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04x25 - All Things Must End

Posted: 10/09/21 05:15
by bunniefuu

We've defeated the Beyonder.

Well done. But now, Loki,

I need you to return
the Eye of Agamotto to me.

About that, Doctor Strange...



I really had you this time, didn't I?

Gaining your trust,
fighting the Beyonder,

allowing me to join the Avengers,

winning the Secret Wars,

giving me the Eye of Agamotto.

[CHUCKLES] By Odin's beard, I am evil.

How did Loki take the Eye of Agamotto?

The Eye cannot be taken.

It must be given.

To stop The Beyonder,
I had to give it to him.

But now that the Eye is mine,

I am the most powerful wielder
of magic in the universe.

Let's make it official, shall we?

With a sad heart,
I resign from the Avengers.

I'm leaving to explore other
exciting new opportunities,

a universe full of strings to pull.

Not going to let that happen, Loki.

Don't worry your little heads.

I'll get to you and yours soon enough.


Uhh! Aah!

Except you, brother.

I have plans for you.

Back home on planet Earth.

Too bad we can't stay.

You got that right.

We need to get back at Loki.

going to do more than that.

We're gonna plan.
We're gonna fight.

We're going to avenge.

We are here.

The Avengers have assembled.

[ANT-MAN] So do we
have one of those...

What do the kids call them
nowadays? Plans?

'Cause we can't just wait here

for Loki to make the next move.

Ant-Man's right.

Aw. Thank you, Hulk.

It means a lot to have your support.


I'll shut up now.

When do we leave for Asgard?

I'm trying, but Loki's sealed
all the magical pathways

and portals between the Nine Realms.

There's no way through.

So even if we possessed Thor's hammer,

we could not get back to Asgard.

Even if we had Thor's hammer,

I wouldn't know what to do with it.

Dr. Foster?

I'm here.

We were a little worried
the way you ran off like that.

Sorry. I had to step back.

It's all so overwhelming.

I'm supposed to be a scientist,

not an Asgardian-whatever
of Thunder.

I don't know if I can do this.

Hey, look at what you've already done.

You found the missing Avengers,

sent us across dimensions,

stopped Ragnarok, became a sheriff,

rode dinosaurs.

should be a cakewalk.

No one knows what they
can do until they try.

Trust your instincts, Jane.

You know more about being
an Avenger than you think.

I don't know capes, but I know science.


I should have foreseen this betrayal.



Your misguided ambitions
will come to naught!

This is a momentous
occasion in history.

All-Father Odin's defeat,

falling at the hands of his son.

Deluded boy!

Many would-be conquerors

have tried to usurp me and failed.

You are an arrogant whelp, Loki,

with neither the magic nor
the fortitude to defeat me.

Oh, I beg to differ.

I have power,

and I know how to use it.




What are you supposed to do
when all your dreams come true?

Rhetorical question.

I know exactly what I'm going to do.

But I'll grant you a chance
to beg for mercy anyway.

You have no right
to our father's throne!


Oh, it seems he doesn't
need his throne anymore,

since he'll be staying in the dungeon
for the foreseeable future.

Everything that belonged
to him belongs to me.

And this is just the beginning.

You have no idea the things
that belong to me now.


The Casket of Darkness?

One of the most dangerous artifacts

that belonged to Odin,

filled with mystical All-Dark,

and it's all mine.


Oh. Hoo!
Ho ho ho ho!

The All-Dark ends life.

Even you must respect its danger.

I am the Sorcerer Supreme now,

so maybe the All-Dark
needs to respect me.


Maybe later.

I have something different
in mind for now.

Take your hammer, Thor.
I offer it to you.

All you have to do is call it.


Oh, no.

You have no hammer.

What are you going to do?


Hitting someone
when they're not looking?

Ooh, that's really more my thing.




I could use magic,

but I have a sneaking suspicion

that this way is more humiliating!


I am not worthy

to lift Mjolnir like you are,

but I am the Sorcerer Supreme.

And with Father imprisoned,

I'm also now the All-Father.

Which means I can do anything.

I'll take that.


I used the power
of the All-Father

to seal the pathways
between Asgard and Earth.

No one gets through unless I will it.

Technology work-around.

I'm mortal and not under
the power of the All-Father,

so you have no power over me.

Or us!

Ho ho ho ho! How angry.

But if your mightiest are here,

oh, who's protecting
your precious Earth?

While I was one of you,
fighting in your Secret w*r,

I discovered
that your greatest strength

is your greatest weakness.

Your strength is your focus
and ability to protect others.

But your weakness is that you'll never
be able to protect everyone.

The Bifrost!


I have unlimited magic,

unlimited beasts,

so go do what you always do...

save your Earth.

Uh, Cap, if you ever wanted

to say one of those bad words
I taught you,

now would be a perfect time.

You think you can stop me,

stop my army, save the
people of Earth, [CLAMORING]

be the heroes.


But whatever you decide to do,

it will all be for nothing.

Thors, Doctor Strange,
your team has Loki.

The rest of you, with me.


I'm finished toying with you.

I will see you fall...

in tears, then in death.

If this is the end,

then how better than in battle,

standing with my friends next to me?

For Asgard!

For Midgard!

For myself!




I have you!

Ha ha ha ha!

Can't leave so soon.

I'm not through with you yet!

Give me the Eye, Loki.

Its power is wasted
on the likes of you.

Petty insults are so
unbecoming of a doctor.


My insults and my magic

are stronger than yours.

By the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak!

Uhh! Uhh. Oh. Ohh!


Excuse me, Doctor.

It's been fun mingling with you,

but I see some people

who I'm dying to get reacquainted with.

Loki, no!


Crushing the Avengers has been my goal,

but crushing the two of you
has been my dream.


If you had any idea the power
flowing through me...


Aah! Uhh!

I think you're starting
to get the idea.

Avengers, this is it!

We cannot allow Loki's army to create
a beachhead here on Earth.

Whatever happens in Asgard
right now is out of our hands.

But we control what happens here.



And go!

Hit 'em hard, Avengers.


Okay, go!

These guys are even weirder up close.

Although now I see why they
call them "mindless ones."

Yep. Not too bright.




Loki! I'm sorry, brother,
but you give me no choice!

Don't apologize.



Oh, brother.
You look awful.

I should put you out of your misery,

and indeed I will,

when you perish among
the branches of Yggdrasil,

the Tree of Life!


Ohh! Uhh.




I must keep fighting.

But by Odin's beard,

I know not if I have the strength.

But perhaps I can find help

amongst the ruins
of this ancient battle.


They just keep coming!

We can't fail.
We have to hold the line!

Special delivery!

We're slowing them down.
But it's not enough.


Now where did you find the ax?

Not that it will matter in the end.



We have him!

You have nothing.


I hadn't figured out
how best to slay you.

I hoped an idea would just come to me.

And it has.

The All-Dark!

Farewell, Avengers.



Ooh, you and your little magic tricks.

But only Asgardian magic
can block the All-Dark. Hyah!



That tar is burning through the tree.

We must get the All-Dark
off the Tree of Life.

If the tree dies,
the universe dies with it.

By the blinding blades of Eldredim!

It's no use.

It's consuming the whole tree!

Ah! Naah!

Uhh! Aah!

Almost out of rainbow real estate.

Lousy mindless jerks!

Hulk, you seem angry.

Of course I'm angry!
Now get big and get fighting!

Uhh! Oh.

Oh, ho ho! Hulk,
you just gave me an idea.

You're really gonna hate me
after this one,

but, uh, trust me,
the drooling is normal.

Scott, you know Hulk is gonna k*ll you

when this is over, right?

If this works, it'll be worth it.




Oh, Thor, don't you see?

You and all life
in the universe are doomed.

But before the universe goes,

you go first!

Uhh! Keep working
on the All-Dark.

Loki's mine.

Huhh... uh!


You've been a thorn
in my side for too long.

You may be stronger
than you were before, Loki,

but so am I!

Loki's magic
has enchanted the All-Dark.

The only way to stop it
is through Loki himself.

But how?

He's your brother.

You must make him see the truth.




Come to join the party, brother?

Listen to me, Loki.

If the Tree of Life dies,

you will not survive.

Bah! I'm the All-Father

and the Sorcerer Supreme
of the universe.

I can survive anything.

Not this you can't!

If you don't believe me,
use the Eye of Agamotto.

It sees all.

What are you up to?

Is this your idea of a trick?

No. No tricks.

This is the truth, brother.




Ahh. Aah!



I cannot be defeated!

This Eye doesn't reveal truth.

It lies!

Now's our chance!


I am Loki, the winner and the truth!

Everyone here is a liar except me!

You've gone mad, brother!


I'm not mad. You're mad!
Because I have won!

Loki, shut up!



But I won.

Anyone who tells you different

is a liar!

I've removed Loki's enchantment

on the All-Dark.

It's now or never.

Are you ready?

Oh, I am so ready.

No! Get away
from the All-Dark!

It's not yours to command!

It belongs to me!



Oh, no.






[ODIN] Heroes are not
designed nor produced.

Heroes rise.

Jane Foster,

having fought to restore
the throne of Asgard,

you have proven yourself worthy.

I dub thee Thunderstrike,

and with it, a w*apon worthy.

May you continue to fight valiantly

to the end of your days.


My best friend's an android,

my hero is my teammate,

and that over there is Asgard.

It doesn't seem real sometimes.

[SIGHS] I so didn't think I was
gonna make it as an Avenger.

I would've quit on my first day

if you hadn't stopped me.

I thought you'd be a good Avenger,

and I was right.

Saving the universe...

Never gets old, does it?

Nope. Even still,

I could go for some vacation.

But you know the moment I try,

the world's gonna need us again.


time is unpredictable,

and the future is unknowable.

Well, I know the future
will be better than the past,

because heroes will make it that way.

Heroes like the Avengers.

Avengers Assemble!