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03x07 - The Hair Switch Project

Posted: 10/02/21 06:16
by bunniefuu

Jada, I'm so
sorry Syd's late.

I'm sure she'll be
here any minute.

In the meantime, you know
what's always fun?

Helping me choose which
bike horn to order.

-Number one... number two...

-or horn number three.
-[weak honk]

Well, they're all
great in their own way.

I know.
Lemme honk 'em again.

-Number one.

Oh no. He's brought out
the bike horns.

Jada, I am so,
so sorry that I'm late.

It's all good.

Don't worry.
I'll decide myself.

I'm going with number three.
No, two.

-Okay, one. Oh yeah!
That's a winner.

Again, Jada,
I am so sorry.

I'm the worst lab partner
in the world.

It's just that after
fencing practice,

I always have to
straighten my hair,

but I forgot my flat iron,

so I had to borrow
one from a friend,

and then she took forever,

going over every single...

And I am still making
you wait. So, science!

Listen, I get it.

I tried flat ironing
my hair once,

and after burning my fingers

and frying my hair,
I gave up.

So, I'm team natural
and loving it.

And it looks great on you.

And I bet your natural hair
would look great, too.

Syd, just curious,
have you ever considered it?

As in no flat iron?

Because Clampy and I
are inseparable.

Yeah, I named it.

Yeah. That's what I'm saying.

No Clampy, no chemicals.

Your hair
in its natural state.

I'm talking
Black girl magic cute.

Huh. I don't think
I've ever considered it.

Don't get me wrong.
Your hair looks great like this,

but there are other styles
that would look just as fire.

So, for our
science experiment,

I tested the pH...

And you're looking at
your hair, aren't you?

What? No, why would
I be looking at my hair

in a napkin dispenser?

There's a full-size mirror
in the bathroom.

I will be right back.

♪ Doo doo doot doo

[theme song]

♪ Like father like daughter,
we don't always agree ♪

♪ But looking at you
is like looking at me ♪

♪ The more things change

♪ The more they stay the same

♪ Like father like daughter
from different times ♪

♪ Taking all the best from
your decade and mine ♪

♪ The more things change

♪ The more they stay the same

♪ Doot doot doo-doo
doot doo doot doot ♪

♪ The more they stay the same

Hey. Photo albums?

I didn't know we were taking

a walk down memory lane.
Scooch over.

Aw, look!

It's your toothless years!

-So sweet!

Dad, can I ask
you a question?

[normal voice]:
Honey, you can
ask me anything.

When did I start
straightening my hair?

You have come
to the right person.

Mom! Little help, please!

Oh, Max, what did you do now?

Sydney has a hair question

that I'm sure you can
answer better than me.

And without even knowing
the question, I'm also sure.

What's going on, Noodle?

My lab partner Jada asked

why I never wear
my hair natural,

and I didn't have an answer.
Have I ever worn it that way?

Sure you have.


Here at the state fair,

and here at
the Martin Luther King parade,

and here at the first day
of kindergarten.

You cried so hard that day.

Oh wait. That was me.

But all of these
pictures are with Mom.


Did I start wearing my hair
straight after she died?

I guess so.

Someone needed
to take over hair duties,

so I brought you to my salon.

And that's where
they straightened your
hair for the first time.

Did I like it?

You loved it.

You even made me buy a flat iron
so I could do it every week.

Huh. Well,

maybe it's time I wear
my hair natural again.
I just...

wish I knew how to do it.

I guess I will have
to figure it out.

-What you doing?

Gah, I hate when
you do that!

I know!
That's what makes it fun!

Actually, I'm perfecting

my handsome but humble
look for picture day.

Picture day? When is that?

In two days.
They mailed out
a letter about it.

They did? Oh, this is bad.

Really, really bad.

-If my mom finds out
about picture day,

she's going to make me
get a relaxer.

Oh! I always relax
before picture day.

I skip my homework,
take my time in the morning,

and come in as late as possible.

Wait, I do that every day.

No, Max.
I said relaxer, not relax.

It's the stuff that
straightens my hair.

My mom always makes me
get one for picture day.

So, what's so bad
about this stuff?

Okay, imagine being
held upside down

and having your scalp
dipped into a volcano.

Why do you have
to go through that?

My mom says it makes my hair
look nice and manageable.

In my experience,
these moms know

a lot less than they claim to.

Thanks, Max, but I have
to get home quick

before my mom gets
a hold of that letter.

I hope you don't have to
get dipped into a volcano!



Wavy? Curly? Straight?
What do you wanna be?

Make up your mind!

I got your emergency
hair emoji.

We haven't used
that since Sophia

tried to trim her own hair!

Yeah, that was a rough night.

So, what's the emergency?

I wanna stop straightening
my hair and wear it natural.

[squeals] OMG!
This is huge! Monumental!

I know, but the only thing
is I don't know anything

about styling it natural.

What about online
hair tutorials?

Just the other day,
I learned

how to crimp my hair
with two forks!

Then I had to watch
another video

on how to get forks
out of your hair.

Well, I found a tutorial,

but I couldn't even
get past the first step,

which is determining
my hair number.

Hair number? That's going
to take a long time, but okay.

-One, two, three--

No, not the number of hairs,
the hair number.

There's this
universal hair chart.

Your hair number is based on
your natural hair texture.

Straight hair is ,

wavy to loose curls are

a through c,

uh, curly hair is a through c,

and tighter curls
are in the 's.

You get the idea.

Not as often as I'd like.

Can I see that?

At first, I thought
my hair was a a,

but then the back
of my hair is a a.

I'm never gonna figure
out which one I am.

-Found it!

Yeah. I'm a b!

Sorry. Not helping.

I just... I wish
my mom was here.

She'd know what to do.

Wait. I'll call Grandma Maya.
She'll know!

Yeah! And who better
to judge your hair

than an actual judge?

-It's her voicemail.

Hi, Grandma Maya.
I need to talk to you

about something important.

I mean, not crazy important,

but important. It's my hair.

I wanna go natural,
but I'm really confused.

I mean, not crazy confused,
but confused.
Is this confusing?

Anyway, Grandma,
just please call me back.

If you don't hear back
from your grandma,

how are you gonna wear
your hair to school tomorrow?

The only way I know how.

-With the help of Clampy.

-My life is over!

-What's wrong?
-My mom got the letter
about picture day,

and already made
my hair appointment.

Now, they have to dip you
in that volcano stuff?

Yeah! But it's not just
about the relaxer.

I don't wanna change
the way I look.

I like my natural hair,
and I don't wanna look back

at my middle school
pictures and think,

"This isn't the real me."

So, what are
you gonna do?

Maybe I can just hang out here,
so my mom can't find me,

and I'll miss
the appointment!

Hang out here?
Like all day, just us?

-Is that okay?

I mean, if you have to,
you have to.

-[door shuts]
-Mom? What are you doing here?

Oh, didn't I tell you?
I live here.

[phone ringing]

Hello? Oh hi, Maya.
Nice to hear from you.

Oh yeah. I've been good.

Oh, Alisha?
Yeah, she's here.

Sorry, I'm a bit distracted.

Max and Alisha are doing
some sort of wave dance.

It must be new.

Alright, sure.
I'll see you soon. Bye.

Alisha, your mom's coming over
to pick you up.

I'll go fix you guys
a snack in the meantime.

Is it just me or am I
k*lling this dance?

Max, why are there

three ladies' heads
on the coffee table?

That is not a question
a mother should have to ask.

Syd seemed a little worried
to work on her hair,

so I got her this
to help her practice.

They use them in professional
beauty schools. Cool, right?

That is so sweet,
Max, but you know nothing
about hair styling.

Remember when I was sick,
and you had to do my hair?

This piece never grew back.

Check out all
the stuff I bought.
I got a hair dryer,

a diffuser,
rollers, hair milk,

co-washing products-- Oh!

And a comb. For me.

What's all of this?

I bought it all
at the hair store
so we can learn

how to do your hair together.

They even had
an entire aisle dedicated

to natural hair.

So, you bought the whole aisle?

-Pretty much.

Dad, do you know how
to use any of this stuff?

I do not.

Don't worry, Noodle.
My friend Monica

is president of a prestigious
Black sorority on campus.

I gave her the download,

and she's sending over all
the best natural hair products.

Do you know how to use them?

I do not.

-Guys, this is all great, but--

Oh. That must be the silk
pillowcases I ordered.

Your mom used to sleep on them

to keep her hair
soft and moisturized.


I'm not even gonna ask.

Grandma Maya,
what are you doing here?

Well, I got your message,

and you sounded
kinda overwhelmed.

You called Grandma Maya?

I wish I thought of
that before I bought

three un-returnable heads.

I realized it had been

too long since I saw
my granddaughter,

so I took a couple
of personal days

and flew on out
to surprise you.

Well, I am thrilled
you are here, Maya.

Are you kidding?
This discussion
is way too important

not to have in person.

Well, I hate to run,
but my friend Monica

invited me to a cookout.

-She did?
-Yeah. Barbecue,

old school R&B music,
doing the shuffle.

Gonna pick up potato salad
on the way.

My, things sure have
changed around here!

You okay?

Just taking one
last look at myself

before everything changes.

It was nice knowing you,
natural curls.

Well, if you ask me,

I think your hair looks
pretty no matter what.

Thanks, Max.

How about some
more snacks?

Oh, Alisha, you haven't
even touched yours.

And it can't be my cooking

because those came
straight from a box.

Thank you, Ms. Reynolds.
I'm just not that hungry.

Is everything okay?

Let's just say my mom
and I have a different opinion

on how I should wear
my hair for picture day.

Well, it's not my place to come
between a mother and daughter,

but maybe you should
just talk to her.

I don't know. My mom's
pretty set in her ways.

There's no changing
her mind.

It's worth a shot.

You might be surprised at how
open some moms can be.

-In that case, can I--
-[scoffs] I didn't mean me.

Maybe you should
talk to your mom.

Easy for you to say.

My mom's a powerful lawyer.

She can be
really intimidating.

Well, she doesn't scare me.
I'll talk to her.

You'd do that for me?

Of course.

[doorbell rings]

You just let me
handle everything.

-Hello, Mrs. Webb.
-Hello, Maxwell.
Nice to see you again.

Alisha, you must've forgotten
about your hair appointment.

Grab your things.
We need to hurry.

Before you go, Mrs. Webb.

I have something
we need to discuss.

Oh really?

Yes. It's about you,
Alisha, and her hair.

Is that right?

Well, what about me, Alisha,
and her hair, Maxwell?

Well, I think you
should know...

I want you two to have
a great day at the salon.

Thank you. Come on, Alisha.

Thanks for trying.

Sydney, I love what
you've done with your room.

It's got taste,
it's got class,

it's got soul.

Yep. You are definitely
my grand-baby.

Thanks, Grandma.

Come. Sit, sit, sit.

We've got much to
discuss about your hair,

so start from the beginning.

Well, a friend asked

if I had ever
considered wearing
my hair natural, and...

I realized I only ever
remembered wearing it straight.

Oh child, please.

When you would
come visit me in DC,

we would have
your hair in braids,

curly pig tails,
puff balls.

You wanna see?
I've got plenty of pictures
in my wallet.

Well, that's when
I was little.

But, after Mom died,

I started
straightening my hair,

and I never thought twice
about wearing it natural again.

So, why do you think that is?

You know, I've been
wondering about that a lot.

I guess a part of me

wanted to fit in with
the world around me.

Dad, Grandma Judy,

my friends.

Maybe I didn't
wanna look different.

It's normal to wanna blend in,

but you still have to
stay true to who you are.

Honey, you're biracial.

Meaning there's a whole
other side of you

that's beautiful,
strong, and Black.

And you shouldn't
ever have to feel

you need to cover
that up to belong.

You're right.

I'm proud of
being biracial.

I don't have
to choose a side.

You sure don't

because both sides
are equally amazing.

But I do think

it's time I get in touch
with my Black side.

I love that.

Honey, you know,

there's a cultural

in the strands
of Black hair,

going all the way back
to African royalty.

Our hair is our identity,

and liberation.

So you treat that hair
like it's your crown.

Embrace it!

-I will. Grandma,
you're the best.

I feel so much better.

I can't wait to
change my hair, but...

I just don't know
how to do it.

[scoffs] I made you
a hair appointment

the minute I got
your message.

Are you serious?
When is it?


Now? As in now now?

Yes! Let's go!

Your new crown awaits!

Oh my gosh!

I'm gonna change my whole look.

I'm so excited, but nervous.

But excited!
I wonder how I'll look.

I wonder how I'll feel.
I wonder--

How 'bout you do your
wondering in the car?
'Cause we gonna be late.

Hey, Nina.
Thanks for fitting us in.

Not a problem.

When you told me it was
picture day for Alisha,

I couldn't say no.
I know how important it is.

So, Nina,
how's the little one?

Oh! She is a p*stol!

Kellyn is only years old
and already a beauty expert.

The other day, she had
the nerve to yell at my client,

"Keep that head underneath
that dryer, girl!

Or you gonna regret it!"

[laughs] I wonder where
she got that from.


So, Alisha,
what's it gonna be today?

We're getting a relaxer.

We want it to be nice
and straight for picture day.

You got it.
I'll go get the relaxer.

Take deep breaths.
It'll be over
before you know it.

What's wrong with my baby?

You were quiet
all the way here.

I'm fine.

Are you sure?

Yes, ma'am.

Okay, I know how
tender-headed you are,

so I hope you haven't been
scratching your scalp.

We don't want this to
burn more than it has to.

[mixture sloshing]

I can't do this!

I'm sorry, Mom, I can't.

Alisha, you are not the only
person that hates relaxers,

but it's the price
we pay for beauty!

That's the point.

Why does straightening your
hair make you look beautiful?

Well, it's not just
about the beauty, honey.

It's more neat and professional.

When you say "professional,"
do you mean

to fit in with white people?

You know? This sounds like
an A and B conversation,

I'm gonna "C"
my way out.


as a lawyer in
a mostly white firm,

I have always
straightened my hair.

-But why?
-It's more accepted.

And looking presentable
is one of the many reasons

why a person advances
in their career.

And I don't ever
want your hair

to hold you back
from success.

But what if I don't
care about fitting in?

My hair doesn't define me
or my success.

I like the hair

that grows out of my head.

I am who I am.

When I get relaxers,

I feel like I'm losing
a piece of me.

I didn't know
you felt this way.

I do.


I guess I've put
my views onto you,

and I am sorry for that.

I know you did it
with good intentions,

but I'm proud of
my natural hair.

And if that intimidates
someone, then they can--

Ah! Ah! Ah!
Don't go there, little girl!


I am so proud of you for
loving the skin you're in.

And if I haven't
said it before,

you are an incredible

and I learn from
you every day.


So, um, is it safe
to come back,

or do I need to keep counting
all the bobby pins in the back?

I'm up to .

Yes, it's perfectly safe.

And you can put
that relaxer away.

I want Alisha to get
whatever she wants.


Okay, sweetheart.
What's it gonna be?

I think I have an idea.

Wow! This place is so cool!

I can't believe Mom
used to come here!

Yes, she did.

But it wasn't this hip
back in the day!

Oh! Keep that head
underneath that dryer, girl,

or you'll regret it!

Hi! I'm Kellyn.

I know who you are.
Nina's baby.

I'm Maya.

This is my granddaughter,

I'm so excited
to meet you.

I love your hair.

I hope you can
help with my hair.

That's why I'm hair. Here.

I'm here for hair.

Don't worry.
I've got you covered.

Wow. I can't
believe Nina's baby

is doing my
grand-baby's hair!

How is Nina
doing these days?

Loving retirement!
Right now,

she's on a disco
cruise to Aruba.

Oh. That sounds cool.

Girl, no. It's just
a bunch of old folks

on a boat trying to convince
each other they still got it.


No offense, Maya.

None taken.

I still got it.

Okay, Sydney, why don't
you jump in my chair?

Look at all this
beautiful hair!

I'm gonna make sure
you look fierce.

And just so you know,
I have a ton of questions.

Don't worry, love. I'm here
to answer all of them. Hit me.

Well, that universal hair chart
thing got me really confused.

Why do I have more
than one number?

That's normal, boo.

One girl can have a lot of
different hair textures.

Curly, wavy, coarse.

Check out these
empowered biracial women.

Kamala Harris is
between a a and b.

Alicia Keys is a mix

between a and b.

And Zendaya?
Is a c with a bit of a.

Wow. So, what am I?

I think you're
between a a and b.

See? Just like Kamala Harris!

So, considering
my hair number,

how should I get my hair done?

Well, you have
a lot of options.

You can get braids, twists,

curls, waves, a silk press--

Oh boy.
There's so many choices.

Honey, remember.
Whatever you pick now

doesn't have to be
your forever hair.

Choose what feels
right for you today.

So, love,
what's it gonna be?


I think I have an idea.

-[door shuts]
-Is she back yet?

I can't miss my
Noodle's new hairstyle.

No, but she should
be here any minute.

Wow, that smells good.
What you got there?

Oh, Monica gave me
a to-go plate.

Barbecue, greens,
mac and cheese,

cornbread, potato salad,
peach cobbler.

You know,
all the good stuff.

Next time, it'd be nice to
have an invite to the cookout.

Sorry, dude. Not everybody
gets invited. Cool kids only.

Ladies and gentlemen,
all rise

for the honorably stunning

Sydney Reynolds!


-[door shuts]
-Believe it or not,
I feel even better than I look.

And I look good.

Don't undersell yourself!
You look amazing.

Oh, I just love it!

Sweetheart, you look on fleek.

Oh, this is such
a nice moment

I'm not even gonna point out
that nobody says that anymore.

Maya, thank you for flying out.
We really needed an expert.

I just wish I could've
been more helpful.

And I should've taken you to
your mom's salon instead of mine

-years ago.
-Now, come on.
I can't let you two

take all the blame.

I should've been around more,

but I promise to make time
from here on out.

Thank you, guys, but it's not
about what you could've done.

It's about
what you're doing now.

By being here for me.

Your mom would be
so proud of you.

She sure would.
You know,

she's the one
who inspired me to wear
my hair natural like this.

-My mom did?

She taught me to be
proud of my natural hair.

And embracing my hair

is just the beginning.

I'm excited to keep exploring

the parts of my identity
I've been neglecting.

Just know, Syd, wherever
this journey takes you,

all three of us
will be there.

-That's right.

Thanks, guys.
Wait, what smells so good?

Oh, I know that smell.

I'd say it's barbecue, greens,

cornbread, potato salad,
and strawberry...

-[sniffing] No!
Peach cobbler.

And there's plenty.
Come on. Oh!

I'll put you and Syd's
on Monica's guest list

for our next cookout.


So, what other water samples
did you get for our experiment?

Well, I was going
to get a sample

from the water
fountain at school,

but then I saw
a boy spit in it,

and I thought it might
compromise the results.

[phone chimes]

Hair selfie break!


I'll be back
in just a second.

I'm just gonna return
these natural hair products

-back to the store.
-Wait a second.

Natural hair products?
Can I see those?

Yeah, of course.

Wow! These are
the ones I use.

-Take whatever you want, Jada.

-Thanks, Mr. Reynolds.

A silk bonnet?

Oh, girl, you
definitely need this

-if you wanna keep
your hair in place.

Look at you, Dad.
You didn't do so bad after all.

I guess I didn't.

Yeah. In fact,

you should come to our
next family cookout.

I'm invited to a cookout?

Can you say that one more
time in front of my mom?


♪ Doot doot doo-doo
doot doo doot doot ♪

♪ Doot doot doo-doo
doot doo doot doot ♪

♪ Doot doot doo-doo
doot doo doot doot ♪

♪ Doot doot doo-doo
doot doo doot doot ♪

Oh yeah.