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05x01 - Phoenix from the Flame

Posted: 10/01/21 17:26
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Station "...

ANDY: We found him in the closet.

He likely got disoriented
trying to get out.

I'm ordering you
to wait for the aid car.

- Due respect, sir, but no.
- No?

I'm gonna save his life instead.

SULLIVAN: I can get this house
in order, sir.

You need someone who can unite them.

And that someone is me.

You don't love me, Jack.

We're gonna go to California,

and you're gonna stay here.

And we'll always
have love for you, Jack.

This is you.

- You did this.

What happened?

Captain Bishop has been
relieved of her duties.


♪ I got a feeling, I feel it ♪

VIC: Yeah, Phoenix!

JACK: Let's hear it for
the Phoenix Fair!

MAYA: Two days down, two days to go.

- Guys!
- Take a selfie with me.

Come on, it's a celebration of life

and... and survival and vaccines

and the ability to gather together again

and to hug and be human.

- Come on.
- MAYA: You're right. Seattle has risen.

What's to hate?

Stilt walkers.

I hate stilt walkers.


JACK: Yeah, pub crawlers.
I really hate pub crawlers.

VIC: Ooh, crowds. I hate crowds.

I hate drunk crowds, hot, sweaty crowds.

Just, you know, crowds in general.

- Yeah.
- Awful.

TRAVIS: You know what I kind of hate?

I kind of hate fireworks.


They're environmentally catastrophic,

and they t*rture dogs.

Yeah, I hate people who point
out the flaws in fireworks.

I didn't say it wasn't a good show.

- BEN: Whoa!

- Ohh!
- Yay!

- Yeah.
- Right on cue.

Okay, okay.

MAYA: Okay, there's a good
chance that tomorrow is gonna be

another busy day.

Let's try to get some sleep.


- Oh, nothing?
- Nothing.



Hey, um...

when do we forgive him?

[CHUCKLES] Come on.
It's... It's awkward.

Alright? It's painful.

I mean, it's... it's...
It's destroying team unity.

Or, at the very least,
it's destroying my personal team unity.

Then you personally should forgive him.

Okay, when you forgive him,
we all forgive him.

Until then, he just sits all alone.

That's how it works.

Look, you know that's how it works.

♪ No more digging up the sad souls ♪


Are you in a wedding dress?

Yes, sir. I am in a wedding dress,

because I came here from my wedding.

I married this extraordinary woman,

and it was the happiest moment
of my life,

and then I got
your absurdly sexist e-mail,

and it threatened to ruin my night,

but I didn't let it, sir.

- I came here instead, but...
- Bishop, you were suspended

for insubordination
and breaking protocols.

If you think that you can
get out of that

by crying sexism,
you got another thing co...

I'm not crying sexism, sir.

I am shining a light on it

in the hopes of creating real change.

ANDY: All due respect, Chief,
my father, Pruitt Herrera,

was written up for insubordination

on several occasions, but he was
never relieved of his duty.

- That's not pertinent to this...
- I-I am speaking.

- Oh.
- I can list off

a dozen male fire captains

I know personally
who stepped out of line

and stepped on toes
every day of their career,

and they never even got written up.

She refused a direct order.

Yes, sir, but the alternative

was to let an injured child
die on the street.

Yeah, and that child,
by the way, lived...

This is not how
we do things at the SFD, Bishop.

But it is, sir.

At SFD, we fight for what's right.

It's how my father raised me.

It's how he raised every
firefighter at Station .

My team won't accept my demotion, sir.

I don't accept it.

I work too hard for my job
and I am too damn good at it.

Plus, it is my wedding day,

so you don't get to
steal my job or my joy,

at least not without a fight.



You can keep , Bishop.

Herrera, I'm reassigning you
to , effective immediately.

- What?
- Bishop, if your entire team...

- Sir. No.
- incapable of

respecting the chain of command,
then they need a reminder

about how this department works.

I'll have all of them
reassigned within a week.

- Sir, I...
- Or...

- Or you can step down...
- Mm!

...and I'll appoint a new captain,

pending completion of the investigation

of your insubordination
and protocol defiance.

And just for the record,

I am glad that kid lived,

but if he had died on your engine,

the lawsuit could have put the
whole station out of business.


I'll step down
pending investigation, sir.

Good call.

Congratulations on your nuptials.


You know, sir, if I may,

Herrera would be
the best interim captain at .

Except Herrera's
already been transferred.

She's reporting for duty
at Monday morning.

- Sir...
- What?

Herrera, you are a good firefighter,

but as long as you keep
invoking your father's name,

you will never get out of his shadow.

This move will be good for you.

My decision's final.



- Captain Beckett?
- Warren.

You don't like fireworks?

I love them, 'cause they mean
I get the gym all to myself.

- I try to like him.
- Same.

I don't. I gave up.

Call me a quitter.

BOTH: Quitter.

That's really funny.

- It's right there! I'm just saying.
- Thank you.


And she goes, "If you hoist me up there,

I can change the battery myself."

But the way she says "hoist..."

Ooh, she does not mean "hoist."

She does not mean hoist.

Hi, there. I'm looking for Herrera.

She's in the junkyard gym.

- Thanks.
- Yep.



It was a misguided decision

to storm the Chief's office.

Um, so, yeah.

But that does not mean
that he gets to steal our joy.

I do my hair toss

- Come on.
- ♪ Check my nails

Baby, how you feelin'?

Feeling good as hell

What happened?

I was trying to tell you
not to go into his office.

I tried to undo what you did.

And instead, I got transferred.

- What?
- Yeah, I got transferred.

I no longer work at .

But you know what? My best
friend just got married tonight

and she's trying to salvage her wedding,

so I'm gonna dance, because unlike you,

I care about people other than myself.

I tried to tell you not to go.

Yeah, but you know what?
It's for the best. Because...

I don't want to work with you anymore.

I don't want to anything
with you anymore.

I do my hair toss, check my nails

Nice. That's it.

Here you go.

You have a minute?

I'm spotting.

Yeah, I can see that.

Maybe next time, call before
you just show up where I work.

It's been months.

How long do you expect me to wait

for you to have a conversation?

I don't expect anything from you at all.

You know, I can just wait.

That would be great. Thanks, man.

- Thanks.
- Yeah, okay. I'll just...

We're married.

We took vows. I take them seriously.

And you're couch surfing
for almost a year?

I have a lot of good friends
who are loyal to me

and enjoy having me around.

It hasn't been a hardship.

You're not a teenager, Andy!
And I'm not your father.

You don't just run away!

No, I didn't run.

I walked.


So how come you haven't
filed for divorce yet?


Because you love me.

And I've been waiting
because I love you.

The phoenix rises from
the ashes of its own demise.

We can rise.

I work at a station
where I'm the only woman.

I work at a station where no one

does their laundry often enough,

and everything, including
dinner, smells like feet.

I work at a station that is not my home.

My job is just a job now.

You did that.

I did not do that.

You did that.

If that's what you still think,

then we aren't a phoenix, Robert.

We're just a pile of ash.



♪ Roller coaster of love ♪

♪ Roller coaster ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ Roller coaster of love ♪

♪ Love roller coaster ♪

- ♪ Yeah ♪
- ♪ Roller coaster ♪

♪ Wow, wow, wow ♪

Hey, step right up and take a picture

with a pretty firefighter.

- Can you not?
- Can I not what?

You know, I'm an Olympian, and just...

There are better words to describe me.

Step right up and take a picture

with a pretty Olympian firefighter.



♪ Your love is like ♪

♪ A roller coaster, baby, baby ♪

MAN ON PA: For your convenience,
booths, stalls, and picnic tables

are located at the north end
of the fairgrounds.

It's unnatural, man.

Can't be any weirder
than an "undies bike race."

It definitely is.

How's your program going?

It's not my program.

It's for all of us.

A program within the fire department

to respond to nonviolent emergencies

with a team of
nonviolent first responders.

No cops, no g*ns.

Just a team of first responders

trained to de-escalate any situation.

- I-I don't need a sales pitch.
- They're trained...

You've been talking about it
for months. I'm on board.

Then why do you keep
calling it my program?

- 'Cause you're paying for it.
- Not for long.

I'm only funding the pilot program

with the settlement money,

but once the city sees
how many lives it saves,

it's got to fund it with
at least the same enthusiasm

as... stilt walkers.

Anyway, what's up with you, bro?

I know how you are when
you're on board with something,

- and this isn't it.
- I'm on board.


B team has been grumbling
that you're adding extra

to the workload without any extra pay.

Well, the world doesn't change

unless we change it, bro.

That's what I told them.

And also tell them that there
will eventually be extra pay.

There... There will be.

Will do.

Hey, what name did you land on?

Crisis One.

- Ooh. Yeah.
- Yeah.

No, it's like an action movie.
I like it.

That's why I like it.

- Hey.



- Fireworks.
- Illegal fireworks.

I hate them even more
than the other kind.

Last one there has to ride
in the undies bike race.

No, no!



It's a drunken make out, man.

It's a drunken make out at a wedding.

Everyone knows that nothing
that happens at weddings count.

I'm saying you should tell...
You need to tell her.

Tell her before she gets in too deep.

He's just a guy. You're, like,
her favorite person.

It's okay. It's okay.

I'm okay.


I'm not a... [CLUCKS]

- I'm not a chicken.

- What are you doing?

- Stop that.

I'm gonna keep doing this
until you tell her,

because I'm a good friend. [CLUCKS]

Okay. Okay. Okay! Okay!

What would you do if I told you
I was in love with you?

Was not expecting that. Uh...


It's a hypothetical, man. Come on.


I don't know, man.

It would be weird for a while, right?

- Yeah.
- And then I would tell you

that I know I look good in a suit.


But I'm just not into men.

And then what?

Yeah, and then it would be...

Probably be awkward for a while.

And you would start to avoid me.

I might leave when
you come into the shower,

but that's only because
I don't want to tempt you

with this bodacious bod.


These rippling abs.

It would be weird,
and you would start to avoid me.

Then you would start to
change how you talk to me.

You would start to change what
you do or say in front of me,

and I'd stop being your brother
and start being

somebody that you have to manage.

When I saw Vic outside
and that dude's tongue

down her throat, I...

Yeah, bro, I felt a little sick.

I felt a little heartbroken,

and honestly, I felt a lot of relief.

She doesn't feel the same way I feel,

and I-I don't want to become
someone that she has to manage.


I'm afraid I'm gonna be alone
my whole life.

Inara's leaving.

Everyone leaves.

It's kind of my thing, right?

It's like this cycle I can't break,

and I hate it.

I hate being alone.

So when I hear about you
being in love with Hughes

and you're not gonna
do anything about it,

you're not gonna reach for that?

I don't get that, man.
I don't understand.

If you love her, like...

I love her a little bit, man.


I'm in love with her enough
to never let her know.

BRAD: I'm the phoenix!

- I'm the phoenix!
- Oh, man.

Seattle Fire Department.

Step away from the fireworks!
I'm the phoenix!

Hey, sir!

No, no, no, no, no!


- Aah! Aah!

- Aah!
- Hey!


This is Firefighter Montgomery,
Station .

I'm in the park near the back of Lot A.

We have a male, early s.

Severe facial trauma. Need an aid car.

This is Captain Bishop,
Station . We have a...

- Again, Bishop? Really?
- Sorry.

This is Captain Beckett, Station .

We have a traumatic injury

near the end of Berninger Park, Lot A.

Need an aid car now.

Hey, hey. Whoa.

A firework went off in his face!

Okay, hey, listen.

We've called an aid car.
They're on their way.

His face is blown off. He needs help.

- The ambulance is on its way.
- Don't let him die! Please!

He's not gonna die. It's okay.
It's okay. Hey, wait, wait.

- Hey, listen.
- Hey.

- Hey, I got you, man!
- Hey, listen!

- Listen, okay?!
- I got you!

We are going to help him.

Station is minutes away, okay?

Illegal fireworks!
Some guy just blew his face off.

- I need the medical bag from the rig.




No, no! Stop!

Did you leave the rig open, Captain?


No, no, no!




Hey, what do you think are the chances

I can get Miller to work the PRT
into the Crisis One program?

You know, I mean,
bring her back from the dead,

so to speak.

There are all sorts of possibilities

if we get some real funding.




- Hmm?

Where's your head at, man?

Nowhere good.

What is this?


Festival traffic?

Nah, nah, this is...

Hey, this is Ben Warren on Aid Car .

Traffic is at a full stop.

I can't move.


That bandana's soaking through.

Can anyone spare a T-shirt?

- Here. Here, here.
- Is he gonna die? He can't die!

No, no, no. He's just
losing consciousness

- because of the pain.
- Or maybe he has brain damage.

Can you just not...

This is Firefighter Montgomery.
What's the ETA on that aid car?

Traffic is stopped
in every direction, Montgomery,

because your guy's buddies stole the rig

and dumped it in the intersection.

- What?
- What do we do?

- Wow. Okay.
- DEAN: Here.

I got this from the fire jugglers.

What am I supposed to do with this?

Fine, I'll take it back.

How are you?

I'm gonna help you
with your ankle, okay?

BECKETT: Grey-Sloan is six blocks away.

Can you transport the patient by foot?

What is he, like, ? No.

Hey, what is his name?

- Brad.
- Okay, Brad?

- Hey, Brad.

Brad, can you walk?


No, he's not walking. No. No.

Yeah, we can do it.

We just need an extra set
of hands and a gurney.

BECKETT: Copy. Stand by.

Will, can you hear me?

Hey, buddy. Will?

Are you able to move
your arms or sit up? Will?

What's his status?

He's breathing, but severely altered.

We're gonna need to remove
the windshield to get him out.

Copy. Stand by.

- Barnes!
- BEN: Hey, this is Warren.

Aid Car is still stuck

outside the entrance to the park.

I got a ton of cars in every direction.

Warren, abandon ship.

Grab the gurney and the backboard,

meet Montgomery in the park near Lot A.

You're gonna have to
transport the patient

to Grey-Sloan on foot.

- Go ahead.
- I'll stay with the aid car.

And try to park it.


All due respect,

I kind of think everyone's wondering

why you're still here.

I'm waiting for my wife to realize

that I didn't try to get Bishop's job.

It was me who promoted
Bishop to captain.

I wasn't trying to
get her fired, alright?

I was trying to save .

You know, you can stare at me
all you want.

I know what I said,

and I know what I did.

I'm a man of honor.

If I wanted to get Bishop's job,

I wouldn't have shown up to her wedding.

Did I recognize an opportunity? Yeah.

Am I ambitious? Yeah.

But did I push for her
to get suspended? No.

That was already happening.

Okay, um...

Y-You're... You're drinking [SNIFFS]

club soda, yeah.

And I-I-I admire you for that,

but I have had many whiskeys.

Too many whiskeys.

Enough whiskeys that I'm
going to tell you the truth,

even though I know I'm gonna
regret it in the morning.



Here's the truth.

I'm ambitious.

I know what ambition looks like.

You know, it means that you...

You know where you are on the mountain

and you know where you want to go,

and where you want to go
is higher than where you are,

so you climb.

But ruthless...


Ruthless means that you will
push somebody out of your way

if they're slowing you down.

If they fall off the edge of the cliff,

well [SCOFFS] hey, that's their fault,

'cause, you know, they should
have worn better shoes.

You don't stop to help them
'cause, you know,

you got your eye
on the top of that mountain,

'cause that's all that matters.


Look, I think that you are a man
of honor, Robert, in many ways.

You... You...
You fought for our country.

I admire that.

You're an incredible firefighter.

No one can say that you're not.

You are a strong leader, no doubt.

I believe that you love your wife,

your team, and your country,

but you have a ruthless streak.

Until you own that,

you're never gonna be able to change it.

Yep. Too many whiskeys.

Should have left with my wife.


ANDY: You know, listen,
let me tell you something.

You've never been married
and betrayed, so...





Can I get a water?

Hey, be safe out there.
Temps are rising.

We have a shade tent, too,
if you need it.

Look, I'm not saying
you got to get over it,

like, stop being mad.

I'm saying that if you're still that mad

after all this time,
you got to make a change.

Bro, we took vows.

My mom would k*ll me for saying this,

but even
Maricella Gloriana Jimenez Ruiz,

who goes to church six days a week,

wouldn't want someone to stay
married to someone they hated.

Bitterness does not
a good Catholic make.

Who says I'm Catholic?

You don't have to go
to church to have that guilt

etched into your DNA.

Hey, is your mom here now?

Or is she still in Puerto Rico?

She's in Nicaragua,

actually, with my dad's family.

- Oh.
- Yeah, after he died,

she says it helps her
still feel close to him.



Hey, Centroamérica all up in SFD.

- You know it! You know it!
- Ey!

Ey! Ey! Ey! Ey! Ey!


I... [SIGHS]

I'm not staying with him out of guilt.

Then what?

I... You know, it's...


- Hey, man.
- Hey, guys. Hey.

- How's it going?
- Dixon.

What the hell are you wearing?

Oh, yeah, well...

I was gonna do the undies bike race,

but then I sort of chickened out.

Really, though?

'Cause I think this
pretty much counts as undies.

Wait, these... these are bike shorts,

thank you very much.

Does, uh...

Does Travis know that you're
doing the undies bike race?

No. I'm gonna surprise him.

- Ah.
- Okay!

Well, that'll be a big surprise.

Yeah, I need to see that.
It'll be something.

has some injuries and a situation

with their engine and aid car.

What? What do you mean, "situation"?

Check in with Captain Beckett

at the southeast corner of the
park, see how you can help.

- Okay.
- On it.


Aren't you Michael Dixon's kid?

Yeah. Yep.

Making my dad proud.


I'm just... I'm gonna... I gotta...



VIC: What is he saying?

I'm pretty sure he said
"rainbow cupcake,"

but it could also be
literally anything else.

Do you know if he's on something?

- What?
- Oh, please don't play dumb with me.

I'm not a cop, okay? I just need to...

He's on shrooms.

I know that's stupid,

I know he's dressed like a bird,

and I know that the fireworks
were a really bad idea,

but I've been depressed.

Because I got used to being alone

and because I don't know
how to be in the world anymore.

And Brad basically
dragged me out of my house.

He said, "Tara, you have to live.

Even though it's uncomfortable,
you have to live.

You have to celebrate that you survived,

because so many people didn't."

Watch your backs, folks!
Gurney coming through! Move!

Thank God.

- No, no, no.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
Okay, okay, okay.

Alright, alright, alright,
alright. Stay down.

You're alright.
You're okay. You're okay.

See? Don't do dr*gs, kids.

That was terrifying.

Alright, let me get in there. Oh, wow.


ANDY: God, what... what...
What happened?

Is one of us in there?

No, rogue drunk grabbed the wheel.

is safe. Working on the drunk.

Aquino said there was a second trauma.

Up there a ways.
Hughes and Montgomery are there.

Anybody worried about that?

About what?


Brad, don't die! I love you! Don't die!

Can someone move her?


Yeah. Tara, Tara. Come here, come here.

I need you to slow down your breathing

so you don't hyperventilate, okay?

Put your head between your legs.

- Hey, hey! You, you!
- Slow down, slow down.

Hey. Give me that.


Sorry. You're helping save a life, dude.

- I-I never told him I love him!
- Here.

He doesn't know I love him!
I need to tell him!

Okay, okay. Breathe into this.

Be careful of that port.

Hey. Do you need my help?

- Emmett.
- Yeah?

- You're naked.
- No, I'm not.

Let's roll him on one, two, three.

- Yeah.
- Where do you need me?

Right there is fine.




You know, if Travis changes his mind...

He's not going to.

Yeah, but I'm saying if he does...

If he does, I mean,

at least we both got laid.


That's right. That's right.

Pretty good, too.

Yeah. [LAUGHS]

I haven't stopped thinking about you...

all these months.


I mean, that's gonna be a problem.

Oh, a problem?

Yeah, well, how am I ever gonna live up

to this idealized version
of me that you've created

in your own imagination?

I mean...

yeah, you're right.

Forget it. I'm out of here.

[LAUGHING] Stop! Stop.


Life is weird.

[SIGHS] Yeah.

I mean, it's so much weirder
than anyone tells you

when you sign up for it.

When you sign up for it?

I mean, they can't tell you, right?

Who would... Who would incarnate?

Who would go from spirit to human form?

Who would volunteer for this insanity?

I mean, the man responsible
for my husband's death

is currently sleeping with my roommate

in what used to be his own bedroom.

It's weird.

Are you okay?

- I am.
- Yeah?

I am.

Which is also very, very weird.

Well, I would sign up for it.

- Really?
- Yeah.

I mean, you know, if God or whoever

showed me a picture of this,

of you in this moment,

in this light, I'd sign up for it.

Really? If... If...

If God was like, "Hey, uh, so, listen,

your whole church
and pretty much all of society,

they're gonna try
and gaslight you into believing

that the way you experience
love is not only wrong

but a terrible sin,
and you're gonna have

to suffer through decades
of self-loathing

until hopefully, maybe,
you make it out the other side.

Also, people that you love
are going to die,

tragically and without warning,

and the parents that
bring you into the world,

they'll ultimately
not understand you at all"...

You would sign up for that?

Yes. Yeah.

I would.

Because I-I had to claw my way

out of what society wanted me to be.

You know, what my dad wanted me to be.

I had to fight to live my life this way,

and that [CHUCKLES]

I mean, that...
That just makes it sweeter.

You know? That... That
makes this moment sweeter.

And I would not trade this moment.

Okay, so, you see, I'm being, um...

existential and cynical right now... Mm.

...because I'm afraid of pain, and you,

you are being, um...

sweet and romantic and beautiful.

You are so beautiful,

and I am so afraid that I'm
signing up for more pain.




You were the one who asked for this.

I know.

You said you wanted it.

I did. I-I do.


I do.

I do.

What's the holdup with the leak?

The Class B foam is on our engine

in a compartment that just saw
the business end of that truck.

So you're just gonna let
the risk of a fuel expl*si*n

- loom over the scene?
- I asked for a backup engine,

and 's right around the corner,

- but with all these...
- Okay, but... but traffic.

Can they come across the park?

A couple hundred drunk folks

would have to walk
in an orderly fashion.

Okay, so what's your plan?

Hope it doesn't blow up.

Yeah, I said a prayer
to St. Francis and everything.

You know, this engine
means a lot to this team.

Not to mention the civilian inside.

You know, now I know what McCallister

- meant about you, Sullivan.
- And what's that, sir?

Olympian Bishop,

let's see if you've still got it.

We need to get up and in there.

- Are you serious?
- Yeah, it's like climbing a tree.

It's a fuel leak. It's not safe.

What's your idea?

Alright, I'll do it.

No, we got it. Bishop, I'm with you.

- Herrera...
- Sullivan, I still outrank you.

Oh, burn.

Emmett, can you ride up ahead,
kind of act like a siren,

see if you can clear a path?



Not... Not an actual siren.

You can use words.

Got it. Okay.

Look, gonna need all hands

to lift this thing over the curbs,

and pay attention to the crowd,
'cause they are drunk and high

and we don't want to run them over.

- You have to live! Please live!
- Alright. Let's go.

- You have to live!
- Okay.

Tara, you've got to breathe, okay?

Just calm down.
I'll stay with her a minute.

Thank you. Love you.

- Wait, what?
- [CRYING] I love him.

I love him.

I hear you. I-I love her.

I need to tell him.

You want to go to the hospital?

I hurt my ankle.

Come on.

Come on. We can walk to the hospital.

Put your arm around me. I got you.


Baby steps. Baby steps.


Will, stay with us, buddy.


You got it?

Will? Buddy.



We got him.


All clear.

Bishop, Herrera, you're up.




Okay, I'm up.

Come on! Bishop, Herrera,
let's get that foam!

You know, I'd be fine
living the rest of my life

not hearing that man say my last name.

Why do I think he's kind of hot?

'Cause you have a thing for
patronizing authority figures.




Alright, hey, hey, hey, hey!

Slow down. Slow down, everybody.

Do not come any closer. Stay there.

Stand back. Stand back, please!

Hey! Hey!

No! No!

Bishop, Herrera! Move!


Jump down! Jump!

Jump! Come on!


♪ If I could, I'd cry once more ♪

♪ If I could ♪

♪ Waterfall ♪

♪ Warm and clear, crystal blue ♪

♪ I'd shower you, I'd shower you ♪

♪ If I could ♪

♪ If I could ♪

♪ Oh-oh, I'd bathe you ♪

♪ Wash you of the sins that plague you ♪

♪ Rid you of the burdens ♪

♪ And you'd be free once more ♪

♪ Oh-oh, I'd save you ♪

♪ Rid you of the curses that made you ♪

♪ Give you all the praises ♪

♪ Then bring you back to shore ♪

♪ And you'd be free once more ♪

♪ Oh, oh ♪


♪ If I could, waterfall ♪

♪ Warm and clear, crystal blue ♪

♪ I'd shower you, I'd shower you ♪

♪ If I could ♪

♪ If I could ♪

♪ Oh-oh, I'd bathe you ♪

♪ Wash you of the sins that plague you ♪

♪ Rid you of the burdens ♪

♪ And you'd be free once more ♪

♪ Oh-oh, I'd save you ♪

Sorry, Herrera. That's a tough sight.

♪ Give you all the praises ♪

♪ Then bring you back to shore ♪

How is he? Is he okay?

He's being evaluated,
and he'll likely need surgery.

But he'll be okay?

Look, I'll take you to the front desk,

and they can give you updates,

and we can get that ankle looked at.

- Thank you.
- Come on.

Good luck, huh?

So you love me, huh?

Huh? Um, no.

That was... I'm sorry.
That was like, um...

That was just like, you know,
like, "Bye, Mom. Love you."

- Oh.
- You know how you just...

- Right, okay.
- Right? You just say it.

- Right, right.
- You know? Right?

So you love me like your mom.

- Yeah. Shut up.
- Sure.

- Shut... Shut up.


What's up, Miller? You good?

Uh, I am, um...


It's just that girl. You know?

I hope that she tells her friend
that she loves him, you know?

Oh. Yeah. I hope she spits it out.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

I wonder if she'll still
love him when she realizes

they can't replace his cheek.

Travis, that is so shallow.

I am so shallow.

Cheekless people deserve love, too.

- Exactly.
- Oh, that settles it.

You two are meant for each other.

Well, I have a committee meeting

I've got to run to,

so I'll meet you guys
back at the station.

Crisis One! Whoo-ooh!

- Assemble!
- Go get 'em, Crisis One!

- Crisis One!
- Yeah!

Engine fire nearly contained.

Montgomery, Hughes, report.

Did he just say "Engine fire"?




- Hey!
- BECKETT: This is 's scene now.

Look, that's our rig.

Do they let you operate
on your own family, Warren?

That's not the same thing,
and you know it.

Oh, God, this is bad.

Maybe it'll rise from the ash.

No. There's no rising from this.


I just never understood
the sentimentality, you know?

It's just a big hunk of metal.
We'll get another one.

How you got this job over her,
I'll never understand.

Who... Bishop?


This is her house.
She should be captain.

That's funny. I heard you were
gunning for the job yourself.


It's still weird, you know,
coming home without Herrera.

Yes, it is.

So what happens now?

Do we work without an engine
until we get a new one, or what?

They're gonna send us a reserve rig.

- BECKETT: Line up.
- Now?

No, after you've had
a beauty nap, Montgomery.

Yes, now.


Eyes up.

You lost your rig.

That sucks.

The way I see it,
you have one of two choices...

You can drag your feet and pout,

or you can remember
that you are firefighters.

That you represent this city
and this exceptional department.

And you have the best damn job
in the world.

The engine can be replaced.

There was no loss of life today.

That is a good day.



I'm sorry.

I-I'm sorry I went and spoke
to Chief McCallister.

I, um... thought I...

I convinced myself that I was helping.

Instead, I was doing harm.

To you.

To you all.

To myself.

I'm sorry.


Thank you.



- .
- .

- .
- .



My dad had this old beater...

A yellow Firebird.

It sucked so bad.

The exhaust was all twisted up,
so it would literally pump

carbon monoxide into the car.

I would get carsick
every time I rode in that thing

until they finally figured out
what was causing it.

You know, when he died,

I used to just sit in the thing
in the driveway.

It made me feel, like,
close to him, you know?

I crashed it driving home one night.

I was fine,
but the car was [CLICKS TONGUE]



and it felt like I lost him
all over again.

I'm just saying, I get it,

and if you want to cry
in the shower or something,

I'll guard the door
and make it look like I'm not.



I married Robert too fast
because my dad was dying.

And, you know, watching
the engine go up in flames

when I'm not even part of
anymore felt like...

Like you lost the only thing
you had left of him?


Because it's not
the only thing left of my dad.

My marriage is, in a weird, twisted way,

and I guess I feel like
if I let go of that...

...then what's left?


You're left.


[VOICE BREAKING] I lost my dad.

I lost my best friend.

And my station.

And my engine. And my marriage.

And you're still standing.

You know what that means?


It means you're the phoenix.


I rise.

You rise.

♪ I don't make a sound ♪

♪ These voices inside my head ♪

Uh, I told him I love him over a gurney.

Why would I do that?

Uh, because you love him?

Yeah, I guess I do.

But, like, over a gurney?

Hughes, I have something to say to you.

Oh, God. No.


No, I just... Yes, I said...

I said the word "ass" in front of Pru,

and she did repeat it a... few times,

and it was just... It's not... Okay.

It was my fault, and I just... I just...

taught your daughter
her first swear word,

and I'm so, so sorry, but I...
No, it's not that. Uh, I just...

Oh, also I said "craptastic,"
like, six times,

'cause I don't... For some
reason, it made her laugh.

Okay. Hughes, Hughes, just... just...

She found that word amusing.
...give me a second.


I am...

I, um...

I am in, uh...


I am in need of
a conflict resolution specialist

for Crisis One.

It's an unpaid position,
so it's been hard for me

to find somebody great,

but I think with some
training, you can be great,

because you are warm
and kind and very smart

and easy to be around

and people respond to you really well,

even though you teach babies
how to swear now.

Are you asking me to be
a part of Crisis One?

Yes, I am asking you to be
a part of Crisis One.

Yeah. Yes.

Please. Of course.

I love that. I love you.

I love that you're doing this.

Ghaaa! God!

What is wrong with you?


Nuh-uh. Ah!

Ear... Inner-ear thing.

Ah! Ah!


Feels wrong to be in here
without the engine.

Feels wrong to be in here without you.

I haven't filed for divorce yet

because I didn't want Maya and Carina

to feel in any way responsible
for the end of our marriage

when they're just beginning their own.

So I waited, and I've been waiting.

Waiting to see if you would
get how wrong you were.

If... If you might really apologize.

If you... If you would really change.


But you haven't.

But I have.

- Robert. Robert.
- I... I...

I love you.

I do love you.

But I don't respect you.


And I can't forgive you.

So I called a divorce lawyer.


He said it should be pretty simple.

No kids, not many assets.


We made promises to each other
before God and my father.

But I believe
that both God and my father,

they would want me to be happy.

I believe that both God and my father

understand that sometimes,
in a good, long life... change your mind.

