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01x09 - Chase Drops His First Album

Posted: 09/29/21 06:57
by bunniefuu
God, I hate flying.

You know if this plane goes down,

the headline is gonna read:

"ChaseDreams Comma Others
Die in Plane Crash"?

We are "Comma Others."

Just need to see our pilots,

and as long as they have salt
and pepper hair, I am good.

- Why?
- Salt and pepper hair,

it's experience,
it's knowledge, it's miles.

My ideal pilot is John Slattery.

This isn't even a real flight, okay?

We're just gonna be circling
JFK for minutes.

Why couldn't Chase just
release his album in a club?

Um, because any idiot can
release an album on land.

Only truly b*mb people do it in the air.

Can we please not say "b*mb"
and "air" right now?

Look, this is gonna be fun, okay?

And we're not gonna die.

When I say Chase, you say Dreams!

- Chase!
- ALL: Dreams!

- Chase!
- ALL: Dreams!

[all screaming]

- [chanting] Chase! Chase! Chase!
- Okay.

We might die.

[kids screaming]

Okay, welcome, everyone.

And shut up.

Love the excitement.

Can't take the noise.

Now, you're here because
you're Chase's biggest fans.

And because your parents are rich.

Is ChaseDreams really on the plane?

- Yes.
- [crying]

And for your superfans,

it's not just Chase on the plane,

but the whole Dream family.

[all scream]

I love you, Cary!

I love you too.

Okay, and remember,
once the music starts...

Hey, Cary, your hair is
looking a lot less swooped.

I know. Why didn't you tell me?

I looked crazy.

Well, I was trying to be supportive.

Also it was really funny.

You're the one that told me
to ride the wave.

I told you to use Chase.

Not become him.

Now, once we reach , feet,

we will be streaming live

There are cameras all over the plane,

except the bathrooms.

Viewers will be able to watch
any camera at any time.

So if you need to yawn, burp,
sneeze, fart,

do it now and do it fast.

[tiny fart]


Oh, um, here's a random question.

Lance. Just such an idiot.


Um, sure?

But he's, you know,
he's kind of cool, as well.

Oh, so you're getting back
together with him.

- No!
- Yes.

No. No. Never.

I just... I think you should be
nicer to him.

Okay, Brooke.

God I wish I had seen those pilots.

Hey, Car.
I know you're scared of flying,

so I thought you might want to
hold Helen for a little bit.

You brought a pig on the plane?

It's a therapy pig. I got it for you.

Look, she's very calming.

Unless you hold her the wrong
way, and then she'll attack you

in ways that you never thought
were possible.

Um, no thank you.

Okay. I was just trying to help.

Okay, folks, we are ten minutes out

from hearing Chase's new album.

[all scream]

incredible songs.

We are talking over minutes of music.

? I thought he only had three songs.

Uh-huh. And nine remixes.

Hey, not to be a bummer, but, um...

How are you doing with today?

Oh, um,

I'm okay.

Sorry to bring it up.

No. No, no. It's...

It's good. I mean, it's been
almost a year

and no one ever talks about Dad.

Yeah, it sucks.

I wonder if Chase's remembers
it's his birthday.

I'm sure Mom does.
I hope she's doing okay.

- Hi, guys!
- Oh, God.

Hey, how, uh, how you doing with today?

I'm great. I'm great.

This is such a big day for Chasey.
And me.

I'm wearing the first sample
from my jewelry line.

Oh, you have a jewelry line now?

Yeah, yeah. The book was such a hit

that they're letting me move
into apparel now.

This is just a prototype.

The real version will be four
times bigger and heavier.

Okay, I'm gonna go check on Chase.

I'm wearing it on the
livestream to get feedback

from the marketplace.

Yeah, wow, you... You're doing a lot.


Hey, kiddo.

Just wanted to see how you're doing.


I guess I feel a little weird.

Yeah, I figured.

- Do you want to talk about it?
- Sure.

They put a bunch of filler in my lips

to make them look kissable,
and now I can't feel them.


Okay, any last questions
before we go live?

Yeah, where's my mom?

Oh, right. She arrived not
very camera-ready,

so Casandra will be your mom
for this flight.


That's an upgrade.

God, Chase doesn't remember either.

Oh, my God, that is so sad.

I have said it once
and I'll say it again, Cary.

We are the only normal
emotionally stable people

in this family.

- [rumbling]
- Oh, God!

- Oh, God.
- Oh, my God.

Come on, that was not even that bad.


- [beep]
- Hey, guys.

It's your captains speaking,
Tiff and Amanda.

Sorry about the turbulence,

but from now on, we are
expecting such a smooth ride.

So relax and enjoy the flight.

BOTH: Bye!

Mm, no.

Our pilot's name is Tiff?

Oh, what, a woman can't be a pilot?

- Okay.
- Wow.

Gay misogyny is real.

No, a woman can be my pilot, all right?

Meryl Streep can be my pilot.

Viola Davis can be my pilot.

You'd rather have
Viola Davis, the actress,

than than two actual pilots?

- [beep]
- Hey, guys. Sorry to bug.

But we have now reached
cruising altitude.

So feel free to unbuckle
and move about the cabin.

BOTH: Bye!

- I know you know what I mean.
- No.

No, I don't.

They said "bye" at the same time.

I love women.

I think all pilots should be women,

and I think all flight
attendants should be...

Yeah, well, we have to keep
the phones...

- Oh, shit.
- What?

This guy I used to sleep with
by the airport.

Oh, my God, he's coming. He's coming.


- [gags]
- [beep]

Okay, it's official.
We are streaming live!

Say hi the world, guys!

ALL: Hi!

On behalf of,

welcome to the release of
"Chase Manhattan,"

featuring "Stink," the number
one song on iTunes

for six weeks running.

And now the man behind the music,


[all screaming]

[pop music playing]

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Okay, calm down.

Okay, thank you guys so much
for being here.

Today is a special day,
because it is the release

of my first album I ever got to make.

[all scream]

It's also special because today

would have been my dad's birthday.

ALL: Aww.

He was the best, and I really miss him.

He died of cancer.

So in honor of him, I have a surprise.

I'm gonna donate % of my album sales

to the American Cancer Society!

- [all scream]
- [music playing]

BOTH: Oh, f*ck.

What are we doing?

There are no cameras in here.

I don't think there's any AC either.

God, Cary, focus.

Chase just told the whole world
that Dad died of cancer.

Mom needs to tell him the truth
before someone else does.

I know. You should talk to her.

What? Why me?

Because you're Chase's assistant now.

So? I mean, you are way better at having

difficult conversations with Mom.

Remember when you told her you were gay?

You told her I was gay.

I mean, who can remember
who told what when?

She found weed in your purse

so you said "Cary's gay."

[laughs] That's right.

Well, in that case, it's your turn.

[pop music playing]

♪ ♪

- Hey, Mom?
- Hey.

Can I talk to you in
the bathroom for a sec?


Okay, if you guys liked that song,

you're gonna love this next one,

'cause it's the same plus horns.

[all scream]

[brassy pop music playing]

How do people have sex in these things?

- They're so small.
- Ooh, Mom, gross.

How are you not freaking out right now?

About what?

Chase just made his entire
album about cancer,

and he did not have a dad
that died of cancer.

So? It's still nice.

What are you saying,
you don't want your brother

raising money for cancer?
That's pretty low, Cary.

No, I don't want my little
brother labeled a liar.

Well, no one knows the truth
except for our family.

Well, and the hospital.

And Lisa from down the street.

She's the one who brought me
the blow-dryer.

Oh, my God, Mom.

But it's not online anywhere.

Even his obituary said cancer,

so this can just be like
our new family history.

Mom, that's not fair to Chase.

We'll deal with it later.

I mean, he's only said "cancer" once.

Okay, guys, I've got another surprise.

This fall I'm going on tour,

and % of the proceeds will also go

to the American Cancer Society!

[cheers and applause]

Great idea, Chasey.

You're doing it. You're fighting cancer.

Hi, Shuli.

Can I just talk to you in
the bathroom for a second?

Listen, is there any way
we can tone down

the whole cancer thing?

Absolutely not. This is a PR goldmine.

That's why we made sure every
kid on this plane has cancer.

- They do?
- Wait, no, no, no.

We ended up not doing that,

because we didn't want them
coughing over the "music."

It's just that it feels like
cancer's been done before.

You know? And between you and me,

I feel like if we were gonna
solve cancer,

we really would've by now.

Trust me, Brooke.

By the end of this blitz,

Chase will own cancer.

Okay, it's just...

[tearfully] It is really hard

for me

to hear "cancer."

Oh, Brooke, I'm sorry.

- Mm-hmm.
- Okay, if you're gonna cry,

let's get it on the livestream.

♪ ♪

Hey, hey, hey, Car.

Can I talk to you in that
bathroom for a second?

Sure, yeah.

Is everything okay?

Oh, yeah, yeah.

I just wanted to do one of these.

So what are you guys talking
about in here?

You making fun of me?

What? No, no.

We're just dealing with
a family issue, so...

Oh, good. Then, come on,

lay it on me, man.
What's... what's the issue?

All right, because I consider
you guys family.

You and Brooke are like
grandparents to me.

That's very nice, but we're just gonna

handle this internally.

Okay, you know what I think might help?


I don't want to hold your pig.

Okay, well, can you? 'Cause
she's getting very heavy.

Okay, guys, thanks to
everyone who bought tickets

to the raffle.

All the proceeds are going to...

Say it with me now:

ALL: The American Cancer Society!

[cheers and applause]

Now the first prize is sick.

God, it's hot.

Where is Cary?

Oh. Oh, my God.

Oh, hi. [chuckles]

This is embarrassing.

How are you?

I'm great, ma'am.
Would you like a beverage?

Ha ha! Very funny.

Uh, so no beverage then, ma'am?

Are you joking? It's me. It's Brooke.

Have we met before?

Yeah, we used to hang out.

At the motel.


- I don't...
- I ate your butt.

Oh, my God, sorry.

Sorry, sorry. Sorry, sorry.

Okay, guys, this next item is
a chance to be a part

of my next music video,

'cause I'll think of you as I film it.

[cheers and applause]


Hi, Mom! You're having fun!

[laughs] Can I talk to you in
the bathroom for a second?


Mom, what are you doing out there?

I thought Cary talked to you.

Yeah, he did talk to me,
and we both decided

we're not gonna tell Chase the truth.

Ugh, Mom. I know that you lied to Chase

to protect him, but you could
really hurt him.

Well, if you two want him
to know so bad,

then why don't you tell him?

Because I'm not his mom, Mom.

Even though I basically have
been for the last six months.

Is it hot in here?

Come on, don't change the subject.

Okay, here's what we're gonna do.

We're not gonna tell Chase.

And starting tomorrow,
my name's Roberta,

you're Felicia, Cary's Dante,
Chase is Miguel,

we move to South America, we start over.

What? No!

That is... no. God.

Also, Felicia?

♪ My brother's gay ♪

- Yes, gay, very fun.
- ♪ And I'm here to say ♪

This song is about me. Yay.

I love this. Hey, Shuli.

Have you see Brooke?

I think she's in the bathroom
with your mom.

Thanks, cutie.

So Chase is still going very
hard at the whole cancer thing.

- Have you not told him?
- No, she hasn't.

How about this? We crash the plane.

- Mom.
- Not into a building, Cary.

Into a field so only we die.

- Mom, no.
- Well, I don't see you two

pitching any ideas.

- [groans]
- God, why is it so hot in here?

- [beep]
- Hi, you guys.

Not sure if you noticed,

but the AC has gone down, which sucks.

We'll pass out some
extra water, but yeah.

BOTH: Sorry, guys!

I'm just saying if
John Slattery was our pilot,

- there would be not an issue.
- No. No. The AC has nothing to do

with them. That is the grounds crew,

and they are probably all men.

Okay, I've decided.
I'm not telling Chase.

None of us are. That's my final answer.

Why is this necklace so heavy?

Remind me, they need to be
smaller when we sell it.

♪ ♪

Okay, guys, this next
question from the livestream

comes from a window
manufacturer named Tad.

Hey, listen, I tried to stay
out of this,

but your family has a secret.

And I know what it is.

It's shameful, and it's embarrassing.

But it's time you guys came clean.

You all have diarrhea.

- What?
- Yes.

- That's our secret.
- Yeah.

- I have diarrhea.
- Yes.

I smelled it the second
you stepped on the plane.

I've been smelling shit
this entire flight.

Yeah, it has nothing to do

with the pig you've been holding.

- No.
- [pig squeals]

Dream family, I just wanna
get your take on this.

A couple people on
the live stream are saying

that Chase's dad didn't die of cancer.

ALL: Um...

Damn it.

Mom, we need to tell Chase now.

Do you really want him to find
out from a livestream?

It's probably those stupid nurses.

Or Lisa's dumb fat son.

Mom, we have to tell Shuli
and Streeter too.

They need to do damage control.

Oh, why is it so hot in here?

SHULI: Dubeks? What's going on in there?

ALL: Nothing!

STREETER: Give them a second;
they have diarrhea.

And they're all going together?

- They're all going together.
- Okay, I'm outta here.

- Do you want me to go get Chase?
- GIRL: I need to use the bathroom!

BOTH: Use the other one.

- It's full too!
- Then k*ll yourself!

- STREETER: Helen, no!
- [pig squeals]

- Mom, just tell him.
- I can't breathe in here.

I can't breathe. I can't
breathe. I can't breathe!

I gotta get out of here.

No, Mom, can you come back in
this bathroom, please?

No! I'm not going to.

- It's just a play.
- No!

- We have to talk about this.
- No!

- Yes!
- No!

- Mom!
- All right, fine! Fine!

Everyone wants to know
the truth about my husband?

Great. Here it is.

He didn't die of cancer.

He was a f*cking alcoholic,

and he froze to death on our roof.

Mom, you...

I wouldn't let him drink
in front of Chase,

so he climbed up to the roof

and he blacked out
and he froze to death.

And I found him the next morning,

and it was one of the worst
things I've ever seen

- in my entire life.
- Mom.

And since everyone is so desperate

to know all the details
of our family's life,

how about this?

He peed himself too.

And since he blacked out on his stomach,

his d*ck froze to our roof.

That's right, everybody. That's right!

My husband died with his d*ck
frozen to the roof.

And Lisa had to come over
with the blow-dryer

and help me thaw it off and we
had to get an extension cord.

So, there. It's all out in the...

♪ Open ♪

♪ Let's all have a laugh ♪

♪ Let's all laugh at my ♪

Dead husband!

Mom, no one's laughing. It's okay.

He was the only man I ever loved.

I did not want him to be a f*cking joke.

Mom, nobody thinks that he's a joke.
No one. Okay?

He was a good man. He was a great man.

- I mean, not great.
- Cary.

He was doing the best that he could.

He was born at a certain time

in a certain place,

and the gay stuff was
very, very hard for him.

But he was doing the best
that he could do.

- Do you understand?
- I know. I know.

And this is why I didn't want
Chase to know.

You two have so many
shitty memories of him,

and I just wanted Chase to have
something different.

I know... [stammers]

We didn't know you were this sad.

Yeah, we just thought that
you were writing books and...

- Doing molly and stuff.
- Yeah, I know what you think.

"Oh, there's Mom with her dumb
little book."

- I hear you laughing.
- Well, that's what they do.

You know, they laugh at people.

They think we're all so dumb.

Oh, my God. Shut up!

You're not a part of this family.

And there it is.

She finally admits it.

I would've said that months ago.

I just, I spent the last
years of my life

taking care of an alcoholic.

Am I not allowed to have a little fun?

- No, you are.
- You two come home for the holidays,

you come home for the funeral,

and you go back to New York
City to your big fancy life,

and you leave me there.

You leave me there.

I'm sorry, Mom.

We just want you to be happy.

Yeah, I mean, we like it
when you write your books

and make your necklaces.

I hate this stupid necklace.

It's so big and heavy.

And why is there no AC in here?

It's these stupid dumb bitch pilots.

- [beep]
- Hey, guys.

We're also watching the feeds up here

and really feel for your family,

but I think you know the AC
is not on us,

and it's this kind of
girl-on-girl sexism

that makes it harder for
women everywhere.

BOTH: Okay, bye.

I'm sorry, Chasey.

This might be a bad time,
but I remember now.

You did eat my butt.

Oh, no, thank you.

It's actually the perfect time.




I think now might be
a good time for Helen.

Yeah, fine.

[pig squeals]

Hey, sorry we ruined
the livestream or...

Yeah, sorry I yelled at you.

No, it's okay.

You know, I know you guys think
of me as a big joke.

I see it.

But to be honest, I know exactly

where you guys are at
right now, I really do.

My dad, uh,

froze on a bench.

- What's that?
- Yeah.

I don't like to talk about it,

but, um, my dad was an alcoholic too,

and, uh, when I was , he...

Went for a drink in the park

and he fell asleep.

And then he froze on a bench.

- [sobbing]
- Oh, my God.

I mean, we had no idea.

My... my dad froze too.

It was before I was born.

He drank all the time.

And one night he went ice fishing

and he froze.

He was so cold.

But anyway...

Hey, hey, hey.

You guys are not gonna believe this.

People on the livestream
are all sharing stories

about their dads freezing.

Yeah, hundreds of people.

The hashtag #mydadfroze
is trending across America.

Well, mostly in the Midwest

and specifically a Brainerd, Minnesota.

Oh, my God, that's so sad.

No, this is great.

Everyone talks about cancer,

but no one talks about alcohol abuse

or dicks freezing to roofs.

I mean, but your family has
brought both issues to light.

Oh, I guess... I guess that's good.

In, like, a weird sick way.

Okay, so, Chase and I had a nice talk,

and we decided that he's gonna
take a month off.

No album press, no tours, nothing.

And I don't care what anybody
says, I'm his mother,

and I'm putting my foot down.

- Okay.
- Great.

- Yeah, I mean, definitely.
- Oh, my God.

Okay, I just got the craziest email.

They want Chase to perform at the VMAs!

[cheers and applause]

Wait, like, the actual VMAs?

- Whoa, that's huge.
- I know.

I mean, this is gonna change everything.

- Well, when are they?
- Two weeks.

Uh, okay, instead of a month,

Chase will take two weeks off,
but no less.

I totally hear you, but he needs

to start rehearsals Thursday.

Okay, he'll take five days off.

And he has a fitting tomorrow.

Okay, he'll go to bed early tonight.

But I mean it, no screens. I'm serious.

Straight to bed. Are you excited?

- Yeah.
- I know, me too.

Wait, what are the VMAs exactly?

Oh, hey, so Brooke told me
about your dad.

I'm so sorry, Streeter.

- Oh, that was a lie.
- What?

Yeah, my dad's alive.

I just said he froze to help
you guys out.

You know, turn a meltdown into
a movement.

- Wow.
- Yeah.

- Well, thank you.
- Eh.

You are one smart man, Streeter.

You know what, I am really smart.

Also, I got you this Imodium
for your diarrhea.

Oh, thank you.

Yep, I am a very smart...

- [pig squeals]
- Oh, Helen, no!

So let me know what you
think, marketplace.

It's also gonna come in a turquoise,

and we got in chocolate brown.

Also, we're thinking of
expanding it to fanny packs,

but we call them "Fanny Pat's."

Isn't that cute, marketplace?

- Hey, Mom?
- Hey.

Can I talk to you in the bathroom

- for a sec?
- Sure.

- Like a... [racing car sound]
- Yeah. [laughing]

Hey guys, this is the Other Show.

- I'm Chris and this is?
- Sarah, hi.

And we're here to talk
about episode nine which is

- pretty dark, yeah.
- Jason drops his first album.

Jason drops his first album.

- It's the plain bottle episode.
- Yes.

We're here with Drew and
Helene and Molly Shannon.

- Whoo! Molly Shannon!
- Yeah.

I know you get a full name at all times.

You know if this plane goes down,

the headline's gonna read,

Chase Dreams comma others
die in plane crash.

We are comma others.

- Well, first of all...
- Yeah.

If we were on a plane, it would say

Molly Shannon comma
others die in plane crash.


Without question.

The example that we had
in the show that we cut

was if Oprah and
Beyoncé, this is morbid,

but were on the same
flight that crashed,

- Jesus.
- CHRIS: Who would get top billing?

I think Oprah.

I think Oprah, too.

But what if it was the day
after Formation came out?

- Ooh.
- That's tough.

Wait, somebody in the writer's room said

that they would put out
two different editions

- of the paper that day.
- Yeah. [laughing]

Like collector's editions
where you'd get to choose

- whose your top billing.
- Yeah, yeah.

Can Oprah die?

- Oh. [laughing]
- That's a good question.

- Chase! Chase!
- Chase! Chase!


So we shot this episode for four days,

and we had a bunch of kids on the plane

but not all kids could
come for all four days.

They were only allowed to
I guess to legally work

for two days, or something.

So they hired only twins.

- Only identical twins.
- CHRIS: So everybody on the plane

is an identical twin,

So in acts one and two, it's one twin

and then in act three,
where you start screaming,

it's their twin.


That's crazy cause we
got to there we were like,

hi, like we knew them
and they were like, "hi".

One twin is gonna be like, I don't know,

it's like a fun party and the other one

is gonna be like, are you sure?

This woman was just screaming
about her husband's d*ck.

Is this the same show?

So you what I think might help?

- Helen.
- [pig screaming]

I don't want to hold your pig.

Okay well can you, because
she's getting really heavy?

As soon as I held Helen, it screamed.

It could just tell I
had bad energy maybe.

Ken was kind of like,
the Helen whisperer.

- And Kate was like...
- Yeah.

Putty in his hands and then the hand off

would happen and the
screaming would begin.


The pig was very happy,
very well taken care of.

- Yes, it was.
- Yes of course.

And the pig's owner was really nice.

I got, I became very friendly with her.

- Yeah.
- We texted one another.

We had one experience
on SNL where we needed

a squirrel, and this handler was like

"Yes, I have a trained squirrel
and we'll bring it to you.

"The squirrel does what I say.

- "It will do whatever you need."
- And also, you really have to sh**t at night

because the squirrel is
driving down from the capital.


So it was eight hours in a truck.

Driven down, the squirrel
was put on its mark,

the camera started rolling,

the squirrel immediately just

- ran up into the rafters.
- [laughing]

And then the squirrel's
trainer was like,

"We just have to wait
for it to come down."


She was like, "What do we do?

"What should we do?"

We were like, "I don't
know what should we do?"


They were sort of like,
"Well, you know with a squirrel,

you know, you can train it,
but you also just like,

you actually can't."

- [laughing]
- You actually can't.

It's a wild animal so
it's gonna do what it wants.

You can train it, but on the other hand,

- you cannot train it.
- [laughing]

I'm not gonna tell Chase.

And starting tomorrow,
my name's Roberta,

you're Felicia, Carrie's Dante,

Chase is Miguel, we
move to South America,

- we start over.
- What?

I think my favorite scenes to sh**t

were the scenes that we
went into the bathroom.

So like watch Molly slowly disintegrate.

CHRIS: Yeah.

But we would do them
out of order and stuff

- and you're so amazing in it...
- Yeah.

And all of us falling
apart at different times.

But like watching you sort of like

have the veneer come
off is really awesome.

That was a big chunk to memorize.

And we were sh**ting,
you know, in New York,

and I stayed at a...
I think it was a Hilton,

to memorize my monologue.

I went swimming and there
was like a glass like window,

so there was a prom going
on while I was memorizing.

So I was swimming, memorizing my lines,

waiving to people like at a prom.

- [Sarah] For real?
- [laughing]

- Dragging that scene.
- [laughing]

Molly Shannon is swimming
and screaming to herself?

And I swam for so long 'cause there was

so much to memorize that when I got out

I had a charley horse, and I was like,

- I hope the prom people don't see me.
- [laughing]

I had to scoot up to the...

That's going to be their prom story.

They're gonna be like, at my prom

I went to a dance and
I saw Molly Shannon

coming out of a pool,
just like falling apart.

So let's all have a laugh.

Let's all laugh at my dead husband!

Mom, no one's laughing. It's okay.

He was the only man I ever loved.

I did not want him to be a [bleep] joke.

In the first episode,
it says I miss Dad,

and we were like yeah,
and I know I did too.

- But we didn't decide what that meant.
- Yeah.

It's so it was like fun to
figure out in the room

- what happened to him.
- Yeah.

We also went back through,
kind of when we were

towards the end, and
added the year of yes

for a line for Pat's character.

That was kind of like
a later in the game.

Because we really liked
this idea that she...

We've seen her existing
through this whole season

kind of like repressing and making

this new narrative for herself

as like a gung ho woman going for it.

And then in this episode
where she finally

let's that go the side,
it's very satisfying

to see that woman give it up.

ALL: Yeah.

I love the part where she's like

where she just says,
explains why she didn't want

to tell Chase that she's just like,

I just want him to have a chance.

- It's like so heartbreaking.
- Yeah. Yeah.

And then I just loved how
dignified she is with the way

she sees him, how hard he
did try and so respectful.

And I guess being an Irish Catholic

with a long history of
alcoholics in my family

I just felt like it was
just f*cking beautiful.

Yeah, I didn't want to give
a sheet or it to be a joke,

- I didn't want like people to decide
- No.

- ...who he was for him.
- A joke, that's horrible, yeah, no.

It's also not so cut
and dry, any of this.

That alcoholism and
anything is never just,

he was a loser, he was a bad guy.

It's never that cut and dry.

So it's nice to tell
multi sides to that story.

Exactly, yeah, multiple
sides to the story.

I've never performed anything
like that in my life.

I love it. I loved it.

It was like... [kissing sound]

[techno music]