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06x13 - King corn

Posted: 09/30/21 07:04
by bunniefuu
Previously on The West Wing:

Ever see Arnie Vinick campaign?

He'll go into high school gymnasiums
in Iowa and blow them all away.

I let Russell seduce me
with mindless perks. . .

. . .like a salary
and political support.

What make-work job do they
have you doing over there?

Media targeting for the Northeast
and Pacific Northwest.

You care who'll be
in that chair after Bartlet.

I do.

That's why I don't want
Russell to be president.

I'm gonna give big speeches.
I'm gonna push limits.

And that's the campaign
you get to run.

-You gonna need me in the morning?
-I'll call Mindy if I do.



Hey, anything for ?

-Mr. Bailey's still in the cafe.

-Good night.
-Five forty-five wake-up call?

Yeah. Or you can have someone
come to my room. . .

. . .and hit me over the head
with a mallet or something.

-You got a name for the hog roast yet?
-"Pig out with Bob"?

-Hey. How was South Carolina?

How'd the donor conferences go?

Heard a hundred ideas
about how Democrats. . .

. . .can take back the South
and scooped up the checks.

-Don't be a tease.
-Half a million.

-When's the VP coming?
-Air Force Two is wheels-down at : .

-Where do you want me?
-We need to pack the debate stage. . .

-. . .with fringe candidates.
-Here you go.

We've got two recently released
federal inmates. . .

. . .an airline mechanic,
two men over the age of . . .

-. . .a comedian, a nun.
-Don't forget Jennifer James.

-One guy's entire platform. . .
-She's a porn star.

. . .is a tax cut for anyone who adopts
and neuters a pet.

Why do we want them,
aside from the neutering thing?

Hoynes was hoping to be alone
on-stage with the VP.

The more wackos around him,
the more Hoynes looks like a clown.

Okay. Morning staff at : .

-Wonderful work.
-Good job, Donna.

-How was it?

-Pool in Charleston was nice.
-You had time to swim?

No, but it looked nice. We really
gonna call them Bob's Boulders?

They keep signing checks, I don't care
if they're the Flying Wallendas.

Half a million.

Not bad for two days of rolling
with the Boulders. Good night.

-Can you hold the elevator?
-Sorry, I. . . .

If we can't afford at least
points out of Boston. . .

. . .we gotta find another way.

Stuart, will you call me back in five?

-I'm sorry, I couldn't find the button.

Will you hit four?

-Just get back?
-Yeah. South Carolina.

-How's it going with you guys there?
-We're closing in on Hoynes.


We're focusing on New Hampshire
right now.

So where did you stay
in South Carolina?

Marriott. Charleston.

They got that nice-Iooking pool.

So. . .

-. . .good night.
-Yeah. See you.

You're doing it too fast.

I get-- I get frequent-flier miles
every time I swipe.

So much for the Bermuda trip.

-Good morning.

This is your : a.m.
wake-up call.

--Carly Farkula, a -year-old
Turkish woman...

... who was sexually involved
with a coworker...

... was convicted of adultery
this morning.

She's been sentenced to death
for her crime.

The conviction of the young woman
comes at a precarious time for Turkey...

... who has until recently enacted
reforms aimed at preparing the country...

...for European Union membership.
However, EU officials say...

... the execution of Miss Farkula
would be a major obstacle...

. . .to Turkey's future inclusion
in the EU.

Bartlet administration officials
stressed that while saddened... Turkey's decision to allow
the execution to go forward...

... the United States remains committed
to strengthening ties with Turkey.

American Legion pancake breakfast. . .

. . .followed by remarks at the opening
of the new office in Des Moines.

-It'll be degrees.
-Bus ride to Centerville. . .

. . .then to the Iowa
Corn Growers' speech.

-Where are we on ethanol?
-VP loves it.

-Showers in it.
-Comment on Turkey?

-What's the president saying?
-Saddened. . .

-. . .committed to strengthening ties.
-Saddened? They're gonna behead her.

-Who's got the wonderful world of corn?
-That'd be me.

Iowa Corn Growers Expo
is non-partisan. . .

. . .sponsored by
the Iowa Farm League.

The expo offers
an excellent opportunity. . .

. . .to address farmers, corn growers,
crop consultants and seed-corn reps. . .

. . .on a variety of issues, including
the economy, farm subsidies, trade. . .

. . .biotechnology, ethanol
and alternative fuel.

-We're sure Hoynes will flip?
-Believe me.

Hoynes is taking the pledge.

This guy, if speaking to cannibals,
will promise them missionaries.

Think we'll be able to find corn?

Corn fritters, corn pudding,
corn flambé, corn soufflé, Creole corn. . .

. . .country-fried corn, peanut butter
corn cakes and huitlacoche.

It's a sweet-corn fungus.

They give it to pigs in the States.
It's a delicacy in South America.

No need to stop for lunch.
Everybody fill up on corn smut. . .

. . .at the Jefferson Cow Barn.
Five days till the caucuses. . .

. . .nineteen days to New Hampshire.

Donna, Christine. You two heading out
on your beyond-the-fringe world tour?

First stop, Peter Burton.

He wants the military in schools
to prevent v*olence.

One Abrams t*nk seems
like a worthwhile truancy deterrent.

A mm cannon would blow the
wheels off any tardy sixth grader's bike.

Tough on cafeteria linoleum.

When you swing by the expo, Bob
will thank you for looking at that pool.

Skip this one. He went to federal prison
for refusing to pay income tax.

Ever been to one
of these caucuses, Trevor?

My grandmother runs one
down at her church every four years.

You don't think it's weird your state
gets to go first?

-We always go first.
-Yeah, and why is that?

-Iowa's first because it's first.
-Says who?

We should check this Craig out.

You don't think Californians
should meet candidates?

We're not a bunch
of politically spoiled farmhands.

We take the responsibility of screening
presidential candidates seriously.

Guy wins Iowa, it means
he's learned to speak. . .

. . .about soybeans
and farm implements.

Here we are.
This is the Burtons' here.

Maybe we should've called first.

-Good flight in?
-Yeah, slept.

-First stop's a pancake breakfast.
-Love pancakes.

The Sun-Times wants a statement
on farm subsidies.

The family farm is the backbone
of America.

They were looking
for something substantial.

What do they expect, I'll be against
farm subsidies in Iowa?

-Oppose manhole covers in Manhattan?
-We'll give them boilerplate.

It's a tragedy about the woman
in Turkey.

-We issue a statement?
-You deplore it.

-Good to know.
-You support Bartlet's efforts. . .

. . .to strengthen ties
with an important regional ally.

This morning's finance report,
. million cash in hand.

-Ought to buy a few lawn signs.
-And lawns.

Got a minute for donors?
Irwin Drucker's wife, Eileen.

Have a daughter Susan at LSU.
Peter Mosby, he's in insurance.

Sorry, I got stuck in the pack
at the White House.

Irwin, Eileen. How's your daughter
Susan doing at LSU?

Mr. Edgars, your platform would allow
all citizens to carry a concealed w*apon?

Not allow. Require.

And you don't think that might lead
to. . . . Well, anarchy?

What we got now is anarchy.

An armed citizenry will take back
our cities, our parks, our schools. . .

. . .and our highways.

You try those pepper sausages?
Damn, those things were hot.

Somebody get me a quart of milk
and a bucket of sand.

Paul Durett and his wife, Mimi.
Sam Skok and his son, David.

Hey. I'm gonna step back,
take my coat off. I'll be right back.

Roger, make sure everybody's
got something to drink.

-You look at the ethanol speech?
-Seems fine. Who else is speaking?

Hoynes before you. Clarkson and Santos
after you. Republicans tonight.

You think Arnie's gonna say ethanol's a
colossal waste of the taxpayers' money?

-Thanks, Shelley.
-Vinick will flip. Has to.

I was in the Senate the last time
he made his anti-ethanol speech.

Had it been a tie,
I'm not sure what I would've done.

Voted aye if you wanted
to run for office again.

I think ethanol passed something
like - .

I'm surprised there were senators
with no presidential ambitions.

You think he can wriggle out
from under his record?

He'll wiggle, he'll squirm.

He'll say it wasn't good for California.
He knows it's good for the country.

He'll pull a muscle reaching around him
to pick up that one.

The majority whip is positioning
on Third Circuit nominees again.

Yeah. Vinick's not wrong
about ethanol.

Takes more oil to transport it
and fertilize it than we save using it.

Sir, you're not changing the speech.

-Was it Paul and Mandy?
-Paul and Mimi. Son David.

Mr. Johnson, your platform would
include paying the president. . .

. . .the Cabinet and members of Congress
a salary of $ a year?

Hell, yeah.
Make them get a real job.

And you wanna ban motorcycle helmets,
color television, drop out of the U.N. . .

. . .abolish Medicare
and privatize Social Security?

We gotta get the government
out of our damn pockets.

Sir, are you sure you're a Democrat?

We're gonna need time after
the trip for a debate prep.

-The Black and Brown's coming up.
-Do I really have to go?

-It's an Iowa tradition.
-And a fair fight.

Atkins and Santos get to
stand up there. . .

. . .rail against racial injustice,
while the rest of us loiter. . .

. . .Iooking like those albino twins
from The Matrix.

Donna Moss is here.
South Carolina fundraising.

Great job on Carolina.
Keep those Boulders rolling.

Thank you, sir. We can't put
these fringe candidates. . .

. . .on-stage
with serious candidates.

We've got a Fascist arrested
for brandishing a r*fle. . .

. . .calling for the republic's

A delusional preacher,
a guy who just needs a job. . .

. . .and a refugee
from the New Christian Minstrels.

A freight train derailed in Baton Rouge.
Big chemical spill and fire.

They'll have to evacuate
a -square-mile area.

-Any fatalities?
-Leveled a couple of city blocks.

They're ready for you, sir.

-We're set on this ethanol speech?
-Don't worry, I'm not suicidal.

I'm gonna take the pledge.

Ladies and gentlemen,
the vice president of the United States.

I might throw in something. . .

. . .about drastically reducing
sugar subsidies, though.

We can't give these fringe people
a megaphone. They're lunatics.

-It'll be a circus.
-Thanks for that welcome.

Now, I'm not saying this
just because I'm in Iowa.

I say this everywhere I go.
We need more ethanol production.

-It's not already a circus?
-When I was in Congress. . .

. . .I voted to subsidize. . . .

Good morning. This is your : a.m.
wake-up call.

Thank you.

--Carly Farkula, a -year-old
Turkish woman...

... who was sexually involved
with a coworker...

... was convicted of adultery
this morning.

She's been sentenced to death
for her crime.

In the most recent attempt to revamp
Turkey's -year-old penal code...

...members of the
Justice Development Party...

...approved yesterday a controversial
amendment plan to criminalize adultery.

Leaders are expressing concern
that the country's laws...

...might be moving closer
to Islamic law.

The conviction of the woman
comes at a precarious time for Turkey...

... who has until recently enacted reforms
aimed at preparing the country...

...for European Union membership.
EU officials say...

... the execution of Miss Farkula
would be a major obstacle...

... to Turkey's future inclusion
in the EU.

Bartlet administration officials
stressed that while saddened... Turkey's decision to allow
the execution to go forward...

... the United States remains committed
to strengthening ties with Turkey.

Okay, you guys. I'm just gonna
be right next door, all right?

At we tour
the Todd family orchard in Ames.

Talk about agricultural policy
with farmers.

Followed by a photo op in Audubon
with Albert, world's largest bull.

-Campaign's full of metaphors, isn't it?
-Josh Lyman for Toby Ziegler.

Say, Ned, did Andrea send over
the markups on the dispersal?

I wanna weigh in
before it goes to the floor.

-Read it on the way.
-Next is a coffee-bean caucus. . .

-. . .at Hamburg Inn # .
-The what?

It's a diner. They line up mason jars
with each candidate's name on it.

Customers get a bean
to toss in their favorite's.

-I even have a jar?
-We sent a volunteer in all week.

-You got seven beans.
-Volunteer as big as Albert?

Next is the oldest Dairy Queen.

You try soft-serve and talk
about the economy. Next we fly to. . . .

-We have a plane?
-Sort of.

--for the "I impale myself on
the sword of corn-based fuel" speech.

What are you gonna say about ethanol?

"Best thing since soft-serve. "

Ethanol is subsidized to the tune of
what, a billion dollars a year, Josh?

-What's up after the corn expo?
-Prep on the Brown and Black debate.

All of you are gonna prep me
for a debate on race?

We should go over
opposing arguments.

See if we can get Hoynes
on the issues.

I grew up in Houston.
I lived the opposing arguments.

Okay, that's it.
Parking lot, minutes.

Terrible about the woman in Turkey,
huh? What will the president do?

Not much, I'd guess. I mean, she's
a Turkish citizen. It's their country.

They're executing her because
she slept with her fiancé.

Hey, we execute minors. The rest
of the world thinks that's barbaric.

-I'm with the world.
-You joining us this morning?

No. Peter's got the sniffles.
Think we're gonna stay here for a while.

Honey, a billion dollars a year
to make a gasoline additive?

I'll get my coat,
kiss the kids goodbye.

-Pictures are better without the coat.
-Circulation's better with it.

-Register has us at percent.
-Yeah, I saw.

Iowa's Hispanic population's
. percent.

A billion dollars that could be spent
on health care, prenatal care. . .

-. . .Head Start education--
-Catch up later?

-See you.

We wrangled you an invitation
to hunt pheasant. . .

. . .with one of the Osceola
County supervisors.

Get into camo gear, sling a -gauge
over your shoulder. . .

-. . .get a few photos for the AP.
-With a g*n?

You were a Marine.
You can sh**t, right?

Yeah, a mm chain g*n, but it might
be a little hard on the pheasant.

You know, Helen's not wrong
about ethanol.

-Oh, please. Come on.
-It's bad for the environment.

It's expensive.
It's the mother of all panders.

After antagonizing New Hampshire,
we're gonna do the same thing here?

-Transportation and storage are difficult.
-Is this the insult-and-injury tour?

We going to North Dakota next, tell
them South Dakota has a cooler name?

Farm subsidies began as a way
to help farmers in the Depression.

It's out-of-date.
It's corporate welfare.

Don't you wanna get votes
in one of these states?

Hey, percent of the money
goes to the richest percent. . .

. . .of American farmers. We're talking
about writing six-figure checks. . .

. . .to Chevron, the John Hancock
Insurance Company, NBA stars.

Repeat after me: "Family farming
is a precious way of life. . .

. . .in this country, and we'll do
everything we can to protect it. "

I'm Matt Santos.
I'm running for president.

Come inside, we'll talk about how
we can make America stronger.

I wanna look
at the ethanol speech--

-As soon as we get back on the bus.

-It's not gonna happen.
-Is he doing it again?

About immigration,
we need to tighten our borders.

-That's fine.
-Maybe we should find. . .

. . .some hungrier volunteers.

-He's not talking ethanol, is he?

Great. He proposing opening the border
and pelting them with surplus corn?

Something about foreign nationals
serving in the military. . .

-. . .without being given citizenship.

They defend our country,
but they can't be citizens. . .

-. . .until they're discharged?
-You're Hispanic.

You talk immigration reform,
people will think. . .

-. . .you wanna throw open borders.
-Not throw open. . .

. . .but make sense
out of our immigration laws.

You know, the ethanol subsidy
is a joke.

It's in the Oxford English Dictionary
under "pandering. "

Maybe voters will respect us
for telling the truth.

That because ethanol isn't perfect,
they have to send their kids. . .

. . .to community college, and we'll yank
millions out of the local economy?

But it's up to us to explain
that it's gonna hurt them. . .

. . .that we're essentially paying
for make-work jobs.

That can't be what they want.

Explain it after someone's actually
elected us to something, okay?

I'm not going
to a Brown and Black debate. . .

. . .and only talk about economics.
I'll look ridiculous.

Lack of opportunity is the root
of our divisions.

We need to lower the deficit,
lower interest rates. . .

. . .and create private-sector jobs.

We need to raise educational
standards. . .

. . .and equip Americans
for the new economy.

Russell and Hoynes will say that.

You're steering me
to middle-of-the-road positions. . .

-. . .that appeal to C-SPAN viewers.
-All six of them. . .

. . .who'll be watching
the debate, yeah.

Want me to talk about economic
problems in minority communities?

Yeah, I really do.

Okay. How about the fact
that minority kids. . .

. . .are five times more likely
to grow up poor and fatherless?

-You know you can't go there.
-I'm serious.

Kids who grow up fatherless
are more likely. . .

. . .to suffer emotional consequences
and twice as likely. . .

-. . .to engage in criminal activities.
-We need to challenge Hoynes. . .

. . .not fringe candidates.

We reformed welfare
to require women to work.

When they can find a job.
We haven't done much. . .

. . .to force deadbeat dads
to pay support.

You know less than a quarter
of Latino kids grow up without fathers.

It's nearly half
of African-American children.

I don't care if it's three Bosnians,
an Armenian. . .

. . .and a bus full of party clowns.
It's a huge economic problem, Josh.

It's gonna look like
you're lecturing African-Americans.

Oh, so if I'm president, I can only
use the bully pulpit to talk to Latinos?

What, does my State of the Union
only run on Telemundo too?

No. Tell me right now.
What's gonna help everyone, broadly?

Make a difference
across all the races?

Values issues are important too, Josh.

And supporting ethanol's a mistake.
I wanna see that speech.

This is a small plane.

Don't like small planes?

Buddy Holly small.
Big Bopper small.

Jiles Perry Richardson.

Bopper's real name. Ritchie Valens too.
All went down right here in Iowa.

-Where's the congressman?
-Up front.

-Up front?
-He can't exactly fly it from back here.

Everybody set?

You might wanna buckle up, Josh.

I don't think I'll ever get tired
of doing barrel rolls.

"Ethanol is good for our economy,
good for our environment.

Should be at the heart
of our energy strategy. "

We've lost , jobs to foreign oil.
Ethanol's created , .

Think of it as
a Midwestern jobs program.

"As president, I will ensure
that by the year . . .

. . . percent of all motor fuels will
come from renewable sources. . .

-. . .like ethanol. "
-Four lines at the top of the speech.

-Think of it as a trip to the dentist.
-I'm a good flosser.

-Honey, how you doing?

-Peter's better.

Ronna, do we know
who's been here?

Hoynes this morning.
Russell about an hour ago.

All right. You know,
I'm not gonna do this. Any of it.

I'm gonna tell the truth. We have
to help farmers in the tough years. . .

. . .and reform the system so we can
target those who really need it.

Not agribusinesses
and multimillionaires.

You walk out on that stage and come
out against ethanol, you are dead meat.

Bambi would have a better shot
getting elected to the NRA. . .

. . .than you'll have of getting
a vote here.

Let him say what he wants.
He's right.

-No, he's not.
-You want me to support something. . .

. . .I know to be lousy policy and a
colossal waste of taxpayers' money. . .

. . .to round up votes for a caucus
I can't possibly win.

I want you to support a policy
that helps people. . .

. . .so that when you are sworn
in as president. . .

. . .you can make the changes
we both know need to be made.

I'm ready.


Take the pledge.

Ladies and gentlemen,
Congressman Matthew Santos.

Oh, thank you. Thank you very much
for that warm welcome.

Ethanol. . .

. . .is good for our economy. . .

. . .good for our environment and should
be at the heart of our energy strategy.

As president, I will ensure
that by the year . . .

. . . percent of all motor fuels
come from renewable resources. . .

. . .like ethanol.

Ladies and gentlemen, I'm here
to talk about the steps. . .

. . .that we must take. . . .

-Good morning, sir. It's : .

-Great. Thank you.
-You're welcome.

--Carly Farkula, a -year-old
Turkish woman...

... who was sexually involved
with a coworker...

... was convicted of adultery
this morning.

Leaders are expressing concern
that the country's laws...

...might be moving closer
to Islamic law.

Meanwhile, Bartlet administration
officials stressed...

... that while they're saddened
by Turkey's decision...

... to allow the execution
to go forward--

Speech on tax reform at General Mills,
then a meet-and-greet with managers.

Talk about improving
the business climate.

-We have talking points on the tax plan?

Okay, : rally
at the Mid-America Center.

Followed by a lunch
for John Schofield.

-Thought we said no.
-Party's behind him.

-They're trying to unseat Lockman.
-We have a couple house stops. . .

. . .then on to Hamburg Inn # .

-That the place with the beans?
-Great pie too.

Finally tonight, the Iowa
Corn Growers Association.

It suddenly get quiet in here?

-Do we have that new direct-mail piece?
-I took out exclamation points.

Here. Fewer words, more pictures.

Can we get any mileage
out of Bartlet and Turkey?

I don't see how.
He criticized the decision. . .

. . .while reaffirming commitment
to regional autonomy.

It'd be a way to remind caucus-goers
of your foreign-policy experience.

You wanna remind them
of that experience?

Might get their minds
off ethanol and abortion.

Bringing them with me to a DMZ
wouldn't take their minds off that.

Okay, everybody. That's it.

Got the new financial report.

-We're up million.
-A lot of money.

All we need is people
willing to vote for you.

Bob, you got crumbs all--
Oh, great.

Now if I want a snack,
I reach into the carpet.

-You tell him?
-Tell me what?

About the new field poll.
You're at percent.

-So I'm up a little.
-Half a point.

Dumped million bucks into Iowa,
and you are up a half.

Ten million, I can get you
double digits. You'll have to do it.

-I'm not having this conversation.
-Sheila, tell him.

Stop it.

She's been doing all her own talking
since she turned .

Why don't we talk about this
in the car.

I never thought we should
commit resources here.

We can't just thumb our noses
at Iowa.

Let Allard clean up and take the
momentum into New Hampshire?

This is about rural voters. A Republican
can't win without the farm belt.

You want me to spend the day
in overalls talking about soybean prices?

You know that's not
what we're talking about.

Farmers in America don't wanna
get paid in the mailbox.

-They wanna be paid in the marketplace.
-I wrote that.

People know where I stand. They may
not like it, but they know I'll stick to it.

This is issue one, two and three here.

-I'm not a panderer.
-It's unavoidable.

It's the non-panderer's pander.
General Patton would pander on ethanol.

Et tu, Brute?

Bartlet's economic policies
simply aren't working.

In small towns and rural communities
across America. . .

. . .our lifestyle and values
are under siege.

The trade deficit's at record levels.

Corn is down cents a bushel.
Soybeans are down cents.

Isn't the deficit due to NAFTA
as much as anything else?

Trade creates jobs. Period.

One-third of Iowa's agricultural
product goes overseas.

We need more programs
like the Freedom to Farm legislation. . .

-. . .that I sponsored.
-Here we call it Freedom to Foreclose.

That's clever,
but it's not very accurate.

Do you think that farmers
should decide what they get to plant?

Or should that be left to some
bureaucrat in Washington?

You know, too often you're forced
to farm the subsidy. . .

. . .instead of the market.

We could use the study
by the ethanol institute.

I wonder who footed
the bill for that.

It says when you put percent
ethanol in every gas t*nk in America. . .

. . .we can reduce worldwide
oil demand by percent.

First, we can't produce
that much ethanol.

Second, using it as an additive
allows the oil companies. . .

. . .to pump up octane levels and sell
more premium gas to SUVs.

-We're trying--
-Years ago, I called it highway robbery.

Now I'm supposed to hand out
ski masks, g*ns and paper bags?

Forget the subsidy argument.
You said a hundred times. . .

. . .reducing dependence on foreign oil
is a national security issue.

-We fold ethanol into that.
-The only problem is it's not true.

Making a gallon of ethanol
takes almost a gallon of oil.

That's like saying using tonic water as
an additive reduces our demand for gin.

Listen, I need to catch Valerie
after school.

-I have to wish her a happy birthday.
-Will you look at the report?

It's a classic study of a stupid policy
rammed down our throats. . .

. . .by special interests.
It makes about as much sense. . .

. . .as building patio furniture
out of corn.

But sure, I'll take a look.

We need fewer regulations
on small businesses.

Small businesses like family farms.

We have to do something
about lawsuits. . .

. . .that jack up costs
for small businesses. . .

. . .make it hard for them to afford
to have insurance, capital investment--

You know, I'm for free trade,
but shouldn't it be fair trade?

Can we really compete with people
earning a dollar a day?

Do we really want workers in Malaysia
to be earning our minimum wage?

I mean, do you have any idea what
real estate costs in Kuala Lumpur?

Trade lowers prices for Americans.

How do you think they keep things
so cheap over at Wal-Mart?

It's not just ethanol, you know?

These subsidies are what
give us the corn glut.

That's why we make million tons
of corn sweetener a year.

Average American eats
or drinks pounds of it.

And we wonder why we have
an obesity problem with kids.

What would I have to say?

You weren't wrong as senator.
Ethanol wasn't in California's interests.

As president, you do what's right
for the country.

What did you expect?

How about, "As senator,
I pandered to Californians.

But as president, I plan to pander
to every special interest group. . .

. . .who'll get me elected. "

Bob have a speech drafted?

-You wanna read it?
-No, not especially.

You know, if Iowa weren't first,
if it were third, you know what it'd be?

South Dakota primary.

Senator Vinick, any thoughts
on today's train derailment?

-He gonna do it?

Senator, your granddaughter.

Well, Mantovani I'm not.


No, of course I didn't forget.

Well, it's cold. It started snowing.

Okay, you go back to your friends.
I love you too.

Happy birthday, pumpkin.

Have that Profiles in Spinelessness
speech of yours?

It's on the prompters.

You ready, senator?

I missed my kids' birthdays.
Now I'm doing it with the grandkids.

Ladies and gentlemen,
Senator Arnold Vinick.

As many of you are aware. . .

. . .in the past I haven't been
a big supporter of ethanol subsidies.

I know what you wanna hear.

Telling people what they wanna hear
is the easiest thing to do in politics.

But that's not why I'm here. That's
not why I'm running for president.

I know that the ethanol subsidies
have been good for some of you.

But mostly, it's a windfall
for huge conglomerates.

I'm embarrassed by it,
and I think you should be too.

I know what you're up against.

I grew up in a citrus-farming
community in California. . . .

I'm here to tell you the straight truth.

If you elect me president...

...ethanol subsidies are not gonna be
a part of my agriculture policy.

Senator Arnold Vinick surprised
many people earlier today... announcing
to the Iowa Corn Growers....

You and the congressman
finish dinner?

At least one candidate gets to go home
without feeling like he's been mugged.

He may have his wallet, but he'll be
down four points in the morning.

Ned, would you mind excusing us
for a minute? Thanks.

See you.

Josh, why are we even in Iowa?
Shouldn't we be focusing on Texas?

California? Places where we might
actually get some. . . .

What do you political professionals
call them? Votes.

We're letting people know there's
an alternative to Hoynes and Russell.

Matt Santos.

-Making sense, talking about ideas.
-Making sense about ethanol?

It makes sense in Iowa, yeah.
Russell's a house of cards.

His support's a mile wide
and an inch deep.

We can't compete with him on
endorsements or institutional support.

But we don't have to worry about
Russell. Hoynes will take him down.

This the Josh Lyman
nine-point plan?

Hoynes is smart. He has access
to money. Plenty of chits he can call in.

Once Russell crumbles,
his support will flow to Hoynes. . .

. . .unless someone has established
themself as not Hoynes.

Not Hoynes?

There's gonna be primary activists
uncomfortable. . .

. . .with an adulterous,
moderate DLC Democrat.

My God. You stay up nights
thinking this stuff up?

It's a living.

I'm going to bed. Don't keep him up
too late. He's tired.

Good night, Josh.

-Is it still snowing outside?
-Supposed to clear in a couple hours.

-We gonna change the schedule?
-Not yet.

-Josh. As I live and barely breathe.
-Senator, how are you?

Well, aside from the dozen
Republican farmers. . .

. . .who tried to show me the business
end of a Mr. Popcorn machine. . .

-. . .I'm fine. You know Sheila, Bob.

-You got some. . . .
-That's Bob's way of packing a lunch.

Senator, Congressman Matt Santos.

-We've met. How are you, Matt?
-I'm good, Arnie. You?

We cosponsored a doomed immigration
reform package a couple years ago.

-We fought the good fight.
-Still went down in flames.

We're supposed to be driving back
to Des Moines now, but. . . .

With the storm, we thought we'd eat
and see if it clears up.

-We could see if the kitchen's open.
-I'll check it out.

-I'll get a table.
-Sure. I'll be right there.

I read about that education plan
you introduced in New Hampshire.

That's pretty gutsy stuff,
taking on the teachers' unions.

Well, I don't think I'll be elected
president of my PTA right now, but. . . .

-I saw the ethanol speech.
-That wasn't gutsy. . .

. . .so much as suicidal.
Or so my staff tells me.

-Mind if I sit?
-No, please.

Russell and Hoynes
have come after me on that already.

-You lining up a shot for tomorrow?
-I think I'll just sit this one out.

A -day school year, huh?

An end to teacher tenure.
Nationalizing the system.

Wanna hop on? I could use support.
I'm taking a shellacking from my side.

I'm with you on the tenure.

But a longer, federally mandated
school year? I don't know.

It sounds like another
Washington power grab to me.

-Here we go.
-Why would we wanna wrest control. . .

. . .from local boards
and parents who know more. . .

-. . .about their kids than we do?
-School boards and parents. . .

. . .aren't making sure kids can compete
in the marketplace.

Wouldn't be a Democrat plan
if it didn't involve taxes.

Maybe we should take apart
every public school. . .

. . .auction them off.
Some things cost money, Arnie.

Who's gonna administer all this?
The Department of Education?

They did such a great job improving
education in the last four decades.

Are you through embarrassing me
in front of my staff?

I'm not even close.

-When are you going to New Hampshire?

What with my ethanol tantrum, I. . . .

I suspect my work here is done.

I think I've managed to successfully
drag my poll numbers. . .

. . .below a pro hockey score,
you know?

-At least you still got a full set of teeth.

My staff is very proud.

Well, if they weren't, I was.

You're not an ethanol fan?

Not until today.

Kitchen's closed, but they'll whip up
a few eggs, some sandwiches.

Thank you.

What do you think they're plotting
over there?

If your day's been anything like ours,
I'd keep away the sharp cutlery.

That was a bold move
on the ethanol thing.

That was all him.

You may lose,
but you'll mop up with the press.

They'll talk about how
courageous your guy is.

From your lips to God's ears.

-What'd your guy do on ethanol?
-He took the pledge.

Republican field's wide open.

We're just trying to find a way
to stay in the game.

Our force is adequate
to meet the needs...

...of the agreed-upon security
arrangements, and all parties remain--

-Good morning.

This is your : a.m.
wake-up call.

Thank you.