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03x08 - The Bat Mitzvah Planner

Posted: 10/02/21 06:18
by bunniefuu
♪ ♪

There's our girl.

Just four days until
your bat mitzvah.

When, according to Jewish tradition,

that girl becomes a woman.

And this woman's gonna have

the baddest party in the
history of bat mitzvahs!

And the good thing is
no pressure on mom.

I'm gonna go lie down.

Love you, Mom. Love you more.

Wait until you see
my bat mitzvah, Mr. R.

It's a ' s themed party,

based on the TV musical Doo Wop Days!

I remember! The
one with Ricky Angelo.

♪ Concrete rain ♪

Dad, please don't sing.

Fine. I'll save it for the party.

Dad... Fine, I'll
save it for the shower.

Seriously? Not even when I'm alone?

It's gonna be a real s sock hop.

The food will be displayed
on spinning vinyl records!

And there's gonna be
an amazing photo wall

with the real backseat
from a ' convertible.

And a ' s car hop
to serve the tunes!

To translate, Grandma
is gonna be Olive's DJ.

So, what do you
think, Bat Mitzvah Girl?

I think we have a new
mayor of Coolsville.

Thank you! Well, if you'll excuse me,

I've gotta go burn rubber.

Outta my way, square.

Hey, guys, what's up?

You know how I hate to give bad news?


That's why I'm gonna
let Sophia give it.


Well, it appears Laura Silver

had her bat mitzvah on Saturday,

and it seems that she might've,

kind of had the exact
same theme as yours.

What? No way it's exactly the same.

She just posted the pictures.

There's a buffet with
spinning vinyl records!

Big deal. So, one thing's the same.

And a photo wall with a real backseat

from a ' convertible.

Okay, two things.

And it's literally called "Doo
Wop Days"! Yeah, that's not good.

♪ Do do do do ♪

(theme music playing)

♪ Like father, like daughter,
we don't always agree ♪

♪ But looking at you
is like looking at me ♪

♪ The more things change,
the more they stay the same ♪

♪ Like father, like daughter,
from different times ♪

♪ Taking all the best from
your decade and mine ♪

♪ The more things change ♪

♪ The more they stay the same ♪

♪ Do do, do do do do, do do ♪

♪ The more they stay the same ♪

♪ ♪

This is a disaster!

I can't have the exact
same party theme as Laura!

Olive, we'll figure out the party.

But remember, there's
also a wonderful ceremony

that is going to be as beautiful

and unique as you.

Mom, if you're not gonna help...

She's all yours, girls.

What am I gonna do?

Don't worry. We'll help you
come up with a new theme.

How about a music festival?

Ali Cohen already did it.

"Cohen chella."

You could do a farm theme!

That was the Zimmerman bar mitzvah.

Right. We all had to
sing "E I E I Owen."

(sighs) This is
literally a nightmare.

I've got it. Olive,

what do you love more
than anything in the world?

You mean other than llamas?

Oh! Llamas!

I love llamas!

I can do a llama themed
bat mitzvah party!

You can call it "A Night in Peru."

Syd, you're a genius!

But, how am I gonna put together
a whole new party in four days?

Don't worry. We'll all help.

Absolutely. We're here for you.

Aw, you guys are the best.

(shouting): Mom!

What is it? I have a
new theme for my party!

Llamas! It's called
"A Night in Peru."


Processing, processing, um...

Well, we'll need to completely
change the centerpieces.

The florist already hates us,
so that shouldn't be a problem.

Emmy and I can go to that party store

and see if they have
any llama balloons.

Great! And Syd, you come
with me and my mom. Deb: Oh.

Olive, you have an
appointment with the rabbi today

to go over your speech, remember?

Right, right. Um, Syd,

why don't you meet me at the temple,

and then we'll hit the bakery

since we have to
completely redesign the cake.

How am I ever gonna
do this in four days?

Olive, save the drama for your llama.

Hey, is that too long for a hashtag?

♪ ♪

You know, Leo? Picking this boom box

as the grand prize was the
smartest thing you've done

since hiring me.

The only difference is this
boom box actually works.

So, have you finally
decided what we're gonna do

for your birthday on Saturday?

I can't decide. Thirteen's a big one.

I'm on my way to
manhood. By next week,

I could have a full beard!

(click) (hip hop music playing)

Both: MC Gavel!

DJ (on radio): That was MC
Turn This Gavel Out.

Remember, tomorrow's
our phone in contest.

The th caller who answers

the MC Gavel trivia
question correctly

will win a chance
for them and a friend

to meet MC Gavel this Saturday

and watch him film
his newest music video!

Saturday? That's my birthday!

What better way to celebrate
than to meet MC Gavel

and make him my best friend?

And who knows more
about MC Gavel than us?

We are so gonna win this.

(hip hop music playing)

Max, what time is it?

Both: It's Gavel time!

♪ Woo! Woo! ♪

♪ ♪

Hey, Olive. I'm at the temple.
Where are you? Call me.

Hello. I'm Rabbi Feller.

Oh, hi! Hey!


Shalom. Boker tov.

Sorry. Shalom's all I got.

I'm Sydney, Olive's BFF.
She's running a little late.

Oh. Well, Sydney,

why don't you come into
my office while we wait?


Wow. Rabbi Feller,
your office is dope!

Oh no. Am I allowed
to say "dope" to a rabbi?

You are when her office is this sick!

So, tell me about you and Olive.
How long have you been friends?

We met in second grade.

I twisted my ankle playing
tag, and she ran over to help.

What year old carries
around a fold up crutch?

Still can't believe Olive's
about to become a woman.

It's a big day.

Do you know what it
means to become a woman

in Jewish tradition?

Oh. Well, it means, uh...

Why don't you go first?

Well, when a girl turns ,

she is welcomed into
the community as an adult.

And as an adult, she is now
accountable for her actions

and responsible for making
the world a better place.

That's awesome.

Yes, it is.

On the day of her bat mitzvah,
Olive will read from the Torah.

Her portion is all
about finding gratitude

in difficult times. Then,
she'll give a speech,

explaining how its
relevant to her own life.

Wow. That's powerful.

Olive hasn't really talked
about the ceremony.

I'm sure she'll be here any minute.

She had a party .

I see.

Unfortunately for some kids,

the party becomes more
important than the ceremony.

They miss out on getting the
true meaning of their special day.

Oh, that's not Olive.

Her bat mitzvah means a lot to her.

A lot.

(phone ringing)

Speaking of Olive...

Hi. Where are you?

Olive (on phone): Syd, I'm
having a really tough time

finding llama themed party stuff.

No, Mom! An alpaca does not count!

Tell the rabbi I'm not
gonna be able to make it,

and that I'm really sorry.

And say "really," like, three times.

But, Olive Gotta go. Bye!

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Syd, I'm so sorry I didn't show

at the temple yesterday.

But guess what? I found yarmulkes

with little llamas on them.



You know, speaking of cool,

I got to hang out with Rabbi Feller.

She told me all about the
meaning of bat mitzvahs.

Yeah, yeah. Lots of meaning.

She also said some kids become
so obsessed with their party

that they forget the ceremony
is the most important part.

Okay, maybe I have been a
little distracted by the party,

but I'll be ready. Don't worry.

I can't help it. I love you,

so I worry. Wow.

Throw on some sensible
shoes and offer me hard candy,

and it's like you're my grandma.

Trust me, Syd. I've
got it under control.


So, the rabbi told me
you're giving a speech.

I can't wait to hear it. I
promise, you'll be the first.

As soon as I write it.

What? You haven't written it yet?

Easy, Bubbie. Remember
your blood pressure.

Besides, I blocked off the
whole afternoon to write it.

DJ Llama Mama in the house!

Whoa, Grandma!

Grandma J, just when
I think you're the best,

you get even bester.

Thanks, O. Plus,

I found the perfect bop to
make sure the party won't stop.

(drops phone) (dance music playing)

♪ Smiley llama, kissy llama,
wiggle, wiggle, boogie llama ♪

♪ Tall llama, short llama ♪

♪ Baby and its mama llama ♪

♪ Llama here, llama there ♪

♪ Llama party everywhere! ♪

(song ends)

Grandma J, you're amazing.

And where'd you get the costume?

At the party shop
next to Lacy's Earrings.

They have an entire llama section.


I need to go there with
my mom, like, right now.

Olive, what about your
speech? I'll get to it. See you later!

Well, I should get out of this
costume. On the way here,

an animal rescue van
started following me.

Here you go, boys.

To keep your minds
sharp for the contest,

I made you some brain food.

Are you crazy? I'm not eating brains!

It's not brains.

It's a peanut butter sandwich

because nuts help
stimulate the brain.

You might wanna take the bigger half.

Hey, it's almost contest
time. Turn it on! Turn it on!

DJ (on radio): Okay, listeners.
If you're our th caller

and answer the MC Gavel
trivia question correct,

you and a friend

will get to meet MC on the
set of his latest music video.

The trivia question is...

what is MC Gavel's real name?

Both: Bernard Tyrell Williams!


Oh no. It's busy.

Leo, keep dialing. I'll
get my mom's cell phone

so we can double our
chances of getting through.

(busy tone)




DJ (on phone): Hello,
caller number !

(muffled): He wo?!

Okay! For a once
in a lifetime chance

to meet MC Gavel,

what is MC's real name?

(muffled): Bernah Tywe Willims!

Excuse me?

(muffled): Bernah Ty

I'm sorry, I can't understand
'Cause it's peanuh bubba!

And time's up.

Looks like we're gonna
have to go to the next caller.

♪ ♪

Whoa, Olive. There are more
llamas in here than in Peru.

Grandma J's place was a gold mine!

They even had llama shaped
glow sticks! Try one on.

Thanks, but I'm still a
little wet from the rain,

and having something
electric on my head

doesn't seem like a good idea.

Oh, it's still raining?

Maybe it's time to activate
my color coded multi phase

party backup plan.

What is it? Move stuff inside.

Look at you all organized.

I bet you have everything
ready for your bat mitzvah.


Syd, are you trying to tell me

I should be working on my speech?

What? No.

Suggest, maybe. Tell, never.

You are literally turning
into my Grandma Molly.

Well, you'll be happy to know,

I already wrote it.

Seriously? Yeah.

You know how my Torah portion
is about gratitude in hard times?

Well, I wrote about how when
Laura stole my party theme,

it was the hardest thing
I've ever had to endure.

And how I'm really
grateful because now,

I'm gonna have an even better party!

Wow. I know.

Pretty deep, huh?

Olive, I'm not sure
changing your party theme

would be considered hard times.

That's because you
haven't gone through it.

I just hope you never
have to feel that kind of pain.

♪ ♪

There he is! The almost birthday boy!

So, how are we gonna
celebrate tomorrow?

We're not. After
blowing that contest,

I don't deserve a birthday.

If it wasn't for my good
looks and dazzling smile,

I couldn't look myself in the mirror.

Leo, it was an accident.
You have to celebrate.

How about you and I go to
the movies, then out for pizza?

Will I be there? Of course.

Then I don't wanna go.

Max, nothing I do will be as special

as hanging out with MC Gavel,

so why even bother?

Then you know what? We're
going down there tomorrow,

and you're gonna meet MC Gavel.

How? I didn't win the contest.

We'll tell them it wasn't your fault.

It was the peanut butter's.

That's the plan?
Blaming peanut butter?

You know, it sounds even smarter
when I hear someone else say it.

Max, this whole plan
seems a little desperate.

Which we are, so I'm in!

♪ ♪

Okay, time for a break.
You guys have been

stuffing llama goody
bags for two hours.

I know because I used
this llama stopwatch.

I can't thank you all enough
for helping with the party favors.

With Olive's bat mitzvah tomorrow

and her dad not back until tonight,

I'm kinda overwhelmed.

I guess her brother's
hockey tournament

was sort of bad timing.

Well, I was praying they
wouldn't make the finals,

but, uh, good for them.

But we did it, Mom. A Night in Peru

is gonna be even better
than Doo Wop Days.

Wow, it's really coming
down. Well, I'm ready for it.

All rainy day backup
plans have been activated.

Bring it on, storm!
(thunder rumbling)

Okay, maybe bring it a little less.

(phone ringing)

Excuse me. Oh, I forgot the drinks.

I'll give you a hand.

Could Olive be more excited?

I know. I'm kvelling.

Olive's grandma says
that when she's happy.

Usually comes with a
cheek pinch. (laughs)

Tomorrow is such a big day for Olive.

I cannot wait to hear her speech.

Yeah. Her speech.

Syd, what's going on?
Well, according to the rabbi,

it's one of the most important
parts of the ceremony.

And I don't mean to sound judgy,

but I think she kinda
missed the meaning.

Well, that's too bad. Did
you talk to her about it?

Tried to, but it's
Olive's bat mitzvah,

and however she chooses
to celebrate is up to her.

So, I plan on just being there
for her and having a great time.

Me, too. So,

at the party, how about a
dance with your old man?

Let's make that a definite maybe.

Mom, is everything
okay? That was the rabbi.

The roads are flooded from the storm,

and it's unsafe to go out, so...

they're gonna have to
cancel the bat mitzvah.


No. No way.

Honey, I am so sorry.


♪ ♪

♪ ♪

How's Olive? Devastated.
And to make matters worse,

her father and
brothers can't fly home.

The airports are all closed. Yeah,
they've locked down the entire city.

Olive, I am so, so sorry.

It's so not fair.

No, it's not. It stinks.

I feel like kicking,
screaming, breaking stuff.

Max, give me something of yours.

Honey, we'll have your bat mitzvah,

and the most awesome
party. I promise.

But when? These things
get booked years in advance.

Well, sweetie, I don't know,
but we'll make it happen.

And I'll be there. And
so will my grandchildren.

Olive, I kinda know how you feel.

For my th birthday, I
planned an amazing party.

But the morning of, Portland
had its biggest snowfall in history.

There was nothing we
could do, so it was canceled,

and I was heartbroken.

But you eventually had it, right?

Well, um, you know...

Does anyone else have a story?

Who could top that
inspirational tale?


Olive, who says you have
to cancel your bat mitzvah?

What are you talking about?

My dad's party was, like,

, years ago in the Dark Ages.

These days, you can
do anything online.

Including a bat mitzvah.

Syd, that's a great idea!

Olive, all we need is you, the rabbi,

and an internet connection.

Please tell me you have good WiFi.

I got the ultra package.
Makes me feel special.

Is that sad?

But what about my llama
party? A Night in Peru?

You want a llama party,
and you're gonna get one.

Totally! DJ Mama Llama in the house!

And I have all the
party stuff out in my car.

I mean, I can make this
place bat mitzvah ready.

All I need is a
ladder, a hot glue g*n,

and people willing
to be micromanaged.

Mrs. Rozalski, send
me your guest list.

I'll make sure everyone
who loves you is there.

I can't believe you guys
would do all this for me.

You bet we would.

You can even wear one of my
party dresses. Any one you want.

Even the silver metallic
one you haven't worn yet?

That one, huh?

Sure. Yes. (laughs)

Okay, people, let's
get to work! (clapping)

Sorry about the clapping.
I didn't bring my whistle.

Come on, Olive. Let's
go try on that dress.

In a little while. I've got
something I need to do.

Deb, I'll go get the
stuff out of your car.

(thunder, wind howling)

(door slams) Whoa!

Maybe I should tie a
rope around my waist first.

♪ ♪

Let me do the talking.
I let my pants do mine.

Hello. May I present Leo Webb,

MC Gavel radio contest winner.

And I'm Max Reynolds,
his best friend.

The contest winners are
already inside. Nice try, fellas.

No, no. You don't understand.

We belong in there.

Lemme guess. You're
MC's biggest fans,

you have all of his
albums, it's your birthday.

I've heard every excuse in the book.

Well, not this one. You see,

Leo was the th caller
and knew the answer.

But, right before they
asked me the question,

I ate a peanut butter sandwich.

So, when the DJ said,
"what's MC Gavel's real name?"

Leo said... (muffled garbling)

(guard laughing)

(laughing louder)

You guys are right. I
haven't heard that one before.

Lemme see what I can do.

Did you hear that? He's
gonna see what he can do!

Man, I haven't been this nervous

since the last time you
said, "I have an idea."

Alright, good news. Both: Yes!

They have room for one more. What?

One? Sorry, guys.
The best I could do.

Well, Leo...

Have a great time.

Me? Why me?

You wanted to meet MC, too.

Yeah, I'd love to meet him,

but it'd make me
even happier for you to.

Happy birthday, man.

Thanks, Max. You're a great friend.

Oh! You know what time it is?

It's Gavel time!

♪ ♪


Rabbi Feller (on computer):
Welcome, everyone.

When Olive told me she
didn't want to postpone

her bat mitzvah, I was surprised,

delighted, and proud.

A lot of kids would've given up,

but she showed strength,

determination, and courage.

Way to go, Olive!

I'm sorry. I just slipped out.

We are now going to
begin the Torah service.

Ready, Olive? Yes.

(singing prayer): Vayachalom...

vehineh sulam...

mutsav artsah...


magiya hashamaymah...

vehiney mal'achey...


olim veyordim...


Rabbi Felder: Yasher koach.

Beautifully done, Olive.


Olive is now going to give a speech

reflecting on her Torah portion.

My Torah portion is called Vayeitzei.

The part that had special
meaning for me was about Leah.

She had huge
disappointments in her life,

but was still able to find
gratitude in the worst of times.

When I first wrote my speech,

I thought the worst of times was
having to change my party theme.

That's because I didn't understand

the true meaning of my bat mitzvah.

When the storm came, it looked
like I wouldn't have one at all.

Then, the people I love came together

and worked so hard

to make sure this
special day happened.

And it taught me
that sometimes in life,

things happen that
are out of our control.

But with the love and support
of your friends and family,

and Mr. R's premium internet package,

you can get through
the toughest of times.

And much like Leah, it fills
me with so much gratitude.

A lot of people are having a
much tougher time than I am

because of the storm.

So, instead of a bat mitzvah present,

I'd like everyone to donate
to our local relief fund.

And please don't tell me
what you were getting me.

I'm not that strong.


I'd like to thank Rabbi Feller

for her guidance and wisdom.

I'd also like to thank my mom,

for putting up with me
these last few months.

And years. (laughs) I love you, Mom.

And you, too, Dad! Olive's
Dad: Love you, pumpkin!

And you, too, bros!

You crushed it, Olive!
Yeah! That didn't stink at all!

(laughs) And finally,

I'd like to thank my
best friend, Sydney.

None of this would've
been possible without you.

Congratulations, Olive.

You are now a bat mitzvah.

Mazel tov!

All: Mazel tov! (clapping)

♪ ♪

And now, put your hands
together and give it up

for the bat mitzvah girl,

Olive Rozalski!

(clapping, cheering)

(door slams)

So, honey, what do you think?

It's lla mazing!

And, Olive, what would
a llama party be without...


A llama. A real llama!

"Mazel tov, Olive."

And he knows Hebrew!

Well, Olive, you wanted a bat mitzvah

no one would ever
forget, and you got one.

I sure did.

What are we all standing around for?

Let's party!

(music playing)

♪ Smiley llama, kissy llama ♪

♪ Wiggle, wiggle, boogie llama ♪

♪ Tall llama, short llama ♪

♪ Baby and its mama llama ♪

♪ Llama here, llama there ♪

♪ Llama party everywhere! ♪

♪ Do do, do do do do, do do ♪

♪ Do do, do do do do, do do ♪

♪ Do do, do do do do, do do ♪

♪ Do do, do do do do, do do ♪

Man: Oh yeah.