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02x11 - Slurping with the Enemy

Posted: 09/27/21 06:22
by bunniefuu
Could this day get any better?

I got an A on my test,
I found a $ bill on the sidewalk,

and now I'm sippin' smoothies
with my grandma.

-Which is the best part of all.
-Way to end strong.

Could this day get any worse?

First, I lose a .

And now this. A brand new smoothie shop

is opening up right around the corner.
I mean, can they even do that?

And listen to the name.
Best Blendz -Ever, with a "z."

That is so lame.
I mean, that's lame, right?

Somebody tell me that's lame.

Dad, I don't know what
you're worrying about.

Smoothies aren't even your main business.
Bikes are.

But bikes only sell big during Christmas
and the summer.

That's why we opened the smoothie shop.

To help pay the bills
the rest of the year.

I hated that grand opening.

Remember? I had to dance out front
in a giant smoothie costume.

I got into a turf w*r
with a giant milkshake.

Dad, we'll be fine.

Other smoothie shops have come and gone,
but this place is a Portland institution.

We're like City Hall,

or that weird guy at the park
who talks to the ducks.

-You really think so?
-I know so.

Our customers are like family.

Like Jessica over there. Hi, Jessica!

-See? She loves us.
-Actually, she's waving,

'cause she asked me for a straw
minutes ago.

All right, Noodle. I gotta get to campus.

I have an interpretive dance quiz,
and I gotta study.

I'm a leaf blowing in the autumn wind.


-Hi, Grandma J!
-I'm not Grandma J. I'm a leaf. Whoosh...

Hey, what's that cool-looking drink?

Um, only the greatest smoothie
in the history of smoothie-kind.

It's called the "Glitter Flamingo."

Wait, is that from that
new place around the corner?

Yeah. They were giving out free samples,

and it was so good
I tried to go back in disguise.

I guess my Australian accent needs work.

(in Australian accent)
I'll have a Glitter Flamingo, ya dingo!

-Is it really that amazing?
-Here. Try it for yourself.

Oh, I don't know.
It's my dad's competition.

What's one sip?


Whoa. It's delicious!

Oh, no. This could be
really bad for my dad.

But let me make sure.

You know what, Syd?

I was in the back thinking
about what you said,

and you are absolutely right.

-I am?

One little smoothie shop

is not gonna bring down Reynolds Rides,

because we are all about
the personal touch.

Oh, sh**t! I forgot Jessica's straw again.

(theme music playing)

♪ Do do do do ♪

Like father, like daughter
We don't always agree

But looking at you
Is like looking at me

The more things change
The more they stay the same

Like father, like daughter
From different times

Taking all the best
From your decade and mine

The more things change

The more they stay the same

♪ Do do, do do do do ♪

♪ Do do ♪

♪ The more they stay the same ♪

Wow, look at it!

The Glitter Flamingo.
Everyone's getting one.

Does it taste as good as it looks?

You know that feeling when you wake up
and think it's time for school,

but you realize it's Saturday?

It's that, but you can drink it.

Come on. Let's go get Glitter Flamingos.
Where's Syd?

Yeah, maybe we shouldn't
mention it to her.

With her dad's smoothie shop,
it's kind of a sore subject.

Hey, guys. Ready to hang?


"Um's" already taken, right?

Why are you guys acting so weird?

We're not acting weird.
I'll tell you what's weird.

You accusing us of acting weird.
Now that is weird.


Actually, we were going to
Best Blendz -Ever

to get Glitter Flamingos.

-You wanna come?

I can't. No matter
how delicious that drink is,

I couldn't walk into my dad's
rival smoothie shop.


-Of course.

Then go. Enjoy.

OK. See ya, Syd.


If my friends surprised me
with a Glitter Flamingo

I didn't even ask for,

well, gosh darn it,
what's disloyal about that?

Sorry, Syd, but they only let you buy one
Glitter Flamingo per customer.

Only one per customer?

Oh! I love treats that play hard to get.

Then forget it. Go! Have fun.

Wait for me! I want a Glitter Flamingo!

Hey, Dad!

Hi, Mr. Webb. Nice shirt.

Really brings out your eyes.

Kissing up to the boss, Max?

Yep. How am I doing?

The shirt was a nice touch.

So how's business, boys?

Good news! That new claw machine
is raking in the bucks!

Bad news? Three kids left crying.

Son, that claw machine
pays for your dance lessons.

Well, they gotta grow up sooner or later.

Now listen, I have a top secret
assignment for you boys.

Oh! Whatever you need, Dad.

You say, "Jump"?
We say, "Uh, We already jumped.

And while we were up there,
we cleaned a window."

That's my boy.

Now here's the job.

There's this place called Laser Palace
that opened up down the street.

They play this new thing
called "laser tag."

Laser tag?

Yeah, and I need to know
if it's a passing fad,

or real competition.

So you can't let anyone
know you work here.

Should we wear camouflage?

Or bring night vision goggles?

I was just gonna drop you off
in the parking lot.

Dude, I'm getting great
candid reactions for the commercial.

I know. Peeps are really
vibing the Glitter Flamingo.

This ad is gonna be so tight.

Wow. This place is so cool!

And we're here,
which makes it ever cooler.

You're welcome, place.

I'm not an awful person
for coming here, right?

Somebody tell me I'm not an awful person.

And quick.
I'm slipping into a guilt spiral.

Syd, relax. You're fine.

OK, maybe you're right.
I don't know why I'm so worried.

It's not like my dad's ever
gonna find out I was here.


Ah! It's Jessica from my dad's store!

Girls, formation!

(exhales) That was close.

I got a mobile order for Olive,
Emmy, Sophia, and Steve.

"Steve"? You got the name wrong.

It's supposed to be for Sydney Reynolds.

Emmy, I gave them a fake name.
I don't want anyone to know I'm here.

Never mind. Sydney Reynolds is not here.

Look, a table just opened up.

OK, but let's make it quick.

You got it, Steve.

Oh, yeah!


Come to mama.

This is the best, most incredible smoothie
I've ever had in my whole life!

Hey, Parker, that girl Steve's reaction
was the sickest we've had all day.

She's def gonna be the star
of our new commercial.

This is so lame.

Yeah. Who plays tag at our age?

What's next? A rousing game of peek-a-boo?

-(klaxon blaring)
-Announcer (over PA): Game begins in...

three... two... one...

-This is gonna be so dumb.

-(laser g*ns firing)
-Cover me!

Go, go, go!

(laser g*ns firing)

This is so awesome!

I didn't know you could have
this much fun wearing a vest.

This is the greatest game
ever invented. (chuckles)


This is the greatest game ever invented.

I heard you the first time.

Max, don't you get it?

This place could destroy the arcade.

My dad's put his whole life into it.

I can't be the one to break his heart.

Then just don't tell him.

We'll say the place was a big snooze.

I don't know, Max.

I don't enjoy lying to my parents
as much as you do.

Hey! I don't enjoy it.

It's just a system that works.

I guess you're right. I have to lie.

I love my dad too much
to tell him the truth.

Man, I hate hurting people.

(lasers firing)

Happy eighth birthday, punk!

(lasers firing)

Hey, Syd. You wanna get
another Glitter Flamingo after school?

Yeah. Wait. No.

Maybe. No. No, no, no, no.

-Well, I feel like

one of you definitely wants to go.

No. I went, I had one,
and luckily my dad didn't find out.

I'm quitting while I'm ahead.

Cool. I didn't really want one anyway.

Maybe I'll just drool over their photos.

Announcer: Let's hear from another
satisfied Best Blendz customer.

This is the best, most incredible smoothie
I've ever had in my whole life!

Wait, that's me. I'm on your phone.
Why am I on your phone?

It's from yesterday.
They made you into a commercial.

I'm in a commercial?

But I didn't even know
that they were filming me!

Oh, no. What if my dad sees this?

Don't panic. Maybe it's just 'cause
I'm on their website.

Syd, we just saw you
in a commercial online.

You're famous!

Emmy, not all fame is good.

Whatever you say.

Oh, no. My dad's definitely
gonna see this.

What is he gonna think?

His only daughter, who he's raised
and loved unconditionally,

is working for the enemy.

Syd, you're still a good person.

Am I? Don't trust me, girls.
I'll turn on you, too.

OK. You're dad's gonna be here any minute
to ask us about Laser Palace.

I don't feel good about lying to him.

How do you feel about
telling him the truth?

Even worse.

Welcome to my world.

Hey, boys. Tell me all about laser tag.

Was it fun?

Uh, pssssht. (laughs) Uh?

I think what Leo's trying to say is,

you've got nothing
to worry about, Mr. Webb.

Yeah. They make you wear a silly vest,

and run around firing lasers
at other people in silly vests.

And the only prize for winning
is another game of laser tag.

It's like your reward for doing homework
is more homework.

Well, I guess there's
no future in laser tag.

Thanks, boys. Here's a little something
for your time.

You know what, Dad? Save your quarters.

You never know what might come up.
(laughs nervously)

Or come crashing down.

Oh, Leo. This is an arcade.
We're like... video tapes.

Gonna be around forever.

That was awful.

At least kids recognized me
from that commercial.

That doesn't mean they're going to
Best Blendz -Ever all because of you.

They literally said, "We're going to
Best Blendz -Ever

all because of you."

Wait. Where did all our customers go?

I'm a good friend,
so I'll just say I don't know, either.

Hey, girls.

Grandma, what are you doing?

Gotta drum up business.

But you said you'd never
wear that thing again.

I know. It's so humiliating.

I can't look at myself in the mirror.
Luckily, I don't fit in the bathroom.

This is all my fault.

It's because of that stupid
Best Blendz -Ever commercial.

-What commercial?
-You haven't seen it on your phone?

Nope. Giant cups don't have pockets.

I went there and I didn't know
that they were making a commercial,

and suddenly, I'm all over the Internet
advertising our rival.

Aw, Syd.

I'd love to sit down
and talk this through with you,

but this thing doesn't have a butt.

Look, it looks like it was an accident.
Just tell your dad. He'll understand.

You're right. Thanks, Grandma.

-Uh, uh, Dad, I need to--
-Would you look at this place?

So much for customer loyalty.

All those years I blended
for those people.

Treated them like family.
They just stabbed me in the back.

It would be like if you went over
to Best Blendz -Ever.

(laughs nervously)
Yeah, could you imagine?

OK. Maybe don't tell him just yet.

Exactly. Except without the maybe.

What are you gonna do?
He's gonna see that commercial.

I just need to keep his tablet and phone
away from him

until that commercial goes away.

Gotcha. I'll go in the back
and get his tablet.

And I'll get his phone.
He always keeps it in his back pocket.

And I'll keep your dad distracted.
Something tells me it won't be that hard.

Max, there you are.
Now, for the smoothie dance,

were you thinking of something like...

Or more like...

Mom, my store is at stake.

You need something that says
"We have the best smoothies in Portland."

-Like a samba.


-OK. You got it?

Got it!

Oh, hey. We, uh, we got a customer.

(clears throat) Hi. Uh, can I help you?

Yeah, I'm looking for a mountain bike.

Well, you have come to the right place.

We can help you with that.
And how about while we shop,

I treat you to a, uh, smoothie
on the house?

Syd, could you get this
nice woman a smoothie?

Hey, aren't you that girl
from the smoothie commercial?

What smoothie commercial?

And that's not me.

-(music plays on phone)
-Yeah, it's for Best Blendz -Ever.

Right here.

This is the best, most incredible smoothie
I've ever had in my whole life!

Why don't I show you a less awkward
part of the store?

Dad, I can explain.

I'm not sure you can.


Morning, Max. Sleep well?

-Is that a Glitter Flamingo?

-Not for long.

First, my customers, then my daughter,
now you.

Is there not one loyal person left
in this family?

I'm sorry. I can't hear you
over the sound of--


Oh, come on. Nothing tastes that good.

There. Are you happy? I don't see
what the big deal is. Don't touch that.


Syd! Syd, come in here.

-What's up?

Dad, is that the Glitter Flamingo?

I think your dad has something
to say to you.

Wait. Did you trick me into
tasting the Glitter Flamingo

just so I would understand
why Syd couldn't resist the place?

Yep. Now get your own.

Dad, I'm so sorry.

I really messed up. But I want you to know
that I had no idea I was being filmed.

-What? They didn't get your permission?

Well, then, that commercial
is coming down.

But, Syd, you don't have
anything to apologize for.

If there's anybody I should be mad at,
it's myself.

Why? I'm the one who
was in the commercial.

The problem isn't the commercial. It's me.

I haven't been putting the effort
into the smoothie shop.

The last new flavor I introduced
was "Berry Surprise."

Big surprise, it was berry.

Well, Dad, then the answer's simple.

We've gotta get creative,
and come up with a smoothie that's tastier

and prettier than the Glitter Flamingo.

You know what? You're right!
We are gonna save this business!

But first, we should get a couple of
the Glitter Flamingos.

-For research.
-Exactly, for research.

-Hey, Henry. How are you?
-Oh, you know me, Judy.

As long as kids think video games
are more fun than saving for college,

I'm a happy man.

Is Max around?
I've been waiting in the parking lot.

I've been watching a couple of pigeons
fighting over a french fry for minutes.

-My guy won.
-(Henry chuckles)

Sorry, Judy. Max's shift ended
an hour ago.

An hour ago?

Yeah, he and Leo dashed right out of here.

They've been doing that a lot lately,

which you would think
would make me suspicious.

And now I am.

Wait a minute.

Maybe they've been going to
that new laser tag place.

It's all Max has talked about lately.

Really? They told me that place was lame.

Leo wouldn't lie to me.

No, you're right. Leo wouldn't.

But Leo and Max?

Let's go.

(lasers firing)

(both laughing)

(lasers firing)

I can't believe
they made us wear these silly vests.

What do they do, anyway?

-(laser fires)
-I'm not even playing!

But if I was, I'd crush you!

This place is way more popular
than the boys told me.

Where are they?

-We're getting pinned down!
-We'll just have to blast our way out.

All right. On three.

One, two, three!

(lasers firing)

(both screaming)

Boys, we just saw you.

Uh, hi, Dad.


Why did you boys lie to me
about this place?

Because this is exactly
what you were afraid of.

Laser Palace could put us out of business,
and I couldn't bring myself to tell you.

You really think Laser Palace
is that good?

Sorry. I do.

Then I have no choice
but to buy this place.

You what?

That's why I sent you here
in the first place.

To see if it was a good investment.


My best friend's dad's
gonna own a laser tag place?

I'm gonna have my wedding here!

(laser fires)

-Hey! What was that for?
-For lying.

(laser fires)

-And that one?
-Oh, now we're just playing.

Dad, I'm sorry I lied to you.

It's OK, son.

But just so you know,
you never have to protect me.

Your old man can take care of himself.

Speaking of...

(laser fires)

Oh, it's on.

(laser firing)

OK, so my dad and I are gonna be
creating a bunch of different smoothies,

and you, as our panel of expert judges,

-will give us your honest opinions.
-I hate it.

Just practicing.

OK, Dad, let's blend.

(upbeat music playing)

So, what do you think?

It's missing the "it."

-Yeah. Moxie. Chutzpah.

The thing that makes people go "Wow!"

It's a smoothie.

Not without "it," it ain't.

-It's a little sour.
-I don't know what she's saying.

She's saying it's sour!

This one reminds me of my cat.

In a good way?



It's perfect.

Now this has chutzpah!

Yeah. This doesn't remind me
of my cat at all.

I think we did it.

Oh, it's been done.

I'll go in the back and
grab some ingredients

and we can start
churning out some samples!

I love the color.

Oh, it's from our secret ingredient.

Just a touch of fresh, pumpkin puree.

Ooh. What are you gonna call it?

I don't know. What's orange,
and better than a flamingo?

I don't know, Sydney.

What is orange,
and better than a flamingo?

No, Emmy, I'm really asking.

I know. A tiger.

No. A magic tigress!

All: Ooh!

-Never mind. It's over.
-What happened?

Well, we've only got
a gallon of pumpkin puree left.

I called the store. They're all out,

and you can't buy pumpkin
except for in the fall.

How many smoothies
do you think we can make?

If it gets popular, I don't know.
Maybe a week's worth?

Let's face it. We're done.

Wait a second.

Are you saying we have a limited supply
of our signature smoothie?

That's not a problem. That's a solution.

How is that a solution?

That's how the Glitter Flamingo
got so popular.

It not only looked and tasted amazing,
but you could only buy one at a time.

It's super exclusive.

Yeah. Our generation loves things more
when they're afraid they can't get them.

We're basically sheep.

-I'll take five of those smoothies now.
-Make it six. I know.


Well, what are we waiting for?
Let's get the word out!

Hey, I hope you guys
are coming up with something,

'cause I can't take this much longer.

Don't worry, Mom.
Your human smoothie days are over.

Good, 'cause the sign spinner
at the tire center just asked me out.

We're back, baby.

These Magic Tigress smoothies
are selling like crazy.

And I finally got rid of
that smoothie costume.

The label said "non-flammable."

But it didn't say you couldn't fill it
with bricks and throw it in a lake.

Wait. So there's no tiger in this at all?

No, Emmy.

Just like there was
no flamingo in the other one.


Look at all these customers. We did it!

Yeah, Dad. It looks like we did.

But Mr. R, what happens
when you run out of pumpkin puree?

I'll just have to keep innovating.

You know, I hear there's a rare goji berry
that's only available one week a year.

-What's a goji berry?
-I have no idea,

but I could only get three cases of it,
so I really want it.

I'm so proud of you, Dad!

Eh! Looks like my date's here.

What? There's a lot more to him
than just a sign.

Don't wait up.

♪ Do do, do do do do ♪

♪ Do do ♪

♪ Do do, do do do do ♪

♪ Do do ♪

♪ Do do, do do do do ♪

♪ Do do ♪

♪ Do do, do do do do ♪

♪ Do do ♪

Man: Oh, yeah.