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06x16 - Drought conditions

Posted: 09/30/21 07:06
by bunniefuu
Previously on The West Wing:

-It's my "annivorcery. "
-I don't-- What?

The anniversary of my divorce.

-I didn't know you'd been married.
-Couple times.

Leo's gone.
Josh has a foot out the door.

It's you and I,
we gonna have to run this thing.

We're not getting coverage
of Politics and Eggs. . .

-. . .of "get tough on Pakistan"--
-Press loves an underdog.

-It's sketch comedy.
-It's fun. It's feisty.

-It'll get us on the news.
-It's cheap.

You can't skip out with the president
lying flat on his back.

Seven years, you're gonna leave us
with a get-well card?

Gotta think about the ninth year.


-What can I get you?
-A glass of red. Whatever's open.


We have to stop meeting like this.
People will talk.

I'd offer to make an honest woman
of you, but you'd tire of me.

And then I'd be left with nothing
but my knitting.

-You knit?
-I don't.

So I'd be left with nothing at all.

What happened to your face?

Boston Globe.

Fourth paragraph.

-"Vice President Robert Russell clings--"
-Oh, sorry. Third paragraph.

"Congressman Matthew Santos
emerged from the pack. . .

. . .with a healthy percent
of the New Hampshire primary votes.

Even more impressive than
his unexpected vault into third place. . .

. . .was his considered candor he brought
to the stage in last week's debate. "

The Post called it "shrewd certitude. "
They love you.

-Ignore him.

We got major newspapers
tooting our horn.

You gotta open your arms,
feel the love.

I feel it. I feel very warm.

He's pissed Dave Pemberton
wrote about Rafferty.

As did Chris Latham. Latham
and Pemberton are opinion-makers.

Allison Wexler. Opinion-maker.

She's enthusiastic about
the "Santos for president" idea.

She's good, but she--

Latham and Pemberton both wrote
about Senator Rafferty's speech.

They write about it now, everyone who
can spell is writing about it next week.

Rafferty got into the race
five minutes ago.

New Hampshire was a coup for us.

You're the Cinderella story.
They should write about you.

There's only room for one
scrappy insurgency. We're it.

-You're not gonna kiss me, are you?
-See you at the airport.

Find me a copy
of the damn Rafferty speech.

Hey there.
I didn't know you were back today.

-Yeah, I'm back.
-How you doing?

Did Brower send us something
on Head Start?

-I mean, Wallace, not Brower.

-I spoke to him about it.
-You want me to call somebody?

No, I'll do it.

You know,
I'm joining you today in the Oval.

Margaret, I need a copy
of the Western Water Program.

-And I had a blue binder marked EPA--
-Oh, God!

Oh, God!

-How about this one?
-Penne with red sauce.

-Vodka with cranberry.

You should tell me when you're out
so I can go to the dry cleaners.

-You're my assistant, not my wife.
-It'll be less noticeable when it's dry.

Hug the binder.

Interior released a draft of the Western
Water Program with your revisions.

We're going wide early. Hopefully
we get support before it hits Congress.

-They up the numbers?
-Forty million's the best we can do.

I may need a hand on this.
If anybody has any comments. . .

. . .on the Energy Trust Fund Summary,
today's it.

-I thought it went to the floor.
-Almost. Josh was handling it.

-We lost momentum when he left.
-Chronic problem, that.

Did Josh drop it,
or did he give it to somebody, or--?


-Nothing. Hi. Hi.
-Is this a good time?

Yes. Annabeth's here
to discuss the DNC gala tonight.

-Delighted to have you.
-Thank you.

Every Democratic contender
will be in town for this event. . .

. . .including all their staffers.
They all want a piece of you.

If I see one coming,
duck under a table?

Over the top,
but we're in the right area.

I'm not avoiding
my former deputy chief of staff.

He's gonna ask for a favor.
You'll say no and then feel bad.

No favor, just small talk.
Could you give me that, C.J.?

Every sitting president goes through this.
It's a time-honored annoyance.

-Let's navigate through it gracefully.
-Thank you, all. Toby?

Yes, sir.

I believe this is yours.

-You doing okay?
-Yes, sir. Thank you.

My sister-in-law was very moved
by the letter.

-She appreciated it.
-Take as much time as you need.

I prefer to be back at work.
Thank you, sir.

You're not going to tell me
what happened?

I cut myself shaving.

With a machete.

Very few people guess that,
but it is in fact the case.

You should get a Band-Aid.
Some ointment.

I'll look into that.

Never call a woman and say,
"We have to talk. "

-It's not nice.
-Duly noted.

-You don't smoke, do you?
-Me? No.

-Occasional cigar, not cigarettes.
-Yeah. Me neither.

They sell cigarettes here?

-The lack of Josh is becoming a problem.
-Thinking about a replacement?

I've been working assuming he'd return.
I never thought Santos would hang on.

Nineteen percent in New Hampshire.
Maybe he's a contender?

-The Water Program.

Trying to sort out a three-way w*r with
cities, farmers and environmentalists. . .

-. . .who want all of the Colorado River.
-There's less than everybody thought.

We've got lobbyists
from each group coming today.

-What time?
-Ten is the first.

-Urban-development lobby.
-Who is it?

-Cliff Calley.
-No wonder you want flank support.

Try not to worry about
the DNC thing tonight.

Russell will get nominated,
the president will endorse him.

A photo at the gala
isn't gonna tip the balance.

President's not plugging
someone else?

-He really isn't.
-Greg Brock thinks he is.

He came in, and he didn't sound
like a man with a hunch.

Give him a call.
Tell him the principal wants to see him.

-Diplomatic mission to Mali.

-Mali with an M.
-Not Bali with a high?

Thought you had a cold.
Margaret, cancel my lunch.

-What happened to your boob?

Chairman of Foreign Ops is holding
a planning session for the Mali trip.

It'd be great to have
somebody from your end.

-Oh, sorry.
-No. Come in.

-Help her organize Mali.
-Up on the Hill.

Toby give you his changes
on the FOP remarks?

-No. You don't have them?

Ask him again.
Make sure he knows it's this week.

State and Foreign Ops has been working
with USAID on what they call. . .

. . . "high impact health services" for Mali.
This trip's a kickoff.

-They're focusing on HIV?
-That and child immunization.

Look at it.
Let me know if you have questions.

You have any interest
in being fixed up?

Not the kind of question
I was referring to.

A guy at the gym. He asked if you were
seeing anyone. Guess you're famous.

What guy?

-I don't know his name.

We have mutual friends.

We played a pickup game two years ago.
We were introduced at the time.

I see him at the machines
at the gym, and it's all:

"Hey, man, how you doing?"

It's two years later.
I can't ask him his name.

-He asked you to fix us up?
-Asked if you were seeing anyone.

We were talking at the gym.
We keep sentences short.

This is-- No. And you should talk about
something else at the gym.

I got most of it.

-Club soda and salt.
-That's great.

-It's wet, though.

-You wanna go with the binder?
-Didn't work well the first time.

-Are you sure?

Of course.

-Can I lose the pin?
-It was my aunt's.

-She's no longer with us.
-Then you should wear it.

-It's covering a hole.
-You ready?

Are you sure we shouldn't
pull Toby in for this?

For Cliff Calley,
you want a whole phalanx?

-He got us on the Clean Air Bill.
-He's a lobbyist. He's building bridges.

-He's slippery.
-Greg Brock's here.

-I'll meet you in the Mural.
-She send you to her tailor?

-Hi, pookie.

-You think the president picked a horse.
-He's done more than that.

He's channeling support.
But what do I know?

I know a lot
for a woman of my years.

The president supports
all Democratic candidates. . .

. . .and will remain neutral
until after the primaries.

-What if he did? Hypothetically?
-Back a candidate now?

-Congress would go through the roof.

Anything the president tried, they'd k*ll.
It'd appear as support of a candidate. . .

. . .that half the Democrats
and all Republicans despise. . .

. . .and bring his agenda
for the year to a halt.

If that, hypothetically,
was what was happening. . .

. . .he probably wouldn't tell anybody.
He probably wouldn't even tell you.

Wish I'd have been there.

Would have been awkward.

I'd have stood in the back.

There must have been
a large NASA contingent.

His wife didn't want that.

If you didn't do what you do,
what would you do?

Medicine, probably.

No, it's a lie.

I'd grow apples.

I'd run an apple orchard
and cider mill. . .

. . .and I'd be fat as all get-out.

Sometimes I think
what if I was at UNICEF or United Way. . .

. . .pulling together the AIDS fight,
or back in New York. . .

. . .improving the public school system,
would it be a better use of my hours?

Not this.

Not pushing on the ocean.

So who threw the first punch?

-Cliff, good to see you.
-C.J. Cregg with the snazzy promotion.

Do I bow or kiss the ring?
What's the protocol?

Stand when I sit, sit when I stand,
yes my every question.

You see the suit? Didn't dress like that
at Ways and Means.

-You like?
-Where'd you get--?

-I have a guy downtown--

Sorry. Your suit's nice too.

-You look over the proposal?
-Is it gonna get a new name?

-The Water Program?
-On the nose, no?

You've got a better idea?

"Water, Water Everywhere,
Not a Drop to Drink"?

I guess you have other issues,
why don't we--?

Hang on.

Oh, man, I just had a déjà vu.

Sorry. Go ahead.

We're trying to circumnavigate
as much as we can. . .

. . .so let's talk
about what you're worried--

-That's not necessary.
-The name's your only problem?

I don't like any of it, it won't work,
but I really hate the name.

It's not so much a solution,
but it's a good first step.

No. It's a Band-Aid that gives
the government permission. . .

. . .to ignore drought conditions
in states for five years.

We're not getting anywhere near it.
Where'd you get the pin?

-From a dead woman. Can we--?
-The Drought Program.

-Good name.
-Conservation measures--

The Drought Plan. Because you created
a plan that will extend the drought.

-Star that.
-It's not a drought.

It's a drought if we were having
less than average rainfall, but we're not.

We have million people
wrestling over one river's water. . .

. . .based on calculations taken in what
we now know were flood years.

Party's over.
I'm asking you to work with us.

-Hey, I hear you. I hear your frustration.

Congress won't touch it.

Even if I thought more of it, the New
Mexico delegation can't vote for it. . .

. . .it makes them look too pro-EPA.

Sylbie in Colorado can't vote for it.
It makes him look anti-EPA.

California Central Valley
can't support it. . .

. . .as any funding they get
is deducted from the million. . .

. . .they're getting from the EPA
for pollution management.

Collins might vote for it
just to piss off Sylbie. . .

. . .but I wouldn't stake my morning
on anything Hugh Collins may do.

He's a bit of a tippler.

Why'd you come
if you weren't gonna play ball?

My niece loves the M&M's
with the seal of the president.

She takes them to school,
gets a lot of attention.

Got any of those around?

Sorry, Mr. Lyman.
This will take a minute.

-No problem, Larry. Take your time.
-There you go.

-Nothing going on today.
-Thank you.

Just trying to win primaries.
No biggie.

-You're not serious.

Toby. Hey, Toby. Sign me in.

-It's Josh. They won't let me in.

C.J. had to cancel your lunch so I k*lled
the pass. Didn 't get the message?

Yeah, I'm fine about the lunch.

Just coming in to say hello,
hang out for a bit.

I got meetings on the Hill
all afternoon.

Yeah. They really frown
on the hanging out.

-You know what? Let me in.

-Hey. How's it going?
-Good. Good flight?

Yeah, it was great.

Margaret, let me in the door.

These are contacts
for people on the trip.

-You'll wanna touch base.

-No. Talk about the guy.
-I thought I was done with that.

-What's he look like?
-A white guy.

-Brad Pitt. Henry Kissinger.
-Stop it.

-Hi. I need Charlie.
-We're working.

I heard "Brad Pitt. "
You're not working.

-The Family Leave Expansion.
-The VP wants in?

-Am I interrupting?

-You were in New Hampshire? It's nice.
-I was.

-Call me about the announcement?

Ambassador to Mali and global AIDS
coordinator want copies of everything.

-Tell me tall or short.

He's a good-Iooking guy, smart,
got a job, he's not a jerk.

I don't know his favorite color. . .

. . .but he's got all his teeth
and almost all his hair.

-How much is almost?
-He's got a high forehead.

This is a bad idea. This is a bad idea.

-Look at this woman.
-Hello, pumpkin.

-She's a vision.
-I heard Security didn't wanna let you in.

-New guy.
-I heard it was Larry.

-How you doing?
-Good. A little back pain.

-Sorry to hear that.
-I'm thinking of shiatsu.

-That's great stuff.
-Yeah, that's what they say.

-You're not letting me in there, are you?
-Not a chance.

M&M's bearing the seal of the president.
This from a grown man.

-You got any?

The M&M's. I'm a little peckish.

-Thank you.
-The Agriculture lobby is in an hour.

-This better not happen with them.
-We'll get Agriculture.

We'll handhold on the Hill.
We'll do it without him.

Who behaves like that?
It's unprofessional.

Yet terribly effective. You ought to have
a conversation with him.

I'm happy picking up the loose ends, but
Josh Lyman left a big hole in this place.

-Maybe he's coming back, maybe not.
-You want me to hire Calley?

He knows the Hill.
He knows his stuff.

This guy used to work
for Congressional Republicans.

This guy shut down an investigation
of my substance-abuse history. . .

. . .because he thought maybe
we should be governing the country.

It's a Republican Congress.

Not the worst thing to have someone
with relationships on both sides.

No. He's the wrong choice.
And he's irritating. And he's obnoxious.

That's worked for us in the past.

Here's the part where,
due to my years of service. . .

. . .you suspend for a moment
the Teutonic allegiance to protocol. . .

-. . .and shift thyself out of my way.
-Josh Lyman to see you.

Was this place such a killjoy
when I worked here. . .

-. . .or have the Brown Shirts taken over?
-You're vibrating.

I feel that. Thanks.

Yes. No! I am in town for one day.

Tell him he reschedules this thing again,
I'm gonna tear off his head. . .

. . .and fashion his skull
into a decorative fruit bowl.


-How goes it?
-Little bit of back pain, truthfully.

-Sorry to hear that.
-Thinking about yoga.

-I hear it does wonders.
-You can't see him.

-Five minutes. Two?
-Write a letter.

You should be stuck in double lotus.

-With an itch.
-Good to see you.

-Is it time for the meeting?
-Not quite.

Making sure you're clear
on how the trip is funded.

It's complicated,
so if you wanna talk--

-It's really not.
-Bring him on. The guy.

-You sure?
-Yeah. I'm ready to get off the bench.

In the game. Like that.

I'll put him on the list for the gala.
He'll know a bunch of people there.

-Jimmy Hatch, Howard Kagan.

-He works for the government?
-It's D.C.

-I thought he was a regular person.

You don't wanna roll out of bed. . .

. . .with a hangover,
change in the car. . .

. . .and find last night's
strategic error. . .

. . .in your strategic planning session.

Tell me I'm not having
this conversation.

Invite him to the party.

You see the Republican side?

Arnie Vinick. Clean sweep. Don't panic.
He could get malaria, race is open again.

-Am I seeing things, or is she--?

-I didn't know she was pregnant.
-She's pregnant.

I didn't even know she was married.

Right. How is the president doing?

Not terrible.

He gets tired and pretends he isn't.

His legs hurt,
and he pretends they don't.

-We're still figuring it all out.

What's up with Toby?
I saw him in the hall.

Acted like a guy
who owed me money.

-He's been out of it since the funeral.
-What funeral?

-His brother?

-He died?
-Tuesday. He was sick.

-He went downhill pretty fast.
-Yeah, I knew he was sick. l--

I talked to Toby last week.
Why wouldn't he say anything?

I feel awful. I would have gone.

None of us did.
They didn't want a whole to-do.

-I'm gonna go.
-Yeah. Yeah.

Hey, you think we can do a water deal
without the urban-development lobby?

Out West? I don't know.

You're gonna get resistance in New
Mexico and from Sylbie out of Colorado.

You may get the California
Central Valley guys onboard. . .

. . .but you'd have to make it
a pretty sweet deal.

They get a nice boost from the EPA.

They're not gonna walk away from that
without a big carrot.

Stop it.

-It's good to see you.
-It is.

-How are you?
-A little back pain.

-I'm sorry.
-Thinking about heroin.

-Will's not getting in. I won't repeat it.

-How go the wars?
-I just heard about David.

-Man, I'm so sorry.

Why didn't you call me?

The Energy Trust Fund.
It just got dropped.

Screw the Energy Trust Fund.
I wish I could have been at the--

The Mental Health Commission?
You dropped a lot and walked away.

It all got handed off.

-Oh, yes. I gotta--

Hang on one second.

I got a : conference call
and a : on the Hill.

-You wanna get some food in between?
-Can't today.

Go ahead.

A lot of people I know are working on
these campaigns. All in the same boat.

You're soldiers in the same w*r, and
then all of a sudden the borders shift.

And every word you say, and every soda
you drink has loyalty connotations.

Could be campaigns,
or you're not ready to talk.

-I don't have a problem talking to people.

-I don't have a problem talking to you.
-I'm special.

-Yes, you are.
-You think we rushed into this?


-You sorry that we did?
-I'm not, actually.

Doesn't mean we didn't rush into it.

What do you mean we're not
on Meet the Press? No, no.

Call them back. Talk to Elise Baine.

Tell her they're not bumping us
for Ricky Rafferty.

-Hang up.
-Congressman's available tomorrow only.

-Rafferty can wait.
-Hang up now.

Keep your pants on. Call me back.

I'm gonna put a hit out
on Ricky Rafferty.

I need to talk to you,
not with a million people around.

Is our relationship about to change?

Rafferty put out text of the health plan.
Annabeth had a copy. Look at page three.

"Obliterate the money-laundering
middleman. . .

. . .between you and your doctor. "

-Why didn't every article lead with this?
-It wasn't in the first speech.

They released it today. It guarantees
more coverage. Look at its structure.

It's structured like Bartlet had it
before we had him cut it out of his plan.

Rafferty has someone from
the president's first health-care initiative.

You, Toby, Sam, Melanie, Ken.

-You missed one.
-No. Who'd I miss?

The president.

You got a second? Has the president
sat down with Senator Rafferty?

-Lunch, casual?

-Absolutely not.
-He's not sure Russell's representing. . .

. . .Democratic values. A spoiler may move
the debate in a new direction.

The president plans
to endorse his party's nomination.

We assume it will be
the vice president.

Sorry he's not
backing your candidate. . .

. . .but he's most certainly not
backing Ricky Rafferty.

I can see where this is heading.

Four weeks of articles about
single-payer health care. . .

. . .and it all reads like vintage Bartlet.

The president's not the first guy to try
and phase out insurance companies. . .

. . .though he was
a bit obsessed with it.

I thought you'd burst a blood vessel
trying to talk him off it.

Gotta be nice with lobbyists. . .

. . .from over-subsidized
agribusiness conglomerates.

Focus on South Carolina.
Rafferty will flame out.

Hey, do you have any thoughts
about Russell's package? Packaging?

If this is a "solicit my opinion so I feel
important before you ask for a favor" . . .

. . .Donna was here.
The VP can't join the president. . .

-. . .at Fraternal Order of Police.
-It's not about the FOP.

I'm grooming a man
for the highest office.

I'm looking to perfect the image,
and they say you're good.

-They do?

These people?

-Are you okay?
-Yeah, I'm fine.

-I have something in my contact lens.
-You're wearing glasses.

-Did I say something?

No, no, it's not you. It's just. . . .

You know, you work somewhere. . .

. . .and your perspective
and your experience is different. . .

. . .from that of everyone around you.
And it's busy.

People don't have time
to pat each other on the back.

And I don't want that. But, gosh. . .

. . .it's just nice to hear that. . .

. . .they think I'm good.


-I can come back later.
-No. The boots are over.

The haircut was hasty,
and in the debates. . .

. . .he's too interested
in other candidates.

His S's are slushy, his A's are flat. . .

. . .he exhales too loud
and inhales too often, but it's nothing--

Nothing that can't be fixed.

And I'm honored, really honored,
that you asked.

-Cliff Calley.
-Thank you.

-I was summoned?
-You were.


-Excuse me?
-Just seeing if it worked both ways.

It doesn't.

-Interested in leaving the private sector?
-Are you offering me a job?

-I'm gauging your interest.
-A White House job.

-Don't make me think about it too hard.
-Okay, wow. No, thanks.

-It's a temp job.

Any job in this White House.
And a low-paying one at that. But, wow.

-A temp job?
-I didn't bring my tape recorder.

-I could've played this for my mom.
-Good. It was a bad idea.

Leo thought you were
a bridge-builder. . .

. . .but you're a hack working
for cookie-cutter condo builders. . .

. . .and hotel magnates.
How do you sleep?

-I met with lobbyists on this water deal.

Only you wouldn't budge a bit.

Let's talk about agribusiness monsters
who siphoned percent. . .

. . .of the Colorado River into irrigation
of California rice.

We're most safe
when we're our own food source.

Grow food. Fine. It's a desert.
They grow monsoon crops.

-I don't need you on this.
-You're right.

I could jump in,
and you still wouldn't get a deal. . .

. . .because the Senate will love it
and the House won't.

Let me thank you
for your honesty and service.

Okay, you wanna know
how I sleep at night?

There's a drought in Kenya,
in Zambia.

There's a drought in India and Pakistan
and Ecuador and Paraguay. . .

. . .and there's a drought in Malawi
and Uganda and Australia.

We're the only nation that can afford
the $ -billion investment. . .

. . .it takes
for desalination technology. . .

. . .and the government's
never gonna do that unless forced. . .

. . .because there's a major national
water crisis and they're taking heat. . .

. . .from cookie-cutter condo builders
and hotel magnates.

-Get out of my office.

Immigration bill's getting gutted
in committee.

You see Rafferty's health-care plan?

Yeah. Who was your point person
on immigration?

"Obliterate the middleman
between you and your doctor. "

Does it bother you someone's
stealing your stuff?

-Does that trouble you at all?
-It doesn't.

It would. You're not a good sharer.

Only way it doesn't bother you
is if you handed it to him yourself.

-Shut the door.
-Ricky Rafferty? Are you crazy?

I've just eked out a lead.
My guy's the little engine that could.

-What were you thinking?
-I don't know. I thought maybe. . .

. . .there should be somebody in the field
who talks like a Democrat.

You wasted the opportunity.
You and your garage-sale find.

-My what?
-Ethanol pledge?

-I'm trying to win a race.
-Matthew Santos isn't gonna win.

You got a chance to shape the debate,
strengthen the party, and you blew it!

You ran to the center for a stinking
percent in New Hampshire?

You shouldn't try to win.
You don't have the man.

You think I left to shape the debate?

-Somebody's got to.
-This is your contribution to the party?

The world needed another
going-nowhere health-care plan?

The world needed to hear
one useful idea.

Now every viable candidate
has to waste airtime. . .

. . .on why they do or don't
support socialized medicine.

There's a profiting industry leeching the
life out of this country's health care.

-Got something better to discuss?
-You're dragging the field left.

-You could have fed me ideas.

-You don't like how I'm running this.

-How? Telephone.

-What are we discussing?
-You didn't ask.

Why the hell didn't you come to me
before you picked Santos?

Do you have any idea how strong a force
we would have been. . .

. . .had we taken on
a candidate together?

-I'm asking you now.
-Yeah, well, no.

-That's it? That's your answer?
-That's my answer.

-You are a selfish, petty. . .
-Get out.

. . .waste of the oxygen in the air
that useful people could be using.

-Get out!
-You get out, you selfish son of a bitch!

My brother and I used to collect pennies,
pick them up off the street. . .

. . .put them in an old whiskey bottle
we swiped from my old man.

Every few months or so,
we'd go to the bank. . .

. . .to get these paper things.

Tubes to make rolls of change.

My brother said:

"Never walk down the street
without a roll of pennies in your pocket. "

You belt a guy
with a roll of pennies in your fist. . .

. . .you do some damage.

Get out!

Get off!

Oh, good. Can you ask Charlie
to get me some background. . .

. . .on desalination technology
when he gets back from the Hill?


Maybe you should take a week.
Go back to New York.

I don't want a week.

You don't have to want it. I'm not sure
you're doing yourself any good here.

I'll be fine.

I'm not sure you're doing us
any good here right now.

There are some things being missed.

-Oh, stupid stuff.

Remarks to the Fraternal Order of Police,
which I don't care about.

-I'm happy to take it for you. Tell me.
-I'll do it.

You will?

How are David's kids doing?

As-- Just great.

If that's where you should be,
there's nothing, nothing more important.

I'm aware of what's important
in this landscape. Thanks.

When you lose somebody like that. . .

. . .that young and healthy,
and gone to some senseless cancer--

Can we not do this, please?

Give yourself some time to sit
with his kids and look at his picture.

I don't wanna look at his picture.

He did this.

He did this.

You understand? He sat in a garage
with the engine running.

-He was sick.
-No. He was diagnosed.

He could have had years.

But instead, this. His wife finds him.
What if one of his kids had?

Just drop everything and walk away.

It's Jewish tradition that you don't
leave the body alone before the funeral.

Someone stays and guards it.

And I sat in that room for hours,
watching him. . .

. . .trying to figure out what was--

What could have. . .

. . .gone through his brain.

I'm not interested
in looking at his picture.

You want some water?




You want me to go?


You stopped.

You were about to answer my question.
How'd he die?


Check in with USAID.
They're not good with details.


Can we call DOD,
find out the guy's name?

I'll find out before you meet him.

I wanna know what I'm getting into.

You do an NSC background check
before dates? No wonder it's been slow.

I'm not gonna do a check.
I wanna poke around at DOD.

-He doesn't work at DOD.
-You said he worked with Kagan.

-He plays ball with them, works at State.
-What desk?

-South America. Maybe Paraguay.

-Red hair? d*ck Van d*ke nose?

-You know him?
-I used to be married to him.

"Is Kate Harper seeing anyone?"
I misunderstood the initial inquiry.

Since when do you wear specs?

I don't.

-Somebody leave them?

-They're not mine, are they?
-Don't think so.

-I lost a pair--
-They're not yours.

-They look like mine.
-They're my brother's.

-Can you see through them?
-I don't know.

-You going to this DNC thing?

-I understand you have a favorite.
-You here to fight Josh Lyman's battles?

You can't be doing this
from the White House.

-You can't do this to the president.

You think the president doesn't want
genuine Democratic values. . .

. . .in a national presidential contest?
He'd do this himself if he could.

I'm doing this for the president.
He could help Russell now if he wanted.

Joint appearances, a bill signing
with the VP right by his side.

-Rafferty's the alternative?
-We do what we can.

It's not your job.
You don't pick losing candidates. . .

. . .and usher them
to their principled end.

You're the guy who takes good men
and makes them great.

You and Josh still think you're
barking at the heels of the party.

You are the party.

Rafferty's a spoiler.
Shouldn't be in the race.

-I'm not sitting this one out.

But don't pretend you're still
an outsider with a ponytail and a dream.

You work in the White House.

Your brother didn't have
any more fight in him.

You still do.

You're gonna be here
between Clarkson and Rafferty.

The president comes up, everybody
holds hands, picture, and we're gone.

The president's between
Russell and Hoynes.

-Everybody's in.
-I'm second to left.

You don't have a problem
with this symbolism?

Second only to Rafferty,
who's all the way to the left.

You're a Democrat. Left is not
a crime. Liberal is not a dirty word.

We got New Hampshire because
people responded to your policies.

The temptation to grab at center
is only gonna grow.

-Remember where you came from.
-I can't remember.

-I'm sorry. I didn't mean--
-I was born a poor black child.

-Close, but no.
-lf you shake hands with the president. . .

. . .hang on as long as possible,
give cameras a chance to get it.

-I was born on the bayou?
-That's not it either.

Matt Santos. Good to meet you.

-Half an hour of grip and grin, that's it.
-Grin, really. I'm not supposed to grip.

-You're leaving before the speeches--
-In deference to my health.

There's an excuse we could have
started using years ago.

I found a few people who aren't
connected to any of the campaigns.

-You should focus attention on them.
-You made a list?

-I'll point them out. There are six.
-I hope you're on that list.

You know what?
We should get a shot of--

Can this be one of those nights
we get sloshed. . .

-. . .and forget we work together?
-Wow, that would be lovely.

Josh is here.

If you're gonna go at it again, let me
know in time to put some money on it.

I'm gonna go downstairs
to the bar for a while.

Yell if you need me.


I was summoned again.
It's gotta stop.

One gets drunk with the power. I'm hiring
you to work in the White House.

I looked into what you said
about desalination. You've got a point.

I think you may be soulless,
but we can work on that.

-I turned you down.
-Nobody turns us down.

We're like the Mob, but less violent.

Ultimately responsible for more death
and destruction. Still--

-You don't think I'm an odd choice?
-We got a few months and a lot to do. . .

. . .and I think you miss
serving your country.

Take a second and breathe. In
a moment, you're gonna wish you had.

Pardon me, sir. This is Cliff Calley.

We had a great chat today about
your water program. He's a big fan.

-Good to meet you, Mr. Calley.
-It's an honor, sir. . .

. . .but I'm afraid Ms. Cregg may have
slightly misrepresented my position.

C.J., he's not a fan. The deal was you
were to surround me with sycophants.

This is one of the six people you're
allowed to speak to. Take your time.

Lookie, lookie.
I thought you weren't coming.

Yeah. Me too.

-It's time to get back in the pool.
-Good for you. Sorry I couldn't help.

Once upon a time,
I did this all by myself.


-What can I get you?
-A glass of red, please. Whatever's open.

-Avoid the Swiss.

As a general rule?

I didn't know they made you
come to these.

-I take an interest.

Change of scenery.
No reason for being here.

-Let's keep it between us.
-No problem.

I'm on my nd of what's bound
to be identical conversations.

-I think I'm losing my voice.
-That's awful.

Mind if I stand here
and pretend we're talking. . .

-. . .but we actually don't?

You sound like a guy
formulating an exit strategy.

-I don't know. Could be.
-Can't say I'm entirely surprised.

Senator Rafferty?
They're ready for you upstairs.

I'll be right there. Thank you.

I think you said some things
this country needs to hear.

You've established yourself
as a national presence.

You step out before Super Tuesday. . .

. . .before anybody's shot
at a nomination is foiled. . .

. . .by what would be considered
a spoiler. . .

. . .maybe there's a vice presidency
in this for you.

I'm not pulling out
before South Carolina.

-I did this to make a point.

And I wanna make sure
that everybody's heard it.

-I certainly never--
-I've gotta step out now.


I should go.

I'm gonna finish my drink.
You've got my number if you need it.

Yeah, I do.

Put them on. Let me see.

Looks good.

Makes you look smart.

I thought I looked smart before.

So did I.