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01x47 - Keeper of the Ancient Ruins

Posted: 09/28/21 06:52
by bunniefuu
[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

I am Adam,
Prince of Eternia

and defender of the secrets
of Castle Grayskull.

This is Cringer,
my fearless friend.

Fabulous secret powers
were revealed to me

the day I held aloft
my magic sword and said,

"By the power of Grayskull!"

♪ ♪

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

I have the power!

♪ ♪


[He-Man] Cringer became
the mighty Battle Cat,

and I became He-Man,

the most powerful man
in the universe.

♪ ♪

Only three others
share this secret:

our friends the Sorceress,
Man-At-Arms, and Orko.

Together we defend
Castle Grayskull

from the evil forces
of Skeletor.


[regal music]

♪ ♪

[eerie music]

♪ ♪

[creature howling]

[regal music]

♪ ♪

[tools clanking]

Oh, wonderful.

Oh, look here.

In a moment, Professor.

I'm...I'm ready to test
my converter.

[beeping, churning]

If this works, we'll have a meal

converted from sand
and chemicals.


[Man-At-Arms chomps]

Looks terrible,
but it tastes good.

And it's filled
with healthy protein.

Oh, congratulations.

And now, uh, come and see
what I have found.

By chance, I, uh, happened
to notice a loose brick.

You may have the honor
of opening it, Duncan.

[Man-At-Arms] Why, it's a book.

A book that has been lost
for centuries.

Uh, this is Professor Smallen

Uh, Teela, can you hear me?

I believe we have uncovered

the Book of Ancient Eternia.

[Teela] That's wonderful.

It is written
in the ancient language.

We must translate it.

Can you interface
the Lango Computer,

uh, to the radio?

[Teela] I'm one step ahead
of you, Professor.

It's all set.

Oh, smart girl, that one.

Of course. She takes after me.

All right.

Here we go.

Page one.


[dramatic music]


Thousand-year-old robots.

[rumbling, machinery grinding]

[Teela] What's that?

[Professor] Why, we're...we're

uh, antiques!

Maybe so, Professor,

but I think they mean business.

[Teela] Professor,

what were those noises?

Sir? Come in!

We're ready to begin

Come in, please.

Are you all right?

Father, are you there?


I...I think you were right.

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

[He-Man] Hey, Orko,

Teela was supposed
to give me another

navigating lesson;
have you seen her?

She went up to the radio room.

But look at my new trick first.

[magic chimes]

Orko, that's a winner.

Here, Cringer, have an apple.

Hey, that apple was green.


Next time, you'll know better.

Let's go.

[zinging tone]

Professor, please come in.

Father, will somebody
please answer?

Something's terribly wrong.
I know it.

Perhaps it's just interference.


Before the transmission ended,

there was some kind
of expl*si*n.

Come in, Professor.

Come in, please.

Oh, it's no use.

I must get to them quickly.

What's wrong?

There's no time to explain.

[guard] Look, the radar screen.


[dramatic music]

A storm's brewing in the desert.

[He-Man] Hey, what's this
all about anyway?

[guard] Teela's father
took Professor Smallen

to the Sands of Time desert.

[He-Man] Professor Smallen?
With the university?

[guard] Yes, apparently,
they're in some sort of trouble.

[guard # ]
And Teela's going to fly there.

Come on, Cringer.

Let's catch her
before she leaves.

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

Teela, there's a big storm
in the desert.

You'll need a navigator.

Oh, great.

All right, hop in.

My tummy's starting to hurt.

I think I'll go lie down.

[He-Man] It was only
one little apple, Cringer.

Come on.


My father and the professor
may be hurt.

[Cringer] Like I said,
I think I'll lie down.

Ooh, wake me when it's over.

Can you plot coordinates
without sightings?

You taught me, remember?

[jet roars]

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

[Alpha Zacton] You have
disturbed the sacred book.

We have come in peace.

[Beta Zacton] You have robbed us
of our ancient treasures.

[Professor] No, we are only
cataloging them.

We will not take them.

[Alpha Zacton]
You have even used the very sand

upon which
the sacred treasure lies.

I was testing a survival kit.

Please, let me show you.

[foreboding music]

See, I just mix
some of these pellets, and...

[lid squeaks]

[beeping, churning]

It makes protein foods.

It may also be able
to extract water.

We are not impressed.

We are Zacton computers.

We do not eat or drink.

We protect the sacred

treasures of the ancients.

You must pay
for what you have done.

Wait. What are you going to do?


♪ ♪

Duncan, quick, this way.

[lively music]

♪ ♪

[thunder crashing]

[jet roars]

This is a bad storm.


Change course to C - .

[Cringer moaning]

Are you sure of the coordinates?

Yes, there's a large cave

just outside the ancient city.

It should be a safe place
to land.

I can't hold it on course.

Just keep correcting to C - .

[Cringer moaning]

[zinging tone]

[Trap Jaw] Ah, well,
would you look at that?


They must have crashed
in the desert.

And I'm the only one who saw it.

Yeah, well, now's my chance
to do something

that should please Skeletor
for a change.

I'll just go out there

and pick up the pieces.


[zinging tone]

[brooding music]

♪ ♪

Uh-oh. What happened?

Adam, I think we really goofed
this time.

Where are we?

You got me.

Are you all right?

I think so.


What's happened to Teela?

[Teela moans]

[He-Man] She's hurt.

I've got to get her out.

[shivering] Oh.

I-I'm still feeling funny
in the tummy.

I'm trapped!

But He-Man could do it.

Really, Adam,

I...I haven't got the stomach

for it today.

By the power of Grayskull!

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

[thunder crashes]

[He-Man] I have the power!

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪


♪ ♪


[metal cracks]


♪ ♪

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪



What happened?

Don't try to talk.

You've hit your head.


[gentle music]

Teela, if only my powers

could make you well
and strong again.

Help me, Sorceress.

I need the wisdom
of Grayskull now,

wisdom that matches my strength.

[magic warbles]

I hear you, He-Man.

Help is at hand.


♪ ♪

[warbling tone]

What should I do?

[warbling tone]

[He-Man] I understand.

Thank you, Sorceress.

I'm most grateful
for your messenger.

[warbling tone]

Come on, Battle Cat,
we've got to find

Man-At-Arms and the professor.

[dramatic music]


[Battle Cat] Which way?

To the ancient ruins.

♪ ♪

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[He-Man] We've reached
the eye of the storm.

[wind whooshing]

[thunder crashing]

[wind whipping]

It's a whirlwind.

Grab on!

[thunder crashes]

Hold fast!

♪ ♪

[He-Man] Hang on!


Here comes
the eye of the storm again.

These are ruins.

There must be caves underneath.

I've got an idea.

[triumphant dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[growls] What are you doing?

Making a little trap
for the storm.


Here it comes!

[thunder crashing]


[thunder crashing]

[triumphant tone]


That'll keep
the storm underground.

Hey, isn't that a Wind Raider?

[He-Man] Sure is.

Man-At-Arms and the professor

must be close by.

[foreboding music]


[He-Man] Something's going on
over that way.


Please, we meant no harm.


What have you done?

[Alpha Zacton]
He is frozen in time.

Now it is your turn.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Come out.

There is no place to hide.

What's wrong?

Keep back.

[circuits sparking]

I'd like to help.

You are our enemy.

Why would you want to help
an old robot?

I'm not an enemy.

I'm a man of...of science.

I'll need my tools

from my ship; it's outside.


We cannot allow you to leave.

All who came before you

came to rob and plunder.

We must protect the treasures.

You just don't understand,
do you?

You are the enemy.



[zinging tone]

♪ ♪

This must be the place.

[metal clicks]

Hmm, I think I'll need this.


[majestic music]

♪ ♪

Thank you, Great Bird.

I'm feeling better.

Much better. can leave now

if you want.

Thank you!

[Trap Jaw] Ha!

Now you're alone.

[Teela] Trap Jaw!

I might have known.

You're always around
when there's trouble.

You're hardly any match for me

or for this.


Now, where are Prince Adam

and that overgrown pet of his?

I don't know.

Well, then suppose we find them?


[sinister music]

♪ ♪

[warbling tone]

This must be what he wanted.

Revive him.



[eerie music]


You must prove yourself.

We will watch very carefully.

I'll do nothing to harm

any of you, you'll see.

♪ ♪

[He-Man] Man-At-Arms.

What's this?



No, don't hurt them.

But are they friends or enemies?

Enemies only to those
who would destroy them.

You can trust them.

That's He-Man.


He-Man, friend to all.

It is so recorded in my memory,

old as it is.

You're not old.

Some of your parts are worn,

but they can be fixed.

With a little time,

I'll have you good as new.


No, it's not impossible.

I'll just need He-Man
and the professor to help me.

[Trap Jaw] Ha! A Zacton trick!

Look out, it's Trap Jaw!

Yeah, I'll fix him for you,

[circuits sparking]

No, don't!

Why not, He-Man?

Are you going to stop me?

Move back.


Not good enough, Trap Jaw.

Ha! How's this?



What do you want?

You, He-Man, all of you,

as a little present
for Skeletor.




Good. Got any more? [cackles]


Quickly, time-suspend Trap Jaw.

I'll try.

[lively dramatic music]

[Trap Jaw laughs]

[triumphant horns play]

[metal whipping]

You can't hurt me.

Can't you do anything but brag?

That-a-way, Battle Cat.

You want me to look around?
Forget it.

I'm not falling
for that old trick.



♪ ♪



No, you can't...


That's amazing.

[warbling tone]

Will you revive
the professor now?


[warbling tone]


Uh, no, wait.

We were only cataloging.

Ah, He-Man, Battle Cat!


What has happened
to this poor fellow?

Nothing that can't be fixed.

Teela, let's get to work.

Will Kappa be all right?

We'll do our very best,
I promise.

You know, Battle Cat,

sometimes I feel sorry
for Trap Jaw.

[growls] You do? Why?

[He-Man] Just imagine having

to go to the Prison Mines

like this.


[gears clanking]

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

You were a big help, Teela.

Thank you, Father.

I wonder what happened
to He-Man and Battle Cat.

Oh, they probably took
Trap Jaw to the Prison Mine.


Uh, Kappa showed me

another room of artifacts.

And I am feeling very fit,

thanks to you, Man-At-Arms,

and to you too, Teela.

We're glad we could help.

Now, I think it's time

we return, Professor.

I suppose you are right.

We wish you to have this,

with our thanks.

I'm very honored,
but this belongs

with the other treasures

for all to see and enjoy.

Yes, yes, let us return

and build a great display
for the treasures,

a special place
for all Eternians

to view this wonderful work.

Yes, we want you to return.

Well, I have to get back
to my own Wind Raider.


- Good-bye.
- Good-bye.

- Good-bye.
- Good-bye, Teela.


♪ ♪

[zinging tone]

Well, I guess that does it, huh?

Well, I guess so.

Thanks for all your help.

I'm very good at supervising.

Yeah, so I've noticed.

[Teela] There you are.

Teela, where have you been?

Where have I been?

What about you?

We've been fixing
the Wind Raider.


Uh, did we miss anything?

Oh, you wouldn't believe me
if I told you.

Let's go.

[shimmering tone]

[yawning] Now for a nice nap.

Don't you want to hear my story?

But I thought you weren't
going to tell us.


[jet roars]

There were all these treasures,
you see, and...

[He-Man] Uh-huh.

And then Trap Jaw showed up.

[Cringer] Trap Jaw?

[Teela] Yes.

That was before the robots

[He-Man] Robots?

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

Today we saw Professor Smallen

find a great treasure.

It wasn't gold or jewels

but something
even more precious:


There are many places
to find knowledge,

and one of the easiest and best
is a museum.

Museums are storehouses
of knowledge where you can

see and learn all sorts
of fascinating things.

There's probably one
close to you.

So pay a visit.

Remember, knowledge is power.

And you can get the power.