04x13 - The Return

Episode transcripts for the 2013 TV show "Avengers Assemble". Aired May 2013 - February 2019.*
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"Avengers Assemble" is about the further adventures of the Marvel Universe's mightiest general membership superhero team. Season 3: "Ultron Revolution" revolves around Ultron returning after his apparent demise, planning to replace humanity with robots, and seeking revenge on the Avengers.
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04x13 - The Return

Post by bunniefuu »


We're home!

Back on Earth. Wonder what we missed.

Dr. Foster.

Thor. Come on.

- We don't have time to lose.
- Hmm.


Captain America, when you
and the other Avengers

were abducted, this was left behind.

Perhaps you could put it to good use.

Thank you, Vision.
Now it feels like home.

[THOR] Friends! Everyone's back.

We're going to need all the Avengers

if we're going to have a chance
at dealing... with this.


So... snow day?

Nay. This is no ordinary storm.

This enchantment
has the hallmark of one person:



How did Loki do all this?

While you were gone,
Loki took over the world.

To do this to Earth.

I have been a fool to show my
brother Loki mercy in the past.

Not this time.

I wanted a chance to thank your team
for risking your lives to save us,

- but I guess it'll have to wait.
- Indeed.

We have work to do.

[TOGETHER] Avengers Assemble!



Captain America, if you please.

Avengers, spread out.
Get into the city.

See what you can find.
Help anyone you can.

Exactly what I would have said.


- You and me, Ant-Man.
- I swear, we did a really good job

of taking care of things here
on Earth while you were gone,

until this whole Loki mess.

I'm going topside
for a bird's-eye view.

- See if I can get the lay of the land.
- Captain Marvel, wait.

Make sure you look out for the...

Look out for the what?




No one said there'd be dragons.
Not that I mind.



Please, let me show you how it's done.




[GRUNTS] It's still got
some fight left in it.


- Captain America...
- Right behind you, Black Panther.






There are hundreds
of these things above the city.

Yeah. And this is just
one of the babies.

Loki's dragons are keeping
everyone trapped in New York.

Before this guy tried
to take a bite out of me,

I saw a group congregating
in Central Park.

If it's Loki's army, they're that way.


We are approaching a compound.

There is no obvious entrance in,
other than over the wall.

Copy that. We're on the
opposite side from you.

Over here we've got
a big, unguarded gate.

Key word being "unguarded."

Protected by Asgardian magic.
Loki's doing, no doubt.

- Is there a way to get through it?
- I have a way.



Took you so long to show up.

You've missed out on all the fun.

Welcome back to Earth, Avengers.

Do you like what I've done
to the place?

So that's how you did this.
The Casket of Ancient Winters!

Wait. Who do we have here?

Dr. Jane Foster.

How nice of you to come
pay tribute in person.

You remember me...


A-ho-oh. You do have a way
with people, Dr. Foster.

- Hm.
- Hm.

Give up, Loki.

Your plan to control Earth
was doomed from the beginning.

Oh, you're wrong, brother.

For I was burdened
with glorious purpose.

But that burden has been lifted.

After my Cabal scattered your
Avengers and left Earth undefended,

I was free to spread my wings
and take what I wanted.

I've won.

The Earth that you love so much
belongs to me.

And if you so much as lift a
finger to try and take it back,

I'll tear this little world apart.


Loki, call off your Frost Trolls.

This conflict is between you and me.

Leave the humans out of it!

[LOKI] But you've already
brought the humans into it.

So I can do what I want. Like this!



Ah, the Avengers,

constantly going
from one trap to the next.

After all this time, Thor,
still so naive.

Frost Trolls, the Avengers still live.

Let's remedy that, shall we?



Leave Thor for last, but shatter
the others into oblivion.



Back off!



Ms. Marvel, Vision!

Get the others out of the ice,
and make it snappy!

Aye, aye, Captain!




Come here, ya ice cube!



And here I wanted
your demise to be dramatic.

[SIGHS] Lesson learned.

We'll simply make it painful.


Let me know when
the painful part comes in,

because so far, this is fun.


Are you injured, Captain?

Please! Not the first time
I've been put on ice.


More trolls closing in on both flanks!

Sitch is getting too hot.
Retreat and regroup.

[CAPTAIN AMERICAN] You heard her! Go!

[CHUCKLES] You know where to find me.

Come on, people! Let's move!

Loki is my responsibility.
I cannot run.

We're not running. We're regrouping.
We'll come back stronger.

We're out. Where to now?

I know just the place. Follow me.

I know it's small, but I usually
don't have this many guests over.


Whoa! Easy there, puppy. I'm friendly.

Sorry, Hawkeye.
My dog doesn't like strangers.



[ANT-MAN] Jane saves the world and still
has time to read this many books?

Ooh, I've heard good things
about this one!

Can everyone see?



[GRUNTS] Hey, what was that for?

Mm, fine.

- Uhh...
- Everybody scoot over. Mm.

I can't feel my leg.


[GROANS, CRIES] Okay, I'm good.

These are giant stone ships.

Loki's positioned them at the north
and south ends of Manhattan.

The World Breakers.

They are one of the ways
that Loki can unleash Ragnarok.

The end of the world!

If anyone moves against him,
Loki only need wave his hand

for them to set sail
and destroy the Earth.

Loki was well prepared.

Organizing the Cabal,
kidnapping the Avengers,

biding his time for the
right moment to take Earth.

His forces are entrenched now.
Removing them will not be easy.

It won't be easy, but we can do it.

Once I modify the portal
technology that brought you home,

I can counteract Loki's magic and send
his dragons and trolls back to Asgard.

But as soon as Loki sees it coming,

he'll activate the World Breakers.

Then we don't give him a chance.

Hit both ships
and Loki at the same time.

- Don't give him time to react.
- Split into three groups.

I'll take a group to the north ship.

Captain Marvel, you lead another
group to the south ship.

- Thor, your group's got Loki.
- Aye.

So be honest.
Which group got the easy job?

All three tasks will be
equally impossible.

Certain doom. Gotcha.
Appreciate the honesty.

The World Breaker.

We need to figure out
how to destroy it.

Without raining debris down
on all of Manhattan.

That too.

Permission to come aboard?



Dropped a Hulk on it
and it didn't even move.

Destroying this thing is gonna be hard.


And it ain't getting any easier.






Heads up, army.

Our World Breaker's loaded with...

Trolls? Yep, we found 'em.

Or they found us.






I do believe that was the last one.

More trolls?

That would be too easy.


Air force, you seeing
what we're seeing?

If what you're seeing
is a Destroyer, then yeah.

Everybody move!

This is my fault.

Loki should never have been
allowed to get this far.

You are not to blame for your brother.

Loki is entirely responsible
for his own behavior.

My compassion for Loki
has been misplaced.

I've always tried
to see the good in him,

but now I see that it
just makes me naive.

But that's what makes you different.

If you didn't show compassion for Loki,
you wouldn't be Thor, you'd be Loki.

And one of those is enough.

[LOKI] You've come to see me again.

I knew you couldn't resist.

Enough of this, brother.

Your playtime is over.

Release control of Earth. Now!


Oh, my playtime has just begun.

And I see a new toy.


- No! Loki, stop!
- Vision!


Your teammates
may be loyal to you, Thor.

But Vision? Vision is just a thing.

And things can be controlled.


Vision, dear, destroy them.


Vision, don't do this!


- Aah!
- He can't hear you.

Or, actually, he doesn't care.


Don't fight us. Fight Loki's control!








Loki, this is a fight you cannot win!

Then I'll have others win it for me.




Nothing but air, just like
your claim to this world!



That "air" seems to be
giving you some trouble.


Loki's got his mind,

and Vision can't feel pain,
so hit him as hard as you can!





Hit the Destroyer with everything
we've got! It's our only chance!






- What was that? Were we hit?
- No. We've set sail.

Loki has activated the World Breakers.

[CAPTAIN MARVEL] Our ship's on the
move too. We're running out of time.



[DR. FOSTER] Captain
Marvel, Captain America.

You need to get control
of the ships. Now.

You can't let the two World
Breakers meet up over Manhattan.

If they come together, they'll release an
energy pulse that will destroy the Earth.

So keep the ships away from each other.

Try to get them over open ocean
and destroy them there

so they don't crush
the entire tristate area.

Understood. Any tips
for steering a flying ship

- powered by Asgardian magic?
- Cap, heads up!

Lucky for us, we're not on Asgard.

As long as we're on Earth,
basic laws of physics apply.

If you can hack their flying
controls, you can fly the ship.

Stone can be hacked?


I'll hold off the Destroyer.

Panther, find the ship's controls!

I believe I have found it.

[GRUNTS] Got it.


So where are we parking this thing?



Not only did your attack fail, but it gave
me time to launch the World Breakers.

You've just assured the
destruction of all of Midgard.

You should be proud.


Have you noticed Vision's
just holding us off?

He's had chances to take us out.
Why hasn't he?

Ant-Man, don't give him any ideas.



There is still time, Loki. Your World
Breakers will fail, as will you!


Yes. Now, Vision,

use it to strike down my brother!

Strike him down with all the fury of...

Wait. How are you worthy enough
to lift that when I'm...

controlling you?




Our deception worked, friend Vision!

You mean you and... and he were...

That's why you didn't take
us out when you could have.

I was merely acting. And I think
I've gotten rather good at it.

We need to take this thing apart
where it can't do any damage.


A little busy over here.



That does give me an idea.

Captain Marvel, you know the Avengers'

"face in the mud" maneuver?

I think I know the one.

Then hit it!





[HAWKEYE] We did it!

And I'm dead.

[CAPTAIN MARVEL] Your turn, army.

You heard her. Take 'em down!


World Breaker is down.

You're good to go, Dr. Foster.

I really need a bigger apartment.

Winter's been cancelled.


What is this?

A truce, if you will agree to it.

We will always be brothers.

Let us work together for peace.

[CHUCKLES] So, if I won't
go along with your plan,

I suppose it's time
to send me back to Asgard.

Oh, no, brother. Not this time.

[CAPTAIN AMERICA] It's good to be home.

Even better to be together.

Ah, but at least there's plenty
of room for all the Avengers.

And guests.

You will remain here, where we
can keep a close eye on you.

Savor your victory, brother,

because someday I will see
your Earth destroyed beyond repair.

Earth is under our protection, Loki,

and it always will be.


This isn't over.

It's only just begun. Keep an eye out!

Strange things are on the way.

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