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04x02 - The Harder they Fall

Posted: 10/09/21 17:24
by bunniefuu
♪ You'll never feel happy ♪

♪ You'll never feel happy... ♪



I'm sorry, is this not
exciting enough for you?

Oh, no, it's absolutely thrilling.

I was just thinking
about how we might have avoided

all this excitement
had you waited for the skip

to be a little further away from his car

before approaching him.

- ♪ You'll never feel happy... ♪

Yeah, good point.

Excuse me?

I mean, you're right. The guy skipped

on a $ , bond.
I should've figured he'd run.

No, I understand
that you are agreeing with me.

- My question is why?
- And I feel bad

you have to go through this
when you're jet-lagged.

The airline's lost your bags,

so you're understandably in a bad mood.

Okay, stop doing that.

- Doing what?
- Being so nice.

[CHUCKLES]: Now you're upset

- because I'm being nice to you?
- And that you're not

driving with
sufficient aggression, clearly.

You know what? You're
right. That's got to stop.

- HIGGINS: What are you doing?

You just said to be more aggressive.

Indeed. But the bounty

that we stand to collect
won't even cover the cost

of the bodywork the car will require

if you put even the smallest dent in it.

Okay. What do you suggest?

Let me talk to him.


♪ Everybody needs this... ♪


Hi, there! We are
licensed private investigators!

You have an outstanding warrant
for failing to appear in court!

Now pull over!

♪ Happy thing... ♪

I'm really shocked that that
stern talking-to didn't work.

- Thomas!


All right. I guess it's back to my plan.

Just follow him around
till he runs out of gas.


Get some shut-eye while I drive.

This guy's not going anywhere.

That's a very kind offer,
Thomas, but I'm not sure

how much sleep I'm gonna get

in a speeding Ferrari.

Looks like

I spoke too soon. I think this guy's

turning himself in.

♪ Until you try ♪

♪ You'll never feel happy ♪

♪ Until you try... ♪


You were saying?

Yeah, well, on the plus side,
now you can take a nap.

- Auxiliary fuel pump?
- SHAMMY: Off.

- Instruments and radio?
- Checked and set.

Same for the altimeter, gyro and trim.

Plus, we're all topped off on fuel.


You aced that.

Helps to have a good teacher.

I'm thinking it's time we get you up

on your first solo flight.


You logged the required hours.

- Nothing holding you back.
- Sure, but...

Come on, you know, it's a big step.

But a necessary step

to get you up in the
air with passengers,

guiding your own tours.

Which is the plan, right?

Look, if this is about what
happened in the sandbox,

I get it.

It's got to be scary

having people's lives
in your hands again.

Yeah. No.

I'm scared for my own life.

Hey, did you know the accident rate

for helicopters is % higher

than it is for fixed-wing aircraft?

You went down a Google
rabbit hole, didn't you?

I couldn't help it.
I was up late researching

facts about the island,
working on my banter.

Oh, nice.

Banter's good.

I mean, truth is giving a
successful helicopter tour

is as much about being a good showman

- as it is about being a good pilot.
- Oh, in that case,

I got a bunch of great lava rock jokes

I've been working on
if you want to hear them.

Save it for the customers.



You must be Randall and Casey.

- Where you guys visiting from?
- Michigan.

Heard you can't come to Hawaii

without seeing it from , feet up.

Oh, you heard right, my brother.

[CHUCKLES] Well, I'm TC.
I'll be your pilot today.

My partner Shammy here
will be guiding the tour.

Ahoy, mateys.

You'll find headsets on your seats.

Strap in.
We'll get this road on the show.

"Ahoy, mateys"? Eh.

All right.

MAGNUM: How long after

I fell asleep did you wait
until you slipped

into the dark of night?

How do you know I didn't leave
this morning before you woke up?

Well, because your side

of the bed was cold already.

some crack detective work.

[CHUCKLES] Takes one to know one.

You looked so cute.

I couldn't bring myself to wake you.

You know, if I was the insecure type,

I would think that you
were just using me for sex.

I thought I was clear. That is exactly

- what I'm doing.
- Perfect.

We're on the same page, then.

But for your sake, it's a good thing

Higgins didn't see you slip out.
She's still on Kenya time.

In that case,

maybe you should stay over
at my place next time.

Well, that depends
on the wine selection.


Okay. I'll forward you
that witness statement

- as soon as I have it.
- Okay.

So, when do I get to see you again?

I hope to give it to you
by the end of today.

Tonight at the latest.


I'll see you then.


When did you start locking your door?

Didn't realize I had.

And, uh, what,

may I ask,

is that smell?

Have you suddenly started lighting

scented candles?

Air freshener.

Uh, this one is lavender sage,
I believe.

Okay, what is going on with
you?[CHUCKLES]: What is going on

with you? I mean, you've been so moody,

and it can't just be the jet lag.

It's got to be that whole
being away from Ethan thing,

right? Because
I totally understand that.

It's not. And don't deflect.

There's something different about you

since I got back.

You just seem too...


Right. Uh, apologies for that.

But if I'm happy, it's because

I finally have my partner back

after she bailed on me for six months.

Yeah. Well, I'm not buying it.

Anyway, we're gonna have to table

this conversation 'cause our
client is about to arrive.

That's a shame,
because I was really enjoying

this little catch-up.
Shall we go to the main house?

Yeah, good idea. I
wouldn't want our client

to be assaulted by the smell

of lavender and sage.

She might confuse us for a
Bath & Body Works franchise.

Even now sitting here,

I'm still not sure I was right to come.

MAGNUM: Why don't you
tell us what's on your mind.

My husband,

Makoa, passed away last week.

HIGGINS: Oh. Alani,

we're very sorry.

Makoa was on a construction crew.

He was working alone four stories up

when he lost his footing and fell.

At least, that's what they're saying.

And you believe otherwise?

ALANI: Ever since

we learned that I was pregnant,

Makoa had become paranoid
about his safety.

There's just no way he would forget

to strap in to his safety harness.

MAGNUM: Anytime there's a death

in the workplace,

an a*t*matic investigation is triggered,

so I'm assuming OSHA's
already looked into this?

And the police.

And they both ruled it an accident.

But I don't care what they say.

I knew my husband,

and he would not make
a careless mistake like that.

And I'm also certain

that something's being covered up,

because the security cameras

covering the area where Makoa fell,

they were conveniently broken.

Look, I just want

to know the truth, and if it turns out

that someone was responsible
for my husband's death,

I want justice.

Can you help me?


SHAMMY: Okay, next up is Molokai.

At one time, this was home

to one of the largest
leper colonies in the world.

Fun fact: Leprosy didn't exist in Hawaii

until traders brought it over
from Europe in the th century.

One of the many gifts of colonialism

along with smallpox, cholera, land theft

and the overthrow
of the Hawaiian monarchy.

These days,

only a thousand or so people live here,

and tourism is basically nonexistent.

Could be because about two-thirds

of the island
is actually an extinct volcano,

making most of the land
largely unusable.

Oh, which reminds me.

A lava rock quit his job
at the volcano today.

He said they took him for granite.

Is this thing on?

Yes. Yes, it is.

All righty, then. Moving right along,

we'll do a quick flyover,
then head over to the island

of Lanai.

Actually, change of plan.

We're gonna need you to land. Now.

Power down the systems.

Then take the circuit board
out of the Satcom radio

and hand it over.


Now the two of you are gonna get out.



that's gonna be a problem for me.

Really? Why's that?

Because I'm disabled,

and I don't have my chair with me.

All right, you.

Carry him out of his seat.

Look, I'm not doing all of that, man.

Hey, easy!

Right there by the log.

Set him down, then don't move.

Stay on channel .

I'll radio you when I reach the bag.


- TC: You good, buddy?
- Yeah.


Could be fugitives.

Molokai's not a bad place
to disappear for a while.

Wouldn't bode well for us.

There's no reason to keep us
alive in a scenario like that.

I don't think there's any scenario

where this ends well for us.

Which means at some point,

we're gonna have to get
out of this jam ourselves.

For now...

...let's just go along with whatever

- they ask.
- All right.

Good. Try not to goon it up.

All right.

My friend and I need to recover

something on this island,
so here's what's gonna happen.

Big guy comes with me. Everyone else

stays behind. Got it?

Let's just get this over with.

Agreed. This should go without saying,

but try anything,
and I radio my partner here

to put a b*llet in your friend's head.

Let's go.

I got your text.

What's the big emergency?

Try this.



That's pretty good.

[SIGHS] God, it's worse than I thought.

Sorry, should I have been more effusive?

Because it's actually quite nice.

"Quite nice" isn't gonna cut it, Kumu.

You remember when Suzy

came up with
those weekly cocktail specials

and I let her run with it

because I thought
I was being a good manager

and I didn't want to discourage
an employee

that was showing a little initiative?

- Remember that?
- I also recall

that those drinks
started selling like crazy

and filling up this bar every night.

Yeah. But the problem is

the customers
expect new drinks every week,

and with Suzy gone,
it's on me to come up with them.

- Good thing you're a bartender.
- Yeah,

I'm a bartender,
but Suzy, she's a mixologist.

Know what? Scratch that. She...

She's an artist. I mean,

she could take pisco,
rosemary, star fruit,

and combine it
to make something so delicious,

I wouldn't feel bad
about charging bucks a pop

for it.

Now, I was thinking,
since you're an expert

on island culture, maybe you could

help me come up with some unique takes

on traditional tiki drinks.

You know, like a mai tai
or a Blue Hawaiian.

Only fancier and more expensive.

I'm always happy to help.

- What are you doing?
- Texting my nephew

to pick up my Vespa.

Because if things go how I think,

no way I'll be
in any condition to drive.

Oh, speaking of which,
you'll be covering my Uber home.

- Gladly. Let's get started.
- Okay.

IOHA: Look, it's a construction site.

We got materials coming in,
machinery getting moved around.

It's inevitable we're gonna
have security cameras go down.

Not to mention, unless
something's stolen

or there's an accident,
no one's checking them.

So it can be days before
we know there's a problem.

Okay, but you can understand
how it looks to our client.

Her husband dies,

and conveniently, the
security cameras are broken?

I get it. Poor woman's grieving.

God knows I've been there myself.

But the truth is

despite all the precautions we take,

this can be a dangerous line of work.

And people get careless.

They make mistakes.

Are you suggesting it was Makoa's fault?

No. I'm not saying that at all.

HIGGINS: Mr. Ioha,

is there something else
you'd like to tell us?

Here's the thing. O-Okay.

The day after the accident,

we got the results back
from a random drug test

we gave the crew earlier in the week.

Makoa tested positive for opiates.

If I'd even gotten the
results back a day sooner,

I would've had to fire him then,

and he'd still be alive.

Did he strike you as somebody
with a substance abuse problem?

Honestly, I didn't spend
much time with him.

I hired Makoa through a program

that gets work for ex-cons.

Since the state gives me a tax incentive

for hiring through the
program, it's a win-win.

- You didn't know he had a record?

We didn't.

As far as you know, did
Makoa have any issues

with anyone on his work crew?


Despite whatever trouble he had
in his past, he was a good guy.

Well, we appreciate your time.

- Thanks for the help.
- Thanks.

Sounds like our client's husband

wasn't the saint she believed him to be.


This thing we're looking for,

it's dr*gs, right?

Why would you assume that?

Molokai's on the flight path into Oahu.

So if a couple of drug traffickers

were forced to dump their
cargo prior to landing,

this would be the
natural place to do it.

And I heard you tell your
partner not to goon it up.

That's Air Force slang.

So I'm guessing you two served together.

He's the pilot.

Which makes you, what?
Brains of the operations?


What branch were you in?

Marines. Two tours.

Guess I have to keep
an extra close eye on you.

Actually, I think I'm done

helping you out.

Well, in that case...

I should just k*ll you now.

Go right ahead.

Who's gonna fly you off this rock?

You're right.

We need you alive.

But we certainly don't need
your crippled friend.

So, what's it gonna be?

Should be up ahead here somewhere.

Over there.

RANDALL: Son of a bitch.

SHAMMY: This gonna take much longer?

'Cause if we don't
get back for our next tour,

- people are gonna start looking for us.
- Relax.

My partner will be back soon.

Is he your partner?

'Cause the way he talked down to you,

he sounded more like your boss.

Keep running your mouth.
See how that works out for you.

RANDALL: We got a problem.

What's going on?

The dr*gs are gone.

What? How is that even possible?

Oh, I'll tell you how.

Only two people knew
we were gonna ditch them.

The same guys who warned us

the DEA was waiting at the airstrip.

- The buyers.
- RANDALL: Exactly.

Lucky for us, there's fresh footprints.

Oh, so they're still

- on the island?
- RANDALL: If they are,

I intend to find them.

And Mr. Marine here

is gonna help me k*ll those bastards.

All right. Here's what we have

on Makoa Brown.

Multiple arrests dating back to .

According to the g*ng unit,

he was associated
with the Sons of Tonga.

All the charges were
for nonviolent offenses

except for the last one three years ago.

And what was he charged for then?


Oh, yeah. I remember this case.

Makoa k*lled somebody?


Victim was a Michael Aquino.

Eyewitness put Makoa at the scene.

That got HPD a warrant

to search his property,
where they found a mm

that was a ballistics match.

So, how did Makoa end up skating
on a m*rder charge?

Someone messed up chain
of custody on the nine-mil.

Judge tossed it.

There were also inconsistencies
in the witness's statement,

so the P.A. felt the case was a loser.

Dropped the charges.

I'll tell you this much, though.

Prevailing opinion at the time

was that through nothing but sheer luck,

Makoa managed to get away with m*rder.

Well, if we're looking for motive,

I think we just found it.

Yeah. Sounds like our
client might be right.

Makoa's death was no accident.

It says here the witness
changed her statement

as to which direction Makoa
fled after the sh**ting.

Yeah. It seems minor,
but a good defense lawyer

can use stuff like that
to plant doubt in a jury's mind.


- What's going on here?
- Hey.

KATSUMOTO: Oh, the usual. Magnum's

just making our office his home.


Uh, Detective Kaleo,
I don't think you've met

my partner, Juliet Higgins.

Juliet Higgins,

- Detective Kaleo.
- It's a pleasure to meet you.


So, what are we looking at?

You remember
the, uh, Michael Aquino m*rder

- from a few years back?
- Sure.

Suspect walked. Looked good for it, too.

Yeah, Makoa Brown. So happens

he just died in a
construction accident last week.

The wife hired Magnum and
Higgins here to look into it.

LIA: Well,
here's something you should know.

Aquino's father,

Hector, kind of lost it
when Makoa wasn't charged.

There were a lot of angry calls
to the P.A.'s office.

He started harassing Makoa, too.

Showing up outside his house.
Went on for months.

Makoa had to get a restraining order.

If he was willing to stalk Makoa,

maybe he was willing
to take it a step further.

Enough to make you wonder
if he has an alibi

for the time of Makoa's death.

Unfortunately, I can't just
ask him myself.

LIA: He's right.

If we get involved,
it looks like we're undermining

the detective who determined
Makoa's death an accident.

But you two should
definitely look into this.

Oh, yeah, we intend to.

Uh, thanks so much for your help.

It was a pleasure to meet you.

Yeah, of course.

- Thanks, guys.
- Yeah.

Thinking before we go see Mr. Aquino,

we should stop by and update our client.

I'm not looking forward
to that conversation.

We promised Alani answers.
I'm just not sure

she's going to like them.

No, I don't believe it.

Makoa wasn't capable
of something like that.

Did Makoa tell you he had been
a member of a street g*ng?

Makoa was open about his past,

but I never pressed him for details.

That's probably why he never told me

about this m*rder charge.

Uh, Alani,

we found out that Makoa
tested positive for dr*gs.

The test was administered
just a week before the accident.

That's not possible.

Look, I don't know what's going on here,

but my husband was a good man.

I'm sorry for not telling you
about his record.

I was just so desperate for help,

and I didn't want you
judging him for his past

like everyone else did.

We understand that.

That's why we won't stop
investigating this case.

- You have our word.
- ALANI: Good.

'Cause I still can't shake the feeling

that someone wanted to hurt Makoa,

and nothing you've told me

has changed my mind about that.

HECTOR: Losing a child is like losing

part of yourself.

You feel it. Always.

Even now, years later,

I still think about Michael every day.

What about Makoa Brown?

You ever think about him?

I heard what happened to Makoa.

Suppose you're gonna tell us
you're sad to hear he's dead?

Do you know how many nights I laid awake

wishing death upon that man?

I had so much hate in my heart.

Not just for Makoa.

For the prosecuting attorney
who wouldn't do his job.

For that witness who, for some reason,

couldn't stick to her story.

But eventually, I realized

the hate was consuming me.

And after a lot of hard work,

I was finally able to move on.

HIGGINS: Mr. Aquino,

can we ask, where were you

last Tuesday between the hours of :

and : a.m.?

[SIGHS] Provo, Utah.

I took some vacation time
to go away with the family.

We just got back yesterday.

I see.

Look, you're investigating
Makoa's death.

I get why you'd suspect me.

But the God's honest truth
is I didn't k*ll him.


- I don't buy it.
- Which part?

Well, everything, but
especially the part

where he suddenly got
over his son's death.

I struggled to move on after Richard.

I can't imagine what it's like
to lose a child.

I know it's not something you
just decide to get over one day.

Exactly. And you heard what
Lia said. Up until recently,

this guy was, like,
full-on stalking Makoa.


Detective Kaleo.

My point is that the
timing of Hector's trip

just seems too convenient,
like he was trying

to buy himself an alibi.

Well, in which case,

he would've had to enlist
somebody to k*ll Makoa.

Which makes sense.

It's not that easy
to access a work site.

Right. But we know

the construction company
was using ex-cons.

Maybe Hector enlisted
one of these ex-cons

to take out Makoa and make it
look like an accident.

Okay, I'll pull his phone records,

run against a list of employees.


- It's great.
- Really?

Honestly, they all
started tasting the same

about three rounds ago.
Also, I'm pretty buzzed.

This is hopeless.

Suzy knew what the customers wanted.


- You know, without her, I'm lost.
- Oh,

I get it.

You don't miss Suzy's cocktails.
You miss Suzy.

Oh, come on. That is...


It's accurate. That's accurate.

Okay. Dish.

All right. I'm gonna tell you something,

but you got to promise
not to tell anybody,

especially Thomas and TC.

You slept with Suzy.

- How'd you know?
- Please.

No man gets this stressed
out about cocktails.

So, what happened?

Well, we hooked up
right before she left.

Just once, and we said
that would be the only time.

But I-I haven't been able
to stop thinking about her.

I keep wanting to pick up the phone,

tell her how I feel, but...

I just can't bring myself to do it.

So, how do you feel about her?

Truthfully, I don't know.

Here's an idea.

Why don't you write it down.

People don't call anymore. They text.

I'll review it before you send

and edit out all the stupid parts.

Okay, that's assuming
there's gonna be stupid parts.

Yeah, fair enough.

- I'll get right on it.



Thanks, Noelani. Appreciate it.

Okay. Check this out. So,
according to Makoa's tox screen,

there weren't any dr*gs in
his system when he died.

So Ioha lied
about the positive drug test.

That's not the only thing he lied about.

I pulled payroll records,
for Ioha's work crew,

and it turns out that Makoa

was the only ex-con who worked for him.

In fact, prior to hiring Makoa,

he had never employed anyone
from that job placement program

he claimed to be a frequent user of.

Why would he lie to us?


- Probably yards downstream.
- You hear that?


Yeah, that's a big one.

Hey, there.

Don't sh**t. [CHUCKLES]

What are you two doing here?

Just passing through.

Well, you're passing
through a hunting preserve.

No one's allowed on this land
without a permit.

I'm-a level with you, man.

I was in the middle
of giving a helicopter tour

when we ran low on fuel.

Had to land about a half mile back.

We were sitting there,
waiting for help to arrive

when my customer says he's bored
and wants to take a look around.

You know what they say
about the customer's

always right, right?

Better get back to the helicopter.

It's not safe to wander around here.

TC: Oh, yeah, no doubt.

We'll be on our way.

- [g*nsh*t]

- You could have just let him go.
- RANDALL: And risk

him reporting us? No.

CASEY: Hey, uh, we just heard a g*nsh*t.

Yeah. We ran into a small obstacle,

- but it's been taken care of.
- CASEY: Okay,

but if we heard it,
that means someone else

could have heard it, too.

I think we should get out of here.

RANDALL: Calm down.

We're in the middle
of a hunting reserve.

Nobody's thinking twice

- about a random g*nsh*t.
- CASEY: Well, look, man.

This was supposed to be a quick run.

We land, get the bag back and get out.

I think the safe play now
is to cut our losses and bail.

RANDALL: Bail? After all we've

been through? No. I have
invested too much time and money

to turn back now,

so sit your ass down

and wait until you hear from me.

You ask me, you're right.
Smart move's to get out of here.

Too bad your partner's

a loose cannon who doesn't give
a crap what you think.

Shut up.

Think about it.

Are those dr*gs really worth
going to jail over?

Not to mention, thanks to him,

you're now an accessory to m*rder.

- I said shut up!
- Don't be an idiot!

You're smarter than he is!

Get up. Hey. Get up.



[WHISPERS]: All right. Okay.

Come on. Come on!

Ah. Okay.


Okay. Come on.

Damn it!

Okay, guess we're doing this.

We're doing this.

Okay. Uh...


- Okay.

All right. Okay. Here we go.

- ♪ I sleep all day, out all night... ♪
- All right.

No big deal. It's just your,
uh, first solo flight.

With no comms.

And your friend's life on the line.

♪ You don't think it's showin'. ♪

Oh, boy.

Here we go.


So, I ran the phone records

for both Hector Aquino
and Makoa's boss, Ronald Ioha.

And this is where it gets
interesting. They both made

semiregular calls to the same number.

It's a local grief counseling group.

- Can't be a coincidence.
- No. Hard to imagine it is.

Hey, when we were talking
to him this morning,

didn't he mention something

about knowing what it's like
to grieve someone?

He did.

Do me favor. Pull up the obituaries page

for the Star-Advertiser,
and run the name Ioha,

- see what comes up.
- Right.

Okay, here it is.

Ellen Ioha. Passed away last year.

"Loving wife of Ronald Ioha."

Does it say how she died?

HIGGINS: Ron Ioha's wife was
k*lled in a car accident last year.

And here's where it gets interesting.

The drunk driver
responsible for her death

only served four months
for vehicular manslaughter,

and he recently died
under suspicious circumstances.

LIA: So, Ioha and Aquino attend
the same grief counseling group,

and the people both men blame

for the death of their family members

have recently turned up dead?

Exactly. A-Aquino has an alibi
for Makoa's death, right?

But Ioha, Makoa's boss,
he was there when Makoa died.

In fact, he went

out of his way to hire Makoa,
and he also lied

about employing people
from a job placement program

to make it seem like

hiring ex-cons was commonplace for him.

KATSUMOTO: Unbelievable.

Ioha kills Makoa for Aquino,
and in return,

Aquino gets rid of the drunk driver

that's responsible for the death

- of Ioha's wife.
- HIGGINS: I reckon

if you bring in Hector Aquino
for questioning,

he won't have an alibi
for the drunk driver's death.

KATSUMOTO: I suspect you're right.

We'll pick up both Aquino and Ioha.

Okay, Higgins and I have a stop to make,

but we'll get to the station
as soon as we can.

KATSUMOTO: All right.

What's going on?

Hector Aquino was so convinced

that Makoa k*lled his son, right?

But Alani was right about the accident

being staged. Maybe she was right

about Makoa, too.
Maybe Makoa didn't k*ll

Michael Aquino.

DONNE: I'm sorry, but it's three
years since I gave my statement.

I'm not sure how helpful I'm gonna be.

Ms. Chan, you witnessed
somebody get k*lled.

I would think something like
that stays in your memory.

Look, I told the police
everything I knew.

That case is closed.

Yes, Donne, that case is closed.

But the man that you ID'd
as a sh**t is now dead.[SIGHS]


Makoa Brown is dead?


And we believe it was over

the alleged m*rder of Michael Aquino.


did Makoa actually sh**t Michael Aquino?

TC: Starting to think the
guys that ripped you off

might be long gone.

You're just here 'cause
you can fly a chopper.

Leave the rest to me.




You were saying?

That your buyers?

So what's your plan?

RANDALL: Give me a minute.

TC: Could probably get
the jump on one of them.

Chances are other guy

would get to his g*n
before you dropped him.

I said I'm thinking. Shut up.

Better think fast, 'cause they're

- about to leave.
- I said shut your... [GRUNTS]

- [g*nsh*t]

MAN: Let's go!







- [g*nsh*t]


Mayday! Mayday!

This is Theodore Calvin

with Island Hoppers
chopper tours of Oahu.

I'm in immediate need
of medical attention.


This is Theodore Calvin. Calvin.

Please! Mayday!

I'm on the eastern side of Molokai.

One klick from Kawakiu Beach.





SHAMMY: We see you, buddy. Hang on.

MAN: We got you, TC.

You're safe now, buddy.

conspiracy cases are hard to prove,

but that hasn't been my experience.

When you're counting
on two people to keep a secret,

one person will inevitably break
and give the other one up.

Especially when you know

how to apply the right kind of pressure.

You told the investigators
who came to see you today

that you have a history
of hiring ex-cons.

Why would you lie about that, Mr. Ioha?

I didn't.

They must be mistaken.

No, I don't believe they are.

In fact, I think if we start looking,

we'll find you lied
about all kinds of things.

Like those security cameras.

Did they really get knocked out

or did you disconnect them
before pushing

Makoa Brown to his death?

I told you.

- I didn't k*ll Makoa.
- I think you did.

And in return for doing that,

Hector Aquino
agreed to k*ll the drunk driver

who was responsible
for your wife's death.

Only question now is which one of you

is gonna blink first?

KATSUMOTO: You did a decent job
of covering up the drunk driver's death.

Shot him in the back
of the head. Took his wallet.

But can you trust that Ron Ioha

was as careful as you were
when he k*lled Makoa?



We just came from seeing Donne Chan,

the witness that ID'd Makoa
for Michael Aquino's m*rder.

What did she have to say?


Mr. Aquino.

- Yeah.
- You remember Mr. Magnum, Ms. Higgins.

We thought you'd want to know
we just talked to Donne Chan,

and she admitted to lying to the police.

Makoa Brown didn't k*ll your son.

No, no, no.
That-That-That's not possible.

HIGGINS: The g*ng that
Makoa had been a member of

k*lled Michael over a drug deal.

They then planted the m*rder w*apon

in Makoa's car and threatened Donne

unless she agreed to ID him
as the sh**t.


Ron Ioha just confessed.
Admitted he k*lled Makoa

in exchange for Mr. Aquino here

taking care of the drunk driver
who k*lled his wife.

Should've talked
when you had the chance.

Now you get to go to prison
for a very long time.



Well, it's very... long.

All right, I might have
gotten a little carried away,

but it took me a while
just to work through

what it is I was feeling.

- I can see that.
- [SIGHS] Really?

'Cause I still have no idea
what it is I'm trying to say.

Well, sure. There are
a lot of scattered thoughts

here, but that's
just because you're conflicted.

On the one hand, you want Suzy to know

that you genuinely care about her

and that you want to explore
a relationship.

But you also don't want
to burden her with all that

when she needs to be focused
on the amazing work opportunity

- she has.
- Yes, that's exactly right.

Well, then,
maybe the best course of action

would be to give Suzy some space

to go on that journey

and trust that if you guys
are truly meant to be together,

it will ultimately work itself out.

So, what you're saying
is don't send the text.

Yes. But that was never the point.


I get it now.
You made me go through all that

just so I could figure out what it is

I'm feeling. Like therapy.

Only cheaper.

- And with booze.
- [CHUCKLES]: Oh, well,

I will say cheers to that, young lady.

In fact, I think you earned yourself

- another one on the house, huh?
- Oh.

- Better make it water.
- Oh, you're tapping out?

No shame in that. [CHUCKLES SOFTLY]

Oh! Oh, my God, Rick, I-I'm so sorry.

- I must have pressed a button.
- What? What? No. No, no, no!

Tell me you didn't send that text, Kumu.

Oh, God. No!
Oh, my God, Kumu.[CAMERA CLICKS]

- Really?
- You should see

your face. So worth it.

- You enjoy being cruel, don't you?
- A little bit.

- You're really good at it.

Shammy. What's up?

Wait, what?

Hey. Rick sends his love.

Magnum, too.

They're gonna let, uh, Higgins
and Kumu know what happened.


What happened is you saved my life.

Coast Guard saved your life.

- At best, I get the assist.
- Don't minimize, dude.

That was one hell
of a first solo flight.

Actually, it wasn't that bad.

Seems all I had to do

to stop worrying about
my impending death

was to start worrying about yours.

Well, here's to hoping that the next one

goes a little easier.

Seriously, Sham. Thank you.

- HIGGINS: I see you're back

- to leaving your door unlocked.

Ooh, you look nice.


Yeah, uh, gonna drop by
and check in on TC,

and then I'll probably meet
a friend for a drink.

Hmm. Yeah, I just, uh,
spoke to Theodore, actually.

Sounds like he and Shammy
had quite the ordeal.

I was actually gonna

bring them some coffee and malasadas

first thing in the morning.

You okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

It's just jet lag, I guess.

You sure?

Because, you know,

couple days ago, you were
on the other side of the planet

with Ethan, and now
you're thousands of miles away,

many time zones apart.

Can't be easy.

No. But...

Hey, at least one of us gets
to have a love life these days.

I'm sorry, is Ethan...

seeing somebody else?

I'm talking about you, you prat.

Oh, you really didn't think
I was gonna figure it out?

You're locking your door. Your tidiness.

Your sudden interest in home fragrances?

You have a girlfriend.

No, you know what?
You really do need some sleep,

- because you are clearly losing it.
- Fair enough.

Yeah. Do me a favor and say hi
to Lia when you see her later.

Oh. Sorry. Detective Kaleo.


Okay. You got me.

But if it makes any difference,

it wasn't my idea to keep it a secret.

Lia just thinks that, you know,

given our connection
to Gordie and HPD, it's...

probably better to be discreet.

Yeah, no, I don't blame her.



Happy for you, Thomas.

Don't muck this up.

What're you doing?

- Just hold still.
- You know, I can dress myself.

Been doing it since I was three.

Yeah, well, I would rethink that button.

You're showing a little too
much sternum. Rick might think

you're stealing his look.

♪ Home again, home again... ♪

It's actually a lovely smell.

♪ I'll feel home again ♪

♪ Born again ♪

♪ Born again. ♪