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02x10 - Last Call

Posted: 10/08/21 07:13
by bunniefuu
Previously on The L Word:
Generation Q...

[CHANTING] Hey, ho!

They're taking down the signs right now.

Are you f*cking kidding me?

[GERALD] Once you knew
opioids were addictive,

you continued to promote
them as if they were not.

[DANI] We've been through this.
I know the line about user error.

Blame the addict, I get it.

Daniela, this is a disaster!

The trial will be over before it begins.

- I'm handling it.
- Make it go away.

I think I'm gonna have to
come out as a bisexual again.

Well, at least you got a -week
book tour to get it right.

- Where is Shane?
- Are they back from Vegas?

[TINA] What's the deal with
those two, are they together?

[ALICE] Okay. The answer is yes.

I'm really sorry, but I don't
think you're gonna be able

- to meet Marcus today.
- I'm still gonna meet him

eventually, right?

[BETTE] I can't even tell you
how many versions of that she made.

I look forward to seeing her.

[NURSE] Grab the cart.


[SOPHIE] I don't know where Finley is.

We got into a fight, and she left.

- Was she drinking?
- Yes. After she got a DUI.

What? My God!

Why are you with this person?

Because I love her.

[FINLEY] Hello? Come on, let me in.

[DANI] What's going on? Are you okay?

[FINLEY] Me? No, I'm
totally great, bruh.

[TINA] I want to know
why you can't be happy

- for me and Carrie.
- I am happy for you.

Are you still in love with me?

♪ I don't find trouble,
yeah, trouble finds me ♪

- [SHANE] Are you okay?
- [TESS] Yeah, I'm just nervous.

[SHANE] It's gonna
be what it's gonna be.

- [TESS] Yes.
- [SHANE] All right?

[SHANE] Relax. Should
you even be doing this?

[TESS] No, it's okay.

Hey, we're doing the right thing.



[TESS] Okay, there she is.


Hey. Sorry I'm late.

- Got a...

It's okay. She's not here yet.

- Uh, thank you.
- Yeah.

I didn't know what to
bring to an intervention.

Ah, you brought ham.

Well, I mean, it's better
than champagne, right?


[ALICE] Forget it. Anyway.
No, I panicked, I got...

- [SHANE] Oh, come on.
- [ALICE] Hey...

[SHANE] Listen, there's
nothing to panic about.

[TESS] Yeah, it's gonna be great, right?

We're just gonna tell
her that we love her

and she's gonna go get help.

[MICAH] It might not
be that simple, though.

[TESS] I think it's
important we stay positive.

Yeah, but...

it feels fast.

Doesn't it?

[SHANE] Sophie, I
don't ever think there's

a really good time to
do any of this shit.

Yeah, but I-I don't...

I don't want to scare her.

And I don't want to force
her to go if she's not ready.


She's gonna go, okay?

She's gonna go.



I got f*cking bit today.

Not by, uh, a kid.
By a parent, actually.

But it's kind of a long...

- Whoa! Hi.
- [TESS] Hi.

[FINLEY] What's going on?

[TESS] Um... come on.

Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Come, come...

come sit with us in the...
living room for a second.


Is there, like, a German
word for a surprise party

with, like, really bad vibes?

'Cause, um...

What's up?

We love you.

[FINLEY] Yeah, same, dude.

[ALICE] But, like, a lot, you know?

You're like a real ray of sunshine,

and, um, you're like a puppy, you know?

Even if it bites you, you love it.

- Okay... [CHUCKLES]
- We're worried about you.


[TESS] And we found a place
that we think can help.


what kind of place?

[ALICE] It's amazing. It's, um...

[CLEARS THROAT] It's got a pool.

It has, um, an ocean
view, which is nice.

Um, a Top Chef finalist
does all the food, so...

It's a rehab, Fin.

Oh, shit. [CHUCKLES]

[TESS] Alice offered to pay for it.

[SHANE] Yeah, and-and look,

y-you still have your
job waiting for you

- when you get back.
- [FINLEY] Guys,

that's really, um...

But I don't think I
need to drink spa water

by a pool to, like,
get my shit together.

Okay, then, what do you need?


I had a bad night, okay?

[MICAH] It wasn't one night.

I'm in my s. I f*ck up
like somebody in their s.

I mean, what the f*ck
were your s like, dude?

Nah, nah, nah... Don't...
n-no. Don't do that.

Mine were amazing.

And you drank like, what, yesterday?

- What did I just say?
- Hey, look, don't...

- Don't come at me.
- [FINLEY] I'm...

I'm not coming at you
I'm just saying, like...



Please. Okay?

We love you.


Really doesn't f*cking
feel like it right now.

Fin. Hey.

No. f*ck you.

I'm not going.


♪ Never gonna, never
gonna be the same ♪



♪ My mama told me not
to fear my enemies ♪

♪ Know that I'm stronger
than I think I am ♪

♪ Take any longer
it runs in my veins ♪

♪ I've got a voice
and it's in command ♪

♪ I'm my own woman ♪

♪ I can feel it coming ♪

♪ It's never gonna be, never
gonna be, never gonna be ♪

♪ Never gonna be the same ♪


Good morning.


Good morning.


What are you gonna wear to the CAC gala?


Well, you'll see.


I know you'll look amazing.

I love it when we step out together

all fly and shit.

Am I gonna have to wait
till then to see you again?

Alice is throwing herself

a going-away party tomorrow night.


Would you like to come with me?

- Mm... yeah.

Oh, hold on, I just have to...

I'm sorry. I have to take this.

Hey. Could you just hold on one second?


Hey. Yeah.

Angie said she doesn't
want to go to the funeral.

Yeah, she said she's not ready to.


I know.

Yeah, I told her that.

She's lucky to have you.

So, see you tomorrow night?

Yeah, I look forward to it.

You, too.


Sorry about that.

- Family stuff.
- Yeah. All good, I understand.

Tina gonna be there tomorrow?

Uh... yeah.

Probably, with her soon-to-be wife.

How do you feel about that?


I'd feel a lot better
if you came with me.


Nah, I don't want to go...

just so you can convince yourself

you're over her.


Okay, um...

you know, if you feel
uncomfortable going,

then-then that's fine,

but there's no reason to be accusatory.

I'm not sure that's true.


I'm nervous about you two.

You have no reason to be.

Well, I've come to
really trust my instincts.


Something about you and Tina...

makes me feel some kind of way.

She's the mother of my child.

And she'll always be in my life.

Mm. Of course she will.

And I think it's more than that.

Tell me I'm wrong.

You're wrong.



- [ANGIE] Okay.

So I did go a little overboard

with the dresses, but...

if they're shit, it's fine.
I can I just send them back.

But, um... this is cute.

Uh... also, I, uh, I haven't asked,

um, if we could share a hotel room yet,

but I'm gonna do it. I
just need to figure out how.

Um, if we went the money
angle... I don't know,

I'll-I'll figure it out.
It's gonna be fine. Um...

- Ange?
- Yeah?

Are you okay?

Yeah. Yeah, why?

- Why?


Kayla texted me.

She... she wants to meet up.

Oh. Does she want you
to go to Marcus' funeral?

No, I can't.

No, I'm not going... no.

- Okay.
- 'Cause I, like...

Why would I? He doesn't know me.

- I'm not his daughter.
- I-I know that...

I'm not anything to him.

I'm literally just a girl.

[LAUGHS] And I... I didn't save him.

- And I could have...
- Stop. Stop. Stop.


You didn't do anything wrong.

None of this is your fault.


None of this is your
fault. It's not your fault.

You couldn't do anything.

It's okay.

It's not your fault.

[DANI] I'm sure you're exaggerating.

[GIGI] I'm not. I swear I'm not.

[DANI] There's no way you're
not the family favorite.

My brother's name
literally means "treasure."

My mom goes nuts every time he visits.

- It's like the king's in town.

No. We won't get past appetizers

before she tells you,
"Casper is the only one

who understands me." Guaranteed.

I'm excited to meet them.

They're excited to meet you.

But if they ask you

if we've slept together, lie.

- They're not gonna ask that.
- Lie through your teeth.

[WOMAN] Your dad's f*cking guilty.


- Are you okay?
- Yeah. I'm fine.

[INHALES] I'm good.

All I have to do is get on the stand

- and say the right words.
- Okay.

I'm prepped within an inch of my life.

I could do this in my sleep.

If I need anything, I'll ask.

- Okay?
- Okay.

I hope that's true.


♪ Let me in the middle ♪

♪ All I want is everything I see ♪

♪ So anything you
got belongs to me ♪

♪ Babe, it's simple ♪

♪ You're on the
menu, perfect recipe ♪

♪ I'm sick and you
have got the remedy ♪



♪ I'm sick and you
have got the remedy ♪



♪ Why don't you let me follow ♪

♪ To the garden of your mind ♪

♪ Where everything is sweeter ♪

♪ Love and I am sugarblind ♪


Okay, not to ruin the
mood, but Finley...

- Oh, God.

What, are you gonna make me fire her?

Oh, if we keep letting
her work at the bar,

we're just enabling her.

[SHANE] Mm-hmm.

Mm, you want to draw straws?


No. I think you should do it.

- Me?
- Mm-hmm.

- You're nicer.

- You're not getting off that easy.
- Mm-hmm.




Who keeps their ringer on?

You know it's just for emergencies.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

You're not gonna get that, are you?

I have to.



No, you-you're... you're okay.

Is Reggie there with you now?

Good. Then you did good, Mom.

How about I... I'll call you back in,

uh... in two hours.

Yes, you can have Reggie set a timer.

I love you, too.


You okay?

We should really talk
about hiring a new GM.

I have to go be with my mom.

Of course.

You know, Vegas actually isn't that far.

It's a... nice drive.

It's a short flight...

We could try, like,
a long-distance thing.

We could. Yeah.


you could move there with me.

I just, I have to go
take care of my mom.

I know. I know.


Did you hear that?

Paul Hollywood said
I had a soggy bottom.

Oh. Uh. No. Sorry, I've just been...

slammed trying to get everything
ready for you before you leave.

Oh, I was gonna tell
you, if you need a place

to stay while I'm gone,
you are more than welcome

to stay at my place.
You know, there's a key

in my office if you need to use it.


I'm not, I'm not moving out.

Oh. Okay.

Yeah, I...

I can't do that to her.
She doesn't deserve it.

All right. Well, um...

if you want to talk about
it, I can clear my, you know,

schedule. I just have to
hang out with Tom later.

[TOM] Say hello to a cis man

named Tom! [LAUGHS]

I can't wait to explain to my mama

what "cis" means. You see
that elbow right there?

That is the elbow of a man

who is officially in a power couple.

- Oh.
- Yeah. Can I get some?

Yeah, you look good. You look good.

- Thank you.
- So are you guys gonna...

celebrate, or... ?

[ALICE] Well, we have that party and...

I can't even say it.

- Swan boats, baby!
- I let him pick.

Yep. You, me and Swanny.

I don't want to go.

[TOM] What? It's the perfect way

to keep her from
checking her Google Alerts

for reviews every two seconds.

Yeah... actually, will
you take this from me?

- I can't do it.
- Absolutely.

Well, you guys enjoy.
Uh, I'll leave you to it.

- Have fun.
- Okay.

I hope she's okay.

- Mm.
- We had a little, um,

little situation this week.


What's that face?

What? What are you talking about?

What's th... What is
this? What is this face?

This is my face. It's just my face.

What are you... ?

Oh, my God.

Oh... my God!

It's one bad review, Alice.
I'm sure you've read worse.

[GRUNTS] Twitter trolls are not the same

as The New York f*cking Times, Tom!

Yeah, but in a way, it's
not as bad as Twitter.

- How?
- Because those are

your actual fans. This is probably just

some cis dude who didn't
get it. See what I did there?

It says I should stay in my
lane, that's what it says.

You know who pushed
me out of my lane, Tom?

- That'd be me.
- Oh, yeah. That's right.

It was you! I didn't want
to veer out of my lane, no.

Because I have a very
successful talk show

that is very firmly in my lane.

Absolutely, but in
the grand scheme of...

So I'm gonna go.

Well, what about the swan boats?

Oh, my God. f*ck the swan boats.

f*ck their friends.
All the swan friends.

The boats...

You got a shit ton of flour

still on your face!


♪ Ooo la la la la ♪

♪ Ooo la la la la... ♪

Pippa doesn't even really know Tina.

I mean, the last time she saw
us, we were actually fighting.


I'm sorry. I'm still
pissed about the review.

Can you not take it out
on the egg separator?

I just can't believe she would make

that kind of accusation. Can you?

- [BOTH] Yes.
- Why?

I mean, I'm finally
in a good relationship.

And Tina's gonna get married.

What do you even buy middle-aged
lesbians for a wedding?


- No. Definitely not that.
- Okay, good.

'Cause it reminds me
of Tom and the review.

Yeah, well, if it's any
consolation, Al, I get it.

The seafood cr*cker thing?

No. It's the first time
you've put yourself out there,

and you get burned.

[SCOFFS] I have a show called Alice.

- It's literally all about me.
- No. No, no. Don't... No, no.

It is not the same thing.

You do... bits.

Well, I am bits. I mean...

This is the first time

you put your guard down,

and you get punched in the gut.

Just admit that it hurts.

Being with Tess is making
you really introspective,

and I don't think I like it.

Yeah, well, that might be
over before it even begins.

[BETTE] What happened?

Yeah, what'd you do?

Actually, I did nothing. She's just...

moving back to Vegas.

[EXHALES] Well, I mean, you have to go.

I mean, a love like that
doesn't come around that often,

and when it does, you have
to be willing to do crazy shit

to keep it.

Who are you talking
about, Pippa or Tina?

Tess. I'm talking about Tess.

♪ Ooo la la la la ♪

♪ Ooo la la la la... ♪

Psst. Psst.

That sounds personal.

[SHANE] All right, answer me this.

If Tina was to show up at
your doorstep right now...

Well, I wouldn't know,
because I'm here with you.

[SHANE] ... and she says,
"I'm in love with you

and I want to try again",

- what do you say?
- [ALICE] Oh, my God.

What would you say?

- It's a, it's a flawed premise.
- Seriously?

[SHANE] Okay, you know what,
I wasn't gonna say anything,

but, Bette, if you are having any doubts

about... Tina getting married...

I am not having any doubts
about Tina getting married.

Carrie... is having cold feet.

Wait, what?

- How do you know that?
- [SHANE] All I'm saying is,

if there was ever a
time to win her back...

I think it's now or never.

[ALICE] Okay...

I, uh, I'm gonna need to know
if this wedding is on or not,

because I got to land on a gift.

One of the turkey basters?

- Ooh! Paella.
- [SHANE] Oh, relax.

[HARRIET] Please state
your name for the record.

[GABRIELLE] Gabrielle Sheridan.
I'm a medical researcher.

And you ran a medical trial to
test the addictive properties

- of opioids for Nùñez Inc.?
- [GABRIELLE] I did.

[HARRIET] And what
conclusion did you come to?

[GABRIELLE] That these
particular opioids

were more addictive than any other drug.

[HARRIET] And did
Rodolfo Nùñez know this?

I showed him the report myself.

[HARRIET] And what did he
do with this information?

- [GABRIELLE] He buried it.