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02x01 - Konsekans

Posted: 09/27/21 13:48
by bunniefuu
... on The Walking Dead: World Beyond...

You have loaned us your greatest mind...

Dr. Leo Bennett.

I'm sure Iris is helping someone.

- That's what you get.

And Hope... I'm sure
she's with friends...


... getting into some kind of trouble.

- So, you admit it, you're one of them!
- Yeah.

Will's scouting expedition
was due back a few days ago.

I think it's possible
we're being lied to.

HUCK: Your dad's not in danger.
Never was.

HOPE: They need me to help
my dad with his research.

Huck's mission was to get me there.

They think they need me
to save the world,

but they have no clue what you can do.

This is how we give our lives meaning.

♪ ♪

- Will?
- I thought you were dead.

Wait. Why? Why would you think that?

You don't know?

The ones that are still out
there, they're not a threat.

We'll talk. A lot's happened
since you left.

You Bennetts are going to

accomplish great things together.

HOPE: Yeah, we are.



MAN: Clearing the lane.

WOMAN: Asset on vector at three clicks.

Ready egress charges.

- _

MAN # : Alpha leader,
stand by for extraction.


- WOMAN: Asset on vector.
- _



♪ ♪

Both the Campus Colony and the Portland

are concerned about
the communication break.

There's talk they're sending
an envoy to investigate.

As we expected.

Clear Major Mullins to reach out,

offer to collaborate
on the investigation.

And the lane to the Campus Colony?


We'll have the column there
within hours,

once its work is done here.


♪ ♪

Your decision not to inform
Staff Sergeant Mallick.

Her mission is separate from this.

With any luck, she's, uh,

reached a minimum safe distance.

MAN: Firing egress charges.

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♪ ♪

New orders from Major General Beale.

Doing this...

and then again to the Campus Colony,

it's only the beginning.


Alert delta team we found their escapee.




[MUFFLED g*nsh*t]

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I thought I heard someone up.

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I'm sure she's okay.

You know it's her birthday today?

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I'll bet your dad's
doing something for her.

Will you promise me

you'll try to get
at least a little shut-eye?

Little sleep?

I'll promise if you promise.


Wish me luck.

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HOPE: What the hell?

♪ ♪

Your research place is here?

Change of plan.

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The hell?

Why are we here?

Hey, what the hell is this?


What this is, Hope, is a lesson.

Don't worry. I know you know
don't like school.

Think of it as more of a field trip.

♪ ♪


You said you were taking me to my dad.

Was that a lie, too?

Why am I even asking?

Kid, she's taking you to your dad.

No, I'm not.

Not yet.

You gave us the map.

You told us it was New York.

You pushed us, and you lied ab...

The other helicopters.

You said you went
to the university alone.

What was that even about?

We're years into this new world,

Hope, and there are dead columns.

You... You call them mega clusters.

Others call them hordes.

Some call them herds...
roaming the continent,

and, as far as we can tell,
the whole world.

And these columns, they're now
so big, they...

they just break through everything,

just run through anything, whole cities.

The day after Monument Day,
we were on our way to Omaha,

and we saw one such column.

So huge. It was like nothing
we'd ever seen before.

It was unimaginable.

It had run through Omaha

and was headed for the Campus Colony.

We were mobilizing the rescue effort

and contacting Campus Colony officials

when a second column...

nearly just as big,

merged with the first.

There must've been
over , in total.

We did everything we could to
save as many lives as we could.

It wasn't enough.

For the few who came out alive,
we airlifted them to Portland,

but, uh...

both Omaha and the
Campus Colony are gone.


- No, that's crazy.
- What are you talking about?

Yeah, search and rescue are still...

still combing through,
but at this point it's...

No, you're wrong.

Don't touch me.

ELIZABETH: I'm so sorry, both of you.

It's small words for something so big.


I don't care.

I brought us here to Albany

because this was my home at the end.

I was here, working as
an attaché for the UK

Ministry of Defence
when everything fell apart.

And it was then that I realized
just how quickly any chance

for a future can crumble,

even when everyone does their best.

You've been through so much,

but with everything that's happened,

Hope, do you still believe
a future's possible?

I, uh... [SNIFFLES]

Uh, I did.

You should, because despite
all of the fallen cities,

it still is.

And getting you to think differently,

think more positively about the future,

yeah, that was why we pushed you
to go on this journey.

And I'm sorry, but now that you
see how fragile civilization is,

I trust that you're
understanding that no...

no one makes it alone.

No one.

It takes everyone coming together

to have a shot at that future.

No, no, you... you said
you were taking me to my father.

I hope I can.

You hope?

We both know you're not ready.

For a community with
a long-term plan predicated

on generational education
and... and scientific progress,

geniuses are an invaluable resource,

but a genius who's a rebellious,
strong-willed troublemaker,

that's a risk.

Used against us, those qualities
can spread like rot.

And they make any kind of
common goal unattainable.

We can't bring in someone
who would jeopardize that.

Don't misunderstand me.

We want you to work with us.

Now, you have a lot to offer,

but I cannot bring you in
to join your father

unless I know that, despite your grief

and despite your anger,
you are fully committed

to being an asset for the future, right,

to dedicating the rest of your life

to learning, furthering his research,

and handing that knowledge
onto the next generation

'cause only then...

only then will you be
an asset to the future.

I am.

That's why I came with you guys,
because I'm ready.

And I-I think you need more time.

For what?

To think about what you want, Hope.

What do you truly want?

I'll need your answer by dawn.

After all the shit
you just put me through,

I can just walk away,
and you're gonna let me?


Um, I'm giving you that option, yeah.

You'd have every reason to,

given the extent of our manipulation.

I'll take my chances.


You think you can find
your sister and friends?

You can't.

Out there on your own, you
won't make it out of the city,

never mind to any kind of future.

Being alive today, that's a gift,

and you can choose to waste it
alone, waste all of your gifts,

or you can fight for a future...
with others, for others...

so that what happened here

and to the , souls in Omaha

and your friends back home
never happens again.

You don't have to like us,
Hope, but you do

have to embrace what we're fighting for.

The choice is yours.


The Dunn Memorial Bridge
is the only way out.

It's eight blocks east.

I'm not recommending it.

You really doing this?

After everything I did to get her here?

- She could die.
- Yeah, she could,

or she could choose to join us.

We need her to choose.

Mission incomplete.

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FELIX: Tell us what happened.

The CRM controls
all communications in and out.

Each message is coded and
scheduled to avoid detection.

They don't mess around.

I'm worried.

It's been weeks, and nothing.

Officer Campbell,
I understand your concern,

but it could be anything...
sun flares, equipment failure.

I've been waiting on
a security update from Omaha

that was weeks late.

As more time went by,
they kept stonewalling.

I told them as much.
That was my mistake.

Romano and I heard
they were sending a team

to a relay station a few hundred miles

out to look into
the communication break.

Leo gave us his blessing
to go with them.

He, uh... We downplayed it
so he wouldn't worry,

told him it was a scouting mission.

Lieutenant, it was good to hear
you had room for two more.

Looking forward to finally
getting to the bottom of this.

NEWTON: You know the protocol.

Looking back, there were
signs it was a setup.

They didn't put up a fight when
we told them we wanted to go.

I overheard one of them make
a cryptic comment

about picking up
a patrol shift the next day,

but it was a three-day trip.

And for a three-day trip,

they were light on supplies.

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[MUFFLED g*nsh*t]

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[MUFFLED g*nsh*t]

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I was on the run for a few days

when I heard the helicopters.

They were looking for you?

They were dropping off
shipping containers,

containers full of equipment
from the Campus Colony, Omaha...

generators, computers.

Some of it was covered in blood.

All of it was loaded up
into trucks and driven off.

Wait, wait, wait, wait.

Blood? Are you sure?

I heard them call it a salvage mission.

♪ ♪

Said something about
shit being messed up

by the giant column that ran through.

A few days later,
they found me, took me in.

I joined a hunting party to help
out when I ran into you.

Wait, you're saying that Omaha...

that empties just ran through?

I don't know how else to take it.


How can it just be gone?

Wait, wait, my dad, is... is he okay?

There's no reason to believe
he's not okay.

Same with Hope. [INHALES SHARPLY]

I kicked the hornets' nest,
asked too many questions.

Must've made me and Romano targets.

Did CRM know the whole time?

Why would they lie?

I don't know.

All I know is they want me dead...

... and I will be if they find me.


We should go.

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WILL: Whole place is secure.

Storm last night knocked
some trees onto the wall.

It's possible some empties breached,

but we got it patched up pretty quick.

That's a Jean-Charles.

It's a Haitian sculptor I read
about in a book back home.

That one's called "Vérité".

♪ ♪

What is this place?

The Perimeter.


♪ ♪

It was an abandoned farm town
back in the day.

Before things fell apart, it was bought,

turned into an artist colony.

They've built things up
since then, brought people in.

Felix, Iris, this is the head

of the council that runs this place.


A runner gave us a head's up
you were coming.

So sorry about your home.

But with Will vouching for you,
you have one here,

at least until a more permanent
solution presents itself.

I can't tell you how much
we appreciate that.

You may keep your knives,

but for the safety
and comfort of others,

we do ask that you surrender
all other weapons

while you're on our land.

You agree to this?


There's a spare bedroom
in the house Will's staying in.

Once you're cleaned up and fed,

I'll send someone to look at that leg.

The council will want to ask you
both some questions,

but I'll hold them off till morning.

Come on. It's just ahead.

Uh, let me ask you something
before you go.

What do you live for?

Living takes effort now.

It takes everything.

Those still alive have their reasons,

and I realize I need
to know those reasons

if you're going to be with us.

What do you live for?

These two.

And a few others.

And you?

I guess I live for hope.

The world is nothing without hope.


WILL: Come on.


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How safe are we here?

It's pretty rare for the CRM to
cross into Perimeter territory.

It's part of the deal Indira
struck with them.

Her people cleared the area of the dead

and ward strangers
away from the facility.

In return, the CRM gives them
supplies and neutrality.

They don't bother the CRM,

the CRM doesn't bother them.

They're risking everything
by harboring us.

IRIS: So I finished decoding
these books.

- Anything?
- Supply-depot locations, fuel inventories,

stuff we could use once we get
Hope and my dad back.

Nothing to help
get Hope and my dad back.

And you're sure?

Come on. There's got to be
something, right?

We should scout the facility
while it's dark,

see for ourselves what we're up against.

How far is it? Now, come on.

You said you were drawing up
a layout, right?

Yeah, but...

there's nothing
any of us can do just yet.

I want Hope and your dad safe
from those assholes

as much as you do,
but I know that place.

I'm not... I'm not just gonna
sit here and wait.

They've got guards, patrols,
long-range security.

Getting within a mile of it
is dangerous,

and I won't tell you anything
that I don't already know.

- Okay.
- Hey.

This is about the long game,
not just how we get in

but how we get them out
and where we go after.

It's not just about Hope and
Leo's safety or ours anymore.

It's about the safety of
everyone here giving us shelter.

One wrong move, and it's over...

for all of us.

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- _


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♪ ♪

Think about what you want, Hope,

what you truly want.


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♪ ♪

You thinking of going after her?

You said we needed her
to keep her dad motivated,

to maybe even take
over his research someday.

I said we could use her
for those things, yeah.

So, what, none of that matters anymore?

It matters that you succeed, Jennifer.

It was your idea to get the girl
across country this way.

You insisted she was worth the risk.

You convinced me that this trip
was the only way to change her.

It did change her.

Not enough.

This little nudge?

I think, with this, your mission
can still be a win,

like Omaha was,

and it'll all but erase
what happened before you left.


I've only ever wanted the best for you.

You know that?


She reminds me a bit of you at that age.

Is that why you took her on?

She was lost.


She needed someone to look up
to, someone to believe in her.

I could relate.

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[g*nshots FIRE]

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How come you didn't tell me
about the Campus Colony

or Omaha before,
when we met for the debriefing?

It would only have been
a needless distraction,

and it would've made
your mission that much harder.

Being under for an extended period...

... it's easier to form
attachments, blur the lines.

If you want to go after her,
I won't stop you.

What about the others?

You said you found one.

Who was it?

Based on the description you gave us,

we believe it's Silas Plaskett.

Plaskett's an innocent.

He doesn't know anything.

He's been interrogated.

He's stonewalling.

We've gleaned nothing,
which is why I'm focused

on finding the others.

If they know too much
or if they're still resolved

on saving Dr. Bennett or now Hope...

they'll need to be dealt with.

♪ ♪

So, tell me, how much do
they know about us?

About the mission?

HOPE: She's CRM.

Five miles north, you'll find safety.

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- _

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Why are you doing this?

I want what you have.

You have a helicopter.

I heard it.

You have clothes and food,

and when you have it,
you fight to keep it.

And when you have nothing, you take.

You have to take.

You have to feed!

- Aah!
- [THUD]

♪ ♪


You're her.

♪ ♪

I saw your picture. It's you.

I know it's you.

- You're wrong. I'm not.
- You're Candice.

No, I-I'm not her.

I can't be, because you are.


♪ ♪


You can't run away.

There isn't anyplace better.

You know that.

You got out and had to come back

and come back and come back,
come back, come back.

You should've done so many
things at the start.

So many things.

You should've done them, Candice,

but couldn't.

- Stop.
- Why couldn't you?

Please stop, stop.
I don't want to hurt you, okay?

- I just want to go.
- [SCOFFS] Go where?

You'll just die.

Someone else gets the clothes,
the food, supplies, the meat.

Don't make me k*ll you.
Please don't make me k*ll you.

Tell me what you're doing out here.

What are you doing here
if you won't feed?!

I'm just trying to make it.


Oh, Candice...

you stupid little bitch.




♪ ♪

You... fed.

Stay, Stay.

This is your home. [GROANS]

It's yours now.


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- _


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ELIZABETH: Think about
what you want, Hope,

what you truly want.

♪ ♪


I was very happy to get your call.

You were right.

I wasn't gonna make it alone.

But I don't want this
to be all there is.

I don't know if that's
what you want to hear,

but it's the g*dd*mn truth.

Did I pass your test?

Can I see my dad now?

It's okay to hate us, Hope.

You should.

But the bad things we do must be done.

We carry that burden so that
others don't have to,

so there can still be good in the world.

And maybe one day
this won't be all there is.

I'm willing to offer your sister

and Officer Carlucci a home with us,

seeing as they don't have one
to go back to.

I would imagine you understand
that very differently now.

HUCK: You wanted to see
if I'd go after her...

... if she and the others
have changed me.

♪ ♪

I'm really glad I was wrong.

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♪ ♪

I've been thinking about Silas,
what we can do with him.

No more loose ends,
like you said, right?

I'm afraid I have some tragic
news about the Campus Colony

that I need to share with you.

It is tempered by some very
good news about your family.


How you feeling?

Doc said you have a concussion.


Look, got every reason to hate me,

but I need you to listen.

You ever want to see Iris
and Felix again,

we got to get on
the same page about something.

Before we left them at that farmhouse,

I sent them to a settlement
a few miles from here.

People there will keep them safe.

Wait, what?

And my mother...

I told her they didn't know anything.

It guarantees their safety
if she finds them,

long as they don't divulge
what they know.

Why? What happens if they do?

The CRM finds out
you decoded their intel,

that you all knew that I had orders

to take out Iris and Felix

if that's what it took,

and that I let them live, knowing that,

I don't know what happens,

but I know we've k*lled people for less.

You really think I'm an idiot, huh?

You're just trying to cover
your own ass.

Mm, that's not what this is about.

Why shouldn't I tell your mother

how bad her daughter
screwed up her mission?

Why shouldn't I screw with your life

just the way you did with mine?

Just told you why.

You go to her, you could be
putting a target

not just on my back but on yours,

on Felix's and Iris's,
and on your dad's, too,

if you tell them what really went down.

You'll have to lie to him
about where they are,

about what you know.

It's the only way you can
be sure he stays safe.

You and me, we're just
tiny pieces of a big mosaic,

little players in the game
that will be played out

over decades, maybe centuries.

But this place, it's safe.

It's good for everybody,

long as we play by the rules
and don't stir shit up.

Is that a threat?

It's how it is.

After last night,
I thought you got that.

No, I got that I wanted
to get to a future,

maybe help work for one.

But there is no way in hell

I'm working with you assholes
to make that happen.

I knew I wasn't gonna
make it back there.

You were just my ticket out.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

It's past midnight.

Happy Birthday, kid.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Will you promise you'll try to
get at least a little shut-eye?

Little sleep?

I'll promise if you promise.

Wish me luck.





Why do you think the CRM would cover up

what happened back home?

Just doesn't make sense, does it?

No, it doesn't.

I keep thinking about
everybody who's gone,

and the only reason we're not
is 'cause we left.

We took a risk.

Maybe that's how we keep living,

how we get Hope and my dad back.

We do what we need to do
no matter the risk.

Look, it's great that the
council is letting us stay here.

We can only sit tight for so long.

The rules are different now.

CRM changed the game.

So we change how we play.

♪ ♪

WILL: Said something about
shit being messed up

by the giant column that ran through.

♪ ♪

FELIX: That empties just ran through?

I don't know how else to take it.

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It wasn't empties.

[SNIFFLES] It was you.


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♪ ♪


That's what you get.

HOPE: I think I'm starting to
get it, why it's so important.

IRIS: I k*lled one of them, he was
the enemy that is what they are.

PERCY: They're the reason the
only family we've got is dead.

LEO: We're working to stop the monsters.

And to save people
from turning into monsters.

JADIS: If we don't hold the line,
we could lose everything.



FELIX: Go, go, go!

IRIS: This is w*r.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

The lane to the Campus Colony?


We'll have the column there
within hours.

♪ ♪

NEGRETE: As we were talking about

what we should do this season,

one of our directives
was really to, like,

let's catch up the audience.

And in episode three last season,

we confirmed that the Campus Colony

was deliberately destroyed by the CRM.

But one of the things we were
never really specific about

intentionally in season one
was the fact that

it wasn't just the Campus Colony
that was destroyed,

it was also the city of Omaha.

And the CRM did this intentionally.

You know, we're talking about
over , people,

and that's hugely significant
in "The Walking Dead" universe.

Why would anyone do this,

especially an organization
that believes in the future?

And that's the central mystery
of season two.

Being alive today, that's a gift,

and you can choose to waste it.

It seems pretty crazy

that Elizabeth would say
"life is a gift"

after we've just seen her k*ll
, people.

It's pretty twisted, her logic,
but there is a logic there,

and her logic is essentially,
life is a gift in the apocalypse

because what you do with that matters,

and sometimes you have to do

very bad things for the greater good.

She oversaw the destruction
of , people,

which is a horrible, horrible thing,

and we saw in episode three last season

that she was shedding a tear over it.

She's not this cold-hearted
person with no feelings.

She does have some misgivings
about what she does,

but this, in her mind,
serves the greater good.

At this point in time,
we don't know exactly how,

and that's the big question
hanging out over the season.

♪ ♪


What Elizabeth does to Hope on that roof

comes as a shock to Huck.

A big portion of this season

is really about their
mother-daughter relationship.

And it's a little twisted
in a lot of ways, as we'll see,

but for Elizabeth this mission,
yes, is about Hope,

but it's also, for her, about Huck.

This mission was actually Huck's idea.

It wasn't Elizabeth's idea at all.

We start to get a sense

that maybe why Elizabeth
went along with this

is that she wanted her daughter
to succeed

and for people's opinions
to maybe change about Huck

if people were doubting
her commitment to the cause.

This little nudge?

I think, with this, your mission
can still be a win.

So for Elizabeth, the stakes are
how the CRM sees her daughter.

If the CRM sees her daughter
as successful,

I do think, in a way,
that will help Elizabeth

see her own daughter as successful.

I've only ever wanted the best for you.

If you want to go after her,
I won't stop you.

The thing we wanted to hit in this story

is that this is an experience unlike any

that Hope has gone through.

You know, we wanted her to start
this mission, as it were,

in one place
and end up in another place.

Like, she is basically saying, you know,

"F you" to the CRM,
"I don't need anyone.

I can survive".

And what she realizes at the end
is that that's not the case.



We see Hope hit her head.

That instigates the trauma
and these hallucinations.

She hallucinates this girl.

She saw a poster of this girl
named Candice,

and, you know, she was this achiever

who had a bright future ahead of her,

who has now digressed into, basically,

this sort of feral monster.

What Hope's ultimate takeaway
from this encounter,

which turns out to be in her head,

is that no one can survive alone.

You were right.

I wasn't gonna make it alone.

But I don't want this
to be all there is.

She realizes she needs them to live,

and that's a springboard
that could take her down a path

that's very different than Iris.

♪ ♪

When we first met Iris way back
in the pilot in season one,

we were introduced to her

dreaming that she was essentially dead.

She was an empty, roaming the
earth kind of aimlessly.

And that was a testament to how
she was really feeling inside.

She felt dead inside

because she hadn't really
found her purpose.

And so I like the parallel

of starting with another dream for Iris,

but difference is now in season two

she's fighting the dead,
she's not one of them.

And that's intentionally to show
how much she's changed,

and that also it's what she
reveals in that dream as well,

which is she's pulling the face
off an empty,

and we see her hand connect
with the empty's face,

rip apart that flesh, and
underneath we see a CRM helmet.

And what that's telling her is,
behind these empties,

behind this empty attack, is the CRM.

The seemingly random horrible event

that happened back at the Campus Colony

wasn't random at all.

It was a deliberate event,
and the CRM was behind it.

She has turned into a bit
of a leader, bit of a fighter.

She's not that girl throwing
up on empties anymore.

She knows what she wants.

She wants to get her dad
and her sister back,

and she's willing to do
pretty much whatever it takes

to get what she wants.


Not only is she k*lling empties,
she kills a person.

That's a huge deal,

and that has a huge impact
on who you are as a person,

and it's starting her potentially

down a slightly darker path
than we've seen her.

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Felix, Iris, this is the head

of the council that runs this place.


NEGRETE: For Indira, when Iris
and Felix first meet her,

she asks them this question.

What do you live for?

Living takes effort now.
It takes everything.

Those still alive have their reasons,

and I realize I need
to know those reasons

if you're going to be with us.

We're years into the apocalypse now,

and it takes a lot to live.

It's not just about survival
anymore. It is about living.

And so it's an important
question that actually

kind of hangs over all our
characters in the season...

What do they live for?

One way or another,

they're each going to have to
answer that question.

And a lot of those answers in
some ways will be surprising.


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