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01x05 - No One's Gonna Harm You, Not While I'm Around

Posted: 09/29/21 06:40
by bunniefuu
Heck, I had an abortion
when I was years old.

- Oh, she did not.
- Oh, my God.

- f*ck!
- Yes!



I chose you, and I
can't let this beat me.

- "This" meaning me?
- Yes.

More is gonna come out about
Mitch. That's inevitable.

We need to have each other's backs.

Protect the show.

Yes. "Protect the show."

God, is it ever strange being
in his old dressing room?

Yeah, sometimes it's weird.

I wonder what happened in
here on a regular basis.

Yeah, I wonder that.

[BRADLEY] Was there something
about the culture at this show

that made it feel
impossible to complain?

- Tell her to stop.
- Bradley.

Mia. Don't stop her.

[BRADLEY] You're safe, and I
don't want you to say anything

that you don't feel comfortable saying.

- Bradley.
- But the truth matters.

Bradley, stop this right now.

[ASHLEY] He would call me
in. We would start kissing.

I would give him oral sex.

And I never told anybody,
but everybody knew.

- [BRADLEY] Did you know?
- Excuse me?

About what was going
on in his dressing room.

How dare you?



That's our show for today.

We are so glad you spent
your morning with us.

And congratulations on your first week.

- Yeah. Well done. Good job.
- Happy Friday, everyone.

Thank you, guys. It's been a fun ride.

Have a great weekend, America.

And stay tuned for The Twist.

- [ALEX] Mm-hmm.


[ALEX] Like they say, like Kelly
says... You know what I mean?


[ALISON] I love this song.

- [FLOOR DIRECTOR] And we're out.

Don't you ever, ever question my
integrity in my own house again.


[SIGHS] Okay. All right.

Let me explain something
to you real quick.

The business of this show
is a complicated world. Okay?

There are rules we have to honor here.

You may think you don't have to,
but you would be f*cking wrong. Okay?

This show, it will consume you,

it will spit out your
bones and some gristle

and your f*cking spirit along with it.

Unless that's what you're trying
to accomplish, in which case,

I don't know what to tell you.

- Chip, what are you trying to say?
- You could do great work here.

Don't annihilate yourself in the process

just for the sake of pushing buttons
that you aren't supposed to push.

Be careful.

Why? 'Cause if the network's found
culpable, you're the fall guy?

- It'll k*ll your career?

Unfortunately, I think that
death ship is sailing as we speak.

Look, not everybody's a
self-serving pile of shit.

I'm talking to you about you.

- Chip.
- Not now, Rena. I need five seconds...

Mitch is here.

Wow, look at you, Mort.
Nice scruff. I like it.

Hey, Greg.

Lindsey. Oh, how's the puppy?

- Uh, she's good, Mitch.
- Remember, crate training.

You have to crate train. Hey.

Good morning. Good morning.

What... f*ck me.

[CHIP] Um, uh, Mitch?

Hey there, Captain. How's the Titanic?

Um, why are you here?

I worked here for years.

There's something I wanna
say to these good people.

- I don't think that's a good idea.
- I think it's a great idea.

- Okay, call security.
- I already did.

I'm staying with you. I
mean, I wanna see the show.

Let's just hope the show doesn't involve

a sawed-off shotgun under his coat.


Hello, everybody.



You know,

I noticed on the way in that there
aren't any pictures of me out there.

What's going on with that?

Who did that? Who did that?

[LAUGHS] I'm kidding.


isn't this awkward?


I know you're terrified to say
anything, so I'll do all the talking.


This is so weird.

[SIGHS] First of all, I'm sorry.

And when I say that, I'm not
admitting guilt or anything.

I am sorry in the same way

you might be sorry for
someone who was hit by a bus,

even though you weren't driving the bus.

So, I'm sorry that the
show got hit by a bus.

We all got hit.



I really miss the shit outta you guys.

[SIGHS] I miss this
place. I miss being here.

I miss my partners.


Hey, Alex.

I heard that you did an interview
with one of my alleged victims,

and that there's a New York
article coming out imminently.

And we all know how that's gonna go.

I'm sure they're not gonna
do a feel-good piece about me.

So that's the other reason I'm here.

I am asking you to
speak up on my behalf.

Call the Times, go
on record, give 'em quotes.

You guys know me
better than anybody, so,

out there,

they're gonna blow this up.

But you've worked with me.

We have worked side by
side for years and years.

We have shared family experiences.

We are colleagues. We're friends.

I'm asking you all, as friends,

to speak out on my behalf.

Mitch, this is not
okay. You need to leave.

I know that some of you want to do it.

I know that there are some
of you who want to speak up.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

This is scary. I get it.

Going against the grain,

saying things that are
unpopular in the moment

about people that are
unpopular in the moment.

But this is my f*cking life!

Who will speak up for me?

Who here will speak up for me?

You are the people that
I love in the world!




[LAUGHS] Okay.


Okay. Listen, I get it.

I understand.

But from the bottom of my heart,
I just want you all to know...

how important you are to me.

[CHUCKLES] But... I'm...
That's not to lay a guilt trip.

I really do love you guys.

And it's been an honor working
with all of you. Thank you.

- [BRADLEY] Mitch Kessler!

If it isn't Bradley Jackson.

- Who else knew what was going on?

Who do you think?

Congrats on the chair.

Keep your back to the wall.


[BARISTA] Bill! Bill?



We were just talking about you.

Oh, yeah?

We think you are amazing.

Really? I feel like everybody over

there wants to put my head on a spike.

No. No, no, no. A lot of us actually
find you incredibly inspiring.

Thank you for saying that.
I really appreciate it.

Hey, would you wanna come out with some

of us from the office tomorrow night?

It's Claire's birthday,
and we're going drinking.

It's your birthday.

I'm sure you have
something much better to do.

No. I actually have
nothing to do. I don't...

I don't really know anybody
here. So I would love to come.

I just have to move into
my new hotel. But what time?

Uh, nine-ish?

- Yeah.
- Tom O'Donnell's.

- Great, great.
- [BARISTA] Birdly!

I think that's me. I'm Birdly, I think.

Okay, I'll see y'all tomorrow night.

- Bye, Birdly.
- Bye.

- Thank you.
- [BARISTA] You're welcome. Enjoy.





Holy shit.

[ASHLEY] And he did that to me.

He branded me.

He stole my self-confidence, my self-worth.

And then I was drowning,

and there was no one
to throw me a lifeline.

Oh, my God.



Please leave a message after the tone.

Hey, it's Chip. Can you call me back?

I could really use a favor.



- Hey, Mia.
- Good morning, Bradley.

Maggie Brener from New York
should be there any minute.

I told the front desk to call you.

Oh, yeah. I'm almost ready.

Listen. That Ashley interview.

- We didn't get the chance to talk after.
- Yeah, I know, Mia.

No, no. I'm not gonna say
what you think I'm gonna say.

I thought it was a great
interview. I'm really proud of it,

especially with Mitch showing up after.

I mean, it's just a big f*cking
reminder that what you did was right.

I think he misses an audience.

Yeah, well. Look what happened.
We all just sat there and listened.

Well, obviously we're gonna be curious.

Exactly. Which is why Maggie
Brener is gonna be curious, right?

It's this fascinating car crash,

- and with Ashley's confession...

it's just opened up the door to more
questions about The Morning Show.

And she is gonna expect
you to answer them.

What are you asking?

I'm just asking that you
keep all that in mind.

Maggie thinks she's
smarter than everyone.

[BRADLEY] Well, I have no idea
The Morning Show chose me.

I mean, I feel like sometimes they
got the wrong person or something.

Like, someone's gonna call up
and tell me it was a big mistake.

Well, that's part of your charm, right?

The complete lack of pretense,
the self-effacing authenticity.

- Now, how do you hold on to all that?
- Oh, I...

I mean, I don't know. I guess,
just don't believe your own press.

Don't surround yourself
with yes-people.

Mainly I just think we're
all gonna end up dead,

so there's no coming out on top anyway.

You just can't get caught
up in all that bullshit.

I probably shouldn't say "shit."

That's okay. We all speak
a little French. [LAUGHS]

So, you change The Morning Show,

don't let The Morning Show change you?

Well, I think we can evolve together.


But... Alex.

I've known her for a long
time. She is a legend.

She is.

Do you think that she's up for this...

Morning Show feminist
revolution that you've ignited?

Especially in her own home.

Oh, I think she is.

But do you notice a shift in
the behind-the-scenes culture

now that Mitch is gone?

Or is that even possible given that
so much of the old guard remains?

I wasn't there before, so I
can't really speak to a shift.

But you were clearly
chasing that story yesterday

in your interview with Ashley Brown,

wondering at the culture

that allowed Mitch's behavior
to go unchecked for a decade.

So I think it's fair to
assume you're curious?

Yeah, I'm human. And I'm a journalist.

So when I see someone
who has a story to tell,

I try to create space
for them to share it.

Have you shared that space with Alex?

She's been there longer than anyone.

Yeah. Alex and I have just
started to work together.

And I think we're off to a good start.

I'm hopeful that we will prove
to be a very powerful team.

Well, I look forward to our
ten-year follow-up interview.

Let's see if everything works
out as you've intended it to.

[MAN] We gave you the thrust of it.

There were four accusers
who came forward,

two by name. And after
Ashley, we now have two more women

who are willing to go on record.

Allegations of misconduct
and harassment by Mitch.

Some went through channels.

We're giving you eight hours to
respond with a quote from Fred.

They need to give us
the f*cking details.

I need to know what's in the
story, how exposed we are.


Otherwise I won't
validate this with a quote.



Okay, Rob. Let's
just cut to the chase here.

You know that we're not
gonna let Fred give you a quote

if he doesn't know the content.

[ROBERT] Hey, we're
calling as a courtesy.

Our story plays with
or without the quotes.

But you should think of optics.

People will know that
Fred is trying to duck out.

[d*ck] Duck out from what?

There's a million vague stories
going around. Yours isn't special.

If you had something to say that was new

or expl*sive, then you'd be telling us.

Here's what we have.
Four sources of quotes.

Three are women who work
or have worked on the show,

one from a male who
currently works on the show.

These events took place in
his dressing room, in his car,

on location, in hotels,

in a Chevron bathroom on a
remote in Northern California

during the Shakespeare Festival,

in Rome during the papal conclave,

a weekend at his vacation
home in the Hamptons,

and numerous incidents
on his yacht.

Extra, extra.

Anybody can say anything.

Is any of this credible?

It's some direct quotes
and some second-party.

One of them is Fred's old
assistant, Janine Friedman.

Mitch f*cked Janine? Jesus.

[d*ck] What's the quote from Friedman?

Janine stated, "There was always an

environment of protection for the stars.

I'm not speaking directly
about sexual allegations,

but obviously the stars are the bread and

butter, and they are fiercely protected.

I know there were always rumors
about what Mitch was doing.

It was common knowledge."

What about if we trade the story
of Mitch coming to the set yesterday

and getting escorted off by
security for dropping the quote?

- Text him.
- Yeah.

This is exciting.



We have a story that's a
perfect addition to this piece.

It's directly about Mitch,
and it's eyewitnesses.

That's fantastic.

But you have to drop the Friedman quote.

I need to hear it before
I can make that deal.

No, that's not gonna happen.

I promise you, it's going
to make the piece sing.

[ROBERT] f*ck 'em. They're bluffing.

Sorry, we're gonna run
the piece as is. Thank you.

What the hell?

You need to do anything
you can to stop this.

Discredit people making the
allegations, call our sources.

Do what you have to do
to get people to retract.

Buy them off. But stop this
from happening immediately,

or you're gonna be looking for new jobs.


I'm really f*cking sick of
you and sick of your shtick.

Oh, I know you think you're a genius.

I have chewed through seven different

versions of guys like you in my career.

So stop acting like you're
the second coming of the Lord.

The truth is, nobody likes you.

Well, maybe your mother does,

but I guess she didn't pay
enough attention to you, and...

now we all have to suffer because of it.



- [JASON] May I enter my lady's chamber?

[LAUGHS] So polite of
you. Yes, please. Come in.

I'm getting my game face on.

Ooh, game face.

There was me thinking this was
a delightful charity fund-raiser.

[ALEX] No, it is. It is.

Unfortunately, I have to do
some old-fashioned stroking

of Maggie Brener's oversized ego.

Oh, to what end?

Well, she interviewed Bradley
today for New York Magazine.

And I just, I just have to
make sure I'm all over it.

Mm, always something
exciting to look forward to.

You have armies to
conquer. Look your best.

You're supposed to say I already do.

- You already do.
- Thank you.


[MAN] Bradley, it's your dad.

I'm here in my car. And I
thought I'd give you a call.

Chip, that Ashley Brown interview.

[SCOFFS] My God.

I know. It's a real barn burner, huh?

Yeah. Well, you guys promised
transparency after Mitch, but... Jesus.

[CHIP] Look, let's just cut to it.

The article you're dropping,
with more Mitch accusers...

You want to comment on the record?

No, I want you to tell me what's
about to f*ck me up the ass.

You weren't listening in on the call?


All right, f*ck it.

How exposed is the network?

The show? I mean, how
exposed am I, Robbie?

You gotta give me something, please.

I mean, how long have we been friends?

We chased the same stories. We
stayed in the same shitty motels.

You've met most of my ex-wives.

I've done shit for you.
I helped you get this job.

We know the culture
wasn't perfect at the show,

but we did not know everything.

And we are cleaning it up.

Gotta help me. It's quid
pro quo. It's what we do.

I'm sorry, Chip.

Really? You're sorry?
After what I gave you?

I don't remember what you gave me.

Wasn't that the deal?

I'm not asking you to
compromise the piece.

Just don't sh**t me in the f*cking face.

You owe me that.

That might compromise the piece.

I know where your skeletons
are buried, my friend.


I'd think about what you're doing.



- Welcome. May I take your coat?

Permission granted.

- Here you go.
- Thank you.

- You're welcome. Enjoy.
- Mm.


This gives you the warning.
Cory just walked in.

- Oh. Okay. Game face.
- The smile.

Hello, Cory. So glad
that you could come.

Oh, Alex, if only you meant that.

I know you only invited
me for political reasons.

Oh. Well, true.

But let's just pretend maybe I didn't.

It might be more fun.

Oh, and you can sing a
show tune for a donation.


What about "The Waltz of Treachery"?

Les Mis?

Very inside baseball, that
selection. I'm impressed.


I guess we do have something
in common after all.

Who knew?



When in Rome.

[ALEX] So good to see you.

- Hi, Geneva.
- Hi. Muah.

You're here. Muah.

- Thanks for coming.
- Thank you so much for doing this, Alex.

Yes, thank you. Place looks beautiful.

Thank you. Thank you.

- How is everything?
- Okay.

- Yeah?
- Okay, well, actually, not okay.

Have you heard about these wildfires
outside of Los Angeles, California?

Oh, I know. They're horrible.

Well, apparently, they're just
a few miles from our Malibu home.

- No. I'm so sorry.
- We'll be fine.

We have a hysterical
neighbor who loves the drama.

But I really hope you're right, Fred.

I hope you get to relax. That's
what tonight is all about. Okay?

Bid on something, Fred. Don't be cheap.

Why does everyone think I'm so cheap?

Because you are, dear.

- Thank you.
- Do you come here often?

[CHUCKLES] Yeah. You actually
look kinda familiar to me.

Buy you a drink?

Oh, I'd love to. But I'm too
busy controlling the universe.

Mm, of course you are.

Have you seen Maggie yet?

God. She better f*cking show.

Yeah. How's the old
game face holding up?

My game face is
fantastic. I'm doing great.

You know that I always know how
to pull it together when I have to.

Yes, I do.

Yes. But you know
what's driving me crazy?

Everybody. All they wanna do
is talk about Bradley Jackson.

"This Bradley, she's amazing."
"Oh, my God. What a find."

"Bradley, she's just like a revelation."

- Mm-hmm.
- "What a firecracker."

It's f*cking bullshit.

I swear to God. I'm
the one who found her.

- And no one seems to remember that.
- Oh, I remember it.

- Mm.
- Anyhow, speech time.

So, deep breath.

Look both ways. Wear a
helmet and just be careful.

Oh, come on. Don't worry.
I'm almost always careful.



Excuse me. [CLEARS THROAT]

- Hello, everyone.

- Don't worry, I'm not gonna sing.

I just wanted to take a moment to

thank all of you for coming out tonight.

And a very special
thanks to Geneva Micklen

who introduced me to
this wonderful foundation

- and the reason we are all here tonight.

Thank you.

The New York Theatre Development Fund

seeks to bring the power
of theater to everyone.

They provide scholarships for
underprivileged drama students

and future theater performers.

So, please check out the auction room.

There are some fantastic
pieces in there.

Um, oh, and Christian
will be here all night.

So, for a $ , donation,

you can sing one of your
favorite show tunes.

Like Cheyenne Jackson did
so beautifully just before.

Yes, and there will be
desserts passed around, drinks.

And just please enjoy yourselves and...

- long live Broadway.

- Thank you. Enjoy.

- You did so well. Thank you so much.
- Thank you.


- Hey.
- Hey, what can I get ya?

What do you have for a social obligation

I'm not emotionally equipped to be at?

Ah, Jameson. It got us
through the social obligation

of lying to the British
for quite a while.

Perfect. I'll have that on the rocks.

Actually, make it a double.

A double? I'll run a tab for ya.

Great. My name's Bradley.

I'll remember ya.

All right. Wish me luck.

Good luck.

[MAN] That's Bradley Jackson.

[MIA] Bradley's here.
How did that happen?

Oh, yeah, Claire and I invited her.

She actually showed up? Interesting.

- Oh, my God. I love that hair.
- Who wants another round?

You like it? The network made me
look like a tool. So, I changed it.

Anyway, thank you for having me.

Happy birthday, Claire.

- This is for you.
- Oh, thank you.

- To Claire. To Claire.
- Oh, thank you.

- To Claire.
- Thank you very much.

- Cheers.
- We were just about to play

"Take a shot for every time you hit on

someone at a workplace in the old days."

- In the old days.
- [WAITER] Anybody need anything?

- Tequila.
- [BRADLEY] Tequila.

Yes, tequila. And then we're
gonna put it on my card,

and I'm gonna keep it open all night.

My name is Bradley.

- Mm. Ms. Jackson.
- Ms. Jackson if you're nasty.


[BRADLEY] Oh, my God.

You nasty, Layla. I see you.

How does he know who
I am? This is so weird.

- Oh, get used to it.
- That's what this is for.

Takes the edge off the things
you don't like thinking about.

Cheers to that, my friend. To denial.

[ALL] Denial!



Yes, she can

You're too good. That was so silly.

Tequila on the rocks, please.

Daniel, you're too talented.

Well, I'm no Neil
Diamond, but I do okay.

No, the singing was great, but
what I meant was you're too talented

to be waiting around for some white

folks to play chess to
decide your future.

It is good to see you, Audra.

So, where's the rest of the YDA team?

Well, Jimmy's grandmother's home is in

the path of the California wildfires.

So, he went out to make sure
that everything was okay.

Oh, my God. That's terrible.

Yeah, we'll see what happens.

What I was getting at was

there is something that I
would like to discuss with you.


Preferably not in an environment that
is teeming with TMS overlords.

Look, TMS has been
my home for a long time,

and I don't think my work
here is done just yet.

Do you feel appreciated?

I feel motivated.

Okay, keep telling yourself
that. Come talk to me.

Hey. Why don't you be a good gay and

come listen to show tunes with me, huh?

- Sure.
- Okay, come on.

- [YANKO] Painful, right?
- [ALEX] Brutally painful.

[YANKO] Oh, no. There's
nothing much left now.

- All right. So, are you gonna sing?

- Please, make him sing.
- Oh, please. Come on.

I'm thinking "Modern Major
General" 'cause I can talk-sing it,

and I learned it in boarding school.

So, it's either that, or any musical

that Rex Harrison
ever sang in. We'll see.

Gilbert and Sullivan.

What a crowd-pleaser.
I can't wait for that.

- It'll be good, Yanko.
- Okay. Sure.

Oh, Maggie. Okay, have fun.

- Hi, Maggie.
- Hi, Alex.

- How are you?
- Beautiful party.

- And beautiful men.
- I know. Always.

- You are such a champ for being here.

I know that you already had a full
day with my new partner in crime.

She's quite something, huh?

Bradley, yeah.

- Yeah, she's an interesting find.
- Yes, I know. I know.

- Is she here?
- Mm-mm.

- Okay.
- Nope, she's not here.

No, she actually is
taking a night for herself.

- Which she has earned.
- Oh, well, good for her.

It must've been quite the week being
shot outta the TMS cannon.

It was a tough week for her.

And, I mean, she's extremely talented,
but she got quite shell-shocked

when I told her that she
had to go on air Monday.

Who wouldn't be? So...

You made the Monday call?

Yeah, I know what the show needs.

You know, a fast, fresh start.

Feminist slant. And it couldn't
happen faster in my opinion.

And Bradley came
through like a superstar.

I mean, for someone who has zero
anchor experience, she did great.

[LAUGHS] Well, clearly guided
by the steady hand of someone

who has been through the
wringers of the industry herself.

Well, yes. I mean,
you know this, Maggie.

It's never straightforward
when women try to take control

of a male-dominated empire, you know?

But we made history with that interview.

You're already a royal we? That's cute.

Thank you.

I mean, come on, you really think
that I wouldn't take a firm hand

in an interview that
had stakes that high?

I mean, I worked with Bradley
all week, I guided her,

trying to get to the truth
of Ashley's experience.

And it was intense. And it was
tough. But we, I... We got there.

Is this supposed to be on the record?



I just thought that
you would be interested

in the changes that were
happening over at TMS.

I mean, I myself felt certain
constraints sitting next to Mitch.

And now, I finally have an opportunity
to make things better over there

for women, and for myself.

- What?
- Alex, we've known each other too long.

I have tremendous
respect for you, but...

I am not going to write
some feminist puff piece

about a woman...

who turned a blind eye to the
sexual misconduct of her cohost.

Excuse me?

Bradley's profile is gonna be great.

I don't blame you for being
worried about getting lost,

the fear that someone sitting
next to you is your replacement.

I know this is really hard for you.

Would you like to comment on that?

Off the record, Maggie.

I'm not afraid about getting lost.



Enjoy the party.

I still haven't heard anything
about the Times pulling back.

f*ckers. Have you?

No, not a word. f*ckers.

Hey, you just missed the
press photographer, Chip.

Shall I call her back?

We can all be in the Gala section of W

looking like the rich assholes we are.

I think I'm more comfortable being
an off-camera assh*le. Thank you.

- Ohh.
- You're here pretty late.

I'm here pretty drunk. [LAUGHS]

Drinking seemed more pressing
tonight for some reason.

I'm gonna go find Geneva.

You know, just... I
didn't really appreciate

being left off the Times call.

You weren't needed.

I know what you're doing.

You're waiting for that
article to come out,

and then if it's bad for you, I
don't have a job in the morning.

Am I right?

I guess I'm right. Hm.

Sorry, Charlie "Chip" Black.

Are you really?

- I think I actually am.
- Mm.

Okay. Well, just so you
know, you're not immune here.

You're just as f*cking
expendable as I am.


Hey, you good?

Please. What, are you
in the -step program?

Wanna make amends to me? Cory.

No, Alex, now hold on just a minute.

Come on. Let 'em get a picture
of us talking, you know?


- Smiling...

Yeah, are you good?

I can't remember the last
time that we actually talked.

What do you... What do you want, Cory?

It was right before you
announced Bradley as your cohost.

- And I was pretty awful to you.
- You were a d*ck.

Don't worry, I'm not gonna bite. I
just wanted you to hear it from me.

- Okay, and what is that?
- You were right.

Yup, I said it.

You did a good thing. That
Bradley stunt was brilliant.

And I want us to find
a way to work together.

I think you're kind of a crazy genius,

and I like working with crazy geniuses.

Mm-hmm. [INHALES]

Go f*ck yourself, Cory.

Save your energy for your
next k*ll. I'm not biting.

- You don't believe me.
- No.

Oh, Alex.

I'm gonna try a little harder.


Everybody, can I get your attention
for a second, please? Um...

I just want to take a second to
acknowledge our hostess tonight.

Alex, what would we do
without you? To Alex, everyone.

Wow. Thank you. That's
so nice. Thank you.

- I dedicate this song to you, Alex Levy.

You make my job so fun.
You're gonna like this one.

What are you doing?

Nothing's gonna harm you

- ♪ Not while I'm around
- Oh, good God.

Nothing's gonna harm you ♪
♪ No, sir

Not while I'm around

Demons are prowling everywhere


I'll send them howling I don't care

- ♪ I've got ways
- Yes, you do.

- You know this is a duet, Alex Levy.
- God, no. No way.

Come on. You're the musical theater
nerd! You gotta get in there! Go, go!

No one's gonna hurt you ♪
♪ No one's gonna dare

Others can desert you ♪
♪ Not to worry, whistle, I'll be there

She knows the words, everyone!

Demons will charm you with a smile

For a while

♪ But in time ♪

Nothing can harm you

Not while I'm around

Being close and being clever

Ain't like being true

I don't need to ♪
♪ I would never

Hide a thing from you, like some

What the f*ck is going on right now?

I don't know, but it's weird and
fascinating, and I'm super into it.

No one's gonna dare

Others can desert you

Not to worry ♪
♪ Whistle, I'll be there

Demons will charm you with a smile

For a while

But in time

Nothing can harm you

Not while

I'm around


Bravo, Alex!



Yes, I absolutely am ready
to give you that quote.

And you'll lose the Friedman quote?

What changed? Fine, fine, don't tell me.

Perfect. You ready?

Alex. Alex, what is going on?

I have to get out of here.

This is your party. What am
I supposed to tell people?

Tell them to wrap it up. Tell
them to stop f*cking singing.

- Wait. Did something happen?
- Something happens every five minutes.

I need some air. I cannot be in the same

room with all those people right now.

I'm at a loss here. How is
being out on the street better...

- What the f*ck is going on, Alex?
- I'm going to see Mitch!

All right?

I need to talk to him.

He's in the city.

We have a lot going on right now.

And I just want to f*cking talk to him.

I want to see my friend.
Is that a f*cking crime?

No, no, not a crime.

Then, please, don't turn this
into something that it's not.

I won't.

Go on, off you go. I will lie for
you, and take care of your party.

Thank you.


So, now no one can ever have a fling
with someone sexy they work with?

It isn't that hard to hook up with people

who you don't have to see every day.

With what free time exactly?

Celibacy has its perks.


- I do not know.

Oh, please. What does any of it matter?

Men put their dicks in a bunch
of places they don't belong.

But who amongst us could say
we wouldn't be doing the same

if we were differently equipped?

- [LAUGHS] Hannah.
- It's what being a man is all about,

and that is never really gonna change,

no matter what lies we tell ourselves,

no matter what stories we do about it.

So... mazel tov!

[MIA] You're a nihilistic drunk, Hannah.

- f*cking right, babe.
- And I love it!


It would help if the security guard could

keep Mitch out of the f*cking building.


It was so sad. His face. And
he remembered about my dog.

No. What was f*cking sad was all
the people who tried to pretend

like they didn't know or
participate in what Mitch was doing.

So, it wasn't just Mitch.

Mitch was the only one that was going...

Hold on. Who wants to know?

I'm sorry?

What Rena means is, does Bradley Jackson

the truth teller want to know,

or Bradley Jackson the human being out

for a night of revelry with her coworkers?


Y'all, I've worked in enough places.

I would be shocked if it
was just Mitch. Shocked.

But not everyone here does live
interviews trying to get to the truth.

Are you saying I shouldn't
have asked her to be honest?

I think some of us just love our
jobs, imperfect though they may be.

Okay, listen. I'm not trying to
double or triple f*ck any of y'all.

I am just a witness to history
here, just like the rest of you.

Vive la révolution! Off with his balls.

No offense, Claire, but give it ten years,

see if you feel the same way.

You know, maybe you
have too much perspective

and too many years of being trained
to enable this behavior in men.

- Jesus, Claire.
- What the f*ck does that mean?

No, I'm not blaming
you, but I certainly hope

I'd still wanna cut off
Mitch's balls in ten years.

He'll still be a f*cking creep.

First of all, how old are you? What, ?

Actually, why don't you
try giving it years.

And with all due respect, you've
been in your job... months?

What the f*ck do you
know about this show,

what it's been, what I have seen?

What I have gone through
since I've been on this show.

Okay, with all due respect, you don't

have to have worked here for years

to know that what
Mitch did was f*cked up.

Okay, let's just...

Obviously, no one is disputing that,

but it's not as black-and-white
as you are stating it.

Right? 'Cause this shit is
complicated. People are complicated.

Mitch was complicated.

And he was a part of this show.

And I care deeply...

for this show.

Okay. Mia, I'm really...

I'm really drunk. I'm
sorry. We're all drunk and...

No, no, no, I'm sorry. I
apologize to all of you, right?

This is hard for me. I feel bad for...

I feel bad 'cause, you know, that
Times article is gonna be...

gonna be hard to come back from.

For us or for Mitch?

You know what? I'm gonna call myself

a Lyft 'cause I need a lift. [CHUCKLES]

I'm sorry, Mia.

No, no, it's fine. It's fine.

Forgive me.

Sorry, sorry. [LAUGHS]

Happy birthday. Happy birthday.

Thank you.

- Bye, Mia.
- Yes. See you tomorrow.

- Okay. Bye, Mia.
- Okay. Bye. Bye.

I'm really sorry I said
to cut off his balls.


I'm glad you called. This
conversation is scintillating.

God. I was literally just thinking

how nice it is to be so
comfortable with someone

that you can just sit in
silence and not have to talk.

You called the wrong guy.


I've been making a lot
of wrong calls lately.

- Yeah. I wanted to ask you about that.
- Mm-hmm.

What the f*ck is with this
Bradley Jackson person?

- Oh, don't ask. Don't...
- What, was that a network move?

That was me. That was a me move.

I sprung that on 'em at that dumb
journalist event the other night.

- It was this...
- No shit. Really?

- Yes, I did.
- Ohh.

Oh, gosh. And you know what?

Now, there is absolutely
no turning back. Nope.

The wheels really came off your
world when I left, didn't they?

- They flew right off. I mean, I don't...
- Whoo!

Would you like to hear
my honest opinion on this?

Is that rhetorical?

- Yes, of course it is.
- Of course it is.

She's not gonna last, and you
have to prepare yourself for that.

Because people are so f*cking stupid,

they see something that's loud
and in their face, and they're,

"Wow, what's this?"

Then they realize that they don't like

things that are loud and in their face,

and they move on.

So, I suggest that you just

keep your distance, lest you
get chunks of Bradley Jackson

getting in your hair when she implodes.

- Oh, God, lovely.
- Well...

I can see it. Okay, and then what?

Assuming that I'm not covered
in Bradley Jackson remains,

which is a big assumption.

Life goes on, you know?

People continue to watch the show

'cause it helps them digest
the horrors of the world,

and you are gonna come
out smelling like a rose.

They are gonna love you even more

after Bradley Jackson crashes and burns.

And after the debacle, known as "me,"

you're gonna be the wise one,
the solid one, the smart one,

the one that they can count on,

the one who survived it all,

the one who never changed.

And then you'll find a new
coanchor, probably a man.

And as ridiculous as it sounds right now,

probably gonna be a straight, white man,

gonna be handsome, not too
handsome, not intimidatingly so,

just sort of a...

like your best friend's father
you always sort of had a crush on.

- And he's gonna be really smart,

and he's gonna be a journalist,

and he's not gonna be one
of these just camera bimbos.

He's gonna have some real depth to him.

And the two of you are
gonna get along great.

And you guys will make each other
laugh, on the air and off the air.

You are not... You're
not getting your job back.

- Me? I'm not talking about me.
- Never. No.

I'm just talking about
this nameless, other person.

This other person who lives
in a house of fun mirrors.

[LAUGHS] Oh. Oh, really? Don't we all?

Yes, I know. Fair enough.


You miss me.

Admit it. You do. I can tell.

You called me.

Would you just drive
the f*cking car, dipshit?

- Mm-mm. You know what?
- Mm-mm.

I have an idea. We could go out.

- Paige is gone. And you're separated.

Oh, my gosh. Mitch,
do you hear yourself?

We're unattached.

This is the first time ever that we're

both unattached, so we could do this.

I mean... Yes, I'm sure
it's every girl's dream

- to settle down with a sexual predator.

And have... just have two-and-a-half

little predators of her own, and...


But I think the world holds me
to a higher standard than that.

Yeah, well, you're right. It does.


There's life after the show, though.

It doesn't sound half bad to
me. I can think of worse things.


[ALEX] Thank you.

I do miss you.

[MITCH] I really miss you, too.

I'm sorry.





Oh, Mitch. The story just dropped.

[MITCH] Oh, shit.

[SIGHS] Well, f*ck.

[RENA] Guys. The Times piece. It's out.

Oh, shit.

Oh, my God. The papal conclave?
I think I know who this was.

"The woman said Mr. Kessler asked her

to join him in the gas
station bathroom." Jesus.

"In spite of Bradley Jackson's
expl*sive interview with Ashley Brown,

no further incidents of a
cover-up climate were reported."


I'll be right back.



[BRADLEY] Hey, um, Dad?

It's me. It's... Bradley.

I hope it's not a bad time.

Why are you calling me?

Well, that's a good question.


I guess... I guess it's
been a while. I guess...

I wasn't sure you wanted to talk to me.

Yeah. You just wanted to
call and chat after years?

You sound like you're at a bar.

Well, you would know.

All right, I'm sorry.

I'm just... I'm calling you because...

because I was thinking of you.
I'm always thinking of you.

And I've been watching your program.

And maybe it's selfish of
me, but I wanted to call,

and I wanted to tell you how proud,

how very...

How proud, how very proud I am.

I wish your grandmother could see you.

I always knew that you
were so smart, Bradley.

The way you would...

you would debate politics
with me when you were little.

It's not that I'm...

I'm taking credit for how
extraordinary you turned out to be.

No, quite the opposite.

No. Considering where you came
from and how far you've come...

I put you through hell.

Are you still there?

I put you through some hell, too.


You did what you thought you had to do.

I did what I had to do.

Look, you can't call me.

You didn't call Mom, did you?
'Cause you know she's pretty fragile.

No, I've not called her, I'm...

I don't wanna make any trouble.

Well, then don't, okay? I gotta go.

Okay. Good night.

Take care of yourself, kiddo.

I always have.

- Hey.
- Hey. Uh, can I get a drink?

It's on the house.

- One more?
- Yeah. Just keep it coming.

- All right.
- What's your name?

- Oh, it's Andrew.
- Andrew.

- Yeah. What's your name?
- I'm Bradley.

- Actually, I've run your card...
- Oh, yeah?

- Which I still have, by the way.


Okay. All right.

- [EXHALES] I gotta go.
- You gotta what?

- Yeah.
- You gotta be kidding me.

That... f*cking assh*le.

I... I really... I need to go home.

Come on, Alex. You knew
all about this stuff.

I knew it, yeah.

I knew about it in theory,
but just reading this

just felt really, really different.

- Can you just please...
- Okay. Okay.

I need to go home, Mitch. Please.

- Okay.
- Okay.



I'm sorry, Ms. Jackson. I
can't give you his room number.

Yes, you can. I live
here. He lives here.

He's my neighbor. I have a
right to know his address.

No one is disputing he stays here.

I just can't give you his room number.

Then just call him and
tell him that I'm down here.

I'm not gonna call 'cause
I know he's not up there.

- Why do you keep saying...
- Bradley.

- So sorry I'm late.
- Cory.

I told him I knew you,
but he wasn't listening.

Yeah, my apologies.
Come with me, all right?

- So rude.
- It's okay.

Don't worry about that
guy. He's just doing...

[BRADLEY] I'm glad I found you.

I'm hearing, from that conversation,
that you're living here now, huh?

- Yeah. They moved me here.
- All right. What room are you in?

- I live upstairs.
- Oh.


You wanna tell me what happened?

- No. I don't know.
- All right.

I do know. I did something
really f*cking stupid.

It's okay. Here. Hold on.

- [SIGHS] I f*cked this bartender.
- Okay, well...

And I'm not sorry that I f*cked him.

I'm just worried because,

I don't know, I guess I'm
famous now or something,

I don't know.

I'm so... I just don't
know what I'm doing.

No, no. Hey. Hey. It's okay. Come here.

Lean on me.

It's all right. I gotcha.

- Don't you worry, okay?
- I'm just embarrassed.

Don't be. I got you. It's gonna be okay.


- Yes?
- Hey, yeah, Fred. It's Mitch.

"Fred Micklen told the Times,

'He came to the studio
in an emotional state.

He had to be escorted out.

It's painful to watch, but his
own actions brought him to this.

He's done. He'll never work again.'"

If I'm going down, you
are going down with me.


You are going down, m*therf*cker.