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04x02 - We're in This Together

Posted: 09/29/21 09:54
by bunniefuu
Previously on "New Amsterdam"...

Why'd you tell everyone
we were a couple?

- Yeah, okay, look...
- We agreed

you were going to treat me
like everyone else.

As your newly minted
psych residency director,

you will be on this ward
with real patients,

and you will have me
in supervision as your teacher.

You and your girl work things out?

We did, but still
figuring out some details.

You want someone to replace Dr. Sharpe.

Something tells me Dr. Sharpe
is not replaceable.

Don't let her go.

- Did you find my replacement?
- I'm going with you.


♪ Walkin' in the stars ♪

♪ 'Cause we put
some mirrors on our feet ♪

♪ The moon is the music ♪

♪ We join in and sing ♪

♪ See the turn of Earth ♪

♪ It's movin' ♪


♪ Wonder, catch me in the sky ♪

♪ Take me somewhere I would never go ♪

♪ I promise not to tell ♪

♪ If you don't tell ♪

♪ - One ♪
♪ - Once upon a hilltop ♪

♪ - Two ♪
♪ - It's one for you ♪

- ♪ It's one for me ♪
- ♪ Three ♪

♪ Three times we both got lost ♪

♪ Lookin' at the sun ♪

♪ Lookin' at what's to come ♪

♪ Every time I get this far This far

♪ - I just wanna disappear ♪
♪ - Disappear ♪

♪ I wanna get lost
in the world with you ♪

♪ With you, with you,
that's what I wanna do ♪

Oh, God, I forgot
to ask what Brantley said

when you told her that you were leaving.

Brantley? I'm sorry, who's Brantley?

- I'm not familiar.
- Aw, Max.

I'm gonna tell her.
I'm gonna tell her, I just...

I'm just trying to have
my replacement all lined up,

because I don't want to give
her a full-blown heart att*ck.

Oh, wow.

Sparing Brantley's heart palpitations

have never been a top priority
for you before.

Better late than never?


And what about Luna's grandparents?

Do they know?

I'm working on it.

We leave in six weeks.

Okay, Helen, come here,
come here, come here.

I am gonna tell them, okay?

I'm gonna tell everyone.
I'm gonna tell strangers.

Maybe even tomorrow, but not tonight.

Because tonight, all I want...

is dim sum...

in bed...

with you.


You are going to get dim sum...

- Really?
- And then some...


- Once you tell everyone.
- Oh, I see.

- Have a good day.

Hear ye!

It is that time of year again, folks.

It is the Harvest Festival
tonight at the rooftop garden.

Please join me for free drinks.

The broccoli is coming in hot.

Oh, yeah, she just turned it down flat.

Casey, have you ever seen
such ripe, tender heads

pressed up against one another
like that?

- What?
- The thing, man, tonight.

You coming?

Yo, if I give you some of
the best gossip ever,

can I skip it?

- No.
- Come on!

Damn it, I gotta tell somebody.

It's just too good.

I just saw Max and Helen
totally making out

over by the ambulance bay.


But no, they're...
Yeah, they're friends.

- They're good friends.
- Yeah, that were suckin' face.

They're overly physical communicators.

- They talk with their hands.
- Are you telling me

that you had never any idea
what was going on between them?

Casey, although it
is a blessing and a curse,

behavioral analysis
is my superpower, okay?

If there was ever
any romantic inclination

between Max and Helen,

I'd have been the first to suss is out.

- Okay? Now just shush.

Come tonight. Eat broccoli.

- I...

Thanks for the lift, best boss ever.

Yeah, well, don't thank me just yet.

Uh, Iggy is having his weird
harvest thing tonight,

and as your awful girlfriend,

I am forcing you to be my plus-one.

- Sounds great!
- Does it though?

Good morning, Dr. Malvo.

Morning, Dr. Reynolds.

What's with the smile?

Oh, I guess my : a.m.
spinal fusion surgery

has got me really, really happy.

Ah, well, that would sound strange,

but suddenly I find myself very excited

about my... pelvic laparoscopy.


Assuming you'll walk with me.

I passed my elevator
about seconds ago.

I'll try to keep you entertained.

Well, you set the bar
really high last night.

You more than cleared it.

I have a few hours after work,

and maybe if you're free, we can...

You just can't get enough, can you?

What's up?

I'm late for my surgery.

Yo, what'd I say?

It's unclear if you know this,

but I am actually a very busy surgeon.

Well, I have a job offer for you.

- But I already said no.
- Not to the job

I'm about to offer, and spoiler alert,

it is the best job that we've got.

What's better
than the chair of oncology?

Medical director of New Amsterdam.



- No.
- No?

And, had I known this is why
you wanted to meet again,

I would have saved you the trouble.

Um, maybe you're...
Maybe you're in shock

at being offered
the very prestigious position

of medical director

at America's first public hospital?

Dr. Luke to neonatal.
Dr. Luke to neonatal.

Nah, I feel pretty levelheaded about it.

Would you... would you tell me why?

Because I k*lled for this job.
I mean, I love this job.

This is the greatest job
in the entire world.

Catastrophic emergency, Max!

That's your answer, in a nutshell.

Makes sense.

Okay, would you do me
a professional courtesy

and just think about it

and take the day
and get back to me maybe?

- Maybe?
- Max!

Okay! Go.

- Yes?
- Go, go. I'll think about it.

- Thank you.

- What was that about?
- Uh, I'm not sure.

Oh, Max, why didn't you just tell me?

Oh. Um, I don't know.

I was just looking
for the right time, and, uh...

It's our ICU, Max. If it's understaffed,

I need to know before something
like this happens.

Right. You're talking about our ICU.

Totally makes sense. I completely agree.

We are understaffed.

We should have five attendings
per shift.

We're barely getting by with two.

And now those two,
Dr. Perez and Dr. Agata,

- are down with food poisoning.
- Oh.

And there's no backup, no one to cover.

So you're saying
no one's running our ICU?

This is why I keep telling you
we need more doctors, Karen.

COVID burnout is real.

You'd think they have more sense of duty

to this hospital than to just leave.

Well, it's not just about
sense of duty to the hospital.

I mean, these people face
all kinds of stress

for this hospital; They've had
to question every priority,

every value they've ever had.

Not to mention, some of 'em
fell in love, you know.

Finally put love first for once

instead of denying it for so...

well, maybe, I don't know.

Uh, we need doctors.
That's what I'm saying.

Triage nurse to the ER...

We have patients,
two transfers on the way,

at least nine procedures
piling up on the to-do list...

- Oh, right, and no doctors.
- Then shut it down.

Send these patients to other hospitals.

No. They're too sick.

Some of them won't
even survive transport.

Can't we farm them out
to other areas of the hospital?

No, they need the specialized
care they can only get here.

If this ICU fails,
the whole hospital goes down.

We gotta make this work.

How? Who's gonna take over?

I will.

- Somebody help us over here.
- What happened?

We were out fishing
to celebrate his retirement.

Bluefish, stripers, some tuna.

Terry, they don't give
a damn about the fish.

You never know what's important.

- We go every year.
- We get all set up.

- Nice new hooks and everything...
- Terry, for the love of God.

And when we got to the dock,
all of a sudden

Joe just stops talking.

- Okay.
- Which is alarming,

because Joe never shuts up, like, never.

It's like the man gets paid by the word.

- No offense, buddy.
- He's gonna be okay, right?

Hey, Joe, do me a favor.
Can you lift your right arm?

Is it numb? Is it tingly?

Yeah, it looks like
he's having a stroke.

Let's get him a CT scan.


Do you sell what you steal?

- No.
- So why steal at all?

I don't know.

The things I take,
I don't even want 'em.

It's crazy, but in my head,
it's not stealing.

But Kevin, where's the empathy?

You are stealing.

Imagine if it were someone you loved.

What if you stole from your dad?

All right, I'm gonna
pause you right there.

Uh, Miguel, amazing.

Great job bringing Klepto Kevin
to life, man, killin' it.

Oh, gosh, it's such a great role.

You were born to play it, clearly.

Chitto, I'm sorry
I cut you off back there,

but there was a big-time tactical error

that we need to talk about.

- But he was opening up.
- No, yeah, I realize that.

But try not to focus
on what he was saying,

more on how he was saying it...

His voice, his demeanor, his tears.

Does all that suggest a lack of empathy?

Crap. No.

Yeah. Also, in last week's reading,

we hit on the common parental
archetypes of kleptomaniacs,

and the big one was...

- Withholding parents.
- Exactly, withholding parents.

So When you're withholding empathy

and shaming him for his dad,
in Kevin's mind,

guess who you are?

His dad. Okay?

Good luck building that trust back.

This is...
This is transference , yeah?


Oh. All right, guys, come on.

Let's lose the long faces.

Getting adjustments is good,

as long as take what you learn here

and you apply it
to your real-life patients.

All right? That goes for everybody.

So why don't we move past these, um...

these rookie mistakes and,
uh, crush one?

Miguel, ready to drop in,
find your center?


Take two. Go.

Kevin, I think...

Okay, I'm gonna jump in right here.

- Have you considered...
- No, not... not quite.


No! Oh, no! Mamma mia, no.

That was definitely... a choice.

Guys, guys, come on. Listen.

Listen to one another.

No, no, no, no, no.

Definitely not that.

Cut! Nope, change tact.

Mm, no, okay, that's it. That's it.

That's enough. Stop.

- Any notes for me?
- No, Miguel.

You're perfection.


Heart att*ck during
a symphony concert last night.

- And this bruise?
- Oh, I fell out of my chair

when the chest pain hit.

- Oboist screamed.
- Oh.

And people say symphonies are dull.

She's had several waves
of chest pain overnight.

Should I increase her IV nitro drip?

Uh, yes, let's do that.

Okay. Will do, Dr. Goodwin.

- I may be out of practice.
- Oh, you?


- I bring platelets.
- Great, thank you.

Today is gonna be kind of a day.

I heard. And Wilder, did she say yes?

Uh, she said no,
quite a few times, actually.

- But I did...
- Dr. Goodwin.

Sort of convince her to,
um, think about it.

We still have patients
left on rounds.

Platelets are for Bay Five.

Cop... Copy.

So I hear you got into
a nasty fight with a mountain.

Must have fallen, I don't know, feet.

Oh, my God, how terrifying.

My partner and I,
we've been climbing together

such a long time.

Do you know, is he here?

Um, I haven't seen him.

He may have been taken
to another hospital.

Could you find out?
His name's Garrett Turner.

- He got it way worse than me.
- Of course.

Uh, Helen, two more just rolled in,

and I got an acute leukemic in Bay Six.

- Can you take a look?
- Max, why didn't you pull in

some help from another department?

Uh, which one? They're all understaffed.

If I can keep us afloat long enough

for Perez and Agata to recover...

Max, that was me saying I'm in.

I'm staying.

- I would kiss you, but...

- I need to talk to someone.
- Oh, I know.

Me too. It's amazing, isn't it?

- What is?
- Max and Helen.

I mean, finally.

All that sexual tension
just brewing for years.

Wait, weren't they already a thing?

Are you kidding? No.

But Casey said
they definitely are now, so.

Okay, great. Well, they're two adults.

Nothing's standing in their way.

It's no big deal.

How do you enjoy any movie ever?

Okay, look, the, uh, woman I'm seeing,

I said I was excited to see her,

and all of a sudden
she just froze me out.

Like, I don't even know what I said.

Mm, I'm gonna stop you right there.

I'm gonna save you some time.

The thing about women is they
just want to hear two words.

"I'm sorry." That's it.

It's a silver b*llet to any argument.

I actually could have
saved myself three hours

of processing last night
if I followed my own advice.

Dr. Bloom, Casey needs you.

- O sat's dropping.

- CT scan?
- Negative.

Isn't a stroke, and he's crashing fast.

Okay, we're back to square one.

I need more information.
Give me some history.

Nothing happened out there on the boat?

- No, nothing.

Well, how's he been feeling?
Has he been sick recently?

He's had some back pain,
but that's all of us.

- We work in construction.
- Yeah, if you're collecting

a paycheck, you're in pain.

What else? Think!

I mean, he had the flu
or something last month.

- Is that what you mean?
- Yeah, yeah, he even

called out sick,
stayed home a couple days.

Yeah, and that's not like Joe.

- Post-viral myocarditis?
- Worse.

Given the arm numbness,

post-viral Guillain-Barré syndrome.

His whole nervous system
is shutting down.

- Carla has V-fib.
- Pulseless VT.


Let's start chest compressions.


Come on, Carla.

I need help over here!



We're losing him!





- Clear.


I got a pulse.

No pulse. Going again.

- Clear.

He's back.

- She's back.
- Carla, are you with me?

- I think so.
- Good.

What the hell, Max?

- We're getting through it.
- This isn't short-staffed.

- This is not staffed.
- I know.

What do you want me to do?
I'm not gonna close our doors.

You need to ask for more help.

Who? Whose help am I supposed to ask...

My help.

You should have asked for my help.

Well, I wanted to,
but what about your residents?

They're fine.
They got Walsh and an iPad.

I'm staying here with you.

Sleep with the boss,
ride to work in a limo.

Girl, give me that gig.

Yeah, how late you think
she got to sleep in?

Must be nice is all I'm saying.

It's more of a town car than a limo.

Hey, it isn't personal.

Then what is it?

Just be aware of your privilege, okay?

[SCOFFS] Privilege? I'm not privileged.

Six months ago I was living in my car.

you've come a long way, baby.

That iPad with all the
emergency medicine textbooks

downloaded on it,

we share one of those
between the three of us,

so we have to study in shifts.

Yeah, and we share a cruddy
studio in Morris Heights,

three buses away.

You know,
we have to wake up at : a.m.

just to get here on time.

That the Littmann M?

I can barely hear a jackhammer
with this thing,

let alone a heart murmur.

But it's all I got.

So just know,
from where we're standing...

[WHISPERING] You're looking
pretty privileged to us.


I want to get it even more.

Tell me what it's about.

- Own your feelings.

There's a pressure
inside of me, and, uh...

When I see something that I can take,

it just builds and builds.

- Man, that sounds really hard.
- Pause.

Why did you interrupt me?

I was being empathetic.
That's what you told me to do.

Your impulse is correct;
The timing is bad.

I'm in the room with you.
I can read these decisions.


All right, so why don't
we explore that pressure

that Kevin mentioned?

How does that make him feel?

You don't know, because you cut him off

before he could finish telling you.

If you had let him finish,
he would have told you

that it makes him feel
like he wants to hurt himself.

If you cut him off, if you...

If you slam that window of honesty,

that could be it,
that could be his life.

Got it?

Okay. Good.

If a patient is trying
to share with you,


- Okay?
- Yeah.

Good. Drop back in.

- Here we go.


So there's a pressure,
builds and builds inside of me,

and if...
I feel like if I don't take it,

something awful is going to happen.

You know, it sounds like this is rooted

in conflict with your father.

No; Way, way, way too soon
to drop the dad b*mb.

That came out of left field. That's...

You can't... you can't have
a patient's epiphany for them.

Your job is to gently guide them to it.

You got it?

No, I don't got it.


I have been working
with patients for months.

I've helped people.

And real patients let me talk
for more than five seconds.

Okay. I can see that I've upset you.

I know this is hard. All right?

But believe me when I tell you
it is so much better

to be stopped before
you make the huge mistake.

All right? That goes for everyone.

That's all of you. Not just you.

And based on what I've seen
in here today, from now on,

I'm gonna be sitting in on
all of your actual sessions.

And if you're going down
a dangerous path,

I will jump in.
I'll be there. All right?

Now, I know that seems
like a lot, because,

quite frankly, it is.

And I promise you guys,
one of these days,

you will thank me for it.

Okay? Why don't you take a break.

Next resident, please.

Come on, next resident. Don't be scared.

Come on in.


Uh, where are all my residents?

They walked out.


Look, I know you're mad,

but I just want to say I'm sorry.

I really... I really am.

- You're sorry?
- Yeah.

For what, exactly?

I am sorry for earlier.


Like, when I said
that you couldn't get enough,

I wasn't implying that
you were, like, a nymphomaniac,

or that your husband
couldn't get the job done.

This has nothing to do
with my husband or sex.

You treated this
like I'm committing adultery.

Right, and I did not want
to make you feel that way.




it is adultery, isn't it?

That's what you think this is?

I mean, well, you are married

and also sleeping with me.


It doesn't change the fact
that I'm the other guy.

Of course it does.


I'm not screwing you behind
my husband's back, Floyd.

I'm in a relationship with you.

At least I thought I was.

Hypertensive patient going down fast.

Uh, yeah.

- Hey Carla, how you feeling?

- "Flight of the Bumblebee"?
- That's right.

Reminds me of you,
running around here nonstop.

Yeah, I hear that one's
a nightmare for orchestras.

Oh, yeah. It's a beast.

But I can play it in my sleep.

Bet you can.

I'm gonna start you on diltiazem drip

to level out your AFib, okay?

Yeah, it goes all over the scale

and never lands anywhere.

All that Sturm und Drang for nothing.

Hypotensive patient, Bay Four.

- Triple A about to blow.
- Carla, I promise you,

this is not for nothing.


- Already on it.
- Ah, my leg.

Okay, swelling and bleeding are up.

Oh, it hurts, doc.

The platelets we gave you
to clot your blood

have made things worse;
We need to reverse course

and give you blood thinners instead.

I'm bleeding and you want
to give me something

that's gonna make me bleed more?

It sounds backwards, but it works.

And if it doesn't?

Dr. Sharpe, your
leukemic patient's febrile.

Be right there. I'll be right back.


Have you seen any nurses?

- I'm looking for my Triple A...
- Yep, Bay Four.

Transfer from the seventh
floor, GI bleed.

- Tachy and hypotensive.
- Uh, I'll take it.

Hey, how's life? Triple A in Bay Four.

- Let's go to Six.
- On my way.

Transfer from the ED.
Pneumonia on BiPAP.

Heading for a tube fast.

- I've got this one.
- What are you doing?

Triple A in Bay Four!

Gonna need an intubation kit
and a vent, stat!


- You gonna take the new admit?
- I'm surgery.

[SIGHS] Who's got the new admit?


He's got V-tach. All right.

- Young man, can you speak to me?
- [GRUNTING] Yes, yes.

Is ICU down?

Okay, I've got this.
Just take the Triple A

in Bay Four, and tell Flores she's up.

Since when do you work the ICU?

Since there's no one else.

I don't get it, Gladys.

Person at St. Mary's Street
or online at I just don't get it.

That's not true. I do, I get it.

I get...

nobody likes having their
mistakes pointed out, you know.

But to just get up and leave?

They just left! They fell short!

I mean, I'm doing my job.

It is literally my job to correct them.

Oh, bullpucky!

That's a little... harsh
and old-fashioned.

Your job isn't correcting them.

It's to help them become better doctors.

And since every last one
of your residents left today

wanting to throw out their career

or throw you out a window,
what's more likely?

That you got a room full of dunces

or that the person
falling short today...

is you?



All right. I hear you.

I guess that maybe
I am falling a little bit short

of everyone's expectations.

Including my own.

But that doesn't change the
fact that these are doctors.

They're treating real people
with real issues,

and I can't just risk them failing.

But Iggy, they will fail.


I mean, when you were
starting out, didn't you?


Dr. Sharpe.

What are you doing out of bed?

Your ruptured spleen
could blow any minute!

Did you hear anything about
Garrett, my climbing partner?

He's at Baptist.
I don't know anything else.

I'm waiting for a call back
from his doctors.

Now, come on. Come on.

- We were rappelling.
- Mm-hmm.

We were tied on to opposite
ends of the same rope.

Going too fast, overconfident.


I got snagged.

I came off the line.

Garrett fell. I...

I hit a ledge, but...

he just kept going.

He just fell such a long way.

I just need to know.

I'll call them again.

[SOFTLY] Okay.

I won't be using these anymore,

and I will be taking the bus
to work from this point on.

Okay, so I guess you'll be
finishing your residency never?

You have given me access
to wonderful things,

things I've never had before, but I...

And I like them, I do.
I really, really do.

I feel like there's a "but" coming.

But I'm becoming
like a different person,

a person with privilege.

Bay Eight, Bay Eight.

How do you think
half the people here got ahead,

myself included?

Yes, I am a super sweet...
Hey, wait, wait, wait.

Take this, take this.

Yes, I am a super sweet doctor

with a super sweet bedside manner,

but easy access to textbooks,
top-notch equipment,

a good night's sleep...
Those things make you better.

Not a single one of those
residents would give up

those things if they had them,
so why should you?

I've always scraped by,

done the best I could
with what little I had.

Now all these fancy things...


make me feel like that's
the reason I'm successful,

like I didn't earn it.

- ER physician to , stat.

- ER physician to , stat.
- It's Joe.

Heart rate's slowing.

It's not GBS. What am I missing?

- Symptoms?
- Back pain, ocular ptosis,

aphasia, respiratory failure,
arm weakness, now bradycardia.

Descending paralysis?

He was out on the boat with his buddies.

Bring me everything he had
out on the water.


Why are you still here?

Because where the hell is everyone else?

Also a very good question. What you got?

- Persistent V-tach.
- Carotid pulse is good.

Yeah, but I don't have a radial pulse.

Let's check for bleeds.

- Clavicle's out of alignment.

Oh, the seat belt must
have dislocated his clavicle,

pushed it into his shoulder,
and now it's blocking

the brachial artery, which
is irritating the left atrium.

- Okay, yep.

Okay, I'm gonna
sit you up here, Ferris, okay?

I know, I know. All right.
You're gonna feel a tug.

- Okay.

BOTH: One, two...



- Let this go.
- Whoa.

- Thank you.
- All right.

You all right?

- Clavicle's back in place.
- Pulse is good.

All right, cool.
Yeah, go, I got it from here.

Oh, yes. Yes!

This is amazing, because
you wouldn't be here in person

if the answer was...

- No.
- No.


I wanted to tell you in person.

The answer is still no.




My brother, Adam, my younger brother,

he's a paranoid schizophrenic.

He's been in and out
of facilities most of his life.

But since the pandemic,
he's been living with me.

It's changed us for the better.


He is my priority now,

not my work.

New Amsterdam deserves
a medical director

who's gonna put the hospital first.

Nurse Foster, please dial ...


Speaking of.


- It's Carla, BP bottomed out.
- Up the Levophed.

- Maxed out.
- Dobutamine?

All the pressers are maxed out.

We have no room to move.

Okay, then, um...

then we do an intra-aortic balloon pump.

That takes the entire
ICU staff in the best of times.

Does this look like the best of times?


We're doing
an intra-aortic balloon pump.

Max, you should have closed the ICU

and transferred Carla hours ago.

Now it's too late.


You can't put in a balloon pump alone.

Carla can't live
with a blood pressure of / .

She needs helping; I'm helping.
I don't know how to do anything else.

All right, well, if we're gonna do this,

she needs to be maximally oxygenated.

- Thank you.
- I need you.

- Intra-aortic balloon.
- Here?


You'll need ultrasound guidance.

- Right now?


Where's the rest of the team?

What you see is what you get.

That isn't enough access.

Ventricular assist.

Prepping an arterial cutdown.


Sliding in the trocar, and
now threading in the balloon.

All right. Here we go.

Advancing. Steadily.

Easy. Gentle.

A little further. How's placement?

South of the subclavian artery.

North of superior mesenteric.



Come on. Come on.

Ah, come on, you can do better.

Now we're talking.

What are you all doing here?

Don't worry, gonna have
you playing your flute again

in no time.


not "Flight of the Bumblebee."



How long have you felt like this?



My sister thinks I'm the one
that has it together.

My sister is so brave.

She's so free.

I envy her,

and I hate what that does to us.

What should I do?


What if you're the one
who has it together?

Joe, how often do you change the leaves?

What? It's got to steep.
I let it sit there a few days.

- That's how you got botulism.
- Botulism?

- What?
- Yep.

The bacteria was growing in your thermos

in these chamomile leaves.

Oh! Wait, wait, wait, wait,

Joe almost d*ed from chamomile tea?

That's a pretty rough obituary, man.

- I mean, chamomile?

Yeah, they got it on tap
at my yoga place.

Yoga? Joe.

- Who hurt you?

It's called self-care, Terry.

Doc, tell him.

Yoga is great. He's right.

- You should all give it a try.
- Yeah.

Can any of you big lugs
bend down and touch your toes?


I didn't think so.


I wrote my resignation letter
over the weekend.

This past year's just...
just been too much.

Too much grief, too much suffering.

I never felt like
I could do enough up here.

Today was supposed to be my last day.

I get it.

I'm just sorry it was like this.

I'm not.

You, the other docs, your friends, man,

pitching in, holding things together...

I mean...

for the first time in a long time,

I felt like we weren't alone here.

So... you're thinking maybe...


Eh, I'll stick around.

Thank God.

I can't fill another empty spot

because my list is too long
and you're too good.

♪ We get it almost every night ♪

♪ When that moon gets big and bright ♪

♪ It's supernatural delight ♪

♪ Everybody was dancin'
in the moonlight ♪



♪ Everybody here is out of sight ♪

♪ They don't bark and they don't bite ♪

♪ They keep things loose,
they keep things light ♪

So I've been thinking
about what you said earlier.

- You have?
- Yep.

Not a chance.

I am not gonna let you give up
all the important things

that you need to get ahead.

- But...
- Because...

I'm gonna give them
to all the residents.

New iPads, new equipment, all of it.

Everyone deserves a level playing field.

You're gonna pay for that? For everyone?

No. You are.

Because you are gonna start paying rent.

So you don't think for a second
that you don't deserve

all the wonderful things that you have.

♪ Feeling warm and bright ♪

♪ It's such a fine and natural sight ♪

Not for a second.

♪ Everybody's dancing in the moonlight ♪


♪ Ooh, I need the meaning ♪

♪ When I see it all in you ♪

Iggy just described this year's harvest

to Brantley as "buxom."


♪ Love is back ♪

- ♪ Love is back ♪
- I'm sorry, Lyn.

And this time, I know
what I'm apologizing for.

I made this about sex...

Because I thought that's
all I was allowed to have.

But it's k*lling me
because I do want more.

I want something real. I...

I want to hear stories
about people I don't know

and will never meet.

I want to walk out
of terrible plays with you

and laugh... for years.

I want all of you.

And if I can't have that, then...

We can have all that.


♪ Love is back ♪

♪ Love is back ♪


♪ There it goes ♪

Not here.

Then let's take a walk.
See where we end up.

♪ Must have said it a thousand times ♪

♪ Can't be lying if I see the truth ♪

♪ I know who, and I look at you ♪

♪ Might be too young to realize ♪

♪ If there's a mountain,
I should have climbed ♪

♪ Love... ♪

Wrong roof.

Guess you already knew that.


My patient's climbing partner,

Garrett Turner...

He didn't make it.


They were out on this massive
rock face together,


but they...

they just got out of balance
with each other.

Look, I know that I didn't
ask you to come to London.

That was your choice,
and I am really excited

that you're making this move with me.

But it's like we're tethered together

and we're climbing the same mountain

and we're on the same rope.

And I...

I actually don't know if I trust you...

Like, to... to be my partner.

You're not preparing to leave.
You're not even telling anyone.

And because we are
in this together, I, um...

I fear that you...

you're gonna take me down with you.


We should go.

They're waiting.



Well, well, well,

look who decided
to show up together, huh?

So apparently today is the day

when I get everything wrong.

Y'all do make a cute couple.

Yeah, but what's your,
like, couple name?

Uh, Helmax? Goodsharpe?


I can't believe
I actually care about this.

This is amazing.

We have a little announcement to make.

- Speech, speech, speech!

Just say it already!

You guys aren't making this any easier.

Dr. Sharpe...

Dr. Sharpe and I are leaving.

We're leaving New Amsterdam
and we're moving to London.





Karen. It's so nice to hear from you.

I'm a little busy at the moment.

Can I call you back?

New Amsterdam?

Well, I'll have to think about it.