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04x07 - And the Disenchanted Forest

Posted: 10/04/21 05:40
by bunniefuu

What do you mean he's gone?

Flynn has left The Library.

- But he's coming back, right?
- No.

He always comes back.

I mean, he leaves,
he makes everybody crazy,

- but then he comes back.
- Not this time.

What makes you so sure?

Because he's never resigned before.

You don't think he's off
with Nicole, do you?

- Why would you say that?
- Sorry.

He's not off with Nicole,
he's off because of Nicole.

Because what The Library did to her,

because The Library lied to him.

Or because of something
Darrington Dare said to him.

He told Flynn that there could
only be one Librarian at a time.

He said if there were
ever any more than one,

eventually they would all
try and k*ll one another.

He said it happened once before
and it led to the Dark Ages.

And if we continue with
more than one Librarian,

at some point we'll meet
an equally horrible fate.

He did the only noble thing.

He's not about to ask
one of us to quit,

- so he lead by example.
- Which means what?

That of the three of us left...

two more need to resign.

I mean, now that I
don't have the tumor

and the threat of death
hanging over my head,

I have... wondered what a normal life

outside The Library might be like.

And I always thought
that I'd fall in love,

maybe settle down.

I mean, staying here,
that would be giving that up.

Guys, it's gonna be all right.

You two should just quit

and I should be the
one true Librarian.

It just makes sense.

- No!
- Are you kidding me?


Why are you yelling?

- Jenkins, are you okay?

I don't think I've ever
seen you sick before.

Mm, that's because I've
never been sick before.

How do you mortal...

us mortals deal with being... mortal?


One has to sleep and eat.

What's the deal with poop?

It's too much.

Uh, maybe you should just quit, too.

I mean, Baird and I can
handle the Library stuff.

- It's fine.
- Nobody's putting you in charge, Jones.

- If anybody stays...
- What?

I guess it's got to be me.

Why wouldn't it be me?

When it comes to magical knowledge,

I'm as close to Jenkins as...

I am The Librarian! I will miss you!

No one is quitting the Library.

What about Flynn?

Flynn was wrong, okay?

The Library invited each of you.

And as far as I know, The Library has
not rescinded any of those invitations!

That doesn't bother you?

That Flynn's gone?

Even a little bit?

We need to stick together.

We need to get back to work.

We need to get back to who we are.

Just dig in here... and get going.

Salvation through action.

Oh, ho, ho!

And I think I found exactly
what we're looking for.

♪ Summer camp is tons of fun ♪

Team building camp?

Robbie Bender's Team Building Camp.

♪ So shout out, cheer, summer's here ♪

"World's most successful corporate
team building consultant.

From Silicon Valley entrepreneurs

to professional sports teams,

Robbie Bender has taught every kind
of team how to meet the challenge

of being a winning organization."

- Yeah!
- Oh, I hate camp.

In fact, I'm gonna just try
and meet the challenge

this weekend of getting as
much sleep as possible.

Starting now.

The Clipping Book
didn't give us one clue

of why it's sending us here?

Maybe it's karma. Maybe it
could sense that we needed it.

No, the book doesn't work like that.

Something must be going on
for it to send us there.

And while we're there, we're
not just going to investigate,

we're gonna participate.

It's time our team

to be a team again!

I love camp. I've never been.

You love it, you never been?

Summer camp is tons of fun ♪

What? What?

♪ Get ready for lots of sun ♪

- I am gonna love camp!
- ♪ Summer's here ♪

♪ And camp's the best
part of the year ♪

♪ Summer camp is tons of fun ♪

♪ Get ready for lots of sun ♪

♪ So shout out, cheer, summer's here ♪

♪ Camp's the best part of the year ♪

I thought people were
sent to places like this

when they've done something wrong.

The Libris Corporation, am I right?

- Yes!

Thanks for squeezing
us in last-minute.

You guys got lucky.

The Barriston Industries
group had to cancel.

Hostile takeover.

Should have come to
us sooner. (CHUCKLES)

Like an old familiar song

or a nostalgic memory,

being at camp reignites
a special part of us.

Over the course of this weekend,

we will have a number
of inter-team contests

to see who it is who is best at
adopting the B.T.T. principles.

I'm Robbie Bender,

this is my transformational system

of personality unity.

Welcome to Camp!

- Whoo!

Please. Thank you.

Everything you do here
at camp will be designed

to strengthen your abilities
to work together.

First team to reach their cabin wins!

Doesn't say where our cabin is.

You have been given your assignments,

but only if you can work together.

I usually like to start at the back

and work my way up.

It's a game!

Bring it in, bring it in,
we got this, we got this.

- What to do? What to do?
- It's in that weird syntax.

"You've been given your
assignments." That means something.

Given. What have we been given?

- The brochures?
- Start from the back.

Read the back, read the back...

Let me see yours.
Yes, that's it. Look at this.

This word right here, okay?
In the small print.

Mine says, "By being energized."

His says... what does yours say, man?

His says, "By being unwavering."

- "Loyal."
- Mine's "bold."

Energized, unwavering, loyal, bold.

First letters E-U-L-B.

Guys, shouldn't we be looking for,
like, an artifact or a mystery?

- B-L-U-E.
- Blue, blue, blue, blue, blue!

- Blue! It's the blue cabin!





Winning is a result.

Team building is a process.

I always like to say that the most
important decision you can make

every day is to be in a good mood.

- Yeah, so did Voltaire.
- Ooh.

Now today, we are celebrating

our six-month anniversary
here at Camp B.T.T.

And because of our
unprecedented record,

% success rate,

we are preparing to expand our campus.

Sally, take it away!

Whoo! Yeah!


Now, a forest is not made
up of individual trees,

it is one organism.

A team.

The root systems of Aspen Groves

are literally interconnected.

That is why we chose this site.

And speaking of our team,

I want to welcome our
staff to the stage!

Come on down, guys!

- Here they are.

Whoo! Yeah!

Now, they will be here to
assist with our program,

to rebuild,

to reshape, to refresh.

Our program begins this evening

after dinner with a
campfire marshmallow roast

at Teepee Hill.

- Yeah!

Whoo! All right! Yeah! Whoo!

Come on.

Long before the white man
stepped foot in these lands,

the local people believed
this forest to be haunted.

They called it "duhubite",

which in Shoshone means "Hell."

Mm, no. It means "black" or "dark."

So upon their arrival,

the first settlers to
step into these woods

were beset... by ghosts!




Really, Cassandra?

WOMAN: Hey, Sally?

I noticed when the Menford
Electric group arrived,

there were eight of them.

Now there's only six.

Yeah, that happens.

Bender calls them the weak links,

says it's good they're gone.

It keeps our success record perfect.

They just disappear?

Well, vanished.

How many times has that happened?

Okay, you didn't hear this from me,

but at least a dozen
since I've been here.

Really is pretty weird.

No one even sees them leave.

Just... gone.


I think I know why the
Clipping Book sent us here.


is the first test of your
team's cohesiveness.

Remember, like Robbie Bender said,

it's not about winning,
it's about the process.

It's about getting back to that...

Old-timey feeling.


Commitment... to each other.

Are you sure you're talking about us?

Guys, we got this, okay?

On three, "Libris." One,
two, three, Libris!

- Libris!
- Libris.

Okay, on three. Jones?

All right, it's okay!

It's okay, we got this. Let's go!


Ah! I really hate that whistle!

The team that goes fastest

is the team that can work together

with the best coordination.

All right, I should be in back.
Stone, you get in front.

ROBBIE: Remember, this
event will reward the team

that can act as one organism.

That can feed off one hive mind.

No me-firsters need apply!

Get ready.

One organism.

- Hive mind.
- Okay.

ROBBIE: Get set, go!


Left foot, huh! Right foot, huh!

One, two, three, four...

Come on, guys pick it up!

I feel like a caterpillar!

On a triple macchiato!

BAIRD: Come on, guys! Two, push!

Push! One, two...

Did she just say, "mush?"

Together! Follow me!

That's right.

- Go!

...three, four! One, two, three four.

One, two...

- No, no, no, no!
- Yeah!


- No.
- Way to go, team.


You guys!

Don't you even care about winning?

I thought it wasn't about winning.

It's not, it's about caring.

Are we forgetting that we're
supposed to be solving a mystery?

I mean, everyone here is
turning into teenagers.

When did I become the adult?

You're right.

It's elective time,

and I'm gonna go find out what's up...

with the Helmridge Group.

Hey. That was the counselor that was
talking about the disappearing people.

- I'll see what I can find out.
- No, no, no, I got it.

Arts and creativity, language arts.

Guys, hello?

Which means you and I
have elective time!

So the idea that creativity
flows from the individual ego

is challenged by group
creations of Sanskrit poets,

African tribal art.

But in the modern world,

often team members won't contribute

because of...



The ability to relax in
stressful a situation

is key to unleashing creativity.

Often, to relax, I think of a poem.

A lullaby.

"Golden slumbers kiss your eyes.

Smiles awake you when you rise.

Sleep, pretty wantons, do not cry..."

"And I will sing a lullaby.

Rock them, rock them, lullaby."

Why, yes.

That's right.

Thomas Dekker?

You're a fan of th century poetry?

Actually, I'm a Beatles fan.

When I found out they used one
of his poems, I looked him up.


Kind of fell in love with his writing.

Made me want to write.

Changed my life.

Love can do that.

It's true.

Love is magical.

Do you believe in magic?

Actually, I do.


'Cause I don't think I'd like
you as much if you didn't.

Are you teaching another class today?

I think I'm gonna go back
to my cabin for a nap.

Maybe I'll see you this afternoon.

I'm not taking a side.

I'm just saying our firm
has represented lawsuits

around deforesting.

You have to have an
environmental impact study done

before you commit to
expanding the camp.

You know what, Duke?

Your team went down minutes ago.

You should've been with them.

Okay, Ezekiel, it's your turn.

Woohoo! You did it! Yes!

Okay, Ezekiel. We got you.

Wasn't that great?

Yeah. Usually when I'm doing that,

there are prized jewels for me
to steal on the other side.

What is the point in all this?

It's fun!

Camp fun! Fun fun.


This is not fun for me. This is work.

And speaking of work, we should
be out there hunting for clues,

and we're not gonna find
any messing around here.

MAN: Hey, where did he go?


Oh, my God, are you all right?

Yeah. Yeah.

What were you doing up there?

You said you were gonna take a nap,

so I thought that I would just, um...

check out the trees.


Me, too.

Would you want to do it together?


- Mm.
- Sounds fun.


Right through there. Looks good.

All right, I want to make sure

we cover this whole area, people.

Don't miss a spot.

Who are these guys?

Military-grade locks?


MAN: Hold it right there...

Colonel Eve Baird.

So, the great Colonel Eve Baird trips

our motion sensor

and now is caught.

Maybe not so great after all.

You've heard of me?

That's all we ever hear about.

"Eve Baird wouldn't
have done it that way.

Eve Baird would have
figured it out by now.

Eve Baird wouldn't have
driven into the swamp."

You know, I'm so sick
of hearing about you!

You guys aren't from a hedge fund.



Agent Tannen, Department
of Statistical Anomalies.

What are you guys doing here?

What are you guys doing here?

That's what we're
trying to figure out.

We know there must be some
kind of magical anomaly

or the Library wouldn't have sent us.

Don't play coy with me, Baird.

You broke into our cabin.

You knew exactly who we are.

Honestly, I didn't.

But now that I do,

let's work together and
try and figure out

why these people keep disappearing.

People are disappearing?

Seriously, you've been
here for three months

and didn't know that
people were disappearing?

Well, yeah, we knew.

You... you just tell us what you know.

That is everything I know!

Our mystery is trying to figure
out what the mystery is.

Oh, you are clever, Baird.

But we're not falling for
your playing dumb ploy.

We're on the same team, Tannen.


Our team is in here.

And your team... is out there.

So, do you make a habit
of following people?

I do when they say
they're gonna take a nap

and sneak off into the woods.


You said you believed in magic.

Is that true or were
you just flirting?

Well, I...

I mean, romance and magic, they
kind of go together, don't they?

I don't know why, but I
feel like I can trust you.

You can.

I'm not a creative
expressions teacher.

Yeah, I kind of figured
that when you mispronounced

your favorite Russian muralist.


I'm not a very good liar.

But I am a good reporter.

At least, I was before I got fired.

What'd you get fired for?

Look, I'm not crazy.

I'm not a conspiracy nut.

I don't believe in UFOs.

But there have been enough incidents
in the last several years

to make a real case for
magic existing in our world

and for people using that magic

for their own personal gains.

So you wrote about it?

I tried.

I was laughed right
out of the newsroom.

I lost my job,

my reputation,

everything I had worked so hard for.

They fired you for
writing about magic?

They fired me because I
wrote about The Library.


I discovered a secret society,
decades, maybe centuries old,

that houses and procures
magical artifacts

called "The Library."

I know how all that sounds.

And you think The Library
is here in the forest?

I uncovered a secret
black ops organization

within the U.S.
government called DOSA.

My sources tell me they work
hand in hand with The Library.

And you think they're at this camp?

I intercepted an
internal communication.

I figure if they're here, maybe
they can lead me to The Library.

If I can prove that
The Library exists,

I would be completely vindicated.

I could show them I'm not a lunatic.

I'm sorry.

I said too much.

I'm so sorry.


Damn splinter.


This is bloody hard.

Don't get frustrated.

Here, have a drink.

Did you hear another camper vanished?

Probably one of those me-firsters.

Did you hear that?

Another one. (YAWNS) Sorry.

I'm just really tired. I
think it's the altitude.

Maybe you should go back to
our cabin and take a nap.

What are you up to?


I just want you to feel better

so we can solve mysteries together.

Right? Go! Go, go, go.

Go, go. Take a nap.

♪ Summer camp is tons of fun ♪

♪ Get ready for lots of sun ♪

- ♪ So shout out, cheer ♪
- Cassandra!

♪ Summer's here ♪

♪ And camp's the best
part of the year ♪

It's not funny!

It's funny. It is very funny.

What the hell is the matter with you?

Does this camp just sap
everybody's maturity or something?

Oh, come on, it's just a prank.

You gave me a sleeping potion.

Just a little minor magic
spell from Dr. Malifici's

little book of little white spells.

What are you doing, Cassandra?

Do you think I like this?

I mean, don't you?
Come on, just a little bit?

No! Why would you think that?

The movies.

Like, camp movies.

I mean, pranks.

Everybody laughs.

This is your problem, Cassandra.

You've never lived in the real world.

You've only experienced
everyday life in fiction.

Your world has been
studying and The Library.

You actually have no idea

what normal people
do or think or like!

Maybe you're right.

Maybe I don't know
what normal life is.

Yeah? Well, maybe you
ought to find out!

- Aah!
- Oh!


What is that?

Can't get this damned splinter.




You guys aren't gonna believe
what I have to tell you!

You're not going to believe
what I have to show you!

- The guys in that cabin...
- This briefcase...

- ...they're DOSA!
- Hey!

You guys are not gonna believe this.

So what do we know?

Well, we know the Clipping
Book sent us here,

but we don't know why.

We know that people are disappearing.

Yanked away mysteriously by a
bunch of vines and branches.

And DOSA knows something

that the Clipping Book didn't tell us.

So these people who are disappearing,

why them?

More importantly,
who is making them disappear?

May I have your attention, please?

Ladies and gentlemen,
thank you so much.

I have an announcement
of another departure

of a weak link.

A camper from the Kellog team,
Duke Kellog, has left us.

Apparently, he felt...
what did he say?

"Suppressed by all the team talk."

Ego, right?

You are so better off without him.

No me-firsters!

I will see you later!

All right!


Duke Kellog?

The initials on the suitcase were D.K.

Who throws their luggage in a pond

before they split for home?

I think we have a suspect.

We need five minutes.

- Ten tops.
- Okay.

- I don't know about this.
- Follow my lead.

Remember, I've seen
"Band Camp" four times.

Good morning, Camp Director Bender!

Not my title, but good morning.

Are you enjoying your
B.T.T. experience?


We have an idea, though,
how you can make it

a little bit more amazing.

Really? Well, I'd ask
you into my office,

but I'm doing a little
reorganizing right now...

Actually, we were hoping you could

come with us to the amphitheater.

Oh, I'm sorry, champ.

I really need to get in there...

You know what? This retreat

it's really changed our lives.

You know, we feel empowered,

more in sync with our team,

in sync with nature.

And we as Libris Corp
would like to give back.


You know what? Maybe I
could spare you a few.

- Great. Come with me.

Thank you, Mr. Jones.

BAIRD: We're looking for anything
we can find on missing campers.

You see, Mr. Bender,

this may be the greatest
team-building exercise of all,

because even during
a solo performance,

the rest of the team
functions as stage managers,

as background musicians,

all working together to fulfill
that one person's vision

until it's their turn.

A talent show?

You're pitching me a talent show?

What is more summer camp than that?

ROBBIE: I thought that
Libris Corp was perhaps

interested in investing
in this beautiful...

We went to talent camp
when we were kids.

- Changed our lives.
- May we?


A lot of correspondence
with elected officials.

Up until a few months ago,

this place was government-owned camp.

A no-go area.

Testimonials, success stories...


Ugh, I can't find anything
on missing people.

- VOICE: Help us. Help us.

Stone? Stone!

- Yeah.
- What's the matter?


It's like you were gone
there for a minute.

Well, you see, I keep hearing some...

might be an inner ear thing.

Or maybe pining over a girl?

- What?
- We don't need any distractions!

We need to focus on the job.

Maybe we are becoming
obsessed with the job

so that we don't have to deal
with our personal lives.

What are you talking about?

I'm talking about maybe we forgot

that we are individuals.

I'm just trying to keep
this thing together.

I'm just looking for
some team commitment.

It doesn't feel like you're
trying to build a team.

It feels like you're...

like... you're trying to fill a void.

What are you talking about?

I'm talking about the
elephant that is...

not in the room.

I took Flynn back every time.

He left again without saying a word.

That's not even about commitment.

That's about common courtesy!

I'm done!

Well, I guess we found
our missing campers.

- Oh, dear God.

Oh, okay. Thank you.

I've really just got to
be somewhere... else.

Anywhere else, really.


You guys start on the files.
I'll catch up.

I got to talk to somebody.

Great work today.


I need to talk to you.

I haven't been completely
honest with you.

Is there somewhere we can
go and talk in private?


So what is it you wanted to tell me?

Listen, I'm sorry.

You opened up to me and...

you told me your secrets.

I figured I scared you off.

No, not the way you think.

What do you mean?

I'm not who you think I am.

And I want to be honest with you.

If you... ow!


What is that?

It's just a damn splinter, but it's...

it's crazy how much it hurts.

- VOICE: Help us. Help us.

- Jake? Jake?
- Help us. Help us.

- Help...
- Jake, what's happening?



Jake! Jake!

You're sure this is
where he was taken?

Yes, it grabbed him right
here and dragged him away.

The dirt is disturbed
around the roots, but

it's hard-packed, like
they've submerged.

We've looked all over this area.
There's no signs of a struggle.

So where did it take him?

JENKINS: The Devil's Forest.

Devil's Forest?

I was doing some cross-referencing

between the Clipping Book back file

and the historical deep dive,

as far back as the Lewis
and Clark expedition.

Seems that there have been
dozens of disappearances

in what was called the "Devil Forest,"

in the words of Meriwether Lewis.

And, interestingly, located
very near where you are now.

So people have been vanishing here

- for over years?
- Or more.

But Bender's only been here for six
months, so he can't be involved.

Unless Bender is an immortal.

And taking souls to
extend his own life.

Immortals? Taking souls?

It's possible.

Purveyors of dark magic have often

exchanged longevity
for human sacrifices.

How is this connected to the forest?

Native Americans believed that
there was a central tree,

a grandfather tree, if you will,

from which all other forests derived.

They believed that if that tree fell,

all the forests of
the world would die.

Bender did mention something

about the inter-connectivity
of the forest.

There are new theories about
fungi living in the soil

and functioning as a brain
for the entire forest.

So the woods around the tree
come to life to protect it

from potential dangers?

And Bender's using it to
take out his enemies.

There he is. There's Bender! Bender!

- Bender!
- You're not going anywhere, Bender!

What'd you do with our friend?

I don't know what
you're talking about.

Someone I care for a great
deal was taken by your forest.

And you're gonna tell
me everything you know.

Am I clear?

Okay, look, in all honestly,

I don't know what's
happening here either.

I'm as freaked out as anybody.

We found Kellog's luggage in the lake!

I was trying to cover up!

What else was I supposed to do?

So you just decided to hide evidence?

Let people's families and coworkers

think they just took off?

Please, I know.

I should have called the
authorities, but said what?

What, there's living trees?

No one would've believed me.

There's something evil
happening in this forest.

It's something unnatural.

No more games, Tannen.

We want to know
everything you know now.

And why would we help you?

Because whatever it is out there

just took one of my people.

What is it?

A map of the Devil's Forest.

It was drawn up by the original
Lewis and Clark expedition.

They reported anomalous activity

to President Thomas Jefferson in .

Convinced that these woods were
a repository for dark magic,

President Theodore Roosevelt
closed off access

to the entire forest.

And let me guess,

Bender bribed some crooked politicians

to open it up for his development.

Well, according to these documents,

the Devil's Forest should
be right here on the map.

But we've searched this entire
area and found nothing.

That's because you're
looking in the wrong place.

These maps,
they're over years old.

It's not a lot of geological
time, but the Earth does age.

Making corrections for soil erosion,

heat expansion of the Earth's crust,

and two centuries of tree growth...

It should be located right here.

Let's roll.

CASSANDRA: Come on, follow us.

We know where he is.

- Stone?
- Is it the origin tree?


- Can you hear us?
- Is he alive?

Stand back!



Do it! Destroy the tree
before it kills us all!

(DEEP VOICE) Do not... cut... down.

- Cut it down!
- Listen, it's saying not to!

- Is that your friend's voice?
- No, but...

It's the tree, pretending. Ignore it!

Cut it down!

- Do not cut...
- Cut it down!

You may have his face,

but you're not Jacob Stone.

(DEEP VOICE) We are the trees.

Give him back to us.

You must listen.

Give him back to us or I
will cut you, I swear!

Baird, watch out!


TREE: Eve Baird.


TREE: Eve... Baird.



It is me. I am with them.

I'm part of the forest.

If you really are Jacob Stone,

say something only he would know.

It is not your fault.


It is not your fault that he left...

that Flynn left.

You've done nothing wrong.

You've got nothing to prove to us.


We are a team.

We will always be.

The trees needed a voice,

so they reached out for ambassadors.

The language of the trees

and of the humans

are very, very far apart.

Until they found you,

a linguist who speaks dialects.

The splinter in your hand.

First contact.

They've been looking for someone
like me for over years.

If this forest dies,

all forests die,

all life dies with it.

They're asking for help.

What do you want us to do?

This is the Zero Seed.

Keep it safe.

If this forest is ever destroyed,

it can be...

reconstituted with this seed.

We will protect it.

Nowhere in the world
would it be safer.

And you must promise
to protect this forest

and... this tree.

When I report back
to General Rockwell,

you can count on Area
status in perpetuity.

So what are you gonna
do with the camp?

I've signed it over to DOSA.

We'll make sure this is
all federally protected.

This time beyond the
reach of politics.

I am sorry.

- About everything.
- Don't be.

We came here to become a team again,

and that's what happened. Thank you.

All right, man.

Before you were taken by the forest,

you were about to tell me something.

I'd rather show you.

It's beautiful.


This is The Library.

The Library is real!

I knew it!


They thought I was insane,

but look!


This place is incredible!


Better than I could've imagined.


If this is The Library, then you...

I'm a Librarian.

Oh, my God.


I can't believe it.


And Cassandra and Ezekiel.

And Baird?

Baird is a Guardian.

She protects us.

She protects this place.


I cannot wait for them to
find out at my old newspaper.

They thought I was crazy,

but they are so gonna eat their words!

Sarina, you can't write
about this place.

You can't tell a soul.

This has to be our secret.

What? Why?

The Library works in the shadows.

The light of day would destroy us.

Why tell me?

Why show me all of this?

'Cause I wanted you to
know you're not crazy.

And I wanted you to know that
this is why I can't be with you.

Because you're a Librarian.

My destiny's here.

Will I ever see you again?

We'll always have The Library.