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01x08 - Lonely at the Top

Posted: 09/29/21 06:42
by bunniefuu




[PAIGE] Here's your coffee.


Two more days of being .






Paul, Paul, Paul, what are you doing

here in the middle of the f*ckin' night?

- I don't know. Just couldn't sleep.
- I get it.

And, hey, happy early birthday
since I won't be seeing you Sunday.

Thank you, but I'd rather
forget about this one.


[MITCH] It's from Alex.

Same stupid song she
sends me every year.

[CHUCKLES] Let's do it, boss.



She is such an idiot.

I love this song.

♪ Happy, happy birthday, baby ♪

♪ Although you're with somebody new ♪

♪ Thought I'd drop a line to say ♪

♪ That I wish this happy day ♪

♪ Would find me beside you ♪

And Chip's wondering if
you'll reach out to J.Lo,

see if she's interested in talking
about the situation in Puerto Rico.

- Sure. Of course.
- I'll set that up this evening.

Questions for the education
reform debate Tuesday.

Wait, Tuesday?

That's the same day as the
wild card game. I'm doing that.

Yeah, that's what I thought.

I'll talk to Chip about it.


Hey, hey, hey!

- Happy birthday weekend, Big Daddy!
- Okay!

Thank you. Thank you.

- Happy birthday!
- Hi!

[BOTH] Oh!

- Hey, happy birthday, man.
- Jake! Oh!

Man of the hour.

- Don't shortchange me there, Daniel. Hey!
- [MAN] There he is!

- Man of the year.
- There you go.

- Hey!
- Happy birthday.

Thank you. What do we
have? What do we have?


"Power's yet to be
restored in Puerto Rico

following the devastation
of Hurricane Maria"?

Thank you.

The perfect gift for the
woman who has everything.

- Mm-hmm.
- So how old does this make you?

[SIGHS] Well, if this were Logan's Run,

they would've k*lled me years ago.

Uh, help me out?

Old enough to have seen Logan's Run.


[MIA] Hey. Uh...

Happy birthday.

Thanks, not till Sunday.

- Oh, yeah.
- But thank you.

- ♪ Happy birthday to you... ♪
- Thank you.

Oh! Um...

You got the Hurricane Maria copy there?

- I do.
- Okay.

- See you in a bit.
- All right.

- Hey!
- Hey! It's the f*ckin' birthday boy!

What's that spot?

Um, that's just a finger smudge. My bad.

[ALEX] Oh, my gosh. There it is.

- [CHUCKLES] Wow! It's here.
- [CHIP] Mm-hmm.

Thanks, man. Appreciate
you bringing it this early.

- [ALEX] Hey, thanks. Wow.
- That's why they call it a crotch rocket.

Oh, my God. Mitch is gonna love this.

- Which is so lame.
- I agree.

Um, Chip, we have a
scheduling conflict here.

You have me doing the
education reform debate.

And it's the same day
as the wild card game.

- Yes, about that.
- Yes.

Mitch is gonna cover it.

What? Why?

It's not a big deal.

The network just wants to
try Mitch on the playoffs.

But I do the playoffs.

Yeah, but I think
they just wanna try it.

YDA's closing the gap. They're
just throwing shit at the wall,

see if they can get more
eyeballs in the morning.

You'll be back on it
next year. It's fine.

Chip, people expect to see me in the

studio after the game as a tradition.

Isn't that what baseball's
all about? Tradition?

It's a museum masquerading as a sport?

Look, I'm on your
side, okay? It's just...

The network gets a little nervous,
and they... they did a test.


A test?

The network did a test?

I see. So they pay people bucks
to come in for a ten-cent opinion.

Exactly. It's stupid,
and it's random, okay?

It's just that Mitch
happened to test very well.

Mitch tests really well
when he tests with me. Okay?

- I agree.
- Did they test him with Alison?

Because that's when they
should've tested him,

when I was away last month.

Because this party of one, this
focus group, saw it and it sucked.

Look, they're gonna do more tests.

The cream is gonna rise to the
top. You are gonna be fine. Relax.

Oh, my God. Chip, you
used to be my producer.

Don't pull that shit on... I
am still your producer, okay?

I found you. Hello. I found you.

And now you've found your golden goose?

No, you are my golden goose.

It's just that, technically,
I have two golden geese.

Mmm. But now Mitch has you and
Fred and Reid in his side pocket.

And I know what you guys do.

You hang out, you...
you talk about girls.

You smoke cigars, you play golf.

You give Mitch more good stories,
then more people love Mitch.

The more people that love Mitch,
the better he's gonna test. Come on.

I get this. I'm not an idiot.

It's not that complicated.

- I know.
- Come on.

- What?
- Makeup's ready for you.

All right. Thank you. I'm not
done with this conversation.

- Okay. Okay.
- Okay?

- Seriously?
- What?

Don't worry.

Do I look worried?

Worried. Jesus.

- Coffee for you.
- Claire, right?

- Yes.
- Okay.

- And one of these is yours.
- Yes, thank you.

- And, Lay... Layla...
- Thanks. I'll be fine with that.


- Lindsey...
- Yes, hi.

- Take that.
- Thank you, Carla.

- And...
- It's Claire, but...

And Donny. Donny...

Oh, Donny! That's yours.

And Jared...



- Coffee.
- Thanks.

Sorry to bother you, but who is Jared?

Sorry, there are just so
many names to learn here.

I'm Jared. Head booker. Learn my name.


- Don't take it personally. He's just...
- An assh*le?

Well, yeah.

Sorry he's your direct superior.

It's all a learning experience.

But I have my goals I'm here to achieve,

so I just figure I'll use
every part of the buffalo,

even the assh*le.

- Claire?
- Yes.

Go make sure Alison's dress showed up

for the birthday segment, would you?

- Will do.
- Thank you.

Thank you for being human.

- Hey, Jared. Come here.
- Yeah.

- What's up?
- What the f*ck, dude?

What do you mean "what
the f*ck"? What's going on?

Why is Alex talking to Owen Gorman
for the Homeland Security story?

You asked me to find someone to
cover the confirmation hearing.

No, I asked you to find a
senator to cover the hearing.

Someone who is, I don't
know, in the actual Senate.

Here you go. Thank you.

As you know, Gorman is a member
of the House of Representatives.

We do not care about the opinion
of Florida's second district.

Gorman is great TV.

Gorman's an attention whore.

[CHIP] He's also an attention
whore that you book biweekly.

So from now on, there is a
moratorium on booking Gorman,

unless there's a f*cking
atomic b*mb in Tallahassee.

I had Reuben Bowen, but his
press secretary just pulled...

There are senators in this committee.

- One of them wants to talk.
- It's late in the game.

I have some connections in
Sadie Worthington's office.

I can see if I can get her.

Yes! f*ck, yes! This...

Why did you wait until now
to share that information?

- Guys, who cares?
- I...

- Who cares? Just go. Go. Go.
- Going.

I'm gonna push the
story as late as I can.

- Keep me updated.
- [HANNAH] Okay!

[JARED] Jesus. f*ck.

- She's a go-getter.
- Yeah. Gorgeous too.

Oh! You're so shallow. Get
your head out of the gutter.

I learned by watching you, Dad.

Do you ever pinch
yourself because you got

me instead of Alex? I gotta be more fun.

Gee, you think?


- Good mornin'!
- [ALISON] Oh, well, well.

♪ Happy - , Mr. Kessler ♪

old enough for you yet?

Give it a couple of years. Nothing gets

my juices flowing like an AARP discount.

Oh. I will put it in my calendar.


Alison, wow. That dress is
something else. Really nice.

- Alex!
- Yes.

You see that dress
that Alison's wearing?

That dress that was just in my
immediate eyeline? Yes, I did.

- I did see it.
- Why don't you wear any dresses like that?

- Oh, I'm sorry.
- Hey, Chip, Chip.

Can we get some dresses like
that for Alex? Is that doable?

[CHIP] Yeah, I'll see if
I can pull some strings.

Nope. Don't pull
anything, Chip. We're good.

We are live in seconds.

- You know what?
- Mm-mmm.

I would take you in that
dress over Alison any day.

[FLOOR DIRECTOR] Last looks.

Oh, you're so sweet.

Because if you were wearing the
dress, that would mean she's naked.


- There it is!
- Right?

We had it. First of the day, guys.


- You saw that coming.
- I did.

You knew. You knew I was gonna do that.

- I didn't wanna spoil your punch line.
- Thank you.

- Thank you for going with me.
- We are live in five, four, three...

- Wow.

Good morning, everyone, and
welcome to The Morning Show.

Our top story today:

Puerto Rico continues to grapple
with the aftermath of Hurricane Maria,

as criticism escalates over the
federal response to the deadly storm.

We now go to Yanko Flores, who is

reporting live from Puerto Rico. Yanko.

- [DIRECTOR] And take it.
- [YANKO] Morning, Mitch.

It's been devastating to witness
conditions here in San Juan today.

The power lines are down.
So many homes are destroyed.

More resources from FEMA,

from the Pentagon, are expected
to arrive early next week.

But until then, the recovery efforts
are... They're proceeding slowly.

How is morale there, Yanko?

Resilient. Truly beautiful, the way that

people are hanging together here on...

la isla del encanto, the Island of
Enchantment as it is affectionately known.

They will recover, but
they could use some caring.

They've had plenty of this force of nature

that just comes through by its own will,

destroys everything and doesn't care.

[MALE VOICE] You have reached the
office of Senator Sadie Worthington.

Due to high call volume, we are
currently unavailable to take your call.



- [WOMAN] Hannah?
- Christine, hi.

Thanks for calling me back.

I can't get through to Senator
Worthington's office in DC...

[CHRISTINE] I don't work for
Senator Worthington anymore.

Could you possibly put
me in touch with your...

You never even RSVP'd to my baby shower.


I'm so sorry. I'm always
traveling for work.

But I do need help.

Or to my goodbye party.


I blew it.

I f*ckin' blew it.

I threw myself into work, and I
didn't prioritize our friendship.

I didn't prioritize any of
my personal relationships,

which is clearly not healthy,

but I don't give myself
time to think about that.

I never asked you to put
me ahead of your work.

I only asked for a small
amount of decency

from someone I considered my friend.

Listen, I know it doesn't
excuse anything, but, um...

living in New York by myself
without family, without support...

has been a bitch.

I moved home because I needed it too.

I've just been trying to
survive, you know? It gets scary.

You really hurt my feelings.

I am so sorry.

Really, Christine, I... I feel horrible.


It's okay, Hannah.
Tell me what you need.


Coming up, more of our top stories.

And later in the hour,

we sit down with the star
of fall's hottest new show

that's already setting ratings records.

Elsa Hanford from UBA's own
Late Bloomers is with us next.

- Supposed to be great.
- Yep. Oh, wait. What's that?

Yes, yes, yes. Oh, and I also hear

that it's someone's big
birthday coming up this weekend.

No, no.

- We are not going to do that, are we?
- Jesus!

[MAN] ♪ Happy birthday to you ♪
♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

Apparently, we are going to do that.

[ALEX] Oh, yes, we are, my friend.

Stay tuned, everyone.
We will be right back.

Oh, no.

You thought someone shot
you, didn't you? 'Cause I did.

And we're clear.

- Oh, God.
- Hey.


What bullshit has been planned for
this horrible, horrible birthday?

Just the normal love wrapped in mockery.

You know it well. A cake, possibly.

God. Fifty! k*ll me!

- Yeah.
- Just k*ll me right now.

- You make look so good.

You really do. Happy birthday, honey.

I would not wanna spend it
with anyone other than you.

- Thanks, honey.

- [YELLS] Jesus!
- [MITCH] God!

[ALEX] My God!

- Gimme that.
- I hate this.

I'm sorry. It wasn't my idea.

- I gotta get it outta there.
- Get it off of me.

- Here we go.
- Oh, oh, oh! Don't...

[MITCH] Don't... What are
you doing? What are you doing?

[BOY] I can't get it off!

No, no. Come on. Come on. No!
You can't pick up that ball.

You can't pick up that ball. No.

- [BOY ] Goal!
- No. He got it. He got it.

Oh, no. [LAUGHS]

Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

You gotta go. No, he's coming in.

- He's come... Don't do it.

Don't do it.



I thought you were getting ready.

Okay, guys. Guys.

We're supposed to meet Fred and Geneva

at the restaurant in less than an hour.

Like a herd of turtles.
Oh. Come on. Get up.

[PAIGE] Oh, good boys. Thank you.

Let me see. Whoop.

- Thanks, Mom.
- Napkin on your lap. Napkin on your lap.


[BOY] Mmm!

- Here. Let me cut that for you. Come here.
- Thank you, Mom.

[PAIGE] Can I use your
fork? Thanks, honey.

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.

There you go.

I'm sorry, Paige.

Are you kidding?

No, I'm not.

I've been thinking a lot.

Since your most recent affair broke up?



I'm sorry.


Paige, we've built a life together.
We have two beautiful kids.

I wanna try.

It's hard for me to believe you.

[SIGHS] I know.

- Oh, shit.

Hey, Chipper.

Don't say anything uncouth.
Paige is in the car.

- [CHIP] Hey, guys.
- Hi.

So sorry to bug you on a Sunday night.

Yeah, and on my birthday, assh*le.

Oh, shit. I'm an assh*le.

I am so sorry, but I swear
this will just take one second.

Look, pain in the ass, we gotta move

up the attorney general interviews.

I really wanna get you
this research in copy

so you're not flying blind for tomorrow.

- Yeah?
- Fine. Just send it to the house.

The restaurant's right by the studio.

We could just stop by in, like,
five minutes and pick it up.

That would be great.
You sure you don't mind?

No, it's fine. Right, Mitch?


Yeah, sure, we'll be late for
our dinner, but that's fine.


I will leave it with
security. Have a good night.

It'll just take a second.



- Hey, Jim.
- Hey, Mitch. What are you doing here?

Chip said he had some papers for me.

He didn't leave anything with me.

But I can look around and see if he

left them with Pat before I got here.

Is Chip here?

Yeah. Looks like he's in the studio.

You have to go through the control room.

They're buffing the floors
outside the greenroom.

- Okay, thank you.
- You're welcome.

"Buffing the floors."


- Surprise!
- Surprise!

Oh, my God!

- Oh, God. Were you surprised?
- Oh!

So f*cking surprised.

Oh, well, buckle up, mister.
This is gonna get better.


Here we go. Come on.

- Look at that!
- I know.

When did you do this?

Oh, you know, all the
spare time that I have.


Oh, my God!

What the f*ck?


- [MITCH] No, no.
- [ALEX] You're in heaven.

- You're in heaven. Come on. Look.
- Oh, yes.


Sit, sit, sit. Sit, sit.

- Sit, sit.
- Oh!



Let the party begin!





♪ When you hear the alarm ♪
♪ Go ding-a-ling ♪

♪ So early ♪

♪ All tune in to watch ♪
♪ The morning king ♪

♪ Oh, great one ♪

♪ When ratings come ♪
♪ YDA stands not a chance ♪

♪ Those losers ♪

♪ Mitch Kessler turns tonight ♪

♪ Privilege can't change him ♪
♪ He's always one of us ♪

♪ Hold on now ♪

♪ Speaks truth to power ♪
♪ Brings down the treasonous ♪

♪ Mitch Kessler? ♪

♪ He's a millionaire ♪
♪ But he'd do it all for free ♪

- ♪ Ha, ha, ha ♪
- ♪ Mitch Kessler turns tonight ♪

No, no, no.

[d*ck] Oh, hello!

[WOMEN] ♪ Joan of Arc made just ♪
♪ Buddy Holly, ♪

♪ Old JC was ♪
♪ When we bid him adieu ♪

♪ Which brings us to the thing ♪
♪ We ask for ♪

- ♪ This an interview ♪
- You're a dead man.

♪ If only the good die young, old man ♪
♪ What does that say for you? ♪

No, stop it! Hang on. Stop it.
Stop it. Stop the music. Enough.

- [SHOUTING] Can you hear me?


Are you able to walk to your seat?

Don't do this. Please don't do this.

This man has a very delicate prostate.

So this is a long journey for him.

Ooh. Oh, boy.

- [WOMAN] Uh-oh.

♪ Wait a minute, girls ♪
♪ No one likes a bitch ♪

♪ So just pump the brakes ♪

♪ And let's give praise to Mitch ♪

♪ But then, on second thought ♪
♪ The girls might know you best ♪

♪ This assh*le turns tonight ♪

♪ He fawns on preening stars ♪
♪ And throws them all softballs ♪

♪ Thinks his jokes deserve a curtain call ♪
♪ They don't... ♪


[WOMEN] ♪ Fifty tonight ♪

♪ Mitch Kessler turns tonight ♪


- [MAN] Whoo-whoo-whoo-whoo-whoo!
- [MAN ] All right! Yeah!

- [d*ck] Happy birthday, baby boy.

Oh, my God. You are insane.

Thank you.


Let's do it again!



More please, sir.

Really. Oh, yeah.

This is where he breaks
it before he rides it.


- That fits like a glove.
- Yeah. That's it.

- I like it.
- I wanna try this.

- Oh, no.
- Don't do... No.

- [d*ck] Ready?
- Okay.

- God... Put your leg over the back of it.
- No, no, no.

I wanna... I'm doing sidesaddle.

Fred, why hasn't d*ck done
a show for the network?

Oh, I'm sorry. You might have him
confused with some other d*ck Lundy

who would deign to do
broadcast television.

I mean, this guy is a filmmaker,
damn it. He wears berets.

We should send d*ck to
meet with Cory Ellison.

Yeah, do a little
spin-off of Late Bloomers.

I mean, after all, it is the
number one show in America.

All the bus stops say
so. It's gotta be true.

That's the middle-aged lesbian show?

The major hit "middle-age lesbian show."

Listen, I gotta hand it to the guy.

Only Cory would have taken that
pitch, let alone put it on the air.

Oh, Jesus. And in his first
development season? It's ballsy.

The guy takes chances.

- Yeah.
- Now, he's a little... unusual.

- He's weird.
- He does take chances.

Well, that's why he's the president
of entertainment and not news.

I don't know, Reid. You might
have to take some big swings.

Your Day, America's
nipping at our heels.

Okay. I'll start by adding lesbians.

Good call. All right, gents, I'm
gonna go check on the real cake.

Good talking to you, Chip.

How much did the Ducati cost us?

Oh, not that much really. I mean,
it's a custom job. Ninety K or so.

It hardly seems enough given how
much money he's made for the network.

- Yeah.
- I'm glad to see him so happy.

We're lucky to have him. He
just gets better with age.


Have you seen the last numbers on Alex?

Yeah. I can accept the
scores on trustworthiness.

In this climate, every
journalist has taken a hit,

but her authenticity
and relatability numbers?

- Yeah.
- Shit.

- Yeah.
- When did that f*cking happen?

People just see her as
rich and powerful now.

A "girl next door" was always her magic.

Yeah. Breaks my heart.

It never would occur
to me, when I hired her,

that I might still be around
to put her out to pasture.

Come on. We're not there yet. We
can still reinvent her a little.

Yeah. Yeah. Course. Sure.

We give it time. Let's see what happens.

Time is cruel, and youth
is wasted on the young.

Excuse me, Yanko.

I just wanted to introduce
myself. I'm Claire. I'm the new PA.

- Oh, hey. Nice to meet you. Hi.
- Hey. Nice to meet you.

Well, welcome. Welcome to the show.

It's quite a baptism into this world.

[CLAIRE] Yeah, and I plan to
christen myself in gin and tonics.

- Nice.
- By the way,

I really enjoyed your
piece on Puerto Rico.

It was incredibly
moving. You're very good.

And I can tell that doing the weather
actually means something to you,

which is unusual. And nice.

- Well, thank you, Claire.

You have a great deal
of depth, don't you?

No. No. I'm actually incredibly shallow.

Well, I'll be the judge of that.

- Enjoy the party.
- Yeah. You too.


- Here's some people. Hello, everyone.
- Oh, hey. Hi.

- How are you?
- I know, I know. Don't make a big deal.

Oh, hey. Hey. Nice job
getting that senator Friday.

Oh, yeah. Wow. How'd you know?

Well, I kinda know everything
that goes on around this place.

I know that Jared... Where is he?

Jared is lazy and complacent, and
you did the right thing speaking up.

You know what you did? You
made the show better on Friday.

Categorically better.

So, thank you for your efforts,
and keep up the good work.

Thank you so much.

Mitch Kessler, we are lucky to have you.

I am so lucky to have
you. Happy birthday, honey.

Get up here and make some wishes.

- You've got about of them.

[ALL] ♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

- Here you go.
- Oh, my gosh.

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

♪ Happy birthday, dear Mitch ♪

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪



I'm very, very fortunate to have friends

like this and like this in my life.

- And as the last candle burns out,

I say thank you so much for coming
and for being my friends. Thank you.



♪ For he's a jolly good fellow ♪
♪ For he's a jolly good fellow ♪

♪ For he's a jolly good fellow ♪

♪ Which nobody can deny ♪

♪ Nobody can deny ♪

I can't believe you. You put
together that whole thing.

I picked the song, I wrote the
lyrics, I auditioned the dancers.

Oh, that's it. That's it.
It all makes sense now.

No. Stop it. Stop it. I did
it because I love you, Mitch.

- I do.
- Oh, God.

It just so happens that loving you
comes with certain fringe benefits.

- Mm.

There are some people out there who

would vehemently disagree with you.

Oh, f*ck 'em! You know?

One of the great things of getting old.

You can just say, "f*ck
'em, f*ck it, f*ck off."

And be at peace with it.
You've nothing left to prove.

You've... You've carved
out your place in the world,

and no one and nobody
can take that away.

Yeah, I get that I've
accomplished a lot,

but it just doesn't feel like
it really matters. You know?

I mean, this is all fun,
but is that all there is?

I've let down people I
love. Maybe that's my legacy.

At the end, maybe that's it.

Please. Please, please, please, please.

Look, I don't know what you've done,

and you certainly don't have
to tell me, but, trust me,

- they're gonna get over it.
- Mm.

They will.

Although Penny...


Penny never got over it.

What did you do?

I married Rita.

- And that was a big success, wasn't it?
- Yeah.

Jesus Christ. How do I
even have any money at all?

- I don't know.

You know what? Here's the thing.

You are Mitch Kessler.

That matters. Don't forget that.

Doesn't really feel like it matters.

You know, you do all of this stuff,

you achieve all of these things,
and then, at the end of the day,

you're just looking at it through
a car window as you drive by.

Just doesn't fill you up.

You have your films.

Oh, please.

d*ck Lundy films will be around forever.

I am ephemeral. Nobody
re-watches the news,

unless it's a plane flying into a

building or assassination or something.

Thank God those things
don't happen very often.


nobody re-watches "Fall
Fashion Trends ."


So you say. Where do you think
I got the idea for this outfit?


- [d*ck EXHALES]

Well, I have had too much to drink.

So you're heading out?

Nah. I have to be here
in a couple of hours.

I'll sleep when I'm dead.

f*ck it.

[TAPS ON TABLE] f*ck it!

That's my boy.


- Chip.
- I'm up. What happened?

There's a sh**ting in Las
Vegas, happening as we speak.

Oh, fu... Holy f*ck. Okay, I got it.

[HANNAH] It's active. Outside
a concert near Mandalay Bay.

The police have been
dispatched to the hotel.

Wait, someone's firing
into a f*cking concert?

Rena, get in here.

I mean... Is it still active?
How many are dead? Jesus Christ.

It's not clear.

Someone is saying that there are
multiple sh**t in multiple hotels.

[HANNAH] I saw that,
but it's unconfirmed.

Let's get... Let's get somebody
from LA to cover it right now.

- Go get Mitch and Alex and tell 'em we...
- Mitch is still here.

Get him! Make sure he gets on a
plane as soon as f*cking possible.

- Got it!
- I'll call Reid, get the jet approved.

Get Mitch and Alex on that
plane f*cking five minutes ago.


[CHIP] Oh, Mitch. Good, you're ready.

Car is waiting outside, and Alex is
already on her way to the airport.

We're sending Alex too?
You think that's necessary?

I mean, this is huge.

We're doing the whole show from
there, so I need you both.

Okay. If that's your call, Captain.

Chip, I can't get ahold of
Jared. I'm still trying...

Oh, you know what? f*ck
Jared. He's slipping.

Send that junior booker,
Hannah. She's excellent.

Yeah, that's a good idea.

- Let's find Hannah, and find Mia for me.
- Okay.

Hey, I've been meaning
to talk to you about Mia.

I think maybe you should take her
off my team, put her on Alex's team.

It's just kind of
uncomfortable right now.

She's great, but it's
not a good situation.

[CHIP] Mitch wants to
move you off his team.


I think it's... it's just too awkward.

He's punishing me for
breaking things off.

- No, he is not.
- Yeah, he is. Come on.

Do not take this personally, okay?

Things got messy, okay?

It's nobody's fault, but

he does have a right to say
who he wants on his team.

And I'm sorry. It's...

Where you gonna put me?

- On Alex's team.
- Oh, my God.

It's gonna be best, all things
considered. I'll speak with her about it.

So I'm not going to Vegas?


You get to stay back here with me.


Listen. I really need
your help on this one.

Okay, boss.

I'll get on social, figure
out everything I can.


- Shit.

It's gonna be a block
of rooms. Fifteen people.

At least two suites, as close
to the scene as possible.

- [HANNAH] You're looking for me?
- Yeah.

You're going to Vegas to do the booking.

- Me?
- Yeah, you're leaving now.

What about Jared?

Mitch wants you. So...

Congrats. Now get the
f*ck out of here. Please.

Thank you.

[WOMAN] All units, we have sh*ts
fired at the Route Harvest Festival.

- [g*nf*re]
- sh*ts are coming from the higher floors.

[MAN] Details are extremely limited at

this time, but here's what we do know.

There is one, possibly two sh**t

that began opening fire from the
Mandalay Bay Hotel and Casino...

- Oh, my God.
- ...on one of the top floors.

They're firing into the
Route Harvest Festival.

We'll feed you updates as we get 'em.

- Concert performer Jason Aldean...
- Okay.

- ...had just taken the stage.
- All right. Let's go.

The concertgoers thought
they were hearing fireworks.



[MAN] Sick.


people keep doing this?

[MITCH] I wish I knew.

It's just so overwhelming.

- You can't cry right now.
- I know. I know.

- Think of something else.
- Okay, okay, okay.

- Do Kegels.
- Oh, God.

- Okay. We're live in five...
- I'm sorry.

...four, three...

We're coming to you from Las Vegas,

where over people are
confirmed dead and hundreds injured

in what will go down as the
deadliest mass sh**ting in US history.

Last night, a gunman opened fire
from the window of a guest room

at the Mandalay Bay Hotel and
Casino into a sea of concertgoers

at the Route Harvest Festival.

A motive has yet to be determined.

As a city and a nation mourn in
the wake of this horrific tragedy,

we will be with you to try to make sense

of an act that cannot be made sense of.

Yes, okay. Of course.

All right, see you soon.

- Hey, Greg. Um...
- Yeah.

I'm gonna meet a girl whose
friend was k*lled last night.

Um, she thinks she might be
willing to go on the show tomorrow.

Good work, Hannah.



Do you think we're dead inside?

I think we're in an induced coma.

How long can we keep doing this?

It's just not natural to
face this kind of pain...

this often... on this level.

Yeah, I don't know. It's awful.

But it might be the most
natural thing there is.

Pain is the most innate part of
the human experience I can think of.

Oh. It's very depressing.

It's funny, because, really,

the unnatural part is
having this much money.

Part of being this successful is having

enough money to not
have to see the pain.

That's why everybody wants
to live in these really nice,

upscale, safe neighborhoods.

So they don't have to
see the realities of life.

The world is unfair and sad.

It's ugly.

And we hide from it in our wealth.

But then the way you
and I make our money,

is we put ourselves right in the
middle of everybody else's pain.


But here we are,

with no escape hatch
on this very lucrative,

highly visible hamster wheel from hell.

I don't know how I would do all of
this every day if I didn't have you.

I really don't.

Well, Alex...

you are my best friend,
and all bullshit aside,

you're like a part of me.

You always will be.

Me too, honey.

Okay. We should get back to the hotel.

No. No, no, no, no. Don't go.

There's a bar somewhere with
our name on it, calling to us.

We should... We should go drinking.


You have barely slept in hours.

It's time to put you to bed.

- I know. You're right.
- I know.

- You're always right.
- Yeah.

Will you always tell me what to do?

- I can do that.




- Hey, man. What's up?
- Hey.


Hey. Hiya.

How you doing?

Oh, I'm... I'm fine.


You shouldn't be. There's
nothing fine about this.


Let's walk back to the hotel.


This is tough. This one especially.

You know, you can't beat yourself
up over not being a robot.

Sometimes you just have to feel
sad as shit and live with it.

Okay then. I'm sad as shit.

[CHUCKLES] That-a-girl.

I don't think I've ever
learned so much in a single day.

Yeah, you're a sponge, aren't you?

You just absorb stuff. Absorb
all sorts of information.

That's what makes you smart.

And you really care about your job.

That's why I wanted you to be here.

Thank you.

Thank you.



[ALEX] Chip, this
doesn't make any sense.

I was just with him. He didn't
mention a word about this.

Does he honestly think I'm...

No, I'm not... I'm not
taking Mitch's hand-me-downs.

Alex, Mia is not a hand-me-down.

So, he's not comfortable
with her on his team?

Well, I'm not comfortable with
her on my team. You know what?

He can shit where he
eats all that he wants,

but I am not his f*cking trash can.

Okay. Hold on. Okay. Mitch has done

really, really well with Mia on his team.

And maybe with her on your team,
you know, she might help you...

Are you really trying to tell me that

Mia on my team will help me test better?

No, Alex, all I am saying is you...

No, that's it. I'm done.

I'm hanging up on you. I'm over this.

Alex... Come on.




[MITCH] You know what I think
about when I'm sad as shit...

- What?
- ...and trying not to k*ll myself?

Stupid things.

Like this one time, I was younger
than you, just getting started.

KQWK in Sacramento,

ten minutes before : ,
the anchor's appendix burst.

That's... No. That's not...
That's not the funny part.

So, none of the fill-ins were
available, so they came to me.

Now, I assure you, I was
way, way down on their list.

I bet that they went to the
janitor before they came to me.

They asked him, he turned it down,

and then they came knocking
on Mitch Kessler's door.

And I was scared shitless.

My shit had left town on a bus.


But I just figured,
you know, I want this.

This is my opportunity to show
the people who make the decisions

that I got the goods.

So, I gathered myself,

I put on my very finest tie,

and I went and I assumed
my place at the anchor desk.

And then I passed out.


And I went right over
the back of the chair.

And I woke up in an ambulance.

The EMTs told me that I kept throwing
to them for sports and weather.

Twenty-seven stitches.
Look at that. Right there.

- Oh, my God.
- Yep.

I am very happy that I
don't have Daniel's hair.


You didn't fall out of a
chair. You're doing great.

I know that this is a really dark
day to associate with your big break,

but that's the gig.

Sometimes it's strange, sometimes
downright awful, but you're doing it.

And you are helping to
bring the news to the world,

and you should be proud of that.

- Thank you.
- Oh, yeah. I'm a font of wisdom.

I appreciate the pep talk.

Yuck. Thank you. Thank you.


Actually, when I'm really depressed,

there is one thing that
I do have in my arsenal.

[MAN] Why don't you improve
your lie a little, sir?

- [MAN ] Yes, yes. Winter rules. Right.

I can't believe you've never seen this.

[MAN ] Double farts!


- [MAN ] Fore!
- [MAN ] Fine shot.


- Oh!
- I shoulda yelled "two."

- Wow. Is it really that bad?
- Why don't you walk this off, sir?

- You hate it.
- I'm sorry.

Hey, what do you got in here? Rocks?

Are you kidding? When I was your age,

I would lug pounds of ice up five...

It's just... I'm not an expert at
shoving it down just yet. I'm sorry.

- I'll try...
- No, no, no, no.


You're probably healthier than I am.

Maybe I'm just tired, and
it's catching up with me.


I should go.

I know you have to be up
early, 'cause I do too.

No, it's okay.


You smell good.


I like you.

I like you too.

This isn't what I expected
when I came up here.

I know.

It's a nice surprise though, isn't it?

You know?


It's okay. Just wanna feel good.

You're so beautiful.


It's okay.

[GASPS] Uh...



- [MAN] Push that story in.
- [MAN ] Yes, sir.

- Yeah, everything's up and ready.
- [MAN ] Right.

- Ready to go.
- [WOMAN] Yeah.

[MAN ] We just need to come up with...

[WOMAN] No, that's exactly what he said.

So we're just gonna
put that up front now.

We're turning to something
a little bit more...

[RENA] Hannah.


Here are the Springsteen tickets

that Jared needed for the
mother of the septuplets.

- Oh, right. Yeah.
- Yeah.

I'll get those to him.


How was Vegas?

- It was really sad.
- Yeah.

- [WOMAN] Hey, Mitch. Welcome back.
- Thank you.

Hey, Hannah.



[MAN] Hey. You can't
go in there right now.

I work downstairs. I
need to speak to you.

- I'm sorry. I told her...
- No, it's fine, James. Give us a moment.

I just got back from Las
Vegas with The Morning Show.

What is it, dear?

Mitch Kessler invited me to his room

to watch a movie, and he wound up...



[VOICE CRACKS] He wound up...

[SOBS] He...

You don't have to say it.

You don't have to say anything.

What's your name?


I'm Han... I'm Hannah
Shoenfeld. I'm a junior booker.

Hannah Shoenfeld.

I've heard about you. I hear
you're doing some great work.

Hannah Shoenfeld,

I heard head booker...

might be in your future.


So this is how it happens?

Absolutely. People do fantastic
work, and they get promoted.

That is absolutely how it happens.


I'm head booker now?





The Times article details shocking
allegations against Weinstein

from eight different women,

ranging from workplace
harassment to sexual abuse,

including unwanted physical contact,

promises of career advancement
in exchange for sexual favors,

and claims that the Hollywood
mogul threatened retaliation

if his sexual advances were rejected.

The story also alleges that Weinstein

has been paying off his accusers
for over three decades...

[MITCH] Wow, what a creep.

- ...including actor Rose McGowan.

In , the Scream star
reportedly received a $ , ...

I'm gonna finish our
pretape for tomorrow.

- [ALEX] Okay.
- ...during the Sundance Film Festival.

Harvey Weinstein now intends to sue

the New York Times for defamation,

- allegedly for $ million.
- What a pig.

A spokeswoman for the Times states
that Mr. Weinstein and his lawyer

have confirmed the
essential points of the story

and that Mr. Weinstein has
not pointed to any errors

or challenged any facts in the story.

This comes after the
Oscar-winning producer

first issued an attempted
conciliatory statement saying,

"He came of age in the ' s and ' s

when all the rules about behavior
at workplaces were different.

That was the culture then."

Weinstein went on to say
he's brought on therapists

and plans to take a leave
of absence from his company

and deal with his issues head-on.