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03x13 - A Crush of Their Own

Posted: 10/02/21 06:27
by bunniefuu
♪ ♪

Dad, Gemma's leaving.

Wait, I want to meet
the famous Gemma!

Oh, hey. Hi. Hello.

"I like to be kneaded." Good one.

Oh, right. Yeah.

Syd and I are making bread tonight.

Oh, what a great dad.

I'm Gemma. It's "dough"
nice to finally meet you.

You too. I'm Max.

Syd's been talking about you nonstop.

Do you really play in an
orchestra and a rock band?

I used to play in a band
but then I went classical.

You think rock‐and‐roll is crazy?

You should see the
orchestra after‐parties.

Oh, yeah. I always heard

Beethoven was the
first one in the pool.

(both laugh)

Well, I‐I better go.

Great work today, rock star.

Um, it was nice meeting you, Max.

You, too, Gemma.

(door closes)

Dad, you have a crush
on my bass teacher!

What? No.

Okay, maybe a little.

Do you think Gemma
is, I don't know, single?

Not sure, but I'm happy to find out.

No, I could never ask you to do that.

But when you do, don't
say that you're asking for me.

Don't worry. I won't.

"Dough nice to finally
meet you." She's so funny.

Oh, boy, you got it bad.

♪ Do, do, do, do ♪

(theme music playing)

Like father, like daughter,
we don't always agree

But looking at you
is like looking at me

The more things change,
the more they stay the same

Like father, like daughter,
from different times

Taking all the best from
your decade and mine

The more things change

♪ The more they stay the same ♪

♪ Do, do, do‐do, do, do ♪

♪ Do, do ♪

♪ The more they stay the same ♪

♪ ♪

Hey, Noodle.

Hey, possum.

You excited for your
last game of the season?

Even more excited that it's
my last game as a mascot.

I can't wait to break out
of this hot, furry prison.


I can't believe my grandma is not

going to be a possum anymore...

are words not a lot
of kids get to say.

Well, gotta go. Take
a good mental picture

and then it's goodbye forever.

By the way, I'm not
just a print model,

I also do runway.

(doorbell rings)

Hey, Syd, what's going on?

I need your help.

My dad met Gemma

and completely melted
into a love puddle,

and I think she might like him back.

Mr. R's in love?
They grow up so fast.

So I told my dad I'd find
out if Gemma's single,

but I need to ask in a subtle way

so she doesn't know he wants to know.

Oh, what if I find out
whether she has a boyfriend

by asking her what I should get

my boyfriend for his birthday?

But you don't have a boyfriend.

No, but I am in a
long‐term relationship

with my very active imagination.

I don't know.

It's kind of a crazy idea.

(doorbell rings)

But that's Gemma,
so let's go with crazy.

‐Hi, Syd.
‐Hey, Gemma.

‐This is Olive.
‐What's up, Olive?

I was just dropping
by to get Syd's advice

on what b‐day gift to get
to get my boyfriend, Baxter.

We met during a fire drill

and he said the only
thing aflame was his heart.


I mean, what a cute story.

Anyway, we could use
an expert here, Gemma.

Have you ever been in a relationship

and/or are you
currently dating anyone?

I had a boyfriend
when I was living in Italy,

but we broke up when
I moved here last year.

I'm single now.

Yes, that's perfect!

For Baxter.

Yeah, I'll get him
Italian cooking lessons

for his birthday. Thanks, Gemma.

No problem.

Well, I gotta get to Baxter's.

He hates when we're apart this long.

Someone's getting a little clingy.

♪ ♪

Hi, Leo.

Max; the ice cream truck broke down

and they're giving it
all away before it melts.

If we don't take advantage of this,

we don't deserve to be kids.


I wish I could,

but I got to wait for
my science tutor.

Since when do you have a tutor?

Since he's failing science.

I hired a ninth grader to
help him pass his next test.

Miss Reynolds, I'm hurt.

Why wouldn't you
hire me to tutor Max?

Because when you tutored him in math,

you guys spent the whole
lesson trying to spell "tushy"

on the calculator.

(doorbell rings)


that must be her.
Max, will you get that?

(sniffs) I smell something
weird coming from the kitchen.

Must be time to turn the meatloaf.

Hi, Max, I'm Danielle,
your science tutor.

Nice to meet you. This is Leo.

But my friends call me, well, Leo.

Hi, Leo. (door closes)

Is it okay if I set up here?

Oh, and who is this little fella?

It's a laptop.

You're into computers?

I'm a big computer man myself.

What model are you working with?

It's a Danielle original. I
built it from spare parts.

‐You built it yourself?
I even coded a little turtle icon

to do the MC Gavel
dance whenever I turn it on.

I love MC Gavel.

Me too!

Wow, you got some pretty sick moves.

Go on.

Max, mind if I go wash up?

I got a free fruit pop from a
broken‐down ice cream truck.

Who can say no to that?

Yeah, kitchen's over there.

Is it suddenly warm in here?

Oh, I feel like I'm
standing in an oven...

that's in a sauna
that's in the desert.

At least you get to go cool off

with some of that ice cream.

Who needs ice cream?


I'm in love.

Hey, Grandma.

What happened? I thought you
were giving up the possum suit?

Well, I was grabbing coffee
before the game and I tripped

and out of nowhere a
mystery man caught me.

I didn't see his face, though,

because this possum nose
fell and covered my eyes.

It's hard being a single
possum in this city.

So you didn't get his number?

There was no time. I
was late to the game.

What are you going to do?

I'm going to go to that coffee shop

and wait till he comes back.

I just hope I'm the only
possum who's a regular.

Hey, Syd, so how
was your bass lesson?

You have anything to
report? Like, I don't know,

something you found
out about your teacher.

I sure did.


Her cat has two
different colored eyes.

That's it?

Oh, and she's single.


You should totally call
her and ask her out.


What if she says no?
What if I scare her away?

Come on, Dad. I mean,

what would you tell me if I
was the one with a crush?

Swallow your feelings forever
to avoid risking embarrassment?


Be brave.

Okay. All right. You're right.

Gemma, hey. Hey,

it's Max Reynolds.

Yes, Sydney's dad. Uh, anyway,

I was calling

because I was wondering if you're

free tomorrow,

if you want to get coffee with me?

And Syd.

Oh, great. Yeah, will do. 'Kay, bye.

Wait, what happened between
the "with me" and the "and Syd"?

I don't know, I panicked.

I was afraid she was going to say no.

But the important
thing is we have a date.

Yes, we do.

And Syd, I owe you, okay?

If you ever need me to go
on a date with you, I'm there.

Thanks, Dad.

I'll put that in my back pocket

and then throw away the pants.

Gemma's going to be here any minute.

How do I look? Does my
hair make me look short?

Dad, would you calm down?

I'm sorry. I'm just a little nervous.

I mean, it's been a long
time since I've been on a date.

Relax, Dad, you're going to do great.

Just promise you'll stay
with me until I'm comfortable.

And if I can't think of
anything to say, jump in.

Got it.

But let's come up with a code word

so I know when to leave.

How about,

I don't know,



I don't know what I
would do without you.

You'd have a normal one‐on‐one date

that didn't strangely
include your daughter?

Hey, Max, Syd.

Hey, Gemma.

Hi, I got you an
extra special smoothie

because I happen to know the owner.


Well, moi thanks you very much.



How was your day?

That's a good question.
I was just about to ask that.

Well, I had a rehearsal
for our annual fundraiser

at the modern art museum.

Oh, I love that place.

Did you check out
the exhibit on Picasso?

‐I got to go.

No, no. Did I say Picasso?

I meant Van Gogh. And
speaking of Van Gogh, don't.

So, Max, it's super cool
that you own this place.

Smoothies, yum, bikes,
rad, put them together?

(imitates expl*si*n)

(chuckles) Thanks. It's
so nice of you to say that.


Gemma, you were telling me
about your tour in Costa Rica.

Oh, it was awesome,

except for the ziplining.

Too many birds. I hate birds.

No, way. I hate birds.

Would you look at that?

You both hate the
same adorable things.

(both chuckle)

Syd, didn't you say you
had something to do?

Oh, but I haven't finished my‐‐

Oh, got to go, bye.

Boy, when she leaves, she leaves.

Okay, uh, confession,

I wanted to ask you on a real date,

but I chickened out and I
made my daughter come along.

Well, I have a confession too.

When Syd asked if I was single,

I was hoping that meant
you wanted to ask me out.


So if I ask you right now

if you wanted to turn
this into a real date,

you'd say yes?


I'd say absolutely.


you look fancy.

Of course I do.

Today marks day one of my mission

to woo the lovely Danielle.

I'm going to slowly charm
her over these tutoring sessions

until she falls hopelessly in love

with the man of her dreams.

That's me.


Hi, Max. Ready to
get your science on?

-Oh, hey, Leo.
‐M'lady. ‐(door closes)

I'm not here to intrude.

I just came to watch a
shaper of young minds at work.


So, Max,

let's get started with
speed versus velocity.

Before you nourish your brain,

care to nourish your soul

with some warm
chocolate chip cookies?

Thanks, Leo.

I bought them from two
little girls having a bake sale

because I always support
female‐owned businesses.

What do you mean always?

We hit those girls with
water balloons last week.

If you know a faster way
to share water on a hot day.

I'd like to hear it.

So Max,

the formula for speed
is distance over time.

Why don't you see if you can
calculate that first problem?

Where's my manners?
Let me get you a napkin.

I think there's one in here.

Hey, how did this

framed article on
me being the founder

and president of the school
computer club get in here?

Wow, you started a computer club?

That's impressive.


I finally spelled it. "Tushy."

It's one of my many honors.

It's a shame all my awards
are too heavy to carry

at the same time.
I'll bring them over

one at a time for the
next few sessions.

Oh, actually, Miss Reynolds
only hired me through next week

so I can help Max
pass this science test.

Wait! But that's not enough time!

For Max...

to learn.

‐Actually, I'm good,
‐No, you're not.

Am I the only one who
cares about this kid's future?

Okay, I'm done
pretending to do homework.

I've got to know

how things are going
with your dad and Gemma.

Amazing. Ever since
the smoothie date,

they've been seeing
each other all the time.

So when's the wedding?
My May is booked up,

but I have some openings in June.

Come on, Olive, let's not
get ahead of ourselves.

We have to plan the proposal first.

‐(Max whistles) ‐Hey, Dad.

Oh, hey, girls. I
didn't see you there.

‐I was just‐‐ ‐Floating
on a cloud of love?

I'm dying for the deets
on this romance, Mr. R.

So how many total dates
have you and Gemma been on?

Oh, come on, Olive.

Who can count?

Four and a half.

Have you taken any couples pics yet?

Have I?

(chuckles, clears throat)

Max: Here we are getting pizza

and biking on the bridge

and in the park having a picnic.

And when a bird swooped
down on our picnic.

Aw, have you ever
seen a cuter couple?

Not since me and Baxter.

‐Who's Baxter?
‐Don't go there.

So are you two going
out again tonight?

No, we have lives.

We can't see each other every night.

(phone buzzes)

Oh, hey, it's Gemma
asking if I'm free tonight.

Better go change!


I love seeing my dad so happy.

Totally, it's adorable.

He's like a middle schooler.
Does that ever go away?

Max: Girls, help! I
want to look cute,

but not like I'm trying too hard.

Yup. Eighth grade's forever.


you still thinking about Danielle?

What makes you say that?

You spelled her name
in dinosaur erasers.

Well, I was going to spell
her name in flower petals

on your front lawn,

but tulip season
isn't for three months.

Curse you, Mother Nature!

‐I'm sorry, Leo.

I can't believe she's
only tutoring you

for a few more days.

My wooing plan is ruined.

Once you pass that
test, I'm out of time.

But what if I didn't pass the test?

‐Yeah, I'll fail on purpose.

That way, my mom will
have to keep Danielle

and you'll have more time
to be all weird and woo‐y.


I'm probably going to
blow this test anyway,

so I might as well do it for you.

Max, that's the most beautiful thing

you've ever said.

♪ ♪

Hey, Dad.

So, how was your date?

Not so good.


What happened?

Gemma's ex‐boyfriend came to Portland

and they're getting back together.


But that means‐‐


She broke up with me.


How could Gemma dump Mr. R?

I know, I'm so sad.

He's so sad. I'm so
sad to see him so sad.

There's a lot of sad going on.

So what happened?

She got back together
with her ex‐boyfriend.

How could she choose
another guy over my dad?

Have you met my dad?

Many times. He's lovely.

Too bad they only had
four and a half dates.


she never got the full
Max Reynolds experience.

I know.

I'll use my lesson
tomorrow to show her

all the sides of him
that she didn't get to see.

Great! You'll sell her on your dad

and she'll realize he's
the perfect man for her.

Like Baxter is for me.

Oh, girl, you gotta let that go.


I invented a really great guy,

and I can't just
abandon my first love,

even if he doesn't exist.

Yeah, okay, now I hear it.

Hey, how'd the test go?

Bad news.

I passed.

Somehow, Danielle taught me stuff,

even though I tried
my hardest not to learn.

(sighs) I'm so ashamed.

No, don't b*at yourself up.

You did your worst.

Anyway, Danielle is on
her way over to celebrate.

This is your chance
to tell her how you feel.

(sighs) I'm not at all ready,
but I guess I have no choice.

I knew I should have
overnighted that top hat.

(doorbell rings)

Hey, Max, congrats, bud.


‐Hi, Leo.

My mom bought a cake to celebrate

and I'm going to get some

because I like cake.

Uh, Danielle, can I
talk to you for a sec?

Sure. What's up?

Well, first of all,

imagine me with a top hat.



Because I like you.

I know what you're
thinking, you're in ninth grade,

I'm in eighth, you get
out of school at :

and I get out at : .

We're from two different worlds.

But I think we can make it work.

Leo, I'm beyond flattered
and I think you're awesome,

but I barely know you.

How about next year
when you're in high school,

we try hanging out?

Like as friends.

All right,

I guess I can live with that.

Great. I'm going to
go grab some cake.

So, how'd it go?

Well, she was nice about it,
but it's not happening.
Man, this hurts.

I hope romance gets
easier when we grow up.

Who knows?

But in the meantime,

there may be another
tutor in your future.

I'm pretty sure I'm flunking history.

(doorbell rings)

Hey, Gemma.

Hey, Syd. You ready for your lesson?

Sure am.

I'm so glad you called.

I was worried that you
might not want to continue

after what happened
with me and your dad.

Oh, that? It's all good.

Anyway, I heard a
song with a bass riff

that I thought you could teach me.

Cool. Let's hear it.

Max: ♪ I know you got a
cold and it's getting old ♪

So I wrote you this tune to
help you feel better soon, hey

Sorry, didn't mean to play that.

That was a voicemail my
dad left me when I was sick.

That's okay.

It was very sweet.

Yeah. Sweet is just one of
his many wonderful qualities.

But let me get my bass.

Whoops, wouldn't want to break that.

It's my dad's Heart
of Portland award.

The mayor gave it to him

for donating used bikes
to underprivileged kids.

They're not going to, like, come out

and read a poem about him, are they?

He's sweet and generous.

‐Hm. ‐(doorbell rings)

I wonder who that could be.

Hey, Syd.

Just returning this cut‐out

from your dad's
birthday party. You know,

the one everyone signed
saying how much they loved him.

Thanks. That's so unexpected.

Yeah, it took me forever to sign it

because I couldn't decide
what I loved most about him.

I mean, how many great
qualities can one man have?

Apparently quite a few.

What's happening here?


You forgot yourself at my house,

but now you're both home, so bye!

I think your daughter was
trying to get us back together.

Oh, boy.

Gemma, can you
leave us alone to talk?

Syd'll see you at her
next actual lesson.

Sounds good.

‐Bye, Max.

See ya, 'rock star'.

Syd, what's going on?

I'm sorry,

I just wanted Gemma
to get a full picture of you.

Because if she knew you like I do,

she'd never choose anyone else.

Thanks for having my back,
Syd, but you didn't need to do that.

I just hate seeing
you so hurt and upset.

‐I know how much you liked her.
‐I did.

And I'm definitely disappointed, but

I'm going to be okay.

You sure, Dad? You're
not totally heartbroken?

Yes, I'm sure.

In fact, I'm grateful to Gemma.

She helped me realize
that I can still feel

the same kind of sparks
I felt for your mom.

Now, I have hope there's
someone out there for me.


that is extremely mature.


there is a slight difference

between being an adult
and being a middle schooler.

Hey, take a picture of us.

And we're back to middle school.

(camera clicks)

Hey, Syd,

where are you going with
my Heart of Portland award?

I'm putting it back in your room.

You know what?

Maybe it does look better here.

I mean, the Heart of
Portland might as well be

in the heart of the living room.

You want it sitting out so
you can impress future dates

and pretend to be
embarrassed, don't you?

Oh, thank you for believing

that there are dates in my future.

(door opens)

Hey, Grandma, did you
ever find your mystery man?


and it turns out he's
been looking everywhere

for me, too.


Yeah, until I found out why.

He owns an extermination company

and wants me to dance out
front as the store's new mascot.

‐Most embarrassing part

is I asked how much it paid.

I'm so sorry it didn't work out, Mom.

What do you mean? I start next week.

[font color="# ffff"]---oOo---[/font]

♪ Do, do, do‐do, do, do ♪

♪ Do, do ♪

♪ Do, do, do‐do, do, do ♪

♪ Do, do ♪

♪ Do, do, do‐do, do, do ♪

♪ Do, do ♪

♪ Do, do, do‐do, do, do ♪

♪ Do, do ♪

Man: Oh, yeah.