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01x50 - Temple of the Sun

Posted: 09/28/21 06:59
by bunniefuu
[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

I am Adam,
Prince of Eternia

and defender of the secrets
of Castle Grayskull.

This is Cringer,
my fearless friend.

Fabulous secret powers
were revealed to me

the day I held aloft
my magic sword and said,

"By the power of Grayskull!"

♪ ♪

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

I have the power!

♪ ♪


[He-Man] Cringer became
the mighty Battle Cat,

and I became He-Man,

the most powerful man
in the universe.

♪ ♪

Only three others
share this secret:

our friends the Sorceress,
Man-At-Arms, and Orko.

Together we defend
Castle Grayskull

from the evil forces
of Skeletor.


[dramatic music]

♪ ♪


[weakly] No water.

No food.

Must go on.


Must go on.

I found it! The temple!

The Temple of the Sun!

I found it!

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪ has to be here.

It has to be here.


[electronic chime]



[man screams]

It's here somewhere.

I can feel it!


The Scarab. It's mine.

It's mine!


The sun. Sunlight!

I must test the Scarab's powers.

Oh, Scarab of Power,

make me strong!


It works,

and it is mine!

After a lifetime of searching,
the Sun Scarab is mine,

and with it, I, Nepthu,
can rule Eternia.

No! The whole universe!

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

[upbeat music]

This is as good a spot as any.

Do you think Orko
is at Castle Grayskull yet?

Not if he used his magic.

Well, he should be there by now.

Let's give it a try.

Orko, come in.

This is Man-At-Arms calling.

Orko, where are you?

[thunder crashing]

No wires.

Hmm, I could do that.

Orko, are you there?

Of course I'm here.

[Man-At-Arms] Orko, answer me.


Man-At-Arms, how did you
make yourself invisible?

[Man-At-Arms] Calling Orko.
Testing, testing.

Testing? Oh, silly me.

It's Man-At-Arms' new invention,
the communicator.

I have it here somewhere.

Now, where did I put it?


No, that's lunch.

Hmm, I'll have to finish
reading that sometime.

Nope, not here.

No, no, it's here somewhere.

Orko, are you there?

I guess it doesn't work,

Orko here.

Works fine, Man-At-Arms.

It's like you were standing
next to me.

[Man-At-Arms] Good, good.

Adam wants to talk
to the Sorceress.

She isn't here yet,
but I can hardly wait for her

so we can trade a little magic.

I have a lot to show her.

I'm sure you do.


[Man-At-Arms] Quiet, Cringer.

Orko, where is the Sorceress?

[Orko] As far as I know,
Zoar is on the way

and should be over the
Sands of Time about right now.

[Man-At-Arms] Then you
should see her soon,

if nothing happens
to delay her.

What could happen?

[Zoar screeching]

After a lifetime
of being poor,

I now have power.

I can command the wind
as my guardian.

Wind, arise and blow!


I have power
over the creatures of the land.


[Zoar screeching]

And the creatures of the air

are my subjects now.



A falcon! Surely a good omen.

Come, my pet.

You will be the symbol
of my kingdom,

the kingdom of Nepthu,
the mighty wizard!

[Nepthu laughing]

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

[Teela] Now watch closely, Adam.

If you don't land squarely
with both feet,

you'll go off balance.

This is the tenth time.

I'm worn out.

You know Teela. Keep trying
till you get it right.

[Teela] Here goes.

Nothing to it.

[Teela] Come on!




Well, I guess that's
enough for today.

We'll try again tomorrow,

and we'll keep trying
until you get it right.

If at first
you don't succeed...

What's the matter?


[Sorceress] Adam, help.
Help me!

Sorceress? Where are you?

Can you hear me?

- She's in trouble.
- Try to regain contact.

A man who rules the world
should have a proper throne.


Is that not so,
my feathered friend?

[He-Man] Sorceress,
can you hear me?

[warbling tone]

[Sorceress] Prince Adam,
I hear you.

I am weak and very far away,

and I am chained.

[He-Man] Where are you?
What happened?

[Sorceress] I was flying
over the Sands of Time

when I felt the presence
of magic below.

I tried to investigate when I...

I was knocked out of the sky.

- [He-Man] Are you hurt?
- [Sorceress] Just weak.

[Sorceress] I can't speak


[He-Man] Sorceress?

Sorceress, come back!

Come back!

[Sorceress] Temple of the Sun.

I lost her.

Do you know where she is?

The Sands of Time.

A place called
the Temple of the Sun.

We've got to rescue her.


Count me out.

I-I-I hate sand.

I-i-it gets in my eyes,
in my claws.

Sometimes you get it
in your mouth.

Oh, I hate that.

Sorry, you big fur ball,

but this is something
beyond our mere mortal powers.

Besides, there's nothing to it.

By the power of Grayskull!

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

I have the power!

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

W-w-wait a minute.

I know you don't enjoy this,
old cat,

but there is a quest for us.

I know, but every time
I turn into that Battle Cat,

you get me
into some kind of trouble.

I'll make a deal with you.

I'll go with you,
but as Cringer.

M-m-maybe I can bring
some common sense to this quest.

All right, my feline friend,

but when you change your mind,
be sure to let me know.

- Fat chance.
- If you two are finished,

I suggest it's time to go.

Something is missing,
my fair falcon.

Ahh, I know what it is.

If I am to be lord over Eternia,
I should have an army,

an army to conquer the world!

Sand from the very desert
that almost destroyed me.



Rise, my sand demon.


I hereby appoint you my general,

a general
of the Wizard Nepthu's army.


And now for your army,
my general.



[dramatic music]

[Cringer] I think
you just imagined

you heard a call for help.

N-n-now can we go home?

Attack Track, shouldn't we be
coming across this temple soon?

[Attack Track] The data I have
is only superficial.

It is not a lot to go on

for locating the temple.

Maybe you should try
to contact the Sorceress again.

All right.

Sorceress, can you hear me?


- Anything?
- Nothing.

Must be some powerful magic

if she can't use her telepathy.

Strong magic or she's...

No, she's well,
and we will rescue her.

[Attack Track]
My monitors detect

a man-made construction ahead.

By all indications,
this is the Temple of the Sun.

My monitors detect
a strange wind condition.

Warning noted, Track.

Be prepared for a quick getaway.

Let's look around.

[Man-At-Arms] The Sorceress
must be inside the temple.

I wonder what the Track
meant by...

- [whooshing]
- He-Man, look!

[He-Man] A dust devil.

[air whooshing]

It's coming right at us,
like it was alive!

Track, back up!

[Attack Track] Will do, He-Man.

[wind howling]


Where are you?

[Cringer] U-u-up here!

Help me!

I'm going to take some of
the wind out of this blowhard.

If I can just whirl fast enough

in the opposite direction
the wind is going...

It's working!

The wind is slowing down.
I can feel it!

Well, I don't feel a thing!

Do something!

[wind whooshing]

"Strange wind condition."

That was an understatement.

Attack Track warned us.

Next time, we'll just ask
for more details.

I have sand in my eyes,
in my ears, and...

[gags and spits] my mouth.

I hate it!

I know I'm gonna hate myself
for this,

b-but I think Battle Cat
might be better suited

for this kind of work.

Well, it's a wise man, or cat,
who admits to being wrong.

By the power of Grayskull!


[dramatic music]


♪ ♪

- [chirping]
- Not a moment too soon.


Look at the size of that.

Watch out for the tail.

It's poisonous.

We'd better do something
about this big bug.

Monster is more like it.

[claws snapping]

If you two can keep it busy
for a minute,

I think I have an idea.

I can keep that nasty tail out
of our way with my electro-rope.

[Battle Cat roaring]

I don't know how much longer
I can hold on.

[growls] He-man!

What are you doing?

Here's a quick science lesson.

What is sand composed of?

[Battle Cat] Beats me.

Sand is a form of silica.

And if you heat silica
to its melting point, you get...


So if I rub this sand
fast enough

and the friction creates
enough heat to melt it,

I will get glass.

[glass cracking]

♪ ♪

There you are. A bug in a box.

It doesn't seem too happy
about its new home.

[He-Man] He'll dig his way out
by tonight.

Now for the reason we came here
in the first place:

finding the Sorceress.

We better be careful.

That sand tornado
and giant scorpion

were guarding something...

or someone.

[Battle Cat snarls]

Someone who doesn't
want us here.

Well, if we're not expected,
then we'd better knock,

and for that, we need a door,

but where is it?

I'll try the roof.

We'll look
for a front entrance.


The Scarab becomes stronger
by the moment.

Look, great bird,
at my latest creation.

Behold, this sand demon
is as hard as rock.

He is invincible.

Nothing can defeat him.

I will create others like him.

Then I will set my army
upon the world.

[chains rattling]

[chain clinks]

Once I am the ruler of Eternia,

I will make the falcon
the symbol of my kingdom.

Will that please you, my...


I will not permit it.



A diamond falcon.

An even more precious symbol
of my power.

I am pleased.

[laughing maniacally]


We've gone
around the entire structure,

and there is no door.

Then we'll make our own.


I think I need
a new, stronger general.

You will be my general now.

Now I am tired.

I must rest
before I conquer the world.



[suspenseful music]

Sorry about the wall, but you
seem to be short a few doors.

You don't frighten me.

My power is beyond even you,

I am now the mightiest being
in the universe!

I don't know who you are,
but don't...

I am Nepthu,

the most powerful wizard
in the universe!

There's no need to shout.

Now, if you'll just
turn that falcon

back to its original state
and set it free,

my feline friend and I
would appreciate it.

You dare tell me what to do?

Look, Battle Cat. Company.

[sand demons growling]

It doesn't look like
they want to shake hands.

They aren't alive.

They're just moving sand.

You must stop them.

Come on, Battle Cat.

Let's scatter these
walking piles of sand.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Here, you can join your buddies.

This is just like playing
on the beach.


Not all of my army
is so easily defeated.

These sand demons have been made
as hard as stone.

General, capture these enemies.


These fellas look mighty grim,
Battle Cat.

Maybe some exercise
would cheer them up.

This is hard sand.

Looks like we have our work
cut out for us.


[thunderous footsteps]

Well, wizard, looks like
your army's coming apart.

Want to give it another try?

I don't need an army,

not when I have the Scarab.


You'll not avoid me for long.

He-Man, here.

Oh, no!

You had something
of unlimited power.

It could have been used
for good,

but you misused it
for your own selfish reasons.

But no more.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

No! No! No!



Good work, Man-At-Arms.

My pleasure.


[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

[He-Man] Well, it's too bad
the Scarab

had to be destroyed.

It's a good thing it was.

It was evil.

No, Cringer.

That Scarab wasn't evil.

It was just used
for evil purposes.

Besides, I've restored it.

Look there.

[shimmering and warbling tones]

[Man-At-Arms] Why, it's Nepthu.

[Sorceress] Yes.
He now tends the flowers

in the Evergreen Forest.

He seems very happy.

And why shouldn't he be?

The evil in him was destroyed
with the Scarab.

But you said you restored it.

And so I did.

Lovely, isn't it?

Yes, it certainly is.

Now, that makes me happy.


Me too.

[He-Man] Today we met Nepthu,

a man who wanted
to become a leader

and became one,

but Nepthu used his leadership
for his own selfish glory,

and in the end,
he got what he deserved.

Being a good leader takes
a lot of responsibility,

but you must also be responsible
when you follow a leader.

Don't do something
wrong or dangerous

because someone tells you to.

Think before you act.

We can't all be leaders,

but we can all choose what's
right and wrong for ourselves.