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06x14 - The wake up call

Posted: 09/30/21 07:05
by bunniefuu
Previously on The West Wing:

Get the president a report on storage.

-I'm not sure we're ready--
-He asked me for it.

Are we done?

We need to focus on the best way
to manage his symptoms.

How many hours a day?

Six or seven,
and he's gonna need a nap midday.

A nap? He's gonna love that.

For both of us, sir,
this is our last game.

Let's leave it all out on the field.


-I thought you were heading. . .

-. . .to the residence.
-Thought about it.

Then I thought I'd sit
and enjoy the art for a while.

-Do you want me to get Curtis?

-I'm a bachelor tonight.
-So I heard.

Abbey's in Baltimore with Ellie
and the new boyfriend.

-I hear we like him.
-What's not to like?

The guy spent the last years. . .

. . .studying the mating rituals
of Drosophila melanogaster.

He likes fruit flies.

And my daughter,
hopefully not in that order.

What say we grab Toby and head
out on the town, trip the light fantastic?

Are we gonna chase
after Miss Turnstiles?

The old lady's out of town.

She'll have my head if I don't
get you to bed in a half-hour.

-Besides, you've got a date tomorrow.

I actually convinced her to let me
out of the house for Valentine's Day.

-You're taking her to the opera?
-Verdi's Otello. Romantic, huh?

Isn't that one where
the guy kills his wife?

It's in Italian.
I'm hoping she won't notice.

-Sure you don't want me to call Curtis?
-I'm good.

-Night, C.J.
-Night, sir.

Get some rest.



Will you ask Debbie to move the
president's wake-up call back to : ?

I'd like to take a look at the
president's schedule for tomorrow.

Shevardnadze just pulled
the section on executive power?

And replaced it with his own.
The old constitutional bait and switch.

-C.J. Cregg, I'd like you to meet. . .

-. . .Professor Lawrence Lessig.

He's a constitutional writer.

He's helping Belarus
write their constitution.

I'd have thought
they'd written one by now.

They have. It's three lines pledging
allegiance to the Supreme Soviet.

-Hence the rewrite.

You have a copy of the BLS mass-layoff
report I can read in the residence?

-Evening, Mr. President.

-Am I interrupting?
-Sir, this is Professor Lawrence Lessig.

The Future of Ideas?
That Lawrence Lessig?

He's here to help with the Belarus
constitution. He helped. . .

-. . .with the Georgian constitution.
-Founding father for hire?

No, no. The Belarusians
will be the founding fathers.

I'm more of a midwife.

Well, it's God's work if you can help
us bring some stability to that mess.

-Maybe we should--

Where do you start
a document of that importance?

I like to begin with a series of conceptual
questions, then proceed--

Excuse me, Professor Lessig,
I'm sorry.

-But the president really needs to--
-I think we can spare five minutes. . .

. . .to discuss the roots of democracy,
if the professor has time.

-It would be an honor, sir.
-Come, then.

Let us sit as men do,
and discuss important things.

So, what's the latest
in comparative constitutional theory?

Is separation of power still in vogue?

This is the White House operator.

I have an urgent call
from Commander Harper.

Go ahead.

Tell me you're calling about
a guy you met.

A United Britannia flight from London
to New Delhi went off radar. . .

. . .over the Caspian Sea an hour ago.

-A commercial plane?
-About passengers.

Mostly British and French.

-How many--?
-Six Americans.

-We think it was a crash?
-It's too early to tell.

The plane was off course. . .

-. . .drifting into Iranian airspace.
-I'll be right in.

-Can you transfer me to the switchboard?

-Ms. Cregg?
-Let's wake some people up.

Yes, of course we understand,
and this is a terrible tragedy, but--

Yes, Madam Prime Minister, but--

Ma'am, we've had no indication
the Iranians were involved.

And I think it's in all of our
interests not to jump to conclusions.

Yes, ma'am. Yes.

-The British prime minister?
-In all her glory.

When I left the president,
I thought I'd go home nights.

Can't complain
you're not getting overtime.

-You don't pay me overtime.
-You wake up the guys at State?

Great Britain desk sent over language
for the condolence statement.

They suggested we invite
the ambassador for breakfast.

Just what we need,
international intrigue.

-I thought you liked Lord John.
-I adore him.

And when I was press secretary,
I could adore him from afar.

-You gonna be in the Sit Room?
-Hoping to catch a game?

-Maybe a nap.
-Call Barrow.

Set up some time with Chet.
He'll know.

Thirty minutes out of London,
the flight was six miles off course.

We think they accidentally left
the autopilot in heading mode.

-Do you see the trajectory of the plane?

I just got off with the prime minister.
They're coordinating on a search party.

But she's already pointing fingers.
Is she pointing them for a reason?

I'm sorry.
Are we waiting for the president?

No. Do we have any reason
to believe the Iranians were involved?

We've been flying RC- s
off the northern coast of Iran.

-Spy planes.
-Since last March.

And the Iranian MTI
that tracks the RC- . . .

. . .produces very rough
CAPPI readouts.

-The United Britannia flight drifted. . .

. . .into Iranian airspace on a track
very close to our RC- 's flight path.

The Iranians mistook the flight
for a spy plane and took a shot at it?

It's possible. The RC-
is roughly the same size as a .

-With a large dish on it.
-And a banner that says "spy plane. "

-But on a dark night. . . .
-We have to find out what happened.

We're talking to the Israelis.

Signals Intel has feed from
the time the plane went off radar.

-But it's gonna take a while to translate.
-I want updates every half-hour.

So the Iranians taking
potshots at our spy planes. . .

-. . .that's fair game.
-We don't let them hit us.

Did the president
get into it with Graty?

He wasn't on the call. She got
pretty hepped up all by her Ionesome.

State's been conducting talks with Iran
on their nuclear program.

-We've made progress.
-It's fragile.

If Iran's involved,
Graty makes this a thing--

I put in a call to Chet.
Do you find it odd. . .

. . .calling a high-ranking
Iranian official "Chet"?

Well, it's easier to say than
Asefi Hossein Kamal Bin Hamid.

-Man, I'm fried.
-Up late last night?

Lecture on the future
of democracy in Belarus.

Democracy? The last guy made
his political opposition disappear.

-Why they've asked for help.


Prime Minister Graty,
she tends to overreact.

-She's a runaway train.
-The president likes a heads-up. . .

. . .if she's making decisions
with international ramifications.

He'll be awake in a few hours.
Make sure I get those updates.

Debris from what appears to be a plane
crash has begun to wash up in Astara....

Do you have my schedule?

Officials fear this could be the wreckage
of United Britannia Airlines Flight .

We're gonna need to pare
this down. Get rid of my : .

Have Charlie take
the : with Karshner.

-Please tell me this is a joke.
-No, ma'am.

I'm meeting with Miss World?

She's from Bhutan. I have her bio
so you can be prepared.

-For Miss World?
-It's a tradition.

Every year, the new
Miss World comes in to lobby.

-On what?
-AIDS in Africa, world hunger.

She generally has a very good cause.

She gets to meet with the chief of staff
to the president of the United States?

Leo thought that as a show
of international good faith. . .

-. . .we should accord all due respect to--
-Pretty girls everywhere?

-She's a brilliant flautist.
-Get it off my schedule.

You're in early.



-What you doing?

Constitutional Choices.

It's amazing how tricky
emergency powers are.

The executive in a young republic. . .

. . .you'll need some
type of emergency power.

Do you write that in the constitution,
or does that lead to abuse?

-I just came in because--
-See the predicament.

-Right, we need to put out. . .

. . .a condolence statement
on the crash.

I'll put Annabeth on it
when she gets in.

Charlie's got some
language from State.

Building a new democracy.

-How do you shape a new world?

Have you reassigned Miss World?

-Well, I thought maybe I could--
-I'm sending Toby a Valentine.

We just got a call
from our base in Incirlik.

This is surveillance of the Caspian Sea
from the time the plane went off radar.

-And these are. . .?
-Two jets. . .

. . .flying out of the Iranian air base in
Rasht, on course to intercept the flight.

Margaret, call the switchboard.
Ask them to wake the president.

Good morning, ma'am.

-Mr. President?
-Good morning, sir.


Why are there three of you?

Mr. President, we think the
Iranian air force mistakenly shot down. . .

. . .a British commercial airliner.

I need to speak
with Prime Minister Graty.

I asked her to wait
before making a statement.

-What's Iran saying?
-Not much.

-I'm sure that's going over well.
-Intel's working on the feed.

If Iranians were aiming at our plane,
it'd provide explanation for their actions.

-We called Marbury?
-On his way.

-We should call Chet.
-On his way.

Damn it! We were just making
progress with the Iranians.

If Graty gets revved up
and starts quoting Churchill. . . .

She gets aggressive, Iran gets defensive,
this thing's gonna spiral.

I need to talk her down.
Get her on the phone.


We condemn the attack by Iran...

...against innocent
men, women and children...

...aboard an unarmed
United Britannia plane.

This is a barbaric, monstrous crime
committed against Great Britain...

...against Europe, against
the United States, against humanity.

There can be absolutely
no justification.

Well, I guess I'll have to wait
till she's off camera.

This shall not stand.

That was Prime Minister Graty....

Have we heard anything from
Prime Minister Graty?

-Were we talking with British intelligence?
-Yes, sir.

They have something, or she
wouldn't be getting Hans and Franz.

-Where's the report from Hutchinson?
-It's here.

Marbury on the way?
We schedule time with the networks?

-We should discuss if that's necessary.
-It wasn't.

But now that there's been a crime. . .

. . .committed against Britain and the
U.S., I have to say something!

Is she on the phone yet?

-Thank you.
-Thank you, sir.

I want an update from Hutchinson.
Put in a call to Barrow.

See where we are with Chet.

Make sure Lord John
doesn't stop for an eye opener. . .

. . .on the way from the British Embassy.

Mrs. Bartlet.

-Hello there.
-Did you just get in?

About half an hour ago.

Around the time I noticed
my husband wasn't in bed.

I checked the bathroom, the sitting
room. He was nowhere to be found.

I get a little nervous. My husband's
not the healthiest guy, you know.

So I call Curtis.

He tells me the president's in the Oval.
Can you imagine my surprise?

There was a development.

You do remember waking
me at a.m.?

-We agreed to let him sleep.

I let him sleep until I couldn't
let him anymore.

How late was he up last night?

Ma'am, I let him sleep
as long as I could.

Toby Ziegler,
this is Alexander Zubatov. . .

. . .head of the delegation
from the Republic of Belarus.

-Pleasure to meet you, sir.
-And we thank you for having us.


Could you check and see
if you can find Lessig?

No problem.


-Is that a copy of our constitution?

-You know this document?
-Yes, I do.

-I have many question.
-That's good.

-Over the course of the week, we--
-For example. . .

. . .it says here, president shall be
commander of Army, Navy, et cetera.

-Here, it says:

"Congress shall have power
to declare w*r. "

-Commander does not declare w*r?

-Theoretically, Congress needs to.

-So your habit is to ignore document?

Well, occasionally.

-Good morning. How you doing?
-Excuse me.

-Good morning.
-Good morning.

Sorry I'm late. I was having
breakfast with Justice Lang.

And we got into
a fascinating discussion. . .

. . .over the reformation
of the rule against perpetuities.

I see we've got our noble patriarchs.

-Have you started?
-I've been answering questions.

Excellent. Gentlemen, let's begin.


I hope to embark upon
a conceptual journey. . .

. . .into the world of democratic theory.

I'll be right back. Excuse me. Sorry.

I trust you've glanced at the material.

-She wants to see you.
-A beauty queen on my schedule?

She did it.

You put a beauty queen
on my schedule?

The United Britannia flight was
shot down by two Iranian fighters.

It might have been a mistake.
Kate's gonna give you more.

You need to brief. And tentatively
set up some time with the networks.

Graty's a little excited.
He wants to distance himself.

If he went on TV
every time Graty blew--

Tentatively schedule.
And, Toby, in the briefing--

Since morning, the president has done
everything to assist the British.

Yeah, but don't say "president. "

The White House
has done everything?

It's gonna sound like
he got a good night's sleep.



-Good lord.

-Toby, I gotta. . . .

Lord John?

Hello. You look familiar.

-C.J. We've met a number of times.
-Yes, yes.

Where is Gerald?
I do hope he's recovered.

Leo has moved down the hall.

Oh, yes, I heard.
Demoted on account of a heart attack.

That's cutthroat,
even for American politics.

-Actually, he's been--
-No, no. There's no need to hedge.

So you're the new Gerald.

I suppose.

-lf you'll just. . . .

Maureen, of course we support--

Yes, but until we know all the facts--
Yes, madam.

We'll be in touch. Thank you.

So much for a stiff upper lip.

-Mr. President.
-John, thank God.

-Kate, may I introduce--
-I'm Lord John Marbury. . .

. . .hereditary Earl of Sherborne. . .

. . .great-great-grandson
of the former viceroy.

I have served as the queen's minister
in India and Pakistan.

And I am presently the British
ambassador to the United States.

Oh, and I have an uncle
who once performed. . .

. . .in the London Opera Company's
production of The Mikado. . .

. . .in the role of Nanki-Poo.

-It's a pleasure.
-Yes, isn't it?

John, please.

I'm afraid your prime minister is doing
her William the Conqueror thing again.

Prime Minister Graty's own party
thinks she's soft on Iran.

Her government is far from stable.

And we have just lost
almost countrymen.

-So are you surprised?
-Not at all, really.

But we think this might
have been a mistake.

They accidentally fired two Anab AA-
missiles at the side of a passenger jet?

-Lord Marbury--
-No, please call me John.


It's possible the Iranians thought
they were sh**ting at a U.S. spy plane.

So it's your fault.

-Been spying on their nuclear facilities?


Why do you think
they want you to stop?

The Iranians deliberately
k*lled British and American citizens. . .

. . .or they tried to sh**t down your plane
because they want to build weapons.

They are a rogue nation on the verge
of becoming a rogue nuclear power.

While I in no means
wish to trivialize. . .

. . .the most appalling loss
of life earlier this morning. . .

. . .one need not reread Thucydides
to see this as an opportunity.

She's gonna use this as an excuse
to b*mb their nuclear plants?

Heavens, no.

The prime minister must demand
remuneration for the victims.

Perhaps a formal apology,
even some elegiac groveling.

We all know the ayatollah will never pay,
let alone apologize, for anything.

Well, then we will be forced
to take appropriate measures.

Will there be mimosas with breakfast?

Toby, will the president back
the British if they respond with force?

-I'm not gonna speculate.
-lf they need logistical support?

I'm not gonna speculate
on Britain's response.

What was the president's
reaction to Graty?

-I haven't discussed it with him.
-Were we consulted before the address?

The White House has been working
with the British since morning.

-Was there a call with--?
-I don 't have the details now.

-When can we get the tick-tock?
-I'll get back to you.

-Toby, the prime minister's address?
-I don't have any more for you now.

She called it a monstrous crime.
Does the president--?

The president is scheduled to address
the nation at . I'd tune in.

For you.

-It's Valentine's Day.

Go ahead, they're yummy.
Hey, what's the tick-tock?

Minute-by-minute accounting
of the president's actions. The press--

-Asks for it during a crisis.
-Then why ask?

"White House has been working
with the British since morning"?

The president needs to look strong,
like he's up to this.

"The president has been
working with the British. "

-I got it.
-Apparently not.

Or they wouldn't have asked
for the tick-tock.

Good, huh? I've got more
if you want, for your special someone.

-Excuse me?
-I like Bhutan in spring, how about you?

-I'm still meeting with the beauty queen?
-Oh, yeah.

We say the president is the sole
representative of the people. . .

. . .because while he is
elected by electors. . .

. . .these electors are
elected by the people. . .

. . .upon the premise
that they will vote for him.

I can go through it again if you'd like.

-Is he explaining the Electoral College?

-We've covered it in some detail.

We've been discussing the American
executive. You could shed some light.

We should push beyond
American-style government.

-Push beyond?

Mr. Zubatov has many questions.

But perhaps this time would be better
spent discussing a parliamentary system.

-We don't want parliamentary system.

-President Eliches needs broad powers.
-Like American president.

Sir, your country has
a history of brutal dictatorship.

I don't think a strong executive
is such a good idea.

-You agree with this?
-Not entirely.

Half the faculty at Yale Law describes
the American presidential system. . .

. . .as one of this country's
most dangerous exports. . .

. . .wreaking havoc on over
countries around the globe.

It is a recipe for
constitutional breakdown.

Well, I can see this is going
to be a vibrant discussion.

John, you can't focus
on the ayatollah.

President Alijani
is a champion of reform.

-lf negotiations with Iran progress--
-Alijani's weak.

Nonproliferation agreements
won't stop their efforts.

It'll just drive them underground.

Bombing is the better solution.

Iranians have spread out
their nuclear facilities.

-We don't know where half of them are.
-Well, we'll b*mb the half we can find.


Blanket my loins,
I'm tied to the stake.

-Here we go.
-Lovely to see you, John.

So many distractions, Mr. President.
How do you get anything done?

-God only knows.
-Where's C.J.?

With Secretary Hutchinson.

May I have Kate for a minute?

Tarry not long, gentle courtesan.

-Did he just call me a--?
-Isn't he delightful?

-The president needs a break.

-He was up late last night.

He was up early this morning.
He needs a break.

Well, we've got the French ambassador,
then the Iranian, but maybe--

I mean now.

-Maybe I should just check with C.J.
-You could do that.

Or you could go back in there
and get my husband.

Yes, ma'am.

My heart is like a singing bird
Whose nest is in a water'd sh**t

My heart is like an apple-tree

Whose boughs are bent
With thick-set fruit

Raise me a daïs of silk and down

-Hang it with vair and purple dyes
-Kate Harper.

-Carve it in doves and pomegranates
-Can you repeat that?

And peacocks with a hundred eyes

Yeah, we'll send it
over right away. Thanks.

-Thank God.

C.J., so good of you to return.

-Where's the president?
-Apparently on recess.

May I use your phone?

-He went back to the residence?
-First lady wanted him to rest.

Yeah. I guess we can try
to delay the French.

-I'm sorry, should I have. . .?

-Wasn't clear on the chain of command.
-It's fine.



Can you find Charlie
and see if Leo's in yet?

-Slovakia, Slovenia. . .

. . .Bulgaria. They chose
parliamentary systems.

Hamilton, Madison, Jefferson.

They all chose a presidential system.

Only four presidential democracies
have lasted longer than years.

Hamilton, Jefferson, Madison?
They got lucky.

Well, they want
a unifying national figure.

-We need a unifying figure.
-British prime minister is a unifying figure.

-Prime Minister Graty's weak.
-Subject to shifty coalitions.

She's subject to the representatives.
She can be ousted. . .

. . .if she locks people up
who don't like The White Album.

President Eliches is a good man,
and he wouldn't do this.

He'd create a stable environment
for the country.

For the next years, yes.

But this document isn't
about President Eliches.

It's about the guys who come
after him. You need systemic protection.

Safeguards that can last
beyond a generation.

You gotta look beyond the moment,
beyond the here and now.

Your : is here.

My : .

I need you to take my : with Conrad
and my : with Lauer.

No problem.

You rang.


Sweet Lord in heaven.

-It's been too long.
-Oh, I don't think it has.

One moment.

I trust you've heard our news?

Oh, terrible tragedy.

But if it means that our
paths may cross again. . .

. . .well, there is indeed some
small consolation in that.

-Leo, I hate to pull you into this.

-Toby's plate is full and with Josh gone--
-What do we got?

The president's in the residence,
Iranians in the Mural, French at the gate.

And then there's Maude.

I really can't believe
we still let him in the building.

Tell me about it.

We have relations
with the Iranians now?

No, we have Chet.

-Chet's the new Phil?

Chet's the new Phil. I was hoping
you'd take the French--

-I'm not of that opinion.
-French are fine.

Excellent. You take the French,
I'll take Chet.

And Kate can stay
and entertain Lord Flibbertigibbet.

-Not good.

-Have fun.
-That's your fault.

So you said you were from. . .?


I'm sorry. Say that again.

-Did you ask for the Asian carp report?

-You sure?
-Pretty sure.

-Sorry. You were saying?
-Yes, Bhutan.

-It's just south of--
-Toby, I brought you the latest. . . .


You the man.

-So Bhutan, just south of--


You need something?

-You need something?
-No. Good. Thank you.


-Happy Valentine's Day.

I'm still waiting for the tick-tock.

Would you settle
for a chocolate heart?

Why wasn't the president
on the call with Graty?

-That would be a no?
-I got a tip he wasn't on the call.

Well, the British papers
can be kind of dodgy.

-Is Toby around?
-He's busy.

If the president wasn't up,
the country has a right to know.

I've got candy hearts.

I can post this story with or without
comment from the administration.

Maybe now would be
a good time to talk to Toby.

No, I think large-scale study of gene
expression is a very noble cause.

Excuse us. I hate to bother you,
but Gordon had a--

And this is--
I'm sorry, I didn't get your name.

Lyonpo Palden Wangchuk.

Right. This is Gordon. He's a famous
journalist from The Washington Post.

In fact, Gordon has written columns
on the mapping of the human genome.

-Oh, yes?
-And Miss. . .?

-Wangchuk is very interested. . .

. . .in microarray-based
gene expression studies.


Yes. I think this research
is quite important.

-Would you excuse us?
-Sure, sure.

Yes, sure.

What in God's name. . .?

Gordon got a tip the president
wasn't on the early call.

-Figured we might stall him.
-You think that--?

That was written by a colleague.

Okay, it might work.

Toby, I have the first lady for you.

You have to control the British. They're
jeopardizing more than nuclear talks.

-They're understandably upset.

But even the educated are
rallying around the ayatollah.

Alijani's worried about the future
of our reform movement.

Which is why the ayatollah
needs to apologize.

The president has been trying to reason
with him, but with Graty's threats. . .

. . .the ayatollah can't apologize.

And really, why would he consider it?

Maybe to avoid compromising
a potential relationship with the U.S.

Did the United States apologize. . .

. . .when the U.S. Navy shot down
Iran Air Flight . . .

. . .k*lling innocent people?

And even if it were in his best interest,
the ayatollah's a very proud man.

Especially when it
comes to his air force.

-You'll do what you can.
-I will try.

But if you cannot
control the British. . . .

Ms. Cregg.

Things went well with Chet, huh?

-Yeah. How'd it go with the French?
-Like talking to Madame Defarge.

The EU is scared to death of an
Iranian nuke. Opportunity knocks.

Maybe we should fall in line.

You gotta believe in the future of Iran.
They got pro-America rallies.

We play nice, democracy
could be around the corner.

The reform movement's gained
ground over the years.

Why do you think
the ayatollah's refusing to budge?

He can rebuild nuclear plants, but the
anti-Western sentiment it'll generate. . .

. . .if the RAF starts dropping
bombs on Tehran.

I got a call from the first lady.
She wants to cancel the address tonight.

-Excuse me?
-She wants to issue a statement.

-She thinks he's not up to it.
-Not her call.

-Pretty much what I said.
-I'll talk to her.

Is that the Miss. . .?

-I used to love this time of year.

-Why is she with Gordon?
-He was asking for the tick-tock.

-How long can we--?
-Annabeth thinks a while.

Keep me posted.

Abbey's been more involved
since you got back from China?

-Thank God for early retirement.

After China, Abbey and I
met with the doctors.

We came up with a plan.

A full night's sleep,
a nap during the day. . .

. . .a way to manage things.

Of course, getting him
to cooperate is another story.

I called Abbey last night.

I thought we should wake him,
but he'd been up--

I always thought the wake-up call was
one of the hardest decisions to make.

The president's always
gonna want the call.

But really, all you have to ask
yourself at the end of the day is. . .

. . .would it have made
a difference if he'd been awake?

It's no surprise.
Iran 's always been a problem.

But this time, they painted
themselves into a corner.

And I urge the president
to take all appropriate measures.

-Easy for him to say.

-Where's Lord John?
-He lost interest.

Something about a Miss World.

Can you believe these people?

-Which people would you be referring to?
-Hoynes, Vinick, Walken. Pick one.

All on the "Iran is evil" bandwagon.

When you're campaigning for the
presidency, there's no need for nuance.

-A French word.
-When are we meeting the French?

-Leo sat with them.
-They're on the bombing bandwagon.

-When do we sit with Chet?
-Didn't have much luck there.

You talked to the Iranians
without me?

Kate, Leo,
can I have the room, please?

I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't raise
your voice at me in front of the staff.

I need to manage this crisis.
I needed to be in those meetings.

-We handled the meetings.
-You're right.

-My presence wouldn't have added much.
-You were up in the residence, sir.

All I have in this situation
is influence and relationships.

Take those things away from me,
I am powerless.

Ayatollah is praying for rain. I'm not sure
Mohammed could change his mind.

Do you know how many hours
I have sat with the Iranians?

With the French?
With Prime Minister Graty?

I put in my time. I've built
relationships with these people.

So when they're headed for
the deep end, I can rein them in.

Which is what I would have done
if I were awake this morning!

I doubt that, sir.

From the moment that pilot pulled
the trigger, Graty was writing speeches.

All the king's men weren't gonna
keep her from opening her mouth.

Had you been on her doorstep, I don't
think you could have reined her in.

The funny thing is, sir, I'm pretty sure
you don't think you could have either.

-Hey, how's everybody doing?
-Fine, fine.

-Great, great.
-The president's speech is in the printer.

-Assuming there is one. How are they?

Don't you just love Valentine's Day?

Toby, good to see you.

Grab a sandwich and listen in.

I think I'm managing
to pick up a few phrases.

It's not all that different
from Polish, actually.

They're still on a lunch break.

-They love roast beef.
-You're giving them a two-hour lunch. . .

. . .after wasting the morning on a system
that's never gonna work for them?

I wouldn't call it a waste.

These guys have to
walk out on Friday. . .

. . .with a set of laws
to take back home to Minsk.

Not a set of laws,
a sense of the rule of law.

You're not planning on writing
a constitution this week?

Are you familiar with
Meyer v. State of Nebraska?

Nebraska passed a law making
it illegal to teach anything. . .

. . .but English during World w*r I.
Meyer wanted to teach German.

Supreme Court said
the law was unconstitutional.

Good. Now. . .

. . .where in the constitution
does it say you've got a right. . .

. . .to teach German in school?

-The document is irrelevant?

I'm saying the document
is just the beginning.

A constitutional democracy
succeeds. . .

. . .only if the constitution
reflects democratic values. . .

. . .already alive in the citizenry.

Yes, but these Belarusians
don't have those values.

Which is why our most important job
is to instill those values in their leaders. . .

. . .through discussion and debate.

But you're talking about eight guys
on a sightseeing trip to Washington.

You think you teach values
to eight guys. . .

. . .you'll reverse years
of brutal dictatorship?

Mr. Helakal was known as the only
honest legislator in the government.

Mr. Lipecki is the most
respected judge in the country.

And Mr. Zubatov, well. . .

. . .Mr. Zubatov is the editor in chief
of Sovetskaya Belorussiya.

His articles helped bring
down the last dictator.

How many guys do you think it takes?

Got a cigarette?
First lady get to you?

-Yes, sir.
-Come on. Cough them up.

Aren't those bad for the MS?

You wanna play doctor too?

Suddenly, I've got nursemaids.

-She didn't wake me up this morning.

-lf I was awake this morning, I could've--

Prime Minister Graty thinks
you're an intellectual snob.

A Yankee Doodle windbag.

Likely as not, you would've
made things worse.

If an American dies, and there's
suspicion of international intrigue. . .

-. . .she's supposed to wake me.
-Since when?

If I'd used that rule,
you'd be dead from sleep deprivation.

Five minutes ago, you told me
to leave it out on the field.

-Now you're telling me to stay off it?
-Let her do her job so you can do yours.

Excuse me.

Do you have a minute, ma'am?

-I sent him back to work.
-Yes, I saw him. Thank you.

Ma'am, I can't have
you confusing my staff.


If you have a question, a concern,
I need you to come to me.

What if I can't find you?

Find me.

You gonna take away my key
to the executive washroom too?

Ma'am. . .

. . .I made a mistake this morning.

He needed to sleep.

Yes, I agree with you. The mistake
was not making the decision on my own.

You can't make
these decisions by yourself.

-I'm the chief of staff.
-You're not a doctor.

It's not a medical decision.

It's a question as to whether
the leader needs to be informed. . .

. . .about something that
puts citizens in jeopardy.

What he does with that,
how he manages his disease. . .

. . .those are his decisions.

He was up until midnight.

He's not managing his disease.

You're gonna have to take
that up with him, ma'am.

I'm sorry. Excuse me.

-John. Thanks for sticking around.
-No trouble at all, really.

We've translated transmissions
from before the incident. . .

-. . .we'd like to share with you.
-By all means.

At Greenwich mean time,
we believe this is an Iranian fighter. . .

. . .calling in to military-radar
ground control in Rasht.

"Unable to establish
visual contact with RC- .

Hailed on military channels.
No response. Please advise. "

They thought it was our plane.

Here's the response at .

"Iranian Air Defense Command
radar signal confirms. . .

. . .aircraft as U.S. RC- .

You are instructed to fire. "

This is all very lovely, but I'm
not sure how it changes anything.

Damn it, John, the reform movement
in Iran has real promise.

Demographics are on our side.

Yes, you've been making
that argument for some time now.

You're gonna drive the Iranians
back into the arms of hard-liners.

The Iranians have a ballistic m*ssile
that reaches kilometers.

That's half the distance to London.

And they're making improvements.

To their weapons technology,
to their already formidable air force.

How long do you think we can wait
for democracy to sweep through Tehran?

Five years? Ten years?

Would you bet your capital on it?

We thr*aten to make this public.

We call a meeting of the Security Council.
Tell them we'll play the intercepts.

Intercepts prove the Iranian
air force shot down our plane.

-Prime minister won't budge.
-Not the prime minister. The ayatollah.

Iranians couldn't tell the difference
between an airliner and a spy plane.

-It's embarrassing.
-For a man who's proud of his air force.

We let the ayatollah
know what we have. . .

. . .he jumps to apologize
for the actions of a pilot. . .

. . .rather than humble
Air Defense Command.

If they issue even a vague apology--

Mr. President, Jack Stanley and his
fiancée perished in that plane last night.

Nicolas Ashe
and his three small children.

He was a fellow at Oxford.
The list goes on.

The casualties are nothing
compared with what might happen. . .

. . .should Iran successfully
develop a nuclear w*apon.

They have over nuclear facilities.

It's not a matter of four bombs.
It's a matter of .

And this regime will not be afraid
of selling to the highest bidder.

Kate, set up the meeting
with the U.N.

And have Chet get word
to the ayatollah.

He can apologize now
or after he reads about it in the Times.

-Yes, sir.
-You do realize the ayatollah. . .

. . .will be embarrassed and weakened?

He'll do nothing
but redouble his nuclear efforts.

Diplomacy, John.

The job of statesmen.

And I thought it was
drinking and dancing.

-The networks can have their time back.
-The Iranians are apologizing?

Let's work on a statement for the
papers. Where are we with Gordon?

And I always looked down my nose
at beauty pageants.

-We should at least consider--
-Give him the tick-tock.

Tell him the prime minister
was a courtesy call.

I didn't think we needed to wake him.
Just because the public thinks. . .

. . .he's supposed to be up
doesn't mean he is.

-Know what the story's gonna be?
-They'll write MS stories. . .

. . .till the end of this administration.
Give him the tick-tock.

So maybe we should
cancel the address.

I took care of it.

Iran's apologizing,
Britain's backing down.

There's no need for you
to distance yourself from Graty.

You gotta trust me
to make these decisions. . .

. . .or there's no point
in having me in this job.

-I spoke to Mrs. Bartlet.

I'll be making the wake-up calls
on my own.

Your MS won't be
a factor in my decision.

Thank you.

Sir. . .

. . .these international crises drag on
for days. One rolls right into the next.

You need to take care of yourself.
There will be mornings. . .

. . .when I'm gonna have
to wake you at a.m.

-Good night, sir.
-Good night.

Happy Valentine's Day.

That's what you're
wearing to the opera?

You have a a.m.
call in the morning.

I canceled the opera.

-The whole opera?

Just the part where we give
the usher the tickets--

I can manage my health without you
taking my pulse every five minutes.

Is that what you were doing when you
decided to stay up gossiping last night?

-I was talking to Professor Lessig.
-Shove it, Jed.

"It's my disease, my health,
I can handle it. " The hell you can!

You can run this country
on four and a half hours' sleep with MS?

You're out of your mind.

-Stop treating me like a child.
-Then stop acting like one.

Where would you be if I hadn't bought
you those extra hours this morning?

Do you want to manage your disease?

You accept your limitations
and you manage it.

You don't go sneaking around like
a teenager staying out after curfew. . . .