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02x18 - The Big Rozalski

Posted: 09/28/21 07:23
by bunniefuu
I can't believe we're in the Bro Zone.

Oh, what's that smell?

My bros.

They would freak if they saw us in here.

Yeah, so let's just find my phone.

When they hide it from me, they usually
put it under something gross...

so it could be anywhere.

[gasps] Ew!

And what are...

[gasps] Ew!

Where are Josh and Rusty, anyway?

They got detention for turning
the principal's car into an aquarium...

while he was in it!

I still don't understand
why they won't let you in here.

'Cause there's four of them
and I'm the only girl.

They exclude me from everything.

Oh, wait! Except for getting picked on.

Oh! Here it is!

Whoa! Nice TV!

[TV clicks on]

-[epic music plays]
-[announcer] Are you ready to battle?

What's that?

Alley Fighters ?

Some dumb game they play all the time.

This isn't a game.

It's just people kicking each other.

Who would wanna play that?

[grunting, thudding from game]

Man, I love this game!

I know! This is so awesome!

Ooh, and Tomb Skater
uppercuts Izzard the Wizard!

Come on, you're a wizard!
You've got an evil beard, use it!

-[Rusty] Nerd!


Hey! What are the
butthead twins doing here?

What are you doing here?

You're supposed to be in detention.

Teacher let us go early.

He said he was sick of us!

Well, Olive, uh, you know the penalty
for sneaking into the Bro Zone.

Yeah! We put your mattress on the lawn.

Okay, just don't do it
while I'm sleeping on it.

Last time, I woke up
with a bird making a nest...

in my hair!

You know, I hear talking,
but I don't see walking.

Wait, Olive!

You can't let them
push you around like this.

You have a right to be in here.
It's your house, too!

You're right!

I have been taking this stuff for years,

and I'm not taking it anymore!

Well... [chuckles]

what are you gonna do about it?

What are we gonna do about it? [chuckles]

[forcefully] What are we gonna
do about it?

What are we gonna do about it?

Okay! I'll tell you.

Why don't we play you guys
in Alley Fighters ?

If we win, the Bro Zone is ours.

No way we're playing with you.

-Hold on, Rusty.
-Hold on, girls.

We'll play you. But if we win,

you guys clean the Zone for a year.

For a year?

You're on. How about a week from today?

-It's a deal.
-You're going down.

No, you're going down!

Get ready for the Bro Zone
to become the O-Zone.

Right, Olive?

Yeah! Like Sydney said!

Okay, let's go before they kick us out.

♪ Do do, do do ♪

Like father, like daughter
we don't always agree

But looking at you
is like looking at me

The more things change
the more they stay the same

Like father, like daughter
from different times

Taking all the best
from your decade and mine

The more things change

The more they stay the same

♪ Do do, do do do do
do do ♪

♪ The more they stay the same ♪

It's a close one, folks!

Can Max Reynolds hold on to his title

as Off Road Riot champion?

With my eyes closed.

-[victory fanfare plays]
-And Max crosses the finish line.

Undefeated for days in a row!

Let's give it up for the champ!

[cheering and applause]

Who's next? Bring it on! I fear no one.


So this is why you've been
coming home late for dinner?

Playing some silly driving game?


Do you know how hard it was
to get to the top of the leader-board?

Besides, what do you know about driving?

Uh, Max,
I give driving tests for a living.

Sorry! Can't remember
every little detail of your life.

And if you think it's so easy,
why don't you race me?

Sure! I just spent eight hours
next to horrible drivers.

What's another couple of minutes?

[coin clanks]

And... they're off!

Max takes the lead!

There goes the champ's mom passing Max!

-[tires screeching]
-What a move! But Max is gaining.

And now he tries to run
Miss Reynolds off the road!

[tires screeching]

Max! Your own mother?

Right now, I have no mother.

And Max swerves!

But what's this?

Miss Reynolds brakes.

-And the champ goes flying into a lake!

-[victory fanfare plays]
-As Miss Reynolds gets the checkered flag!

We have a new champion!

[cheers and applause]

What just happened?

Looks like your mom just whipped you!

Syd! We're never gonna
beat my brothers at Alley Fighters .

We'd have better odds
in an actual alley fight.

Don't worry, I texted my dad to help us.

He played that game a ton at our age.

And had the grades to prove it.

Hey, girls, I found my old console!

Good as new!

[blows air, coughs]

See, Olive?

-We got this!
-[fanfare plays]

Here we go!

[music slows, winds down]


I'll go grab a screwdriver.

Okay, I'm officially panicking.

We'll never beat my brothers

and have to spend all year
cleaning the Bro Zone.

We're gonna need sh*ts.

Oh, good, Grandma, you're home!

Please tell me one of your college buddies

knows how to play Alley Fighters .

Alley Fighters , huh?

I just might know somebody.

[both] Whoaaa.

Girls, in here, I'm not Grandma.

I'm BoneCrusher .

The first BoneCrushers
have been dealt with.

Why didn't you tell me you were a gamer?

I didn't want to distract you
from your studies.

It sure distracts me.

One night, I stayed up so late,

I slept through an entire Sociology class.

And I don't take Sociology!

Does Dad know about this?

No, and you can't tell him!

We have history. He cries when he loses.

And to be honest, I kinda like it.

Do you really think you can
teach us to beat Olive's brothers?

'Cause it would be the kind of payback

most people only dream about.

Hey, I'm a pro at Alley Fighters .

Your brothers will
never know what hit them!

Bam! Kick! Pow!

[both] Coooool.

Okay, help me up, girls.
My-- My knee is locked.


Hey, Syd, I finally got
that piece to fix my console.

Only had to go to six thrift stores.

Found it next to a creepy mannequin,
which I pushed aside.

Turned out to be the manager.

Thanks, Dad. No pressure.

You going up to Grandma's room again?

You and Olive have been
spending a lot of time up there lately.

Oh, you know.
We're just doing girl things.

You know, manis, pedis.

You know, fighting for equal pay.
Yada, yada.

[fanfare plays]

Yes! Max Reynolds,
is there anything you can't fix?

[announcer speaks Japanese]

Apparently there is.

Okay, Olive, show me your
Mega-Air-Kick combo.



[announcer] Double Mega Air-Kick complete!



Syd, try the same combo,

but hold down the Start button
with your pinky.

Only five players in the world know it.

And I'm the only one who's over .


[announcer] Super-Ultimate-Quadruple-
Air-Kick complete!

Can you believe this? We're actually good.


Let's see how you do against the master.

[announcer] Are you ready to battle?

You guys call that playing?

I've seen better combos at a drive-thru.

I'm wasting my time with you losers!

Grandma, did you just call us "losers"?

I don't wanna play anymore.

Guys! Gaming is all about trash talk.

If you really wanna beat Olive's brothers,

you need to learn to tune out the haters.

Oh! So you're kind of building up
our resistance to it?

Exactly! And also, that's just how I play.


I'm surprised your thumbs
are big enough to use the controller,

since you play like babies!

Olive, did you hear something?

Nope. Not a thing.

Oh! Something wrong with your ears?

I said you play like babies.

Who lost their binky?

Wah, wah, wah, wah, wah!

-Uh, Grandma?

You just lost.

[announcer] Flawless destruction.

Tomb Skater and Izzard the Wizard win!

[evil laughter]

I've never been more proud.


Don't just stare at Off Road Riot!

-Go play it.
-I can't risk losing again.

It's embarrassing enough
having "Max's Mom"

on the top of the leader-board.

You just need to get your
confidence back with an easy win.

Hey, Bucky!

You stink at that game, right?

-Sure do!
-Then this race is on me!

And they're off!

Max speeds off the starting line!

Driving like a man
with something to prove!

-He takes the turn and speeds.
-[tires screeching]

-[glass shattering]

Right into a wall!

-[victory fanfare plays]
-I won! I won!

I wasn't even sure
which car I was driving.

I gotta go call my dad.

I lost my touch.

Mom... then Bucky.


Bam, bam, bam, bam,
and just to change things up...


Dude, you gotta start wearing
a helmet at hockey practice.

-Hi, guys.

Oh, look. It's half our cleaning crew.

Where's your butthead twin?

Probably out being a...


So, I forgot my sweater
here the other day.

Mind if I come in and look for it?

Well, you are Olive's best friend, so...


This is ridiculous!

Why do you guys have to be so mean?

The way you treat Olive is so unfair!


You know what's unfair?

It's that Olive gets her own bedroom,
and her own bathroom,

just cause she's the only girl.

Yeah! We got four bros
sharing one bathroom.


eight armpits.

But you guys got this new flat-screen TV.

It's not new! We pooled our allowance
and got it at a garage sale.

Yeah! I get a shock
every time I turn it on.

Wait! Why do I always got to turn it on?

Yeah, and we all have
to wear hand-me-downs.

These are Owen's pants.

They look good on you, man.

I know, but that's not the point.

Just for once, I'd like to put on pants
where the butt's not pre-shaped.

Wow! Olive never told me any of this.

Yep. This garage is all we've got.



I found my sweater, so gotta go!

You're home early from the arcade?
That's a first!

I wanted to get a jump on my homework.

Max, you're scaring me! What's wrong?



Hey, Leo! Max is upstairs.

I'm actually here
to see you, Miss Reynolds.

Ever since you beat Max,

he's been really down on himself.

What? Because he lost
at that ridiculous game?

It may be ridiculous to you,
but he loves it more than anything.

Really? Anything?

Other than of course,
you know, skateboarding.

Oh, and you!

He's a big fan.

Wow! On a list of things
he loves the most,

I'm third.

Believe it or not, I'm touched.

He worked so hard for that high score.

Once he got it, he walked a little taller,

stood a little straighter...

insisted people bow to him.

It's a mixed bag, but still.

I had no idea it meant that much to him.
So what are we gonna do?

We gotta help him get his mojo back.


Do you think frozen
fish sticks will cut it?

Not if you wanna stay in the top three.

Oh, hey, Olive!

Hey, little baby.

You ready to get your diaper changed

with my foot?


Oh, I was just working on my trash talk.

Got a little weird
with the foot, didn't it?

Well, the diaper wasn't un-weird.

Come on! Let's go practice.

Wait, I need to talk to you.

I happened to talk to your brothers.

Why? When? Where?

I'm sorry. They should
really be kept in a cage.

Well, they kinda told me about how
they have to share everything.

And you don't.

They said that if we take the Bro Zone,
they'll have nothing.

Oh, no!

They got inside your head.

Out, fartbags! Out! Out!

Olive, I'm serious.

So am I.

This is my chance
to finally get even with them

for all the years
they've excluded me from everything.

But the only reason you're doing this
is because I pushed you into it.

And what do I know? I'm an only child.

The closest thing I have
to a sibling is Murray here,

and I have to say,
there's not a lot of conflict.

No, Sydney, you were right.

You finally gave me the guts
to stand up for myself.

Thank you.

Now let's go practice.
I've got some loved ones to destroy!

Good news, Syd!

Had to take the whole thing apart,
but it is back together,

and we will be training soon.

Thanks, Dad.

[sighs] But I don't even wanna
play Olive's brothers anymore.

Wish I'd known that before I watched six
straight hours of instructional videos.

So, what happened?

Olive wants revenge so badly,

she doesn't get that if she takes
the Bro Zone from her brothers,

her relationship with them
will get even worse.

Doesn't surprise me.
Video games can rip families apart.

That's why your grandma
stopped playing them.


Look, if you know how
Olive and her brothers feel,

maybe you should help them
see each other's side.

They won't even be
in the same room together.

Except for this match.

Except for this match!

Ah, looks like
I might've fixed something here!

Take that, console!

-[power surges]
-Oh, my gosh, it's on!

-[sparking, fizzling]
-Fire! It's on fire!

-Are we good to go?
-Max is in the back.

Do you remember the plan?

Let's see.
Challenge him to a race and lose?

Yeah. I think I got it.

Mom? What are you doing here?

Defending my title.

Who wants to play?

-Let's do this!
-Not you, Bucky!

Care for a rematch?
I heard you got some skills.

I thought I'd give you another chance.

I'm not playing you, Mom.

What's the matter? You chicken?


You can't do that! You're a mom!

Yeah! The mom of a chicken.


Fine! Nobody calls me "chicken."

Bring it, lady!

Ladies and gentlemen!

It looks like we have ourselves a rematch!

Can Max win his title back from his mom?

Who knows? Certainly not this announcer.

-And they're off!
-[tires screeching]

Max pulls out to a quick lead.

But his mom's right on his tail.

[deadpan] Oh, no, he's beating me.

Hey, Mom, if you're gonna take me on,

maybe you should learn to drive first.

Excuse me!

I won DMV Employee of the Month.

[scoffs] Oh, I didn't know
you worked there by yourself.

Okay. That's it.

-[tires screeching]
-And Miss Reynolds pulls ahead!

In a total surprise
that is not supposed to be happening!

Eat my dust, son!

I do every night at dinner!

And Miss Reynolds is gaining speed,

but, oh, no! She's out of control.

She flies right off the track
and into the lake.

-[victory fanfare plays]
-Max wins!

Regaining his title!

[cheers and applause]

I did it! I'm the champ again!

In your face, Max's Mom!

You really had me there
for a second, Miss Reynolds.

But great job on letting him win.

I didn't let him win. He ticked me off.

If he was as good at taking out the trash,
as he is talking it,

we wouldn't have raccoons.

You're right.

Who wants to take on the champ?

Anybody? Anybody?

I do!

[all] Not you, Bucky!

Hey, Olive?

Are you still sure you wanna do this?

You mean rip my brothers to shreds?

Asked and answered.

-[intro music plays]
-Now, from our room upstairs...

give it up for Josh
"Magic Thumbs" Rozalski!

-Let's go, go!
-[both grunt]

They do this every night at dinner.


Best of three rounds.

Winner gets the garage.

[Olive/Rusty] Deal.

Hey look! You guys actually
agreed on something.

Maybe we can build on that.

What kind of weird trash talk was that?

Alright, you ready to make
two little girls cry?

Sure am!


Yeah! Cry!

What a healthy way
to express your feelings.

Also, kaboom!

[announcer] Are you ready to battle?


Super-Ultimate-Air-Kick complete!

Round one. Tomb Skater
and Izzard the Wizard win!


Ding dong!

You've just had your butts
delivered to you.

Where'd they learn that combo?

Don't sweat it.
They-- they just got lucky.

[announcer] Round two.

Are you ready to battle?

-Take that!

And that!

You know what's really hard to take?

Another person's point of view
into consideration.

But so worth it.

What are you talking about?!
Get your head in the game!

[announcer] Back-kick-to-ground
combo complete.

Round two. Elf the Slayer
and He Beast win!

[boys] Yes!

[both grunt]

[announcer] Final round.

Tie-breaker. Are you ready to battle?

No way you're winning, little sis.

Oh, yeah? Watch this.

[grunting, screams]

Tomb Skater delivers final blow!

Tomb Skater and
Izzard the Wizard win the match!

[both] What?

Bam! We win!

The garage is mine!

What are you guys still doing here?

I see losing, but I don't see leaving.

Brilliant job, Syd.

The way you distracted them

with all that
"express your feelings" garbage.

But I wasn't trying to distract them.
I meant it.

I'm actually sorry we won.

What? Why?

Now they'll finally know
what it feels like

to be left out like
I've been all these years.

No, they won't.

Because they'll all be together,
and you'll be out here all by yourself.

Is that what you really want?

-What do you want, Olive?

I just want to be included.

Well, then, tell them that.

Rusty! Josh!

Were you standing right there?

We have nowhere else to go.

Look, I know I get a lot of my own stuff,

but it's just stuff.

You guys get to hang with each other.

I just want to be included sometimes
like I was when we were younger.

I guess we can do that.

-Yeah, that'd be cool.
-The coolest.

Sorry, it's a family moment.


I don't want the Bro Zone.

You guys keep it.



Come on, Syd. Let's go.

Hey, Olive? Sydney?

Wanna stay and play?



Love to!

You know what I love?

All the progress
that we've made here today.

You know, we're--
we're sharing, we're open.


Wanting me to stop talking, aren't we?

You ready to lose, Olive?

-Yeah, loser!

Guys! Leave her alone!

Are you kidding?

You know how much I've missed this?

♪ Do do, do do do do ♪

-Hey, Syd.

What is this?

I can explain.

No, I can't. Grandma?

I've got a k*ller gaming setup.

I'm known around the world
as BoneCrusher .

I've been keeping it
from you for five years.

-Are you mad?
-Are you kidding?

This is great!

Now we can all play together!

[chuckles] Max, knowing our history,
I don't think that's a good idea.

But you two have fun.

Uh, what's the matter?

Are you chicken? [clucking]

No, but are you a baby?

Wah, wah, wah, wah, wah.

Bring it on.

And I'll take on whichever
butthead loser loses.

Too far?

♪ Do do, do do do do
do, do

♪ Do do, do do do do
do, do

♪ Do do, do do do do
do, do

♪ Do do, do do do do
do, do

Man: Oh, yeah.