04x14 - New Year's Resolution

Episode transcripts for the 2013 TV show "Avengers Assemble". Aired May 2013 - February 2019.*
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"Avengers Assemble" is about the further adventures of the Marvel Universe's mightiest general membership superhero team. Season 3: "Ultron Revolution" revolves around Ultron returning after his apparent demise, planning to replace humanity with robots, and seeking revenge on the Avengers.
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04x14 - New Year's Resolution

Post by bunniefuu »


[MALE DRIVER] Hydra should know by now.


Never mess with a Stark.


[CHUCKLES] Always wondered
what Mary's top speed was.

- Really, Howard? [GRUNTING]
- Aah!

You named your car after a girlfriend?

Ex-girlfriend. But point
taken, Special Agent Carter.

I'll rename the car after we
deliver the package in the trunk.

If we deliver the package in the trunk.

You need a ride across town?
Take a cab.

These ain't your run-of-the-mill
Hydra agents.




Howard, it's about to blow!



Peg, are you hurt?

No. No, of course you're not.

Now, what was that?
And how did we not get blown up?

Howard, I don't think
we're in anymore.

I'm surprised to see you here, Tony.
New Year's Eve.

Figured you'd be out at a party
or on a date or something.

I used to love New Year's Eve, Cap.

All that wild, nonstop partying
until the break of dawn.

Then I realized something.

That there's more to life
than nonstop partying?

What? No.
Uh, are you crazy? No.

I realized that every night for me
is nonstop partying, because I'm me.

I can party every other
night of the year,

but tonight I'm close to a
breakthrough on th... [ALARM BLARES]


Picking up an energy signature.

Someone in Central Park is using
unauthorized Stark technology.

Being an Avenger...
always a nonstop party.

Car crash.

But that wouldn't cause
those energy readings.

Whoa! Whoa! I don't know
what's going on here,

but I know I'll feel a lot better if you
two in the costumes take a few steps back.

- Steve?
- Peggy?

Captain America?

- Howard?
- Dad?


How is this...


[BOTH] This is some kind of trick.

My dad died a long time ago,

so you must be a doppelgänger
or a shape-shifter.

Drop the w*apon now, pops.

Howard, Tony, no!

Don't wanna hurt you. Not before
I find out who you really are.

And using my dad's
license plate number. Huh!

Whoever you are, you did your research.

"Stark " has always been me.

- Hold your fire!
- Both of you, stand down!

Steve Rogers?
It's really you!

Tony, I knew your dad.

This is really him.
This is Howard Stark.

Howard, Iron Man is Tony Stark.
He's your son.

Dad? But how did
you get here?

I wish I could tell you.
I don't remember anything.

Try as I can, the last
, hours are a blank.

Something affected our memories.
But if I'm a betting woman,

odds are good it has
something to do with this.

Yep, there it is. I'm picking up
residual neutrino energy readings.

Well, of course you are.

What are those?

They're usually associated
with time travel.

You must've come through
some sort of portal.

Yeah. Well, tell me about time travel.
Why can't I remember it?

In theory, if a time traveler receives a
high enough dose of subchronal energy,

it could wipe a few hours of memory.

So I'm actually gonna settle
down someday and have a kid.

[CHUCKLES] I thought I'd
be a bachelor for life.

- Who's your mom? I-Is it, uh...
- Please stop.

You haven't met her yet,
and I really don't want

to have this conversation with my dad.

The complexity here...
it's amazing.

Yes. Yes.
Ask me anything.

- Anything to change the topic.
- All right.

How'd you get so much processing
power into something this small?

Data packet multitasking.

Here. You'll appreciate this. [BEEPS]

Whoa. Don't tell me you
have hard-light holograms!

This robot has weird energy readings.

Never seen anything
this advanced before.

That makes two of us.

So, how are you?

I'm the one who should be asking.

Although, "Anything new?"
doesn't sound quite right.

What... Where have you been?

I spent most of the past
years frozen in ice.

This world is new to me too.

The last thing I remember,
it was almost .

After everything that happened
in the s, it felt huge.

I couldn't help wondering what
the new decade would bring,

but I never imagined...

I thought you were dead, Steve.

I mourned you.

The whole world mourned you.

I thought I was over you.

Peggy, I...
But I'm here now.

Cap, Peggy, got a job for ya.

We can't pull enough data
from this robot part,

so I need you
to go back to the crash site.

Look for anything else that
might've come through that portal.

Well, let's go. It'll be
like that date we never got.

You sure you wouldn't be more
comfortable on the back of my bike?


I'm perfectly comfortable
right here, thank you.


Tell me everything.
Like the Iron Man suit.

How do you generate that much power?

It runs off this.

Oh, my arc reactor.
Your arc reactor?

I-I mean, I...

That is, it's sort of mine now.

- I perfected it.
- Uh-huh.

- Perfected your old man's design.

All right.
Now, what's this?


We call that a remote control.

Oh. This is fascinating.

Huh. I feel so powerful.

It's good to have you back, Dad.

So, now, tell me, Tony.

Was I a good dad?


I'm a billionaire tech genius
with cars,

supermodel girlfriends,
and I save the world.

Huh. You taught me
everything I know.


Speaking of cars,
how is it that everything

in the future was better
except for the cars?

I wouldn't trade mine for a single one

of those ugly things
I saw out on the street.

Oh, that sounds like a challenge.

Give me two hours
with your classic car,

and I'll add an arc reactor
engine that will...

Look out!

- Are you doing this?
- It's not me.


Take cover.
I'll handle this.

Run away?
Not on your life.

Then stay out of the way!

Really? You're gonna talk
to your father that way?

Dad! Will you
just listen to me?




You're welcome.

[SIGHS] The internal
circuits on this thing.

- Should've known.
- You've seen this before?


I'd hoped I'd seen the last of him.


There is no such thing
as the last of me.

And there he is... Kang!

Such informality.

Unlike you, I earned my title, Stark.

The name is Kang the Conqueror.

- A friend of yours?
- Hardly.

Kang is from years in the future,
where they have perfected time travel.

Howard Stark.

You are a hard man to k*ll.

I sent robot hunters disguised as
Hydra agents to your own time,

and you ended up here.

I can't remember what happened.

I'll have to take your word for it.

In my time, I've been fighting an
irritating individual named Arno Stark.

- Huh?

Your descendant.

Arno Stark, huh?

If he's a Stark, then he should
be able to stop the likes of you.

I'm gonna have a kid?

A threat to my empire

who's proven to be impossible to stop,

so I've come back in time...


to destroy you.

Without Howard Stark,
there is no arc reactor,

no Tony Stark, no Avengers,

and no Arno Stark.

Nothing to stand in my way.


We need anything that might've come
through the time portal with you.

Like that.



I don't remember what that could be,

but if I just threw it in the trunk...

in the car boot! Such indignity!

Dr. Faustus?

Captain America?

I knew your so-called death
was a conspiracy.

Well, you will leave this place

and forget I was ever here.

Yeah, your mind tricks
won't work on us.

They don't have to.

He went that way, toward the bridge!


Huh? Hey, pops, get off our turf.

This is Phantom Riders' territory.

Yes, meine Freunde.


These intruders have encroached
upon your territory.

Show them what happens to interlopers.

- Yeah!
- Yeah!




I guess you're not gonna get
that dance today either.

I'm beginning to think you don't
know how to dance, soldier.


What do you think about my moves now?

We might make good partners yet.


Sorry, Dr. Faustus.

That exit's closed.


Really? You couldn't
save one for me?

You snooze, you lose.

I still don't understand how
this is even possible, Steve.

- Time travel?
- I don't really get it either.

But if anyone
can get you home, Tony can.

You know, I'm not sure
I want to leave so fast.

Well, I could...
I could always come with you.





Is that all you got,
future conqueror man?


Boastful arrogance from one
who will soon cease to exist.

You first, Kang.




Nice work, Dad.

[CHUCKLES] Where do you
think you got your smarts?


Distance won't save you.

Tony! Huh?


Incredible luck, how you managed
to escape my hunters through time.

- But your... [GRUNTS]
- Huh?

Kang the Conqueror. It's all starting
to make sense now.

Actually, he prefers
just "Kang."

Less talking, more action, please.


Everything in this century
has been quite bizarre,

but your clothes take the cake.


You're out of a*mo, Kang.

Who needs a*mo?
I'll chop you down myself!









If I can't get the father,
then I'll get the son.

Oh. You again.

No more jokes, Stark.

Prepare to be removed from history.



- Dad? Is that you?
- Get away from my son!

Your ridiculous, ancient Stark
suits won't save you now.


Steve, now!



I hope you don't mind
I borrowed a suit.



Children and their toys.

Playtime is over...

but the fun has just begun.

Dad, wait up!
Hold tight, kids!


You got this, Howard.
It's just like riding a bike.

Come on out, Kang.
I know you're here.

I'm not picking up any signals, which
means he's probably jamming them.

We'll have to look for him the
old-fashioned way. Spread out.

Sorry this isn't exactly the
ideal father-son bonding time.

Getting to see you in action
with your Stark tech?

And my old friend,
who's now your friend?

It's perfect.

Throwing punches, taking down bad guys,

and listening to a Stark ego.

Probably not the reunion
either of us would have chosen.

That's where you're wrong, Rogers.

I couldn't have planned it any better.




I came here to wipe
the Starks from existence.

Taking you, Captain America,
will be a bonus.

Excuse me, Kang.
That's my date.

[GRUNTS] I only found
out today he's alive.

Rather prefer to keep it that way.





Say, this thing's rather useful.

Maybe I should get one for myself.

If you can handle it like that,
you deserve the original.

Looks better on you.

Hey, Kang.
The Conqueror.

How's that whole
bury-the-Starks plan going?

[BOTH] Ow.

The only thing more annoying
than one Stark is two Starks!


I think it's time to wave
the white flag, don't you?

[SIGHS] You fail to see
the bigger picture.

You and Howard Stark coming here from
the past created a time paradox.

After you've been
displaced long enough,

everything since the time
you left will disappear,

including all future Starks.

Kang is trying to destroy all of our
history. Everything we've ever done.

I'm running an algorithm. See if
I can calculate how long we have

before the time stream is destroyed

based on how fast
things are fading away.

I can give you the answer right now.

It's too late.

Enjoy watching your future, your past,

even your own son, disappear forever.


No! I won't
let it happen!

Tony? Anything?
If these numbers are right,

we need to get them back to their
own time by midnight tonight.


Everything will be erased.

Thank you!

According to Tony's calculations, this
is where you came through the portal.

[IRON MAN] There should
be enough residual energy

in the robot components
to build a time beacon.

That'll reopen the portal
that brought you here.

If we can finish it by midnight,
which is in,

you know, less than two minutes.

If we reconfigure the core processor,

we should be able to boost
the transmission range.

I'll have to hold it together manually.

There's no reason
I can't go back with you.

I'd like that.
Well, then, should I...

But your home is here now,
in this century.

You've become a modern
Avenger, and they need you.

[IRON MAN, HOWARD] We got it!

Well, this has been some kind of day.

I found out I have a...
that I'll someday have a son.

And he's a chip off the old block.

You won't remember any of this
when you get back.

Who wants to know their future?

I wanna be surprised when it happens.

I wish I'd be able to remember
this when I get back.

But somehow, I think I'll know that the
rest of the th century will be okay.

I guess I can't stay, but this can.
You take care of her.

And I don't mean soup her up
with any of those gizmos.

Some things are perfect
just the way they are.

Peggy, I'm sorry you still haven't gotten
that dance I promised you so long ago.

Maybe some things
were never meant to be.





Is that...

[IRON MAN] Arno Stark?

Curse you, Starks!

No time left, Peg.

Ten, nine, eight,

seven, six,

five, four...
Don't forget me, Captain.

three, two, one!


Weren't we just
arresting Dr. Faustus?

- How did we get here?
- I... I don't know.

But happy New Year, Peg.

I have a feeling the future
is gonna be good.


Wish there was some way to know,

some proof that they got back okay.

Well, how's that for proof?

Yeah. That'll do.

A nice gift to remember your father by.

Yeah, but he gave me something better.
They both did.

Time. Extra time with the people
you love is the best gift of all.

Happy New Year, Cap.

Happy New Year, Tony.

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