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01x20 - Dancin the Vida Loca

Posted: 09/29/21 07:06
by bunniefuu
(dramatic music playing on TV)

I don't know about you,

but I think this is the best season of Fantasy Proposal ever.


Don't propose to her, Derek.

She was bad-mouthing you to Lauren in the hot tub.

She doesn't love you.

She's just trying to launch her singing career.

I don't know about you, but I love our Sunday mornings.

- Just you, me, Derek... - Max.

And my mom.

I need you to go to the garage and find your old snorkel.

- I'm going to Cabo for spring break. - You're going on spring break?

Yeah, I'm a college kid. That's how we roll.

I'll help you, Dad.

The sooner we find that snorkel,

the sooner we get back to judging Derek's life choices.

- What was he thinking? - I know!

Thanks, guys.

- (TV playing indistinctly) - Who watches this stuff?

Oh, so that's Derek?

Oh. Oh, he is a tasty snack.

That snorkel has gotta be here somewhere.

If I were a snorkel, where would I be?

Where would I be?

Where would I be?

Where would I be?

Where would I be?

Maybe you'd be over there.

There's so much cool stuff in here.

Aw! It's my froggy towel.

I completely forgot about this.

I love the froggy towel. Here, let me take a picture.

We can use it as our Christmas card.

Bye, froggy.

Hey, what's this?

"For Syd."

I don't know. It's your mom's handwriting. I've never seen it before.

It must have gotten lost when we moved in with Grandma.

Whoa! Looks like her old ballet stuff.

There's awards, programs.

Aw! Look at this teeny, tiny leotard.

It's like, "Be more cute, leotard."

That's how little she was when she started.

She loved ballet, lived for it.

Look, it's her old ballet slippers.

Hey, I wonder if Mom left me this stuff

because she wanted me to take up ballet.

Maybe you're right.

Wow! They fit perfectly.

It's almost like a sign.

You know what?

I'm gonna take up ballet, just like Mom.

She would have loved that.

Hey, guys, come quick.

Lauren is confronting Gina.

It's like watching a snake with hair extensions fighting a mongoose with a spray tan.

(theme music playing)

Like father, like daughter, we don't always agree

But looking at you is like looking at me

The more things change, the more they stay the same

Like father, like daughter, from different times

Taking all the best from your decade and mine

The more things change

The more they stay the same

♪ The more they stay the same ♪

♪ ♪

I'm nervous, excited, and nervous.

It's like a nervous sandwich.

My mom probably felt like this.

- Wow! - (scoffs)

It seemed a little desperate.

Hi. Max Reynolds.

I just signed up my daughter and her friend for the class.


Stick with me.

Some of these dance moms can be really overbearing, if you know what I mean.

Ashley, posture!

Hello, girls.

Welcome to the new session.

I'm Sydney,

and I'm here because I recently found out

that ballet is my destiny.

And I'm Olive,

and I'm here because I do everything she does.

Except broccoli, that's where I draw the line.


All right, girls, let's get started with some barre work.

And remember, it's our first class,

and I'll be evaluating you so I can put you in appropriate groups.

Now, first position.

Oh, I looked this one up, Olive.

It's like this.

Turn 'em out. More, more, more.

Going down!

Now, plié.

Two, three, four, and up.

Olive, I can't get up.

My daughter has never done this before.

Oh, I'm so relieved.

I'd hate to think you'd been spending good money on that.

Okay, girls, legs on the barre.

She's kidding, right?

It's what ballet dancers do, Olive.

Here it goes.



Can I have a little help here?

(both grunting)

We did it! Now me.

That was easy.

Okay, girls, square your shoulders,

arm up, point your toes.

Now, smile.

And plié, two, three, four.

And help, two, three, four.

Man (on TV): Welcome back to Wacky, Wild Home Videos.

Mikey Cooper from Racine, Wisconsin,

has no idea his brother is hiding in the closet.

But he's about to find out.

- (Mikey's brother growls) - (Mikey screams)

Oh, man! He was so scared he almost barfed.

Nope, he did.

Host: The Cooper brothers are our winners

and will receive $ , .

So, send in your entries,

and you could be the next winner on Wacky, Wild Home Videos.

Did you hear that, Leo?

Ten thousand dollars.

We could make a dumb video like that.


I didn't wanna brag.

All we need is someone to scare.

Hi, boys.

We're having fish sticks for dinner.

I was gonna nuke some mac and cheese,

but who has that kind of time?

Max! Your mom!

Yeah, she's always here.

No! Your mom, we could scare her.

Great idea!

Forget the fish sticks. We're gonna order pizza.

Who am I trying to impress?

Why are you two staring at me?

No reason.

Mornin', Syd.

You feeling a little sore?

A skosh.

That's what happens when you dance for three hours.

Here you go, sweetie.

Since when did these eggs get so heavy?

Well, Miss Celeste did work you pretty hard yesterday.

But she said she loves your commitment.

Didn't hear her say that to any of the other moms.

I mean, not that it's a competition.

But she said it.

(thumping on door)


Come on in.

And why are you knocking with your forehead?

It seemed like the smart choice since I can't lift my arms.

You feeling a little sore too?

A little?

It hurts when I blink.

Ow. Ow. Ow!

Well, you guys sure were troopers yesterday.


And I bet that every day it will get a little bit easier.

Well, it is for me, 'cause I quit.

Oh, come on, Olive. Really?

Sorry, Syd. My muscles held a meeting

and decided they're never going back.

So, really, it's not my decision.

That's too bad. What about you, Syd?

Are you sure this is something you wanna keep doing?

Mom wanted me to be a dancer, so I'm going to be a dancer.

But, wow, she must have been tough.

She wasn't a quitter.

I'm sorry, Olive.

It doesn't look like it, but I just shrugged.

Well, today I find out what dance group I'm in.

Yes! Ow!

All right, time for school. Be in the car in .

Twenty minutes?

We'll never make it if we don't start now.

(both groaning)

Hi, Sydney, you're here early.

Yes, I wanted to warm up before the rest of my group got here.

Good for you!

(children laughing)

Oh, I think I hear them.

Wait. This can't be the right class.

They look like they're eight.

I slotted you into a group that was closer to your ability.

Everyone to the floor!

Hi! I have a ballet doll. Do you have a ballet doll?

Yes, she's about your size.


tombé, pas de bourrée,

assembles, changement, changement,

pull up to fifth position.

Wow! Your daughter Morgan is even better than Ashley.

I'm blessed with two gifted children.

Was Sydney a late walker?

Piqué, piqué,

slide to fourth, and pirouette.

Don't worry. You'll get better.

Okay, girls, I think that's enough for today.

Remember to do your stretching,

and see you next time.

Dad, that was so humiliating.

I feel like the mayor of Tiny Town.

Well, at least you're the mayor.

Dad, if I stay in a class with eight-year-olds,

I'll never catch up to girls my age.

I have to talk to Miss Celeste.

Miss Celeste, is there any way that I could audition again

and get into the older class?

I'm sorry, Sydney,

but this is the level I think you belong in right now.

I know that I'm starting late,

but my mom was a great dancer,

and I just know that I can be one too if you give me a chance.

I'll tell you what.

If you can show proficiency by Saturday

on the combination we just did with a double pirouette,

I'll move you up.

Thank you. Thank you, Miss Celeste. You won't regret it.

You didn't see that.

Max, I think making this video is the most brilliant thing we've ever done.

I know.

My mom's gonna be so scared, she might faint.

Okay, just let me empty out all my laughs so I don't blow it.


Okay, I'm good.

(car door closes)

There she is. Put the lid on quick.

What Max's mother doesn't know is

that Max's head is under this lid.

Let's watch, shall we?

- Hey, Leo, where's Max? - He's upstairs.

He's just washing his hands after making this fruit plate for you.

Have a seat.

Aw! Max made a fruit plate for me?

That's so nice of him.


Hi, Max.

Mom, I'm a severed head.

You're supposed to scream.

Oh, I'm sorry.

(screaming): Why aren't you doing your homework?

What are you knuckleheads up to?

We're making a video for Wacky, Wild Home Videos.

Turns out this isn't it.

Dad, why did you text...

Whoa! Just...


Welcome to Studio Sydney.

Oh, my gosh! You did this for me?

I love it. Thank you.

- Thank you. - You are welcome.

Now, you know I'm not one of those annoying dance moms,

but I might have a few pointers.

Sure. Why not?

Okay, to the barre. First position.

We're never gonna win Wacky, Wild Home Videos.

We jumped out at people all day, and no one got scared.

One old lady even fell asleep.

That's just insulting.

Hey, Max.

It says here your mom wants you to empty the garbage.

That woman!

Do I have to do everything around here?




Looks like we've got ourselves a wacky, wild home video.

Thank you, Ms. Reynolds.

Oh, it was my pleasure, really my pleasure.

Are you crazy? What kind of mother does that?

What? You wanted a funny video,

so I dressed up like a clown and scared the donuts out of you.

Now I'm a bad mom? (Scoffs)

There is no way I'm letting that video be shown on TV.

I'll look like a dope.

Max, you got to.

We send this video in, we win $ , .

You're right. And when we split it, we'll each get...

thousands of dollars each.

Boys, I'll be right back.

I've got a score to settle with the neighbors.

(laughing maniacally)

(classical music playing)

Balancé, tombé, pas de bourrée, glissade,

assembles, changement, changement,

slide to fourth, and double pirouette.

Dad, I really don't think this is helping.

It's like a beach party without the party.

I saw it online. Marshmallows are good for you form.

Not so good for mine.

I hope this helps.

If I don't land my double pirouette,

I'll be dancing with eight-year-olds until I have one of my own.

Honey, you can do this. I believe in you.

Now, let's do the combination again without the props.

- (classical music playing) - Five, six, seven, eight.

Balancé, balancé, tombé, pas de bourrée, glissade,

assembles, changement, changement

slide to fourth, and double pirouette.

I did it, Dad. I did the double pirouette.

Yes, you did.

You are gonna crush that evaluation.

And somebody's gonna have bragging rights in the moms' corner.

Take that, Gretchen.

- Start the music. I wanna lock it in. - Okay.

- (classical music playing) - Five, six, seven, eight.

Very nice. Good turnout. Don't overcross.

- And... - Ow!

My ankle!

Oh, no! It looks like you rolled it.

This cannot be happening. I have to be able to dance tomorrow.

I'll be okay, right?

Well, um...

Come on, man. Throw me a maybe.

Mornin', Syd. How's your ankle?

(chuckles) Dad, it's like a miracle.

I went to sleep last night, woke up this morning, and it's like it never happened.

How about the one you hurt?

Is it my imagination, or are you getting taller?

Don't change the subject.

- And handsomer? - Stop it, Sydney.

You're not actually thinking of doing that evaluation today?

I have to.

Miss Celeste won't move me up if the class is too far along.

And besides, I'm sure Mom must have told you

plenty of stories about how she danced through pain, right?

Your hair is looking particularly shiny this morning.

Now who's changing the subject?

- And bouncy. - Dad!

All right, fine. Yes, yes, she did.

And so will I.

Dad, it really doesn't hurt that much.

Okay, well, I'll be there to catch you when you fall. If you fall.

I will be there.

TV Host: Let's meet our prizewinner,

Timmy Rogers, the boy who accidentally water-skied

through the wall of his neighbor's house.

Talk about breaking and entering!

That's gonna be us, Max. We're gonna be rich.

I'm gonna put my half toward my college education.

What a waste of money!

I'm getting a solid gold skateboard.

Hey, boys, pizza is here.

Thanks, Ms. Reynolds. I'm starving.

Help yourself, Leo. I'll go get the plates.

(Leo screams)

Bugs in the pizza!



Hey, why am I the only one screaming?

Maybe because you just made the world's wackiest, wildest home video.

I what?

Look, they're fake.

Ms. Reynolds, you were in on this?

Not really.

I just bought the pizza, the bugs, the batteries.

Okay, I might have played a role.

I think this prank's even funnier than the one of me.

Why? Because, this time, I look like a fool?


Well, you're not sending in kid gets scared by bugs.

Well, you're not sending in handsome boy get scared by a clown.

How about neither of you send them in?

And just to be safe, I'll hold onto them.

What are you gonna do with them?

You boys behave, and you won't find out.

Thanks for coming, Olive, but you didn't need to put your hair in a bun.

It's a support bun.

Every hair in my head is rooting for you.

Except for this one squiggly one.

It's got its own thing going on.

I didn't miss it, did I?

Grandma, what are you doing here?

I thought you were still in Cabo.

No way I was gonna miss your big moment.

The girls were disappointed.

But not as much as the Jet Ski instructor.

Okay, we just have a few minute before class. Are you ready?

- You bet. - You bet.

- Dad! - I'm going to my corner.

- Good luck. - Oh, thanks.

I mean, she's got nowhere to go but up.

I'm ready, Miss Celeste.

(classical music playing) - Okay, one, two, three, four, five, six.

And slide into fourth and pirouette.

- (cheering) - Yes! k*lled it!

You're in Sydney's house now!

Excuse me. Bestie here.

Oh, sorry, Olive.

That was wonderful, Sydney.

You still have a lot of catching up to do,

but I feel comfortable putting you in the higher class. Congratulations!

Thank you for giving me another chance, Miss Celeste.

Bye, Sydney.

You're still invited to my birthday party.

We're having a pony.

Can't wait.

You did it. Your mom would be so proud.

Thanks, Dad.

You were so good.

I pulled a muscle just watching you.

Come on, girls. I wanna show you some pics from Cabo.

On second thought, I should probably go through them first.

I'll be right there.

See you in the advanced class, Gretchen.



You were awesome today.

And as an over-involved parent, I should know.

Thanks, Dad. You're the best dance mom a girl could ever have.

Syd, you okay?

What's the matter?

Well, I'm pretty proud of what I accomplished, but...

But what?

Well, I just don't love ballet the way Mom loved it.


Well, knowing your mom, she wouldn't want you to do anything that you don't love.

That's the problem. I want to love it. I want to be like her.

I worked really hard to learn ballet,

and all that it proved is that I'm nothing like her.

Are you kidding?

Syd, you started from zero.

You were in pain, you were humiliated,

and you never quit.

I've never seen anyone so determined

and, okay, stubborn in my entire life.

Oh, wait. Yes, I have.

Your mom.


Oh, she was the most strong-willed person I ever met.

She worked her way through college, then med school.

She married me. Talk about taking on challenges.

Syd, you are exactly like your mother.

- You really think so? - Yes.

And I see it more every day.

You know what?

Maybe she didn't leave you that box

because she wants you to dance.

Maybe she just wanted you to get to know her better.

I really have, Dad.

I walked a mile in her ballet shoes,

and I have the blisters to prove it.

And, you know, I learned something this week, too.

(clears throat)

Changement, changement, slide to fourth,

and pirou...

I'm okay.



Hi, Syd.

That's it? "Hi, Syd"?

Mom, what's going on?

When I was putting the snorkel away,

I found that Wacky, Wild Home Video you and Leo made.

So, I thought we'd have some fun with it.

I didn't realize you'd turned into such a buzzkill.

Okay, well, I'm a grownup, and I don't scare so easily.

I can't believe you thought that I was gonna...

- (screams) - (screams)

(all laughing)

Oh, yeah!