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03x12 - Cool Intentions

Posted: 10/02/21 06:25
by bunniefuu
♪ ♪

okay, mom, I made a list of
emergency numbers for you

for while I am gone.

Syd's doctor, dentist,
orthodontist and allergist.

Remember this time of year,
she gets all... (nasal cough)

dad, would you stop worrying?
We just want you to have fun

at leo's birthday party this weekend.

By the way, it sounds more like...

(snort, nasal exhale)

oh, and don't forget, syd has
homework due on Monday.

Dad, it's not like you haven't
left me with grandma before.

Yeah, but that was before
you became a teenager.

I trust you. I don't trust teenagers.

Oh, and if something breaks, our
handyman don's number is on the list.

Max, I think I can handle it.

I did manage to raise you

and you were no walk in the park.

Oh, and don't let
her walk in the park.


Okay, I'm going. You two have fun

and I'll see you on Monday.

Oh, and one last thing.

Don't let sydney
sit in her sweatpants

all day eating pancakes
and binging tv shows.


So, what do you want to do first?

Get in our sweatpants, eat
pancakes and binge tv shows?

You've never made me prouder.

(theme music playing)

like father, like daughter,
we don't always agree

but looking at you
is like looking at me

the more things change,
the more they stay the same

like father, like daughter,
from different times

taking all the best from
your decade and mine

the more things change

the more they stay the same

♪ do, do, do-do, do, do ♪

♪ do, do ♪

♪ the more they stay the same ♪

♪ ♪

(both chuckling)

oh, man, what a day.

I can't believe you went on
a giant roller coaster with me.

You didn't even scream
at the -foot drop.

I gave teenagers
driving tests for years.

Nothing scares me.

How about a slushy toast
to an awesome weekend?

If I haven't said it lately, you
are the coolest g-ma ever.

You have, but I
never tire of hearing it.

And b-t-dubs, you're
the coolest g-daught.

Oh, it looks like my
slushy is melting.

Oh, I'll get some ice.


huh, the ice maker is stuck.

Maybe it's broken.

No, it just needs to
be pushed harder.

(whirring stops)

now it's broken.

Better call the handyman.

Looks like your dad's list
was a good idea after all.

Let's keep that our little secret.

(phone rings)

oh, what's up, olive?

You are not going to believe this.

Guess what I just got?

The first ever ricky
angelo dance video game.

Ricky angelo has a dance game?

Get out!

I know, right?

My dad got it for me
the second it came out.

The guy can sing, he can dance,

and now he has a video game.

Ricky, not my dad.

Well, why don't you
bring it over and we can

spread out in the girl cave.

Sophia's visiting her cousins

but I could see if emmy can come.

But what about your
dad? You know how he is.

(deep voice): "it's Sunday night.
Don't you have homework, syd?

And love that olive."


(normal voice): Hey,
it's my impression.

Well, we are in luck.

My grandma is in charge this weekend,

and you know how cool
she is. I'll go check with her.


I just left a message
for don, the handyman.

Hopefully, he's on his way.

Grandma, is it okay if
olive and emmy come over?

It's Sunday night. Don't
you have homework?

Don't worry. I'll get it done.

It's just that olive has

the brand new ricky
angelo dance game.

Ricky angelo has a new dance game?

Get out.

Sounds like a yes to me.

I don't know, syd.

But it just came out today.

We'd be like the first girls

in the world to play it. Please?


Okay, but only for an hour,
and then you do your homework.

And it's only because
it's ricky angelo

and I'm a huge fangelo.

Thanks, grandma.

(gasps) wait, does
the clock start now

or when the girls get
here? Never mind.

I'll just start dancing
now to be safe.

Oh, hi, mom.

What happened, max?

I don't know, I guess
something fell off the mantle.

Wait, was that my vase
from ceramics class?

That's the only thing I made
that actually looked like a thing.

That was a vase?

I thought something ugly had melted.

What did I tell you about
playing basketball in the house?

Wait, you think I did it?

It was like this when I came home.

Wow. Not only do you break my vase,

but now you're going to lie about it?

I'm not lying. Why
don't you believe me?

You mean like the time you
said a pack of angry squirrels

ate your report card?

I never said angry.

You know, I've told the
truth a lot of times, too.

Such as?

Well, not to you.

Max, go to your room. You're
grounded for the weekend.

What? No! Me and leo
have tickets tomorrow night

for the opening of
tyrannosaurus island .

Well, you should
have thought about that

before you played basketball
in the house and lied about it.

I wish I had a cool
mom like other kids do.

I am cool.

I just have a family member
who forces me to act uncool.

Now go to your room.

Fine, but I'm innocent. You
can take away my freedom,

but you can't take away my dignity.

Starting now!

(knocking rhythmically)


I'm here to fix an ailing ice maker.

Wait, I was expecting
don, our handyman.

Oh, I'm his wife, donna,
your handy woman.

(chuckles) it's don's turn
to be home with the kids

and my turn to have
sweet, sweet freedom.

So, this must be the patient.

Oh, poor baby. Who did this to you?

Well, don't ask me.

So, you and don are both
handy persons and you're married.

How'd that happen?

Oh, we met at the hardware store

reaching for the exact
same toilet plunger,

and, well, you know
where things go from there.

I sure don't.

So, how's that girl
cave don built for you?

Oh, it's a-mah-zing.

In fact, my granddaughter
and her friends

are playing video games
down there right now.

Hm, on a school night?

I know. I know.

But I only gave them an hour.

Wow. If I give my kids an hour,

pretty soon it's
another, then another.

Then I start yelling
and don starts crying

and there goes valentine's day.

Yeah, that's how it was raising
max, always trying to play me.

But syd and I have a
very special relationship.

She'd never take advantage of me.

Oh, you're a lucky woman.

Those kind of kids are rarer
than a rotary cooling valve,

which I have. Oh, there
I go, bragging again.

-Whoo, yeah!
-Go, emmy!

You're on fire!

I am? Jk, of course I am.

Check it, you've even
outscored ricky angelo.

Video game ricky isn't happy.

Wow, he's even cuter when he's mad.

This is so much fun. You
have the best grandma, syd,

letting us play video
games on a school night.

Yeah, but she did say an
hour and it's way past that.

Maybe we should wrap things up.

I've got homework anyway.

But I'm just about to beat the game.

No one ever beats those games.

-Tv: Winner.
-(fanfare plays)

I did it, I did it! I beat the game!

I knew you would.

(bonus feature chime)

hey look, you've
unlocked a bonus feature.

-What is it?
-It's a code

to an online vip ricky
angelo concert tonight.

A live concert?

-Hi, ricky.
-At midnight.

Bye, ricky.

Why would they do a
vip concert at midnight?

That's when all the hot
artists drop their albums.

Drake, t. Swift.

Our parents will never
let us stay up for that.

-keep going.

What if you told your parents
that you were sleeping over?

Because I needed help
with a school project.

Which is technically true

because ricky's new album is
called the ricky angelo project.

Okay, so we got our folks
covered. But are you sure grandma j

will let us stay up till
midnight on a school night?

Yeah, she's cool,
but nobody's that cool.

Don't worry. I've got this.

I know my grandma and
she can't say no to me.

Hey, miss reynolds.

Max ready for the new
tyrannosaurs island?

You know that guy they
ate at the end of the last one?

He gets coughed up, then eaten again.

Man, what a journey.

Sorry leo, max is gonna have
to miss that artistic achievement,

he's grounded today and tomorrow.

All weekend? What did he do?

He broke my favorite vase.

Wait, you grounded
him for breaking that?

Well, I'm sure it
had emotional value.

And to make matters
worse, he lied to me about it.

Well, can I at least say hi?

Okay, but make it quick.

Max! Leo's here.

Max, I don't believe this.

You got grounded again?
We have movie tickets.

I'm sorry, leo, but
it's not my fault.

Likely story.

Now, instead of running
around with my bff all weekend,

I'll be inside watching detective
shows with my grandma.

Don't get me wrong, I dig the shows,

massaging her feet
I'm not too crazy about.

But I didn't do it,
and not like the times

I said I didn't do it.

This time, I really didn't do it.

Sorry, max, but you do have
an odd relationship with the truth.

Sometimes I wonder if
you two have actually met.

-Hairy burrito.
-Hairy burrito?

Our code word that means
no matter how crazy you sound,

you're telling the truth?

Yup, that's the one.

I'm sorry I doubted you, man.

(sighs) thank you, leo.

Now, if I can only convince my mom.

You can't.

But maybe I can. I
picked up a few things

watching those detective
shows. Finally, all that time

rubbing my grandma's
toesies is paying off.

So how's the patient?

Oh, she's going to pull through.

Luckily, she's a fighter.

By the way, it's been over an hour.

I know, I know. Syd's been down there

way longer than I said she could.

But she's a good kid and
she'll get her homework done.

I was talking about
how long I've been here.

I bill by the hour.


It's just situations
like this can be tricky.

When I was a single mom, I
always had to be the bad guy.

But syd and I have this
awesome relationship

and I don't want to ruin
it by coming down on her.

Oh, I see what's going on here.

I know, I have to decide.

Am I a parent or a friend?

No, I meant you need
a new heat terminal.

I've really gotta let you
get your thoughts out.

I left a part in the truck,

I should be finished
up in half an hour.

Great, and thanks for
letting me bend your ear.

Sometimes you fix toilets,
sometimes you fix lives.

Either way, I sleep like a baby.

Grandma, you are not
going to believe this,

but emmy beat the game and
unlocked the bonus feature.

-That's huge, noodle.
-I know. And get this,

it's a private concert by
none other than ricky angelo.

You're kidding. That's even huger.

-So can we watch it?
-Of course. So when's it on?

Tonight at midnight. Oh,
and the girls are sleeping over.

-Thanks, grandma.
-Whoa, hold on!

Midnight, girls sleeping over?

Syd, you've got school tomorrow.
And what about your homework?

I promise I'll get up early
and do it in the morning.

I don't know, syd.

Are the other girls'
parents all right with this?

-Um, totally.

Yeah, and they're not
nearly as cool as you are.

That is true.

Okay, you can do it.

Thanks, grandma. You're the best.

And the coolest.

Oh, I just got a chill. Later.

Leo, are you sure using what you saw

in detective shows will
change my mom's mind?

Max, every crime scene tells a
story and this one won't shut up.

Leo, what are you doing here?

Max is grounded.
What's all this stuff?

I'm going to prove a man's innocence.

I've recreated
yesterday's crime scene

down to the tiniest detail.

Max, I trust those are the clothes
you were wearing yesterday.

Yep. I fished them out of the hamper.

(sniffs) yes, you did.

Now, miss reynolds,
for the sake of accuracy,

I have placed max's first
grade art project on the mantle.

It's of similar height and
weight to the vase in question.

Did you go in my closet to get that?

Moving on.

Now, let me reconstruct
the day for you.

According to the suspect,

he entered the premises at : p.M.

And discovered the vase broken.

That's because he broke it.

-Are you a detective?
-No. Are you?

I'll be the one asking
the questions, ma'am.

Now, after careful examination...

I was able to lift
this from the floor,

a muddy footprint from
a size seven sneaker,

and what size do you wear, max?

A size seven.

Well done, leo. You
proved he's guilty.

Not so fast. Now, miss reynolds,

you've accused max of
playing basketball in the house,

which means he would
have been dribbling.

Max, show us your dribble.

Notice the elaborate footwork.

If max had been playing basketball,

there would be a lot more footprints.

See, the only thing I'm guilty of

is being awesome at basketball.

Therefore, I submit that
max cannot have possibly

-committed this crime.
-So who did?

Sometimes these
mysteries never get solved.

It's why I can't sleep at night.

That and hearing my
grandma snoring next door.

You know what mystery I can't solve?

Why you ever thought this would work.

Goodbye, leo. Max, go to your room.

Only one hour, minutes

and seconds until ricky time.

-I'm so excited.
-I know.

What do you think
ricky's going to wear?

Maybe his doo-wop
days leather jacket look.

Or maybe his emo leather jacket look.

Or maybe he'll change it
up and wear a leather vest.

Both: Ew.

Yeah, I deserve that.

Hey, girls, hope you're hungry.

They're marshmallow treats,
I call them sticky angelos.

Thanks, grandma.

Yeah, I'm so glad you're in charge.

Our parents always
say no to things like this.

You mean except for tonight, right?


Sydney, what's going on? I
thought you said their parents

were okay with them staying
here to watch the concert?

Well, technically,

I said their parents were
okay with them staying here.

And isn't that the part
we should really focus on?

Syd, what do their parents
think they're doing here?

Well, from what I understand,

helping me with a school project.

Okay, girls. Party is over.

Sydney, go to your room.


You're joking, right?

Nope. Olive, emmy, get your stuff.

I'm calling your
parents to pick you up.

Grandma, I can't believe you're
doing this. This is so embarrassing.

Syd, you lied to me. I
said go to your room.

I thought you were
cool. But you're really not.

Oh, grandma.

-I assume you're coming to apologize.


No, I was going to use the bathroom.

I thought you were
coming to apologize to me.


No, I was heading
to the bathroom too.

Wait, why should I apologize?

You kicked out my friends
and sent me to my room.

Do you have any idea
how humiliating that was?

Sydney, you took
advantage of me all night.

"you're so cool, grandma."
I can't believe I fell for that.

I thought you were cool.

Then all of a sudden you
were this whole different person.

Really? Because I thought

I had this super chill granddaughter

and all of a sudden

you were this scheming
teenager manipulating me.

-I was not.
-No, you did worse.

You looked me in the
face and lied to me.


I just maybe left out some details.

Sydney, if you can't
even see what you did,

I don't see any reason in
continuing this conversation.

I don't either.

I'll use the one downstairs.

No, I will.


hello, miss reynolds.
It's Sunday at five.

I take it max has served his time?

Yeah, but trust me, he'll be back.

Max, leo's here!

Come on, leo, let's go.

Where? It's too late
to see the movie now.

I know. Thanks for
ruining my weekend, mom.

Leo, are you coming?

Max, look, it was the
vibration of the door

that knocked the vase off the mantle.

Okay, who was the last
person to leave through this door

on Friday morning?

Not me. I always go
to school out the back.

Okay, okay. It must have been me.


I was grounded for the whole weekend,

and it was your fault?

Miss reynolds, go to your room.

Or don't.

Leo, will you excuse us?

I need to talk to max.

Of course, there are many
more cases waiting for me to solve

and I better get going.

Crime may never sleep,
but I have a bedtime.

(door opens, closes)

max, I am so sorry.

There aren't enough
sorries to make up for this.

Do you have any idea how bad it feels

when your own mother
won't believe you?

Yes. Don't you think
I want to believe you?

You do?

I hate not being able
to trust what you say.

Well... I guess that's
something I can work on.

Max, how about we
hit the reset button?

Wipe the slate clean.

From now on, you're
innocent until proven guilty,

not the other way around.

Thanks, mom.

-Okay, let's go.

Well, if we leave now and get leo,

we can still catch
tyrannosaurus island .

Seriously, on a school night?

Are we gonna talk or are we gonna go?

We're gonna go.

Again, olive, I'm so sorry my
grandma ruined everything.

I'm so mad, I don't
even want to talk to her.

Oh, no, my grandma is in the kitchen.

Okay, I'm just going to grab a
breakfast bar and leave. Later.

-Hey, syd.

Look at that. And they told
me this ice maker wouldn't last.

But once again, your dad
is smarter than he looks.

Did I just insult myself?

What are you doing home?

I thought you
weren't back till later.

I left a little early.
I missed my girls.

How was leo's birthday?

It was great catching up.

Leo and I even took his son to
a make-your-own pottery place.

Take a look.

Doesn't look like pottery
is in the boy's future.

No, I made it.

Then I love it.

So how was your girls'
weekend? Nothing but fun, I bet.

So much fun, it might
ruin it to talk about it.

I'm so relieved it went well.

You know, the reason I
was nervous leaving you guys

is because I got to thinking
about how I was at your age,

always lying about stuff

and trying to get
around your grandma.

Man, I was awful.

Well, I'm sure you had your reasons.

I thought I did, but I must have hurt

your grandma's
feelings so many times.

But then I realized you're not me.

You and your grandma
have something special.

You'd never play her the way I did.


Where's grandma?

I don't know, I think I
heard her downstairs.

Hey, grandma.

Cleaning up, huh?

Getting ready for the next big party?

Whoo, whoo.

To be honest, syd, I don't
feel like talking to you right now.

Yeah, I guess I
wouldn't talk to me either.

Look, grandma. I'm
really sorry. I messed up.

You were right, I was acting
like a selfish, bratty teenager.

I feel terrible.

I appreciate your apology, noodle.

I'm so lucky to have you in my life,

and I promise I'll never try to
take advantage of you again.

-Yes, you will.
-Say what now?

You're getting older. You're
supposed to push boundaries

and I'm supposed to push back.

But I was too busy
trying to be your friend

when I should have been a parent.

I don't want to lose cool g-ma.

Can't we just pretend
that this didn't happen?

You can't go back in time.

Although your dad thought he could,

but that was just a big box with
a lot of wires coming out of it.

So, does this mean that
everything's going to have

to change between us?

Of course not. But sometimes
you're going to push me

and I'm going to have
to come down on you.

I can take it.

I just don't want to
lose what we have.

Well, on the plus side,

we've just had our very
first fight and we're okay.

-Love you, g-ma.
-Love you, g-daught.

Now, I hate to sound
like a typical parent,

but, uh, don't you have
school, young lady?

And I hate to be the typical
teenager, but (scoffs) whatevs.

-So, mom, what do you think?
-Where did you get that thing?

Leo and I took his
son to a pottery place.

Oh, well, at least his son tried.

-No, I made it.
-With your feet?

Well, I think it's, uh...

I'm trying, dad, I really am.

Well, it still deserves
a place of honor.

Oh, I almost forgot. I
made gifts for you, too.

-Lucky us.

I left them out in the
car. I'll go get them.

Oh, no, dad's vase!

Don't worry, it was going to
"accidentally break" anyway.

Man: Oh, yeah.

(drumroll, quack)