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04x02 - Hacktivist

Posted: 09/29/21 06:36
by bunniefuu
What do you mean?

You said you were gonna
ask her on Friday.

I was. I just...

- You chickened out?
- No.

- Did you chicken out?
- I just...

Homecoming's in November.

I mean, who knows
how I'll be around then?

November? You'll be fine.

Come on, this is
your first high school dance.

It's a big deal, man.

- Yeah.
- Yeah, I guess so.

It's hard to think about
the future sometimes, you know,

'cause... cancer.

- Yeah.
- Yeah, I know.

I know... I know how hard it is
to stay... stay positive.

But you have to just keep
reminding yourself

the doctors are very optimistic.

In a few months,
when the chemo's finished,

it'll be like it never happened.

Believe it.

- When can I go home?
- Couple days.

They just want to keep an eye on you,

to make sure the infection goes away.

You'll be home before you know it.

- Yeah, I hope so.
- These fries suck.

- Do they?
- Are they soggy?

- Mushy.
- I hate soggy fries.

What was that?

- I don't know.
- Probably just a power surge.

I'll be right back.

You want some candy
from the vending machine?

But Mom doesn't like me...

I won't tell her if you don't.

I'll pick you out something good.

- What is going on?
- Is it the power?

- I'm not sure.
- Excuse me.

Everything... everything all right?

- Everything's fine.
- We just had a bit of a technical glitch.

- Uh-huh.
- Ma'am?

Sir, please go back
to your child's room.

I'm with the FBI.

Can you tell me
what's really going on, please?

We're locked out of the system.

We're running on generators.

Our automated care systems
have shut down, and...

- I'll take it from here.
- Stand by. Thank you.

Hey, Rina, it's me. We got a problem.

New York Children's Hospital

just got hit with a cyberattack.

All right, listen up.

New York Children's Hospital

was hacked at : this morning.

They're locked out of patient records

and treatment plans.

Most of their equipment is down too.

That means no oxygen pumps,
no defibrillators,

no monitoring devices.
They're having to go analog,

which requires more time and
staff than they currently have.

There are kids receiving
in-patient care

at Children's Hospital,

and they are all at risk
until we can resolve this.

The software that took down
the hospital system

is a form of malware.

All of the computers are frozen,

displaying the same message:

"You have been locked out of this
system. Await further instructions."

We treat cyberattacks
just like kidnappings.

Find the motive.

Use it to track the hacker down.

I want you to dig
into Children's Hospital,

see if there have been any threats.

Tiffany and Scola, coordinate
with FDNY and Public Health.

I want you to oversee
patient transfers on our end.

Ian, head to the hospital
with Maggie and OA.

See if you can track down
the origin of the attack.

Hey. Just got off the phone with Jubal.

He's gonna run point from the hospital.

Okay, but he is there with his son.

He's a patient.
It might complicate things.

He'll be fine.

Everything's automated.

If we don't have power,
if our systems are down...

You must have backup files.

We do, but if the generators go down,

we won't have access to that either.

Wait, how long will
the generators run for?

They're only built to last hours.

We're trying to find backups,
but for a facility this large,

they're saying it will take
three days to put into place,

so we need to resolve this quickly.

Yeah, well, that's the goal.

Well, how can I help?

First, for starters,
we need to establish

how much you'd be willing to pay,

if they demand a ransom.

I haven't thought about it,
but I'm pretty sure

we pay whatever they're asking.

I mean, we don't have much of a choice.

Okay, good. You need to start talking

to your financial people
and your lawyers.

Okay, I'm sorry,
I really... I have to go.


Hey. Come here.

You know we can't endorse
ransom payments.

It's Bureau policy.

Oh, yeah. No, I know.
Of course. But got hours,

so just in case
it's our only play, right?

Hey, Jubal, if this is
too much for you...

You obviously have a lot on your mind.

Yeah, but I'm good. I'm good.

I am. Okay?

Yeah. If you...

If you need anything,
you let me know, okay?

Yeah. I will.

- Hey.
- Hey.

How's Tyler doing?

Oh, he's hanging in there,
all things considered.

Okay. Ian's been running
diagnostics on the hack.

Hospital runs on an air-gapped system.

That's important because...

'Cause it means that the hack
had to come from inside the hospital.

And most likely uploaded
onto this mainframe computer.

Okay, so the hacker
was here in this room.

That's good. You guys need to round up

and polygraph everyone
in the hospital IT staff.

We can't possibly polygraph everyone.

We're gonna need their consent.

Then get their consent.

If they refuse,
we'll know they're a suspect.

Please. Thank you.

Hey, download all the security footage

from the hall outside this room.

Get it to the JOC ASAP.

We need to know who accessed the system.


Patient transfers are almost complete.
That's the good news.

Okay. Bad news?

The system is now flooded with patients,

and it'll be impossible to treat anyone

who needs medical assistance.

So please tell me we're making progress.

All we know so far is
it looks like an inside job.

Maggie and OA are interviewing
hospital employees now,

pulling personnel files...

I've been going through footage,

logging everyone who went into
the hospital's control room

over the last few weeks.

It's mostly just been hospital
administrators and IT staff,

except for this guy, Jason Cook,

years old,
no connection to the hospital.

Guy works in
an electronic store downtown.

Let's track him down.

D audio, haptic feedback,

and the graphic power's next level.

Awesome ray tracing on the games.

Jason Cook? We're with the FBI.


Come on.

I didn't do it!

We haven't even accused you
of anything yet, man.

Jason Cook, you're coming with us.

Excuse me.

I'm telling you, I don't know
how to fix it.

Jason, drop the act.

We have you on video going into
the hospital's control room.

We have your prints
all over the mainframe, okay?

You're not gonna walk away
from this one.

We need these systems
back online right now.

There are hundreds of kids who are sick.

- They're scared.
- I know,

but I don't know how to undo it.

I'm not a software guy.

You're the one who put the program

on the hospital's computer
in the first place.

Yeah, but it's not my program.

Okay, what do you mean? Whose is it?

I don't know.
Some guy I met in a chat room

said he'd pay me K in Bitcoin

to take this rubber ducky
and install it.

- Rubber ducky?
- Yeah, like a USB.

You plug it in,
it just starts writing code.

It seemed like easy money.

I didn't know what it was going to do.

So, you just blindly put
a virus on a hospital computer.

Where'd you get the USB?

Guy dropped it off at my house.

Describe him.

I don't know. I never met him.

He left it at my door.

Okay, well, we're gonna need
that USB and access

to your computer to verify all of this.

Fine. It's all there.

Messages, instructions
for the hospitals.

Hospitals? Plural?

Jason, how many hospitals
did you take this thing to?

Hey, Cook uploaded malware

onto six separate hospital
mainframes around the city.

We know. All six hospitals

they have been rerouting ambulances

and surgical patients to have shut down.

Yeah, same software, same hack.

It's gonna make it pretty
difficult to transfer patients safely.

Jubal, tell me you got
good news on your end.

Not exactly. Ransom demand came in.

- How much?
- He's not asking for money.

He's asking us to find a serial k*ller.

Okay, everyone, we have a demand.

The hacker is asking the FBI
to track down a supposed k*ller

who is targeting previous patients

from Burwell Psychiatric Facility.

Now, whether this is credible or not,

it suggest that there is
a connection between the hacker

and the facility, so let's find it.

In the meantime, what else do we know

about the guy
who planted the malware, Cook?

Story he told Maggie and OA checks out.

He was contacted
through an online chat room,

wired K in cryptocurrency last week.

- Can we track the payment?
- No.

CART's saying it's all routed
through proxy chains and VPNs.

- What about the flash drive?
- ERT found it at Cook's house,

but there's nothing identifying on it.
Only prints are Cook's.

How about the video?

Do we have any footage
from where it was left?

We're pulling footage
from street cams in the area,

but we're looking for a needle
in a haystack.

Okay. Looks like the psych facility

is our only lead, so let's dig in.


The hacker just made contact
with Maggie.

This is Special Agent
Maggie Bell with the FBI.

Who am I speaking with?

I'd rather cut past the formalities.

- You got my demand?
- We did.

But first we need to know that
you're willing to work with us.

Why don't you turn on
some of these functions

as a show of good faith?

I can't do that. System stays locked

until you make headway
on the m*rder investigation.

Well, if you won't compromise
with us now,

how do we know that you're gonna
reverse the hack

once we meet your demands?

Because you don't have another choice.

What is this?

Information on the victims.

All former patients of the
Burwell Psychiatric Facility.

All died within weeks of release.

Someone is k*lling them,

and I need you to find out who.

I'd suggest you get started.

Only hours left on the generators.

Connection's dead. He's gone.

Are you suggesting we had
something to do with this?

Well, seven of your former patients

have died in a span of three months.

That's a hell of a coincidence,
don't you think?

Those patients were ill.

They had drug problems, heart conditions

brought on by long-term use
of antipsychotics.

So you're saying this is normal.

I'm saying psychotics
are at a higher risk

for premature death
than the general population.

Do you know why someone would
claim that there's more going on here?

Has anyone ever brought
any suspicious behavior

to your attention or filed a complaint?

We've had a handful of complaints

over the last few weeks, all anonymous,

and to be clear,
all completely unfounded.


Can you print out those various
complaints we received?

Yeah, sure.

Never thought to maybe
mention that to law enforcement?

Well, as you might imagine,

we get lots of interesting mail
around here

from former patients, their loved ones.

Yeah, well, we still want
to see those complaints.

And a list of all current
and former patients, too.

Well, we'll do our best.

Six New York hospitals are
without power right now.

We don't have time for your best.

You understand me?

Yes, of course.

- Mr. And Mrs. Valentine...
- Yeah.

Can I see you outside
for a moment, please?

- Okay.
- Sure.

- Hi.
- Tyler's infection

isn't responding to the antibiotics

in the way we'd hoped.
His spleen is severely swollen.

We are recommending
an emergency splenectomy.

Like, to remove his spleen?
Is that really our only option?

We could continue the antibiotics,

but I wouldn't recommend waiting.

If his spleen ruptures,

the chance for success is much lower.

Is it safe, operating
with everything shut down?

It's not ideal.

We'll have to do it as an open surgery.

But I think we'll be fine.

It's what I would do for my son.

Okay. Okay. Yeah.

- Okay.
- Okay?

- Yep.
- Very good. Excuse me.

Thank you.

Yeah. Yeah. Okay.


We've been going through
the anonymous complaints.

Catalyst seems to be the death
of this patient Anna Lewis.

Complaints started coming in
the day after she died.

"You've now had seven otherwise
healthy patients "die out of nowhere

only days after leaving your care.

"Someone's been using
your facility to target

your most vulnerable patients."

So, if Anna Lewis
is patient number seven,

the hacker has to be familiar
with her case.

What do we know about her death?

It was a cardiac arrest.

She was found alone in her apartment.

No signs of foul play at the scene.

No dr*gs in her system.

Maybe it was a grieving
relative looking for answers.

No. As far as we can tell,

Anna Lewis didn't have any family.

What do we know about her death?

Who reported it?

A friend, a woman named Lydia Ryan.

Did you say Ryan?

Yeah. Why?

Lydia Ryan was a patient there.

- What do we know about her?
- years old.

Was being treated for bipolar disorder.

Stayed six months
before being discharged.

And I'm guessing her stay
overlapped with Anna Lewis.

Yeah, they were roommates.
In fact, she overlapped

with all the patients
on our hacker's list.

And Isobel, Ryan's a software engineer.

Which means she's more than capable

of pulling off the malware attack.

Well, she also had motive.

Ryan filed a complaint against
the psych facility a month ago.

Said that the patients were dying

at an unusually high rate post-release.

Why are we just hearing about this now?

Well, the officer that took
the report wrote it off

as a conspiracy theory,
never followed up.

Hey, guys, check this out.
Thought she looked familiar.

This is from a traffic cam
a half a block from where Cook,

the idiot from the electronic store,

said the USB was dropped.

She's our hacker.

Step away from the computer!

FBI. Show me your hands.

I said show me your hands, now!

Lydia Ryan, you're under arrest

for the attack on
New York Children's Hospital.

There's nothing on there
that'll help you.

Only way to de-encrypt
the ransomware is through me,

and I won't do it

until you find the monster
that's k*lling my friends.

Let's go.

I am not unlocking a damn thing

until you find the k*ller.

I understand that you're upset. But...

Look, don't patronize me, okay?

We looked into the psych facility,

and we didn't find any evidence
that suggested

that the patients
on your list were k*lled.

Yeah, because you're not
looking hard enough.

Well, it takes a really long
time to prove a m*rder case.

We are doing the best that we
can under these circumstances.

Lydia, you've got to undo
what you've done.

De-encrypt the ransomware.
If you do that,

I can recommend that
you get a reduced sentence.

I don't want a reduced sentence.

Okay? I want justice.

I want you to find

the person that k*lled Anna
and the others.

I want you to care.

- I do care.
- Oh, really?

I've been talking about this for months,

and no one would listen,
but then a pediatric hospital

goes down and you find me in a day?

If we had reason to believe

that somebody was preying
on innocent people...

I'm giving you a reason!

Do you think that
I would go through all this

if I didn't know
that someone from that facility

was involved?

I knew those people, okay?

I lived with Anna Lewis.

And she wasn't frail or sickly.

She was bright and funny,

and she didn't die
of natural cases, okay?

None of them did.

We looked at all of their autopsies.

Well, you are missing something!

Look, I work in algorithms, okay?

Seven healthy young people
dying in the span

of three months is not random.

They were defenseless,
and somebody targeted them.

Okay. I hear you.

I'll look closer at the facility.

But Lydia, I'm warning you, if
anything happens to those kids

while we're looking into this...

Maggie, I need to see you for a second.

- What's going on?
- NYPD just called.

Another former psych patient
just turned up dead.

Deceased is a homeless man
named James Oster,

years old.

Guy had a card for
Burwell Psychiatric Facility

in his wallet. We ran it,

saw you had an investigation
open against the place.

Appreciate the call.

So what are we looking at here?

He's got an injection mark
in his left arm.

Some old track marks,
so he's not a first-time user.

Looks like an overdose to me,

but Greg here said he heard a struggle.

Hey, Greg.

Can you tell us what happened?

Yeah. I was hanging out,

saw James go across the street,
and the next thing I know,

I heard him shouting
from behind the camper.

Could you make out what he was saying?

No, but he sounded upset.

So I went over, saw James on the ground,

and then I saw a blue car
speed off down the street.

Which way did the car go?

To the left, toward East Side.

You catch the plate, a make or model?

It looked like a Civic or something.

Find any dr*gs or paraphernalia

on the ground around James?

No, sir.

Okay. Thanks.

All right, let's get his body to an ME,

get an expedited autopsy,
just to be sure.

James Oster didn't overdose.
His BAC was slightly elevated,

but otherwise no dr*gs in his system.

What about the track marks in his arms?

ME tested the skin
around the injection site,

found traces of potassium chloride.

So you're saying he was poisoned.

Potassium chloride could stop
the heart instantly.

It also dissipates pretty quickly,

so it's untraceable in the bloodstream.

So it's possible all the other patients

were poisoned the exact same way.

Mimics a heart attack.

Wouldn't show up in an autopsy
unless you're looking for it.

All right,
I'm guessing we need to exhume

the rest of the victims to confirm.

Let's start with Anna Lewis.

We'll get a warrant.

Okay, everybody.
Let's assume the hacker was right.

Question is: Who and why?

Elise, do we have a last
known address on James Oster?

Yeah, discharge papers has
him living at his sister's house.

Oh, God.

This is all my fault.
If I hadn't thrown him out...

This isn't your fault.

Ma'am, we're gonna find
the man responsible for this.

- Okay.
- I do have to ask you some questions.

How long had James
been staying with you?

A few years, off and on.
It just... it got to be too much.

He is paranoid schizophrenic.

He had these violent outbursts.

And I tried to take him
back to the facility,

but he wouldn't go.

Okay. Did he say... did he say why?

He claimed that somebody
there was trying to sabotage him,

that they were telling him
he'd never get better,

that there was no hope.

Really scared him.

- Did he say who?
- No.

He didn't want to talk about it.

Truth is, he always had voices
telling him stuff, you know?

I didn't... I didn't think it was real.

I told him that he should talk
to his counselor there,

so maybe he could tell you more.
I don't know.

How about the psych facility?

Have they called, and checked up
on him since he's been released?

Yeah. Actually, a man called
a few days ago,

asking how he was doing,

and I told him that he had
had another breakdown,

and that he was living in the encampment

over in Greenpoint.

Okay, that's good. Do you remember
that man's name by any chance?


I was supposed to protect him, you know?

I let him down. I let him down.

Sorry, I think I'm just getting tired.

Oh, that's okay, honey.
Hey, why don't you quit

while you're ahead, take a little nap?

Yeah. Rest up.

Mr. Valentine.

Hey. We ready?

We can't do the surgery
until the system's back up.

I don't understand.

I thought you said
it was too dangerous to wait.

It's not ideal,

but we've reviewed Tyler's blood tests.

His platelet count
has already dropped severely.

He's at a high risk for bleeding.

Okay, yeah.

Can't you just do a transfusion?

Under normal circumstances,

but Tyler's AB negative.
It's extremely rare.

And the hack sealed us
out of our blood bank.

We can't access our supply.

Maybe we should take him
to another hospital.

I wouldn't recommend moving him.

He gets bumped the wrong way,

it could cause his spleen to rupture,

and if that happens in transport...

Okay, so, then, what are we
supposed to do?

We'll continue the antibiotics,

keep an eye on it.

If there's any more damage,
we will do the operation,

but for now,

our best option is to wait
until things return to normal.

Okay. Okay. Thank you.

Thank you.

I can't believe that this is happening.

We need that lunatic
to unlock the system.

Yeah. I'll... I'll call you in a bit.

- Where are you going?
- To the office.

We need to find a way to end this, soon.

Our team is exhuming all of the bodies.

Right now, we are re-autopsying Anna's.

Obviously, we're waiting
for the full report,

but they did find
an injection mark on her leg,

and there's traces of poison.
So you were right.

It looks like they were being targeted.

Okay, we are making
as much progress as we can

with the time that we have.

Those kids in the hospital...
They can't wait much longer.

You're gonna have to meet us
in the middle here.

No. I can't walk this back now.

We're finally getting somewhere.

Please. Okay, we are on your side.

Maggie, take a break, please.


Look, I know you think
what you're doing is honorable.

But you're putting innocent lives

at risk here for no reason.

I did what I had to do.

No, you did... you did what you did.

There were other ways to go about this,

ways that didn't involve
putting little kids in jeopardy.

'Cause that's what's gonna happen.

Children are going to die
because of you.

Let that sink in.

Now, you need to step up here, Lydia,

before people start dying. Okay?

No. I'm not playing that game.

Look. We're gonna find this k*ller.

Now that we're aware, we're gonna get

to the bottom of it. That's what we do.

But first, you need
to restore the power.

You need to undo this hack.

Until you find justice for my friends,

I'm not doing a damn thing.


My son is in New York
Children's Hospital.

He's years old.

And his body is shutting down.

And what you're doing
is making it very hard

for people to help him.

So, I'm asking you, please,

please, end this.

- No.
- What?

What do you mean "no"?
How can you say...?

I have to do what I have to do.

- But you don't!
- Yes I do!



Listen, I know that you are
concerned about Tyler,

but you can't walk into
the interrogation room...

You can't talk about protocol
right now, Isobel.

This isn't about protocol, Jubal.

Maggie was establishing a
constructive relationship with Ryan,

and you went in there
like a bull in a china shop,

and you undid all of the good.

We don't have enough time for this.

We just... we just don't. I'm sorry.

All right, people.

So we got six hospitals in lockdown.

We need answers fast.

So let's find this k*ller
and end the lockdown.

- Elise, how we looking with the video?
- Not great.

There's limited video coverage
around the homeless encampment.

No sign of the blue car
that the witness described.

What about the patient
outreach call to the sister's house?

Oster's sister did say
that he was afraid

someone there was trying
to sabotage him.

He would talk about it
with his counselor.

Right. Right.

So... so, where are we with
the victim's therapy notes?

The director, Pierce,
is refusing to give us anything.

He claims it's a breach of privacy.

We are getting a court order,
but it'll take time.

So what, we're just treading water

until the paperwork comes through?

Listen, Jubal, we are doing
everything we can, I promise.


Excuse me.

Sir, you can't just go in there.

Hang up the phone.

Can I help you? What...

I need every scrap
of information you have

on those m*rder*d patients.

My agents called about it,
and I need them now.

I have an obligation to
protect our patients' privacy.

You're not listening to me!
I need those files, now!

What you're asking for is illegal.

I could have you arrested for this.

We got six hospitals in lockdown

and a k*ller preying on
your most vulnerable patients,

and you have information
that could end it.

So you want to come at me
for this, go right ahead,

but if you drag this out
and leave those people at risk

to cover your own ass, I will bury you.


- Good.
- Okay.

Get to work.

I'll give you everything we have.


Let's go. Let's go.

Done. Done.

Where did you get these?

From the psych facility.
I talked to the director.

So he just handed over
each patient's personal file?

I mean, does it matter?
I got the files, right?

Jubal, it does matter.

If he reports that you
went in there and you...

We can smooth it over
with the facility later.

Did you find anything?

Yes. Yes. Okay.

Looks like Oster was afraid
of a man named John Maguire.

He's assistant to the director.

And why? What did he do to Oster?

Well, nothing, really.

Just, I don't know, creeped him out.

Said he was always lurking around,

asking invasive questions.

A few of the other victims
said the same thing.

So I pulled
the facility's computer logs.

John Maguire accessed
each of the victims' files

shortly after they'd been released.

That's... that's odd, right?

I mean, he's... he's
an administrative assistant.

There's no reason for him
to dig into patients

after they've been released.

And I'm assuming

each patient's address
was in these files.

Yes, ma'am.

I got to get this. It's Sam.

Hey. Everything okay? How's Tyler?

He's really not doing well.

What do you mean? Can I talk to him?

They have him sedated right now.

Jubal, you should come back
to the hospital.

I know you want to fix this, but...

Go. We can take it from here.


Sam, I'm on my way.

- Okay.
- John Maguire. .

Born John Mullen.

He changed his name six months ago.

Sounds like he's hiding something.

What else do we know about his history?

Born in Trenton.
Mother died when he was young.

Father more recently.

Had a heart attack in June of .

Interesting part is, his father
was diagnosed

with bipolar disorder,

with a long history
of involuntary commitments

all the way up until his death.

And you said his dad died
of a heart attack.

Could mean his dad is patient zero.

John kills him to put him
out of his misery,

then starts targeting strangers

with the same mental health problems?

The timing tracks.

When his dad died,
Maguire worked as a nurse

at the psych ward at Hamilton Hospital.

Pretty soon after,

his colleagues
lodged complaints against him

saying that his patients were
dying with unusual frequency.

How is this guy not in prison?

Hospital couldn't prove anything.

Maguire changed his name
and got the hell out of there.

To come work at the psych facility

where the same pattern
emerges two weeks later?

Gotta be our guy.

I agree. Bring him in.

Facility says he didn't
show up for work today,

which apparently isn't unusual.

Guy's known for being unreliable.

Calls in sick every few weeks.

We still have his personnel file, right?

What days has he been out?

July th and th.

August th, th, and nd.
September th.

th and th.

Every time this guy calls off,
one of the psych patients dies.

Where is he now?

Phone's pinging in Greenpoint,

but he's on the move, heading south.

He's going after his next target.

Run that location against
the psych facility's roster.

See who lives in the area.
Focus on patients

who have been released
in the last week or so.

Peter Bryson,

-year-old schizophrenic
discharged two days ago.

Lives with his grandmother
at Wilson in Bushwick.


Tiff, blue sedan.

Get that needle away from me!

I'll k*ll you!

Tiff, got eyes on Maguire.

You can't do this to me. You can't.

This is my house!

Hey, look at me.

It's all right, okay?
Just put the knife down.

Nobody is gonna hurt you, okay?
We're after the other guy.

All right? We're with the FBI.
We're here to help you.

Scola, what are you doing?

Get the hell out of my house.

I swear to God, I will k*ll you.

Hey. It's okay.

You're all right. Just put it down.

It's all right.

- You okay?
- I'm fine.

Get off of me! Let me go!

I need MT and backup
at Wilson in Bushwick.

Suspect just fled on foot, heading west.

I couldn't get eyes on him.
He's in the wind.

Air support's up.

NYPD's got a perimeter set,
but so far, no sign of Maguire.

Hospital generators
shut down in minutes.

If we just got here a minute sooner...

Hey, look, at least we got
here before he got to Bryson.

How's he doing, by the way?

He's still a little freaked out,
but he'll be all right.

He's with a victim
services counselor now.

You know that was a risky move
you took in there,

putting your g*n away.

Could have gotten yourself k*lled.

Guy was in the middle of an episode.

Would you have been okay
with sh**ting him?

Given the choice between him
and you, I'm going with you.

Isobel, what's up?

We've got a lead on Maguire.

Air support has a visual.

Got him.

Where is he?

He just ducked into
an abandoned building

about blocks north of you.

Elise is sending you the location now.

You should have just let me go.

You're ruining everything!

I'm helping them!

They're in pain! They need me!

I won't let you ruin this.

Excuse us.

Excuse me.

I remember him.

He worked in the office.

Are you sure it was him,
that he was the k*ller?

Yes. We're positive. He confessed.

What do you mean, he confessed? When?

Right before he died.

Before you shot him?


Well, how do I know that... no.
I don't believe you.

Okay, Lydia, we have proof.

- No.
- I don't understand.

No. It's too convenient.

Finding the k*ller minutes
before the generators give out.

Okay, don't do that.

We've been working around
the clock to find this guy.

He is our guy.

No. No.

I know, I know, I know... I know
you're just telling me...

I know you're just telling me
what I want to hear,

and you're just trying to
handle me like all the others!

I really am not.

Lydia, we honored
our end of the bargain.

It's time that you honor yours.

No. No! No! You're manipulating me!

Okay, okay, okay, okay.
You can trust me.

Why? Why?

'Cause you have a badge,
you think that I would...?

No, no, nothing to do with that.

My sister has also been
struggling with her health issues.

And I had to check her
into rehab three months ago.

I don't believe you.

Hancock Hills Treatment Center.

That's the name of her doctor
and her phone number.

If I ever found out that
somebody was taking advantage

of her when she was
at her most vulnerable,

I would be infuriated too.


Lydia, there are kids

who are at their
most vulnerable right now.

You have got to reverse
the hack, please.

- Hey.
- Hey, nice work.

Thanks. Any word on Jubal's son?

No, not yet.
We should know something soon.

What's gonna happen to Lydia Ryan?

She was right.

Somebody was k*lling those patients.

I know, but she shut down
six hospitals, Maggie.

Well, I'm not saying give her a pass,

but I think that we can talk
to the U.S. attorney,

at least ask for leniency.

Actually, that ship has sailed.

- Why?
- An -year-old girl

just died an hour ago
of a collapsed lung.

The hospital staff
didn't catch it in time

because her monitors weren't working.

We're charge Lydia Ryan with m*rder.

- Hey.
- Hey.

Hey. Is it... is it okay that I'm here?

Yes. Of course, of course.

Sam just went to get some food.

Oh, I'm sorry if I overstepped.


You were trying to save your son.

You get a pass.

- Mr. Valentine.
- Yeah.

Your son's surgery was a success.

He lost a little blood,

but he's stable and in good condition.

He's okay.

He's okay.

Thank you.

Of course.

He's okay.