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02x09 - Last Dance

Posted: 10/02/21 05:28
by bunniefuu
Previously on THE L
WORD: Generation Q...

We are in crisis mode
over the CAC Endowment.

[BETTE] If you think I'm gonna
just stand by and watch you

cleanse your father's sins
in the blood, sweat and tears

of the Black community, you
are sorely f*cking mistaken.

[GERALD] If she gets the museum

to pull the name, we
could be blacklisted.

You need to clean up the mess you made.

We are in this situation because of you.

- Will you go to prom with me?
- Yes!

[SHANE] Alice, you did
it. Congratulations.

- Tom, I slept with Nat.
- Alice, I thought

- we were doing something.
- [ANGIE] Maybe hearing about

what my donor's parents did
for a living would be cool.

Are you sure you want
it to be so formal,

with, like, written-out
questions and everything?

I just may not get another chance.

- Are you okay to drive?
- Oh, shit.

Uh, I caught a nasty dewey.

- It's a fun way to say DUI.
- [FINLEY] I'm trying to be

an adult, and you're, like,
the most adult person I know.

I'm so sick of people
thinking I have it together.

Unlike you, people aren't inclined
to hold me when I need it most.

The CAC has decided to pull all

- of Zakarian artists from the show.
- I f*cking knew it.

Threatening to remove
your work was just a bluff.

I took your threat at face value.

[BETTE] I made a mistake,
but don't punish her.

And don't punish the people
who need to see her work.

[ALICE] You're a really scary room.

I want to see what's inside.


I like waking up next to you.

I love you. And I know you love me, too.

- Do you think Bette's okay?
- I think she's in love with you.

[BETTE] If what you have
with Tina is working,

I don't see why you would
care what I think about you.

[SLURRING] I wanted Bette to
say that I was good enough.

Do you think I'm good enough?

Oh, yes, we do. You're just drunk.

I don't think I can marry Tina.

[SOPHIE] I just don't want to talk

to you when you're drunk. You scare me.

How can I scare you? I love you.

- Come here.
- No, 'cause you're not you.

[FINLEY] I'm gonna go, okay? I'm going.

Hey, it's Finley. Text me.

Have you considered it's
possible to burn shit down

and still leave something standing?

♪ I don't find trouble,
yeah, trouble finds me ♪


Nùñez has got to go!

Hey! Ho!

Nùñez has got to go! Hey!

- Ho! Nùñez has got to go!
- [PIPPA] You hear that?

Every artist who has work in there

- is out here for you.

Oh, my God.

This will be your legacy.



Nùñez has got to go! Hey! Ho!

Nùñez has got to go! Hey!

Ho! Nùñez has got to go! Hey!

Ho! Nùñez has got to go! Hey! Ho!

Nùñez has got to go! Hey!
Ho! Nùñez has got to go!

Hey! Ho! Nùñez has got

to go! Hey! Ho! Nùñez has got to go!

♪ I got all these feels in my body ♪

♪ Oh, I'm out of control now ♪

♪ I can't be alone now ♪

♪ I can't deal with
these feels in my body ♪

♪ Oh, the feelings soar now ♪

♪ I can't be alone now ♪

Were you hoping to inspire your readers?

Well, that's the dream, you know?

If I get a laugh,
though, I call that a win.

Now, a big section of your
book is about your relationship

with your most recent
ex. She read the book yet?

She has. Yeah. She's very supportive.

- Hmm.
- You know, she's a therapist.

So she likes to give
constructive feedback.


And are you seeing anyone now?

Hmm? What?

Are you seeing anyone now?

I don't know. I don't know. [CHUCKLES]

Sounds like there might be some
drama for a second book, huh?

Yeah, no, there's tons
of that. Never-ending.

Come on, who's the lucky lady?

Right, lady. Um...

You know what? I think
you're gonna have to wait

till the second book to find out, yeah.

That's great.


- Marcus is going to like you.
- Course he is.

- You got your questions?
- Mm-hmm.

[TINA] How are you feeling
about meeting your donor?

- Fine.
- I-It's okay if you're nervous.

I mean, it is a big deal.

I'm not nervous, but
you're making me nervous.


Sorry. Can we talk about something else?

Are you excited to go
to prom this weekend?

- Sort of.
- I can't believe

you're old enough to go to prom.

God, I was just thinking the same thing.

I can't wait to see you in that suit.

Oh, um, Carrie said

I could... borrow some
of her cuff links.

- Is she... ?
- You know, I have a whole drawer

full of cuff links, if you

- want to borrow some.
- I know, but she offered.

- Right.
- [TINA] I'll bring them.


[SHEILA] Hi, Ms. Porter?

Um, I'm Sheila, Kayla's mom.

[BETTE] Oh, hi.

I'm Bette and this is Tina
and this is our daughter Angie.

- [SHEILA] Hi.
- It's so nice to meet you.

[SHEILA] Thank you.

Uh, could I speak with one
of you for just a minute?


Is everything okay?

[WHISPERING] We're not gonna
be able to meet with Angie.

- I'm so sorry.
- Is there maybe...



- What happened?
- Uh, well... honey, I...

I'm really sorry, but I don't,
I don't think you're gonna

be able to meet Marcus today.



Is he feeling unwell?

No, no, no, no. He's okay.

It's just they...


Well, they've been struggling

with this kind of in the
way that we were before,

and, uh, they're still
kind of going through it.

And she seemed really, really sorry,

but, uh, today is just not a good day.


I'm still gonna meet
him eventually, right?


- Hi.
- [ALICE] Hey.

Wait, do I have something in my teeth?

- No, you're good.
- Okay.

You know what, I think
I'm gonna have to come out

as a bisexual again.

Well, at least you got a -week
book tour to get it right.

- That's true.
- Yeah. Oh, and, uh,

- by the way, here.
- Great.

Mm-hmm. Here. Why don't
you just give me that?

- All right.
- Give me that, give me that.

Thanks. Yeah, we, uh, put
together a list of hosts

that can fill in while you're gone.

Uh, I emailed you, but I
know you like a hard copy,

- so... Yeah.
- I do like a hard copy.

Thank you. You didn't
have to come all this way

to give me this. [GASPS] Do you think

Rachel Maddow would really do it?

'Cause our fans would die.

Yeah, actually. Yeah.

Um, well...


Okay. I-I didn't want to text you,

'cause I didn't want
to seem dramatic, but...

What? What's wrong?

Have you, um...

heard from Finley at all?

Oh. Um, I mean, I saw her last night.

[SIGHS] Yeah, but...

we got into a fight after, and she left

and... I-I haven't heard from her since.

Oh. I'm sorry. I'm sure she's okay.

Yeah, I know, I know. I just...

I feel bad.

Oh, maybe she got lost on
that little, you know...

Or, like, took a wrong turn
on it, the scooter thing?

- Maybe. Yeah.
- Or the battery could've died...

Yeah, but when I see
her, I'm gonna k*ll her.


♪ I'm running low on serotonin ♪

♪ Chemical imbalance
got me twisting things ♪

♪ Dig deep, can't hide ♪

♪ From the corners of my mind ♪

[DANI] I can't believe
this happened yesterday.

How the hell did she get on
the cover of the L.A. Times?

Well, she was almost the mayor.

So you're saying this is my fault.

[LAUGHS] Yeah, that's
exactly what I'm saying.

I can't believe she would do this to me.

Maybe it's not personal.

How could it not be?

I'm sorry she hurt you.

Oh, she didn't hurt me.

I am f*cking pissed.


Trial prep is gonna be a nightmare.

Well, look on the bright side,

you get to reward yourself
to the sweet sounds

of Eli's recorder concert.

Honestly, that's probably gonna
be the highlight of my day.

I'll bring edibles. It's
so much better stoned.

They almost start to sound good.

- Almost.
- I mean, it's a recorder.

There's only so much you can do.



This is what you're good at.

You'll find a way to spin
this so it doesn't look so bad.


You're right.

You're right.

♪ Caught on the ceiling... ♪

[BETTE] I'm almost done with this plate.

Angie's friends will be here soon.

Do you want something
to eat before you start

- getting ready for prom?
- Nope.

Can I help you with your suit?
Your cuff links or anything?

No, I don't need anything
from either of you.

♪ You want to try to say... ♪


How did this become our fault?

She needs someone to put it on.


Do you think you fought hard enough

- for her back there?
- What do you mean?

Well, usually you win fights like that.

It wasn't a fight.

I was talking to a woman
whose dying husband asked not

to meet our daughter. I pushed back,

but did I make her bleed? No.

- Would you have preferred I had?
- No, I wasn't...

- [ALICE] Hello!
- Hey!

Way to make me feel like shit.

I'm not trying to make
you feel like shit.

Hey! Happy prom! You guys, I love prom.

Okay? I went all four years.

- Why doesn't that surprise me?
- I did.

What'd you bring?

- Oh, booze. What?
- Alice.

- They're teenagers.
- Bette, it's prom.

Oh, my God.

Do you want some,
Tina? You want a drink?

- A little bit.
- Good.

'Cause I'm making myself a martini.

- I didn't ask her to bring it.

[GERALD] Once you knew
opioids were addictive,

you continued to promote them

as if they were not... Is that correct?

We've been through this.

I know the line about user error.

Blame the addict, I get it.

I think they'll hit on
a more personal level.

- Okay.
- Things like...

has Rodolfo Nùñez been
a good father to you?

Yeah. He's been an amazing father.

And, um, especially after my mom died,

- he was always there for me.
- Has he ever lied to you?

[CLICKS TONGUE] All parents lie.

I didn't actually think that a fairy

was taking my teeth and giving me money.

I wouldn't get too cute if I were you.

Do you think your father's

- a manipulative person?



This is a disaster!

How could you have let this happen?

Hi, Dad. We were just talking

about how good of a father you are.

If public support for my company
wavers, nothing else matters.

Your company. Hmm.

The trial will be over before it begins.

- I'm handling it.
- How?

- How are you handling it?
- My contacts at the CAC

assured me that if we just
lay low, it'll blow over.

There are artists, right now,

outside of the museum,
protesting their own art.

The board won't let a few
renegade artists bully them

into giving back what is effectively

a quarter of their annual budget.


Make it go away.





♪ In my zone, throw my phone ♪

♪ Lights off, moving on ♪

♪ Good friends, hold me down... ♪

I don't think I'm doing this right.

They're so annoying.

Bette is acting like this isn't
exactly what she wanted.

Okay, can you stay still
for just one second?

'Cause she's all like, "I
did everything in my power."

And it's just, it's just
such bullshit, you know?

She just didn't fight
hard enough and Mama T

is on her side, no matter what.

Sick. Got it.

It looks good.


Are you okay?

Sorry. Um...

I know you're upset. I get it.

I do, but can't you be
pissed at them tomorrow?

It's prom. I want to
have fun tonight with you.

Yeah. You're right.

I'm sorry. Prom. I'm-I'm...

I'm excited.

- You can do better than that.

I'll try.

- Keep trying.

Hey, guys. Oh, you
guys all look so good.



- It's so flowy.



[FRIEND] Hey, Angie. Nice suit.

Do you know if they
have a band or a deejay?

♪ Waiting, wanting what I need... ♪

[ALICE] God.

Another one gone.

Okay, thanks.


- Alice, can I ask a favor?
- Mm?

- Mm-hmm.
- Can you take these up to Angie?

I'm afraid she's gonna bite my head off.

Sure. Those are really cute.

Yeah. They're Carrie's.

Oh, my God. I had the
greatest conversation

- with her the other night.
- Good.

Because, you know, I was worried
she was gonna be miserable

- 'cause she was all alone.
- Oh, my God. No, she was great.

She actually hung out with
Shane most of the night. Cheers.

- Where is Shane?
- She's supposed to be here.

- Are they back from Vegas?
- I don't know.

What's the deal with those
two? Are they together?

- Oh. Okay. The answer is yes.
- Mm.

But I don't know if
Shane knows that yet.

I actually don't even know if
Tess knows that yet, but I know.

- [SHANE] Hello. We made it.
- [BETTE] Hey.

Oh, they know! You know! She knows.

- Knows what?
- [ALICE] Shane, come on.

I'm so happy for you.


Hi, Alice.

We've been waiting a very long
time for this to happen, right?

- Mm.
- Haven't we?

- Yeah.
- Well, it's very nice

to see you. I hope
your mom's doing okay.

- Yeah, that, too.
- [TESS] Thank you.

- Yeah, she's-she's good.
- Tess, this is Tina.

- [TESS] Hi!
- Nice to finally meet you.

It's really nice to meet you, too.

Can I help with anything?

Yes. Of course. Um...
do you want to take this?

Okay, take this to the living room.

- Sure. Okay.
- It's just right around there.



- Oh, my God. Took long enough.
- What?

Good things happen
to those who wait, Al.

Well, I'm happy for you.

Thank you. Oh, uh,
where do you want this?

[BETTE] Okay, what
is wrong with you two?

They are children.

Bette, it's prom.

Thank you.

♪ Give me the chaos ♪

♪ I want the chaos... ♪

[OFFICER] L.A. County
Sheriff's Department.

Uh, hi, um, I'm calling

to see if you have my
girlfriend in custody.


Sarah Finley.

No Sarah Finley here.

Okay. Um, well, thank you for checking.

Um, this might be crazy, but...

when do you, like...

- file a missing persons report?
- How long has she been gone?

I'd say, like,

hours, give or take.

We don't file reports on
adults until it's been .

Have you tried calling
local hospitals yet?

Uh, no. I...

[EXHALES] I didn't even think of that.

Um, I... I'll try that though.

Um, thank you. Thank you so much.




There she is!

- There she is!

Sorry, I had to deal
with some work stuff.

Hi, Mom. Happy birthday.

Thank you, honey.

You don't look a day over .

- Oh, because I'm not.

What do you guys need?
What do you want me to do?

Oh, just go, go help your sister.

- Okay.

Okay. Okay. Okay.

[SIGHS] Hey, guys.

- [MARIBEL] Hey.
- [MICAH] Hey.

What can I do? How can I help?

- Uh, wash those.
- Okay.

Have you, uh, have
you heard from Finley?

Um, no, but the cops told me

that I should, uh,
start calling hospitals.

[MICAH] What?

Yeah, I know. It's kind of
starting to freak me out.

You know, she could be
dead in a ditch somewhere.

What the f*ck is wrong with
you? Why would you say that?

- I'm just saying...
- Smells like I'm needed in here.

Yes. Please. Yes. I don't...

I burn things, and I-I
don't even know what this is.

Um, you know what?
Actually, I'm gonna go...

uh, I'm gonna go make a phone call.

I'll be right back. Okay?

- What's up with that?
- I don't, I don't know.

Is it Finley-related?

- I'm not sure.

I don't know what's
going on with those two.

There's always so much drama.

- Yep.
- [SIGHS] God, thank God

you don't have to worry
about any of that dating crap.

- Oh, there she goes.
- What? What did I say?

My mom doesn't think that
anyone's gonna want to date me.

I didn't... No, I don't. I don't
think that. I didn't say that.

Did I say that?

- Uh...
- Don't do that to him.

Mama, I want you to find love.

I'm just, I worry, okay?

I don't, I don't think you need
to worry too much about that.

You're sweet.

You're gonna make some
man so happy someday.

[CHUCKLES] Thanks.

"Some man"?

Does she...

does she not know that
we're, you know, dating?

No. Not at all.



[MALIK] I am sorry. I thought the board

would go for it, but there's
nothing else I can do.

I find that hard to believe.

I don't have any artists willing to show

their work in your wing;
Bette Porter turned them

- all against us.
- She'll back down.

She ripped my f*cking head off.

And now I have an empty exhibit.

You're not thinking long-term here.

This is one show...
It'll be up six months

and it'll be gone. Our
donation will last generations.

And we are very grateful
for your contributions,

but I am under a lot
of pressure right now.

Okay. I-I know you're in a tough spot,

but if you take down my family's name,

it will destroy us.

Please don't do this.

[PROTESTOR] Nùñez properties
should be ashamed of themselves

for the deaths they've caused.

Shame on Nùñez! Shame on Nùñez!

Shame on Nùñez!

[ALL] Shame on Nùñez!

- _



It's a great picture.


Yeah, I don't want to
make a big deal out of it.

- I want Angie to have her day.
- Yeah.

My God, when those artists showed up...

it was really one of the most
powerful moments of my career.

To share it with Pippa, I just,

I feel like I really
want Angie to meet her.

- Really?
- Yeah.

- Wow. That's big.
- Mm.

Should I tell people about Tom?

Well, I can't answer that for you.

I don't know, I've just been,
I've been doing a lot of press

this week and everyone wants to know
the name of my new girlfriend.

Oh, that's complicated. Yeah.

Well, it's you people.

You're the problem.

- Me people?
- Yeah, lesbians. Capital L's over here.

You just don't believe
bisexuals are real.

- Oh.
- Bi now, gay later.

All right, that's funny,
but that was years ago.

I know, but look, I bring
a man into this world,

it changes everything. You know it.

Yeah, but if he makes you happy,

then... the rest shouldn't matter, right?

Angie, you'll know... should I
tell the world I'm dating a man?

- Nobody cares.
- Oh. That's straightforward.

Okay. I can appreciate that.

[SHANE] Ang!

- I want you to meet Tess.
- Hi.

- That suit looks great on you.
- Yeah.

Thanks. [CHUCKLES]

[SHANE] You okay?

- I'm fine.
- [SHANE] Okay.

I can't believe you two did not
go back there and pull the plug.

I think we were both in shock.

Well, if she needs
anything, you know I'm here.

Thank you. Oh, and thank you

both for getting Carrie
home the other night.

- Oh, yeah.
- Oh, yeah, not a, not a problem.

I really appreciate it,

'cause she was really
down when I got back.

I really just think she
had too much to drink.

- Mm-hmm.
- Yeah. Yeah.

- That's what she said.
- I know we just met

and we don't know each other very well,

but, for what it's worth,

I really liked her.

That's really nice of you to say.

[TESS] I mean it, you know?

She's super sweet.

She just needs a little
help being happy sometimes.

- Yeah.
- Like Eeyore.


You're-you're kind of
like Eeyore, too, you know?

- No, I'm not.

[BOTH] Yes, you are.

- Am I really?
- Oh, oh, oh...

- I'm Eeyore?
- I can't believe no one ever

- told you that before.
- Uh, this is gonna

sound paranoid, but did Bette say

anything to Carrie? 'Cause I'm worried

- something happened the other night.
- No, no, not that I know of.

Yeah, I think you should tell Tina

that Carrie said she was having doubts.

No, no, no. Don't say
that, don't say that. No.

Carrie was... wasted.

And she had a bad night. That's it.

Are you sure?


But if she fucks with
Tina, I will k*ll her.

- What?

What are you laughing at?

- Really? I'm Eeyore?
- Yes!

- But it's cute because...
- Why?

- Guess who that makes me.
- Well, you made up this game, so,

- what, are you Tigger?
- Exactly.

- That's why we work.
- Okay. Oh, okay.

♪ I... ♪

♪ Like honey when your
lips press against mine ♪

♪ I feel it's true ♪

♪ You're shakin' all these shivers... ♪

Ah, get out. Here, come
on. Mind your business.

Christ. You all right?

Do you think we totally
just traumatized him?

No, it was the best day of his life.


Oh, my God. Why is Sophie calling me?


- Who cares?



- Oh. She's calling again.

That's weird, two calls, right?

Let me just, let me
just, let me just get it.

Let me, let me get it and
see what she wants, hold on.

I'll be right back.

- Button your shirt.
- Yeah, okay, okay.


I hate prom.

Okay, it's picture time.

Come on, everybody, get over here.

Everybody, scooch in.

All right. Let's get
into position, everybody.

I never looked this
good at any of my proms.

Like all of them, you know?

- I went to four. It was like...
- You told me this, I get it.

"Will you go with me?" "Yes, I will."

- "Will you go to prom?"
- Hi.

- Hi.
- Um, how mad

would you be with me
if I left right now?

Not mad at all. Why?

Okay. Uh, well, Sophie
can't find Finley.

- Okay.
- Still?

Yeah. I mean, she
sounded kind of worried,

so I'm just gonna go into the bar early.

- Okay. You want a ride?
- No, I'm good. You know what, honestly?

I think she's probably just passed out
in the back room on the couch.

- Will you let me know?
- Yeah, sure.

- Okay.
- [BETTE] ... one, cheese.

- So great.
- Come over later?

- Yeah. Yeah.
- Promise?

- Swear?
- Yeah.

All right. Get out of here.


All right, when are you gonna
tell me, like, everything?


- Bette needs my help.
- [BETTE] Everybody, right here.

- Okay.
- [BETTE] Great. Yes.

Shane, she's over... Bette's over there.

- You went the wrong way.
- You all look amazing.

- Okay, scooch in closer.
- Hang on.

Closer, closer, closer, closer, closer.

- Oh, crap.

Hold on. Just give me one second.
It just jammed its film...


I swear to God, if they make me

take a picture with
them, I'm gonna lose it.

- Can you stop?
- What?

Like, you're just in the worst mood,

and you're bringing everyone else down.

- Are you serious?
- Yes.

What do you want from me?

Like... [SCOFFS]

I don't even care about prom,
and I'm f*cking here for you.

I don't know why you're pissed at me.

You don't know why? 'Cause
you're being an assh*le.

Me? Your donor's the assh*le.


[MUTED] I mean, he
didn't want to see you.

You should be pissed at him.

Not me, not your moms. Him.

He waited till the last
minute just to turn you away

while you were at the hospital.

He's a d*ck, Angie.

[BETTE] Okay, we are back
with an old-fashioned iPhone.

- Are you ready?


[MUTED] Okay, get closer.


- I'm sorry. I can't.
- Angie?





f*ck you! [SOBBING]


- [BETTE] Angie, are you okay?
- Go away!





This is, this is great, by the way.

- Thank you so much.
- No, no, no.


- Here, have more.
- Okay. Thank you.

[VIRGINIA] I feel bad Finley's not here.

- There's so much good food.
- [SOPHIE] No, it's fine.

I'll bring her some. She's just reffing

over at the, uh, at the center.

- Why are you lying to them?
- Shut up.

- [NANA] What?
- Just tell them the truth.

- Tell us what?
- [SOPHIE] What are you doing?

What is she talking about?

Um, I...

I don't know where Finley is.

- What do you mean?
- [NANA] What?

We got into a fight.

And she left and... I
haven't seen her since.

What'd you get into a fight about?

- I don't want to get into it.
- Was she drinking?

I said I don't want to talk about it.

Yes, after she got a DUI.

- [NANA] What?!
- Oh, my God!

What is wrong with you?

Why are you with this person?

- Because I love her.
- It sounds like

- she has a problem.
- Okay, that's why I didn't

want to tell you, 'cause
you're just so judgmental.

Wow. You're so dramatic.

They're not being judgmental.
They're just being honest.

[SOPHIE] That's
hilarious coming from you.

- Is it?
- Yeah.

I hate when you two guys fight.

- Stop it.
- No, it's okay.

She does this to me
all the f*cking time.

Why don't you tell them
why Micah's really here?

- I'm gonna k*ll you. No.
- No, go ahead, tell them.

- Say it.
- Please. No, you know what?

No, it's totally fine.
All right, I got you.

They're dating! Micah's her boyfriend.


- [NANA] What?
- Mm-hmm.


- [MARIBEL] Yes.




Pero isn't he... gay?

Isn't he... ?

[MARIBEL] You're talking about
him like he's not sitting here.

- Isn't he what? Mm-hmm.
- Finish the sentence.

- Isn't he a trans?
- [SOPHIE] Oh, my God!

Don't say "a trans."

Then tell me what to say. I'm sorry.

Maybe I should just go. I...

- [ALL] No!

You stay.






Thanks for having me, by the way.

My pleasure.

♪ Pull up, pull up,
what you got for me? ♪

♪ Get down on your knees
in one, two, three ♪

♪ Cover your eyes,
I'll be your papi ♪

♪ Dale, dale, sip on
my shit like holy wine ♪

♪ Lap me up, yeah,
it'll give you life ♪

♪ You eat me like mango
y sal, that's right ♪

♪ Dale, dale ♪


♪ That's when you make me ah ♪



- Hi.
- [GIGI] Hey.

Eli's about to start. Are you close?

I'm actually stuck in some traffic,

so I don't think I'm
gonna make it, I'm sorry.

Oh. Okay.

Uh, don't worry about it.

I'll see you at your place later.

Okay. Bye.



[BETTE] You should really
go with your friends.

You know, you don't want to be late.

You don't want to miss your prom.

I don't want to go without her.

[SIGHS] You know what?

We'll make sure that
she gets there, okay?

[JORDI] Okay.

- Just tell her that I love her.
- I will, I will.


Why did you just do that?

- [BETTE] What?
- You just told Jordi

that we can get Angie to the prom.

I mean, we can't keep that promise.

My God, she was so heartbroken.

I didn't want to bring her down.

[SIGHS] That's funny, 'cause you have

no problem bringing everybody else down.

Really? Really? That's what
we're gonna do now?

'Cause today wasn't enough?

- Uh, w-we're gonna...
- [BETTE] Fantastic.


I just want to know what
happened with Carrie.

- Nothing happened.
- What did you say to her?


I told her that I didn't think
it was absolutely necessary

for us to be best friends.

I should be able to say
that to a grown woman

- without her falling apart.

Oh, and you said it just like that?

For f*ck's sake, you know what?

Actually, I was nicer.
I was nicer than that.

Oh, Jesus.

- What?
- Hi. Is Bette home?

- Hey.
- Hey.

Hey, Pippa. So glad you're here.

Come on in.
This is Tina.

Uh, very nice to meet you.

Wow. I can't believe Pippa
Pascal is in your house.

- Yeah.
- Uh, Bette took me

to one of your shows in Harlem.

It was incredible.

I-I still think about it.

- It was amazing.
- Thank you.

That's very kind of you.

Um, there's a girl in your driveway

in a dress... crying.

- Oh.
- Oh. That would be Jordi.

Um, I'll take care of that.

- So that's Tina.
- That's Tina.

Okay. Wow.

So clearly this is a bad time.

Oh, my God, today has been a disaster.

Well, I'm really sorry to hear that,

but... I think I have something
that will cheer you up.


- We did it.
- We did what?

The Nùñez wing.

Are you f*cking kidding me?


- How do you, how do you know that?
- The-the museum caved.

The protest worked... they're
taking down the signs right now.

Are you f*cking kidding me?!

- Mm-mm.
- Oh, my God!

- We did it, baby. We won.
- Shit!

- We won. You did it!

You did it.

- Oh, my God, we did it.
- Hey.

You did it.




It's okay. It's okay, I got you.

- Oh, my God.
- I got you.

Ang, it's okay to be mad at your moms.

I'm not.

I-I... I know it's not their fault.

He doesn't want to know me.

How can he not want to know me?

- I don't know.
- It's his loss.

I get that I'm, um...

I'm not, like, his daughter or anything.

[SHANE] That doesn't
matter. It still hurts.

Really bad.

[ALICE] I'm sorry.

And I shouldn't have
taken it out on Jordi.

She didn't deserve that.

I'm sure she'll understand.
I mean, she knows

- you're going through a lot.
- Yeah.

I don't know. I, like, ruined her prom.

No, you didn't. You didn't ruin it.

[ALICE] No. And there's still a chance

you can make it all okay
with her. You can still go.

Or you could apologize tomorrow

and not go to prom.

- I'm sorry, prom is terrible.

- Did you even go to prom?
- No.

But I do know a bad
party when I see one.




[PIPPA] Yeah, we'll go
celebrate another night.

- [BETTE] I'd like that.
- Okay.


How long have you two
been seeing each other?

Not long.

[CHUCKLES SOFTLY] Didn't seem that way.

[SHANE] Okay, party people.

Take a look at your
prom-bound teenager.

- How are you feeling?

- Better.
- Okay.

I'm-I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Oh, God. Don't apologize.

You have every right to be angry.

- Okay. Let's go to prom.
- Yeah.

- Come on.
- All right, are you sure?

I mean, you really don't have to go

- if you don't feel like going.
- Yes. No, no, no,

I want to. I want to be there for Jordi.

- It's gonna be good.
- Yeah, she's going to prom.

She's going to prom. I'm driving.

- Have a wonderful time.
- [SHANE] Yes.

- You look amazing.
- She looks incredible.

I love you.


Wow. At least that had a happy ending.

I think we should go back.

Back to what?

To the hospital, to see Marcus.

- [EXHALES] Really?
- Yeah.

I think I might be able to convince him.

I have no doubt.

[MARIBEL] All right,
what are we watching?

[MICAH] House Hunters. Duh.

- [MARIBEL] Definitely not.
- Fine. Um...

- maybe something in Spanish.
- Okay.

I only know a few words,
by the way. Um... el baño.

Biblioteca. And, um... el gato.

Oh. No. No, just...
Your accent is pathetic.

All right. Fair.

But, um, you know, I also,

I also know amor.


Did you mean it?




That's exciting.

But you didn't, like,
completely understand

everything I said though, right?

No. Oh, my God, your family
talks so f*cking fast.

- I couldn't... follow.
- Yeah, that makes sense.

- That makes sense.
- But, actually, you know,

I could see myself being
your, uh, your esposo someday.

- Okay... stop.
- What?

You have to stop.

- What?
- No more Spanish for you today.

[BETTE] Well, honestly, none
of it would have happened

without Pippa Pascal
and-and every single artist

who ostensibly dared
to use their own work

to-to protest.


it was deeply moving, yes.

Yeah, and clearly the CAC
made the right decision here.

Okay. Okay, great. All
right, well, thank you so much

and-and feel free to call anytime.
You have my number.

Okay. Bye-bye.


Congratulations on your
big win at the museum.

Thank you.

It was a team effort.

Yeah, it's nice being on your team.

[EXHALES] Thanks.

It's not so nice being
pitted against you.

When have I ever been
pitted against you?


[SIGHS] Tina...

I just, I want to know
why you can't be happy

for me and Carrie.

Can you tell me that?

I am happy for you.

I just don't buy it.

Well, I-I don't know what to say.

Are you still in love with me?


Okay, you can come on back.




- [DANI] Do you want red or white?
- [GIGI] Red, please.

You missed a very eventful recital.

Eli got a bloody nose.

- Oh, no. Is he okay?
- Uh... yeah... he's okay.

He's a little embarrassed, but...

he'll be fine.

Well, I'm sorry I missed it.

I just... had a really long day.

I thought you said...

you got stuck in traffic.

I didn't want to get into it.

So you lied?

[SCOFFS] I mean...

I'm sure there was traffic.

It's L.A.

- Do you want to hurt me?
- No.

- What you're doing is hurtful.
- What am I doing?

I understand that you're
going through a lot right now.

And I've told you many times I'm
more than happy to support you,

but I'm not gonna let you...

take your shit out on me
just because you're in pain.

♪ I think I owe you an apology ♪

♪ I completely let you down ♪

I'm sorry.

♪ How could somebody
lay next to me? ♪

♪ We're together now ♪

♪ But I think I owe you an apology ♪

♪ I completely let you down... ♪


I told Finley that nobody
holds me when I'm sad.

Yeah, because you're pretty
prickly when you're sad.


You don't have to be scared.

And if you don't push me away,

- I'll always hold you.

I think that's what scares
me the most actually.


We just started dating,

and... you're the only person I have.

- That is not true.
- It is true.

Somehow... you're it.

That's f*cking scary.

How do you do that?

Do what?

Get me to talk.

I was married to a therapist.

- Oh. That sounds exhausting.
- Mm-hmm.

♪ Pain in my stomach,
got a pain in my chest ♪

♪ When I think about the
things that I did... ♪

- Cheers.
- Cheers.

♪ The way I talk, the way I move ♪


♪ The way I try to meet up... ♪

[FINLEY] Hey, it's Finley. Text me.

[AUTOMATED VOICE] This mailbox is full

and no longer accepting messages.

♪ Be a model, flies are
swallowed all my life ♪

♪ I'll never be the perfect girl... ♪

Any news?


I-I don't know why I keep calling her.

She's not gonna pick up.

Maybe I should go back
to calling hospitals?

- Maybe.
- Oh, God.

I just want her to be okay
so that I can yell at her.

Can I tell you something you
definitely don't want to hear?

She's got a lot of stuff
that she needs to work out.


I know that. I-I know that.

I do, but... I love her.

So I want to make sure she's okay.

I know you do, but I used

to be her, and she's
not gonna get the help

she really needs if she's got you there

to pick up the pieces
and make it better.


Thank you.

♪ Got a pain in my stomach ♪

- ♪ Got a pain in my chest ♪

♪ When I think about the
dirt that you made me ingest ♪

♪ Got a pain in my stomach ♪

♪ Got a pain in my chest ♪

♪ When I think about the things ♪

♪ That I did and I said ♪

♪ The way I talk, the way I move ♪

♪ The way I try to meet up
with your idea of civilized ♪

♪ The way I talk, the way I move ♪

- ♪ The way I try ♪

♪ To meet up with your
idea of civilized ♪

♪ I'll never be ♪

♪ The perfect girl
that you want me to be ♪

♪ I'm too busy unlearning the shit ♪

♪ That you taught me... ♪

- Hello? Come on, let me in.

Let me in. Come on.

It's me. Hurry up. f*ck.

♪ I'll never be the perfect girl ♪

Oh, shit. Hi.

Don't punch me in the face.


Uh, w-what are you doing here?





before we go any further,

I just want to say your show has meant

so much to me and my friends.

Oh, well, now you're my
favorite reporter. [CHUCKLES]

It's true. There's just not

a lot of lesbians on
TV. I mean, obviously,

it's getting better, but
you're sort of our symbol

of what's possible for
lesbians in this industry.

That's me, the influential lesbian.

You really are! I mean, I know
I speak for a lot of people

when I say that getting an
up close and personal look

at your messy relationships has really

- helped me navigate my own.
- That's nice to hear.

Okay, so, I'm-I'm dying to know,

now that things are over with Nat,

does Alice have a new woman in her life?


His name is Tom.

Um, he's not a woman. He's-he's a man.

He's a cis man named Tom.




♪ We in the Phantom,
we doing the work ♪

♪ We go inside, then
we leave 'em in dirt ♪

- ♪ You know we got the fireworks... ♪
- Jordi!

- Hi.
- Hi.

I'm so sorry.

It's okay. I'm-I'm
sorry. I'm the worst.

You're not. You're not the worst.

This was just a really, really bad day,

and I shouldn't have
taken it out on you.

- I should've known.
- No.

- Of course you're upset.
- No, you're not a mind reader.

- Do you forgive me?
- Yes. Totally. Yes.

Thank God.

Should we go in?

Well, I just lost, so...

- What? No!
- Yeah. Can you believe it?

That bitch Yesenia took my crown.

Oh, f*ck that.

With peace and love, she's the worst.

- Hate that bitch.

Do you want to dance?


♪ Running out of time
that I can wait... ♪

[MARCUS] We don't
know how long I've got.

Just didn't want to put
her through all that.

Yeah. So you were trying to protect her.

That's thoughtful of you, but she...

She-she knows what she's
getting herself into.

- [TINA] She does.
- [BETTE] She hasn't taken

- any of this lightly.
- Are you sure?

Yeah. I can't even tell you

how many versions of that she made.

[MARCUS] Oh. Wow.


I'll take a look.

It's gonna mean so much to her.

I should've known Bette Porter's
daughter would be persistent.


Well, we taught her well.

Congratulations, by the way, on the CAC.

Watching a museum bend
to the artists' interests

like that is pretty impressive.

Thank you. Uh, did I hear right?

You're going into LACMA next month?

[MARCUS] Only took years.

People finally want to buy my art.

Gonna be worth a lot more

when I die, too.


- Well, we're happy for you.
- [BETTE] Yes.

It's been a long time
coming. You deserve it.

[TINA] Um... w-we should
let you rest. We should go.

Yeah. Well, thank
you. Thank you so much.

And-and we'll bring Angie by tomorrow,

- if that's okay with you.
- I look forward to seeing her.

All right. Thank you.

Thank you. Bye.




Wow. Wow.

This place is f*cking...


Why did you ever live
in that sh*thole with us?

Finley, you want to maybe sit down?

Oh, you're-you're f*cking here?

Oh, you guys are together!

That's great. That-that makes sense.

That's... it fits. It's good.

Okay, I'm gonna get you some water.

'Cause you're, you know,
you're both very hot. [MUTTERS]

Um, what's going on? Are you okay?

Me? No, I'm totally great, bro.

What are you... ? [SCOFFS] Of course.

God, you're so pretty.

Mm. Look, listen. You, too.

Remember when you said you
don't have your shit together?

Remember that... ?

I mean, look at this place.

You got everything.

I got nothing.

- That's-that's not true.
- What?

Tell me, tell me what I got.

- Hey, careful.
- Oh, shit.

- That look. That-that...
- What?

That's the look Sophie gives me.

How do I get her to stop
looking at me like that?

Here. Take this.

She... she says I'm scary.

Okay, you're-you're
really drunk right now.

How am I scary? I'm not scary.

I'm-I'm fun Finley.

- I'm... [SPUTTERS]
- Finley, what are you doing here?

I don't...

Why is everybody scared of me, huh?

I want to be... I don't want...


♪ You've been walking ♪

♪ Alone for so long ♪

♪ And you've been building ♪

♪ A wall around your heart ♪

Thank you for making that happen.

♪ But I promise there... ♪

Angie's lucky to have you as a mom.

You, too.

- Tina...

♪ 'Cause when you feel like ♪

♪ You've been falling ♪

♪ Hold on to me ♪

- ♪ And when the river ♪
- Coming through!

♪ Sweeps you right off your feet ♪

♪ Hold on to me ♪

♪ Ooh... ♪

- I love you.
- I love you, too.

♪ Hold on to me ♪

♪ Oh... ♪

♪ Hold on to me ♪

- Just take it.
- Mm-mm.

- ♪ Life, an ocean ♪
- I don't want it.

♪ Keeps pulling your anchor down ♪


- ♪ Deep ♪
- I'm sorry.

♪ In darkness ♪

♪ And you can't hear a sound ♪

- ♪ 'Cause when you feel like ♪
- Oh, hi.

- Hi.
- ♪ You've been falling ♪

♪ Hold on to me ♪

[DOCTOR] Paddles. Clear!

♪ And when the river... ♪

Can I spin you? Ready?

♪ Hold on to me ♪

♪ Ooh, 'cause when you feel like ♪

♪ You've been falling ♪

♪ Hold on to me, hold on ♪

♪ Oh, and when the river ♪

♪ Sweeps you right off your feet ♪

- ♪ Hold on to me, hold on ♪

- ♪ Oh... ♪ - ♪
Oh-oh, hold on, oh-oh ♪

♪ Oh-oh, hold on, oh-oh ♪

- ♪ Oh... ♪
- ♪ 'Cause when you feel like ♪

♪ You've been falling ♪

♪ Hold on to me ♪

♪ And when the river ♪

♪ Sweeps you right off your feet ♪

♪ Hold on to me ♪

♪ Oh... ♪

♪ Hold on to me ♪

♪ Oh... ♪

♪ Hold on to me ♪