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23x04 - One More Tale of Two Victims

Posted: 10/08/21 07:20
by bunniefuu
In the criminal justice system,

sexually based offenses

are considered especially heinous.

In New York City,
the dedicated detectives

who investigate these vicious felonies

are members of an elite squad

known as the Special Victims Unit.

These are their stories.

Detective Velasco,
just take any empty desk.

I just want to say, again,

what an honor it is to be here,

Captain Benson.

- Not that desk.
- Fin...

We're glad that you're here.

Trust me, we could use the help.

And Sergeant Tutuola

and Detective Rollins will
help you get settled in.

Coffee here is bad.

Nominally better in the break room.

- I'm good with bad.
- Great.

So I will be back in a couple hours.

- What did I do?
- Don't take it personally.

That was Kat Tamin's old desk.

On second thought, how about
I grab something from outside?

Good choice.

So Chief McGrath planted
a spy in our squad room?

Fin, we're short-staffed.
Please play nice.

I did research.

The rumor is that the guy's good.

Yeah, rumor is, he started that rumor.

When are you gonna get back from PT?

I wish it was PT.

Be less painful.

- McGrath called a meeting.
- About what?

About McGrath making sure
that when he calls,

I show up.

Can I get a swirl
with sprinkles please?

- Yep.
- Hey, mami.

You got a nice swerve on you.

In front of her kid, man? Come on.

Have some respect.
My fricking kid is right here.

- Come on, bro.
- All right.

Sorry about those guys.

Here we go, little man.

Chocolate and vanilla
swirl with rainbow sprinkles.

- $ .
- Okay.

Here you go.

- Aw.
- There you go...

[GASPS] Oh, no!
I am...

- oh, it's okay, papi.
- It happens.

I'll make another one on the
house; don't worry about it.

Sorry it took so long.

Got the good stuff.

Light, extra sweet.


I don't know
what kind of donuts you like.

I got a dozen assorted.

I, actually, I don't do donuts.

Tell you what, though.

You want to get
on the Sergeant's good side?

- He has one?
- He likes jelly.

Oh, I...

I looked for you at your old office.

I didn't...

- Didn't realize.
- Garland's is bigger.

You know, once
I get the walls painted...

Did he hire a decorator or something?

Okay, uh,

let's start with your DD s.

Nine-year-old girl molested
by her uncle.

Yeah, he confessed,

pled to seven years, avoids
putting the girl on the stand.


Co-workers, woman's claiming r*pe.

Her apartment, : AM.
She invite him in?

She did.

But he was her boss, and,

she sustained injuries from the attack.


You okay, Captain?


Uh, I...

Look, I gotta say,

I'm just not used to going over

every one of my cases
with the SVU chief.

Well, acting chief.

You've had a lot of autonomy,
I get that.

Look, after you and I have
gotten into a rhythm,

I'll loosen the reins. All right?

By the way, I wanted to say
that I appreciate

how welcoming
your squad has been to Velasco.

He said that?

Well, he's been a UC for a long time.

Just glad that he's getting some

experience with a functioning unit.

And this is where you say,

"Oh, well, we're happy to have him,
Chief, thanks."

All right, where were we?

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Wow, you're a really good dancer.

That's not the only thing I'm good at.

- Is that right?
- Yeah.

How about I show you?


Sure we can't go back to your place?

No, I want you right here,

right now.

Oh, you're gonna love this.

Congressman Howard prefers
not to go to Green Haven.

Why is that? Because of his asthma?

He also has special diet requests.

Detective Rollins.

- Sorry to interrupt.
- No worries.

I've got the DD s
on the girl and her uncle.

These could have waited
until the morning.

Sorry you had to come over so late.

No problem.

Least I can do is walk you out.

Give me a minute.

We're just finishing up
Congressman Howard's plea deal.

So, uh, how was your day?

Well, they finally got us some help.

Velasco's covering.

I thought he was a UC.

Well, Fin thinks he might be
McGrath's UC in our office.

Is that what you think?

I don't have a problem with Velasco,

but I do know that anything
you say around him,

even about us,

straight to McGrath.

- Copy that.
- Okay.

- Safe home.
- Okay.

Thanks for walking me back.

I had fun.

- Party doesn't have to end.
- Oh, I'm sorry,

I have to let the sitter go.


Is that for real?

I'll call you, okay?

Oh, baby.

- Tell me you want it, Crystal.
- Yes, I want it.



How about we put him in his room?

I like him here.

It's okay, papi.

Mommy's just playing a game.

It's just a game.

Best part of the game?

If he cries, he dies.


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

A woman r*ped in front of her kid.

Her three-year-old.

What kind of sick animal does that?

Welcome to SVU.

There's the responding officer.

Okay, I'll take him.

- You talk to the vic.
- Got it.

Who... who do I go with?

Stick with me.

Vic is Crystal Nuñez, , single mom.

Of a three-year-old boy.

Where's the kid now?
In social services?

Actually, she called the father.

He was pissed when he got there.

That his son's mother was r*ped?

You left the boy with him?

It's his kid too, Velasco.

How'd the perp get in the apartment?

He rang the bell,
said he was with Con Ed,

a neighbor reported a gas leak.

She opened the door, he pushed in.

- Did he have a w*apon?
- No.

She said he made her put on a nightie.

Told her to pretend
to enjoy it, or, uh,

he'd k*ll her son.

CSU on the scene?

Okay, we'll meet them there.

Now what?

We tear that apartment apart,
hoping the guy left some DNA.

It was dark...

I couldn't see his face clearly.

He was white, skinny.

- Did he say anything?
- He knew my name.

he made me pretend like,

I liked him, like we were just,

having sex,

so I did...

For Manny.

You did what you had to do, Crystal.

We're gonna need to run
a r*pe kit, all right?


- But he used a condom.
- Okay.

You said he...

he knew your name and where you lived.

It could be that, he followed you.

Can you walk me through your day?

I was with Manny most of the time.


At night, I went to a party.

All last year, I didn't go out much.

I just wanted to have a good time.

And I was home by midnight
for the sitter.

I'm a single mom too, Crystal.
I get it.

Anything happen at the party?

I had a few drinks, no more than two.

- I danced.
- With somebody in particular?



♪ ♪


And when you left,
did you notice anyone following you?

No, I didn't see anyone.


A couple of neighborhood guys

were harassing me earlier,

while I was buying Manny an ice cream.

So they saw you with your son.

Oh, my God.

What if whoever did this comes back,

and they try to hurt Manny?

We're gonna do everything we can do

to make sure that that doesn't happen.


Do you have a place to...

To go tonight?

A friend's house
or maybe Manny's father?

No, I'm definitely not going there.

I just want to go home.

♪ ♪

Lot of final notices.

Single mother, money's tight.

Letter from a lawyer's office.

Looks like she's in a custody battle.

Profile the r*pist, not the vic.

Copy that.

Bag any clothes on the floor.

She told me she was wearing
a nightgown.

What's going on?
He's cutting the mattress.

That's how we test for DNA.


CSU found this under the bed.

Sex toys and a pipe.

- She's got a lot of stuff.
- So does everybody.

None of this matters.

Profile the r*pist. Got it.

Pushed in with force, damaged the wall.

Any chance he left a partial?

We can hope so.


Dust the door jamb for prints.

Enough of this.

Wall-to-wall coverage,

about a woman who was
r*ped in front of her child.

McGrath has called me three times,

so please tell me
that we have something.

We fine-toothed the apartment.

We're waiting to hear from the lab.

The vic couldn't give much of an ID

aside from the perp knowing her name.

And she said that she let the guy in?

I mean,
I know that it was a Con Ed ruse, so...

You obviously followed up on that.

They didn't send anybody
to the building that night.

And there was no reports of a gas leak.

Similar M.O.'s in the neighborhood,

recently released sex offenders?

No and no,

and no security cams in the building.

For what it's worth,

she's in a custody battle with her ex,

Eduardo Sosa.

In , they were both arrested,
for a public argument.

Neither pressed charges.

Does the ex have an alibi?

Yeah, he was home that night
with his girlfriend.

He picked up the kid.

Then I'm not interested
in the backstory.

Here's something.

Lab got a hit off a print.

- From the doorjamb?
- CSU found multiples at the scene,

but none were in the system except for

a Travis Hillsdale.

- Who is?
- Hold on.

Travis Hillsdale,

busted last year for dealing marijuana

out of his Swirly City ice cream truck.

Crystal said she was bothered

by some guys in the park

when she was buying Manny ice cream.

Okay, but it doesn't explain

why the ice cream guy's
in her apartment.

So an ice cream truck
shouldn't be that hard to find.

Enjoy. Have a good day.

Travis Hillsdale?

Yeah, afternoon, officers.
How can I help?

Uh, we're investigating an attack.

The vic said she may have been harassed

at the park at Pitt
Street the other day,

buying ice cream.

We're hoping you saw something.

I'll be right out.

Hey, uh, how can I help?

You recognize her?

Uh, actually, yeah,
that's Crystal, she's a regular.

Her kid likes rainbow sprinkles.

Did she get her kid a cone on Friday?

You know what, yeah. Mm-hmm.

You notice any guys bothering her?

Was it those idiots?

- What'd they do?
- You know them?

Okay, they hang out,

harass these moms
in front of their kids.

Every day, I have to tell them
to leave my customers alone.

I got one more question.

You ever been over to her apartment?

Oh, she say that? I mean, 'cause,

actually, yeah, I was there,
but I didn't see her.

Just, you know,
Manny dropped his sippy cup.

- And I returned it.
- How'd you know where she lived?

Yeah, one of the other moms.

Brought the cup back,
gave it to Manny's sitter.

Travis, you seem like a nice guy.

And we're trying to get whoever
did this off the street.

We have a suspect down at that station.

Would you mind coming down,
helping us with an ID?

Take your time, Crystal.

I kind of recognize number .

As the man who r*ped you?

From somewhere else,

I'm sorry, I don't think it's him.

I don't think it's any of, I...

- It was dark...
- It's okay, it's okay, Crystal.

- Let's find a seat.
- Thank you.

No luck?

Well, she did recognize Travis.

But maybe because she's a
regular at his ice cream truck.

- Then why didn't she say that?
- Who knows?

He keeps his mask on at work.

He did volunteer to help us
with the lineup.

What about prints?

We confirmed with the sitter.

He returned the sippy cup last week.

All right,
so he's either a good Samaritan, or...

He's casing her apartment.

Either way, Crystal did not ID him,

and the fingerprint isn't probative.

Now if we find any unknown DNA
on that bed,

maybe we can test him?


before Travis leaves,
ask him if he would like a soda.

Get his DNA.

On it, Captain.

Uh, Crystal's lab results came back.

Please tell me, it's good news.

Just the opposite.

Uh, between the r*pe kit
and her bedding,

three different semen samples.

- Anybody in the system?
- None.

When you asked her, she didn't mention

having anyone special
in her life right now?

Just her son.

How long does semen last?

Long enough.

There were three samples.


one of those samples will be...

Your r*pist.

But we do need you to walk us through,

who the other two might be, so we can

eliminate them as suspects.

Oh, my God.

This is why I didn't tell you,
all right.

My ex is trying to get custody of Manny,

- if he finds out...
- You're a single woman.

He kind of thinks we're still together.

So your ex is one of the samples.


He came by, two days ago, it...

It always puts him in a better mood.


who else can you tell us about?

Up the mountain in five, four, three...


Raif Tawari?

There you go, keep breathing.

Three minutes, everybody.

Okay, push, don't stop.

Don't stop.

Yeah? What is this about?

You were at a party on a rooftop,

Loisaida, Friday night?


Again, what is this about?

You hook up with anyone?

That was totally consensual.

Is that her?

Crystal, right?

- What's she saying?
- How about we ask the questions?

Okay, look,

we were dancing.


She was, like, into it.

In control.

We took the party to another location.

Her apartment?

No, a corner of the roof.

After, I walked her home.

She said I couldn't come up.

She had to let the sitter go.

I didn't even know she had a kid.

Life's full of surprises, huh?

Any chance you went back anyway?

Doubled back for round two?

- No big deal.
- No.

Man, no.


I went home to my wife.

We were in bed by midnight.

You're not gonna tell either
one of them, are you?

Am I in trouble?

You tell me, Arlo.

How about we start
with your relationship

to Crystal Nuñez.

Well, she's my upstairs neighbor.

We know that. And?

She sometimes calls me
her... her "minute man."

- Minute man.
- Yeah.


Not like that.

We started hooking up, during Covid.

We'd get together whenever she
had a little bit of downtime,

and her kid was napping.

She texted, I'd come up.

It was a lonely time and,

we needed each other.

- It was sweet.
- I'm sure it was.

And when was the last time
you were in her apartment?

A few nights ago.

Manny was asleep.

And she was, well, you know.

"Few nights ago"?
Like, two nights? Friday?

No, n-no way.

- I-I swear.
- Why not?

Because every Friday, I go home

and have dinner with my mother.

Spend the night
at my old house in Babylon.

And sh-she does my laundry.


How's Crystal doing?

I'm worried about her, she
makes a lot of bad decisions.

- When's the last time you saw her?
- This afternoon.

She wanted Manny back.
I brought him back.

Her apartment,

was a crap show, I gotta tell you.

What about two nights ago, Friday?

You mean the night she was att*cked?

- Find that guy yet?
- We're still investigating.

I'd k*ll him myself, I had any idea.

Mr. Sosa,

you told us earlier you were

home with your girlfriend that night?

Yeah. What's it to you?

Well, we since found out

you, and Crystal have been hooking up.

Maybe you came over earlier.

She got angry for some reason,

- called the cops.
- Are you kidding me with this?

Look, man, you have a DV
complaint against you.

- We gotta ask these questions.
- That was more her,

than me, okay.

We were drunk, loud. Crystal pushed me.

Couple Karens called the cops.

We scream,

but I ain't never lay
a hand on Crystal.

You accusing me of something, say it.

We confirm with your girlfriend

you were home,
and we take you off the list.

I don't want her involved in this.

What's really going on? Hmm?

Crystal said that she was r*ped
in front of my kid.

- If she's lying...
- Mr. Sosa, calm down.

No, no, no, we're talking about my son.

Don't you tell me to calm down.

Crystal Nuñez had sex
with three different men,

and failed to disclose that?

She was worried about her ex-husband

finding out about her private life.

Because she was still having
sex with him?

Look, how do we know
that this isn't just, uh,

some kind of domestic dispute?

Her ex-husband and the two other men

she was with that week alibied out.

So that's three.

And what about this...

This-this ice cream vendor?

His DNA is not a match.

But, Chief,

the r*pist may not have left DNA.

She said he wore a condom.

- Or there was no r*pe.
- Okay.


Her three-year-old son was
in the bed next to her.

So she says, but, come on,
we've been here before.

She brings someone home
she shouldn't have.

She's worried about the ex finding out.

So she cries r*pe,

throws in a story about the kid,

to, you know, for sympathy...

She's not a perfect victim,

but she is not making this up.

Well, let's hope so.

'Cause that would be a terrible
headline for us, wouldn't it?


Unless you get something on
somebody, just slow the roll.

Slow the roll?

There's no case here, Captain.

♪ ♪

Yes, Rollins,

yeah, Fin is right.

McGrath is not eager to pursue.

I know, I know, look.

We need to check in with Crystal,

so I will meet you at her apartment.

I'm almost done with the NYPD doctor.

Yeah, okay, thanks.

- Doctor, how you doing?
- Hey.

I, uh, I really need
to get back to work.

I'm hoping that you can clear me

so I can be off this, limited duty.


It's not that simple.

But I'm...

I'm able to walk short distances now.

I see.

But your ankle is badly fractured,

and you're not going to be
chasing a perp

across a rooftop anytime soon.

Look, have you ever considered

it's time to move on?

Move on?


I'm considering it myself.

I am nowhere near...

Moving on or retirement.

Look, I...

I still have so much work to do.

I'm raising a young son on my own,

- I'm...
- You could spend a lot more

quality time with him while he's young,

like I wish I'd done with mine.

I need to work.

I love my job.


we both know it's not the same job

it was when we signed on.

The last few years,

the stress, the turnover.

I heard about the new interim chief.

Your accident on your way
to the courthouse at : PM,

that makes it job-related.


I can mark you fit for duty right now.

Or I could put you on
the fast-track to / pay.


Full bennies.

For life.

Just think about it.

Eduardo's freaked out.

He wants Manny to go stay with him.

I shouldn't have called him that night.

I'm so sorry, Crystal.

I don't want to make things
worse with Eduardo,

but I don't think Manny wants to go.

Ever since that night,
he's gotten clingy

or he's hitting me.

Well, we could get you a referral

from Victim Services,

for counseling.

For you and for Manny.
There'd be no charge.

You want to send my son to a shrink?

Just think about it.

All I can think about

is whoever r*ped me coming back.

He's still out there.

And we are still investigating.

Why haven't you caught him?

How hard are you even trying?

You think because

I didn't tell you about
the other guys that I lied

- about my r*pe?
- No.

No, Crystal.

Look at me. We believe you.

Just, you have to understand

that cases like this, they...

They take time.


Captain, we got a call.


A ?

- Who got shot?
- Nobody.

A woman was r*ped in front
of her -month-old baby.

They wanted a high-level response.

- "They"? Who made the call?
- I did.

The vic is one of our own.

Captain, let me introduce
Deputy Inspector Grogan.

You need to find the
son-of-a-bitch who did this.

- Do you know the vic?
- That's my daughter.


♪ ♪

He knocked on my door.

Said he had a MetroBnB

for my apartment on his phone.

I looked through the peephole,
just a...

Plain-looking guy.

Had you ever rented
your apartment before?

Never, my father would have
had a Chernobyl meltdown.

Okay, well,
we'll follow up with the company, but,

can you tell us what happened next?

I never should have opened the door.

He pushed in, grabbed me,

asked me where my daughter was.

So he knew that you had a baby.

I begged him to leave her alone.

I would do whatever he said.

But he forced me
into her room, and he...

Threw me down on the floor.


I am so sorry.

Cara started fussing.

She woke up from her nap.

I asked if I could take care of her.

God, I can't stop crying.

Peggy, Peggy.

Look, take as much time as you need.

- Okay? We're here.

My father insisted I keep a g*n.

I have a Colt . in my nightstand.

I told the guy
I had to go to the bathroom.

I-I grabbed the g*n.

He must have followed me.
That was so stupid.

I fought, scratched him,

but he took it away.

p*stol-whipped me.

Said if I tried anything
like that again,

he would sh**t the baby.

I know this is difficult, Peggy,

but if there's any details that

you can remember his age,

- or build...
- White.



Okay, did he say anything?


He said, "If she cries, she dies."

I'll never forget that.

I was so scared after that,

I just did what he wanted.

Captain, please don't tell
my father that I was crying.

I-I-I don't want him
to be any more upset.


♪ ♪

We're looking at the same guy.

So now McGrath's gonna
take this seriously.

- How's my daughter doing?
- She is strong.

She's a survivor, she...

Protected your grandchild.

The worst is over.

Did she give you anything to go on?

She gave us a good description

of a nondescript white male.

- She didn't recognize him.
- Of course she didn't.

And there's no men in her life?

What about the baby's father?

That piece of crap? No way it's him.

He's on an oil rig
in the Bering Strait.

I gave him two choices.

It was that, or straight to Sing Sing,

on two outstanding bunco warrants.

Okay, well, you protect your daughter.

I'm gonna go see her.

He threatened to k*ll her baby.

Exact same phrase
as the Crystal Nuñez case.

But there's more to go on here.

He took Peggy's g*n.

Now, we're turning
that apartment inside out.

We'll find something.
Fingerprint, touch DNA.

She also said that she scratched him.

Oh, good girl. Good for Peggy.

All right, rush the r*pe kit,
the scene,

and once we find this animal,

she's gonna make a solid witness.

♪ ♪

Last night,

the daughter of one of
our own was viciously r*ped

in front of her infant daughter.

We are joined by our brother unions

to offer a $ , reward

for any tip...

So, we know that there are

a lot of eyes on this case.

We know, and the lab knows.

They're rushing their report
as fast as they can.

Okay, so while we're waiting
for forensics,

we're probably looking
at the same perp.

White male, thin, s.

He has an M.O.

He targets single mothers
of young children.

And he told both the moms,

"If the kid cries, it dies."

- That wasn't in the paper?
- No.

So what are the points
of intersection between

Peggy Grogan and Crystal Nuñez?

The Nuñez case? I thought
the chief said to slow-roll that.

He did,

but now that we know that
we're looking at a pattern...

Of course. Got it.

Peggy and Crystal, they're...

They're both East Side.

One's Lower East,
the other's Yorkville.

Their kids attend
different daycare facilities.

Aside from being single mothers,

they're as different
as their neighborhoods.

Double check all social media accounts.

Any friends that they may
have in common, guys.

- There's gotta be a connection here.
- Okay.

Sorry it's so messy in here.

My father wanted us to move back home,

but I just feel like that's giving in.

He's very protective.

I'm sure he's putting extra
pressure on you to solve this.

But just so you know,
I don't really care.

You may feel that way right now...

I'm alive.

My daughter's alive.

I don't ever want to think about him

or that night ever again.

But my sense is telling me

that we are looking at a serial.

He may have done this
to somebody else before.

I saw that case on the news.

The woman with the three-year-old boy?

My father told me
she has custody issues,

- that she lied about her sex life?
- Even so,

we're trying to figure out if you two

might have anything in common.

Well, I don't usually go out.

I don't party.

I do part time bookkeeping
for a pediatrician on Zoom.

I got to Mass three times a week.

I take Cara to daycare,

pick her up, we go to the park.

- Which park?
- John Jay Park, usually.

Do you meet anyone, or go to a class,

watch a performer?

We just go to the swings,

sometimes the sandbox.

And on the way home, we get ice cream.

Ice cream?

From any vendor in particular?

Uh, Swirly City.
The guy there is so generous.

I order a small, he gives me a large.

With rainbow sprinkles.


Give you the, uh, sprinkles, no charge.

- Thank you.
- Yeah.

Oh, hey, Sergeant, hey.
What can I get for you?

Hey, Travis, I need another favor.

Can we talk for a second?

Yeah, I'll be right out.


♪ ♪


- He's got a g*n.

Police, watch out.


♪ ♪

Freeze, man.

- No.
- Yep, put it down.

Put down the w*apon.

No one needs to get hurt, all right?

- No.
- There's kids here.

No, I'm gonna get out
of here, do you understand?

All we want to do it talk.
So just put it down.

You put it down!


Waving a g*n around
in a park full of kids, huh?

What the hell is the matter with you?

Ah! Take it easy, man!


You're hurting me! You're hurting me!

Okay, Velasco, we got him. It's over.

- Stop him!
- Okay.

It's over!


All right, I got him.

I'll take it from here.

I swear on my mother's grave,
I didn't do this.

You got the wrong man.


♪ ♪

Peggy's a cop's daughter.
She knows to pay attention.

- She'll ID this guy.
- Even if she doesn't,

we have his DNA under her fingernails,

her hand g*n in his possession.

Can't stand the idea of him walking.

I could...

Tell by the way you arrested him.

I may have overreacted.

- Mm.
- Sarge say anything?

You didn't help yourself out with him.

Let him know
it's not gonna happen again.

Copy that.

Thanks, Rollins.


Take your time, Peggy.

I don't need time.

Number three.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Good job, honey.

"Honey"? You gotta be kidding me.

Who's this, the girl's father?

He's on the job, and you got
bigger problems.

He could have tipped her off.

I'm bringing this up at trial.

You take this to trial
with what we have,

he goes away for life.

- What do you have?
- A lot.

But we're willing to hear

your client's side of the story.

I had them put your r*pist

in interrogation room one, Counselor.

Don't call him that.

Give him a few minutes with his lawyer.

Well, it's not gonna do him any good.

- Can I go home now?
- I'll take you.

Thank you, Captain, Counselor.

Don't let that son of a bitch

- get away.
- We won't.

And don't forget to give
Velasco an "attaboy."

Top-notch work.

Told you Velasco was a keeper, huh?

Yes, you did.

First of all,
this is a rush to judgement.

You have the Captains Endowment
Association all over you,

so you pick up the nearest donut...

His DNA was all over the scene,

and don't even try
the sippy cup excuse.

Wait, ho-hold on.
What are we talking about?

What, your client didn't tell you

that we picked him up two days ago,

as a suspect in another r*pe

in front of a woman's child?

Relax, abogado,

she couldn't ID me.

- Who are we talking about?
- Crystal Nuñez, remember her?


and I already told you,

I sold her ice cream.
I never r*ped her.

These guys, their minds are
already made up.

I told the detectives
about those kids at the park

who've been harassing these women.

They didn't do anything.

We didn't find their DNA

under Peggy Grogan's fingernails.

How do I know
you didn't just put it there?

Fake news, fake clues.

Real jury.

Um, Travis, I think we're done here.

Great. So are we.

We're gonna send your client
to Central Booking.

Okay, no, I'm not going
with that cowboy

who arrested me yesterday.

- So we arraign him now?
- What's the rush?

Let him stew in Central Booking
for the night.

Tomorrow, we'll arraign him
on both r*pes.

Both? No, no.


it's the same pattern, same perp.

I'm aware, Captain,

but there's a bigger picture here.

We know we can get

a grand jury to indict on Peggy's r*pe.

The DNA, her g*n in his possession.

Let's not muddy the waters

with the-the-the Crystal Nuñez case.

Come on, why don't you let my office

worry about that, Chief.

How much do we actually need
to hold the guy, huh?

No need to show all your cards
just for arraignment.

Nice work, all of you.


♪ ♪

What in the hell was that about?

Crystal's case has
too many holes in it.

They don't want to introduce
reasonable doubt

into any part of this guy's M.O.

Yeah, well, the last time
I checked, McGrath is a cop.

He's not the DA. It's not up to him.

He makes one call, and it is.

But, time might be on our side here.

We never ran touch DNA
on Crystal's apartment.

I'm not sure, but we can now.

This guy sells ice cream.

He's not a mastermind.

He left prints.

He left touch DNA,

somewhere in that bedroom.

♪ ♪


So it was him.

And I missed it.

All this time, he was
just right in front of me,

talking to me, to my son,

and I should have known...

You can't blame yourself, Crystal.

You'd never seen him
without a cap and a mask.

Well, I know it's him now.
Can I do the lineup again?

No, you've seen news coverage.

But we can still make
a case here, okay?

We need to prove
that he was in your bedroom.

We're gonna run touch DNA.

You haven't done that already...

- Why not?
- We should have, but...

Oh, I get it.

Now that a cop's daughter's been r*ped,

you pull out all the stops.

But when it's a single mom

- from Loisaida...
- We're here now, Crystal,

and I'm sorry
it's gonna be inconvenient,

but CSU is gonna go through

every inch of your bedroom.

What else can they take?

They stripped the bed, cut my mattress.

Let me ask you something, Crystal.

Manny was in the bed with you?

I told you over and over.

He was sleeping with me,

and I begged that Travis guy

to put him in the other room.

So he had his blanket with him.

Yes, he always sleeps with his woobie.

He had it with him that night.

♪ ♪


We've got something.

You're cutting it close,
I'm doing arraignment now.

- What do you got?
- Good news.

Velasco's hunch paid off.

The lab found touch DNA

and semen on Manny's baby blanket.

Both a match from Travis Hillsdale.

I hear you say that out loud,

I can't believe I just said,
"Good news."

Well, if it means I can arraign Travis

on Crystal's r*pe, it is.

Let me check with the Eighth Floor.

I'll call Crystal.

Docket number ,

People versus Reese on
first degree r*pe and as*ault.

Where the hell is this guy?


There he is.


♪ ♪

What did they do to him?

We're ready, Your Honor.

People versus Travis Hillsdale

on the two counts of r*pe
in the first degree,

unlawful imprisonment,

and endangering the welfare of a child.

- How do you plead?
- Excuse me, Your Honor.

I have late breaking news
for Mr. Carisi.

This is the guy I was
talking about, all right?

♪ ♪

Mr. Carisi.


Your Honor, I've just been informed...

♪ ♪

At this time, we are withdrawing

the charges pertaining
to the first as*ault,

Jane Doe number one.

Is that me? What's... what's going on?

Why are they dropping the charges?

I... I'm not sure right now.

Very well. Always interesting in here.

All right, on the one charge
of r*pe in the first degree,

unlawful imprisonment,

and endangering the welfare of a child,

how do you plead?

What the hell happened?

You had his DNA.
I was willing to testify.

He wasn't even charged with my r*pe?

I'm sorry.

The powers that be,

are concerned that your case

could create reasonable doubt.

So my r*pe,

- doesn't count?
- He's gonna do time, Crystal,

at least years.

But not for my r*pe.

We could never have even arrested him

if you hadn't come forward.

Is that supposed
to make me feel better?

We can recharge him on your case.

- This can still go to trial.
- Stop!

All your talk.

I'm on my own.

I should be used to that by now.

She's not wrong.

Yeah, by which you mean she's right.

And we're wrong.


Nice work, you two.

Well done.


♪ ♪

- I heard Travis was pretty beat-up.
- Yeah...

Yeah, he was.

I don't care what the guy did.

He was in police custody.

There is no excuse for that.


Hey, Sarge, speaking of rough stuff,

what happened at the arrest,

that's not gonna happen again.


It better not.

No, no, no, no, I owe you.

And, uh, and tell the DA
I said thanks, huh?


Yeah, all right, bye.


We didn't have anything
scheduled till tomorrow, did we?

We didn't.

You know, Chief, I'm just...

I'm trying to piece together

why Travis wasn't charged
in Crystal's r*pe.

You do know he's gonna do
serious prison time, right?

I do.

Crystal not testifying
might be a good thing,

given her ongoing custody battle.

Can I ask how you heard about that?

Was that, um...

was that from Detective Velasco?


It's my job to know
what's going on in your unit.

Honestly, I didn't think
you'd be so upset about this.

I am very upset.



I need to run my unit
the way I see fit.

Of course.

The Crystal Nuñezes of the world,

they matter, in my unit.

They matter in my squad,

just as much
as a white shirt's daughter.

And no one is saying that they don't.

But when I give my word,

I keep it.

And I won't be part of this

double standard ever, ever again.

SVU's obligation is to help victims

become survivors, not

traumatize them all over again.

Don't you think a trial

would traumatize Crystal?

I think that it should have
been her decision.

Not yours.

And just to be clear,

as I told you before in my office,

I won't turn my back on any victim.

- Nor would I...
- And if you stand between me

and any victim of
sexual as*ault ever again,

you can take my shield and my g*n.

♪ ♪

In fact,

if that's not understood,

take it now.



Okay, Captain Benson.

Okay, I think we understand each other.

♪ ♪

I hope so.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪