,

he will hate me forever.

(LAUGHING): Jesus, Monica.

It just always comes back
to what's best for him.

No, Linda. It's me.

This is for me.

And all you have to do is say

that you've never seen the
president behave inappropriately

with anyone, because
that is % the truth.

- I need to think about it.
- You keep saying that.

- You have thought about it.
- I know.

Linda, please.

Please. This is my real life
we're talking about,

and I'm scared.

(SIGHS) All I need is for you
to say that you just won't

tell them about me. Please?


It's a big decision. Let me sleep on it.

I don't understand why
you can't just promise me that.

You're asking a lot.

I need the night, okay?


- He's put you through so much.

All I want is for you to be free of it.

- I hope you know that.
- I...

- I don't know.
- I'll call you tomorrow, I promise.