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15x03 - Manhunt

Posted: 10/07/21 10:20
by bunniefuu
Give us a hand here.

Lay it by the hole.

Bastard was fatter than I thought.


What's this one?

Does it matter?

Oh, I'm just curious.


A stupid, fat thief.

Anyone care to say a prayer?

We'll leave him to you.

Let's get a drink.


I'll do better than words, buddy.

For the journey ahead.




And you see it's quite small.

I could carry it in my pocket.

And I have no doubt you will.

And it's surprisingly
powerful. I've tested it.

Let me see.

Oh, William.

What should I look at?

- Um, today's headline.
- No. Really?

Oh, my goodness. Yes, I can...

- _
- Oh, my goodness.

What is it?



I thought he would have
been released by now.

I would have thought so as well, sir.

Why would he escape
now, after so many years?

Especially someone like Giles.

Never been a more
straight-laced bugger than him.

Well, he did bury a body
in a police station, sir.

Oh, yeah. There was that. Huh.

Sir, with your permission,
I'd like to take the day

- to look into this.
- You're going to Kingston?

If I catch the : AM out of Union

I can be back by nightfall.

Carry on.

OGDEN: How much time do
you have left to serve?

Three months.

If I last.

We'll do our best to ensure
you're properly treated, Mr. Giles.

In fact, we'll see if we
can do even better than that.

Thank you.


CONDUCTOR: Arriving, Kingston Station.


Exploratory surgery? For what?

My husband believes I may
have damaged my womanly parts.

- Your reproductive organs?
- We've been trying for months.

But you haven't conceived.

He's in medical school and he's
heard that vigorous activity

can lead to permanent damage.

What kind of activity?

I've been playing a
game with my friends.

We call it mintonette, though
some call it volleyball.

- Have you heard of it?
- No.

It's like badminton, only
you use your hands and a ball.

Oh. Well, then I suspect your
womanly parts are just fine.

Do you menstruate regularly?

Every month, yes. Like clockwork.

Well, the problem could be
your husband's sperm count.

Has he ever been tested?

No! He doesn't believe in onanism.

I see.

And yet he would consider subjecting
you to unnecessary surgery.

WARDEN: He picked the
lock to the morgue...

Pried open the casket
and pulled the lid down

by means of an improvised ratchet.

Giles was set to be released
last year. What happened?

There was an incident
with a fellow inmate.

- One of the Clan na Gael?
- No.

A condemned man by the
name of Jimmy Mortimer

att*cked Mr. Giles in the common.

Jimmy Mortimer.

k*lled a young woman a few years back.

Ah, yes, and then escaped
on his way to prison.

Yes, he was recaptured last year.

When he set eyes on
Giles, he att*cked him.

They fought.

And for this Giles received
more time on his sentence?

Well, he attempted to strangle
the young man, Detective.

He was lucky to get three years.

Still, it was disheartening.

- He'd been a model prisoner to that point.

No bird dogs sniffing
one another's hind ends.

I want people out
there with bloodhounds,

a pack of them with
their noses to the ground.

I want 'em to trace his every move.

Detective Samuel, this
is Detective Murdoch.

- How do you do?
- Charmed.

We have a credible sighting here,

four miles west of Pitts Ferry.

You think he's gone down river?

'Course he's gone down river.
He's heading to America.

It's just a question
of where he's crossing.

That's assuming Giles is
indeed seeking his freedom.

Well, I don't think he
ex*cuted this brazen escape

to go fishing, Detective...

Murdoch. Toronto Constabulary.

And your interest in this is?

The same as yours. I
wish to find Mr. Giles.

Have at it.

- Do you have horses?
- Two in the stables.

I'm commandeering them.

Do you have an office with a telephone?

You can use the one down the hall.

So, Detective, how can I assist you?

I was hoping to see Mr. Giles'
correspondence over the past year.

I'll have it brought to
my office. Anything else?

I'd like to speak with Jimmy Mortimer.

I'll arrange that.

Sure, I att*cked him.

Not many of us get
the chance to punch out

the bastard who put us here.

You blame him for your conviction?

He planted my knife
where they found her body.

Chief Constable Giles?

That's who we're
talking about, isn't it?

I'd have k*lled him if I could have.

Instead he got the better of you?

Bastard's tougher than he looks.

He grabbed my leg as I was kicking him.

Next I knew, I was on
the ground in a chokehold.

You want to know what's funny?

You want to know what mattered most

as he was squeezing the life outta me?

He wanted to know how I escaped.

Can you believe that?

Seven years inside and
he's still a copper first.

OGDEN: You're closing your practice?

I don't feel I can represent
my clients in my current state.

What's wrong?

I just feel this...

This overwhelming anxiety.

Some days I can't even leave my house.

What does George say?

Oh, he always says the right thing.

I fear he'll soon start to
pity me, and I can't bear that.

I know you've practiced in this field,

and I thought you might
help me snap out of it.

I have studied this, Effie,
but more importantly I've...

- I've been through it myself.
- You have?

Years ago.

I thought that I would bounce back,

but there were days I
couldn't get out of bed.

William was despairing.

That's exactly how I feel.

I was always so strong. Now I feel
as if a hole's opened beneath me.

You were kidnapped and left to die.

It's left a very deep impression.

I'm afraid there's
no snapping out of it.

You seem fine now.

It took time.

And effort.

You need to fight the urge
to shrink away from the world.

What on earth kind of game is that?


I think they call it volleyball.

Is that Louise Cherry?

It's a ball, not a b*llet.

You're supposed to
knock it back, not duck!

Fine, leave.

You were just taking up space, anyway!

Really? Is that how you
plan on winning games?


It appears your teammates
have abandoned you.

They were useless.

- Perhaps we should give it a try?
- We?

Another thing that can
help is vigorous exercise.

Have you ever played before?

I'm sure it can't be
that hard to pick up.

- How do we do it?
- Stand there.

Is this everything?

We don't keep a record of
any outgoing correspondence.

There isn't much here.

He didn't have many friends.

Well, he once did.

He used to move in fairly high circles.

- Now he's...
- A h*m* who buried a body.

Do we know who "J" is?

I'm afraid there's no
return address on that one.

What does it say?

Nothing of note. Just an
account of the recent weather.

Take as much time as you need.

- Warden?
- WARDEN: Yes, Detective.

A rowboat has been reported stolen

from a boat house just
west of Howe Island.

You think he's rowing across?

Not the whole river,
he would be too exposed.

I expect he's rowing across the strait.

He's going to leg it over Wolfe Island

and he's going to swim
the rest of the way.

You've notified the
American authorities?

They have mounted patrols
from Clayton to Saint Vincent.

They have two steamboats on
either side of Carlton Island.

They're going to give
him a nice, warm welcome.

Unless it's a ruse.

A ruse?

I suspect you'll find a
scuttled rowboat nearby.

- I believe he's staying in Canada.
- Oh, that's right.

You don't believe he's
seeking his freedom.

You follow that theory. I'm going
to follow where he actually went.

As you know, an escaped
felon can be shot on sight.

He gets one warning
and then it's b*ll*ts.

Stay out of my way.

Detective, you wanted
to tell me something.

Just that my inquiry here is complete.

BRACKENREID: You were right
to keep it to yourself.

- I know that bugger.
- Detective Samuel?

He was at Station House
One in the early 's.

He was as relentless as
Giles, but more ruthless.

Giles' best hope is
that you find him first.

Good to know. Well, this is Tate Street.

How do you know it's
Tate Street, Toronto?

There must be Tate Streets
everywhere, Murdoch.

Just following my instincts.

But the note did specify a coal bin.

Huh. Why do I ever doubt you, Murdoch?

It's empty.

Giles must have got here first.

That was my only clue.

BRACKENREID: Who sent the letter?

Someone who signed
off with the initial J.

Think, Murdoch. Who
would stay loyal to Giles?

Who would he trust
after all these years?

Hodge. John Hodge.

Tom, William!

I'm just closing up, I'm afraid.

We're not here for a drink, Neil Walker.

MURDOCH: Tell us about Tate Street.

We know it was you who
wrote the letter, Hodge.

What was in the coal bin?

Just a pair of dungarees and money.

That was it, I swear.

I haven't seen or talked to him.

Where's the letter?

I burned it.

You're a terrible liar,
Hodge. You always were.

Hodge, the man that's after Giles

will k*ll him if we
don't find him first.

Where is the letter?

BRACKENREID: The Bedford Park Hotel.

That's up on Yonge Street.

If you hear from him, let us know.

MURDOCH: Police!

Bed hasn't been slept in.

Maybe he got scared off.

Sir, would you trust your
life to John Hodge's ability

- to keep a secret?
- Not bloody likely.


It would be an excellent way to
find out who was following you.

Do you think he's watching us?

Sir, please turn off the lights.

It's Giles.

Damn it!

- This is the room.
- Mm.

Certainly left in a hurry.

BRACKENREID: Murdoch, look at these.

Page from a telephone directory.

He was looking for someone, then.

That's an evidence log
from our city morgue.

The morgue?

What's he bloody after?

Mrs. Hart.

Detective. What can I do for you?

A man I'm seeking broke
into your morgue last night.

I saw no indication of that.

He likely picked the lock.

And stole this from one of your files.

I need to know which file.

A knife wound to the heart.

You don't see too many of those.

There's no date, so
it may go back a ways.

I'll take a look. It
shouldn't be too long.

Thank you.

Murdoch, they're putting
these up all around town.

They know he's in Toronto.

Better keep his head down.

Henry, I need your assistance.

Look up every name on this page.

Who they are, where they work,

pull any files we may have on them,

- but do not contact them directly.
- Certainly, sir.

There are just a couple of things
I need to take care of first.

What am I looking for?

Any connection they may have
to former Chief Inspector Giles,

however tangential.


Ah, Mrs. Hart.

Mrs. Hart, what have you?

It was from this file here.

Pearl Wallace.

Pearl Wallace?

Wasn't she the young girl that
was m*rder*d a few years back?

Some street thug did it.

Jimmy Mortimer.

Was anything else
missing from this file?

I looked up the list. The only
other thing that was missing

was a sketch of the m*rder w*apon

taken from the wound impression.

Thank you.

Why is Giles looking into
the m*rder of Pearl Wallace?

Sir, Jimmy Mortimer is the man
who was convicted of the crime.

He had an altercation with Giles

a little over a year ago in prison,

which is why Giles'
sentence was extended.

- Coincidence?
- Not bloody likely.

Giles used to pal around with
the girl's father, Fenton Wallace.

Well, well, well.

Gerard Samuel.

MURDOCH: Detective Samuel.
You've come to Toronto.

We found a rowboat scuttled
offshore, as you suspected.

Clearly, he wanted us to think he'd
crossed over to the American side.

He probably scuttled the boat
knowing that you'd find it

thinking he was still on this side,

when in fact, he swam across.

Yeah. That's very clever.

Giles is nothing if not clever.

But we've had reports of
sightings this morning.


One at the docks, a
man in a grey sack suit,

and one at Castle Frank,
a man in dungarees,

both match the description.

Giles has been seen in Toronto.

He made contact with
a man named John Hodge.

That's very clever.

Bedford Park Hotel.

He had cleared out by
the time we got there,

but perhaps you'll find
something we missed.

That's very good, Detective.

Keep me apprised of
anything else you find out.

That'll keep 'em occupied.

So, you're heading to Castle Frank?

Well, sir, we aren't going to find
Giles by looking where he's been.

We have to predict
where he's going to be.

I'm going to have a
word with Fenton Wallace.

Carry on, Murdoch.

FENTON: Percy Giles.

Haven't heard that name in years.

He's made no attempt to contact you?

Oh, heavens, no.

We were friends once, but

he turned into a rather
unsavoury character, as you know.

So, you have no idea why he may be
looking into your daughter's m*rder?

Pearl? What could she
have to do with this?

I'm afraid I don't know.

Perhaps it's connected to the man

- who was convicted of the m*rder?
- Jimmy.

You know him by his Christian name?

- He used to work for us.
- Worst mistake of my life.

He became obsessed with Pearl.

Sadly, she toyed with him,

let him believe his
affections were reciprocated.

As if he was worthy of her.

She just wanted to make Whitney jealous.

- Whitney?
- Jacobson.

- Her fiancé.
- FENTON: Yes, fine lad. Good family.

Jimmy Mortimer k*lled
my daughter, Pearl.

And k*lled her mother, too,
as far as I'm concerned.

Mother had consumption.

She went downhill
quickly when Pearl died.

FENTON :The only time I
want to hear that name again

is when they announce his hanging.

Until then, if it's
all the same, Detective,

I really don't want to
talk about this anymore.

Sir, I went through all
the names, as you requested.

- There were quite a few, as you know.
- Did you find anything?

Well, sir, I noticed one
was listed as a police guard,

so I called all the agencies
and he's not currently employed.

But seven years ago, he worked
for Regency Guard Services.

They provide guards for
prison transfers and such.

Is there an end to this story, Higgins?

Well, sir, he was the guard in charge

when Jimmy Mortimer escaped.

BRACKENREID: There's that name again.

Allen Suddon, sir. Clarence Avenue.

In his altercation with Mortimer,

Giles kept asking about that escape.

Giles was seen here.

Allen Suddon lives here.

He's making his way through the ravine.

Of course, he'd have to.


Giles was last seen in
Castle Frank an hour ago.

Well, you'd better
cracking then, Murdoch.


I was just on my way out.

We're here to see the
inspector, actually.


Well, then I'll see you at dinner.

I don't know why this is necessary.

It's necessary for our
collective sanity, Miss Cherry.


What can I do for you, ladies?

We've decided to form a
team to play volleyball.

It's a new game.

There's a ball. There's
a net. They want a coach.

Are you up for it?

I'm not too familiar with the, uh...

Inspector, we need you.

We would never have won the roller races

if it weren't for your support.

- That is true.

Hello. I'm Detective William
Murdoch, Toronto Constabulary.

I'm looking for an Allen Suddon.

You and everybody else!

You're seven years too late.

Have you seen this man, by chance?

Yeah. He's in my kitchen.


I beg of you, Murdoch. Let
me finish what I started.

Jimmy Mortimer escaped

while his guard was supposedly
inspecting a broken axle.

- Supposedly?
- The guard was paid off.

According to his wife, he
came home with dollars.

A thousand dollars?

In crisp, four-dollar
bills from the Toronto Bank.

But who could have paid such a fortune?

No one in his family? Friends?

I intended to lead an
investigation into the matter.

Why didn't you?

You arrested me.

After that, I forgot all about it.

Until he att*cked you.

He accused me of planting
his knife at the scene.

I hadn't, of course, but it
was the one bit of evidence

of which I was unsure.

And for this you broke out of jail?

If Mr. Mortimer's innocent and
hangs for a crime he didn't commit,

it would be entirely my fault.

You felt you had been biased.

I disliked the lad, Detective.

I wanted to convict him and I
was blinded to the possibility

of evidence to the contrary.

Why break out of prison?

Why not simply ask me to help you?

On what evidence?

All I have is an unease,
as deep as my bones,

that a terrible injustice
is about to unfold.

Though I suppose I am asking you now.

- How much time do we have?
- Three days until he hangs.

Right. I'll help you.

GILES: Thank you, Detective.

SAMUEL: Ma'am?


Sorry to trouble you, ma'am.

We are trying to
locate an escaped felon.

Have you perchance seen this man?

We have reason to believe that
he may have come through this way.

- SUDDON: What took you? They went out back.
- They?

The man you're after and
the man who's after him.


This way.

Head downstream. Wait
for me at the river.

- Good one!
- For crying out loud.

- Do you not know where your hands end?
- Cherry, it's just a game!

Hide and seek is a game.
This is a competition.

To be honest, I don't
know where my hands end.

Ladies, ladies! Ball,
please, Miss Cherry.

Right, then, ladies. I think
I've got a handle on this.

Basically, it's just tennis with
a big fat ball and no racket.

What we need is a man up front
by the net, taller the better.

That would be you, Miss Newsome.


BRACKENREID: Just knock down
anything that comes over.

At the back we need a powerful server,

someone who can serve the ball as
far into their side as possible.

That would be you, Miss Cherry.

Doctor Ogden, just float around.

Right then, ladies. Let's play ball!


OGDEN: William, I'm so glad you're home.

I've discovered the most wonderful game!

Julia, there's something
I need to tell you...

OGDEN: Mr. Giles.

This is what you
retrieved from the morgue?

It's a sketch Dr. Grace
made of what she deduced

was the m*rder w*apon
based on the wound.

It appears to show the tip missing.

Yes, I can see that.

It's possible that the
tip broke off the blade

when the knife hit the sternum.

Dr. Grace never found it.


Well, that will be the inspector.

OGDEN: If the tip
dislodged in a chamber,

it could have been swept into the aorta

and traveled quite a distance
in the heart's final beats.

In which case it should
still be in her body.

Yes, but I wouldn't rely on a
sketch of a wound impression.

Unless the putative
w*apon were missing a tip,

- it's simply not convincing.
- Excuse me.

Courtesy of Stationhouse Three.

Thank you, Inspector.

Any word on Detective
Samuel's investigation?

Funnily enough, he
asked the same about you.

Ah! So, he's off the trail, then.

Perhaps. But he won't
be off it for long.

GILES: Here we are.

Mortimer's knife, with his fingermarks

and as you can see, the
tip is very much intact.

OGDEN: And what is this?

Oh! That would be Pearl's diary.

It was found in her purse.
The last page has been removed.

Presumably by the k*ller.

I assume you've looked through
it for any possible clues?

Of course, but it was mostly
the kind of romantic nonsense

one expects these days from young women.

"My bounty is as boundless as the sea.

My love as deep, the
more I give to thee."

That's from Romeo and Juliet.

Precisely my point.

She was about to marry, so I
suppose it's to be expected.

And I assume they've included
the witness statements?

Yes, family mostly.

Mr. Mortimer was clearly
obsessed with a woman

who was in love with another man.

Well, there's your motivation then.

As obvious as it was
lacking for everyone else.

You think he was innocent?

I honestly don't know
what to think, Inspector.

Hold it.

- Who was she in love with?
- Her fiancé, of course: Whitney Jacobson.

Well, he's not Romeo.

She calls Whitney the "Prince of Cats."


Romeo's rival and the
man she did not want.

- How did you miss that?
- I'm afraid my tastes are modern.

I'm not so well-versed in the classics.

So who's Romeo then?

Well, the man she's not
permitted to marry, of course.

Jimmy Mortimer.

All along it was in front
of me and I didn't see it.

If I was looking for motivation,

I'd be looking at the fiancé.

Jealousy. Yes! Of course!

We need to talk to Whitney Jacobson.

He's not back in town until tomorrow.

Then in light of this new evidence,
I say we make use of the darkness

and pay a visit to
the scene of the crime.

Murdoch, you should arm yourself.

You're bringing a fugitive in, remember?

I don't think he's likely to run, sir.

Not for Giles. For show.


Please be careful.

This is where she was k*lled.

MURDOCH: Why k*ll her at
her family's gravesite?

Oh, it was assumed that the
m*rder was her punishment

for the entire family for
keeping her away from him.

It's a reasonable motive when
Jimmy Mortimer was the suspect, but

why would Whitney want to
punish the entire family?

I have absolutely no idea.
It's a very good question.

Where was the m*rder w*apon found?

In the bushes over there.

That's an odd place
to hide a m*rder w*apon

with your fingermarks on it.

Yes, I thought so, too.

That's why I had doubts.

Jimmy Mortimer was no intellectual,

but he certainly had
a street boy's cunning.


SAMUEL: Percival Giles,

- put your hands in the air!
- Oh, no.

Do as he says, Mr. Giles.

- No.
- Giles!




Giles! Giles!



Stop! Are you mad?

Two inches lower and that
would've gone through my head.

I told you to stay out of my way!

I'll tell you what, Detective.

I will buy you a brand new hat

if you could explain to me
how an officer of the law

- was abetting a fugitive from justice.
- Abetting?

You were hot on his
trail at Suddon's house.

Ten hours later I find
you chatting like old pals.

I'm intent on bringing
Mr. Giles back to prison.

And how were you proposing to do that?

With just your good
looks and your sweet talk?

Homburg, is it?

Mr. Giles was intent on proving
a condemned man innocent.

That's why he escaped from prison!

He's trying to save a man's life

and prevent a tragic
miscarriage of justice.

I don't care.

It's a close call, sir.

A little too close for my liking.

I'd hazard a guess and
say it nicked a few hairs.

- What's the word on Giles?

Well, sir, they're searching
Ashbridges Bay and the harbour,

- but so far, no body has turned up.
- So, what's next then?

I have Whitney Jacobson coming
in for an interview, Sir.

I'll pop to Toronto Bank,
see if they have a record

of a cash withdrawal for,
what was it? Thousand dollars?

On or about July th, .

And if it came from Jacobson's
account, we've got him.

Mr. Jacobson. Please, have a seat.

So, I understand Percival
Giles is on the loose.

Any luck in locating him?

Mr. Giles is still at large.

So, how can I help you, Detective?

I have some questions pertaining to
the m*rder of your former fiancée.


Percival Giles escaped
prison because he believes

Jimmy Mortimer is innocent of the crime.


Well, I'll help any way I can.

Were you aware that she was
infatuated with Jimmy Mortimer?

I know that he was infatuated with her.

We have reason to believe it was mutual,

which gives you motive.

To k*ll Pearl?

Where were you the night of her m*rder?


Some kind of wedding
business. I don't remember.

- It has been seven years.
- You don't remem...

Pardon me a moment, Mr. Jacobson.

This is a record of a
thousand-dollar cash withdrawal

from the Bank of Toronto the day
before Jimmy Mortimer escaped.

The exact amount given to Allen Suddon.

Yes, but it wasn't drawn
from Jacobson's account.

- Where from?
- It came from the general expense account

for the household of Fenton Wallace.

That is preposterous!

The bank has made some sort of mistake.

, is it? What day?

- July nd.
- Hmm... July the second.

I don't understand.

Who, beside you, had
access to this account?

- Well, Roddy, of course.
- Father's accountant.

- Who else?
- My wife, the house manager, the cook...

Why would someone from this house

want to free the man
who m*rder*d my sister?

Perhaps they believed
him to be innocent.

No. Never.

Do you believe him to be innocent?

I believe it's possible.

Why? What do you know that we don't?

Pearl was not in love
with Whitney Jacobson.

She was in love with Jimmy Mortimer.

She called him her Romeo.

- She was infatuated. That is all.
- So you knew.

He was the one infatuated with her.

She was of the gentry. He
was a common street rat.

It was impossible. She knew it.

She went to tell him and
that is why he k*lled her.

FENTON: They found his bloodied knife

in the shrubbery nearby.
It had his fingermarks.

The knife was planted.

Good God!

One of you went up to his room,

found his knife,

took it away and planted
it at the m*rder scene.

- Someone call the police!
- All in due time, Fenton.

I've made an arrangement
with Detective Murdoch

that I will return to prison at the
conclusion of this investigation.

The truth is Jimmy k*lled my sister.

There is no one else
that it could have been.

Unless she was intending
to run away with him,

which would have been a disgrace
to your family's reputation.

- Are you suggesting that... ?
- No. Enough!

I won't hear of this.

Jimmy Mortimer k*lled my daughter!

And as for all your
scurrilous fantasies,

you do not have a shred
of proof he did not.

Have you?

This inquiry has concluded, Percy.

Time for you to return to
prison where you belong.

Not quite, Mr. Wallace.

We may not have proof this very moment,

but I believe I know
where we can get it.

I don't understand.
What tip? What knife?

We believe the tip of the
knife that k*lled your sister

may have broken off in her body.

If it's in there, that
means that Jimmy's knife

could not have been the m*rder w*apon.

GILES: Well, there we have it.

That's proof.

Have you found it then?

I... I was so sure.

Mr. Wallace, did you plant
Jimmy's knife at the m*rder scene?

It was him!

I had to do something!

He k*lled her!

- There's something else here under the body.
- OGDEN: What is it?

There's the m*rder w*apon.

My mother, she must have put it there.

There's something else.

It's the missing page of her diary.

MURDOCH: "Oh happy dagger
this is thy sheath."

That's from Juliet's death scene.

That's what she says just before
she stabs herself in the heart.

So, Pearl k*lled herself, then.

She was in love with a
man she couldn't have.

And suddenly it all makes perfect sense.

It was her mother who
discovered the body.

Better a daughter m*rder*d than
suffer the shame of su1c1de.

SAMUEL: Hey! Come on!

Oh, no.

It's Detective Samuel and his
men. They'll be here any minute.

Well, that's excellent
timing, Detective.

I need to surrender
myself to your custody.

They'll add years to your sentence.

Such is the price I
must pay for the truth.

- The truth at all costs, eh?
- Indeed.

Escaping from police
custody is a serious offence

and, as you're no doubt
aware, there may well be...

- Consequences.
- I had to see Ava again.

To make amends somehow.

Bring her in with dignity.

To get at the truth.

The truth at all costs.

But you and I are not
arbiters of justice.

We are merely servants of the law.

It is no simple task
to remain incorruptible,

especially in defiance
of one's own conscience.

Cold comfort, eh Inspector?

You're no longer a servant to the law.

What are you saying?

Take this knife, point it at me.


That's the coal train leaving the port.

It will be coming up the
valley in three minutes.

Take my w*apon, drop the knife

and you can be free.

The choice is yours, Mr. Giles.

- Bloody hell.
- Everyone stand back!

- SAMUEL: I see 'em. Let's go.
- There they are!

They're over here!

He was spotted in Buffalo.

Perhaps he's scuttled another boat?

Detective Samuel, I see
your quarry has escaped.

It's in the Americans'
hands now, regrettably.

Although maybe you have no regrets.

I regret he took my sidearm.

Well, I can't prove that you let him go.

Bloody right you can't.

So, I guess a deal is a deal.


Are you sure it's not broken?

Yes. But it may be bruised
for another few days.

- I'm so sorry.
- Don't be. It's fun.

Besides, Miss Cherry's
right, it's more fun to win.

Oh, dear.

Just keep your hands up in
front of your face, Miss Newsome.

So, we have a new member of the
team joining us today, ladies.

Oh! Mrs. Hart. Welcome to the team.

That's a coat I can't afford.

Have you played before?

I've had the rudiments explained.

Right then ladies, here's the plan.

It's not enough to bat
the ball back and forth

until someone fluffs it.

We need to work the ball
to the front of the net,

get it up high and then hammer it.

- Hammer it?
- Yes.

Hammer it down, like driving a spike in.

They won't know what's hit them.

- Inspector.
- Oh! Of course.

Right, ladies! Let's volleyball!



Parcel for you, from Winnipeg.