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01x10 - Chase Performs at the VMAs

Posted: 09/29/21 06:57
by bunniefuu
Can I ask you a question?

Is this the worst night we've ever had?

Well, I mean, it was cool that Chase

got to perform at the VMAs.

Yeah. Too bad it ruined
both of our g*dd*mn lives.

- [glass shatters]
- Oh.

Wait, why'd you throw my beer?

Because I'm drinking mine.

[string music build-up] _

Oh, my God, the VMAs.
This is so glamorous.

Oh, I wish your dad was here
to see Chase's big night.

Yeah, I know. Me too.

Oh, hi. Are you performing tonight too?

Oh, no. I'm just the sound mixer.

Oh. Well, don't worry.

I'm sure you'll be on the show someday.

Um, Mom, how are you doing

with Dad after all the plane stuff?

Oh... well, I'm okay.

Everyone's been very supportive.

People keep telling me
I'm an inspiration.

Aw. Well, that's good. You are.

Now I'm not just
the mother of three kids.

I'm the mother of a movement.

- Oh boy.
- Where is Cary?

- The show's already halfway over.
- I don't know.

I thought he was getting out
of work at : .

[classical music plays]

♪ ♪

Sorry. Just trying to help.
Peas can be so tricky.

Hey, guys!

Guess who we just met in the hallway.

- Kelly Clarkson!
- Oh, I love Kelly.

You know, I lost my virginity
to "Behind These Hazel Eyes."

- Is that long enough ago?
- Who... say what?

Oh, I forgot to give her my email.

Oh. Hey, Brooke. I'm glad you're back.

I need your help to smear some mud

all over... Chase's body.

[laughs] You can get his butt.

- Ew. What?
- Okay, fine.

- I'll get his butt.
- No, I mean

why are we smearing mud all over him?

Well, you know how Chase is
singing "Stink" tonight?

Yeah, a simple, stripped-down
version of "Stink."

Yeah, well this morning
I had a different idea.

How about instead,

the whole performance is pig-themed

and Chase is dressed like
a stinky little piggy?

[laughs] Chases likes the idea, right?

- Don't you buddy?
- I guess.

No. This is Chase's
first live performance.

We all agreed that he should
do something simple

that shows off his voice.

Then how do we get PigDreams to trend?

We don't. We're not doing pig stuff.

Oof. Okay, jeez.
All right, give me a second.

Excuse me, ladies.

It looks like we're not gonna
need you anymore.

- ALL: What?
- I'm sorry.

Or should I say "sow-rry."
[laughs, snorts]

God, Streeter,
can we just stick to the plan?

We want Chase to be taken
seriously tonight.

I hear you, mama. Loud and clear.

Let me just show you one more idea.

[grunts] Radio City, please,
and I'm kind of in a hurry.

You got it.

I used to feed my cat generic cat food.

- I didn't think she noticed.
- Oh, no.

But guess what?

After she had a big meal,

- my friends sure would.
- [all laugh]

[deep laugh]

[deep voice] Great party.

[record scratches]

- [cat meows]
- [sighs]

Then I found Nature's Grain!

Not to brag,

but my client is in that commercial.

[TV continues indistinctly]

- Skip?
- Cary!

Streeter, is he changed yet?
He's on in minutes.

Okay, uh, Brooke.

I know you didn't want him to be a pig,

and I gotta say

[snaps] I think I delivered.

[laughs] Chase.

- Ah!
- What the hell is this?

Well, you gotta see him
with the backup singers.

All together
they're gonna spell "stink."

Actually they're gonna spell "tink"

because there's only three of them.

Streeter, no!

Why does he need all this bullshit

all of the sudden?

If he wears something crazy,

it's all anyone will talk about.

Hey, guys. Just wanted to let you know,

Chase is up next,
right after Katy Perry.

Oh, shit. We have to hurry.

Oh, wait. Is she doing music or comedy?

- Comedy.
- Oh, okay.

- So we have a while.
- Okay.

Let me run one more idea by you,

and I think you're gonna like it

because it's way more subtle.

Yes. That's what we want.

Okay, great. Let's go build it.

- [car honks]
- What the hell are you doing

driving a cab?
You're supposed to be my agent.

I am, Cary!

Just this morning I was talking

to JJ Abrams about you.

- You were?
- Yes!

I was taking him to the airport.

I couldn't shut up about you.

[under breath] Oh, my God.

Listen, Skip.

Do you know where I'm headed right now?

The VMAs.

You're performing at the VMAs? Wow!

I guess I'm a better agent
than I thought I was.

No, Skip, I'm not performing
at the VMAs.

My brother is,

and in the same time
it took him to book that,

I've had one fart commercial air

and I'm doing like
a weird straight voice in it.

I just...

I can't have you represent me
anymore, all right?

You're fired. Good-bye.

It's actually a couple more blocks.

You said this was gonna be more subtle!

I did, and it is!

He is wearing a literal
birdcage full of birds.

- But not real birds.
- Oh, my God.

How am I an assistant
and you're a manager?

- I should be a manager.
- [bird tweeting]

I think there is a real bird in here.


- What do you wanna wear?
- Ah...

You wanna wear one of these new ideas

or what we picked out last week?

I guess what we picked out last week,

but can I wear my own shoes?

Sure. You can wear whatever
shoes you want.

This is a bad idea.
I've been thinking about this.

- Let me tell you what...
- Ah, ah! Ah, ah!

- [yelling]
- Streeter!

- Let me tell you...
- Streeter!

Wouldn't a good manager listen

to what his client wants?

Just let him go out there and sing.

- He's a singer.
- Okay!

Whatever you want, girl boss.

- Don't call me that.
- [phone buzzes]

Okay, Cary's almost here.

Can you just go out and let him in?

Sure thing. Actually
I do need to speak to him

because I have some news

that will change his...


Excuse me. [sputters]

I have some news that will...

- Go!
- All right, all right.

[indistinct chatter, cheering]

It's Cary! We love you, Cary!

Oh-ho! Cary!

Cary, welcome to the VMAs.

I think your cab driver cuts my hair.

Yeah, no, I'm sure he does.

Sorry I'm late. I got stuck at work.

Oh, don't worry about it.
Hey, before we go in,

I got something that's gonna
cheer you up.

You know how your brother's
a big huge singer?

Um, yes.

Well, apparently he's such a huge singer

that he gets to be an actor now too.

- [laughing]
- What?

Yeah. Netflix wants him to do a movie.

He doesn't even have to
audition or anything.

[laughing] Yeah.

How is that supposed
to make me feel better?

Oh, God.

Aren't gay people supposed
to be smarter?

Isn't that the trade-off?
Cary, you get to be in it too.

- What?
- Yeah.

- Are you serious?
- [laughs] Yeah!

Apparently they're doing
a "Freaky Friday" remake

but with brothers.

They were gonna call it "Bro Swap,"

but then there was
a gay porn called that.

And then they were gonna call it

"My Brother's Inside of Me,"

but there were like a thousand

gay porns called that.

So now it's just "The Untitled
Brothers Switching

Bodies But Not In A Sex Way Project."

Oh. Oh, my God, this is...
this is crazy.

I didn't even know Chase wanted to act.

Neither does he so don't tell him

because I want it to be a surprise.

This is like the best news ever.

- [laughs]
- Thank you, Streeter.

Yes. Oh, I'm getting
a hug and everything.

All right, let's go inside

because Chase is about to go on soon.

Cary! Tell Chase hi!

- And Brooke and Pat!
- I will.

God, they really do know
all of our names.

I know. But he didn't say my name.

Hey, guys, seconds
back from commercial.

Look at him out there. He's so handsome.

I know. I don't know
what Streeter was thinking.

- Brooke. Brooke, hey.
- Cary!

Oh, my God. This is so cool.

Oh, my God. I thought you
were gonna miss it.

I know. Listen.
You're not gonna believe this.

- I'm gonna be in a movie.
- What?

- You are?
- Yeah. With Chase.

Whoa. You wanna do that?

Yes, it's like a big part
in a real movie.

Anna Kendrick plays our mom.

Debra Messing plays our grandma.

Oh, Debra.

I know I wouldn't have
gotten it without Chase,

but so what?

I think I can be really good in it.

Cary, that is so good!

Aw, my little baby rode the wave.

- seconds.
- Oh, hell yeah, Chase!

- Hell yeah!
- Lance?

- What are you doing here?
- CookBrooke.

Chase wanted to wear my shoes tonight.

- Didn't he tell you?
- Whoa.

Damn, Daniel.

Okay, guys, five seconds. Four.

- Three, two...
- [cheers and applause]

[dramatic whooshing]

And now, performing live
for the first time ever,

give it up for ChaseDreams.

[cheers and applause]

[piano plays softly]

[chorus] ♪ Ooh ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ Patty cake, patty cake, baker's man ♪

♪ Bake me a party as dope as you can ♪

[echoing "can"]

[off-key] ♪ Been a lot of places ♪

♪ Partied in Miami, Argentina,
and Ibiza too ♪

♪ Never leave the dance floor ♪

♪ Always find me sweatin'
till the morning ♪

♪ With my whole DreamCrew ♪

♪ We dance all day, dance all night ♪

♪ Dancing till we don't smell right ♪

[echoing "right"]

[lengthy off-key singing]
♪ Dancing till we stink ♪

♪ Ain't a party till you reek ♪

♪ So dance until you stink ♪

♪ Make your jeans smell for a week ♪

♪ Dance until you stink, stink ♪

♪ No need to drink ♪

♪ Just dance until you stink, stink ♪

♪ Even the walls should stink ♪

♪ Never take a shower ♪

Oh, my God, that was so rough.

I just realized I've never
heard him sing live before.

Who let him do this?
He was not ready to do this!

- What is Twitter saying?
- Um, that we're f*cked.

Every tweet is bad.

- Oh, no.
- The Burger King account

is, like, ripping him apart.

My son is a good singer, okay?

He just doesn't have an ear for music.

- So what?
- I'm gonna go check on him.

And I'm gonna go yell
at that sound mixer lady.

This is her fault.

If she wasn't trying so hard
to get on the show,

maybe she would have done her damn job.

- Lance, let's go.
- Why am I a part of this?

I don't get it. Why is nobody
making fun of Iggy Azalea?

Her voice sucked too.
You just couldn't tell

'cause she was singing from
the inside of a giant butt.

Oh, wait.

Is that why you wanted Chase
to dress like a pig?

Bingo, mama.

You see, for some singers, it's
all about smoke and mirrors.

I love Chase,
but he needs a lot of smoke

[laughing] and a lot of mirrors.

Oh, my God.

I am so sorry I didn't trust you.

I was just so mad that you
weren't listening to him.

Well that's what good managers do.

They don't listen to their clients.

Oh, well, let me be
the first to say that you are

- an excellent manager.
- Oh, thank you.

I actually think you'd make
a pretty good one yourself.

- You do?
- Yeah.

Even after tonight? Why?

Well, earlier tonight you screamed

"I should be a manager!"
even though you have

absolutely no managerial
training or experience,

and that is how every great
manager gets their start.

Are you saying what
I think you're saying?

Well, you clearly care about Chase

and I could use a little bit
more help with the DreamTeam.

Especially, uh, now.

So... you in?

- What, like... be a manager?
- [laughing]

Yes! Oh, my God, yes! Thank you!

Streeter, thank you. I mean...

And I promise I'll make up for tonight.

Great. Hey, should I make us
DreamTeam jackets?


[indistinct chatter]

Cary! Hi, Cary!

What are you doing?
You like my sign, Cary?

You're my favorite!

Cary, you're my favorite!

[soft music]

♪ ♪

Hey, buddy. I've been looking
everywhere for you.

- Hey, Cary.
- Jesus Christ!

Oh. What is this mask?

I have to wear it whenever
I'm outside now.

Streeter says if I don't,

the fans will try to f*ck me.

Oh, my God.

Well, I just, um,

I just came over to say
great job on your song.

Yeah right.

Is everyone mad at me?

Mad at you? No, no.

We're all so impressed by you.

- Really?
- Yes.

You know, like, every day.

I never could have handled

being this famous when I was .

And trust me,
I, uh... I really wanted to,

like really wanted to be.

I'm just not having any fun.


[chuckles] Your life is so fun.

I guess.


You can always talk to me
and Brooke about anything,

and we will always listen to you, okay?

Besides, I know for a fact

you got some pretty fun stuff coming up.

Let's just say you might get to
work with your favorite actor.

- Logan Paul?
- No.

- No. Actor.
- Jake Paul?

No, act... you know what? Never mind.

- [cheering]
- Hi.

BrookeDreams! Hi, Brooke!

Hi. Thank you.

- Lance! Hi, Lance.
- What up, bro?

- [cheering]
- I love you, Lance!

[throwing voice] We love you, Streeter.

[normal voice] Oh! I love you too!

Streeter! Streeter!

ALL: Streeter! Streeter!
Streeter! Streeter!

Manager? Damn, B. You are a badass.

[both chuckle]

Your shoes were on TV, so are you!

We're just two badasses in the city.

[laughs] Yeah.

Hey, um...

I know things got kind
of bad between us.

You know, I think we just
needed time apart to...

- chase dreams.
- [chuckles]

But being away from you

[clears throat] God, I wish it
was snowing right now.

Um, it's made me realize how
much I want to be with you.

I'm ready.

To come home.



I don't think we should do this.

Oh. No, I'm sorry.

I'm ready to be together now, so we are.

I just feel like I've been doing

pretty well on my own lately.

[scoffs] Well then why'd you let me say

all that gross shit about "coming home?"

Sorry, Brooke. I'm sorry. I...


Brooke, I love you, but I just can't.

[laughs] I want to make a toast to Chase

on his big VMA performance

no matter what Burger King says.

- No.
- Where is Chase?

Oh, uh, he's over there
talking to Michael Che.

The grind never stops.

But Chase isn't the only one
I'm proud of.

To my CareBear, who's gonna be
in a big, fancy Hollywood movie

with Chase called "Debra's Missing!"

Nope. Uh, it's not called
"Debra's Missing."

It stars Debra Messing, but thank you.

And Brookey, little Miss Manager!

To think that six months ago,
I would cry myself to sleep

so worried about you,
but look at you now!

Aw, thanks, Mom. Always great at toasts.

Pat, why don't you tell them
your big career news.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no. It's nothing.

Tonight is about my kids.
Oh, wait, where's Lance?

I wanted to toast his shoes.

Oh, um... He couldn't make it.

Aw, that's too bad.

Is everything okay?

What? Oh.

Yeah, yeah. I'm fine.

Hi, can I get a card for the table?

Oh, you can just put
it under Billy Eichner.

- Of course.
- Actually, no.

I'm a proud, single businesswoman.

You can put it under Brooke Dubek.

- Of course.
- Actually, no.

Guys, it's really busy tonight.

I love this family.

And I hope to always be a part of it.

So take this and put it on my card.

Of course, Mr. Peters.

Wait. Your name is...

Streeter Peters?


[both laughing]

- Hey, guys.
- ALL: Chase.

Hey, buddy. What's going on?

I'm glad you're all here
because I've been thinking

and I have a big announcement.

All this singing stuff
has been really cool,

but this fall

I'm gonna go

to college.

- What?
- College?

[dreadful choral music]

♪ ♪

[heart thumping rapidly]

♪ ♪

- Streeter. [snaps]
- [knife clatters]

I am... oh, God. I'm so sorry.

[laughing] I, uh...

I thought he said he was gonna
go to college.

- I did.
- [laughs]... Ah!

I was talking to Michael Che

about what's next for my career

and he said maybe
I should go to college.

So I think I'm gonna go.

Okay, so you're just...
not gonna be a singer anymore?

I guess not

- 'cause I'd be in college.
- [groans]

Well, I think that's great, honey.

Yeah, yeah. So do I.

I think it's great. I think it's great.

But, um, you know...

Here's an idea.
How about we sleep on it?

And if you still want to go
tomorrow, we can apply then.

I don't need to apply.
I already got into NYU.

- [clears throat] What?
- Oh, Cary,

- like you, almost.
- Yeah, I tweeted at them,

- and they said I could come.
- Oh.

Well, uh, what about all the
cool stuff you have coming up?

- Yeah.
- Streeter.

He got you a movie.

I don't want to do a movie.

I wanna go to college.

Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Yeah, no, no, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Yeah, yeah. Yas, yas.

- Yeah, yas, queen. Yeah.
- Yeah, it's great.

You know, it's so great.

I'm gonna go thank Michael myself.


- [indistinct chatter]
- Excuse me, hi. Mr. Che?

- Hey.
- Did you just, um,

tell my brother, Chase, that
he should go to college?

Yeah, I thought that'd
probably be the best thing

- for him to do.
- Yeah, well,

as his sister, I just wanted to say

I agree because I think
education is important.

- Well, that's great.
- But as his manager,

I just... I wanna say
you're a real piece of shit.


Where did that come from? Why?

Why? Because I have finally figured out

what it is that I wanna do with my life

and what I'm good at and you come along

and you f*cked me.

I mean, not like that.

- I mean, unless...
- No, definitely not.

It's just, of course
I want him to go to college

if that's what he wants to do.

But... [chuckles sadly]

but what about me?
Like, what am I supposed to do?

I mean, you can go to college too.

Jesus, what do you work for college?

- All right.
- Listen.

Michael Che, you seem like a good guy.

I mean, I'm fine. I don't...

But you took something from me tonight.

And you took something
from my brother Cary.

So, I'm gonna take something from you.

Yeah, I'm gonna...

- I'm gonna take your drinks.
- [bottles clinking]

I'm taking these.

- They're mine now.
- Yeah.

Thinking of k*lling yourself?

What? No.

If it wasn't for
the hot new lady in my life

[inhales deeply] I'd be dead
in the bathroom already.

Ew. "Hot lady"?

She doesn't want me
to tell anybody, yet.

[chuckles] But let's just say

she's a very special woman.

- You don't know her.
- I'm sure I don't, Streeter.

She's a beautiful woman,

and she raised three beautiful children.

- Again, you don't know her.
- Okay, Streeter.

I hope that someday
me and this beautiful woman,

- who you do not know...
- [sighs]

can take it to the next level.

Please don't talk
about you two having sex.

I'm talking about marriage, man.

- Oh, God.
- I'm talking about marriage.

- [sighs]
- We already had sex.

[dreadful choral music]

[heart thumping rapidly]

- You wanna get out of here?
- f*ck yes.

Ew, what? They're sleeping together?

Yep. This bitch's "year of yes"

has gone way too far.


Can I ask you a question?

Is this the worst night we've ever had?

Well, I mean, it was cool that Chase

got to perform at the VMAs.

Yeah. Too bad it ruined both
of our g*dd*mn lives.

- [glass shatters]
- Oh.

Wait, why'd you throw my beer?

Because I'm drinking mine.


- Oh, this is empty.
- [glass shatters]

- God.
- [sighs]

Can you believe I was in a movie

for three whole hours?

Maybe Chase will change his mind.

I just think I'm done.

I've tried everything,
and nothing is working.

No. Don't talk like that.

I just need to move somewhere and do...

whatever the male equivalent
of having a baby is.

A web series?

- Ugh.
- You know what?


No, what if... what if this is good?

Yeah, I think this will be good for us,

- Car.
- You do?

I mean, I have to
or I will literally barf,

but, yeah, might be nice
to just get back to normal,

not have anyone famous in the family.

Maybe you're right.

It's probably healthier for Chase.


Oh, what do you think
Mom's career news was?

Who knows.

[ominous music]

[twinkled chime]

Her husband may have froze,

but she's just heating up.

This fall, America's favorite mom

is moving to daytime, with "Pat!"

My son chased his dreams,
and now I'm chasing mine.

"Pat!" Weekdays at : .

- Chris is rockin' some cool kicks.
- That is interesting

- that I do have cool shoes.
- It's good, that is interesting.

- I think that's probably a really good place
- Yeah, that's a good ending.

- to leave the season.
- Yeah.

[funky electronic music]

Hey everybody, welcome to
The Other Show. I'm Sarah.

- And I'm Chris.
- We're here talking about the finale

of The Other Two with
Case, Helene, and Drew.

- Hi, you guys.
- Whoo!

- Hello!
- [clapping]

- CHRIS: The season's over.
- SARAH: We made it.

- The season's over.
- A whole season, I can't believe it.

You said this was gonna be more subtle!

I did, and it is!

He is wearing a literal
birdcage full of birds.

But not real birds!

It was actually really
fun to come to work

and see what you were gonna be

- wearing every episode.
- Yeah, you were like, "I'm excited for it."

'Cause you had some amazing wardrobe.

Yeah, it was cool.

A couple days before we
did all the costumes,

they bring all the costumes to my house

and I tried 'em all on.

And I'm like, "Okay."

Yeah, Jill Bream did the costumes.

And is incredible, and
does costumes at SNL, too.

And then sometimes she
would show us something,

and we were like, "I don't know what..."

And she was like, "Trust me,

"when it's on him, it'll be correct."

And it always was.

- My favorite was the Versace look,
- Yeah.

- with all the gold chains.
- Oh, yeah!

Episode eight, and like the
crazy jacket on the plane.

At the club, yeah, yeah.

The birdcage outfit was funny, too.

I didn't know what to expect for that.

They were like, "You're gonna wear a
birdcage." And I'm like, "What?!"

And now, performing live
for the first time ever,

give it up for Chase Dreams.

Whoever does that VMA VO is like...

- The actual...
- Yeah, the woman who does the...

- Yeah, it's like... "And now..."
- The actual woman did it?

Was so good, it feels very real.

- Yeah, she was great.
- Yeah, we did it with her,

and she did a couple, and
she was like, "Any notes?"

And we were like,
"No, that's what it is!"

ALL: Yeah!

♪ Dancin' 'til we stink ♪

♪ Ain't a party 'til you reek ♪

♪ So dance until you stink ♪

This episode was
Chase's big performance.

Yep, yep.

We went to the studio with Case,

and recorded that song,
and then tweaked it.

Yep, and then we
tweaked it a little bit.

- [Sarah and Case laughing]
- I know it was very weird to be like,

"We need you to sound
bad, but not comedy bad.

"Believable bad."

- So you had to...
- Yeah, can't be like

a goofy bad, it can't be like

it's obvious you're missing notes.

It has to be natural, a little bit.

Yeah, so we had to record it,

and have you kind of miss notes.

- Yeah, kinda miss notes.
- And then try some

- where you'd sing it well.
- CASE: Push it a little bit.

- And then we would mess it up.
- CASE: Yep.

- SARAH: Yeah.
- Was that bizarre to do?

It was, when I went in there,

I didn't really know what to expect.

But I was like, "Okay, I kinda..."

'Cause I've seen people in real life,

you know, mess up on awards shows.


And it's like, it's still good,

but it's like, "Nah, that wasn't right."

It wasn't, in my opinion
when I was in there,

I was like, "Oh, it's
not that hard to do."

But it was weird to do.

It wasn't hard, it was
just weird, you know?

Yeah, we wanted it to be just,

- almost imperceptibly off.
- Subtle.

I feel like if Chris or
I performed on a show.

- [Case, Helene laughing]
- No way, I'd be way worse!

Are you kidding? I don't even
have anything to start with.

- [Sarah laughing]
- What is Twitter saying?

Um, that we're [beep].

Every Tweet is bad.

The Burger King account is,
like, ripping him apart.

My son is a good singer, okay?

He just doesn't have an ear for music.

So what?!

Have either of you
guys biffed it so hard

- live, or anything?
- [Sarah laughing]

I have.

I did Wicked on the
road, and a couple times

went up on my line in
front of barn houses

- with like , people.
- Well that's especially crazy

because then you've done
that show , times,

and you're like, "How can I randomly..."

Well, if you've done a show , times,

you start to like,
while you're doing it,

your brain can go so
many different places.

- CHRIS: Yeah.
- 'Cause you've said

- those words so many times
- Yeah.

that you're thinking
about something else,

and then you're like, "Oh my God,

"I forgot about Helene on Earth.

"She needs to remember what's
coming out of her face."

SARAH: Whoa, that's trippy.

And then if you start to be like,

"I've done this so many times,

"I wonder what would
happen if I forgot it.

"What would happen if I forgot it?

"What would happen if I forgot it?"

And then you're like, gah!

I haven't really acted since college,

like every gay person.

- [Sarah chuckling]
- But I still have dreams

to this day of like, going up on a line.

Have you biffed it hard?

- Yes, yes.
- [Case, Helene laughing]

And that's the end of that answer?

- That's it.
- [Chris, Helene laughing]

Many times, still happening.

All of my YouTube videos are biffs.

[Case, Helene laughing]

Oh, what do you think
Mom's career news was?

Who knows.

[dramatic instrumental music]


We were trying to figure out

how to end this season for
a while, and we were curious

about how to keep the
premise of The Other Two,

you feeling like the others.

So we came up with the idea

that Molly would be famous
now, that Pat, the mom would...

You kind of slowly but surely,

you see, like, "Oh, it makes sense,

"she has been taking advantage
of all these opportunities."

I loved that teaser at the end.

- I would watch Pat.
- [Sarah, Chris laughing]

Especially 'cause it's like

- Molly just being Molly.
- I would too, yeah.

- I was like, "Yeah, I'd watch that."
- I do think this looks real.

- Yeah, that's good.
- Molly Shannon on a talk show?

And I was like, "Why
isn't this a real thing?

- "Let's make this a real thing."
- SARAH: Yeah, let's do this.

I'm glad you're all here,
because I've been thinking,

and I have a big announcement.

All this singing stuff
has been really cool.

But this fall, I'm gonna go...

to college.


In this episode, you two

become even more connected to Chase.

And you hold their future in your hands,

and you don't know it.

Yeah, you don't know
that she's your manager,

and that he's your co-star.

Well, I'm so innocent.
I'm like, "What's goin' on?

"Oh, their whole lives are
depending on me? What?!"

- Yeah.
- We think it's interesting

moving forward if he has said
he doesn't wanna do this anymore.

And if the family makes him,

- or doesn't make him, or...
- Yeah.

You guys all need him in a way, now.

- Where that is tricky.
- Mm-hmm.

Where it's like, that was never
your intention going into it.

I dunno, that kinda stuff
would be interesting, of like...

And then I don't wanna do this stuff,

but they're kind like, "No, you have to.

"Please just do this one thing for us."

That you're the breadwinner.

Like you are the reason that everyone

has the things they have accidentally.

Yeah, that's one of
the reasons we have you

be like, "Brooke and I
will always listen to you."

'Cause it does set up this premise

that he's your little brother,

and you guys will listen to him.

- Yeah. Yeah.
- And then immediately, that's tested.

I wonder if they'll rise to the occas'.

- We'll see!
- Or be garbage people.

[funky electronic music]