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04x05 - m*rder*r in the Midst

Posted: 10/08/21 07:27
by bunniefuu




What are they doing?

It's a mourning ceremony.

Thank you.

- It means a lot that you're remembering Ryan.
- Who?

Ryan? Oh, him.

This wasn't for your inconsequential brother.


Thomas Owen, elder of the Vampire High Council has passed.

, years old and blind as a bat.

Senile old fool woke up in the middle of the day

and opened the curtains.

Still a bit upset, is she?

We need to find out who k*lled Ryan.

Haven't you got enough on your plate?

That is why I'm putting you in charge of the investigation.

I take it you'll be putting me forward

for Thomas Owen's place on the High Council.

It was agreed you would first prove yourself by carrying out three tasks.

And I passed the first. I foiled Vlad's plan to kidnap Adze.

As long as Erin is around, there will still be plotting.

Your second task is to get her out of the way, by any means necessary.

You actually want me to organise your stag weekend?

We have to keep up the pretence

until I can find a way out of this bloodbinding.

You can put me down.

It's a stag weekend. No girls.

I'm not staying here on my own. Ryan's k*ller's still on the loose.

You won't be on your own, I'll look after you.

I feel terrible about Ryan. I made him.

Looking after his little sister is the least I could do.

Thanks, but I'll be fine.

You will be safe with me.

Let's do lunch.

My treat.

m*rder requires both motive and opportunity.

You had the motive.

Did I?

He ridiculed you.

Everybody ridiculed me.

But you also had the opportunity,

being in possession of the m*rder w*apon.


It's Professor Renfield at your service.

I wouldn't hurt a fly.

Oh, is that right?



I know my rights.

I demand...


..a lawyer.


My lawyer

has advised me to plead guilty,

with mitigation.

Oh, so you're admitting you k*lled Ryan.

Never liked him, and as you said, I had both motive and opportunity.

Right, now that's settled, can we go?

Vlad ordered me to bring the m*rder*r to justice.

This m*rder was a classic.

It would have needed a brilliant mind and a dark soul,

it was a work of art.

Meticulously planned, ambitious, imaginative.

Way beyond the limited capabilities of Redfield.

My point pre...


Having one of the Scrap kids on the School Senate was your idea,

wasn't it?

What are you insinuating?

You don't share Vlad's vision of coexistence.

What better way to derail the peace process

than bump off one of the Scrappers and put the bat among the pigeons.

I'd advise you to plead the fifth.

All right, all right.

The Senate idea wasn't mine, it was Miss McCauley's.

- Oh, so you had an accomplice?
- No.


I've got a confession to make.

I missed the Senate quiz because I fell asleep.

Well, you've been working hard.

I'll make amends by writing it up for the school newsletter.

Starting with, who won?

Erm, Malik, on a technicality.

Perhaps I could interview both the candidates.

Not too sure Ryan's up to it.

Was he very disappointed?

Didn't take it too well. Donating the mortarboard was an inspired idea.


This is for the winner of the Senate quiz.

It will need a clean before we present it.

Straight away, Miss.

I didn't donate a mortarboard.

Renfield was under the impression you did.

He must have got confused, it wasn't me.

I don't believe in such archaic symbols of authority.

The tickets, they've arrived. Is there one in there for me?

Not another Skull Club reunion.

Au contraire, a stag weekend in Riga,

and a final chance to let your fangs down

before tying the eternal marital knot to Adze.

Jonno will be my best man.

We're not going to Riga.

Besides, you are way too old for Club - .

Don't listen to him, don't look a day over .


Your dad's given me all these demands for the stag weekend.

I've already made legal plans.

Stick to them, it's my stag, not his.

And it's going to be your wedding in less than a week.

If we're going to stop it we need to act soon.

Don't you think I know that?

You're doing good, just play along with the stag thing,

don't arouse suspicions.

Why would I want to k*ll Ryan?

He was nothing to me, an underling, irrelevant.

On the contrary, the fact he was Erin's brother is very relevant.

How did you work that out?

Erin is your rival in love.

You were warning her off.

I'm a straight for the jugular kind of girl.

If I wanted Erin out of the way, I'd have done it myself.

You're pretty rubbish at this.

Don't underestimate me.

You haven't even asked yourself the most obvious question.

Which is?

Ryan was hardly the sharpest fang in the cave,

and he'd been a biter, for what?

A few months.


So, how does someone like that suddenly have,

like, , years of knowledge?

What are you getting at?

If Ryan hadn't have known all the answers to the Senate quiz,

he wouldn't have died.

Nobody saw the Senate quiz questions except me.

I had them under lock and key.

But you could have given him the answers.

- To what end?
- You tell me.

You tried to frame him before.

If you've something to say, say it.

If not I suggest you look for a suspect amongst our real enemies,

slayers and breathers.

I'm thinking a dark weave of Oltenian lamb's wool.

I know a shepherd who grazes a pedigree flock

on the foothills of the Carpathian Mountains.

Does it matter?

For the bloodbinding of the chosen one, of course it matters.

And buttonholes. Deadly nightshade is so last millennium.

Perhaps Monkshood? Just as toxic.

Fine choice. The blue would set your eyes off a treat.

- All done.
- Right. Now for the tasting menu.

Suit measured, date set, flowers chosen.

I won't let this happen.

If it comes to it, we'll just have to leave here.

Are you serious?

Scrap is working, look at what you've achieved with the ferals.

You'd give that all up for me?

If that's what it takes.

Erin said I could borrow her nail varnish.

It's in there.

Bertrand's looking for you.

Then he'll have to wait.

Stasis spray. It is what Erin uses to disguise what she really is.

A breather. I'm going to replace it with water.

The chosen one, and a breather? Is this some sort of sick joke?

If you'd let me finish.

It's her that needs to be finished.

How long have you known about this?

Who else is privy to this information?

Vlad, obviously, Bertrand, Jonno,

Renfield, Dad, Mina knows, I think.

Count Dracula is harbouring a breather?

Well, to be fair, he has tried to k*ll her in the past.

And failed.

Don't make the same mistake.

Wait up. Heard you were having a bit of a stag do.

Let me guess, you want an invite.

Well, if that's all right with you.

I love a party, me.

OK, I don't see why not.

Because then you'd have to invite all the other Scrappers.

That's all right, I wouldn't tell anyone. It'll be our secret.

What happens on the stag, stays on the stag.

They're bound to find out. You could have a mutiny on your hands.

She's right, I can't be seen to give preferential treatment, sorry.

Did you see that?

I keep trying to get close to him, Erin keeps getting in the way.

Dusting Ryan's made things worse.

Then we'll take her out of the equation.

- How?
- By sending her into a battle she will never win.
- Battle with who?

Who are you talking to?

I was conjugating Transylvanian verbs.

Someone looks pleased with themselves.

Between you and me,

we may be looking at the newest member of the High Council.

May I show you to a table. A table.

- There is of course the small matter of the dowry.
- Dowry?

Well it is traditional for the family of the bride

to offer a financial incentive.

That tradition stopped years ago.

It was worth a shot.

Blood diamonds.

The father of the groom should look sharp for a bloodbinding.

Do you know how many bats die in the mining of these?

Where did you get it from?

I can't reveal my sources.

Well Baron De Votslot has been caught getting his fangs enlarged.

I'm not really interested in celebrity vampire gossip.

Vlad said they were your favourite.

Get away from her.

She's not for biting.

Anybody else?


Did you put them up to this?

- As much as I would love to take the credit...
- Was it you?

I was trying to protect her.

I will find out who is responsible for this.

What do you expect, trying to pass off a breather as a half fang?

You only have yourself to blame.


Looks like your secret's out.

You can't seriously fancy a breather.

It's so wrong.

Peaceful coexistence, remember. We're the future.



I don't understand, I used the spray.

Whatever you use wasn't stasis. Those vampires could smell you.

- Somebody must have swapped it.
- The same someone who k*lled Ryan.

We'll protect you.


Because I'm your poster babe for harmonious living?

Great PR having a breather girlfriend.

- I thought I was more than a symbol.
- Of course you are.

I love you for who you are, not what you are.

We have to check in on Bertrand.

We'll find out whoever is doing this.

Well that was a spectacular failure.

You can forget about the High Council.

I don't think so.

There are only two sets of fingerprints on this bottle.

Erin's and yours.

Now what would happen if I was to show this to Bertrand?

Oh, and I'm ready for my final task. Whenever you are.

Whoever m*rder*d Ryan has just tried k*lling Erin.

Please tell me you found out who it is.


Everybody had motive, everybody had opportunity,

whoever did this played on that.

They've covered their tracks by implicating everybody else.

Someone is pulling the strings.



Still dead.

We're still trying to find out who did this to you.

Exposing the m*rder is not enough.

Your life's in danger.

You have to stop him.

Him? You know who it was?

Someone who wanted to get you through me.

Someone who never wanted you here.

That hardly narrows it down.

Who stands to lose the most if Vlad doesn't marry Adze?

Who's tried to k*ll you before?

The Count.

I thought being a vampire was bad enough,

but caught in this limbo is t*rture.

The vampire soul can't rest until it's had its revenge.

Do this and I'll be at peace,

knowing you are safe.

You know what needs to be done.

I'm missing something.

Everyone was there when Ryan died,

so who had access to the m*rder w*apon before that?

Why didn't you tell me he was doing this?

I've got the code for the heat sensor.

What heat sensor?

The one the Slayers Guild installed to keep tabs on the school.

It's a need-to-know basis.


You k*lled my brother.

Would you care to retract your allegation?

Absolve yourself before you die?

Argh! It was self defence.

- He k*lled Ryan.
- She's lying, there's no blood on these fangs yet.

He's just making sure that nothing gets in the way of the wedding.

- She's a liability, get rid.
- You're not helping, Dad.

Ryan's ghost came to me.

Delusional to boot.

There's no such thing as a vampire ghost.

Touch her again and I'll...

What's funny?

I told you, she's a liability and you just proved it.

She's clouded your judgement.

You're putting your own happiness above that of your people.

What hope do you have of uniting vampires in peace

when you're so preoccupied with a breather?

The red dots are breathers, the blue ones are vampires.

Everything is recorded, we've got the discs for the last few months,

they're all in date order, so it shouldn't be hard to find.

Right, that's earlier on tonight.

And the night of Ryan's m*rder.


New bit of kit? What is it?

The school's heat sensor recorder.

That's got to be against our civil liberty.

Not when it shows us who the k*ller is.



Here's Renfield in the kitchen on the night of the m*rder.

He claims McCauley gave him the mortarboard,


..that's not McCauley.

It's blue, it's a vampire.

Now, at that time, Ingrid was in her room with Ryan,

the Ramangas were in the training room, you were with me,

and all the Scrap kids...

..were all in class.

Maybe it's a glitch in the software.

No, it's not.

Look at this.

An hour ago Erin claimed that Ryan's ghost came to her.

There is no such thing as ghosts.

She wasn't imagining it.

What she saw was something that looked like Ryan,

but it wasn't a ghost.

It was a vampire. A shape shifter.

You've cracked, mate.

It's the only explanation.

Going somewhere?

I'm leaving. Your dad was right, I'm a liability.

You can't listen to him.

I have to go. The peace is more important than us.

Then stay and see it through.

I can't do this without you.

I need your help, your strength, I need you.

You need Adze.

She is your only hope for peace.

Marry her and you unite the vampires.

You have one shot at this.

Screw it up and Ryan's death will have been in vain.

I can't live without you.

Peace isn't about us,

and it's definitely not about who I get married to.

- But it is.
- But it shouldn't be.

If the vampires want to survive

then they could figure it out by themselves.

Vlad, they won't.

We leave tonight.

You've got to see this.

It's important.

Go, you're needed.

I won't be long.

It's going to sound a bit out there, but look.

I don't believe it.

They've destroyed my evidence.

Just tell me who it is.

It's not one of us. It's a shape shifter. It's on these discs.

They've been passing themselves off as McCauley, Ryan's ghost, even me.

I swear I didn't nominate Malik for the Senate,

that was the shape shifter you spoke to, think about it, it makes sense.

But you don't have the proof.

I know I'm right.

I'll get the proof.

When you have, catch them before they cause any more harm.

My stuff.

'You have one shot at this, peace is more important than us.'