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01x10 - The Interview

Posted: 09/29/21 06:43
by bunniefuu






You ever wonder why they
call it that? El Niño.

It starts with something so small
and so insignificant: an anchovy.

See, the anchovy, it prospers
most in temperate waters.

So when equatorial trade winds, when
they brought cold water westward,

it slowly broiled under the beating sun.

And by the time it reached Chimbote, Peru,

which is the anchovy
capital of the world,
: : , --] : : ,
the warming waters were completely
uninhabitable for the anchovy.

That's so sad.
: : , --] : : ,
Oh, no. Gets worse.

The economy suffered.

I mean, everything
suffered, not just the fish.

The aquatic seabirds
that fed on the anchovies,

from the gannets to the cormorants
to the pelicans, they all died.
: : , --] : : ,
And then so did the
animals that fed on them.

And because this phenomenon
would, without fail,

coincide with the celebration
of the birth of Christ,

they called it El Niño de
Navidad. "The Christmas Boy."

Come on. [LAUGHS] You gotta
hand it to the Peruvians.

I mean, something so destructive in such

harmless packaging.
"El Niño de Navidad."

I mean, this thing that
seems so insignificant,

winds that make the water too hot for

this tiny little fish to live, but no.

It's a harbinger of something that
throws everything out of whack.

I mean, droughts, floods, storms.
I mean, huge global events.

But there's nothing you can do
to stop the wind from blowing.

So what can you do when you see all these

little anchovies belly up in the water?

You just keep on moving. And you
brace yourself for the shitstorm.

[MAN] Come on, pal! Hurry up!

Hello, everyone. Come on in.

Thank you for coming.

I ordered some food. Hope you like Thai.




- Alex Levy.
- Oh.

Marlon. Nice to meet you.

I'm honored. Truly.

Oh, that's nice.

Meeting you to discuss
taking over The Morning Show

is the highlight of my career.

Well, you're too kind.
: : , --] : : ,
Please, come on in.

It's an amazing place.

[MITCH] It's all part of
the same bullshit. Fred knew.

We would drink together
and play golf and hang out

and just reveal the most
personal aspects of our lives,

and he f*cking knew everything.

Look, we know that he knew, but
we're talking about proof here, okay?

You said you had evidence,

someone who could corroborate
Fred's direct complicity.

So here we are. We're listening.

What, who is it?

: : , --] : : ,

f*ck, Mitch. When did
you sleep with her?

In Vegas.

- Did you know about this?
- [CHIP] No.

[STAMMERS] No, not explicitly.

I mean, look, Fred, he pushed me to

promote her and to f*cking fire Jared,

which I thought was a
little odd, but I didn't...

Didn't want to question it
'cause that's hard to do, right?

Why don't you go f*ck yourself, Mitch?

We're not talking about any of
this if it wasn't for f*cking you.

[CORY] Let's take a time-out here.

Chip, let's keep our
eyes on the prize, please.

I understand you worked
with Charlie a long time.

And I want you to know
I think he's a great guy.

I have a lot of respect for him. I do.

But here's what I think, Alex.

Sometimes people outgrow each other.

You can stop seeing someone clearly

when you're with them for too long.

And I'm seeing you
pretty clearly right now.

And I think The Morning Show needs
to show America a new Alex Levy.

Alex Levy . .

I thought that maybe what had happened

between us was just human, but it wasn't.

I didn't realize she was working me.

You're a real victim, Mitch. Yeah.

Does she know anything about this,
or that I'm the one who's doing it?

I only said someone
was doing a piece on it.

All right. You guys,
this is not ready for air.

This is too delicate and
too important to rush it.

No. There's no rush. We're ready.

- We got these f*ckers dead to rights.
- Mitch, this is my interview, not yours.

Listen. We have no idea

when they're gonna f*cking drop
this internal investigation bullshit,

but when they do, I'm
done. I'll never work again.

[CORY] Chip is right about this.

This has to happen as soon as possible.

There are four of us
in this room right now

who all know about this super-top-secret
plan to take over the airwaves

of one of the four major networks
during its most profitable show.

And you did tell Alex
that you met with Mitch,

- I know.
- so she knows and she isn't happy.

So with every day that goes by,
: : , --] : : ,
the odds that somebody else is
gonna find out about this increase.

So this has to happen now or
it's not gonna happen at all,

and we'll all end up in
the gulags for our trouble.

But I have to talk to Hannah. None
of this lands without her story.

So unless I get to a place
with her that we need to be at,

it's not happening.


- Maggie.
- Hey, Fred.

So good to see you.

: : , --] : : ,
Thank you for taking
time to meet with me.

Always. What do you want?

- I'll have a vodka tonic, please.
- Okay.

- Scotch and soda.
- Thank you.

I always have time
for you. You know that.


You know, I've been worried about
you. I heard you got evacuated.

Did you come through it all okay?

Yes. Yeah, thank God.

Although, uh, I got some
heat from my neighbors

about a piece that TMS ran on

hired firefighters in
wealthy neighborhoods.

[CHUCKLES] I saw that piece. I'm
impressed you didn't try to stop it.

It's very self-aware of you.

News is news. I'm here to
help deliver it, not stop it.

I'm glad you feel that way.

Feels like there's more to that thought.

I'm down the road on
an investigative piece
: : , --] : : ,
looking into the upper levels of UBA.

Really, Maggie?

I'm sorry, Fred.

Off the record. You're
stabbing me in the back?

You of all people?
: : , --] : : ,
My goal is not to s*ab you at all.

But if I do, I don't
want it to be in the back,

and I don't want it to be a surprise.

Maggie, haven't I done enough for you?
: : , --] : : ,
I always had your back,
always supported you.

And I've always supported
you, Fred. Always.

Look, if it's not me, it's
gonna be somebody else.
: : , --] : : ,
A -billion-dollar media
conglomerate in distress

over its handling of sexual misconduct?


These stories don't stay buried anymore.

I threw it away over a dozen times.

But it always found its way
back to the foot of my bed,

a little bit riper each time.

At least you know I'll be
giving you a fair shake.

I'm not interested in your fair shake.

I'm interested in you doing right by me.

Hey. I'm writing the piece, Fred.
: : , --] : : ,
Whether it's good for you or
bad for you, I don't know yet.
: : , --] : : ,
But there's nothing you
can do about it either way.

History's already been written.

All that remains is to
commit it to the page.

I'll be in touch.

Take care, Fred.

Jesus, Vicki. How did you miss it?

Maggie Brener, for f*ck's
sake, is doing this story.
: : , --] : : ,
[VICKI] Yeah, um, I'm at the...

It doesn't f*cking matter. Just
wrap up your little investigation.

Deliver your findings
to me by Tuesday morning.

Yes, absolutely.

That gives you a day and
a half to write something

I could've written for
you on day f*cking one.





[GREG] I can't really eat that anymore.
: : , --] : : ,
- Hey, hi. Good morning.
- Hi.

So, Isabella made some calls to The Rock's

people about promoting the new movie.

Yeah. He'd like to get
on the phone with you
: : , --] : : ,
and just talk to you about a
few things he wants to bring up.

What? Um...

Okay. Yes. I just need a minute.

Will you just give me a
minute? I'll be right there.



Just wanted to...

check in and see how you're doing.

- I have no answer for that.
- Really?

That's the question that's gonna foil

your never-ending quest for truth?


I'll see you out there.



- Oh! Sorry. Hi.
- Sorry. Hey.

- Did you have a good weekend? It was fun?
- Yeah. Same. You? Good?

- Yeah, same stuff, yeah. It's good.
- See you later.

- I've got Cory for you.
- I gotta call him back.

Bye. I gotta give these to Joel, so...

- Joel.
- Yeah?
: : , --] : : ,
Oh, perfect. Thanks.

- This is for today, right?
- Yeah.

I was thinking this
would work well tomorrow.

Can we just get through today
before we worry about tomorrow?



Hannah Shoenfeld.

Hi there. This is Derek
Colby. I'm the EP of UBA .

Oh, hi.

I know you're busy, so
I'm gonna get right to it.

We have a producer leaving,

and UBA HR is recommending
you for the job.

Now, we work out of LA, so
obviously you would need to move,

but we're very excited to meet you.

This is an upper-level position.
It's an exciting opportunity.

Wow. Thank you so much
for considering me. Um...

I'm in the middle of
something. Can I call you back?

Yeah, yeah. Of course.

My assistant is gonna
e-mail you my contact info,

- so let's talk soon, okay?
- Okay.


And then we go...

[MIA] So we're pushing
up the hazing tragedy.

- Okay. Thank you so much.
- Hey.

So the last thing is the
cooking segment with Emeril.

Oh, um, what's he cooking?

Oh, geez. Let's see...

Can you excuse me just a second?

- Hannah...
- Okay.

Can I talk to you maybe after the show?

I just wanna run something past you.

- Yeah, sure.
- Okay, great. Uh...

In my dressing room?

- Okay.
- All right.

- Anything up?
- Oh, no. Just something personal.

But you were saying
something about Emeril?

He's making carbonara.

- Oh, great. Great. The carbonara.
- Have a great show.

- Bradley.
- Hi, Alison.

- Hi, Daniel.
- Hey there.

How you feeling?

Me? Never better.

Same here.

live in seconds.

- You okay?
- Yeah.

- You need water?
- No. I'm good.


- [WHISPERS] Does she know?
- Soon.

we're live in ten seconds.

I revised your copy.

- Thank you, dear.
- Yeah.

[FLOOR DIRECTOR] Okay, people. Clear.

[MAN] Quiet, please.

And in five, four, three, two...


Good morning, everyone.

So glad you could join us.

And here's our top
stories for this morning.

- Yeah.


- Is now a good time?
- Hey. Yeah. Come on in.

Is anything wrong?

- No. Um, do you wanna have a seat?
- Sure.

I just wanted to talk
to you about something.


So, I... I'm working on
an interview... with Mitch.

And it's about the culture
at this network that...

allowed his sexual misconduct
to go unaddressed for so long.

Uh, wait.

You mean this interview
is happening on this show?

You're doing it?

Well, first of all, none of this
is happening without your consent.

I want you to know that.

And now you're talking to Mitch.


And you're all having conversations
about me behind my back?

No. It is not all of us. It's only me.

You can't use my name.

Well, I would make sure
that you were kept anonymous.

Something's happening.

First, Mitch comes to me.

Then Maggie Brener
magically got my number...

- What?
- ...and wants to talk to me.

And someone from UBA all of a
sudden is offering me a job in LA.

Can I tell you the truth?

I'd like to get the f*ck out of
here, leave all this behind me.

Wait, wait, wait. UBA is offering to

move you and promote you? Holy shit!

Yes! I'm telling you, there's a hurricane

swirling around me,
and I don't know why.

Why now? But I don't like
it, and I don't want it.

I don't want any part of it.
: : , --] : : ,
Look. Hannah, I understand. I
would feel the exact same way.

But UBA is trying to silence you here.

And we have the
opportunity to change that.

You know what? That's
not my f*cking job.

My life is not a tool to service
your agenda on your schedule.

Maybe you're comfortable stabbing
people in the back, but I'm not.

I just wanna f*cking live my life.

I don't wanna be the poster child
for your cause. Leave me out of it.



Charlie Black's office.

[MAN] Fred wants to
meet Chip at : p.m.

He's got something at : .
Can we do it another time?

Rena, I think what
Fred wants to meet about

is going to be clearing up his schedule.

I'm sorry.

Come on, Chip. It wasn't that bad.

Really? You think that wasn't sloppy?

Then we got a real
f*cking problem. Okay?

'Cause I'm gonna notice this
shit when this happens next time.

And everybody else is gonna notice,

and we are not gonna be
the f*cking sloppy show.

And who the f*ck took my coffee?

And why... why are you hovering?
: : , --] : : ,
What? What are... What?

[WHISPERS] Meeting at : with Fred.

: : , --] : : ,

So, I wanna nip it in the bud...
: : , --] : : ,
because you guys are my guys, and I...

You're my unsung heroes,

and that is my fault that you are
unsung, and I'm sorry about that,

but I am not a f*cking singer.

And it... it doesn't mean
that you're not my guys.

Do you know what I'm saying?

Let's say it was an off day.

You know? 'Cause you guys aren't sloppy.

And I'm looking at you, Rich.

I know that you know that the word

"pushy" has an H in it and not two S's.

So, next time, on the
teleprompter, please. Thank you.


I'm sorry I yelled.

I was laughing on the inside.



The thing is, guys...

Well, you got this.

You know? You're my guys.

Thank you.


[BRADLEY] So, what made
you change your mind?

Guilt, I guess.

- Thinking of other people in my position.
- Well, I appreciate it.

- Yeah.
- Um...

Do you mind if I record
this? It's only for me.

I guess.


So, what do you wanna know, exactly?

Well, let's start with your experience
with Mitch and the aftermath.

When the Vegas sh**t happened,

I was at the studio while they started

putting the team together to go cover it.

Chip told me to go.

I was a junior booker at
that point. I was thrilled.

It was hard. Tough thing
to be in the middle of.

I was getting in a very dark place,
so I went for a walk on the strip.

I ran into Mitch.

He was kind, and he cheered me up.

We walked and talked a while.

It felt very comfortable and familiar.

And it actually distracted me,

'cause I felt really
special to be walking

and chatting in public
with Mitch Kessler.

Like I really landed on the planet.

It was incredibly special.

He invited me up to his
suite to watch a comedy.

It seemed like a good idea at the time.

Now when I look back, I don't
know what I was thinking.

We watched the movie for a while.

And then I just started thinking
about everything in Vegas...

and my mom.

And I was remembering
so clearly when she died.

Where I was, what I was
wearing, how it felt.

I couldn't stop thinking of it.

Tears started falling out of my face.

I said I should probably go.

Mitch came over and hugged me.

: : , --] : : ,
He seemed so kind.

Paternal, really.

I needed some parenting.

I hadn't had any in a long time.

Then he said he liked me and...

put his hand between my legs.


I don't know what happened next.

I was on the bed, his
head was between my legs.

I didn't know what to say.

I figured I'd just do it.

It didn't k*ll me.

I saw him at work when we got back.

He barely acknowledged me.

I don't know what possessed me.

This is so unlike me. But
I just exploded inside.

This wasn't okay.

I barged into Fred's
office, and I told him.
: : , --] : : ,
He offered me a promotion.

Said I'd been doing a great job.

He had no idea who I was.
: : , --] : : ,
I'm so sorry you had to relive that.

Like I said, I lived.
But I'm pretty tough.

- [BRADLEY] You are tough.



Can you talk a little bit about
how this affected your job,

your... your self-image, your life?

: : , --] : : ,
You don't want too much, do you?

I just don't want this
to happen to other people.

Are you getting any help
processing this, Hannah?

No. No. I... I don't need any
help. It's done. It's over.

Is it?

What are you getting at?
I'm not Ashley Brown, okay?

I'm not gonna give you some tearful

"I'm so broken" reveal
for your f*cking interview.

How am I? I'm f*cking fine.
: : , --] : : ,
f*cked-up shit happens to
people all day, every day

that they don't know how to deal with.

Why dwell on it? You
got what you needed.

You got something on
the head of the network.

I'd just like to accept this new job

before you do this interview, okay?


- I wanna get out of New York.
- I understand, Hannah. Take a breath.

Quit telling me what to
do, how to feel! I'm done.

How do I get you to leave?
What do I have to say?

I was violated?
: : , --] : : ,
I was scared?

I was powerless?

That I think about it every day...

hundreds of times every day?

That this is what has defined me,
how I got a promotion, who I am?

How it feels to have someone you love and

respect and look up to on top of you...

using you, using your body...

and wanting you and not
caring about you all at once?
: : , --] : : ,
Wanting a parent and
having a cock shoved up you,

and then living with that eternal noise

in your head for the rest of your life,

the noise that says you are dirty,
you caused this, this is your fault.

To see people lose their
jobs and worlds fall apart

because I couldn't find
the words to say no.
: : , --] : : ,
- Okay, Hannah...
- Get away from me.

Okay. I'm just... I'm just...
I'm... I'm... I'm worried about you.

No. Don't be. Like you said, I'm tough.

Yeah. This was a mistake. I'm sorry.

I don't have to go through with it.

No. No. Do it. It's important.
Do it. Do what I couldn't.

- Are you sure?
- Yes.


: : , --] : : ,
Please call me anytime.

I'll have my phone right by my bed.

I'm fine. Do what you're gonna do.

You know this wasn't your
fault, right? You know that?

With all due respect, Bradley, please

just take your rhetoric
and just f*ck off.




[FRED] How'd you like
him? He's great, right?


Yeah, he's good.

He's good. He sure is passionate.

- And Marlon loves you.
- Oh, yeah.

I mean, he loved you before.
: : , --] : : ,
He called me after the meeting.
Said he loved you even more.
: : , --] : : ,
Mm-hmm. Well, that's the
passion I'm talking about.

Listen. Just gotta give
me a minute, all right?

This is gonna take a
little getting used to.
: : , --] : : ,
Well, I hope you two hit it off,
because you say the word,

and his deal is closing.

Oh. Okay. I know, I know. Okay.

Look, I know it's gonna
take some getting used to,

that there will be a
"getting to know you" period.

But Greg will still be your guy.

You'll have the full
support of the network,

including a huge f*cking
contract to prove it.

After all the back-and-forth
a couple of weeks ago,

you're even getting
coanchor approval in writing.

Right? You win.


Oh, I really just wish
I could close my eyes

and blink and the last three
weeks would just go away.

Alex, these pieces were
set in motion years ago.

There's no amount of wishing or
maneuvering that can change that.

Chip made his bed, and Mitch
f*cked the whole office in it

while we obliviously stood
outside the bedroom door.

Hey. Listen. f*ck Mitch.

There's gotta be a way that we can
put Chip on an administrative leave.

Hire Marlon temporarily, and then when

this all blows over, we bring Chip back.

No. Absolutely not.

- "Absolutely not"?
- We have to send a message

that this behavior will not be
condoned at UBA or on The Morning Show.

We have to show that there are
consequences for our actions.

You said it so eloquently, as a woman,
: : , --] : : ,
there often aren't enough of them.

How did you say it?

"I am proud to be on a network

and live in a country
that upholds consequences."

You are the truth teller, Alex.

Oh, God. Okay.



Wonderful! Done.

And I hope you don't feel so bad
about f*cking Bradley Jackson.

I mean, she's getting a hell of a payoff

for a lunatic who put in a couple of

weeks' work trying to k*ll our brand.

Yeah, okay. Well,
that might be the case,
: : , --] : : ,
but whatever happens to that girl for

the rest of her life, that's on me. Okay?

I plucked her out of obscurity,
and I tossed her right into infamy.


- God.
- It's : . The meeting starts at : .

Okay. Thank you.

All right. I gotta go.

I gotta figure out a way to tell
Bradley that Daniel's coming in.

This is all good, Alex.

All of it.

For the show... and for you.







Have a seat.

I'm good.

Stern and Young has returned its

findings in their internal investigation.

Well, don't keep me in suspense.

They found you responsible
for the permissive environment.

There are pages and pages of
evidence that back that up.

Wow. You must've had some pretty good

fiction writers put that together for you.

A little better than the people
who write your prime-time lineup.

Have some decency, Charlie.
This is a serious matter.

Oh, it's serious
something, Fred. For sure.

You know it gives me no pleasure.

It gives me no pleasure
to know that someone

that worked for me for years

exhibited such gross negligence
and endangered my employees.

Are you f*cking kidding me?

You better get this over with fast

before I lose it and drop-kick
your ass right on Fifth Avenue.

Have it your way. You're
fired effective immediately.

We're announcing it officially when

the report's released tomorrow morning.

James has a box for your things outside.

Take what you can carry. The
rest we'll have sent to your home.

Great. Is that all?

No, one more thing.

f*ck you for not k*lling that private
firefighter story like I asked.

That fire came a p*ssy
hair away from my house.
: : , --] : : ,
Yeah, my show bought
you that f*cking house,

and I will burn it to the
f*cking ground if I feel like it!



- Hey, Bradley.
- Hey, I just talked to Hannah.

It was really hard.

I'm sorry. Did you get
enough for the interview?

Probably, yeah.

Okay, good. We do it tomorrow.

Tomorrow? That's fast.

No. It has to be tomorrow,
early in the show.



Yeah. Okay.
: : , --] : : ,
Okay, good. I'll let Mitch
and Cory know it's on.

Okay. I'll let Hannah know.
They offered her a job in LA.

Jesus. They're f*cking shameless.

Yeah. I'll start working. Bye.


You've reached Hannah Shoenfeld.

Please leave a message,
and I'll get right back.
: : , --] : : ,
Hannah, it's Claire.

Look, I... I feel awful.
: : , --] : : ,
I'm really sorry that
I got so upset with you.

I think that it all just
took me a bit by surprise.

And I know that you were
probably just looking out for me.

Can we talk?

I will not take no for an answer.

If you don't call me back,

I will wait outside your building,

and I'll follow you to
work in the morning.

I will stalk you until
you accept my apology.

I'll bring coffee.

Please, Hannah.

I'm really sorry.

Okay, bye.

[BRADLEY, ON RECORDING] Are you getting
: : , --] : : ,
any help processing any of this, Hannah?

[HANNAH] No. No. I don't need
any help. It's done. It's over.

[BRADLEY] Is it?

[HANNAH] What are you getting
at? I'm not Ashley Brown, okay?

I'm not gonna give you some tearful

"I'm so broken" reveal
for your f*cking interview.

How am I? I'm f*cking fine.

f*cked-up shit happens to
people all day, every day

- that they don't know how to deal with.

Why dwell on...

- Hey.
- Hey.

Come in.

I'm glad you're here. I
could really use your help.

You wanna have a seat?

Uh, yeah. Thanks.

Yeah, I'm not gonna lie.

I'm getting kinda nervous that
this is actually happening.
: : , --] : : ,
Yeah, I get it. It's a nail-biter.

So, look, uh, before we get started,
I have to tell you something.

- What?
- I'm not gonna be there tomorrow.

What are you talking
about? You have to be there.

Bradley, I got fired today.
: : , --] : : ,
- When?
- Right before you called.

You're gonna announce the internal

investigation findings on air tomorrow.

Marlon Tate, the new EP,
is gonna start tomorrow.


Well, I guess we're done.

No. No, no, no. Bradley,
this is all still doable.

"Still doable"?

I'm supposed to be sneaking
somebody into the studio,

hijacking a segment without Alex knowing,
: : , --] : : ,
and doing that without your help.

How's that doable?

That's what we're gonna figure
out. But you have to do this.

In part because nailing Fred's ass to

the f*cking wall is the right thing to do,

and in part because this is gonna
blow up the broadcast tomorrow, okay?

They're gonna have to pull
the plug at a certain point,

and through all of that fallout,

those f*cking bullshit
investigation findings

- will never get released 'cause...
- That's what this is about for you.

You wanna bury that investigation.

Okay, nobody's motives
are % pure, okay?
: : , --] : : ,
You know that. Let's be honest, okay?

If you get this right, you're
gonna be an iconic part of history.

That's a huge part of
why you're doing this.

Really? Part of history?
Maybe. Maybe not.

But that's definitely
not why I'm doing this.
: : , --] : : ,
More likely is I'm just trying to blow up

the only decent job I ever had
: : , --] : : ,
because I'm a f*cking
destructive maniac.

Jesus Christ. Who f*cking
gives a shit, okay?

Is it selfish? Is it altruistic?

We'll f*cking figure that out
in the old folks home later.

Right now, we have a chance to attach

ourselves to a f*cking moral cause, okay?

We have to do this. We have to.

"We." You keep saying "we."
But this is basically me, okay?

You're not there anymore. You got fired.

- I'm the one putting my ass on the line.
- Okay. Just...

That's f*cking insane.

It was insane before, but now
it's off-the-chart batshit nuts.

- You get that, right?
- Yes, I hear you.

You want me to do this by myself,

and I'm not even qualified to do this.

I don't even know how
I got this f*cking job.

I mean, I certainly didn't earn it.

- And I'm pretending half the f*cking time.
- Calm, calm.

And I'm just doing
the best I g*dd*mn can,

but I feel like a reality television
show in a g*dd*mn pantsuit.

- It's okay...
- And let me tell you something,

that I dragged this girl
into this, and she's breaking.

I mean, she's... she's really suffering,

and Mitch is telling the truth about Fred,

- but nobody cares!
- You need to f*ckin' breathe.

Nobody cares that this poor
girl is feeling broken inside!

Hey, Bradley, you need to relax.

God damn it! Please
don't hug me right now.

What the hell is that gonna fix?

- I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
- No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

No, I'm sorry. I...

Can I get one of those?

- Here.
- Thank you.


So, how are we doing this now?

Oh, now that, uh, Chip is fired?

Well, leave that to us. You
just show up looking pretty.

Okay. Thanks for coming
over to tell me that.

Oh, no. I came by to tell
you not to mess with Bradley.

What are you talking about?

I saw the way that you spoke
about Hannah... playing you.

So, I'm still not
confident that you get it.

So, I'm talking about things
including, but not limited to...

you getting on air and acting
like you're the innocent victim

and making Bradley seem
like she's the enabler.

Mmm. Mm-hmm.

Well, I gotta get to work then.

I have to figure out a way to
manipulate Bradley tomorrow.

You know, Mitch, if I was you,

I might be thinking of
tomorrow's interview

as the beginning of my road
to redemption comeback tour.

And if that is in fact the case,

it's time for you to
change your f*cking set.

Full disclosure, I've never
been a big fan of your stuff.

It was... It's really more
my dad's cup of tea,

and he was a d*ck, and he's dead.

Truth be told, when that
genre of music comes on,

I gotta change the channel for fear

that I might break the f*cking radio.

But you're a smart
guy. A really smart guy.

So, you might find
yourself a new audience.

So, make sure you don't
blow your first show back.

And, if I could extend the metaphor,

if everything goes as
planned, in about three days...

I think I'm gonna be running
some of the biggest concert venues

in God's great Earth,

and I plan on playing the
music that I want to hear.

What the f*ck are you talking about?

Tomorrow is your shot.

Confess, or you're done.






: : , --] : : ,
Hi, this is Hannah Shoenfeld.
: : , --] : : ,
I've been thinking it over,

and I'm actually very interested in
: : , --] : : ,
coming to meet you in LA about the job.

Please give me a call back. Thank you.


: : , --] : : ,



: : , --] : : ,
So, look, I wanna ask you to do, uh,

one last thing, but it's... it's a thing.



I want you to sneak Mitch
into the studio today.
: : , --] : : ,
Bradley's gonna interview him live
on air. Alex doesn't know about it.

Oh, my God. You've f*cking lost it.

I get why they fired you.

Mitch has evidence that Fred has
been covering up sexual misconduct

at the f*cking network level, and
we're gonna expose his ass live.

- Holy shit.
- Yeah.

Look, I'm gonna be honest with you.

You might wanna start
looking for a new job.

I've been looking for
a new job for years.

How is this happening?

At : , Alex is gonna rush downstairs

to do the taxi-versus-ride-share segment.

As soon as she gets in that elevator,

you rush down the back stairwell,
open up the loading dock door.

Like when we snuck Jagger
in for Alex's birthday.
: : , --] : : ,
Yes. You'll come upstairs, deliver
Mitch to Bradley on the stage.
: : , --] : : ,
Alex is gonna do her segment as planned,

but we are not gonna broadcast it.

That is exactly when Bradley
is gonna be interviewing Mitch.

Cory's gonna take over the control room,

make sure the camera's pointed
exactly where we want it,
: : , --] : : ,
at least until UBA freaks the f*ck
out and shuts the whole thing down.

You really trust Cory?

I don't... I don't
know. But I... I have to.

Well, then I guess I'll
have to trust him too.

I'm sorry I had to drag you into this.

I would've been insulted if you hadn't.

Better get in there.

Hey, Rena?

Sic semper tyrannis.
: : , --] : : ,
Questionable reference.
But, yeah, I get your point.

Sic semper tyrannis.

: : , --] : : ,

[WOMAN] I'm not really
sure how long it's been.

Could you just get down here?

Yes. Yes, it's Wooster Street.
: : , --] : : ,

Please stay on the line
with me until they arrive.

This is a first for me.

What's happened?

You know her?
: : , --] : : ,
I was supposed to meet
up with her last night.

I know her.



It's always difficult to lose someone

with whom you've worked so closely.

I know that's all of you.

Chip's strength was
how hands-on he was.
: : , --] : : ,
But being so hands-on also means,
as we have sadly come to learn,

he was aware of Mitch's reprehensible

behavior, and he allowed it to continue.

That is inexcusable.

Now, Chip didn't corner the
market on great producing.

You will come to find
that out very soon.

- But this is about more than a job...

or making money for the network

or broadcasting the news.

This is about your well-being.

And Marlon Tate is
someone under whom you

can feel safe coming to work every day.

Thanks, Fred.

That's right. I was a PA once
myself on Rise and Shine Seattle.

So, anything that I ask you
to do, I've done before myself.


Then after Seattle, I had this epiphany.

I said to myself, "Marlon, dreams..."

Hey. What's wrong?

[CLAIRE] Bradley.

- I...
- Claire, what's the matter?

I have to... tell you something.

I don't know how to say this.



It's Hannah.

She's dead. She's dead.
: : , --] : : ,
She overdosed.

[SOBS] There wasn't a note.

Maybe it was an accident. I don't know.


I'm still gonna come into work.
: : , --] : : ,
Just do what you have to do.




[FRED] People...

let's take a moment to honor...

and remember Hannah...

our dear colleague.


We have... We have some bad news.

Yeah. About Chip?



Hey. So, we're good to go.

You know, Rena's gonna
help Mitch, and...

[BRADLEY] The interview's off.

What are you talking about?
We have to do this today.
: : , --] : : ,
This is not an option.

No, Chip. Hannah's dead.

She OD'd.

This is our fault, Chip.

I can't.

I can't go through with it
over her poor, dead body.

I just can't.

I understand. Yeah.

I'll let Mitch know.

Thank you.




- I just need a minute, please.

I need to talk to you right now.

What are you... Where are you going?

I'm leaving. I don't know where
the f*ck I'm going, but I'm leaving.

I was gonna interview Mitch
behind your back, on air, today.
: : , --] : : ,
Even though you told me not to.

Actually, especially
'cause you told me not to.

Wh... What?

And Mitch was gonna tell me what
happened after his night with Hannah.

Hannah? Hannah?

Yeah, Hannah.

Fred promoted her to protect
Mitch, to keep her quiet.

Quiet from what?

What do you think, Alex?

So I went to her apartment
to corroborate Mitch's story.

To get the truth.

But that wasn't good enough for
me. So, I wanted to annihilate Fred.

I wanted to blow up the f*cking network.

I wanted to do anything to get
the best story I possibly could.

And I could see she was
avoiding it, but I pressured her.

Because I'm a special kind of assh*le.

And I made her relive
every minute of it.

And it opened up something
in her that she

couldn't handle, and she k*lled herself.

I might as well have just taken
a g*n and gone in and shot her.

- So, I'm leaving.
- Bradl...



Oh, my...

Oh, no. Oh, God.

Oh, God. No. No, no.

Bradley! Bradley!

Bradley, come on. Slow down, please.
: : , --] : : ,
Bradley, this is not your fault.

You cannot take this on yourself.

You had the best
intentions. I know you did.
: : , --] : : ,
f*ck me and f*ck my intentions, Alex.

Part of my intention was to
blow you up in this process.

Okay, well, you know what?
Maybe I deserve to be blown up.

'Cause you know what I just did,
'cause I'm this kind of an assh*le?

I basically just went to Fred,

that assh*le Fred, and
I begged him for help.

Specifically to... to get you fired.

So, that's what I did. That's
the kind of assh*le that I am.

Well, I'm sorry you lowered yourself to

beg the patriarch, because I'm leaving.

No, but you can't.

- Bradley, please don't leave.
- Yes, I can! Watch me!
: : , --] : : ,
No. You can't. Please don't
leave. We have to fix this problem.

Oh, please. Fix this? How
are you gonna fix this?

Bradley, I did not know about Hannah,

I didn't know about Mitch, and I didn't

know about Fred covering.
I didn't know...

What about the boys' club that
you told me would never change?

What about that?

I don't... I don't know.

I didn't...

I said it. I didn't realize
how f*cked up... I just...

- Goodbye, Alex.
- No. Bradley, I cannot do this.

I need you to get me through today.

- I just need you.
- I can't do it.
: : , --] : : ,
- I just need you for today.
- Hey, Morning Show!

- Can I take a selfie with you?
- It's not a good time. I'm sorry.

Hey! f*ck off!
: : , --] : : ,
- I said no! Give me your f*cking camera.
- Alex!

Give it to me, you fucker!
What, do you think you own me?

You think I'm available - because
: : , --] : : ,
I'm in your living room every morning

trying to make you feel better
about this miserable world?

Well, I'm not! Guess what?

- Alex.
- I'm empty! This is empty!

- Stop it. Alex.
- I'm empty!

You know what empty looks
like? It looks like this.

When I say "no," it means no.

- Alex! Will you just calm the f*ck down?
- What?

I will go upstairs if
you shut the f*ck up

and just give him his phone back.

- Yes.
- Give him his phone back!

Here's your f*cking phone, sir.

Come on. Come on.

- Piece of shit!
- Leave him!

Jesus Christ. Just today.
I'm doing this for just today.

- I know. Just today. I know.
- Come on.

Alex, Bradley, where you been?

We're cutting it kinda close here, guys.
: : , --] : : ,
Oh. I got Alex. She's fine. Okay.

- You're staying, right?
- Sure.
: : , --] : : ,

You missed the announcement,
: : , --] : : ,
but I've arranged to have
grief counselors available.

Hey. Hey, where're you going?

I'm out of this place. I'm done.

Listen to me. I understand how horrible

this is, but you can't walk off the show.

Can't you just let me go?

I can't sit next to her. I
can't pretend anymore. I just...
: : , --] : : ,
You have evidence against the guy
who's the head of this company,

and you're gonna walk out?

You cannot keep yourself pure
: : , --] : : ,
just by moving on every
time someone disappoints you.

You think people in one town
over are gonna be any better?

: : , --] : : ,
Human nature, it's
surprisingly universal,

and it's universally disappointing.

So, you might as well stay and
fight the fight, Bradley Jackson.


No, no, no, no. I didn't
need a personal escort.

We're not doing this.

Well, I'm sorry you feel that
way, but you're not EP anymore.

Mitch, Hannah's dead. She OD'd.


After she told Bradley about
what happened with you and Fred.



You wanna say something now?
You wanna... You wanna justify...
: : , --] : : ,
You f*cking... f*cking assh*le!


It was me. I was the one
who leaked it to the Times.

So f*ck you, Mitch! f*ck you!




Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.




Come here.

I'm so sorry.


Hey, Alex. Uh, it's me.


You're probably gonna
hear something soon.
: : , --] : : ,
They were investigating Mitch,
but they were getting rid of you.

Leaking to the Times, it...

it was a last resort.

I didn't know what it was gonna do.
: : , --] : : ,
I just knew that if
they didn't have Mitch,

then they needed you.

And I needed you.


Anyway, it was always for you.

: : , --] : : ,
There. Thank you.

- Thank you for staying.
- Mm-hmm.


And we're live in seconds.

I can't imagine how
hard this is for you,

and I want you to know how much
I appreciate your professionalism.

Let's do this one for Hannah.

Get the f*ck out of my face.

- Oh, my God.
- Thank you. Add a little up there.

Are you okay?

Yeah. No, I'm good. It's good.
: : , --] : : ,
No, leave it! Who gives a f*ck?
: : , --] : : ,
We're just gonna do this.

Five, four, three, two...


Welcome, everyone.

Thank you for joining us.

In our...

In our top s...

story today...

- Bradley, can you take this one?
- Yes. Of course.

A Papua New Guinea-bound Golden
Trident Cruise luxury liner

carrying over , passengers is
in its fourth day of quarantine.

Over two-thirds of its passengers and...

Alex, you okay?

[DIRECTOR] Stay on three. Stand by, one.

- [MARLON] What the f*ck is she doing?
- I don't know.

Stay on copy, Bradley.

The ship sits moored more than
nautical miles from Honolulu.

A rescue ship is expected
to arrive this afternoon

- with antibiotics...
- f*cking people.

...and medical supplies to treat
the sick passengers on board.

A spokesperson for the cruise line

says that they are working day and night

to get all of the infected people
back to the safety of their homes
: : , --] : : ,
as soon as possible...

- What's your name?
- ...and that they are, quote...

- Joe.
- Joe?

Fifteen years, I never met Joe.

- Oh, my God.
- What the hell?

All of the ship's passengers will

get a full refund due to the outbreak.

Stay on three.

Stand by, one. What do you wanna do?

Just get her ass back in the chair!

I... Alex, what...
: : , --] : : ,
- Alex, please sit down.
- Nope. I don't wanna sit down.

I'm not sitting down.

- Oh, wow.
- f*ckin' jerks.

- Its estimated time of arrival was...
- Listen. Can I interrupt?

Yeah. Yes.

Hi. Sorry.

We haven't been honest with you.

I mean, not, like, with the news.

I'm not... I'm not talking about that.
: : , --] : : ,
I'm actually talking about ourselves.
: : , --] : : ,
What the f*ck are they doing?
Get ready to go to tape early.

- Ready tape.
- We don't tell you everything,

even a little bit.

I mean, this whole place... This, uh...

It's really different than what you...

than what it may appear to you.

And there are some really
bad things going on here.

Some really bad things. Some really
bad... There are bad people and...

Are we doing this?

Yeah, you wanna?
: : , --] : : ,
We should tell the truth
quickly. They're gonna cut us off.

- We have one minute.
- Yes. Let's do it.
: : , --] : : ,
- Roll the f*cking tape.
- Ignore that, Donny. Do not roll tape.

- Stay on the teacup and get everything.
- [DONNY] Okay.

Push in, Gene. Get it all.

We would like to share some
information about our network.

We believe Fred Micklen to have been
central in creating an environment

- that silenced women who came forward...
- No. f*ck. f*ck. f*ck.

- complain about sexual misconduct.
- Those m*therf*ckers! No!

[BRADLEY] UBA is about to
release an internal investigation

saying that they have been cleared.

This is not true.

It is mostly bullshit.

[ALEX] It is all bullshit. It's bullshit,

and I'm not gonna lie to you anymore.

None of us are gonna lie to you anymore.

Because I'm as culpable as anyone in

terms of not calling out or helping
: : , --] : : ,
to end the sexual misconduct that
goes on in this f*cking building.

[BRADLEY] On October , ,
Mitch Kessler traveled to Las Vegas

to cover the horrible m*ssacre.

While he was there, he slept
with a female colleague.

She was young. He was her boss.



[BRADLEY] Corporate culture
comes from the top down.
: : , --] : : ,
[ALEX] And Fred Micklen dictated
a culture of fear and silence...

and paranoia and pain.

And it permeated everything,
including The Morning Show.

I saw it.

I saw how it affected the
women, and I never stopped it.

'Cause I was succeeding.

And I know that it's not enough...

but I apologize to many people.

To one person in particular...

I was so unfair to you,
and I am deeply sorry.

And I will do everything
that I can to make it right.

The abuse of power, the corporate
corruption, it has to end.

We cannot accept a culture
of silence, here or anywhere.

Come here. Camera two,
get over here. Come closer.

Donny, I want a tight two-shot.

Come closer, please.

As many Fred Micklens are out there,

there are billionsmore people like me,

and like Bradley, and like you.

So get loud.

We hope the Freds and the Mitches...