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01x48 - Return of Evil

Posted: 09/28/21 06:54
by bunniefuu
[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

I am Adam,
Prince of Eternia

and defender of the secrets
of Castle Grayskull.

This is Cringer,
my fearless friend.

Fabulous secret powers
were revealed to me

the day I held aloft
my magic sword and said,

"By the power of Grayskull!"

♪ ♪

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

I have the power!

♪ ♪


[He-Man] Cringer became
the mighty Battle Cat,

and I became He-Man,

the most powerful man
in the universe.

♪ ♪

Only three others
share this secret:

Our friends the Sorceress,
Man-At-Arms, and Orko.

Together we defend
Castle Grayskull

from the evil forces
of Skeletor.


[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

[Man-At-Arms] So, Orko,

you want to be a brave warrior.


And someday,
I will save the kingdom

from one of Skeletor's
evil deeds.

[Teela] Uh. Ahem.

Orko, we are thirsty.

Oops. Sorry.

[thunder crashing]


Don't be such
a scaredy-cat, Cringe.

Yeah, it's okay, buddy.
It's only thunder.

Hmm, I'm not so sure, Adam.

Father, what is it?

I don't know, Teela,
but I have a strange feeling

we're going to find out
soon enough.

Oh, no!

What is it, Orko?

He's c-c-coming. He's coming!

"He" who?

I don't know,

but he's sure upset.

Come on. Let's find out.

[thunder crashing]

[whimpering] Yikes!

Orko, where are you?


Oh, leave it to Cringer
to find the hiding places.

All right, Orko.
Now, what's this all about?

It's the evil Aremesh

from my d-d-dimension.

He's coming after me!

Evil? [whimpers]


You know,
I've heard that name before.

Yes, me too.

Tell us more, Orko.

Aremesh is an electroid
from my dimension.

[Teela] An electroid?

That's a robot
made of pure energy, isn't it?

That's right, Adam.

Tell me, Orko,
why is he after you?

[warbling tone]


I have a hunch your question

is about to be answered, Father.

I am Aremesh.

I have come
for the secret thing.

And Orko, the Icon, has it.

[Skeletor] Very interesting.

So that little
floating bag of wind

has a secret hidden somewhere.

Perhaps we should let
this walking lightbulb Aremesh

do our dirty work for us.


What is your plan, Skeletor?

I shall bring this Aremesh here

and make a deal with him.


so we can help him
get the secret for himself.

No, you fuzz-brain!

We help him get the secret
for me.

It won't be long now.

[Aremesh] I want Orko, the Icon.

I think that's far enough.

Out of my way.


Aah! Help!

Help me!



Hey, bright boy, put him down.

- [blasting]
- [He-Man grunts]

[Orko shouts]

[grunts] They'll be all right.

Just had the wind
knocked out of them.

- Cringer?
- [whimpering]

Well, I guess it's time
for us to take over, ol' buddy.

Let's move.

Oh, no.

Here we go again.

By the power of Grayskull!

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

♪ ♪

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

♪ ♪

I have the power!


♪ ♪


[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

♪ ♪

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

He-Man! Battle Cat!


You took a hard jolt.

Aremesh has taken Orko.

Will you two be all right?

Yes. Hurry.

Teela and I will follow you
in the Wind Raider.

[He-Man] Right.

Come on, Cat.


[thunder clapping]

[Skeletor] I must find
that robotic lightbulb

before he gets the secret
for himself.

Hurry, Skeletor! Hurry!

I am hurrying! I'm hurrying!

I'm picking up something
on the scanner

just north of you, He-Man.

[ship whooshes]

[Teela] There it is, Father.

Should be coming into view

any moment, He-Man.

I see it, Duncan.

I'll take it from here, guys.



[Skeletor] Ah, there he is.

Pull the energy transport lever,
Beast Man.

Ah, yes, Skeletor.

Now to find the creature's
exact electrical frequency,

and the robot will be
in my possession

to do my bidding.


[dramatic music]

♪ ♪


[Orko] He-Man!

He-Man! He-Man will not
spoil my plans this time.


[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

Out of my way, puny mortal.

Ugh, you shouldn't
have said that.

Quiet, Icon.

I said out of my way.

I'll be glad to

as soon as you hand over
my little friend.


You'll have to do better
than that.


Aah! Aah!

Now for a little
vanishing act.

How's this for a surprise,

I'll take
my little friend now.

[Orko shouting]

[Battle Cat] Huh? Huh?

[Teela] What happened, He-Man?

I don't know, Teela.

Aremesh and Orko
just disappeared.

Battle Cat and I
will meet you and Duncan

back at the palace.

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

[Skeletor cackles]

Soon the electroid
and that little floating runt

will be in my possession.

[electrical whirring]

[Aremesh groaning]

[Orko] Skeletor!

No need to be upset, my friend.


I brought you here to help you

get the secret you seek.

You help get secret
for Aremesh?

Skeletor help someone?
Oh, brother.

Silence, you little bag of wind.

Why do you want to help me?

Those who would prevent you
from getting the secret

are my enemies.

Perhaps if I help you
get the secret,

you will help me
take over Eternia.


It is agreed.

Oh, no.

Oh, yes!


[calm music]

♪ ♪

[Man-At-Arms] I suspect, He-Man,

Aremesh's vanishing act
was not his doing.

What do you mean, Father?

As I remember from my studies
in robotics, Teela,

electroids cannot vanish
by their own energy.

Hmm, why do I get
the strange feeling

that Skeletor has something
to do with this?

[power whooshes]

How right you are, He-Man!


[Teela] Beast Man!

[muffled shouting]

What evil tricks are you up to

this time, Skeletor?

No trick, He-Man.

I brought you a present.

Show them, Beast Man.

[Beast Man chuckles]

- Yikes!
- [Teela] Orko!

If you have harmed him at all,
you'll answer to me.

[Skeletor] My, my...
He wasn't touched.

[Battle Cat growls]

Steady, big cat.

All right, Skeletor.

You're not known
for doing favors.

What's the catch?

A little demand, He-Man.

We're not in the mood
for demands.

You will grant this one.

What kind of demand?

That Orko turns over
the secret thing

of the other dimension to me.

And if we don't accept
your demands?

Then I will unleash
the electroid robot

on your kingdom, my dear.

We must talk this over.

We will give you our answer
in one hour, Skeletor.

One hour, He-Man.


It looks like we have our work
cut out for us.

Orko, where have you hidden
the secret thing?

Castle Grayskull.

[both] Castle Grayskull?

Then we're off
to Castle Grayskull, Orko.

You two stay here
and try to stall Skeletor.

We'll need all the time
we can get.

Come on, big cat. We must hurry.


[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

And Skeletor is using Aremesh

to get the secret
and gain the kingdom.

We must somehow trick Aremesh

into going back
to Orko's dimension.

Orko, get the Dimension Sphere.

Yes, ma'am.

Dimension Sphere?

[warbling tone]

[Sorceress] Thank you, Orko.

So, this is what Skeletor

and that overgrown short circuit
are after.

Yes. This is the secret thing.

In the days of the old kingdom,

Icons like Orko
were the keepers of the sphere.

Since that time,
the sphere has remained

at Castle Grayskull.

And Aremesh thinks Orko
used the sphere

to come into this dimension,

not knowing
that it was an accident.

That's when I was found
in a tar swamp.

Can we locate
the dimension tunnel

with the sphere?

Yes, He-Man.

Once opened, can it be closed?


My powers can seal the tunnel,

but I will only have
strength enough for one try.

I think I have an idea,

and I'm going to need the help
of both of you.

Here's the plan.

[Skeletor] My patience
grows short, Man-At-Arms.

Where is He-Man
and that little mischief maker?

He-Man will be here soon.

He and Orko went
to the tar swamp, uh...

The tar swamp?

So that's where the secret is.

I'm afraid you've made a slip
on this one, Man-At-Arms.

Where is Aremesh?

[Evil-Lyn] He's gone!

Lose someone, Skeletor?

You overgrown fur coat,
you let him get away!

We must hurry to the swamp
before Aremesh gets there.

- [Beast Man shouts]
- [Evil-Lyn] Oh, no!


We'll just hold your friends
till you get back, Skeletor.

I'll deal with you later,

[electric whirring]

He-Man's plan is working so far,

Like clockwork, Teela.

Speaking of clockwork...

He-Man, come in.

Did you hear everything?

Yes, I heard it, Man-At-Arms.

[Man-At-Arms] Everything's
going according to plan.

Beast Man and Evil-Lyn
are locked up,

and Skeletor is on his way.

Good work.
We'll take it from here.

[Teela] He-Man, good luck.

Thanks, Teela. See you later.

He-Man out.

Well, you ready, Orko?

I...I'm ready.

[Zoar screeching]

[He-Man] Are you ready, Zoar?

[Aremesh groaning]

Well, you're right on time,
bright face.

Give me the sphere.

It belongs with me.


- [shouts]
- [splashes]

Nice of you to drop in on us,

We've been expecting you.

You overgrown alley cat!


This is no time for jokes,

I want the secret now!

I'm afraid that decision
is up to Orko.

Besides, Aremesh got here first.

[warbling tone]

[Sorceress] Good luck.

The kingdom is in your hands.

[Orko] Here goes everything.

No! Stop!

I'm returning the sphere
to the other dimension,

where it belongs.

Come back! Come back!

This is some kind of trick.

[Zoar screeching]

[Sorceress] My powers
can't hold the tunnel open

much longer, He-Man.

If you think
you could trick me,

I'm not going in there
like that fool Skeletor.



Nice try, but not good enough.

[Sorceress] Hurry, He-Man.

I can't hold on much longer.

Hang on, Zoar.

No, He-Man! Don't touch him!

I have no choice but to...

[Sorceress] His energy
will drain you of your power.

Throw him into the tunnel!


My strength!

I have no strength.

[Aremesh roaring]

Put me down.



[Sorceress] Now, Orko!



Well done, Orko.

I'm proud of you.

I'm sure glad that's over.

If it hadn't been for He-Man...


[Battle Cat snarls]

Are you all right?

Ugh, what happened?

By grabbing Aremesh,

you absorbed
his electrical energy.

No mortal man
had ever done that before.

The power of Grayskull
sure was with you.

What about Skeletor?

The last I saw of Skeletor
was when he was chasing me.

Zoar's powers pulled me back
through the tunnel just in time.

Thank you, Sorceress,
for helping me.

It was you and Orko
who saved the kingdom.

I will always be near
when you need me, He-Man.

Besides, Orko was the hero
of the day.

Now I must return to the castle.


[Zoar screeching]

Well, all you heroes,

let's get back to the palace

and let everyone in
on the good news.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

We're all very proud of you,

Accept this token
of our gratitude.

You are now Sir Orko,
the knight.


What's wrong?

You should be happy, Sir Orko.

I'm not really a hero.

I don't deserve this medal.

Why don't you think
you are a hero?

Because I was afraid,

and brave men aren't afraid
of anything.

[He-Man] Come here, Orko.

I want to explain something
to you.

Without fear,
courage wouldn't exist,

and courage to face a challenge
when you are afraid

is what bravery is all about.

In spite of all odds,
you took the challenge.

And that is why you are truly
a brave knight, Sir Orko.

I'm truly a brave knight.
I'm truly a brave...

[thunder crashing]



[all laughing]

[Teela] Today, Orko was
being chased by an evil robot.

Orko was very frightened,
but in the end,

he overcame his fear and helped
He-Man defeat the robot.

All of us are frightened
at one time or another,

and it's nothing
to be ashamed of.

Fear is natural.

It makes us aware
of possible danger.

Without fear, we'd wind up
in all kinds of trouble.

So never feel guilty
because you're afraid.

Listen to your fears.

They'll help you
stay out of trouble.

Until later, bye now.