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07x16 - Election day (Part 1)

Posted: 10/06/21 06:39
by bunniefuu
Previously on The West Wing:

Santos could take a vacation...

...and just let the press keep
hammering me on this nuclear thing.

Ohio trends Santos!
That's the story of the day.

The voters set the terms
of the elections, not us.

They get to decide what's important,
not us.

If I win California, I win the country.

We need to be prepared
for a court battle.

- You think we're gonna win?
- I do.

The real decision the American people
have to make... who do they want as their
next commander in chief.

- We're tied.
- Holy mother of God, we caught him!

- Yes!
- We caught him!

Scotch, please. Your best.

I need seven glasses.
And I'll keep the bottle.

I'd believe we were in Houston
if I saw more cowboy hats.

- It's rude indoors.
- Maybe it's a stereotype.

- It could be Denver. Could be St. Louis.
- Chicago.

Phoenix, Salt Lake City.

All that time we spent there.

You have to accept the fact that
this is all coming to an end tomorrow.

And a single tear slips slowly
down your cheek.

Or you can get really hammered.

Everybody needs to relax. Except you.
The bartender needs your credit card.

So who's planned
for the rest of their lives?

I want a meal that isn't
Cheetos and a Diet Sprite.

- I want a pedicure.
- I wanna be a White House speechwriter.

- Don't say that out loud.
- Bad karma, man.

- Then Cheetos sounds good.
- I'd settle for more than two hours' sleep.

- Where was the bat loose in the hall?
- That you caught with a pillowcase?

- That one.
- Portland.

A hundred and seventy-five dollars
a bottle?

Next time, get a pitcher
of whatever's on tap.

Next time?

The congressman will be
wrapping up in L.A.

Who wants to stay sober long enough
to get the report from Bram?

Thanks for volunteering, Edie.

- Think I'm gonna call it a night.
- So early?

God created few nights in life
without midnight rallies...

...airplane seats and tracking polls.
I'm gonna enjoy one.

Staff meeting, a.m. Tomorrow.
We'll go over new marching orders then.

- Good night.
- Good night.

You know, I think that's it for me too.

So I'll send out an e-mail
about L.A. later.

- Really?
- Apparently.

- Should you be drinking like that?
- Like what?

You're years old with a shocking
lack of facial hair.

Do you really wanna tell
a grown woman how to drink?

I didn't think so.


You can take the bottle if you want.

Yeah... too.

See you guys in the morning.

- How did I miss that?
- You might've had an easier year of it...

...if you had come onboard.

- Six o'clock tomorrow morning, right?
- Yeah.

Wow, Cindy?

- Did you know that?
- About Ronna and Cindy?

- Any of them.
- Yes.

- Which one?
- All of them.

Did you ever come onboard?


Never had a campaign fling?


Do you want another drink?


- It's a.m.
- Yeah.

- Did you get any sleep?
- A little. You?


- You don't have to leave.
- I know.

- I mean, you don't have to sneak out.
- I wasn't.

I didn't wanna make this awkward,
but I just did.

I was just checking the news sites.

- And the sweater?
- For warmth.

Why don't I go get us some coffee?

- How are you feeling?
- I really wanna win this thing.

- Coffee would be great. Cream and...
- Three sugars.

I already checked AP. Nothing new.
You should take a look at Reuters.

Scotch, Otto, exercise.
You should rehydrate.

I was hoping to escape you
for a little while.

Well, the front-desk clerk
gave you up.

He say, "Lou's on the treadmill,
go seek her out"?

He said he opened the gym for a lady
with liquor breath and crazy eyes.

- What do you got there?
- Vinick made a crack last night...

...about the congressman's lack
of foreign-policy experience.

Well, it's hard to effectively fire back
at him on Election Day.

Only two and a half hours
before the polls open in the East.


"Thank you all for joining me in Houston
on this historic evening.

Tonight, I'm both honored
and humbled by the certitude..."

Hey, no one actually
uses the word "certitude."

Not really. You couldn't sleep either?

Final pass at the victory
and concession speeches.

It was either this or a solitaire
tournament with the Advance guys.


- Hey.
- Hey.

- Welcome to the club.
- No one can sleep.

- Evidently.
- You see Reuters?

Vinick said the congressman couldn't
handle the Kazakhstan crisis last night.

Well, a response won't
do much good now...

...but we've got Bartlet cabinet members
doing satellite spin.

They can mention our guy's
military experience.

- All right, great.
- Would you check on this for me?


Tell me you found my pantyhose.

Thank you.

- This is it.
- It's less glamorous than I imagined.

We sold the leather couches
for our last media buy.

Funny man. Pretty witty.

Makes me want to...

- I should check the fax.
- I already did.

You got nothing better to do
at in the morning?

Apparently not.

- Jane Braun, Carrie...?
- Marino.

- Hi.
- Nice to meet you.

- Senator hit Santos on Kazakhstan.
- Yeah, I saw.

- It may be too little, too late.
- Well, it was worth a shot.

- When's he landing?
- An hour and a half at LAX...

...then up to Santa Paula to vote.
- Yeah.


- Oh, it's... left.
- Oh, second door on your left.

Thank you.

- She's cute.
- Yeah.

- Little young.
- Yale grad.

Almost grad.

- Couldn't sleep.
- Oh, sure.

God, I hate the waiting.

- Say something.
- Nothing to say.

Someone should tell me
to change my shirt...

...or not to change the health-care
section of the speech...

...or where we're going next.
- We're going to vote and then home.

- The stump speech?
- Delivered for the last time.

- And we're not running late?
- Right on time.


- Hey, you look great.
- I changed.

- Yeah, I noticed.
- Thanks.

- Teddy's got the w*r room running?
- Yeah.

I didn't want to be wearing
the same clothes as last night.

How's our Get Out the Vote
effort looking?

Great, I hope.
You don't have to worry.

A lot of people are gonna be doing
the walk of shame today.

Not that what we did was shameful.
Or is shameful. That's not what I meant.

- So...
- Here's everything we talked about.

, volunteers nationwide...

...knocking on doors,
escorting voters to the polls.

- Where are the surrogates?
- We've got surrogates doing news... Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania
and California.

- Russell?
- He's in Colorado today...

...but he's available for satellites.

Griffith, Atkins and Baker are available
to fly wherever we need them...

...depending on the polls.
- Hispanic vote?

Radio spots targeting largely Hispanic
counties in California and Florida.

The congressman will hit Texas today
with some drive-time radio.

- Right.
- We got it completely handled, Josh.

- Here you go.
- Thank you.

- Really?
- Really.

This is it. The wait begins.

Well, it's about time
for you to do your thing.

- My thing?
- Thank the troops.

You did realize you were gonna
have to do that.

Right, right. Hey, everyone.
Gather round.

I didn't know most of you
before last January, and...

Wow, it's been a long months.

I hope you've all learned a lot. I know
that I learned a few things from you.

For instance, I didn't know
that I would need to explain...

...that we don't do shout-outs
during radio interviews.

And we don't encourage college buddies
to hurl expletives at our opponent.

Who was responsible for that thing
in Dubuque, anyway? Who was it?

- Dave.
- Dave. Dave, Dave. Take a bow.

You fired him.

Well, wherever you are,
thanks for the lesson.

It's a special day.

A high point in your young,
impressionable lives.

So go, take a few minutes to enjoy it.

And then call your family and friends.
Make sure they voted.

Ask about the lines at their precincts
so we know if Get Out the Vote works.

They can report any harassment,
anything weird.

Or if it's snowing, whatever.
They can tell you that.

I'm serious. Call them.

- Good group.
- Yeah.

You might wanna work the phrase
"thank you" in there.

- Thank you. Appreciate it.
- Okey-dokey.

Polls open in five, four, three...

...two, one.

Senator Arnold Vinick's campaign made
its final stop of the election season...

... here in Santa Paula, California.

Senator Vinick returns to his hometown
with a different goal...

Come in.

- Breakfast.
- Are we going steady?

- You called me.
- The speeches.

You approved them.
One if we win, one if we lose.

- We might need another one.
- Isn't it black and white?

We placed a lot of emphasis on
him being the first Hispanic candidate.

We need one in case he doesn't
sweep the Hispanic vote.

- Okay.
- You know, be prepared.


Are you waiting for a hug or something?

- Isn't going to go down without a fight.

Thank you.

California, Nevada, Washington, Idaho.
Polls are now open everywhere.

Alaska and Hawaii aren't open yet.

Two states on which the outcome
of the race so often depends.

Like Idaho was ever the linchpin.

Senator's voting, then meeting
his daughter for breakfast.

- Anybody ready to order lunch?
- The sun came up an hour ago.

I'm starving.
The Hispanic turnout in Florida?

Swenson's been out all morning.
We got , volunteers... Jacksonville, Orlando
and Miami.

- And Get Out the Vote is...?
- What's this? He's just voting now?

- We now go live to Houston.
- It's a.m. In Texas.

He missed morning coverage
in the East.

Yeah, but he cut into our
California coverage perfectly.

After hosting a rally in Los Angeles...

- They'll switch from Vinick to Santos.
- Lou's a genius.

How was last night?

He changed the health-care
portion of the stump again...

...but otherwise, , screaming
devotees. Kind of cult-like.

How is he today?

- He's relaxed.
- You're kidding?

No, it's kind of weird, calm.

We're heading back to the house.

- How long to the first exit polls?
- Couple of hours.

I can 't tell you how badly
I need a shower.

Four rallies in four states,
four buses, three flights.

- You can probably smell me...
- Hold on.

Boston! We need turnout in Boston,
huge turnout.

Vinick will win
western Massachusetts.

He's gonna take Cape Cod.
Need to up the score in Boston.

- Yeah.
- It's raining.

Yeah, well,
she beat you to the punch.

Though we were already monitoring
road conditions and traffic patterns.

The Massachusetts field ops called,
said they are distributing umbrellas... volunteers can escort voters
from cars to polling places.

- Should we do some additional...
- Drive-time?

Scheduled for : .

The National Weather Service said
there's a high-pressure system coming.

It should stop the rain by : .

Good news is, showers should linger
over the Berkshires...

...slowing down any Vinick supporters
still getting to the polls.

We're getting new weather models
every half hour.

- You wanna see them?
- No, we're fine. Don't need it.

Josh, we are completely
and totally under control.

We've been planning this
for five months.

You know what?
I was in the elevator today.

I was talking to a man who didn't
even know it was Election Day.

Jeremy, ride the elevator
for a few hours.

Anyone from Houston,
remind them to vote.

I was thinking,
we should do an additional speech.

- One in the event...
- Hispanic vote draft. Wanna take a look?

- The popular vote is different from
the Electoral College vote. Another if...

I got you. You want two speeches.

One if we win the electoral and lose
the popular and the vice versa. Yeah?

- Yeah. Two more?
- Two more. Do two. You're right.

- Hey.
- Hey.

- I'm sorry, what's your name?
- Drew.

What are you doing right now?

Bram asked me to make sure everything's
going smoothly for the party tonight.

- They're about to do sound checks.
- Cool.

You mind if I come along with you?


If you're heading toward my office,
you should rethink that.

- Job offers.
- Talk to me about the election.

- No word yet on the exit polls.
- Fine.

Margaret's been setting up meetings
with employers.

I took it upon myself to do research.

She's supposed to schedule
them in January.

CEOs are busy. They schedule
January meetings in November.

Board of Directors
at Johnson & Johnson...

...Lockheed Martin, Boeing, SBC.

President of Human Resources at GE.

Kennedy School needs a new dean.
Everyone wants you.

- Is today the day for this?
- One has offices in Prague...

...but you have to be fluent in Czech.
Another, a company jet.

Not Air Force One, but not bad.

A lot have stock options,
something you should look into.

Suckers could be worth
something someday.

Three thousand people
have been invited.

Thirty thousand are gonna try to make it
through the door.

Well, security is setting up
overflow areas outside.

Is that The Foo Fighters?

- Foo Fighters.
- Yeah.

Well, it's not "The" Foo Fighters.

Yeah, that is them.

We've actually got nine performers
doing sets from to midnight, so...

I love Foo Fighters.

These guys voted, right?

- Josh Lyman.
- Where are you?

I'm in the Grand Ballroom, supervising.

I've been looking for you.

Yeah, I didn't know
if you needed some space or...

We just got the first round
of exit polls.

- What?
- The exit polls. They're here.

- Where are the kids?
- School. It's a Tuesday.

Kind of a big day.

They'll be home by .

What do I do here all day?

- You could sleep.
- No, I don't think so.

Come on.

I don't think I can close my eyes.

Then we'll find something else to do.

- What do we got?
- I got you something.

- A gift?
- Whatever.

Markers. Blue markers.

Check it out. See for yourself.

Fill it?

North Carolina, we're up by one.

- Up by two in Georgia.
- Georgia?

Look at Louisiana and Virginia.
All over the South we are in it.

The military vote is going for Santos.

All the Republican-value voters
are staying home.

We're only up by six in Massachusetts.
Isn't that low?

It's raining.

Ahead by points in New York,
seven in New Jersey.

- Even in Texas.
- It's still early.

We're playing in the South?

And Maryland, Vermont,
Connecticut, Delaware.

We can put most of the Northeast
in our pocket.

Cautious optimism.

Your face is frozen in an odd way.


Not entirely.

I think my head's gonna explode.

Maybe we should take a walk
or something.

Try to de-stress a little before
the next numbers come out.

You wanna take a walk...

...or something?

You want some water?

You have a bottle over there?

- Tap water.
- No, thanks.

But thank you.

Mind if I turn on the TV?
See if there's news?


At least I didn't bring my BlackBerry
to bed.

Could be worse.

Less romantic, I mean.

Got it.

President Bartlet and his wife went
home to Manchester, New Hampshire...

... last night and visited their local
polling place this morning.

- This may sound silly...
- No, what?

I'm worried about the law
in Minnesota, prohibiting media...

...and pollsters within feet
of polling places.

That's certainly less romantic.

I was looking at the county
data earlier. In Dakota County...

...Republicans have a percent edge
in voters...

...but exit polls show us leading.

I wonder if the law's affecting the
accuracy of numbers.

Am I just being paranoid?
I'm just being paranoid. Forget it.

- Hello?
- Hey...

...can you pull all the numbers
coming out of Minnesota?



- Hello?
- Hello?

- Hang on.
- Do you have Donna?

- What?
- Do you have Donna?

- Have her?
- Do you know where she is?


- Is Josh in there?
- Yeah.

Can you tell Donna, Lou needs her
to do some spin on MSNBC.

And I have Minnesota
numbers for you.

Up one in South Carolina,
two in Tennessee.

Ahead in Alabama, Arkansas and
Mississippi, only up by one in California.

We gotta keep him moving. San Diego,
Dana Point, Newport Beach, Los Angeles.

- We need to schedule drive time.
- While he's traveling. Annie?

- Yeah.
- These Minnesota numbers are off.

We should have more of an edge.

Dakota County has Santos
leading by eight points.

The youth vote is up, mostly Democratic.
It's throwing off our numbers.

That should taper off
as working people vote.

- I shouldn't worry, right?
- You shouldn't.

Superstitious. One of my Election Day
good-luck routines.

- One of?
- You met Carrie already.

Senator Arnold Vinick campaigned
through his home state this afternoon...

... hosting events along the coast
of Southern California...

Where else has he been today?

Rally in San Diego and Dana Point.

- What did his public schedule say?
- Voting in Santa Paula.

- We should have him in California.
- Little late.

Hundred and fifty thousand square miles
in California, million voters.

We can't plant him in a mall
and hope he reaches the undecideds.

- That's what Vinick's doing.
- Donna's doing spin...

...and the congressman will hit L.A.
With some drive-time radio.

Leo have an impact in Akron?

I heard , voters didn't budge
when the skies opened and dumped...

...buckets of water down on them.
- It's fine, we'll reach those undecideds.

Oh, well, I think...

...we already have.

New exit polls are in.


...South Carolina? Are you kidding?

Thanks, Edie. Yeah, I'll let him know.

- So?
- We're up four in Colorado...

...five in Connecticut, three in Illinois,
seven in Maryland.

- Pennsylvania, Michigan?
- Both by two.

And we moved ahead in California.

You wanna tell him or should I?

He's asleep.



Should we wake him up?

No. The kids will be here any minute.
Let him sleep.

- Down by three in South Carolina.
- That can't be right.

Down by two in California.

Are you watching this?

We're ahead in North Carolina
and South Carolina.

When 's the last time a Democrat
played in that region?

I'm not even sure I was born yet...

Has everyone seen these numbers
out of Syracuse?

Yeah, the Senator's winning
with percent of the vote.

Well, that should be somewhere
around percent.

Excuse me, electoral votes if the
states were being called right now.

- Including Florida?
- No.

So , if we're being optimistic.

Are we being optimistic?

Vermont turnout's down percent.
New Hampshire. Minnesota...

Something's not right here.

Okay, based on exit polls,
I've got .

With or without Texas?

- Without.
- We could be at ?

Nuclear accident came in handy.

We're encouraged by the strong showing
in the Midwest, John.

Turnout's up six percent
in California alone.

Voters want a change and
they know Arnold Vinick can deliver...

- Someone didn't see the poll.
- They call it "spin" for a reason.

- How's that adolescent part feeling now?
- Happier, thanks.

Did you hear some staffers
talking about what posters...

...they wanna hang at the White House?
- Who was doing that?

A couple of guys with accents
in Advance.

- Minnesota doesn't make sense.
- Don't sweat Dakota County,

As long as we're pounding Vinick in the
fourth and fifth districts, we're golden.

- Hey, stranger.
- What's it been, about eight hours?

I saw your briefing. Apple cider
and "lame duck" jokes? That all you got?

As opposed to watching briefings
on C-SPAN...

...and roaming the halls to gossip.

I try to prevent w*r in East Asia,
too, but...

- I apparently get to look for a job.
- In the Santos administration?

- Exit polls are reading that way.
- Do you wanna stay in Communications?

Not sure I wanna stay
in the government.

- Consulting work is big, I hear.
- I'm feeling sentimental about California.

- California?
- The local political work.

There's something romantic
about it, really.

- Romantic.
- Overseeing a mayoral race... a city that needs
a breath of fresh air.

Sounds nice.

I'm gonna...

- You okay?
- Yeah, fine.

Keep me updated on the exit polls.

That's what I said, listen to this:

"With victory assured in Ohio,
Texas and Pennsylvania...

...Santos should prepare to lend
his image to the history books."

- What is that?
- A blog.

It goes on to call him
our first Latino president.

- They don't say "candidate"?
- President.

They call it in three states,
though the polls don't close for hours.

- Burn in hell.
- They're checking the same data as us.

Posting raw exit poll data without
explanation or analysis, it's irresponsible.

Worse for Vinick,
they're calling him a loser.

Last thing we want, Democrats
thinking they don't need to go to polls...

...because Santos has it in the bag.
- Or Vinick supporters turning out... droves.
- Will you please?

Anybody who's checking out
exit polling on a blog...

...voted first thing this morning
at : a.m.

Not if the nets pick them up
and report it as news.

Do you think someone's
gonna look at...

..."Bernard's Blogland" and mistake it
for network news?

It could affect turnout.

How big do you
think the readership is?

Four years ago, Bartlet won New Mexico
with only votes.

- Call the networks and...
- Don't, don't, don't!

Anybody see these numbers
in New England?

Turnout is down percent
in Vermont!

- Josh.
- How are we up in South Carolina...

...and not get people in Vermont?

We got lines in Ohio, we're sending
port-a-potties to districts down there... that people don't leave,
but the numbers are still low!

We're losing in Maine, a state that
Bartlet won with percent of the vote!

The Latino vote in Florida
isn't turning out...

...but Rhode Island, they're coming out...
- Josh!

- It's Texas. Shouldn't it be warm?
- Not in November.

What are you doing out here?

- I've been appointed.
- To what?

- Make sure you're okay.
- I'm fine.

Make sure your head's
not actually gonna explode.

- These numbers aren't adding up.
- They never do.

You've been working -, -hour days
for the last year.

- Yeah.
- It's here.

There's nothing to do
but let it run its course.

There's nothing left to do, Josh.

In the event that he loses Texas
but wins the election...

...we don't wanna get caught
with out pants down.

Let me make sure we have this.

They need one if he wins or loses,
one if he loses the Latino vote... if he wins the electoral vote,
one if he loses the electoral vote...

...and one if he loses his home state.
- Right.

What if two of those things happen?

What if he loses his home state
and Latino vote?

- That too.
- What are we talking about?

- The speeches.
- We should have one in case...

...the race is too close to call.

The polls are about to close.
We should get in.

- Hey.
- Hey.

I sort of walked away
from you before.

- It got weird all of a sudden.
- Yeah.

Was it something about California?

No, California's a lovely state.

- Doesn't mean I have to move there.
- What?

- If it means we would have to end...
- No, I would never want...

- lf you're planning on staying in D. C...
- I'd never ask you to stay.

You spend the night at my house
more often than not.

- Which makes me...?
- A really good date.

I'm not like you. I don't live and die
with the Democratic Party.

I wanna see the next president through
this crisis, whoever he is.

You keep saying,
"The next president, whoever he is."

Yeah, well, the NSC is a nonpartisan...

Did you vote for Vinick?

You voted for Arnold Vinick?

He hasn't stopped looking
at those numbers.

- Hope springs eternal. Maybe you...
- Yeah.

East Coast polls are closing
in a few minutes.

In South Carolina,
Santos is up by four.

The African-American population
has been oversampled.

They're percent of the interviews
and only percent of the voters.

- Bruno...
- In Pennsylvania...

...women are oversampled.
It's wrong.

We're losing North Dakota, a state that's
gone Republican for the last years.

- Doesn't give a moment's pause?
- What are you gonna do?

Minnesota, fifth district, the most
Democratic district in the state.

Bartlet won it with percent
four years ago.

Santos is only pulling in percent.
This isn't over.

- We could be winning...
- You've done a hell of a job.

The nuclear thing, there's no way
you could have anticipated that.

In a few seconds,
six states will close their polls.

Once all the precincts
in those states are closed...

... we'll be able to start bringing you
the results of this election.

It has been a long
and formidable campaign...

... and it's coming to a close.

We will get you all the information
you need to know as quickly as possible.

Right now, we can project
that Senator Arnold Vinick...

... will carry Indiana
and its electoral votes...

... and Kentucky
and its eight electoral votes.

What about Georgia or Vermont
or South Carolina or Virginia?

- We get none?
- Be patient.

Set up a line to the DNC Headquarters.
Want a tally of the Congressional races.

I wanna hear about Velasquez.

Leo's gonna sleep through
the whole thing. I gotta get him.

What can I say? Nerves of steel.

Gotta get him cleaned up for the party.
He's been threatening to wear his robe.

Nothing says victory
like threadbare flannel.

Hispanics are favored
in six congressional races in Texas...

...and Rhode Island is on its way to
electing its first Hispanic congressman.

Something's happening.

We are getting word
of a new development.

West Virginia is a state
that Democrats had hoped to carry.

We are projecting that this state
and its five electoral votes...

... will go to Senator Arnold Vinick.

- Hey.
- Hey, you.

- I slept.
- You did.

- And lost West Virginia, apparently.
- And Kentucky and Indiana.

- I'm a loser.
- Oh, to nothing, baby.

But you can still rebound. I have faith.

- Where are you?
- What?

In your head, where did you go?

I'm just thinking about
what I'm gonna do tomorrow.

We'll take the kids to school
and then go for breakfast.

Bacon and pancakes.
The backyard needs raking.

If we look closer at a few of these
key states, New Jersey, for instance...

... could end up being
a disappointment for Vinick...

... if it does indeed swing
toward the Democrats.

Santos has been polling here well
in the last couple of weeks...

... although the Vinick camp clung
to the idea that the security factor...

... could play well to voters
in New Jersey.

I'm sure a lot of people are asking
why we still have not...

You wanna take those
job offers home?

No, thanks.

- Maybe tomorrow.
- Maybe after Christmas.

- Maybe next week.
- Why are we still talking?

- Honestly?
- Yeah.

You're a savvy woman...

...who could easily consider world
domination as a next career move.

And I'd like to continue working
with you, if that's a possibility.


You can pack up some of these
for me to take home tonight.

Thank you.

On that note, it is exactly : p.m.
On the East Coast.

We are ready to project now
that Congressman Matthew Santos...

... will carry the state of Pennsylvania.

- Unbelievable!
- We did it!

- I can't believe it.
- Twenty-one electoral votes.

- Hey.
- I talked to my mother today.

She watches CNN,
talks to all her friends...

...and reports to me each of
their predictions with equal weight.

All the time, money and energy
we spent trying to shake things up...

...what if the electoral map looks
like we thought three months ago?

Florida and Ohio go to Vinick.

We take New York, Illinois,
Michigan and Pennsylvania.

- And it all comes down to California.
- The fly-over states and the East Coast.

It happens during every campaign.
You had to make the tough choices.

Something wrong with these numbers.

Vermont, voters swear that
they'd vote for a Latino president...

...but the state is splitting - ,
Santos and Vinick.

We ran a Latino Democrat against
a tax-cutting, moderate Republican...

Maine has been trending
towards Santos all day...

...but voters are listing security
and taxes as the major issues.

What are they lying about?
What they care about...

...or who they're voting for?
We're even playing in Louisiana.

Teddy and Lou are through the roof.
But look at the exit polls.

The data is skewed towards
women and African-Americans.

The white men cast their votes
after work.

What happens then?
We don't have this wrapped up.

What is the overall sensation
here tonight?

That it's going to be very close.
The election will be a very close one.

The campaigns have
been planning for it.

We have been planning for it.

It could be a very long night for
Matt Santos and Arnold Vinick.

Congratulations, sir. South Carolina's
just been called for you.

He's gonna wanna be up for this.
Mind letting me in?





Leo! Somebody help me!

- Call !
- He's down, let's go!

He's down! He's down!

Requesting ambulance
at service entrance, northeast side.